home · Installation · Timofey. Interpretation of the name Timothy. Women's names. Holy Apostle Timothy, Bishop of Ephesus (†c.80)

Timofey. Interpretation of the name Timothy. Women's names. Holy Apostle Timothy, Bishop of Ephesus (†c.80)

Timothy - worshiper of God (Greek). The name is calm, rare. Due to the fashion for antiquity, boys began to be called by this name.
Zodiac name: Aquarius.
Planet: Saturn.
Name color: violet.
Talisman stone: sapphire.
Favorable plant: pine, belladonna.
Patron name: bittern.
Happy day: Saturday.
Happy time of year: winter.
Main features: poise, dreaminess.


Timothy, Bishop of Ephesus, Hieromartyr, January 17 (4), February 4 (January 22).
Timothy of Caesarea (Palestinian), martyr, March 28 (15).
Timothy of Mauritania, deacon, martyr, January 2 (December 19).
Timothy of Olympia (in Symbols), hermit, March 6 (February 21).
Timothy of Palestine, martyr, September 1 (August 19).
Timothy of Prussia, bishop, martyr, June 23 (10).
Timofey of Pskov, prince, June 2 (May 20).
Timothy of Sicily, venerable martyr, February 6 (January 24).
Timothy of Thebaid, martyr, May 16 (3).
The Holy Apostle Timothy came from the city of Lystra in Asia Minor. In the year 52, the Apostle Paul visited Lystra and healed a man lame from birth. Many residents, including the young man Timothy, believed in Christ. Timothy became a zealous disciple of the apostle, and later his companions and collaborator in preaching the Gospel. In 65, the Apostle Paul ordained Timothy as bishop of the Ephesian Church, which he ruled for 15 years. Saint Timothy ended his life as a martyr. In Ephesus, in the year 80, at a festival in honor of idols, he began to admonish the pagans, preaching to them the true faith in Christ. For this Saint Timothy was stoned.


February 4 - Timofey the half-winter.
The severe frosts that occur on this day are called Timofeevsky.
The Timofeevsky frost took away the half-winter with it.
If the sun is visible at noon on this day, then spring will be early.
The more snow falls, the higher the grain harvest.
If the windows and frames sweat in the cold, wait for warmer weather.
“Snow plants” are climbing up the glass - the frost will continue, their shoots are bent - towards the thaw.
Timofey is more springlike, blows warmth, warms the elderly.


Timosha is a soft, calm child. From time to time it is useful to return him to earth from the land of dreams, where he willingly retreats when faced with any difficulties.
Timofey experiences a difficult childhood, not in financial terms or exposure to some diseases, but because his mother’s power in the family was too strong and he, even having a father, did not receive a male upbringing. Having become an adult, but never escaping from his mother’s care, he falls into yet another woman’s hands: due to his rather handsome appearance, gentle character and cheerful disposition, he has no end to girls. He is a little worried that he does not have a purely male “cool” company, but is quite happy with a female one, where he is the center of attention. Even if Timofey wants to enter some fashionable men’s circle to assert himself, he is not infected by its emotions and ideas, and he soon gets bored with it. Only among close people does he show himself, capable of both violent fun and deep discontent.
Dissatisfaction with the environment manifests itself in ambitious dreams. Timofey will patiently implement his life plans, striving to get a good education and make a career. For a long time, Timofey is forced to do what he does not want. However, he is interested in doing only that work, the results of which will give him the opportunity to advance and shine.
Outwardly, Timofey is calm, communicates smoothly with everyone, is kind, does not remember insults for a long time, and even knows how not to immediately react to a conflict. Discharges in the circle of loved ones.
With women, Timofey is soft, gentle and affectionate, but he considers them not so good creatures. His temperament is rather weak, but he considers himself quite normal in the field of sex. Sometimes he has an unsatisfied wife, but considers himself the offended party.
The marriage will be quite strong if Timofey expresses his feelings clearly and has a strong emotional connection. It is necessary to have a common circle of friends, more joint activities. It is very good if Timofey and his wife have the same profession or general work. A big difference in the level of culture and upbringing can become a serious problem. In his marriage, great tension may arise due to difficult relationships with relatives on both sides. Under no circumstances should Timothy allow them to interfere in his family affairs, and in general the house should be protected from any active outside interference.
Surname: Timofeevich, Timofeevna.


