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Beautiful unusual names for girls modern list. Beautiful and unusual female names. Vintage names for girls

11.02.2018 Galina Parhomenko

We are glad to welcome you, dear readers. Are you preparing to become the parents of the most beautiful baby in the world? We hasten to congratulate you! Surely you are looking for the best name for your princess. We will tell you which names for girls, rare and beautiful, are the most unusual and amazing.

Let's start with a list of the most beautiful names for girls. Each of you will be able to add your favorite name to it. We will focus on less common options.


These are active girls with a strong will. They always have their own opinion on current events. This name is not in the Orthodox and Catholic calendars, so it does not have a name day.


These are gentle and romantic natures, charming, able to see the good in people.


Impulsive personality with leadership qualities. Straightforward and decisive.


Stubborn, proud, but fair. Household and clean. Good friend.


A girl with this name has a complex character. She is independent and hardworking. Not afraid of difficulties, active, decisive.


Easy to communicate, cheerful, but at the same time purposeful person. Reacts sharply to criticism.


As a child she is not very sociable, but as she matures she becomes more friendly. Artistic, assiduous, obedient.


Delicate and tactful. It is distinguished by tenderness. Girls with this name have good logical thinking and developed intuition.


Caring, loves to please loved ones. Indecisive, needs support and praise from parents and friends.


He has excellent taste and good manners. Emotional, dreamy. Has a penchant for art.


Affectionate and responsive, emotional and impressionable. Values ​​parents' opinions.


The girl is a dreamer and often hovers in dreams. Sociable, capricious, selfish.

The following names are also sonorous and beautiful: Alice, Marianna, Veronica, Kira, Yasmina, Dinara, Valeria, Anfisa, Vlada, Zarina, Lilia, Zlata.

Beautiful Russian names for girls

Among Russian names there are many euphonious and beautiful. In addition to Old Russian names, modified names that came from other languages ​​are also popular.


A girl with this name has a lively mind and intelligence. Disciplined and obedient, but in some situations can be stubborn.


Active, friendly, simple-minded. She is attentive and has a lot to offer. original ideas. Likes to give advice.


Honest and fair, independent and decisive. He is distinguished by high moral and moral principles.


A mischievous little girl, daring and stubborn. He does not like to live by rules and often breaks them. Possesses inner strength and resilience.


Balanced and hardworking personality. Friendly, gets along with people easily. He prefers not to reveal his inner world to strangers.


A kind and unforgiving child. Relies only on herself, is responsible, does not depend on the opinions of others.


An idealist, she knows how to sacrifice to her own detriment. Strives to change the world for the better.


Curious, brave and independent. The main character traits are determination, quick reaction, creative thinking.


Mobile, prefers to act quickly. She is characterized by internal conflicts hidden from prying eyes. He always finishes what he starts.


Adapts well to new conditions and has a rich imagination. Capricious and a little absent-minded.


Energetic, resourceful, with a good sense of humor. Able to show flexibility in order to avoid a conflict situation.


I would also like to note such beautiful Russian names for girls as: Sofia, Varvara, Yulia, Evangelina, Bazhena, Dana, Mira, Galina, Tayana, Olga, Yarina, Rada, Miroslava, Zarina, Ekaterina, Arina, Alina.

Beautiful Muslim names for girls

Female Muslim names have their own flavor. It should be noted that they are also very beautiful and can make the baby stand out from the crowd.


A bright personality, strict but responsive. Always protects and defends the interests of loved ones.


Leadership qualities are combined with pride and arrogance. He sets ambitious goals for himself and does not like to deviate from his plans.


An agreeable character helps to gain the trust and favor of others. However, this is an ambiguous and bright personality.


A sociable child, honest and open. He loves outdoor games and often initiates them.


Nimble and cheerful, loves attention. Jealous, but with a sense of humor. Not distinguished by perseverance.


Fidgety, does not know how to value stability. Loves loneliness, which he perceives as freedom.


The main character trait is reliability. You can always rely on her and entrust an important assignment.


Independent and self-willed, she loves to solve assigned problems. She rarely asks for help, and she herself tries to provide it as a last resort.


She makes friends easily, is cheerful, prefers to think positively. Values ​​friendship.


Frank, affectionate. Loves order, needs approval and care.


An optimist, she always comes to the rescue. She doesn't like being given advice and told what to do.

Here are more beautiful Muslim names for girls: Amina, Tanzilya, Elsa, Yasina, Maysa, Nadiya, Liana, Ilnara, Dilia, Ayla, Almira, Aliya, Denmark, Rozilya.

Beautiful modern names for girls

This is a subtle diplomat, gently and unobtrusively moving towards his goal. She has unconventional thinking, is practical and hardworking.


Sweet, graceful. Strives to create beauty around himself. Curious, good at studying and drawn to creativity.


Reasonable, principled and reserved. Studying is easy. Always achieves set goals.


Does not like routine, is not afraid to take risks. Hospitable, emotional. She is characterized by cunning and ingenuity.


Fearless and impulsive, strives for fame and recognition. She is reasonable, power-hungry, but not devoid of feminine tenderness and sensitivity.

A girl with this name is peace-loving and loves harmony. At the same time, she is inclined to sort things out with loved ones and insists on her own.


Behind the brave and powerful personality lies a sensitive and vulnerable soul. The girl is quite contradictory, proud, and has an analytical mind.


She is characterized by reckless actions that she cannot explain. Hot-tempered, witty and sentimental.


This is a kind girl, ready to help others. Likes to dream, does not know how to insist on his own. Sociable, touchy, but not vindictive.


Groovy and active. Not distinguished by warmth, pragmatic. Despite all this, sensuality is not alien to her.


The following names are also popular: Alicia, Yana, Marianna, Polina, Dina, Vanessa, Alla, Monica, Yuna, Evelina, Agata, Vasilisa, Marina, Victoria.

Beautiful unusual names for girls

What about creativity? There are also plenty of unusual names. Parents, striving for originality, name their daughters: Luna, Vesna, Rossiyana, Joy, Oceana, Kupava. Of course, these are isolated cases, but there are also popular variants of unusual names.

  • Roksolana;
  • Bagheera;
  • Zemfira;
  • Esther;
  • Akulina;
  • Amalia;
  • Aster;
  • Vitalina;
  • Hera;
  • Clarice;
  • Hilda;
  • Edita;
  • Seraphim.

These original names certainly highlight the unique thinking of the girl’s parents. Just don’t forget that the first name must be combined with the surname and patronymic.

If the parents have a Russian surname, then the child should choose an unusual name carefully. Agree, Petrova Zemfira Antonovna sounds, at least, ugly. Don't try to satisfy your vanity at the expense of your child. After all, a baby with this name will go through life, so treat his choice with full responsibility.

Double names

By virtue of various reasons Moms and dads give their children double names. Such a child has a double name on his birth certificate, but in everyday life his relatives most often call him just one. For example, Eva-Evgenia in kindergarten, school and at home will be called either Eva or Zhenya.

Among the double names, the following are popular: Anna-Maria, Alla-Victoria, Salma-Amira, Eva-Valeria. IN double options it is necessary to ensure that one name symbolizes softness and femininity, and the second carries stronger, masculine energy. This is necessary to maintain balance. Two strong names will give a girl’s character a harsh connotation; on the contrary, soft names will make the baby overly sentimental and dependent.

Orthodox names for girls

If you honor traditions and do not like shocking things, then pay attention to the list of Orthodox names. There are also many beautiful ones among them. The most popular names today are: Maria, Sofia, Anna, Lyubov, Ksenia.

You can also consider the following options: Daria, Elizaveta, Varvara, Angelina, Anastasia, Alexandra, Yaroslava, Evgenia, Valentina, Nadezhda, Valeria, Vera, Lyudmila.

You can go another way: choose a name by Orthodox calendar. The baby is named after the saint whose feast day fell on the child’s birthday. It is believed that the saint becomes the patron of the baby; they pray to him for the protection and admonition of the child.

Making a choice

Beautiful names for girls should not only be rare, but also be consonant with their patronymic and surname. How to do it right choice? We invite you to write down your favorite options on a piece of paper. Then match them with your last name and patronymic. Ugly combinations are crossed out. We analyze the remaining options to see how rare this name is. After this, you need to read its characteristics and make the final choice.

