home · Measurements · How long can a child sit on the toilet? Why can't men sit on the toilet for a long time? Healthy bowel movements: newants

How long can a child sit on the toilet? Why can't men sit on the toilet for a long time? Healthy bowel movements: newants

For most people, the morning begins with a trip to the toilet. It’s good if you have a certain regime, because this way you can teach your body to play by your rules. Typically, people spend from 5 to 30 minutes in the restroom when it comes to going to the toilet “in a big way.” But did you know that sitting on the toilet can be harmful to your health?

It turns out that doctors do not recommend sitting on the toilet for more than 15 minutes. And trying to relieve yourself by force is not the best idea. The thing is that the more effort you put into sitting on the toilet, the more you increase the risk of hemorrhoids!

What are hemorrhoids?

These are swollen and inflamed veins in the rectum and anus. Hemorrhoids cause discomfort and bleeding. Apart from these symptoms, there are others such as pain, itching and irritation in the anal area.

In the first stages, hemorrhoids can be cured using conservative methods, that is, medications and diet. More serious cases require surgery. But even after successful treatment, there is no guarantee that hemorrhoids will not return in the future. He needs to be watched.

Now you understand why you should only go to the toilet for business. You can read books and solve crossword puzzles elsewhere!

Health is healthy daily actions. Such as defecation (defecation). It would seem that what could be easier than going to the toilet? However, the vast majority of us go to the toilet not quite correctly. With the advent of running water in the 19th century, we also found the joy of sitting on a toilet seat. However, along with convenience, we have lost the ability to properly dispose of our waste products. What's wrong and how to fix it?

The modern toilet is extremely unnatural for defecation. Sitting on the toilet (indicated in the pictures sitting, and squatting - squatting), you place the intestines under difficult angle, but also immobilize some of the pelvic muscles (puborectalis), which are needed to participate in the process. This anorectal angle increases intestinal pressure and intra-abdominal pressure (risk of hernias!), which is a risk factor for the development of many diseases. Increased pressure can contribute to disruption of the ileocecal valve and the reflux of the contents of the large intestine into the small intestine.

So, a regular toilet:

1. Slows down the bowel movement process and makes it less effective

2. Increases intestinal pressure and intra-abdominal pressure

Sitting on a modern toilet puts you at risk of developing hemorrhoids and diverticular disease, which affects about 10% of the adult population, an age-related change that largely originated in parts of the world where sit-down toilets are used. Add to this the popularity of tall toilets, and your problems get worse.

It is the posture of defecation that is one of the causes of hemorrhoids, hernia, diverticulosis and other unpleasant changes in the body, including intestinal obstruction.

Fecal retention is a key factor in the development of colorectal cancer, appendicitis, and inflammatory bowel disease (including irritable bowel syndrome). Normal bowel movements keep neighboring organs healthy: the prostate, bladder and urethra. Unhealthy posture can impair the functioning of the pelvic floor muscles and urogenital diaphragm.

Squatting defecation.

There is a special muscle in the pelvis that compresses the rectum when a person stands upright. Therefore, it is impossible to void while standing. If you sit upright, the muscle relaxes by half. If you squat down to the ground, the muscle completely relaxes and the rectum aligns.

Floor standing toilet.

Floor-standing toilet, "Genoa" bowl, Turkish toilet - a toilet that requires squatting when using it. Available different kinds floor-mounted toilets, but all of them are, in essence, a hole in the floor. Floor standing toilets common in Asian countries, especially China and Japan, also in Islamic countries and in many public toilets in the countries of the former USSR.

The advantages are the simplicity and reliability of the design, as well as hygiene - when using it, the toilet visitor does not need to touch the toilet with anything other than the soles of his shoes. The main disadvantage is the need to squat, which requires some coordination and balancing.

Defecation in a "half-squat" position.

If you sit on the toilet, then your legs should be pulled up so that the angle between the torso and hips is about 30 degrees. You can stand with your feet on the toilet, which is convenient for emptying, but dangerous because you can fall. Placing your feet on the bench when sitting on the toilet is a good suggestion. The American company "Squatty Potty" has even launched the production of special footrests that fit perfectly onto toilets. But these are easy to do yourself.