Timoshka Ankudinov, the eleventh impostor, called himself either the son or grandson of Tsar Vasily Shuisky, or Prince Ivan Shuisky.
Timoshka was born in Vologda in 1617, the son of a rich archer who sold canvases. Due to his condition, he received a good education and married the granddaughter of a Vologda bishop.
Leading a chaotic and riotous life, Timoshka squandered all his wife’s dowry and went to seek his fortune in Moscow. In Moscow, he received a position as a clerk in the “New Chet” order, but continued his previous lifestyle. Having incurred unpayable debts and foreseeing inevitable imprisonment, in 1643 he robbed the treasury of the order for two hundred rubles and set fire to own house, in which his wife burned (under torture it was shown that he actually set the house on fire), he fled to Constantinople. There, in 1646, Ankudinov began to pose as the “state son of Shuiskago.” At first, the Grand Vizier took part in his fate, believing the letter, which stated that he was the son of Tsar Vasily, that Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich gave him Perm the Great with its suburbs as an inheritance, but that he became bored with living there, and he came to Moscow. In the capital, he was put into custody and released only thanks to the adherents of Tsar Vasily Shuisky. The impostor asked the vizier that the Sultan give him military men, and ordered him to go “to the Moscow Ukraine”, assured that “Russian people will not stand against him”, that the Sultan would acquire Astrakhan and its suburbs. The Moscow ambassadors who were in Constantinople exposed Ankudinov with clear evidence. Ankudinov fled, and in 1649 he appeared in Ukraine, where he found a patron in the person of Bogdan Khmelnitsky, who did not betray him to the Russian ambassadors and transported Timoshka to Sweden. There Ankudinov was graciously received by Queen Christina and accepted Lutheranism. From Sweden he moved to Holstein, but Duke Frederick of Holstein extradited him in exchange for an agreement allowing Holstein to trade with Persia and India through Russian possessions.
In 1653 in Moscow, after a confrontation with his mother, nun Stepanida, the impostor Timoshka Ankudinov was quartered.

From time immemorial, great importance in strengthening the Christian faith has belonged to God's helpers - the holy martyrs. One of them was the holy bishop, hieromartyr Timothy. Nowadays, the Orthodox icon of Timothy is a personal icon for all men who wear it beautiful name, which in ancient Greek means -. In many churches in Russia and far beyond its borders, festive services are held in honor of this saint six times a year. In addition to his preaching exploits, this highly revered saint is also famous for his gift of miracles.

Many Christians honor icon of Saint Timothy as miraculous, therefore they turn to him their prayers for spiritual and physical healing, for guidance on the true and righteous path of those who are confused in their actions. Icon shops, online stores, antique galleries offer the most different variants this wonderful icon from ancient lists to modern icons, embroidered with beads, made of amber or body icons made of gold or silver. Believers consider it right to buy personalized icon Timothy to a dear person with this name for a special celebration.

The meaning of the icon of the Holy Great Martyr Timothy

Saint Bishop Timothy was born and lived in the Asia Minor country of Prusse. For all his holiness and true faith, he received from God the gift of miracles. He has many people brought back to life. It even happened that, healing from the sin of idolatry, he even returned pagans to the Christian faith. By my strength Christian preaching he enlightened his entire flock and many unbelievers. During the time of persecution of Christians under Emperor Julian, holy Bishop Timothy began to work in preaching the Word of God.

On an antique Timothy icon always depicted with the Gospel in his hands. Strengthening the believers and guiding them on the path of true faith, the bishop became a victim of persecution by imperial soldiers. After a while, Julian ordered Saint Timothy to be put in prison, but the Christian people there continued to listen to his sermons. Angered by his weakness in front of the bishop’s fortitude, the emperor ordered the executioner to cut off Saint Timothy’s head with a sword right in prison. Local residents buried the body of the holy great martyr with great honor. After some time, miracles of healing from various diseases began to occur at the saint’s grave. The venerable relics of Saint Timothy and the icon with his image are in the church in honor of this holy great martyr in Constantinople.