If you want your girl to be feminine and gentle, give her an appropriate name. It could be: Alisa, Elina, Snezhana or any other name with soft energy. Do you dream of an independent and active child? They will help you strong names, for example, Violetta, Esfira, Inga. But you should not rely only on the characteristics of names, because the character of a child largely depends on his upbringing.


When deciding what to name your daughter, remember that the name should not only be euphonious and beautiful. The determining factor in making a decision should be the combination with the surname and patronymic. No matter how beautiful the name may be in your opinion, discard it if it causes dissonance with the surname or is absolutely incompatible with the middle name.

Choosing a name for a child is an exciting and touching moment. After all, beautiful names for girls amaze with their diversity. Approach your choice responsibly and thoughtfully. Then your grown-up daughter will tell you: “Thank you for the most best name in the world!"

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When choosing a name for a girl, family disputes and even some disagreements most often occur, because the most important criterion for such a choice, as a rule, is beauty, and, as you know, everyone’s ideas about beauty are different. Beautiful euphonious female names, as a rule, these are the names of beloved women or names that are associated with some extraordinary, beautiful women who have somehow amazed us! It is precisely such names, due to the waywardness of our consciousness, that can seem unusually attractive and harmonious to us.

It happens that foreign-language female names, the global meaning of names we do not always know and understand, can charm us simply with their sound and melody. Don't be afraid or restrain yourself, call it boldly! But, of course, only in those cases when the name you choose for the girl can be perfectly combined with your last name and patronymic. Even if your daughter grows up and marries a man with a not-so-euphonious surname, she will always have the opportunity to remain under her surname. And of course, be sure to try to find out in advance the meaning of such a beautiful-sounding but unfamiliar name. Otherwise, your girl may later find herself in a funny situation, say, if her name is translated from native language will mean something not entirely poetic.

Sometimes, parents simply reduce choosing a name for a girl to studying the most famous, popular or fashionable names at this stage. However, think about it, does it make sense to follow fashion if someday in a kindergarten or school group it turns out that most of the girls will have exactly the same names? But of course, you shouldn’t go to extremes and choose a name for your daughter from extremely rare or even exotic names. Do not forget that your girl will have to live a wonderful, but still very difficult period of childhood, in which any unusualness or non-standard may well give another reason for sometimes evil ridicule.

One of the most successful ways out of the difficult situation of choosing a name for your girl can be a beautiful, unusual, and independently invented female name. Agree, absolutely all modern parents have such an opportunity according to the legislation existing at this stage Russian Federation! However, to begin with, do not be too lazy to familiarize yourself with those beautiful female names, which will be presented on our page. Rest assured, you will definitely be able to find exactly what will suit absolutely all members of your family and will be wonderful both in its sound and, of course, in meaning and meaning!

Choosing a name for a baby is a difficult and responsible task. Thousands of parents every day puzzle over what interesting female names are now in fashion, how not to make a mistake and charge their beloved child with happiness for life. A woman is always a mystery, it is mystery and enchanting beauty, and each country has its own canons. Now they are becoming very foreign origin, Old Slavonic and long forgotten. Perhaps this material will help you choose a destiny for your daughter.

We are for modern fashion!

If you constantly follow trends and don’t miss a single one an important event, then we recommend that you look at the beautiful ones. You won’t have to break your tongue over pronunciation, and, of course, any traditional Russian version goes perfectly with a simple Russian patronymic.

A popular magazine recently conducted a survey. 45 thousand men answered the question about which female name is the most pleasant for them. The top three included Katenka, Victoria and Nastenka. They are followed by Ksyusha, Tanechka and Natasha. Of course, these names always remain in trend and are considered classics. At the same time, many parents prefer to give beautiful female names (modern), rare and mysterious, such as Carmina, Evangeline, Evelina, Ariadne, Camellia.

We are fans of the French genre

It is believed that French ladies have the most melodic names. If we remember famous actresses, they will always be associated with standards of beauty and elegance. It is not surprising that French female names are in fashion here too. In kindergartens you can increasingly see Adele, Camilla, and Violetta. Veronica (with the emphasis on the last syllable) is similar to our Vika - both names mean victory, but have different origins. Irene (by analogy with Ira) is a peaceful and kind soul; Claire - bright style; Sylvia is a forest nymph, Emma is mysterious.

Almost all popular French female names have a complex etymology and were borrowed from other countries. Over time, their pronunciation changed. For example, Jeannette comes from Hebrew and Barbara comes from Ancient Roman. Here are some more interesting options: Vivienne (alive), Giselle (arrow), Josephine (kind), Monica (affectionate), Mary (beloved), Margot (precious), Emmanuel (given by God).

We are the German favorites

German female names always make an impression. Despite the fact that the language of the German people itself is rough, and not everyone likes it, their names are charming. Girls given a German name will certainly enjoy success and the attention of others.

For example, Mirabells are very sensitive and vulnerable people. They make wonderful housewives and faithful wives. But Isolde is a name for a strong personality who will certainly achieve success in her career. Isolde's name translates to "cold gold" and as such she can be dangerous, but only with those who do not value her.

Other popular German female names are: Alma (gracious), Gertrude (warrior, heroine), Hanrietta (noble girl), Iolanta (violet), Frederica (powerful), Emily (rival), Frieda (faithful), Hannah (gifted). In Russia you can often meet Inga, Maryana, Nellie. These names are firmly rooted among us, although they are of Germanic origin.

We are looking east

Eastern women are always a mystery. Arabic female names are associated with the melody of oriental dance, the secrets of the sands and the charm of their owners. The mixing of cultures leads to the fact that in our country Russian girls are increasingly called by traditional Muslim names. And at the same time they grow up happy and loved. Let's look at what Arab women's

Girls Guli, Naili, Kamila are often found. They are beautiful like flowers, respected and merciful. Malika, Jamilya, Laysan sound with rich chords... By naming a child the name Aisha, parents expect that their daughter will grow up smart and obedient, meek and courteous. By the way, this name is of great importance for Muslims. This was the name of the wife of the great prophet Muhammad.

It is not recommended to name girls Fatima. The fact is that all babies are called this before they receive their birth certificate. Most residents Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan and other countries give girls the following names: Jana, Layan, Zafira, Razan, Shahd.

We are for the long forgotten old

Interesting female names of original Russian origin are now surprisingly rare. Why aren't Elena, Vera, and Natalia so sweet? You will be surprised, but it is very difficult to meet modern newborns with such names. But Sofia and Daria meet in almost every ward of maternity hospitals.

Old female names are even less commonly used. Some 100-200 years ago they were heard everywhere among the common people, but now they have lost their former glory. Perhaps someone will like one of these options: Agapia, Agnia, Adeline, Antonia, Vasilisa, Evdokia, Emelyan, Zoya, Zlata, Matryona, Milena, Pelageya, Praskovya, Serafima, Taisya, Raisa, Fevronya, Thekla, Theodora.

Must have the root “mila” or “glory”. For example, Yaroslav, Miloslav, Boguslav, Bogumil, Svyatoslav. This tradition has been preserved since the times of Kievan Rus, because then the name had to have meaning. And more and more familiar to us - Varvara, Sophia, Maria, Julia, Anna came to our country from Ancient Greece and Rome.

Popular female names in Russia

Other common female names

Not included in the top 3, but also interesting female names that occur more often than others, are Ksenia, Ulyana, Varvara, Alexandra, Valeria. Less common are Alina, Arina, Yana, Alisa, Veronica. Lydia, Milana, Vasilisa, Diana, Margarita, Zlata are considered undeservedly forgotten. Such girls are found one in several hundred.


Whatever name you choose for your daughter, be sure that it will be the best, and your sunshine will be the happiest. Interesting female names are just the opinion of one person, but there are no comrades according to taste and color.

Loving and responsible parents, expecting the birth of a child, try to provide for everything - they select a doctor to manage the pregnancy, renovate the children's room, buy a crib.

But one of the most important and exciting moments while waiting for the appearance of your dearest person in the world is choosing a name for your child. When a daughter is born, parents, going through the most tender, most beautiful names for girls, try to choose the most suitable name for their daughter.

The name will accompany a person throughout his life. It will make an imprint on his fate; how exactly the child is named can shape his entire future. Often close relatives and grandparents are involved in choosing a name.

