home · On a note · Problems with garden sprayers and methods for solving them. For what reason does the walk-behind tractor not start? Launch of diesel and gasoline cultivators

Problems with garden sprayers and methods for solving them. For what reason does the walk-behind tractor not start? Launch of diesel and gasoline cultivators

A cultivator is a technique that is often used by rural residents, summer residents, and farmers. Despite his high quality, there are times when equipment fails. What to do if this happens to your equipment? Today we will look at one of these situations, namely, we will figure out what needs to be done if the cultivator does not start.

Reasons and their solution

It is worth noting that for the long life of your equipment, you first need to learn how to take care of it. After all, cultivators require constant attention, namely, they need regular diagnostics and timely oil changes. If these key rules are not followed, your unit may often fail and upset you with its malfunctions.

So, why the motor cultivator does not start:

  1. After finishing work on the site, many owners leave the equipment idle with old fuel inside. Since after just a few days the fuel produces condensation and sediment forms, all this negatively affects the fuel system. The carburetor is even more susceptible to this, which will then need to be cleaned. To avoid such problems, always empty the remaining fuel from the tank, or work with the cultivator until the gas runs out.
  2. If you left gasoline in the unit over the winter, then first of all you will need to pour it out of fuel tank. Next, fill in new clean gasoline and leave the unit for a couple of hours. After the time has elapsed, top up the tank with a small amount of fuel. If after the operation the cultivator does not start, then you should look for the problem in the electric ignition. And this is already very difficult, so we advise you to turn to specialists here.
  3. Any engine garden equipment Under no circumstances will it function in the absence of oil. So check the lubrication in your cultivator.

We have provided basic recommendations on how to start a cultivator if it malfunctions. More detailed instructions How to repair a cultivator yourself can be found in the unit service manual. If you do not have technical skills and are not well versed in the design of motor cultivators, then you should seek help from professionals. In a short time, specialists will be able to find out and eliminate the reason why the cultivator does not start.

With the onset of spring, gardening equipment is taken out to the plots, and here some farmers have a problem - the motor cultivator will not start. In this case, it is necessary to quickly identify the cause of the malfunction and promptly eliminate it.

Launch of diesel and gasoline cultivators

The equipment can be equipped with a gasoline or diesel engine. The start of each engine is slightly different, which is why it is necessary to identify the reason that the cultivator does not start for each individual type of engine.

Before you start the cultivator, you need to prepare it. To do this, you need to check the presence and integrity of all elements and ensure the reliability of the fasteners. Some nodes refuse to work after a long period of inactivity. This is often associated with storing equipment in damp, cold rooms. In such cases, the following breakdowns occur:

  • Contacts oxidize;
  • The insulation of the wires is damaged;
  • Oil and fuel are watered;
  • The carburetor jets become clogged.

Before starting a new engine, you need to check all connections, throttle and reverse, and the clutch cable. The cables must “move” smoothly and should not be attached to start special efforts. The engine cannot be started if the cable is pinched or twisted.

When starting for the first time, be sure to check the amount of oil inside the crankcase. If there is no lubrication, it can damage the engine pistons. And if you consider that the crankshaft spins up to 1500 rpm, then a few seconds are enough for the cylinder to deform.

Why might the motor cultivator not start?

The reason for this may be the presence of old oil. In this case, white exhaust gases will come from the engine. To solve the problem, you need to immediately drain the old oil and fill in new oil.

Often the unit may not start due to lack of oil. Therefore, before starting the engine, you need to check the amount of fluid in the tank. Some models have low oil level protection. In such cases, a special sensor blocks the start and the engine stalls.

Remember that each engine runs on a specific brand of gasoline. To refuel a two-stroke engine, the fuel mixture must be prepared separately. It consists of oil and gasoline mixed in a certain proportion.
To refuel your equipment, you need to buy only the purest gasoline at proven gas stations. The service life of the fuel system elements and the entire engine as a whole depends on its quality.

Self-repair of elements and components

Difficulties in starting the engine may arise due to air getting into the fuel supply system. If you cannot start the cultivator after turning the starter several times, you need to bleed the air.

