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The most popular boys' names in the ranking. Will the name of a newborn boy determine his fate?

Having learned about the good news that will soon appear new little man, the parents first begin to look for a name for him. Names for boys in 2019 leave a serious imprint on the fate and life of the child, so you should approach your choice carefully.

Names for boys 2019 by month:

  • January: Nikita, Kirill, Artem, Pavel, by Orthodox calendar: Sebastian, Philip, Naum, Fedor, Semyon, Vasily, Benjamin, Proclus, Anton, Mark;
  • February: Boris, Roman, Gregory, Yuri, according to the Orthodox calendar: Luke, Porfiry, Valerian, Akim, Vlas, Hippolytus, Pankrat, Valery, Vsevolod;
  • March: Matvey, Yaroslav, Danil, Alexey, Leonid, Vasily, according to the Orthodox calendar: Venedikt, Rostislav, Gerasim, Konstantin, Trofim, Nikandr, Julian, Taras, Kuzma, Evgeniy, Ilya, Arkady;
  • April: Ivan, Nikolai, Peter, Zakhar, Danil, Philip, Samson, according to the Orthodox calendar: Aristarchus, Niphon, Nikon, Artemon, Radion, Gabriel, Benjamin, Alexander, Artem, Egor, Sofron, Makar, Innocent;
  • May: Gregory, Vitaly, Konstantin, Sergei, Denis, Anatoly, Gleb, according to Orthodox: Modest, Severin, Eremey, Panfury, Ignat, German, Pakhom, Nikodim, Pimen, David, Boris, Kuzma, Efim;
  • June: Tikhon, Dmitry, Mikhail, Semyon, Konstantin, Fedor, Alexey, Vladimir, Nikita, according to the Orthodox calendar: Yan, Gabriel, Fedot, Nazar, Khariton, Elisha, Fedot, Ephraim, Arseny, Savva, Karp, Sylvester;
  • July: George, Stanislav, Roman, Stepan, Ivan, Valentin, Artem, Pavel, according to the Orthodox calendar: Gleb, Fedot, Ipaty, Samson, Demid, Julius, Thomas, Evsey, Demyan, Gury, Anton, Terenty, Yakov, Andrey;
  • August: Boris, Vladimir, Konstantin, Denis, Yuri, Maxim, Dmitry, Philip, according to the Orthodox calendar: Ermolai, Polycarp, Naum, Christopher, Markel, Seraphim, Evdokim, Arkady, Prokhor, Makar, Clement, Gury;
  • September: Denis, Timofey, Ilya, Gleb, Andrey, Valery, Ivan, Nikolai, Victor, according to the Orthodox calendar: Fadey, Porfiry, Pimen, Athanasius, Christopher, Fedot, Nikandr, Veniamin, Julian, Lukyan, Arkhip, Akim, Thomas;
  • October: Nikita, Nikolay, Alexander, Georgy, Maxim, Oleg, Fedor, according to the Orthodox calendar: David, Kasyan, Nazar, Gury, Igor, Erofey, Tikhon, Kuzma, Veniamin, Martyn, Innocent, Radion, Mark, Konstantin;
  • November: Vasily, Andrey, Dmitry, Artem, Vasily, Evgeny, Anton, Arseny, Egor, according to the Orthodox calendar: Zinovy, Ignatius, Maximilian, Hilarion, Nikon, Demyan, Osip, Zinovy, Fedot, Orestes, Vikenty, Rodion, Victor, Irakli;
  • December: Nicholas, Vasily, Artem, Kirill, Pavel, Stepan, Yaroslav, according to Orthodox: Tryphon, Valerian, Procopius, Vsevolod, Filaret, Nikon, Sophron, Modest, Spiridon, Adrian, Leo, Orestes, Paramon, Naum, Arkady, Savva .

Also look at just in case and how to celebrate.