The name is chosen according to the most various criteria, the child is called:

There are common cases when a child chooses what name he will have. For example, responding to a certain name with movements and jolts. Sometimes a child’s name is chosen based on the time of year.

In the times of Ancient Rus', the choice of a child’s name was influenced by certain events - Thunderstorm, Zarya, the attitude of parents towards the child - Zabava, Lyubava, Zhdana, Otrada, as well as the desire of parents to endow their daughter with certain qualities - Bogumila, Lyudmila, Dobroslava, Vsemila, Radosveta.

Even after the spread of Christianity in Rus', for a long time, for a long time, along with the church name he received at baptism, relatives also gave a second name - Old Church Slavonic, to the child, believing that it would help protect the baby from troubles and illnesses.

There was a custom to protect often sick or weak children - parents carried a child out of the hut with sentences that we would take away a child with a certain name, and bring another into the house, who was called by a different, new name.

And in order for the evil spirits to completely lose interest in the baby, in this case they tried to choose a dissonant name - Nesmeyan, Nezhdan, or they called it by a name denoting some animal - Swan, Pike, Magpie.

Choosing a name according to the church calendar

With the advent of Orthodoxy in Rus', the name of the child was chosen by the clergyman, naming the child in accordance with the church calendar. The church successfully fought against pagan rituals and soon church names almost replaced names of pagan origin.

At the sacrament of baptism, the child began to be named, in accordance with the Saints. Saints, or - Prayer Book, this church calendar Orthodox holidays and days of honoring Orthodox saints. By giving the child the name of the saint whose day is close to the baby’s birthday, parents expect that he will protect the child and help him throughout his life.

Using the Prayer Book, parents tried to select not only the most significant names according to the saint, but also to choose the most beautiful names for girls. The day on which the saint after whom the girl is named is honored will become the day of her Angel. Angel's Day does not always coincide with the baby's birthday. The Saints contain over 1,700 names of various saints, both female and male.

When choosing a name for a baby from the Prayer Book, you need to remember:

A double name is given to a girl if she has already been named by a name that is not used in the Saints, unless this name is Orthodox. Or if the priest advises choosing for the girl the name of the saint who is most suitable for her by birth.

Beautiful Orthodox names for girls

List of the most used, most beautiful names for girls according to the Orthodox calendar:

  • January– Ulyana, Anastasia, Susanna, Eva, Elizaveta, Evgenia, Christina, Maria, Antonina, Irina, Polina, Melania, Tatyana.
  • February– Rimma, Avdotya, Anna, Inna, Maria, Ekaterina, Evdokia, Marfa, Ustinya, Olga, Pelageya, Juliana, Agafya, Vasilisa, Svetlana, Sophia, Vera.
  • March– Maria, Olga, Avdotya, Elizaveta, Anna, Serafima, Ustinya, Marianna, Ulyana, Olga, Nadezhda, Raisa, Elena, Natalya Maria, Galina.
  • April– Sofia, Tatyana, Alexandra, Daria, Maria, Galina, Praskovya, Vasilisa, Ulyana, Aglaya, Anastasia, Ulyana, Lydia, Anna, Evdokia, Anastasia, Arina, Svetlana, Antonina, Irina.
  • May– Joanna, Martha, Antonina, Alexandra, Pelageya, Elizabeth, Anastasia, Taisiya, Lukerya, Anna, Maria, Ustinya, Arina, Tatyana, Pelageya, Irina, Avdotya.
  • June– Alena, Anastasia, Elena, Pelageya, Sofia, Maria, Antonina, Vera, Ulyana, Ustinya, Sofia, Tatyana, Anna.
  • July– Anastasia, Pelageya, Ioanna, Maria, Anna, Avdotya, Olga, Elizaveta, Ulyana, Evdokia, Tatyana, Valentina, Alena.
  • August– Maria, Lydia, Anna, Elena, Raisa, Antonina, Avdotya, Irina, Aksinya, Tatyana, Ulyana.
  • September– Love, Raisa, Elizaveta, Tatyana, Seraphima, Natalya, Anna, Marfa, Thekla, Avdotya, Maria, Sophia, Evdokia, Vera.
  • October– Irina, Sophia, Arina, Raisa, Ustinya, Pelageya, Thekla, Taisiya, Maria, Elizaveta, Ulyana, Antonina.
  • November– Elizaveta, Anna, Pelageya, Agafya, Elena, Ulyana, Evdokia, Elizaveta, Anna, Serafima, Ustinya.
  • December– Varvara, Ekaterina, Polina, Maria, Fyokla, Lukerya, Ulyana, Anastasia, Anisya, Vera, Anna, Sophia, Elizaveta.

Choosing a name according to the horoscope

IN modern world Choosing a name based on the horoscope is popular. At the same time, the girl is given a name based on certain character traits inherent in the representatives of the sign under which she was born.

Astrologers believe that a correctly chosen name will not only help a person in the future and determine his destiny, but will also influence the development of his personality, strengthening the owner of the name with the strong qualities of his zodiac sign.

Also, in astrology, great emphasis is placed on the karmic connection of a person with his ancestors, therefore Astrologers recommend naming the baby after a relative with great caution. In their opinion, a child should not be given the name of a relative with an unfortunate fate or with difficult character traits, even if the parents really like the name.

Numerologists, followers of the doctrine of the influence of numbers on universal energy and all manifestations of life, advise when choosing a name to rely on the connection of the name with the karmic number.

Girl names for zodiac signs

Each zodiac sign has its own characteristics and its own temperament.

Before assigning a name to a specific horoscope sign, astrologers draw up a star map, calculating the interaction of names with celestial bodies, their influence, tracking the fates of famous personalities who, according to astrologers, could become famous and influential precisely thanks to the successful combination of a name with their sign. horoscope.

For example, in astrology it is believed that stubborn, rebellious and ambitious Aries are suitable for names that can enhance their individuality and at the same time smooth out some of the roughness of their character - Alexandra, Alisa, Lyudmila, Alena, Anastasia, Bozhena, Alla, Valeria, Nadezhda, Varvara, Svetlana, Olesya.

Persistent, hardworking and thrifty Taurus are suitable for names that can add romanticism to the character of Taurus, daydreaming, such as Beata, Angela, Tatyana, Marina, Nadezhda, Tamara. Names such as Evgenia, Olga, Oksana, Larisa, Margarita, Regina, Elena will add stability and self-confidence to Geminis.

Dreamy Cancers who strive to hide in their cozy shell will be given a bright personality by names such as Natalya, Selena, Lilia, Yana, Victoria, Elizaveta, Diana, Olesya.

For fiery, purposeful Lionesses, names are suitable that fully satisfy their royal needs and at the same time add romanticism and softness to them, these are Ekaterina, Elena, Alexandra, Zhanna, Snezhana, Lyubov, Laura, Rose, Maria. For practical, very sensitive Virgos, names such as Augusta, Diana, Christina, Natalya, Elizaveta, Inessa, Irina, Christina are suitable.

Suitable names for harmonious, gentle and wise Libra are Yana, Natalya, Elena, Svetlana, Veronica, Olesya, Zlata, Violetta, Pelageya, Lilia, Polina. For astute Scorpios who know how to correctly calculate, the names Alevtina, Elizaveta, Alexandra, Agatha, Vasilina, Raisa, Rosa, Diana, Zinaida, Ekaterina, Lyudmila, Lyubov, Svetlana will add self-confidence.

For proud and extraordinary Sagittarius, names such as– Vera, Irina, Oksana, Vladislava, Alisa, Sofia, Stella, Tatyana, Marina, Tamara, Zhanna. For restrained, thrifty and purposeful Capricorns, the names Alexandra, Ksenia, Vanda, Varvara, Maria, Ekaterina, Olga, Natalya, Rimma, Daria, Irina, Dina, Inga, Inna will add tenderness and optimism.

For sociable Aquarians with a sense of humor, suitable names are Anna, Valentina, Galina, Lyudmila, Evelina, Alina, Anita, Svetlana, Larisa. For discerning and faithful Pisces, names such as Raisa, Marta, Natalya, Elena, Rimma, Polina, Maria, Tamara, Nina, Irina, Eva, Lily, Vera are suitable.

