home · Installation · Congratulations on the occasion of Ecologist Day (World Environment Day). Cool congratulations on Ecologist's Day

Congratulations on the occasion of Ecologist Day (World Environment Day). Cool congratulations on Ecologist's Day

We live in this big world,
And nature surrounds us everywhere.
Forest, fields, mountains, steppes are our home.
We call the relationship “ecology”.

An ecologist is responsible for the environment:
For the preservation of forests and cleanliness of water bodies.
So that life continues on our planet.
Happy Ecologist's Day!

Who will protect the entire planet?
Who will restore the forest and the sea?
Who reigns over nature?
Of course, a true ecologist.

And on the day of the ecologist say
We owe a couple of good lines.
We wish to save the living world -
From the waters to the maple tender buds.

AND clean air breathe,
And drink crystal water,
And may your goodness again
It will come back to you, ecologist.

No doctor, no astrologer,
Today is environmentalist day.
And a holiday of purity,
Worldwide kindness.

Let's clean up
Protect our nature.
Respect each other, love each other,
And the sun will shine on us.

You take care of nature,
Teach people to love her
And do not pollute forests and water...
May fate protect you too!
How necessary you are - for people and our
With you environment!
Happy Ecologist Day! And be richer
Fate will reward you for your efforts,
And health, and love, and affection
Let him give happiness as a surprise,
Let your life turn into a fairy tale,
And every whim will be fulfilled!

Environmentalists know the answers to this,
Earthly defenders, warriors of Good!
Today, on the holiday of nature and light
We shout a thunderous “hurray” in your honor!

Dresses with their hem
Summer has already covered the earth.
How beautiful! You, ecologist,
You save this beauty.

Happy holiday to you! Thank you
For effort, for faith,
What's behind human mistakes?
You can build barriers.

May you succeed in everything
Happiness illuminates your home
And in my soul there is more sunshine
Passionate love shines!

Ecology of nature -
Our earth is a shell.
We must take care of her
Like my son's own mother.

Clean air inspires,
Greenery - prolongs the age,
Water gives strength
From springs and fresh rivers.

Take care, cherish nature,
Don't litter (even accidentally),
After all, in her cycle
The secret of our life is hidden.

For those who protect nature,
Heritage for all peoples,
For those who will come after us,
Although it's not easy sometimes,
The forest and the river are dear to whom,
Congratulations, environmentalists!
Let everything be for you today,
Rest for at least an hour
From worries and problems,
The most important topics in the world!
We wish you to be in service
You always worked together
And always with problems
You did it without difficulty!

The ecologist walked slowly through the city.
June. Summer has cleared up.
It seemed that even the soul was colored
In shades of green.

Adjusting his glasses, he looked carefully,
Recording observations in a notebook,
How important process performed chlorophyll
In the spreading crown of trees.

The leaves rustled, giving oxygen.
The photosynthesis phase was in progress.
Round dance of cars on the road ring
Released exhaust gases...

The ecologist sat down thoughtfully on the bench.
And next to me, ringing the guitar,
The teenagers screamed their “ay love yu”
And they threw cigarette butts on the ground...

A mother and a child were walking in the park,
Showing off your dress,
And left a trail of candy wrappers
Dazzling on the sad asphalt...

The ecologist sighed. The salt was waking up
For his mental wounds.
And he screamed, ignoring the pain:
“People, today is Defense Day
Environment! Take a look
Are you under your feet or something...
Let your ears burn with shame!
Let your conscience prick you with a needle!

The teenagers became silent. The foliage became silent.
And the lady turned purple.
I picked up all the candy wrappers from the asphalt
And silently threw it into the trash can.

How beautiful this world is
I'll say it with pride!
And on this beautiful day
I give you my gratitude.

Let success illuminate you
And it will give you the mood,
So that it works perfectly
With a pure, bright soul!