Fate is right popular

Important points when choosing

Having chosen the option you like, see how it sounds with the middle name of the baby’s father; if the phrase turns out to be complex and inconsonant, then it is better to choose something else. The options for the coming year are not very different from the trends of past years, but it still remains relevant to choose a convenient and simple option.

It should not cause discomfort or problems with pronunciation, otherwise you risk creating a lot of problems for your child.

The option you choose will also determine many of the child’s character traits; it is very important to know what qualities the bearers of this name have. Also keep in mind that what you choose will later be passed on to your grandchildren, so take care about the consonance of the name as a patronymic.

The tendency to name a child after the father or mother has long become irrelevant. You should not give in to monotony, create repetitions, like Andrei Andreevich, Konstantin Konstantinovich, etc. Names for boys in 2019 of such a sequence are prohibited. Moreover, by giving your son the name of his father, you risk developing self-doubt in the child on a subconscious level.

In addition, along the lines of the child’s character, his individuality is completely erased; he begins to perceive himself completely differently, only as a copy of another person. This step of yours will greatly affect the baby and may develop irritability and emotional instability of character.

Names for boys in 2020 exclude the option of naming a newborn in memory of long-dead people, close family friends, girlfriends, and relatives. Even if these people meant a lot to you, you should not transfer the unfortunate fate to the life of your child. Spend more time searching, find an original, harmonious, consonant option. He will be his business card in life, so the frivolous approach should be immediately discarded.

Top 5 most popular male names

Options Meaning
Artem This option is considered one of the most popular. It means the word “unharmed.” Artem always achieves success, loves to defend his opinion, which causes either hostility or strong sympathy from other people. He has a logical mind and always strives to achieve new heights.
Alexander Alexandras most often grow up as sickly boys, but with age they become strong healthy men. They know how to achieve their goals, win, and cannot stand criticism. They grow up to be gallant men and excellent fathers.
Maksim The most popular boy's name according to the church calendar. The owners of this name are very hardworking, hard-working, but not assertive. They have good willpower and are phlegmatic. They know how to understand people, they are always polite and courteous.
Ivan Guys with this name have a very complex character, which not everyone is able to discern and understand. Very trusting, flexible and purposeful. They have a gentle nature and are extraordinary in their judgments. They love their family very much and never forgive betrayal.
Michael One of the most popular names of 2019. The owner of the name Mikhail has a kind nature. They are very sociable and always achieve great success in their careers. They do not take criticism well, but they can easily navigate any situation and love animals. They cannot stand loneliness, so they like to spend all their time with their family and loved ones.

Rare options

The most rare names for boys in 2019 are very diverse. If you are looking for a truly original and rare nickname for your baby, then you should take a closer look at such options as Demid, Mirat, Nolan. The list of rare names can be continued endlessly; this will also include Evsey, Elman or Vataliy. You are unlikely to find such names among close friends.

Most modern people still cannot move away from the framework established by society and are unlikely to decide to name their child Stefan or Erich, but this does not mean at all that they sound bad or will not suit your baby. This is only your decision, do not force yourself into a framework. There are so many beautiful rare names that sound great and would be a good option.

How to name your son beautifully

Options for boys in 2019 are not much different from previous years. To choose the right one for born baby in the year of the rooster, it is best to look for suitable options specifically for this year. Each parent bases their choice on their personal priorities, but taking into account the temperament of the coming year is also very important.

An excellent option for a boy born in 2019 would be Nikolai, Artem and Mark. If you are looking for something rare and unusual, then Milad, Auror or Valerian are suitable for the coming year. There are also popular church options for believers every year. For 2019, these are Matvey, Thomas and Nikifor. Also find out and.

One can only envy modern parents - the choice of male names is simply huge, for every taste. But on the other hand, a logical question arises: how to choose from all this diversity the only name that will reflect the character and predetermine the fate? Having at hand a list of rare and beautiful names for boys 2017 by month, the task is greatly simplified, however, there are many nuances in solving it, which will be discussed below.