Choosing a name by season

When choosing the most desired, most beautiful names for girls from all the available female names in the world, you can use not only the Prayer Book or a horoscope, but the name can be selected according to the time of year the baby was born. The relationship between man and nature is not only enormous, man himself is part of nature.

And of course, the person’s name should also fit into this circle and be in harmony with those natural phenomena that accompanied the birth of the baby. Especially if a girl is born - the same future Mother as Mother Nature.

Girls born in the harsh winter months have perseverance and determination. Cold and short days, few in number sunny days, - all this leaves its mark on the formation of personality and subsequent life cycles.

To soften the harshness of winter and add tenderness and serenity to woman's destiny girls born in winter are given more tender and romantic names - Svetlana, Tatyana, Lyudmila, Marina, Ekaterina, Polina, Melanya, Nina, Inna, Christina.

Girls born in the spring, during the awakening of nature after hibernation, are given names that help them become more decisive, symbolizing health, strength - Christina, Maria, Aurora, Martha, Maya, Vasilisa, Larisa, Daria, Eva, Anna, Irina, Victoria .

Emotional, impressionable and charming girls born in the hot summer months of the year, they need a name that can reduce their impulsiveness, add a touch of moderation and restraint to their generous and hot-tempered nature. For girls born in the summer, names such as Valentina, Sophia, Anna, Yulia, Elena, Nonna, Augusta, Elizaveta, Zhanna, Evdokia, Raisa, Vera are suitable.

Girls born in the autumn months often stand out for their talents and ability to demonstrate their best character traits - prudence, frugality, wisdom.

Such girls are given names that enhance their leadership skills and helping to most fully reveal all their talents - Victoria, Elena, Natalya, Lyudmila, Evgenia, Marianna, Zlata, Irina, Anastasia, Elizaveta, Feodora, Praskovya, Zinaida, Vera, Olga, Alisa.

Choosing a name for a girl according to its meaning

Each name symbolizes a certain meaning - character traits, personal qualities. The history of many names goes back centuries, or even millennia - Alexandra, Cleopatra, Maria. Time-tested, they carry centuries-old folk wisdom. Let us remember what the Indians called the most distinguished members of their society - Sharp Eye, Faithful Hand, Coyote chasing a deer.

The Indians called their girls no less poetic names - Silver Moon, Sweet-voiced Bird, Strong Deer, Mother of Grain. So the names of our modern times, and those that are called from century to century, and new ones that appeared at the dawn of the new millennium, contain a short description:

  • Augusta– majestic, sacred, the name comes from the title of the Roman emperor;
  • Alevtina– “rubbing with incense, alien to evil”, Orthodox Greek name;
  • Alice- noble, noble birth;
  • Anastasia– resurrected, immortal, the name came from Ancient Greece, meaning “return to life”;
  • Apollinaria– literal interpretation of the name – “dedicated to Apollo”;
  • Valentina– healthy, strong, coming from Ancient Rome, it means “to be healthy”;
  • Varvara- “foreigner, savage”;
  • Faith– truth, belief, borrowed from the Greek language, it means “serving God, having faith”;
  • Violet- a Catholic name, literally translated from Latin as “violet”;
  • Galina– this name means peace and serenity, the name of a sea nymph, translated from ancient Greek as “sea surface”;
  • Diana– translated from the ancient Roman language as “divine”, the name of the Goddess of the hunt;
  • Dayana,- Hebrew name meaning "God the Judge";
  • Daria– strong, fiery, victorious, literally translated from ancient Persian as “great fire”, in ancient times the name was given to royal or influential persons;
  • Eve- “life principle, ancestor, life” - this name is literally translated from Hebrew, in modern interpretation meaning “living”;
  • Catherine– a name meaning purity, translated from ancient Greek as “pure, purity”;
  • Elena– meaning “God of the Sun”, having an ancient Greek origin, in the modern interpretation it is translated “bright, light, chosen one”
  • Evgenia– the name is the same, both Orthodox and Catholic, translated from ancient Greek “descendant of a noble family”, meaning “noble, high-born”;
  • Elizabeth– Elisheva, sounding in Hebrew, the Hebrew name is translated “I swear by God”, has a modern interpretation – worshiping God, conjuring by God;
  • Evdokia– the name, which has ancient Greek roots, literally means “incense”;
  • Zinaida– having ancient Greek roots, the name is interpreted as “she is from the family of Zeus”; according to another version, the name means “caring”;
  • Inna– translated from Latin it means “stormy stream”;
  • Irina– the name has ancient Greek roots and means “peace, peace”;
  • Maria– one of the most popular names in all languages ​​of the world, literally means “lady”;
  • Christina– has the interpretation “Christian”;
  • Natalia– borrowed from Latin language, the name means "Christmas";
  • Olga– a name borrowed from the Scandinavian language, the interpretation of the name means “holy”;
  • Raisa– having Arabic roots, the name literally means “leader, important boss”;
  • Sophia– one of the most popular female names, an ancient name ancient Greek origin, means “wisdom”;
  • Tatiana– an old Russian name of ancient Greek origin, the interpretation of the name means “founder”;
  • Yana- having Hebrew roots, the literal interpretation of the name means “the mercy of God.”

Modern popular names for girls

The most beautiful names for girls are often the most popular.

From time to time, a fashion develops for certain names, so at the beginning of the 20th century the most used and frequent names were - Maria, Anna, Evdokia, Anna, Praskovya, Aksinya, and at the end of the same century, the very first lines in the popularity rating of female names were occupied by the names - Elena, Natalya, Victoria, Ekaterina, Tatyana, Marina, Olesya, Olga.

After the revolution of 1917, during the ideology of building a new world, the newly created names turned out to be popular - Oktyabrina, Revolution (Lucia), Leniniana, Dazdraperma (Long live the First of May), Damira (Give a world revolution), Karmiya (Red Army), Iskra ,Energy.

At the beginning of the 21st century, the fashion for ancient maiden names Yaroslava, Elizaveta, Anna, Maria, Daria, Sophia, Evdokia, Anastasia, Praskovya, Ulyana returned.

Modern top-level rankings of female names are occupied by such names as Elizaveta, Sophia, Ksenia, Anastasia, Alisa, Daria, Polina, Ekaterina, Ulyana. The most popular name is the name Sofia, 63 girls out of 1000 are called Sofia, Sofyushka, Sonya.

  1. Sofia;
  2. Anastasia;
  3. Daria;
  4. Maria;
  5. Anna;
  6. Victoria;
  7. Pauline;
  8. Elizabeth;
  9. Catherine;
  10. Ksenia.

Unusual Russian names for girls

Some of the most unusual Slavic Russian names are the names Bazhena and Bozhena.

These two are similar in sound, but still different names, have different interpretations:

  • Bazhena- beloved, sweet, desired, Old Church Slavonic Russian name, literally interpreted as “desired child”;
  • Bozena- gifted by God, Slavic name, borrowed from Byzantium, and by them from Ancient Greece, means “blessed.”

In Rus', they always tried to distinguish a person through a name, and for girls they also tried to choose the most unusual and most beautiful names, but in their meaning, either protecting and protecting her, or endowing her with the necessary personal qualities, or providing assistance in her feminine destiny - creating a family and motherhood:

  • Yarina - dedicated to Yarila, the Old Slavonic God of the sun;
  • Bronislava is a half-forgotten Slavic name in Rus', most popular in the Czech Republic and Slovakia, meaning “glorious with protection”;
  • Vladislava - glorious, possessing glory;
  • Darina is an Old Slavonic name meaning “gift of the Gods”;
  • Zlata is a Slavic name, common not only in the territory of Ancient Rus', but also among many other Slavic peoples, meaning “golden, gold”;
  • Zlatotsveta – “the color of gold”, interpreted as “golden, blooming with gold”;
  • Yaroslava - glorifying Yarila; bright, having bright glory;
  • Lada is a very common name in Rus', meaning okay, sweet;
  • Aelita - appeared in 1923 thanks to the novel by A. Tolstoy, the name literally means “the last visible light of a star”;
  • Lyubava is an Old Slavonic name meaning “giving love”, later used in the form Love;
  • Miroslava - famous for the world, glorifying the world;
  • Radmira is an Old Slavonic name meaning “careful, caring for the world”;
  • Radmila - literally meaning “sweet joy”, interpreted as - sweet joy, joy-bringing;
  • Alena – literally “sunshine” Sunbeam", the name is interpreted as sunny, shining, bewitching;
  • Vasilisa - regal, queen;
  • Vasilina - the literal meaning of “ruler’s wife”, the name was common in the territory of Ancient Rus', in other Slavic countries it has analogues - Vasilika, Vasilitsa, Vasily, Vasilida;
  • Vesela – cheerful; bestowing joy;
  • Svetozara is an Old Slavonic name meaning “illuminating with light”;
  • Yaga is loud, noisy, noisy.