Congratulations on World Environment Day in verse

Happy Environment Day
I congratulate you today, my friend!
All hopes and labors are not in vain -
Your service helps all nature!
Without you, the forest would have been destroyed long ago,
There would be a lot less fish in the river,
The color of heaven would be irrevocably blackened!
May you always have enough strength in the struggle!

There is nothing better in the world,
How to keep the whole planet in order:
River, forest, fields, seas and mountains -
Spaces should breathe freshness.
The ecologist will give us knowledge,
It will be easier to show you care
About everything that surrounds us
Constantly, every day and hour.
We will not forget to protect nature,
Let's give knowledge to all people,
To live more and more beautiful year after year
Russian nature has become!

If you are a small child,
Don’t throw a candy wrapper nearby -
Take it to the trash can
Or give it to mommy!
If you are grown up and a schoolboy,
Everyone is invited to the subbotnik,
Don't be lazy: gloves, rakes -
You need to work hard here!
If you are a cheerful student
And got ready for a picnic
Leave order behind you
And say: “I’m so used to it!”
If you are a big boss,
Production is on you
Make sure the waste
No harm was done to the earth!
At any age you can
Protect mother nature
And in his declining years there will be
A corner to take a walk!

Let our planet be safe,
This fact alone makes life more beautiful.
So that officials appreciate your covenants,
Yes, the filters were quickly installed on the pipe.
Dawn, so that ours is pure and wonderful,
And the world is big, diverse, interesting
All the best to you in your noble cause,
So that the violation does not hide from you, do not hide it.
Find paths to success.
Work slowly and little by little.
Good luck to rowing with a huge spoon.

On this day everyone can
To do good unselfishly.
It has become fashionable to love nature!
Just go outside the house
And plant one tree -
Let the kids admire him -
After all, they still have life ahead of them!

It's a shame that only a few people understand
That Ecology depends on us alone!
We are waiting for a solution, salvation from someone,
Well, we ourselves are worthy only of contempt!
So much dirt and sewage from man!
The fatherland is suffocating in its smoke,
And the Earth is shrouded in caustic vapors -
The whole Earth is ours, bequeathed by our ancestors...

On Environment Protection Day
Please accept my congratulations from the bottom of my heart!
And have an amazing career,
And let me wish you love!
Let in your noble occupation
Luck will always be there!
Well, the whole poaching fraternity
Let him disappear without leaving a trace!

You save the beauty of the world,
Sometimes sacrificing myself,
Protects you from garbage
Fighting an often unequal battle
With evil, progress and stubbornness,
What cannot be eradicated in people
And often faced with rudeness,
Still, you don’t break the thread with nature!
Praise be to you, holy Ecologist!
You are an angel for the big Earth!
So may your life be long,
Good luck, happiness and love!

Humanity is developing rapidly, new technologies and materials are being developed almost every day. People have been launching satellites into space for a long time, using nanotechnology, but have never learned to take care of their main home - planet Earth. Environmental pollution is gaining catastrophic momentum, garbage dumps occupy huge areas, animals and birds are forced to leave their usual habitats, and humanity seems to not care about this. Therefore, the UN established World Environment Day on June 5 in order to focus public attention on the problems of our common house. It’s clean not where they clean, but where they don’t litter. Start changing the world with yourself! We celebrate Environment Day - June 5th.

The world around us is beautiful, like a fairy tale.
We must protect him in every possible way.
And the special day was not created in vain
To remind us what we need to know.
Everything around is very fragile and tender
And we should be more careful
Don’t assume that blessings are endless
And that there is no end in sight to the resilience of the world.

We are surrounded by rivers and seas
And you never know what other benefits
Nature, generously giving itself to us
I didn't expect the destruction, poor thing.
Let's protect the world around us
Learn respect for nature
We will cherish and protect
Everything we use every year

Nature has generously endowed us with everything
What we live with, what we use without noticing
And when we destroy, we don’t think “why”
Without thinking about future descendants, without guessing.
Those who thought about it introduced a protective day
So that people remember nature
And if you are too lazy to help nature
Just try not to spoil it.