Gone are the days when names were chosen at random, simply based on their euphony or following a popular fad. Now parents are thinking more and more about the meaning of the name, the meaning embedded in it. And that's really right. It is also true that many fathers and mothers are increasingly paying attention to ancient Russian, Slavic versions, which may be a little unusual to modern ears, but so dear to the heart and also very fashionable now.

Elisha, Yaroslav, Radomir, Bogdan - does it really smell like something familiar and familiar? Moreover, little Elisha will show a craving for creativity from the very beginning. early age, Zakhar will be kind and responsive to the suffering of others, and Alexander will grow up to be a real man, a protector and supporter of his family.

Tip: Selecting Russians popular names For boys, we remember that the trend of going back to the roots is now very popular. Originally Slavic names, pleasant to the ear, become a choice for everyone more parents.

With mind and heart

If you are expecting a new addition to your family and you already know that it will be a boy, it is better to take care of choosing a name for him in advance. There is still time, and it will be possible to approach this responsible matter with all seriousness. Before you start looking for modern names for boys in 2017 that are relevant in Russia, we advise you to take a closer look at some tips that will be very useful when you are faced with the difficulty of choosing.

So, to begin with:

  • We tune in to a positive mood, trying to understand exactly in which direction the search will go - do you want to choose fashionable and modern name or rare antique;
  • We immediately exclude the possibility of borrowing the names of tragically deceased relatives or close people with an unfortunate fate. The same applies to the great martyrs who suffered for the faith - there is a danger that the child will have to endure a similar fate;
  • We pay attention to the consonance with the surname and patronymic. The name chosen for the baby should under no circumstances sound comical, as in the future it may become an inexhaustible source of mockery from school pranksters;
  • If necessary, we consult with relatives whom we trust, in case their proposal turns out to be truly sensible.

Names for boys by month - a great hint

A really good help in choosing a name for boys in 2017, like many centuries ago, can be the Orthodox Months, or, in other words, the Saints. Previously, children were named exactly in accordance with this book, and parents simply chose the name they liked best from several suggested by the priest. This was done simply - by date of birth. It turned out that on one day several saints were venerated at once, and on another - not a single one. Then, in the second case, they chose the closest date of birth of a saint and named it after him. Most often it was the 8th day when it was allowed to name the baby or the 40th day of christening. If it turned out that the day of the patron saint was celebrated several times a year, then the name day was celebrated on the closest date to the child’s birthday.

Now all these subtleties may not be observed, and parents can even give the child a double name - one secular, the other according to the church calendar. Now this is not forbidden, but on the contrary, it is even considered that it provides the owner of such a double name with additional protection.

If you are looking for beautiful and popular names for boys in 2017 in Russia, then there is simply no better way than to look at the list below, detailed for each month. This list contains the most interesting options, both well-known and those that are almost never used, but this does not make them less original and euphonious.




When you always have Russian fashionable clothes provided by us at your fingertips male names month by month, you will be able to make an informed and sweet choice. Well, if you don’t find such an option on the list, if you wish, you can always ask for a more expanded list by doing this directly in the church. However, while paying tribute to traditions, do not fall into the old days, maintaining contact with reality. Modern people experience some difficulties in communicating with a person with a too archaic name like Akaki.

2017 is the time when history and modernity meet, turn to the memory of your ancestors, do not hesitate to call your son Potap, Mark or Trofim. Continue the history of your family in sonorous names that create a wonderful tandem with your surname.

Usually, long before the baby is born, future parents think about what to name it. Does it seem so complicated? Give a name and that's it.

But in reality it turns out that not everything is so simple. The fact is that the name, just like the date of birth, can predetermine certain character traits. And this already has great importance. Also, let's not forget what year the baby will be born. Next year's lord is the Rooster. Considering all these components, it is worth thinking about what better name come up with something for a boy in 2017. What are beautiful and rare or, conversely, relevant today?