Vintage names for girls

Some of the names that people the same age as pyramids and ancient temples called their daughters have survived to this day. Some of them have undergone minor changes, others have remained unchanged. Although, progress and the development of civilization have done their job and many names that were popular in their good old days remain in handwritten archival volumes, or are mentioned in fairy tales and legends.

Modern ancient names that are still popular today:

  • Alexandra - the name is of ancient Greek origin, meaning “courageous, reliable, protector of people”;
  • Mary is a Hebrew name, literally means “lady”, interpreted as holy, tall (according to another interpretation - bitter, stubborn);
  • Olga is an Old Slavonic name with Scandinavian roots, meaning “saint”;
  • Eve is the “progenitor”, a name considered to be the very first female name in the world;
  • Aurora - morning star, Goddess of the dawn;
  • Helia – the sun;
  • Ada is a Hebrew name meaning "adornment";
  • Ariadne – ancient Greek name, which has the interpretations “the one you really like” and “ faithful wife»;
  • Lola is an ancient Greek name meaning “weed”;
  • Victoria is a name derived from Latin word and meaning “victory”;
  • Evdokia - means “good fame”;
  • Zoe is an ancient Greek name meaning “life”;
  • Muse is a name of ancient Greek origin, literally “Goddess of the Arts”;
  • Nonna is an ancient Egyptian name meaning “pure, dedicated to God”;
  • Olympics - Olympic;
  • Seraphim is a Hebrew name meaning “fiery, burning”;
  • Sarah – the beginning of the race;
  • Faina - translated from Hebrew as “bright”.

Ancient names that are no longer used in modern life:

  • Aglaida – Ancient Greek meaning “brilliant”;
  • Androna is the winner;
  • Dosithea – literally “given by God”, of ancient Greek origin;
  • Kaleria is a Latin name meaning “ardent, hot”;
  • Epistimya – meaning “science, knowledge”;
  • Isis is the ancient Greek name of the Goddess of Fertility;
  • Leonia – meaning “lioness”;
  • Chionia is an ancient Greek name interpreted as “snowy, snow”;
  • Malusha (Mlada) - Old Slavonic, meaning “the youngest girl in the family”
  • Bereginya - protects the home and family hearth, protects it.

Interesting Islamic names for girls

As in Christianity, in the religion of Islam, names have different origins and interpretations. Many of them are borrowed from other cultures - Jewish, Egyptian, Christian.

In Muslim traditions, poetic and flowery speech is welcomed and highly valued, therefore, Islamic names often have beautiful sounds and interpretations. The most popular, most beautiful Islamic names for girls are successfully borrowed by other nations too.

List of the most used and beautiful Islamic names:

  • Amira is an Arabic name meaning "princess":
  • Amal – literally “aspiring”;
  • Gulnara is a common Islamic name of Persian origin, translated as “pomegranate flower”;
  • Leila – weightless, twilight;
  • Rashida – Arabic name, literally “wise”;
  • Jamalia – literally translated as “beautiful”;
  • Chana - the name is of Hebrew origin, interpreted as “grace, strength, courage”;
  • Kamila is an Arabic name meaning “perfect”;
  • Rabab – snow-white cloud;
  • Delfusa - interpretation of the Arabic name means “silver soul”;
  • Jannat is an Arabic name meaning “heavenly abode”;
  • Lamis - the name has the interpretation of “one that is pleasant to the touch”;
  • Asmira – literally – “chief princess”;
  • Dinora - interpretation of the name - “gold coin”;
  • Haifa is a name with Arabic roots and means “slender, beautiful in body.”

Beautiful names for girls by nationality

Each nation has its own unique history of development, its own ethnic group. Customs, legends, and folk tales have their own differences, enriching the common world culture. And each nation has its own special names, created on the basis of the cultural heritage of the ancestors of a particular nationality.


In the Caucasus, special emphasis is placed on the interpretation of the name, since it is believed that the name given at birth will determine the fate of the newborn girl and will influence the continuation of the family.

Girls' names often mean tenderness and purity, purity and fidelity; in the Caucasus it is customary to give girls names of flowers:

  • Varda – literally “rosebud”;
  • Gulfiya - interpreted as “the one that is like a flower”;
  • Gulnaz – translated as “graceful, gentle.” graceful";
  • Rabia - means “Garden of Eden”;
  • Yasmine – literally “jasmine flower”;
  • Sholpan – literally “morning star”;
  • Kamila – meaning perfection.


Ukrainian names for the most part have Slavic roots, many of them are included in the general group with Russian and Belarusian names.

Some names, similar in interpretation, meaning and origin, have their own phonetic features:

  • Ganna (Anna) – meaning “grace”;
  • Alexandra – protector, protector;
  • Mariyka – interpreted as “mistress”;
  • Olesya – literally “forest”;
  • Oksana - having the interpretation of “alien, foreign”.


The diversity of Armenian names is explained by the complex Armenian history and the influence of the ethnic group of other peoples - Parthians, Greeks, Arabs, Slavs - on Armenian culture. Armenian girl names often mean the names of ancient Armenian pagan gods, names of flowers, heavenly bodies, names of ancient queens and other interpretations:

  • Anahit- the name of the ancient Armenian pagan goddess, literally means “breath of goodness and happiness, goodness”, has interpretations - “Golden Mother, Gold-Born, Great Queen”;
  • Asya (Asia)– has the interpretation “passionate, divinely beautiful, beautiful”;
  • Zara– the name has several interpretations, including “lady, dawn, morning dawn”;
  • Lusine– literally “Moon”
  • Karina– a name that also has several interpretations – “the keel of a ship, looking forward”;
  • Armine– a name with ancient Germanic roots and meaning “courageous”;
  • Arus– literally “sunny”.


Poetic and melodic Georgian female names are distinguished by their proud meanings and mean elegance, grace, royalty, chastity:

  • Mary (Mariam) – regal, lady;
  • Elene - a variation of the name Elena, meaning “light, bright”;
  • Shorena – literal interpretation “true”;
  • Mzevinar – translated as “sun”;
  • Lela - nocturnal, night;
  • Zeinabi – borrowed from Arabic, means “decoration”;
  • Medea is the name of the beloved daughter of the king of Colchis;
  • Dariko – literally “gift of God”;
  • Theona – of ancient Greek origin meaning “divine wisdom.”


Chechen names, like most names of the Caucasian group of peoples, are distinguished by their poetic sound.

The names of Chechen girls often have religious meaning, and also denote beautiful female qualities:

  • Aziza – literally “respected, dear”;
  • Aliya – has the interpretation “majestic”;
  • Zainab is the name of the daughter of the Prophet Muhammad;
  • Zuleikha - this was the name of the beloved wife of the prophet Yusuf;
  • Maryam - this was the name of the mother of the prophet Isa;
  • Malika – literally means “angel”;
  • Rukia - the name belonged to the daughter of the Prophet Muhammad;
  • Rashida - interpreted as “prudent”.


Azerbaijani parents give their daughters very poetic-sounding names:

  • Aidan – literally “lunar”;
  • Aigul – translated as “moon flower”;
  • Aigun - this name translates as “lunar day”;
  • Ainur – literally “moon-faced”;
  • Billura – literally “crystal”;
  • Bella - has the interpretation of “beautiful, beautiful”;
  • Gunay – literally “sun and moon”;
  • Zhalya – translated as “morning dew”;
  • Ilakha - has the interpretation of “goddess”.


The names that Kazakh girls are called mostly have Turkic roots. Some names have religious meaning, some have desired personal qualities, some female Kazakh names mean jewelry, flowers, nature.