To do this, you will need to open the fuel supply valve and unscrew all connections of the fuel system. At the end, the injectors are unscrewed and purged. But what to do if even after this the equipment refuses to start? You may have made a number of mistakes when preparing fuel for refueling and inspecting the unit.

Most cases are related:

  • With inability air filter let air through;
  • With a plug in the hole in the tank lid;
  • With a clogged fuel supply channel;
  • With a broken carburetor.

After unsuccessful attempts to start the cultivator, you should check the spark plug - it is quite possible that it was filled with fuel mixture.

In this case, you will need to dry the part, bleed the cylinder, screw in the spark plug and try to start the unit. As a rule, after this the cultivator motor starts, but if this does not help, the spark plug will need to be replaced.

In the spring we bring the equipment to personal plot. Unfortunately, a situation often arises - the walk-behind tractor does not start. The owner must quickly determine the cause of the failure and correct the problem.

Starting gasoline and diesel units

The walk-behind tractor is multifunctional tool. It is indispensable for maintaining homestead farming. Attachments allows you to cultivate the land, mow grass, remove snow, transport goods, planting and harvesting.

The equipment is equipped with gasoline or diesel engines. Launch diesel walk-behind tractor And gasoline unit has differences. Therefore, the reasons why the walk-behind tractor does not start should be analyzed for each specific engine type.

Before starting the walk-behind tractor, the equipment is prepared. You need to make sure that all parts are present and that the mechanisms are securely fastened.

Mechanisms often stop working after winter. A long break causes malfunction of the walk-behind tractor systems. Storage in a cold and damp room leads to the following damage:

  1. Oxidation of contacts.
  2. Violation of wire insulation.
  3. Watering of fuel and oil.
  4. Carburetor jets clogged.

Before starting a new walk-behind tractor, all connections, clutch cable, reverse and throttle are checked. The movement of the cables should be smooth and effortless. Do not start the unit if there are clamps and twists in the harness threads.

During the first start, be sure to check the oil level in the crankcase. Lack of lubrication will damage the piston group. The crankshaft rotates up to 1400 rpm at idle. A couple of seconds is enough for a scuff to form on the surface of the cylinder.

Old oil can cause engine failure. At the same time, the walk-behind tractor smokes exhaust gases white. A complete oil change suggests itself.

It should be taken into account that the walk-behind tractor does not start well if there is insufficient oil volume. Keep an eye on this parameter before starting a carburetor and diesel walk-behind tractor. On some models, protection is set to a low level. The sensor blocks the start and the unit stalls.

It should be remembered that each type of engine requires a certain brand of gasoline. For a two-stroke engine, fuel is prepared separately. The fuel mixture consists of gasoline and oil. The amount of ingredients is kept in strict proportions.

Purchase gasoline for walk-behind tractors at gas stations. The service life of vehicles directly depends on the quality of fuel. You should not start the walk-behind tractor on bad gasoline.

Repair of components and mechanisms

Starting a diesel walk-behind tractor after purchase can be difficult. The fact is that air gets into the fuel supply system. If cranking for a long time (with the starter) does not allow it to start, then the air plugs should be released. To do this, open the diesel supply valve and unscrew all connections along the fuel channels. The final point of purging is the nozzles.

In order for an internal combustion engine to start, a number of requirements must be met. Let's list them in order:

  1. Preparation fuel mixture.
  2. Fuel supply to the cylinder.
  3. Ignition of the mixture.
  4. Exhaust gas release.

Fulfillment of the above conditions guarantees the start of any motor.

Difficulties during startup indicate a malfunction of components and mechanisms. The success of the repair depends on the correct diagnosis. If defects are found, they repair the diesel walk-behind tractor. Service and minor repairs can be done on your own. You will need a set of keys, locksmith tools and skillful hands.

At the stage of preparing the fuel mixture, the following incidents are possible:

  • the air filter does not allow air to pass through;
  • the hole in the tank lid is clogged;
  • the fuel supply path is clogged;
  • The carburetor broke down.

After a series of unsuccessful starts, it is useful to unscrew the spark plug. The working part can be filled with fuel. Dry the part. Next, pump the cylinder through the hole. We twist the candle and start it again.