Followers Christian teaching There were a lot of people called saints in ancient times. The first of them can be called the apostles - the closest disciples of Jesus Christ, who had an extremely responsible mission.

It consisted in preaching Christianity in all cities and countries. These were special people; the Holy Spirit descended on them. One of the holy apostles bore the name Timothy, which translated from Greek means “who worships God.”

Childhood and youth of the righteous Timothy:

The devotee of piety, who will be discussed in this article, was born in the Lycaon region of Asia Minor. His father was a vicious pagan, his mother was a virtuous woman named Eunice, originally from Jewish lands. She, as well as the grandmother of the future Apostle Lois, who was no less righteous, played a leading role in the formation of the personality of Saint Timothy.

WITH early childhood the boy absorbed, like a sponge, the teachings of two pious women, rejecting everything vicious that was inherent in his father. However, the latter passed away when Saint Timothy was still young.

The upbringing and teaching of literacy to a young boy took place in the city of Lystra. This place later became famous for being one of the areas where the holy apostles carried out their sermons, and also as the homeland of the ascetic of piety Timothy, who became one of the disciples of Jesus.

According to legend, the young righteous man entered the true path thanks to the Supreme Apostle Paul who came to Lystra. He arrived in the homeland of Timothy along with another disciple of Christ, Barnabas. This event is described in the holy book “Acts of the Apostles” on behalf of the Divine Luke: “they withdrew, he says, to the Lycaonian cities of Lystra and Derbe and their surroundings” (Acts 14:6).

The arrival of the holy apostles was marked by a miracle performed by the ascetic of piety himself, Paul. The supreme apostle healed a lame man from birth with just one word. The inhabitants of the city were in amazement after what happened and were inclined to think that, under the guise of people who possessed an amazing gift, the gods had descended to earth. And having realized their error and learned the truth, seeing that Paul and Barnabas were messengers of God, preachers, many rejected paganism and converted to Christianity.

The mother of the future saint, by that time a widow, received with particular joy the appearance of the apostles in the city. She sheltered the preacher Paul, surrounded him with care, comfort, and, in the end, entrusted the righteous man with teaching her own son. The Chief Apostle accepted Timothy, seeing in the young man a grain of goodness and meekness. But he needed to continue his mission, and it was not possible to take with him a righteous man who was still very young and weak in body.

Therefore, Saint Paul left the youth in the care of skilled teachers, whose duty he charged with familiarizing young Timothy with the Holy Scriptures, so that he would understand the essence of the Christian doctrine. The apostle himself was seized by the Jews, beaten for preaching, and the saint hastily left the city of Lystra.

Spiritual growth of the ascetic Timothy:

Several years have passed. The Holy Apostle Paul, having left Antioch, desired to see again the areas where the brethren remained to preach the Word of God. Among the places planned for visiting was Lystra, the place where Timothy lived.

Saint Paul discovered upon arrival that his charge had successfully learned the wisdom of Christ, led a virtuous lifestyle, preached and was respected by numerous Christian converts.

The Supreme Apostle made Timothy his faithful companion and entrusted him with the duty of apostolic service. He performed the rite of circumcision on the student in order to protect the ascetic from the attacks of the Jews, who knew about his pagan origin. young man.

Saint Paul served worthy example Timothy. And the young man gratefully followed his earthly teacher, imitating him with numerous virtues and deeds of serving God. Saint Timothy did not care about material things. He did not have any property, and the young man did not try to acquire wealth.

His main goal was the proclamation of the Gospel to the people. The Apostle Paul, contemplating the zeal of the young man, made him first a deacon, then a presbyter, and then a bishop. And all this despite his young age!

Saint Timothy did not lag behind the other apostles in any way. In serving God he showed greatness of spirit. The Apostle Paul, it must be said, treated the young man with warmth. This can be seen in the letter to the Corinthians, where he calls Timothy either “my beloved and faithful son in the Lord” or “brother.” Together with the Apostle Paul, the young man walked all over the world: he was in Ephesus, and in Macedonia, and in Spain. Timothy showed the ability to be an orator, an interpreter of Holy Scripture, a pastor, and a philosopher.

In addition to the Supreme Apostle Paul, the young man also studied with another disciple of Christ - St. John. At one time he ended up in exile on Fr. Patmos by the will of Emperor Dominian. He was replaced in the episcopal position in Ephesus by none other than Timothy. But, unfortunately, this good deed turned into a tragedy for the saint...