Psychology of healthy bowel movements.

For normal healthy bowel movements you need to do three things: go to the toilet, relax the sphincter and feel the process of defecation itself. Everything that lies outside these three functions is unnecessary, pathological and leads to the emergence of large quantity complications and difficulties. Keep these three points in mind at all times and learn to understand and manage them. Contrast these three healthy functions with the entire previous pathological procedure! Learn to sit quietly and enjoy yourself. If a person is healthy, he enjoys the act of defecation.

The main condition for healthy bowel movement is to limit yourself to only those trips to the restroom that were caused by the urge to defecate, and not by the desire to overcome constipation. Going to the restroom does not require any conscious effort if you are suffering from diarrhea. On the contrary, your efforts will be aimed only at holding your chair until you find yourself in the toilet. The urge takes you to the proper place. How different this installation from installing a constipated person! He does not feel any urge, but goes to the toilet under duress.

Once you understand that constipation is an unconscious reluctance to part with feces, half the battle is already done, although most people find it very difficult to come to terms with this fact. But if you “suffer” from constipation, it will be impossible to cure until you take responsibility for holding back your feces yourself, not “giving the feces a pass.”

Muscle compression is a factor of suppression: we hold back, squeeze those sensations, feelings or emotions that we do not want to let go. The basis of all restraint is the renunciation of excretions as a result of learning to be neat. This gives rise to the idea that self-control is identical to repression. Psychoanalysis, in accordance with its main interest in repressions, considers constipation as the main resistance. A large number of clamps, both mental and physiological, correlate with rigid constipation of the sphincters that close the muscles of the anus. Exercises to focus and relax the conscious control of the muscles will help heal anal disturbances and inhibitions.

If you have never had urges or are suffering from one of the unpleasant consequences of chronic constipation - hemorrhoids - what steps can you take?

Hemorrhoids are wonderful example the result of denial (violence) denial (constipation). In the following figures, C stands for closing muscles, sphincters, M - inner surface, rectal membrane.

In Fig. 1 sphincter is relaxed and feces come out without undue resistance. In the following figure, the sphincter is constantly tense (constipation), and in fig. 3 feces are forcefully pushed out against the resistance of the sphincters. The inner membrane is pushed out along with them. As a result, hemorrhoids and even ruptures of the rectum are formed.

Defecation and Mindfulness

Exercises in correct concentration (attention practices), which are aimed at controlling clamps and relaxations, are the only way to improve psychogenic hemorrhoids. Thanks to these exercises, in a number of cases there was a significant improvement or, at least, the further development of the disease was stopped. But exercise matters for large number constipation, not only for those cases when hemorrhoids develop.

The first thing you should do while sitting on the toilet is to become aware of your avoidance of bowel movements, such as reading or mind-wandering, or thinking about the future. You must focus on what is happening at this very moment. Any look ahead, such as “I want to get out of here soon”, “how long will it take today”, “how much of me will come out today” - anticipation of any kind must be recognized and you must return to what you are experiencing in this moment in the sensorimotor system. Become aware that you are pushing or pushing and try to let go of both. See what happens if you don't push. It may be nothing, but you may have a wonderful insight: the fact that you are just fooling around, that you are pretending, that you are sitting on the toilet without any real urge or intention to defecate.

In this case, it is better to get up and wait until a real internal urge arises. If you don't want to do this, focus on resistance: find out how you produce constipation, how you tighten your sphincter muscles, and how, thanks to this, you retain the contents of your intestines. Learn to feel the resisting muscles and tense them voluntarily. You will soon get tired and then you will relax the sphincter muscles and release the clamp naturally. Try isolating tense muscles from their surroundings; randomly voluntarily focusing on the entire lower region will not establish conscious anal control. When you learn to isolate and control your sphincters consciously, you will be able to tense and relax them at will.