We humans have set aside one day a year
To think about nature for once
Those who protect cannot be broken
They bypass harm to nature
We congratulate you to remind you once again
Encourage, not to live thoughtlessly and cruelly
Of course, it’s not a decree to protect nature
But there is no need to destroy everything in a rush.

It's a shame that only a few people understand
That Ecology depends on us alone!
We are waiting for a solution, salvation from someone,
Well, we ourselves are worthy only of contempt!
So much dirt and sewage from man!
The fatherland is suffocating in its smoke,
And the Earth is shrouded in caustic vapors -
The whole Earth is ours, bequeathed by our ancestors...

There is nothing better in the world,
How to keep the whole planet in order:
River, forest, fields, seas and mountains -
Spaces should breathe freshness.
The ecologist will give us knowledge,
It will be easier to show you care
About everything that surrounds us
Constantly, every day and hour.
We will not forget to protect nature,
Let's give knowledge to all people,
To live more and more beautiful year after year
Russian nature has become!

The path to a healthy world is long,
But we need it...
Happy holiday, ecologist -
Happy purest, brightest Day!
To make the lawns greener,
It's a joy to live on the planet,
We must value ozone,
And don’t be friends with ethyl!
breathe CO2 as before,
We don't want to smell gas...
And the Earth lives in hope
Only, environmentalists, on you!
Be young and healthy
And work easy
So that the beautiful cows
Everyone was given milk!

"Stop, man, and listen:
You won't find a better planet!
Everything here is native: puddles and cold,
Expanse of sky, fields ahead...
The mountains are high, the rivers are big,
All this is our planet Earth!
Be attentive to her, dears!"
This is what environmentalists tell us.

Day of Environmentalists - Day of Fighters
For the life of fields and forests,
And animals, and birds, and fish,
For the priceless gift - life!
We want you to be an example,
Humanity will infect everything
Thirsty to save the Earth from evil
And save animals from death!

World Environment Day (Ecologist's Day) is celebrated on June 5th. International Day for the Environment was established in 1972 by a resolution adopted at the Stockholm Conference concerning environmental issues. The main goal of this holiday is to awaken in people the desire to take care of the environment. In Russia, it was decided to proclaim this day a professional day for ecologists and environmental defenders. The holiday was adopted on July 21, 2007 by Decree of President V.V. Putin No. 933 “On Ecologist Day” thanks to the initiative of the Ecology Committee working under the State Duma. These holidays are celebrated by holding rallies, drawing competitions, posters and essays among schoolchildren, parades, events for planting green spaces and cleaning areas.

Show congratulations

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Protect our native nature,
Do not burn fires of autumn leaves,
Do not pour gasoline and oil into water,
Protect your loved ones from mercury,

The whole list of good deeds is long,
But he is on the alert, wherever he is,
An ecologist will save our world from troubles,
He is the guardian of earth and sky.

From the depths of the deep to the star,
King of the core and noosphere,
For the environment
He will take measures to save him.

And on the day of the ecologist, let
He will accept our congratulations!
Who will save our region from trouble?
Ecologist! This is our opinion!


We will celebrate Ecologist's Day,
Cleaning our yard
And we wanted to say with this,
That cleanliness around is important.

Don't throw plastic in the forest
And throw away the batteries,
We need to bring order to the masses,
Our world now needs to be saved!

Global warming, after all,
Coming immediately
There will be a big flood
Everything living in the world will die!


The ecologist walked slowly through the city.
June. Summer has cleared up.
It seemed that even the soul was colored
In shades of green.

Adjusting his glasses, he looked carefully,
Recording observations in a notebook,
How chlorophyll performed an important process
In the spreading crown of trees.