Death of the Apostle Timothy:

Once upon a time, the traditional pagan celebration “katagogium” was celebrated in Ephesus. During of this event Idol worshipers walked around in strange masks singing and dancing along the city streets, holding images of their gods in their hands. Others rushed at those around them, like robbers. Saint Timothy could not calmly look at the vicious acts of the opponents of Christian teaching. Therefore, he appeared to the vile pagans and began to preach the Word of God to them.

The holy apostle denounced the vices of the initiators and participants in the spectacle, pointing out to them their errors. The idolaters did not heed the true words of the righteous man. On the contrary, they attacked the defenseless ascetic, began to trample him with their feet and swords, and tortured him to death. Subsequently, Christians found their shepherd to be, as they say, on his last legs. Soon they buried the deceased Saint Timothy in the Greek Peony.

The relics of the apostle later long years were transferred to Constantinople. There they were placed in the Church of the Holy Apostles with the remains of Andrew the First-Called and Luke.

Before miraculous icon St. Timothy prays for the return of the lost to the true path, for the strengthening of faith, for the granting of strength in fulfilling the will of God.

Since Saint Timothy was close to Jesus Christ, prayers to him are very strong and inspired by faith and strength. Many people turn to St. Timothy in prayer every day just to ensure they have a healthy future.

Translated from greek name Timothy means “one who honors God.” In Russia there are many churches in honor of the apostle-martyr. The parishioners of these churches pray before the icon of the saint for the strengthening of Orthodoxy, the prosperity of the Church of God and the repulsion of external enemies. Russian Orthodox icon It is customary to give Timofey to people who wear this beautiful old name, because for them the saint is the closest helper and prayer book.

Troparion, tone 4:

Having learned goodness, and being sober in all with a good conscience, you shrouded yourself in a sacred manner, having drawn from the chosen vessel the ineffable, and kept the faith equal current Thou hast accomplished, Apostle Timothy, pray to Christ God, that our souls may be saved.

Kontakion, tone 1:

Let us all sing of Timothy, the divine disciple and traveler of Pavlov, with faithfulness, and with this we reverence the wise Anastasius, who rose from Persia like a star, and drove away our spiritual passions and bodily ailments.

A short prayer to St. Timothy for every day:

Pray to God for me, holy servant of God Timothy, as I diligently resort to you, your quick helper and prayer book for my soul.

Feast of the ascetic Timothy in the traditions of the people:

Since ancient times, the Slavs have associated many different signs with the day of remembrance of the disciple of St. Paul. Let’s start with the fact that the date of February 4 was called nothing less than “Timofey the half-winter.”

They said this: “Timofey the half-winter man cuts the icy winter in half. It’s no wonder that Afanasy Lomonos is freezing his nose (January 31), wait for the Timofey frosts.”

The latter were considered the most crackling, even stronger than the harsh baptismal ones. They were called "posims". The duration of this period is short - only a few days. Afterwards, wait for light, purely symbolic frosts.

There were frequent snowstorms on Timofey. There was a corresponding saying: “Blizzards and blizzards came in February.” If on this day at 12.00 the sun was above the horizon, spring should have been expected earlier than usual. Warming was predicted by moisture on the window frames and frosty patterns sloping downwards.

Traditions and rituals:

The main traditions on February 4 are checking the remaining supplies in cellars and barns, riding on the bottom (part of a spinning wheel) from a slide, and spells against hernia.

On this day, the beekeepers watched the bees - more precisely, they listened to the sounds from the omshanik. If the insects buzzed barely audibly, it meant that everything was going well; if the buzzing was restless, something was wrong with the bee colony.

On this day, as on other days - “half-winter roads”, the bins were checked. It is important that there is enough grain, vegetables and livestock feed until the new harvest. If the owners saw that supplies were scarce, they had to save. On this occasion they said: “By spring it’s harder for a peasant - the bread is getting smaller.”

But the needlewomen girls had fun that day - they rode down the slides on the bottoms, on which flax and wool were spun. At the same time, they looked: whoever rides further will have more flax on his farm. - Healers consider this day to be a good day for hernia healing.