Anal sensations are significantly less intense than genital ones. Although their dysfunction does not produce very noticeable symptoms, they are responsible for a number of neurotic disorders. Anal numbness is part of a vicious cycle. Accustoming yourself to neatness, lacking the courage to go to the toilet when you want to, makes you avoid the acute feeling of urge. Decreased feeling increases the risk of being suddenly struck by an urgent urge, mainly in a situation of excitement, so the bowel is completely clamped by rigid control. In some cases, the numbness is so complete that people completely forget what the urge to defecate feels like.

An important condition is to properly feel the process of defecation, the contact between feces and the anus. In our concentration exercises, therefore, I have emphasized the extreme importance of anal concentration, but this is not easy, since the numbness in many people reaches such a degree that they feel nothing at all.

When you realize that you feel nothing, try again and again to penetrate behind the covers, the numbness, the cottony feelings, or other resistance that you create between your “mind” and “body”. Once you are able to make mental contact, you can continue it like any concentration exercise: watch the development of basic sensations, such as itching or warmth, that want to come out, and you notice that you are closing them down again.

Then comes the most important point: you need to feel the functioning of defecation, feel the passage of feces and their contact with the passage. Once this feeling is established, the vicious circle is broken.

Healthy bowel movements: newants.

1. It’s better to get up. Ideally, it is better to wash yourself after each trip to the toilet. And if this is not possible, then use toilet paper carefully: do not rub, but blot.

2. Diet and water. For healthy bowel movements, it is important to eat more vegetables and fruits and greens. They contain a lot of fiber, which normalizes digestion. It is also necessary to drink enough fluids.

In general, toilets have long history and in some countries they are being actively studied. For example, Japan. Scientific conferences on toilet topics are held throughout Japan every year. In 1985, the Japanese Toilet Society was created, which annually began to hold a competition to determine the best public toilets. Among the criteria is the absence unpleasant odors, cleanliness, design, building construction, visitor reviews and even the name. Five latrines (the oldest of them belongs to XIV century) have been declared an important cultural property in Japan; There is a Toilet History Museum in Tokyo.

South Korea also has a toilet museum. “Here you can immerse yourself in reflection and think about life.” This is exactly what the elderly innovative mayor said at a meeting of the World Toilet Association, which, by the way, was founded by him in 2007. This once again confirms that Mr. Toilet received his nickname well deservedly and for good reason. It was he who in the 1980s years of the last century, initiated a campaign to improve the conditions of public amenities. According to the innovative mayor, the toilet is not just a place to relieve known needs. It also relieves people from various diseases, so it is important to keep the restroom perfectly clean. The toilet is also a place where some people relax and unwind.

Poop to your health!


Frederick Perls. Ego, hunger and aggression

Those who like to “reflect on life” in solitude or leaf through magazines in silence toilet room don’t think about the question: what happens if you sit on the toilet for a long time?

It turns out that urologists have been sounding the alarm for a long time: prolonged sitting in an incorrect position is fraught with serious stagnation of blood circulation and disruption of the pelvic organs.

The normal process of defecation lasts 3, maximum 5 minutes. During the process, the person pushes and strains the muscles of the lower abdomen. Voltage abdominal cavity stimulates an increase in blood flow. The veins of the rectum, in order to ensure normal blood circulation, increase in volume.

Why can’t you sit on the toilet for a long time, even if you don’t strain? Since the process itself does not last long, the veins remain toned only for a short time, and the abdominal muscles also relax. However, prolonged stay in this position leads to additional stress on the veins, which, in turn, leads to damage to blood vessels.

A person’s confidence that he is not pushing, but simply sitting, is nothing more than a delusion, since the body’s systems reflexively react to a sitting position and constantly remain in a toned state.

What diseases does it provoke?

Prolonged sitting on the toilet is dangerous due to the development of the following conditions:

  • varicose veins, thrombosis can develop due to disturbances of venous outflow in the pelvic organs;
  • – as a complication of prolonged tension of the rectal veins;
  • Compression of the sciatic nerve can lead to disturbances in the innervation of the pelvis and legs, which will lead to impaired sensitivity.