Kazakh names:

  • Mariam - interpreted as “influential, lady”;
  • Sarah – meaning “progenitor”;
  • Aisha – having Muslim origin, means “ full of life, energetic";
  • Adila - a name of Arabic origin is interpreted as “fair and honest”;
  • Mavlyuda - having Arabic roots, the name is interpreted as “girl”;
  • Marjdan – literally “pearl”;
  • Nargiz – the name means flower;
  • Gulmira - the name has the interpretation of “graceful flower”.


Tatar female names are often formed from the names of a common Turkic language group:

  • Gulnara – means “pomegranate flower”;
  • Abelkhayat – literally “living ode”;
  • Agdalia - has the interpretation of “loyal, honest, most fair”;
  • Agilya - the name has the interpretation of “smart, capable, quick-witted”;
  • Baljan – means “she has a sweet honey soul”;
  • Varida – literally “rose”;
  • Gadila - the name means “honest and fair”;
  • Dalia – literally translated as “bunch of grapes”;
  • Dilfiza – has the interpretation “silver of the soul, silver soul”;
  • Zulfiya – means “beautiful”;
  • Ravilya – literally “teenage girl, young girl.”


The Bashkir language also belongs to the Turkic group; the names of Bashkir girls are also mainly derived from Turkic names and have a common sound and interpretation with other names for this language group:

  • Agilya – literally “smart”;
  • Aziza is a name of Arabic origin meaning “mighty;
  • Guzel - a name of Turkic origin, has the interpretation of “beautiful”;
  • Dinara - the name has the sound “coin made of gold, gold”;
  • Zamira – literally “heart”;
  • Aigul - has the interpretation of “moon flower”;
  • Aisha - this was the name of one of the wives of the Prophet Muhammad;
  • Laysan - literally the calendar month of April, interpreted as “spring rain”;
  • Zilya - interpreted as “pure, purity.”


Beautiful female Turkish names are mostly of Turkic, Persian or Arabic origin. The names given to Turkish girls can mean the day or month of birth, have religious meaning, personal qualities, capable of influencing the development of the character and fate of its owner:

  • Khatizhde is the name of an angel who protects from the evil eye, the literal meaning is “premature child”;
  • Fatima is the name of Muhammad's most beloved daughter;
  • Altyn – literally interpreted as “golden”;
  • Aishe - a name meaning “living, life”, the name was borne by one of Muhammad’s wives;
  • Aida – the name has the interpretation “lunar, on the moon”;
  • Gulgun - the name is literally interpreted as “pink day”;
  • Yulduz – the name means “star”;
  • Esen – literally “windy, wind”;
  • Akgül – literally “white rose flower”;
  • Kelbek - the name is interpreted as “butterfly”;
  • Nulefer – has the interpretation “water lily, water flower”;
  • Sevji – This name literally means “love”;
  • Eke is a name meaning "queen".


Ancient and beautiful Arabic female names have been successfully borrowed by many peoples of the world. The difference between Arabic names is that they can change throughout life, and a girl named at birth with one name will be called by a different name after the birth of the child. The name may also change due to a change in location.

In their interpretation of meanings, women Arabic names denote flowers, nature, character traits, have religious meanings:

  • Aziza is a Muslim name of Arabic origin, meaning “rare, valuable;
  • Amina - mea has a religious meaning, it was worn by the mother of the Prophet Muhammad;
  • Zakira - literal interpretation of “good-natured”;
  • Farida is one of the interpretations of “having incomparable beauty”;
  • Fazilya is a name of Arabic origin, which has the interpretation of “the best, better than others, talented”;
  • Asiya (Asiyat) - the name literally means “healing, comforting”;
  • Saida is a very common Muslim name meaning “happy”;
  • Safiya – literally “pure, true, blessed”;
  • Malika is a name of Arabic origin that literally means “ruling.”


Japanese female names have a rich history and culture of development. Some names are related to nature, meaning blooming crops, flowers.

The other part of the names means seasons, month of birth, character traits:

  • Ayame – means “iris flower”;
  • Arisu – literally “noble”;
  • Izumi is a literal interpretation of the name “fountain”;
  • Akiko – born in autumn;
  • Ai – literally means “love”;
  • Itsu – the name means “charming, delightful”;
  • Yoko – literally “sunny”, has the interpretation “sunny, bright, child of the sun”;
  • Kasumi - means “fog, haze”;
  • Manami - literally interpreted as “the beauty of love”;
  • Mina – the name means “the most beautiful, beauty”;
  • Nara – literal interpretation of “oak”;
  • Natsumi – the name means “beautiful summer”;
  • Oki – literally “middle, heart of the ocean”;
  • Sakura – name means “cherry blossom tree”
  • Hoshi - the name means "star".


American girl names consist of names from many cultures and peoples. The diversity of American culture has led to the fact that some names are variations of the same name.

Basically, American girl names consist of European names, Latin American names, Muslim names, and also have Hebrew, Latin and Celtic origins. American Catholic families often give their girls the names of Catholic saints.

also in American families ancient and upper testament names are used, for the most part falling out of use on other continents:

  • Adriana– a name of ancient Roman origin, meaning “she who is from the shores of the Adriatic”;
  • Anna– the name is one of the most popular American names for girls, meaning “brave”;
  • Dominica– having Latin roots, the name has the interpretation “belonging to the Lord”;
  • Lillian– a name of French origin, has variations – Lily, Lilia, Lilu, Lillian, the name means “lily”, has the interpretation of “blooming”
  • Angela- also one of the most popular American names, has variations - Angie, Angie, Angelina, Angel, Angel, Angela - literally the name is interpreted as “messenger”;
  • VanessaEnglish name, has variations - Nessa, Nessie, Vanetta, Vanetta, is considered invented by the writer Jonathan Smith, according to another version it means the deity Fanet;
  • Evgenia– found in American Catholic families, literally means “high-born”;
  • Lucia- a name of Latin origin, has variations - Lucia, Lucinda, Lucia, Cindy, Lucita, Lucia and others, literally means “light, radiance”;
  • Mayan– a name with ancient Greek roots, the name belonged to the goddess of fertility;
  • Maria- one of the most common female American names, has variations - Mary, Marie, Marya, Maryam, Miriam and others, the Hebrew name is interpreted as “high-ranking lady”;
  • Patricia– has variations Pat, Patsy, Pat, Pate, Patricia, Patricia and others, literally means “noble”;
  • Sarah- a biblical name, which has interpretations of “noble lady, princess, high-born, ancestor of a noble family”;
  • Helen- also one of the most commonly used American names, has variations - Elena, Helen, Helen, Ellen and others, meaning “chosen, bright, illuminated”;
  • Chloe- has variations of Cloy, Chloe, Chlorinda, Clorinda and others, meaning “greening”.


The names given to girls in English families are diverse and consist of names of several language groups - Celtic, Scottish, Old Germanic, Norman names, Latin language group names:

  • Alexandra– more popular in English families in the masculine version, meaning “protector, courageous”;
  • Victoria– one of the most popular English names, has a Latin origin meaning “victory”;
  • Belinda– having Latin roots, the name is interpreted as “sweet, lovely”;
  • Gabriella– having variations – Gabi. Gabri, Gabi, Gabriel, considered to be derived from male name Gabriel, interpreted as “God’s helper”;
  • Diana– one of the most common English names for girls, the name of the goddess of the moon and the hunt;
  • Juliana– having variations Julie, Julia, Gillian and others, is considered a derivative of the name Julia, has the interpretation of “fluffy, curly, having curls”;
  • Elizabeth– also one of the most popular names in England, has variations Elizabeth, Isabella and others, the name means “dedicated to God”;
  • Caroline- from ancient German it is literally interpreted as “queen”, has variations - Carol, Carlota, Carey, Caroline, Carrie and others;
  • Maria– more popular in English variations Mary, Mariline, Marilyn, meaning “mistress”;
  • Olivia– of Latin origin, literally interpreted as “olive tree”;
  • Rose– having variations – Rose, Rozana, Rosalia, the name means rose flower;
  • Florence– the name, which has Roman roots, is interpreted as “blooming.”


The names that Italians give to their newborn girls are considered the most beautiful and melodious in Europe. According to the existing centuries-old tradition, names were passed down “by inheritance” from generation to generation and were considered family names.