Signs and sayings:

It’s no wonder that Afanasy Lomonos (January 31) has a freezing nose, wait for the Timofey frosts.

If it’s frosty outside and the glass fogs up, then warming will soon begin.

Vertical frosty patterns on windows indicate frost, and horizontal or angled patterns indicate dripping.

If there is a lot of snow on this day, then the future grain harvest will be good.

Timothy's dreams are prophetic.

It's getting light soon - there's bound to be snow.

Snow sticking to trees, poles and wires leads to an increase in air temperature.

Timothy knocks down the horn of winter.

The Timofeevsky frost took away the half-winter with it.

Afanasy-Frost freezes his nose, and you wait - Timothy’s rains.

Name day February 4: Nikolai, Ivan, Gabriel, George, Anastasia, Leonty, Efim, Timofey, Joseph, Makar.

Icons have always been and will be faithful helpers for every believer. They not only protect our home from enemies, but also give us the opportunity to become purer spiritually and closer to God.

The icon of St. Timothy is a fairly common image that appeared long before the arrival of Christianity on Russian soil. This is a symbol of faith and love for God in many Catholic countries. In Orthodoxy, this image is valued no less, despite its lower prevalence.

History and description of the icon

This icon was painted in honor of the great Saint Timothy, who lived in apostolic times. Timothy of Ephesus is a disciple of the Apostle Paul. Timothy was inspired after seeing Paul heal a sick man. He dedicated the rest of his life to Christ and his teachings.

Timothy carried out the instructions of St. Paul. Together they carried the word of God throughout the world, increasing the number of Christians and spreading goodness and grace. All this happened in the 1st century, immediately after the death of Jesus Christ on the cross. Serving people was a very dangerous occupation because the world was still pagan. People were afraid of everything new, and rulers were even more afraid of losing their power.

As a result, Timothy was appointed bishop in the city of Ephesus. More than 10 years later, Timothy was killed by pagans who tortured him.

Around the 4th century, images of the holy martyr Timothy began to appear, in which he was depicted in full height or waist-length. Ancient icons The image is complete. Now almost all icons are written differently. Timothy holds a scroll in his hands, which represents holy scripture. The saint can also be depicted holding a cross in his hands.

Where is the icon of St. Timothy

This icon is in Moscow, in the Church of Elijah the Prophet, which is located in Kitay-Gorod. There is a very ancient image of Timothy of Ephesus in Domodedovo, in the Moscow region, in the Church of the Exaltation of the Cross. In the Church of St. Nicholas in Shchepi, Timothy is depicted together with Saint Thaddeus in full growth. Very few temples can be found with the image of Timothy. There are no churches left dedicated to him.

Celebration date

Timothy of Ephesus in Orthodox faith remember with prayers January 17, February 4. These days, at services they remember his exploits and self-sacrifice, which we will never forget.

What does an icon help with?

During his lifetime, the saint helped people gain faith. He does the same thing to this day, but through icons. At home, such an icon will save you from evil people and dangers. On the way, Saint Timothy of Ephesus will be useful to those who travel long distances. Prayers in front of the icon calm the soul, give peace and help find solutions to even the most difficult problems in life.

Prayer to Saint Timothy

“Down the Heavenly Light on our souls and ask God for us, Saint Timothy. Help us strengthen our faith and gain the blessings of the Lord, so that our Earthly and Heavenly lives are not brought closer together, but made one. Help us to see our Lord in our deeds, in people’s faces, in our thoughts and dreams. Pray to God for us, His sinful and unworthy servants. May He guide us on the true path and show us all the beauty of this world, teach us how to manage life correctly. Forever and ever. Amen".

This icon and prayer will protect you from unbelief and any spiritual problems. Do not forget to read this prayer on the days of remembrance, January 17 and February 4. Honor the memory of the saint by addressing him. Go to church and light a candle for all the saints.

Let this image protect you from all troubles. This icon will become a good gift for any twelfth holiday. Pray to Timothy of Ephesus, who, along with the other apostles, started great era Christianity. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

17.01.2018 05:53

Matrona of Moscow is one of the saints beloved and revered by Orthodox believers. Since birth she...