Let's start with the character that will be given to those born in the coming year. The rooster loves to show off. This is a bright individual personality. Therefore, you can expect pedantry and narcissism from boys. Of course, you need to develop the right approach to the child. Then in the future these tendencies will not develop into self-centeredness and narcissism. Everyone needs praise. But in our case, it’s not worth going overboard with it.

IN next year very talented children will be born. They will be endowed with a love of creativity: drawing, music. They will strive to play sports. The boys will succeed wherever possible. Therefore, parents need to pay special attention to ensure that a little bit of everything doesn’t work out, and nothing is really good. We must try to determine his desires and pave his way to this. But the problem may be that it is not so easy to understand what the child really likes.

At school the boy will show good intellectual data. However, in behavior, unfortunately, everything will not be so rosy. His leading position can cause conflicts with teachers, peers, and even the weaker sex.

If a boy in adolescence develops an interest in farming, let him help in whatever he wants. Give him responsibilities. Then useful skills will transfer into adulthood.

Names for “winter” boys in 2017

What traits do these guys have? They are usually prudent and self-possessed. However, they have outbursts of rudeness. But they try to keep their emotions under control. This is why guys may seem too harsh and cold. Because of this, they have problems communicating with the weaker sex. Stubbornness and determination are their typical traits. If a man wants to do something, he will definitely achieve it. He has no illusions about life. The guy will quickly make a career for himself.

Artem- one of the suitable names for “winter” boys in 2017. Artem will be softer and more sociable. But his strong qualities will become even greater. This relates, first of all, to perseverance and determination.

Another a good option - Michael. This name will give the boy charm, help him express emotions when necessary, and add kindness.

And if you call Arthur, then the guy’s strength and inflexibility will be most evident. At the same time, he will develop some intractability and stubbornness. But maybe this will even help him.

For those born in spring

Which beautiful names for boys are they suitable for those born in the spring? This is the awakening of awakening, when you want everything unusual. During such a period, philosophers appear who plunge into the world of fantasy. The scientific field promises them unprecedented success, especially when it comes to exact sciences. Boys are characterized by some indecisiveness and excessive softness. Therefore, most likely, he should be called by a name that will help him feel more self-confident. Great options for example, they will become: German, Kostya or Yaroslav.

For those born in summer

What names are suitable for “summer” boys in 2017? This is a period of cheerful people and optimists. The guys are happy sunny day, meeting with interesting people and life in general. But negative character traits here include frivolity and a tendency to rash actions. These are capable boys, but impulsiveness will get in the way in life. Therefore, future parents must treat the child strictly. The guys are always in the center of the action, and will be able to amuse everyone around them.

Among the names for boys in the summer months of 2017, it is worth taking a closer look at such options as Ruslan, Bogdan, Dima. For example, the name Dima will help a guy increase those qualities that he lacks. He is soft and friendly, and at the same time persistent and adamant. Therefore, the boy will develop a sense of purpose. And then success will be guaranteed to him.

For those born in autumn

What names for “autumn” boys of 2017 will be the most relevant? Let's think about it. In autumn, self-possessed and calm natures are born. They are even a little soft and gentle, but serious. Such boys are born psychologists, since they are initially characterized by empathy. However, they have problems in communication, since their communication skills are lacking. But the guys don’t experience much suffering because of this. After all, even having one friend, they don’t look for more. Teachers will certainly note your intelligence and common sense.

If parents are looking for rare names for boys born in 2017, then you can stop at Rodion. The name will strengthen the boy's good character traits. After all, Rodion has an even and calm disposition. It's not easy to piss a guy off. And in life he will always achieve his goals.

Another good option is Gleb. He is also calm and not inclined to act rashly. He will be lucky both in work and in his personal life. Gleba will create good family, where he will prove himself to be a caring spouse.

Among the others suitable options You can take a closer look at such names for boys in 2017 as Yura, Pasha, Vitya.