The leaves rustled, giving oxygen.
The photosynthesis phase was in progress.
Round dance of cars on the road ring
Released exhaust gases...

The ecologist sat down thoughtfully on the bench.
And next to me, ringing the guitar,
The teenagers screamed their “ay love yu”
And they threw cigarette butts on the ground...

A mother and a child were walking in the park,
Showing off your dress,
And left a trail of candy wrappers
Dazzling on the sad asphalt...

The ecologist sighed. The salt was waking up
For his mental wounds.
And he screamed, ignoring the pain:
“People, today is Defense Day
Environment! Take a look
Are you under your feet or something...
Let your ears burn with shame!
Let your conscience prick you with a needle!

The teenagers became silent. The foliage became silent.
And the lady turned purple.
I picked up all the candy wrappers from the asphalt
And silently threw it into the trash can.


As we often forget,
What is purity?
We remember very late,
The word "life" and "beauty".

How I wanted to plunge
On the primordial day of the Earth,
Face integrity
What they couldn’t spoil.

Even if on the day of defense,
Everyone will remember, without offense,
What have you done for your life?

What did you do to breathe?
Always clean air
To live, and life appeared,
With clear skies all year.


It would seem that trees, a field
And weed is your circle of work,
But everything is more complicated: as in captivity
An environmentalist works until he sweats.

It will calculate the release into the air
And the concentrations of substances
But he wants to dream about the stars,
Get bogged down in a series of celebrations.

And there is also water, waste -
You need to keep an eye on them
And think about the fate of nature,
About what to eat and drink.

If suddenly there are no environmentalists,
There will be a whole pond of problems,
Therefore, appreciate it, people,
Sometimes thankless work.


The planet is breathing heavily
She's been tired of us for a long time
The earth is a living organism
There's not enough room for ugliness
Plants and fauna
And also air and water
Everything has been turned into a terrible shooting gallery
It's time to get rid of us!
When such people exist
...ecologists - let's remind you right away!
Honor is given to the native planet
They have a goal - to save Nature!


Congratulations on Ecologist's Day,
You keep everything for the world,
What has become more expensive than gold -
Its purity and pristineness.

So let chance help you,
May you always be lucky in life,
Everything planned will work out
And trouble will never come.


On Environment Day
Let me congratulate you,
And work worthy of praise,
Truly glorify!

So that the river is clean,
The blade of grass was turning green,
So that the Earth can breathe,
You work skillfully!

May good luck and success
They accompany you everywhere
Without delays and interference
They let you through everywhere!

Let there be joy from the heart
For a righteous cause
You conquer boundaries
And go into battle boldly!


Let our planet be safe,
This fact alone makes life more beautiful.
So that officials appreciate your covenants,
Yes, the filters were quickly installed on the pipe.
Dawn, so that ours is pure and wonderful,
And the world is big, diverse, interesting
All the best to you in your noble cause,
So that the violation does not hide from you, do not hide it.
Find paths to success.
Work slowly and little by little.
Good luck to rowing with a huge spoon.


Man is destroying nature
Sparing no expense and effort,
If you give him freedom,
If only he could chop wood!
The planet would go bald
The ocean would dry up
But the ecologist said menacingly,
That's it, I won't let you ruin anymore!
Protects, protects, the ecology of the Earth,
So that people unknowingly
They couldn't ruin everything!
Happy Ecologist Day to you brothers,
You are cool, you are fighters,
You always have something to do,
You are great!
Protected nature,
Thanks you for your work,
And great weather.
On holiday it beckons from home!


He is both a lawyer and a biologist...
An ecologist combines everything!
And his works are directed
For environmental protection:
So that the forests still make noise,
So that the meadows bloom and the birds sing,
So that we can breathe clean air,
All living beings would be respected
So that the river flow is transparent...
We congratulate all environmentalists!


Oh, how difficult it can be for environmentalists
Make sure that everything in nature is secure.
Both on weekdays and on holidays there is a lot of work,
Only there is no turning back.