Timofey,apostle, bishop

January 22, Art. / February 4th New Year

As presented by St. Demetrius of Rostov

The Holy Apostle Timothy came from the Lycaon region 1, and received his upbringing and education in famous city Lystra 2, who became famous not so much for the abundance of the fruits of the earth as for this God-planted fruitful branch. This young shoot grew, however, from a not entirely healthy root: for just as a fragrant rose grows from thorns, so Saint Timothy descended from an unbelieving Greek, who was known for his pagan wickedness and was so mired in vices that his son later surpassed all people in virtues and high morality. The mother and grandmother of Saint Timothy were Jewish, both holy and righteous, adorned with good deeds, as the holy Apostle Paul testifies to this in the words: “I desire to see you, remembering your tears, so that I may be filled with joy, bringing to mind your unfeigned faith which formerly dwelt in your grandmother Lois and your mother Eunice; I am sure that she also dwells in you" (2 Tim. 1:4.5).

While still a youth, blessed Timothy, nourished by his mother not so much on bodily food as on the word of the Lord, avoided pagan and Jewish error in every possible way and then turned to the holy Apostle Paul, that God-voiced church trumpet. It happened like this. The Holy Apostle Paul, together with the disciple and apostle of Christ Barnabas 3, came to Lystra, as the Divine Luke tells about this in the Acts of the Apostles: "They retired, he says, to the Lycaonian cities of Lystra and Derbe and their environs"(Acts 14:6). Upon his arrival there, the holy Apostle Paul performed a great miracle: he healed a man lame from his mother’s womb with a single word. Seeing this, the inhabitants of the city were greatly surprised, saying: “The gods have come to us in human form.” When they learned that these are not gods, but people, and are called apostles and preachers of the Living God, moreover, they are opponents of false gods, and for this purpose they were sent, to turn people from demonic delusion to the True God, who can not only heal the lame, but also to raise the dead, then many turned from their error to piety (Acts 14:8-18). Among these was the mother of this blessed Apostle Timothy, who remained a widow after the death of her husband. She joyfully accepted the holy Apostle Paul into her home, took care of his maintenance and the comforts of life, and finally gave him her son, St. Timothy, for his education, as a gift for the miracle performed in their city and for the light of the true faith received from him. Saint Timothy was still very young in years, but very capable and prepared to receive the seed of the word of God. Saint Paul, having accepted the young man, not only found in him meekness and a disposition to goodness, but also saw in him the grace of God, as a result of which he loved him even more than his parents in the flesh 4 . But since Saint Timothy was still very young and could not bear the hardships of travel, the holy Apostle Paul left him in his mother’s house, assigning skilled teachers to him who would teach him the Divine Scripture, as he himself recalls in his letter to Timothy: "You know from childhood scriptures" (2 Tim. 3:15). The Apostle Paul himself, at the instigation of the Jews, was stoned by the people, was dragged out of the city, after which he went to other cities. Several years later, when the holy Apostle Paul, having left Antioch, wanted to visit the brethren in all the cities in which he had previously preached the word of God, then, taking Silas with him 5, he came to Lystra 6, where Saint Timothy lived. Seeing that he had reached perfect age and was excelling in every virtue, and that he was highly respected by all the Christians there, the Apostle Paul accepted him into his apostolic ministry and made him his constant companion in all his labors and a co-servant in the Lord. When he wanted to leave the city, then for the sake of some Jews, who lived in large numbers there and in the surrounding places, he circumcised Timothy according to the law of Moses (Acts 16:3), - not because this was necessary for salvation, for new grace is given instead of circumcision in holy baptism, but so that the Jews would not be offended by him, since they all knew about his origin from a pagan. Coming from Lystra, the holy Apostle Paul passed through cities and villages, teaching and preaching the Kingdom of God and enlightening everyone with the light of piety. Behind him, like a star following the sun that shone from the third heaven, followed the Divine Timothy 7, perceiving the unflickering light of piety, the teaching of the gospel of Christ and learning high deeds and a virtuous life, as the holy Apostle Paul himself testifies to this: “You followed me in teaching, life, disposition, faith, generosity, love, patience, in persecution, suffering”(2 Tim. 3:10, 11).