Popular names

IN different times Moms and dads call their children certain names more often than others. So, recently parents tried to find a completely unique name, common for foreigners, but not found here. However, when making such a choice, it is worth considering how it combines with the patronymic and surname. IN last years There is a trend back to frequent traditional boy names. Rare and beautiful in 2017, they are currently trying to find among Slavic roots. So, what do parents often call their children?

Sasha. Such a man strives for the truth. He is a born advocate for both himself and other people. Intelligent and courageous, Alexander has a good understanding of things, and it is quite difficult to confuse him about something. Therefore, despite the fact that he gets involved in different things, Sasha can easily get out of them. This is an excellent leader and manager. Usually there is no compromise.

Vania. Everyone famous name from Russian fairy tales continues to be widespread today. Ivan, having matured, will become sincere and kind. He is hardworking and tries to help others. But this is a contradictory nature. On the one hand, he loves the truth, but there are situations when he is not averse to lying. Vanya will try to build a reliable family. He will work hard for her sake.

Elisha is a lucky man in the family. He will choose for himself the best woman. These men are good-natured, sincere and open to others. Unfortunately, there are those who will take advantage of this. Therefore, boys need to cultivate strength of character. Elisha is reasonable and smart. He will remain calm in the most unpredictable situations and therefore will find a way out of any problem. Elisha is realized in different areas.

Maksim. For many years now, parents have liked to call their babies this name. The boy will grow up smart and energetic. He finds time for everything: to study, to read interesting books, and to communicate with friends. He is accommodating and easily achieves goals. Often this is the soul of the company. Maxim will always come to the rescue, and will also make you laugh and talk about this and that.

Danila. This is the name of an optimist who always expects good things from life, even if circumstances are against him. He has an innate desire for justice and establishing the truth. Because of this, Danila often quarrels with others. He is a sporty guy who is always on the move.

Matvey. The name has only recently gained popularity. More and more often, future mothers and fathers choose this name. Matvey is one of those children who will cause little trouble for their parents. He is not characterized by capriciousness and harmfulness. On the contrary, Matvey is characterized by calmness and prudence. At first it will even seem too soft, but this is not so. Matvey is a truly brave man who always acts fairly.

Names for boys according to the church calendar in the future 2017

Many parents, when choosing a name for their child, look at the days of the saints. It is believed that if they name a child after him, the boy will receive strong guardian angel, protecting all life.

Let's look at different boy names: common, rare and beautiful, which are worth naming children in 2017. Each month has its own church names

January. For this month, the child should be named: Yakov, Danila, Ignat, Grisha, Mark, Misha, Maxim, Kirill, Gordey, Philip, Fedya, Styopa, Efim, Vanya, Petya, Adam, Kolya, Makar, Vasya, Savva, Pasha, Prokhor.

Current names for boys in February 2017 will be: Lavrenty, Fedya, Maxim, Petya, Nikita, Arkady, Timofey, Gena, Vanya, Grisha, Savva, Fedya, Efim, Ignat, Vasya, Ippolit, Moses, Roma, Alyosha, Yura, Julian, Dima, Vsevolod, Zhenya, Anton, Semyon, Kolya, Tryphon, Theodosius, Ephraim, Kirill.

The March boys are called by the following names: Danila, Arseny, Ilya, Lev, Grisha, Semyon, Vanya, Pasha, Fedya, Trofim, Timofey, Sasha, Procopius, Vasya, Nestor, Seva, Taras, Kolya, Bogdan, Slava, Fedot, Kostya, Arkady, Zhenya, Efrem, Lenya, Efim, David, Valera, Nikifor, Rostislav, Afanasy.

Names for April boys according to the church calendar in 2017 year, the following: Vanya, Vitya, Fedya, Maxim, Polycarp, Yakov, Joseph, Egor, Isaac, Danila, Petya, Vasya, Kirill, Terenty, Sasha, Rodion, Maxi, Nikita, Lazar, Gosha, Vadim, Martyn, Semyon, Lenya, Zakhar, Styopa, Innocent, Seryozha, Sofron, Gabriel.