How to sit on the toilet correctly

The anatomical structure of the intestines may also explain why sitting on the toilet for a long time is harmful. The pubis muscle wraps around and tightens the rectum, making defecation difficult, while the squatting position allows the pubis muscle to be as relaxed as possible. The shape of the toilet and the position taken by the person sitting on it are not physiological, but you can minimize the inconvenience by sitting correctly, with minimal bending of the rectum:

  • sit on the toilet, bending forward slightly;
  • raise your legs higher, it is better to put them on a small bench.

Do I need to see a doctor?

Usually, people do not pay attention to frequent constipation, considering it a consequence of an improper diet. However, disturbances in intestinal motility cannot be considered normal, and if constipation has become the rule and not the exception, it is necessary to see a doctor. You also need to pay attention to the nature of the stool, if pathological changes (impurities) appear in it or if there is no bowel movement long time, a visit to the doctor should follow immediately.

Why may there be no bowel movement?

  1. The foods you eat are important: you need to eat vegetables rich in fiber and drink enough water.
  2. If a person does not pay attention to the urge to go to the toilet for a long time, they may simply disappear, so it is impossible to Small child tolerated the urge to have a bowel movement, as this can become a habit.
  3. Long-term use of laxatives is also harmful. An addiction may develop and emptying without them will become impossible.

All other reasons for the absence of stool can be caused by pathologies of the intestines and rectum. The doctor, having established the provoking factor, will prescribe treatment to restore normal bowel movements.

Having successfully completed complex, lengthy and labor-intensive repairs in the restroom, which you did with your own hands, you can enjoy comfort and cleanliness with a feeling of complete satisfaction every time you visit the toilet. However, do you know how to sit on the toilet correctly?

Despite the seeming naivety of the question, non-compliance with some simple rules not only makes defecation difficult, but can also lead to serious health problems. Instructions on how to behave in the toilet are presented below.

Rules for using a toilet - comfort or health?

Toilet procedure

Before you figure out why it is harmful to sit on the toilet for a long time, it would be useful to learn about in the right order use of this achievement of engineering. After all, if you follow certain rules, you will be able to empty your bowels more efficiently and quickly, and also avoid quite serious problems with health.

The body is designed naturally in such a way that in order to perform the act of defecation, it is necessary to take a squatting position (crouching and bending your knees as much as possible), thereby placing your fifth point as close to the ground as possible.

The photo shows the position of a person on the toilet during defecation.

The person himself, trying to make his life more comfortable, invents various devices that, although they provide more convenience, are not always useful from a medical point of view.

After all, at the time when the first convenient plumbing fixture appeared, no one was interested in the consequences sitting for a long time on the toilet. Some research in this area began to be carried out only in the last century.

On the other hand, completely abandoning the benefits of civilization would be, to say the least, stupid. But you don’t need to do this; it’s enough just to take the correct position while sitting on the toilet.

The bottom line is this:

  • sitting on the toilet, you need to tilt it top part the body is slightly forward so that the rectum is curved at a minimal angle;
  • this position of the internal organs allows feces to come out with minimal resistance;
  • your legs should be raised higher (for this you can use a special stand or bench);
  • when finding lower limbs in the position described above, the puborectalis muscle, which encircles the large intestine, relaxes and does not interfere with the act of defecation.

The correct posture you take when visiting public toilet, which is equipped with a toilet built into the floor.
Approximately the same position should be taken in the home restroom.
The only point is to provide comfortable support for your feet: place a bench or something like that in front of the toilet.
There are also special toilet seats on sale, the price of which, however, is higher than that of classic toilet seats.

The dangers of sitting on the toilet for a long time

Of course, improving your level of education by re-reading Crime and Punishment, or getting acquainted with the current political situation in the world by leafing through news sites, is a necessary thing. But won't this harm your health?

According to medical experts, who conducted quite long and serious studies to answer the question of whether it is possible to sit on the toilet for a long time, using the toilet for purposes other than bowel movements is unnecessary and dangerous. You can acquire many health problems.