Thus, Saint Timothy drew all the virtues from the chosen vessel, the Apostle Paul, and received from him, for the sake of Christ, apostolic poverty. Without acquiring any wealth for himself, neither gold, nor silver, nor any other material goods, he moved from place to place, proclaiming the Gospel of the Kingdom of God. He adopted the custom of repaying good for evil; reproached - he blessed, persecuted - endured, reviled - rejoiced in spirit, and in everything he showed himself to be God's servant, being a true imitator of his teacher. The Holy Apostle Paul, seeing his disciple so successful in virtues, made him first a deacon, then a presbyter, and finally a bishop, 8 although he was young in years. Having become, through the laying on of apostolic hands, a servant of the Mysteries of Christ, Saint Timothy became a most zealous imitator of the apostolic hardships and labors, not inferior to the other apostles in suffering and labor during the preaching of the teachings of Christ. Neither youth nor weakness of body could ever prevent him from fulfilling the feat he had undertaken. In all his activities, he revealed greatness of spirit, as his teacher, the holy Apostle Paul, testifies to this in his first letter to the Corinthians: “If Timothy comes to you, see that he is safe with you, for he is doing the Lord’s work, as and I. Therefore let no one despise him" (1 Cor. 16:10-11). A little higher, praising him, the holy Apostle Paul wrote: “I have sent to you Timothy, my beloved and faithful son in the Lord, who will remind you of my ways in Christ” (1 Cor. 4:17). Likewise in his other epistles he calls Saint Timothy his brother, saying: "Paul, the prisoner of Jesus Christ, and Timothy the brother"(Phil. 1:1) "Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God, and Timothy brother"(2 Cor. 1:1), "Paul, the messenger of Jesus Christ by the will of God, and Timothy the brother"(Col. 1:1). And he also writes: “We have sent Timothy our brother and servant of God, and our fellow worker in the gospel of Christ, to confirm you and comfort you in your faith” (2 Thess. 3:2). These and many other testimonies in praise of Saint Timothy are found in the letters of the Apostle Paul. However, St. Timothy did not boast about this, but, living in humility and strict observance of himself from sin, he exhausted himself so much with constant labor and fasting that his teacher himself, looking at his exploits and fasts, greatly pitied him. He urged Saint Timothy not to drink only water, but to drink a little wine for the sake of his stomach and frequent ailments (1 Tim. 5:22), with which, although his body was constantly burdened, his spiritual purity remained intact and free from any damage. . Saint Timothy and his teacher traveled to all the ends of the world: now in Ephesus, now in Corinth, now in Macedonia, now in Italy, now in Spain, they proclaimed the word of God, so that with full right one could say about them: “Their sound goes through all the earth, and their words to the ends of the world.”(Ps. 18:5). At the same time, Saint Timothy was insightful in reasoning, quick in answers, - in preaching the word of God - a skillful orator, in the presentation of the Divine Scriptures - a fascinating interpreter, in church administration and defense of the truths of the faith - a most worthy shepherd. What is especially worthy of attention is that he received abundant grace, since he drew his teaching from a twofold source: he not only had Saint Paul as his teacher, but also learned from Saint John, the beloved disciple of Christ 9 .

When Saint John was exiled by the Roman Emperor Dominian 10 into exile on the island of Patmos 11, Timothy was instead the bishop of the city of Ephesus, where, after a short time, he suffered for his testimony about Jesus Christ in the following way.

Once in Ephesus, a particularly solemn holiday was celebrated, called "katagogium", on which idolaters, men and women, wearing images of various strange creatures, took idols and drakolia in their hands and walked around the streets of the city with shameless dancing. At the same time, they sang songs in discordant voices and rushed at those they met like robbers, and even killed many. They also committed many other nasty iniquities, with which they thought to express the veneration of their vile gods. Seeing this, blessed Timothy was inflamed with the fire of Divine jealousy and, appearing at this ungodly spectacle, openly and boldly preached the One True God, our Lord Jesus Christ - he clearly showed their errors and self-delusions regarding their gods and freely expressed much that was useful for conviction their. They, wandering in the darkness of pagan errors, did not understand and did not understand the words of the apostle, but, unanimously rushing against him, cruelly beat him with the daggers in their hands, mercilessly and inhumanly dragged him along the ground, trampling him underfoot, and finally tortured him until death 12. The Christians who came later found him barely breathing. They carried him out of the city, and when he died, they buried him in a place called Peony in Greek, i.e. obese. After a long time, the honest relics of the holy Apostle Timothy, by order of King Constantius, son of Constantine the Great, were transferred by the holy martyr Artemis 13 from Ephesus to Constantinople and placed in the church of the holy apostles along with the relics of the holy Apostle Luke and Andrew the First-Called. This was pleasing to God, for in their lives everything was common: character, teaching and preaching of the Gospel. Therefore, a common tomb befitted them after death, especially since their rest in heaven is common in the Kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ, with the Father and the Holy Spirit reigning forever. Amen.