May boys are given the following names: Vitya, Yura, Trifon, Sasha, Fedya, Vsevolod, Vanya, Efim, Kuzma, Egor, Alyosha, Mark, Styopa, Joseph, Vitalik, Savva, Vasya, Gleb, Tolya, Makar, Petya, Arseny, Nikita, David, Kirill, Timofey, Kolya, Denis, Sasha, Bogdan, Methodius, German, Pakhom, Gabriel.

Rare and beautiful names for boys in 2017 for the first month of summer the following: Vanya, Arseny, Dima, Tikhon, Seryozha, Korniliy, Sasha, Timofey, Alyosha, Kostya, Ignat, Fedya, Neil, Isaac, Denis, Misha, Nikita, Gosha, Igor, Elisha, Modest, Lenya, Fedot, Yura, Mstislav, Ustin, Methodius, Leonty.

Someone born in July is called: Julian, Vasya, German, Vanya, Petya, Svyatoslav, Arseny, Artem, Seryozha, Demyan, Andrey, Kirill, Misha, Stefan, Vova, Emelyan, Pasha, Tolya, Kostya, Efim, Nikodim, Pankrat, Kuzma, Gosha, Denis, Sofron, Gleb, Terenty, Yakov.

The following names are suitable for August boys: Seraphim, Vanya, David, Roma, Cornelius, Gleb, Afanasy, Semyon, Nikanor, Kostya, Ermolai, Kolya, Prokhor, Vasya, Styopa, Maximilian, Grisha, Lenya, Arkady, Pasha, Denis, Fedya, Julian, Misha, Valentin, Polycarp, Demid, Maxim, Miron, Laurus, Elizar, Sasha, Evdokim, Hippolytus, Trophim, Moses, Kapito.

If your baby is born in September, consider these names: Timofey, Savva, Vanya, Leonty, Sasha, Danila, Andrey, Adrian, David, Petya, Anton, Bogdan, Zakhar, Feodosius, Dima, poppy, Arkhip, Misha, Kirill, Seryozha, Pasha, Yura, Styopa, Vitya, Nikita, Cornelius, Arseny.

Rare and beautiful names for boys in 2017 next month could be: Galaktion, Denis, Igor, Ephraim, Joseph, Abraham, Vova, Trifon, Misha, Oleg, Nikita, Fedya, Trofim, Kostya, David, Anton, Dim, Kondrat, Petya, Makar, Tikhon, Ignat, Aristarchus, Mark, Vlad, Innocent, German, Andrey, Jacob, Julian, Benjamin, Lukyan, Seryozha, Philip, Lazar, Demyan, Abraham, Matvey, Khariton, Slava, Grisha, Lazar, Kupriyan, Nazar.

Those born in November can be called: Vanya, Yakov, Ignat, Egor, Philip, Maximilian, Nestor, Nicodemus, Hilarion, Zinovy, Nil, Terenty, Lazar, Gury, Artem, Sasha, Irakli, Dima, Terenty, Kirill, Lazar, Kuzma, Joseph, Mark, Styopa, Arseny, Spiridon, Galaktion, Pasha, Vikenty, Matvey, Misha, Maxim, Rafail, Fedot, Gury, Bogdan, Grisha.

Suitable names for December boys: Roma, Grisha, Clement, Yaropolk, Plato, Spiridon, Arkady, Petya, Vanya, Proclus, Misha, Arkhip, Adrian, Trifon, Tolya, Sasha, Alyosha, Makar, Grisha, Yura, Yakov, Styopa, Fedya, Afanasy, Vanya, Naum, Zhenya, Kolya, Anton, Pasha, Kirill, Danila, Arseny, Orest, Sophron, Andrey, Innocent, Vsevolod, Procopius.