Who else will watch the river?
So that people can drink without fear?
Who will filter emissions like this?
So that the cape can breathe calmly?

So, environmentalists, it’s time to work.
We will be proud of your work.
More aspirations and higher income
Let the environment bring you...


You are very dear to the planet,
After all, you are protecting her.
After all, you, an ecologist, tirelessly
You save her from death.

Thank you for the air
For purity and for nature.
For the shade of evergreen forests,
For our blue water.

Health, happiness and success
On Ecologist's Day we wish...
Luck, joy and laughter,
And, of course, prosperity.


Everyone tells us that knowledge is power,
And the poor ecologist sees a grave in him.

It won't go out in the rain. Don't expect mercy -
Acid rains are falling now.

And in the summer there is no reason to lie on the beach,
Because there is a hole in the sky without ozone.

And it’s a little sad, and I feel sorry for the poor guy.
He hid under the roof like a catfish under a snag.

But, my friend, don't get angry -
Fight for the environment.


On this glorious holiday of the ecologist,
Congratulations to those involved,
Because how dear to me everyone is,
A warm feeling for this world.

Our world is created in a wonderful way,
There is harmony and beauty in it,
We have been entrusted with the right way,
Preserve the pristine state forever.

Representatives of glorious professions,
Keeping our home clean,
Congratulations, I wish us together,
Take sacred care of him.

June 5 is World Environment Day. It was established by the UN General Assembly in 1972 and since then has been celebrated annually by the entire world community. The reason for this worldwide action was an appeal received on May 11, 1971 Secretary General UN. The appeal was signed by 2,200 scientists and cultural figures from 23 countries. They warned humanity about the unprecedented danger threatening it due to environmental pollution. “Either we end pollution, or it ends us,” was the question posed in this appeal.

Forests play an important role in the global economy, providing income for 1.6 billion people on our planet. The forest serves as a source of wood and its products, food and medicinal resources and other material assets.
The value of forests comes down to more than just economic benefits. Forests play a critical role in conserving biodiversity and mitigating the impacts of climate change. Forest is the habitat of approximately 3/4 of all species of plants, animals and fungi existing on our planet. The forest is part of the cultural and historical environment, under the influence of which the culture and customs of entire nations are formed.

The main events of World Environment Day 2011 will take place in Mumbai and Delhi (India).

On June 5, domestic environmentalists also celebrate their professional holiday. The corresponding decree was signed by Vladimir Putin on June 21, 2007.

The appearance of this holiday in Russia emphasizes the importance professional activity state environmental institutions at all levels, non-governmental environmental organizations and everyone who contributes to the conservation of nature and the environment.
Environmental protection issues are among the priority issues of political, economic and public life countries, being one of the tasks national security. Citizens' right Russian Federation for a favorable environment is enshrined in the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

By expert assessments In the field of environmental protection, about 20 thousand people are employed, working in the authorities state power Russian Federation and federal government institutions. At enterprises of various industries National economy and at least 200 thousand environmental specialists work in the field of environmental services. From 60 to 100 thousand specialists work in scientific and scientific-educational institutions of environmental protection, and the number of students in secondary specialized and higher education educational institutions and graduate students amount to 40-45 thousand. There are more than 1,000 public environmental organizations in Russia that unite millions of citizens.

As part of the celebration of World Environment Day - Ecologist's Day in 2011, it is planned to hold events that promote the process of sustainable environmentally oriented socio-economic development of society, maintaining a global environmental dialogue between the Russian and international communities.

On June 10, 2011, in the Small Hall of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, a ceremonial meeting dedicated to World Day environment - Ecologist Day.

At the ceremonial meeting, the results of the “National Environmental Award” competition for 2011 will be summed up and awarded Certificates of honor especially distinguished representatives of the professional community of ecologists.

The material was prepared based on information from RIA Novosti and open sources