Troparion, tone 4:

Having learned goodness, and being sober in all with a good conscience, you shrouded yourself in a sacred manner, you drew from the chosen vessel the ineffable, and you fulfilled the same flow of faith, Apostle Timothy, pray to Christ God to save our souls.

Kontakion, tone 1:

Let us all sing of Timothy, the divine disciple and traveler of Pavlov, with faithfulness, and with this we reverence the wise Anastasius, who rose from Persia like a star, and drove away our spiritual passions and bodily ailments.


1 Lycaonia is the southeastern region of Asia Minor. Christianity was planted here by St. the apostle Paul.

2 Lystra is a city in Lycaonia, on its border with Isauria. Now on the site of Lystra is the village of Latik or Ladik.

3 Holy Apostle Barnabas, from the ranks of the seventy apostles, companion of the Apostle Paul on his apostolic travels. His memory is celebrated by the Church on June 11.

4 This is clear from the fact that the Apostle Paul everywhere calls him his son (1 Cor. 4:17; 1 Tim. 1: 2,18; 2 Tim. 1: 2, 2: 1). From this it is also clear that the Apostle Timothy owes his conversion to Christianity to the Apostle Paul.

5 St. Ap. Strength is from the face of the seventy, a disciple and closest collaborator of the holy Apostle Paul. The Church celebrates his memory on January 4.

6 This was on the second apostolic journey of St. Apostle Paul.

7 From Lystra St. Timothy accompanied the Apostle Paul on all his subsequent travels and zealously carried out all his instructions. He accompanied him on his second journey from Lystra to Troas, and from here through the Macedonian cities to Greece - Athens and Corinth. On the third journey. Paul Timothy accompanied him to Ephesus, where the apostle was staying for a long time, and from where the apostle sent him to Macedonia to collect alms and then to Corinth, where the apostle stayed for three years, and he accompanied him in Macedonia and Greece, and accompanied him on the way back to Troas and Asia. Subsequently St. ap. Timothy was with the Apostle Paul in Rome and was imprisoned with him, but was later released. After that, he again accompanied the Apostle Paul on the journey he took to visit the churches of Asia Minor and Macedon; at this time he was ordained bishop of the Ephesian Church, thus becoming the first bishop of the Ephesian Church. During separation from the ap. Timothy St. The Apostle Paul wrote him two letters of a pastoral nature.

8 Dedication to St. ap. Timothy into the pastoral ministry, according to the apostle, was preceded by prophecies about him (1 Tim. 1:18), and the consecration itself was made after a preliminary confession of faith (1 Tim. 6:12), with the laying on of the hands of the priesthood, and he was given a special gift of God’s grace for worthy performance of the duties (1 Timothy 4:12-16) to which he was called.

9 In 60 A.D. St. The Apostle John left Jerusalem, where he remained until the Dormition Mother of God, and preached the word of God in Asia Minor and especially in Ephesus, and thus could directly guide the apostle. Timothy in his pastoral ministry.

10 The Roman Emperor Domitian, a cruel persecutor of Christianity, reigned from 81 to 96.

11 This was in 96. Patmos is a bare, barren, rocky island of the Aegean Sea (Archipelago), southwest of Ephesus, classified as one of the so-called Sporadic Islands.

12 St. Ap. Timothy died a martyr around 97.

13 Memory of St. The Great Martyr Artemy is celebrated by the Church on October 20. Transfer of St. the relics of the apostles: Luke the Evangelist, Andrew the First-Called and Timothy were committed on June 24, 356.

  • Ephesian