The bulk of female Italian names are of ancient Roman and Latin origin:

  • Augustine– interpreted as “imperial”;
  • Alexandra– meaning “protector”, a variation of the name Alexander;
  • Beatrice– the name is of Latin origin, meaning “blessed, happy”;
  • Angelica– having a literal interpretation of “angelic”;
  • Victoria– one of the most common names not only in Italy, but throughout Europe, means “victory”;
  • Violet– an old Latin name with variations Violet, Viola, Violanta and others, literally meaning “violet”;
  • Justina– having variations Justine, Ustinya, Justina, the name of Latin origin means “fair”;
  • Julia– having variations Juliana, Julie, Julia, Juliana, Julia, Julia and others, interpreted as fluffy, curly”;
  • Isabel– the Italian variation of the name Elizabeth has gained popularity far beyond Europe, meaning “dedicated to God”;
  • Constance– a derivative name from Constantine, the ancient Greek name has the interpretation “persistent, constant”;
  • Silvia– a name of Latin origin, meaning “forest”.


In Spain, at birth, a child is given two surnames at the same time - the father's and the mother's. The choice of name for newborn girls is based on compliance family traditions, names with religious significance are widely popular. Spanish female names are considered very beautiful and melodious not only in Spain itself, but also in countries located on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean.

Spanish names:

  • Maria– one of the most common female names in Spain, revered in religious overtones;
  • Angelica– a variation of the name Angelica, is widespread in Latin American countries and is interpreted as “angel, angelic”;
  • Antonina– has variations Antoinette, Antonia, the name has the interpretation “worthy of praise”;
  • Gertrude- of ancient Germanic origin, has variations - Gretta, Henrietta;
  • Isabel– has variations Isabel, Isabella, has a religious meaning “dedicated to God”;
  • Iness– the ancient Greek name has the literal meaning of “lamb”, and is largely interpreted as “innocent”;
  • Clarice– an ancient Greek name, is the second name of Artemis, meaning “clear, fair, fair-haired”;
  • Katarina– which is a variation of the name Catherine, has become widespread not only in Spain, but also in other Spanish-speaking countries;
  • Ophelia– a name of Greek origin is interpreted as “help”;
  • Pauline– interpretation of the name “modest”;
  • Eleanor– has ancient Greek roots, is widely popular among Spanish female names, and has the meaning “mercy, compassion”;


The tradition of giving a newborn several names at once is very popular in France, providing her with the protection of different saints. The French consider this tradition not only useful, but also practical, allowing a person, for certain reasons, to choose another name as the main one from a long list of his own names.

Many French names are considered the most beautiful names for girls

The French language has many compound names; the names of Catholic saints are popular. According to another tradition, the first daughter is given the name of her grandmother as her main name.

Currently, French female names have been successfully replenished with borrowed short names from other language groups:

  • Eva is one of the most popular modern female names in France, a name of biblical origin, interpreted as “progenitor”;
  • Henrietta - a variation on the name Henrietta of Germanic origin;
  • Sasha is a borrowed Russian name, interpreted as “protector”;
  • Nadya is also a borrowed Russian name;
  • Aurora – of Latin origin, meaning “morning star”;
  • Angelica - interpreted as “angel, angel-like”;
  • Adele – borrowed from the ancient Germanic language, meaning “noble”;
  • Claire - a variation of Clarice, meaning the goddess Artemis;
  • Jacqueline - the name has interpretations - “displacing, overtaking”;
  • Diana is one of the most common female French names and has the interpretation “divine”;
  • Anna is one of the most popular female names in France, meaning “brave”;
  • Louise is also very popular name, which has the interpretation of “famous battle”;
  • Natalie - having the interpretation of “Christmas”;
  • Sophie - a variation of the name Sophia, an ancient Greek name, meaning “wisdom”;
  • Emily is a name of ancient Greek origin, literally meaning “strong, strong.”

Rare names with interesting meanings for girls

Some names that have a rare and beautiful sound are not used so often, like others and are rare:

  • Venus is a beautiful old name of Latin origin, meaning “love”;
  • Olympics – having the interpretation “Olympic”;
  • Palmyra – the name literally means “palm tree”;
  • Juno is a name of Greek origin, the goddess of marriage and love was named by it;
  • Miya – meaning “rebellious”;
  • Artemis is a name that means “whole, inviolable, unharmed,” belonging to the goddess of the hunt;
  • Vesnyana – literally means “spring”;
  • Dahlia - the owner of the name is called the meaning of the flower;
  • Hera is the literal translation of “lady.”

By choosing the most beautiful, most unusual name from the rarest names for girls, parents can be sure of its comparative individuality for their child. And then the bearer of such a name will not only always be in the center of attention, but will also have a chance to make a bright statement about herself in any new team.

True, here too one should observe the “golden mean”, and when calling a girl with a rare and unusual name, try to choose a really beautiful-sounding name for her. Whichever beautiful name would not have been chosen for a newborn girl, for the development of her character and happy destiny, first of all, the love and care of her parents is needed.

Video on the topic: beautiful names for girls

A selection of beautiful, rare and unusual names for girls:

TOP 10 most unusual and beautiful names for girls:

It is very difficult to overestimate the importance of a name in a person’s life. Even in ancient times in Rus' they knew that by naming a child we influence his fate. After all, each name has its own secret, sacred meaning. Therefore, it is necessary to approach such a serious step with all responsibility. Let's find out in detail what rare and beautiful names for girls will help them in the future: to be happy, avoid trouble, find love and simply find their way.

Ancient Slavic female names

The Old Slavonic name book included many names, unfortunately, most of them are irretrievably lost. But still, the brightest and strongest of them have reached us. After all, the ancient Slavs believed that a woman was, first of all, the keeper of the home. The energy information program in such names is only positive, bringing love, kindness, devotion, care and affection into the world. Therefore, their owners are usually happy in family life.

List among the ancient Slavs and their description:

  • Arina and Yarina. Divine, dedicated to the sun . Bright, cheerful and easy-going. Differs in independence with early years, always stands out among its surroundings. Lucky in marriage, knows how to create home comfort.
  • Bazhena, Bozena. Beloved, desired, long-awaited child . Such a girl will be lucky and considered the darling of fate. Has a variety of creative talents.
  • Vesta, Veta. Good news. In Slavic mythology, the goddess of the hearth. Original, intellectually developed, analytical mind. A caring mother and a good housewife.
  • Vladislav.Owns the fame. Lively and purposeful nature. Always and in everything she tries to be the best, a leader. Confident in own strength and achieves success.
  • Darina, Daria.Gift of the gods, bestowed . A friendly and very active girl. Likes sport. She is smart and has feminine cunning. Knows his strengths and uses them.
  • Zlatoslava. Golden glory. Proud and unapproachable, very insightful. He understands people well and can manipulate them. This name gives the desire for perfection in everything.
  • Lada. Dear, okay, wife . In Slavic mythology, the goddess of spring, love and beauty. Such girls grow up to be sensual and emotional, but at the same time they are stubborn and determined. They are enterprising and achieve their goals.
  • Malusha.Small. Kind-hearted and friendly, with a rich imagination. Amazing intuition, always chooses the right course of action. Artistic. Often achieves a high position in society and financial well-being. Happily married.
  • Miroslava.Glorious in peace, glorifying peacefulness. A very decent girl who respects traditions. But at the same time he is an active, persistent and strong-willed person. He has a very flexible intellect.
  • Milan. Dear everyone.Authoritarian, hardworking, clearly follows the chosen direction. He chooses a partner with similar goals as a companion and achieves them together with him. Values ​​the circle of close people.
  • Glad. Joy, fun. She is optimistic and has a cheerful disposition. She dances and travels a lot. Charming and elegant, femme fatale. This name ensures happiness in marriage.
  • Snezhana. White as snow.A person of fine mental organization, a vulnerable and sensitive personality. She is sociable and strives to help people. Honest, charming, tactful and responsible, involved in charity work.
  • Yaroslav.Bright, glorious with vitality. Very active and inquisitive nature. Stubborn, but admits her mistakes. She knows how to create coziness; you will always feel warm and comfortable with her. Much loved by my husband

Russian female names

With the advent of the Christian faith, new maiden names, mainly of Greek origin, came into use. Today, they are so familiar and widespread among us that we have long considered them originally Russian. In Byzantium, a mixed nomenclature was formed due to diplomatic and cultural ties. It is based on Syrian, Slavic, Persian, Greek, Latin, Germanic, English, Egyptian and other roots.