Let's look at it in more detail:

  1. During the act of defecation, it is necessary to tense the abdominal muscles, thanks to which human waste moves through the colon to the anus.
  2. Muscle tension, in turn, increases blood flow, causing the veins running through the rectum to increase in volume.
  3. If you spend a longer period of time on the toilet than is necessary for the bowel movement process, the blood in the veins will stagnate, which negatively affects your health.

Having decided on this, let's figure out exactly what diseases may arise in a person who prefers to get acquainted with the latest press or the works of classics in his dressing room:

  1. Thrombosis. This is a dense lump that appears inside blood vessels and clogs them, preventing normal blood circulation within the human body.
  2. Haemorrhoids. Appears due to the prolapse of so-called hemorrhoids. This disease is a direct consequence of dilation of the veins of the rectum. It is characterized by very unpleasant and painful symptoms, in the advanced stage - anal bleeding.

In order not to suffer from the very painful symptoms inherent in the diseases listed above, it is recommended not to sit in the toilet for 30-40 minutes, but to empty the intestines as soon as possible.

Rules for choosing toilet paper

Regardless of the design and design of the toilet, the toilets used and the lids for them, toilet paper is an essential attribute of any restroom. And although few people think about it, the convenience of maintaining hygiene procedures after visiting the toilet and the health of the rectum largely depend on it.

Modern industry produces a huge number of varieties of the mentioned hygiene item.

You need to choose it very carefully, paying attention to the following features:

  1. Softness. Toilet paper comes into contact with fairly delicate areas of the body, so its surface should be soft so as not to injure the skin.
  2. Relief. The complex texture and perforation present on the surface of the paper increase its absorbent properties.
  3. Environmental friendliness. The paper must be made from raw materials that are safe for humans, as well as under the influence of special substances (the necessary information is indicated on the packaging).
  4. Breakaway line. It is better to buy toilet paper that has a special tear line.


Compliance with the rules of visiting the restroom undoubtedly has a beneficial effect on human health and prevents the development of rather dangerous diseases. But to make your experience on the toilet as comfortable as possible, you need to choose the right plumbing fixture and lid for it. For more information about this, see the video in this article.

Russian people have this habit of making a “reading room” out of a toilet. Men are especially guilty of this, since you can wait for hours to leave the bathroom. It seems to be a common thing, so to speak, to combine business with pleasure. While defecating, read a book, scroll through social networks, play on the phone.

But not everything is so simple. Many doctors note that spending a long time on the toilet is actually not such a harmless habit. What does this mean? Let's look into the issue.

Sitting on the toilet for a long time causes compression of the sciatic nerve, an abundant flow of blood to the pelvic organs, which is fraught with stagnation and can provoke the development of the following problems:

  • Due to poor blood supply to the prostate gland, prostatitis may occur, which can even lead to impotence in the future.
  • A prolonged strained state while sitting on the toilet can cause venous thrombosis or rectal fissures, which subsequently develop into hemorrhoids. If you notice blood on toilet paper after defecation, you should sound the alarm and immediately consult a doctor.
  • It is possible to develop varicocele - dilation of the veins of the spermatic cord. If left untreated, the disease can lead to dysfunction of the reproductive system and infertility. Also, hemorrhoids are often a companion to this disease.
  • Lack of proper blood supply to the pelvic organs can cause infertility in men.
  • Pinched sciatic nerve.

How then?

A standard act of defecation should not last more than 3-5 minutes. If you need a longer time to empty your bowels, you should pay attention to your diet and get checked for diseases of the digestive tract, as some of them lead to regular constipation.

If you do not want to become a regular patient of the “good doctor proctologist,” we recommend spending minimal time on the toilet. And for reading and games, find a more comfortable and healthier place.

  • First, spend no more than 5 minutes on the toilet at a time.
  • Secondly, for a more natural process of defecation, it is recommended to place your feet not on the floor, but slightly higher, on a stand. With this position of the body, the process of bowel movement will be much easier. Also, in this position there is no compression of the sciatic nerve, which will also have a beneficial effect on health.