The uniqueness of each person is determined not only by the set of his internal qualities, abilities, attitude to life, but also name. The way a person was named at birth, along with other factors, has a significant influence on the development and formation of personality. That's why it's so important point– choosing a name sometimes becomes a real test for parents. To choose a beautiful name for a boy 2019, the calendar of names for boys will help happy parents.

In addition to the well-known points that are taken into account when choosing a name ( family traditions, religion, fashion), time of birth should also be taken into account. It is no secret that the year of birth and its patron are capable of leaving an imprint on the character and fate of the newborn.

Yes, according to eastern calendar, 2019 will be held under the auspices of the Yellow Pig. Thanks to his influence, babies born in 2019 will embody the best classical traditions - good-natured, purposeful, hard-working, generous. Boys will again strive to become astronauts and scientists, and will demonstrate independence in life path. In addition, they are not alien to a good sense of taste, the desire to stand out and be bright. The name of such a child, of course, should also radiate confidence and emphasize the presence of an inner core in him.

So, how do you decide on a name in 2019?

Russian male names 2019 by month

When choosing a name, parents often focus on the month and even the child’s birthday, because church calendar suggests which of the saints will become the guardian angel for the baby in this case. It is not necessary to strictly follow old Russian traditions and choose unusual names - modern ones will remain relevant and very common in 2019.

Boys born in winter are usually endowed with a strong and strong-willed character. However, they often lack confidence in own strength. The name of such a baby should contain hard sounds to emphasize the strength of character of its bearer. Some name options depending on month of birth:

  • d December: Anton, Yaroslav, Nikolay, Gennady, Pavel, Mark, Arseny, Vasily.
  • January: Daniil, Konstantin, Yuri, Sergey, Ivan, Artem, Stepan, Kirill.
  • February: Roman, Gregory, Dmitry, Maxim, Vsevolod, Fedor, Konstantin, Egor.

Like those born in winter, spring children lack confidence and assertiveness in character. They are distinguished by greater vulnerability, subtle sensitivity and a cheerful disposition. Most suitable names for them will be those that contain voiced and hard sounds:

  • March: David, Valery, Peter, Taras, Leonid, Timofey, George, Philip.
  • April: Makar, Andrey, Nikita, Victor, Rodion, Ivan, Stepan.
  • May: Konstantin, Peter, Gleb, Arseny, Ignat, Alexey, Alexander, Boris.

Names should be unobtrusive, light and simple summer kids, because their peculiarity is high emotionality, reluctance to stand out and love for loved ones:

  • June: Yan, Igor, Dmitry, Valery, Nazar, Innokenty, Denis.
  • July: Stanislav, Anatoly, Matvey, Mark, Ilya, Gleb, Pavel, Alexander.
  • August: Egor, Arkady, Vasily, Afanasy, Semyon, Yakov, Alexey, German.

Those born in autumn are creative, extraordinary individuals, whose bright individuality can be emphasized with the help of a name:

  • September: Nikita, Fedor, Daniil, Savva, Dmitry, Anton, Gleb, Makar.
  • October: Pavel, Vladimir, Roman, Vyacheslav, Konstantin, Rodion, Igor, Oleg.
  • november: Alexander, Victor, Maxim, Dmitry, Taras, Evgeniy, Arkhip, Afanasy.

Rare and beautiful names for boys 2019

Unusual, but pleasant to the ear, sweet-sounding names are gaining more and more popularity. 2019 will be no exception. This year you can pay attention to the following options:

  • Arthur- "force". This name itself exudes power and confidence. He has a passion for creativity and is very original.
  • Elisha- “bringing salvation.” Also creative and having the makings of a leader.
  • a lion- "heart". Despite all his assertiveness, he is very friendly and family-like.
  • Rodion- "native". He is distinguished by excellent self-control, endurance, and independence.
  • Miron- “ruler”. Determination, willpower, reliability and leadership - distinctive features bearer of this name.

Over time, extravagant, often even fictitious, names fade into the background. The classic remains unchanged. So, in 2019, among the names for boys, the most popular are the following: Alexander, Roman, Mark, Artem, Gleb, Daniil, Ivan.