If the spark plug is dry, it means that fuel is not entering the combustion chamber. Let's perform a series of steps to restore the supply system:

  • drain old gasoline;
  • rinse the tank;
  • clean the filter from dirt;
  • blow out the fuel supply hose;
  • blow out the carburetor jets;
  • fill the tank with clean gasoline;
  • open the faucet;
  • clean the breathing channel in the lid.

Ignition system malfunctions

The engine will not start if there is a malfunction in the ignition system. Why is this happening? Sources of failure may include the magneto, high voltage wire, cap and spark plug. An external inspection checks the cleanliness of the ignition system parts. Dirt and moisture cause breakdown high voltage on the body. The absence of a spark occurs when the cap has poor contact with the central electrode of the spark plug.

A weak spark indicates bad job spark plug. It is necessary to check the gap and condition of the electrodes. Check the gap with a feeler gauge. Typically it is 0.8 mm. If necessary, remove fumes from metal parts and an insulator. It is recommended to replace the spark plug.

Condition of parts piston group affects the readiness of the engine as a whole. They work in difficult conditions. Under load, the rubbing surfaces heat up. The cylinder, piston and rings are responsible for an important indicator - compression. A low compression ratio in the cylinder will indicate replacement of parts.

You should also check the intake and exhaust valves. They should fit snugly on the saddles. The muffler is the last point on the exhaust gas path. Combustion products are gradually deposited on the walls of the muffler, and the engine stalls. For normal passage exhaust gases You should periodically clean the walls from carbon deposits.

Experts advise following all manufacturer's recommendations. The unit must not be overloaded.

Compliance with all requirements will extend the life of the mechanisms.

Before starting work, the owner must read the operating instructions.

Every competent gardener knows the secrets of plant care and methods of pest control. Sprayers allow you to perform a number of important operations: moisten the soil, water the plants, and treat them with chemicals.
However, no matter how high-quality a tool is, it is not immune to breakage. To make it easier for you to recognize a malfunction at first glance and, possibly, prevent it, we will look at the main causes of breakdowns and ways to solve the situation.

Common sprayer malfunctions

Description of the malfunction Probable Cause Remedy
1. The battery cannot be charged. 1. Water gets into the charging connector;
2. Damage to the charger.
1. Clean the connector;
2. Repair or buy a new charger.
2. The pump is faulty and shuts down. 1. Clogged spray nozzle;
2. Incorrect location of the oil seal.
3.Water seeping through the pump cover;
4.Wrong connection;
5.Battery is low;
6.Pump overheating;
7. The switch is faulty.
1. Clear the clog;
2.Change the position of the oil seal;
3.Change the cover;
4.Check the connection is correct;
5.Connect the battery to the charger;
6.Set aside work and let the pump cool down;
7.Replace the switch.
3. Leak. 1. One of the connections is loose;
2. The hose is damaged.
1. Secure the connection;
2. Install a new hose.
4. Spray nozzle does not release liquid. 1. Nozzle clogged;
2. Presence of an air lock in the hose;
3. Pump clogged;
4. Damage to the hose.
1.Clean the nozzle;
2.Check the hose for leaks;
3.Clean the pump;
4.Replace the hose.
5. Low blood pressure. 1. Filter clogged;
2.Lack of power.
1.Clean the filter;
2.Place the battery on charge.
6. Liquid leaking from the bottom of the sprayer. 1. The pump inlet or outlet tubes are broken or leaking at the mounting points. 1.Dismantle electrical base, tighten the tube clamps or replace them.

How to prevent breakdowns?

1. Timely cleaning of the filter. Many chemical compounds leave sediment inside the unit. Wash the filter frequently under warm water and soapy water; this will prevent the equipment from breaking down prematurely.

2. Prevent rust. Many chemicals are too harsh, causing the paint to discolor. To get rid of cracks and prevent loss of color, it is recommended to apply water-repellent oils to the body before starting work, which form a protective film.

remember, that self-removal malfunctions can lead to permanent equipment failure. Serious problems should only be eliminated by specialists.