List of suchrare and beautiful names for girls with description:

  • Agatha. Good, endowed with good. Persistent and firm in desires. Ambitious and endowed with a thirst for learning. Strives to build a family nest. There is peace and comfort in her home.
  • Vasilisa, Vasilina. Royal, ruler. A very energetic and determined girl. Resourceful, captivating storyteller different stories, often uses humor. Loving mother and wife.
  • Varvara. Double protection. Calm and reasonable, tolerance is an important part of her character. Drives his fans crazy. She is prudent and achieves her goals.
  • Elizabeth. God-honoring, my god is an oath. She is balanced and brings things started to a victorious end. The most valuable thing for a person with this name is family. A cunning coquette, attracts attention.
  • Fun. Delight, joy. She is characterized by openness and sincerity. Generous and diplomatic personality. Unsurpassed and without equal competitors. Often holds leadership positions. The marriage is going well.
  • Zoya. Life itself. Strong-willed, always balanced, stable psyche. Able to extinguish any negativity and conflicts. Intuitively discerns people's intentions. Personal relationships always work out well. A wonderful wife and mother. He manages the house wisely.
  • Inessa, Inna. Innocent, flow, swim. Smiling, calm and persistent character. Feminine appearance and masculine core. Hospitable, exemplary hostess.
  • Christina. Christian. Smart, agile, with a good memory. Makes every decision thoughtfully. Smoothes out conflicts, yields to her lover, and therefore always finds mutual understanding with him.
  • Melania, Melania. Dark, with black hair. Tender, affectionate, seductive, femme fatale. Constantly changing. Creatively gifted, inclined to study foreign languages. Loves adventure and novelty. A highlight in any team. Communication is her strong point.
  • Olga.Holy, wise, receiving greatness. Strong-willed, developed mind and great efficiency. Fighter, with strong character. Looks after appearance. A highly moral nature, she will marry the best chosen one.
  • Taisiya, Taya.Fertile, dedicated to Isis. Determined and uncompromising, she makes a dizzying career. She is surrounded by gentlemen everywhere, but she makes her choice for a long time and consciously.
  • Faina.Shining, shine. Friendly and responsive, inclined to run her own business. Her name inspires a passion for the culinary arts, she is clean, and adored by her husband.
  • Julia, Ulyana.Fluffy, curly, everyone cares. Extremely sociable, creative, extraordinary personality. She has a flexible intellect, strong intuition, and is gifted with many talents. Vulnerable, reads a lot. Lives in perfect harmony with her husband

Popular names for girls

Modern rare and beautiful names for girls, are very relevant in our country. Fashion for them is changeable and cyclical. Some of the names are Slavic, others are of foreign origin. Still others are recently fictitious names, based on the heroines of best-selling books, films and songs.

List of popular female names in recent years:

  • Aurora. Dawn, morning dawn. Developed imagination and intuition. Inner peace is important to her and she will strive for harmony in everything. Often hides his feelings. The profession will most likely be related to creativity.
  • Anastasia.Resurrected, return. Trusting, kind, does not hold grudges. A craftswoman, she loves cleanliness and order. A strong-willed person who defends his rights. Caring, faithful wife and mother
  • Anna.Bravery, grace. Uncompromising and truth-loving, radiates kindness. Tirelessly builds its nest. Honest and devoted to her husband.
  • Victoria.Victory. An agile, cunning and stubborn, but at the same time shy and timid person. A girl with this name is able to be frank and honest with her partner.
  • Veronica, Vera. Bringing victory. Smart and reasonable, practical person. Shows intelligence and soberly assesses the situation. The marriage is going well.
  • Eve.Giver of life. Strong-willed character, controls himself in any situation. Increased level intelligence. Affectionate, gentle and cheerful with her husband.
  • Catherine.Pure, immaculate virgin. A real dreamer, she easily makes friends and admirers. Tactful, well-mannered, with exquisite taste. Carefully chooses a life partner.
  • Ksenia, Ksyusha.Guest, wanderer. Attractive, sincere, fighting injustice. She has very flexible intellectual abilities and sharpened intuition. She is demanding of her partner and seeks protection in him.
  • Lilya, Lilia. White flower.Dreamy and inventive, quirky and quick-witted nature. She is driven by interest in everything that happens around her. Gives loved ones warmth.
  • Maria.Desired, serenity. Affectionate, balanced and mysterious, with a strong spirit. She is attracted to everything original and avant-garde, exclusive. Radiates warmth and attention around him.
  • Ocean.Deep water. The name appeared recently. A strong, decisive personality, capable of moving mountains for the sake of his goals. Family is the most important thing in her life; she prefers to spend all her free time with her.
  • Sofia, Sofia. Wise, science.Active and receptive, strives to be in time and learn everything. Loves to be the center of attention. Capable of heroic deeds for the sake of her family.
  • Elsa.Divine, cold oath. Passionate and independent, determined nature. He can achieve a high position in society and open his own business. Responsible housewife.

Foreign female names

All countries have interesting and unusual names. Now they are gaining popularity, and some have long been adopted into everyday life and become familiar to our ears. Most of them have close roots with the Slavic peoples.

List and description rare and beautiful names for girls :

  • Adele, Adeline.Noble, from a noble family . Independent, calm, modest, reads a lot. He knows how to win people over. Affectionate and faithful companion.
  • Astrid. Passionate, star. Brave, courageous, active, able to solve any problem. The bearer of this name exhibits psychic abilities. Loves family.
  • Belinda, Bella. A lovely, bright linden tree. Charming, elegant, has exquisite taste. Strives for stability, loves order. Adheres to generally accepted moral values. Lucky in marriage.
  • Diana, Dina.Divine, bringing justice. Endowed with very great energy. Copes with all matters, logical thinking is developed. At the same time, she is a deep and sensitive person. After getting married, she finds peace and harmony in her soul.
  • Inga. R waiting under protection. One of the names of the Scandinavian god of fertility and abundance, an analogue of the male name Ingvar. Easily absorbs all information. She believes in fortune telling and knows how to cast her own spells. A devoted wife, she skillfully raises children.
  • Kira. Lady, mistress, ray of light. Practical, hardy and reasonable character. She is insightful, reliable, and can catch luck by the tail. A brilliant mind and flexibility of thinking are her reliable assistants. Will achieve success in his career. She will become caring and affectionate in relationships, and harmony will reign in her home.
  • Cornelia, Nellie.Weapons made of wood. An expert in conquering and seducing those around her. Comprehensively developed, with a rich inner world. Wants to be in the center of events. A pleasant and cheerful woman.
  • Linda, Melinda. Beautiful, blooming linden tree. He enjoys reading and collecting. He stands out for his intelligence and upbringing. A favorite at work and among friends.
  • Martha. Mentor, hostess. Solid, balanced, business woman. The name gives a good reaction, she will not miss the right moment. Strives for a strong marriage.
  • Melissa.Honey bee. Charming, brings good luck to others. Independent and scrupulous, but at the same time a sweet and sociable person. Values ​​family above all else.
  • Margarita.Pearl. Pearl. Straightforward, self-critical, constantly improving. Honest and courageous, devoid of selfishness. Determined and businesslike, successful in her career. A faithful and reliable friend, she will charm anyone.
  • Nicole, Nika. Conqueror of nations. Mysterious, charming, with many friends. Tender and sentimental, from childhood she dreams of marriage with a handsome prince. Can be implemented in any field.
  • Olivia.Olive tree, olive. Noble and sociable, finds mutual language with any person. Has a negative attitude towards deception and hypocrisy. The husband must meet her needs.
  • Frida.Peace and quiet. She seems modest and reserved, but she is smart and independent, and is liked by others. A person with a strong will and fine mental organization.
  • Elvira, Elya.All-truthful, protecting everyone. Decisive and stubborn, defends her own point of view. Doesn't betray friends. Dedicates himself to his wife and children.

There are many ways to determine a suitable Russian name for a child: according to the Orthodox calendar, according to the zodiac sign, following the laws of numerology. First of all, choosing rare and beautiful name for girlyou should make sure that it is compatible with the patronymic. And most importantly: when deciding what to name your baby, trust your heart.

Write in the comments what you want to name your child)