In addition, other names can be considered fashionable. This is evidenced by the leading places in the rankings of search queries on the Internet: Matvey, Yanis, Timofey, Roman, Egor, Kirill, Nikita, Bogdan, Yaroslav, Timur, Marcel, Nazar, Stanislav, Marat, Milan and others.

Many things make a person happy and satisfied with life. So let the name given at birth only contribute to this!


Beautiful names for boys 2019 with name days can be found in the calendar.

Boys born in 2019 will be strong-willed, purposeful and hardworking.

Many parents try to give the boy a name that is consistent with European and Western names.

Calendar of names for girls.

The boys born in 2017 are initially distinguished by their strong-willed qualities. The Rooster makes them purposeful, ambitious, self-confident, and sometimes arrogant. Boys of this period are characterized by analytical thinking, so they make excellent technicians, businessmen, and doctors. No less in an interesting way their life is a choice of creative directions. Names for boys in the year of the Rooster should be such that their owners can stop in time and respect family values.

In this article:

Names for boys by month of 2017

People born in winter or summer differ in their qualities. This needs to be taken into account when deciding what to name your son. It’s even better to focus on your birth month. This will compensate for shortcomings and increase the influence of strong features that are associated with the location of the stars. It is not necessary to focus on modern or rare names. If you want to increase inner strength boy, it is better to stop at the voiced variants containing the letters “d” or “r”. For convenience, you should refer to the table.

January Alexander, Victor, Zinovy, Pavel, Emmanuel.
February Anton, Vitaly, Elisha, Oleg, Felix.
March Adam, Vyacheslav, Donat, Plato, Timur.
April Vadim, Gustav, Ilya, Mikhail, Timofey.
May Askold, Vladislav, Kim, Savva, Emil.
June Boris, David, Alexander, Ignat, Stanislav.
July Alan, Gennady, Lev, Leonid, Julian.
August August, Demid, Konstantin, Nikolai.
September Alexey, Vladimir, Matvey, Nathan, Eduard.
October Anatoly, Gleb, Evdokim, Sergey, Edmund.
November Artem, Vsevolod, Maxim, Svyatoslav, Yaroslav.
December Venedikt, Danila, Ivan, Nikita, Philip.

Best names for boy engineers

Fashionable professions related to IT and other technologies require a developed system logical thinking and good analytical data. This is influenced by names for boys in the year of the Rooster. For boys whose parents would like to see employed in manufacturing, science, and engineering, these beautiful options are suitable:

  • William;
  • Edward;
  • Edmund;
  • Pankrat;
  • Paul;
  • Methodius;
  • Maksim;
  • Vladimir;
  • Alexei.

What to call future creators born in the year of the Rooster?

The year 2017 of the Rooster will be rich in boys, who are characterized by natural originality and brightness. It is impossible not to notice them in a crowd of other children. Therefore, with a high probability we can say that among them there will be representatives creative professions. If you want to develop these qualities, you can choose one of the following names for them:

  • Emil;
  • Moses;
  • Leonid;
  • Konstantin;
  • Casimir;
  • Joseph;
  • Efim;
  • Demyan;
  • Vyacheslav;
  • David.

Boys born in the year of the Rooster have special features. They are able to be successful in different, sometimes opposing areas.

The influence of the name on the aggressiveness of boys in 2017

Fearing that the young Cockerel will be too impulsive and hot-tempered, parents can choose a soft name for him. Among the suitable options there are very popular ones:

  • Elisha,
  • Alexei,
  • Paul,
  • Svyatoslav.

You should pay attention to options where there are no rough sounds, and there are many syllables in the full spelling. If the name begins with a vowel, the negative qualities in boys will also be less pronounced.

The downside of this choice is that the future man will become too emotional and prone to worries.

If you want to make your son a real fighter, you need to do the opposite. Names that instill excessive self-confidence will be.