home · Appliances · What does installing an electricity meter give to energy sales in St. Is it legal to require the electricity meter to be moved from a country house to the street? Is it possible to leave SNT and what are the consequences?

What does installing an electricity meter give to energy sales in St. Is it legal to require the electricity meter to be moved from a country house to the street? Is it possible to leave SNT and what are the consequences?


The requirements of the energy supply organization are based on Resolution No. 530 and accounting rules and are therefore legitimate.

The device must be located at the edge of the network (determined by the so-called “balance sheet”). This is stated in the Accounting Rules. The same is evidenced by the PUE - the counter is installed according to the interface. But Government Decree No. 530 states that the Consumer’s responsibility is to ensure free (unhindered) access to the device for employees of the resource supply organization, but does not stipulate the specific location of the meter. This requirement is due to the need to both regularly check its technical condition (primarily the integrity of the seal) and control readings. Therefore, of course, it will not be possible to install the device in a private house, although this is preferable. If we are talking about some kind of industrial, economic or other facility owned by a private person, then if there is round-the-clock security that leads to the installation site of the meter, this issue can be resolved differently. But there is one more provision of the same document – PUE. According to clause No. 1.5.27, the electricity meter must be placed in dry rooms where the temperature does not fall below 0 0C. In addition, power plants, requiring installation outside the building (on a pole, facade of a building, etc.), come into conflict with the Civil Code. Namely, in its Art. 210 states that the owner bears full responsibility for the safety of his property. But how to provide it if it is on the street?

It is also necessary to take into account that metering devices come in different sizes. designs. For example, inductive ones differ in that when the air temperature drops they begin to count “faster”. According to experts, such an “add-on” to the readings can reach 0.1 of the actual energy consumed. In other words, you will have to pay for it in the amount of 110%. Placement height When the conversation turns specifically to safety, you can often hear a recommendation from an ESO representative - place it higher so that no one can reach it. We will not mention the inconvenience of monthly readings from such a device. There is clause 1.5.29 (again PUE), which states that the permissible distance from the floor to the product is in the range from 80 cm to 1 m 70 cm. In some cases, from 40 cm.

What to consider
Compliance of the characteristics of the device with the conditions of its further operation. Mainly temperature environment and the possibility of using the counter when it negative values. This applies to cases where the device will be placed outside the building (facade, pillar, etc.).
There are products on sale that allow remote readings. It's much more convenient in many ways. But a completely reasonable question arises: won’t the information transfer protocol change over time? There is such a thing as “moral aging” technical means, therefore, when purchasing such a device, it is advisable to take into account the prospects for its operation (for example, the possibility of reconfiguration), since it costs much more than “simple” analogues.

All energy suppliers (energy, gas, and so on) are commercial organizations. One of their activities is the sale of metering devices. Often they simply impose a certain type of device on us, and, as a rule, not the cheapest one. We need to know that we have the right to choose. If you look in specialized stores, you can find a cheaper device. Therefore, when submitting documents, it is necessary to immediately clarify which meter is suitable for installation on this object(its parameters are implied). And we can decide for ourselves which specific model to buy. The main thing is compliance with the characteristics (primarily the accuracy class).
For private buildings, it is better to purchase a dual-mode meter. The fact is that the surrounding area is illuminated even in the dark, and the tariffs for “day” and “night” are different, and the latter is much lower. Even if we are talking about only one light bulb in front front door(and often there are much more of them on the site), then the savings in a month will be quite decent.
When installing any meter for the first time, its sealing is absolutely FREE. This must be kept in mind, since they often try to take money from us for this.

Practical advice
Some “vagueness” of many documents, as well as their abundance (which often causes them to clearly contradict each other), leads to the fact that some provisions have a dual interpretation. And this is no secret to anyone. Even professionals sometimes find it difficult to figure out who is right and who is wrong. If the disagreement between the owner and representatives of the ESO is fundamental, then it is necessary to ask them to explain everything in writing, and with reference to the documents that guide them.
Practice shows that quite often their demands are unlawful. Moreover, they simply impose certain services on us, literally forcing us to pay for them. Therefore, such a polite request, and even executed in writing, can cool more than one “hot” head.

Any power supply organization is commercial organization, whose main task is to sell electricity to consumers. The stumbling block between consumers and suppliers is always accounting, but the legislation regulates consumer rights quite precisely. We just have to figure it out - installation of an electric meter on a pole and price for this service - is this the “want” of the electricity supplier or his right?

Specialists of 10 Kilovolt LLC are ready to provide any services related to connecting electricity. Professional level Our specialists are confirmed by a license from the leading Russian manufacturer of electricity meters, LLC NPK Incotex, and permissions from supervisory authorities.

Price list for installation (replacement) and reprogramming of electricity meters
Job title Unit change Price, rub.)
1 Replacement (installation and dismantling) of a single-phase electric meter (single-tariff, multi-tariff) PC. 2000
2 Replacement (installation and dismantling) of a three-phase electric meter (direct or indirect) PC. 3500
3 Installation and replacement of current transformers in metering and protection circuits (up to 1000 V) PC. 3200
4 Programming a tariff schedule or switching to winter/summer time PC. 1000
5 Mercury 200.02 (single-phase, multi-tariff) PC. 1800
6 Mercury 230 ART-01CN (direct connection) PC. 4700

From the point of view of legislation, there is a zone of delineation of balance sheet ownership. If the meter is installed in an area whose balance sheet is under the control of the consumer, then according to the Civil Code, the burden of maintaining the meter (safety, operability, replacement or repair) remains with the owner.

The supplier has the right to do anything on its balance sheet - without limiting the rights of the consumer, however, in this case, the electricity seller is obliged to be responsible for his property. This means that in the event of theft or breakdown of the device electricity metering, it is the supplier who bears the burden of its maintenance and pays for all work to restore the electricity supply metering.

Installing an electric meter on poles in SNT

But even in this case, the electricity supplier violates the law. The fact is that the electric meter must be located in places accessible for its maintenance: the consumer must be able to take readings. Secondly, the electricity meter must be installed in a dry room, where there is no exposure to aggressive environments, and operated at a positive temperature.

Placement of the electric meter in unheated rooms is allowed (for example, in distribution devices power plants or substations, cabinets outdoor installation etc.), however, the supplier is obliged to provide permanent insulation of electricity metering devices to ensure their operation in the positive temperature range. Thus, installing an electric meter on a pole at a height at which the consumer is not able to control its readings (often the supplier motivates high-altitude installation of the device anti-theft accounting) is illegal. It’s another matter if the consumer also has a metering device in his house, and he pays the electricity supply organization according to its readings, on the basis of an agreement. In this case, the supplier-consumer relationship is determined solely on the basis of the contract.

Our company carries out different kinds electrical installation work - from design to installation and commissioning works. Installation of wiring, replacement of an electric meter in a private house, installation of an electric meter in the country: multi-tariff or the simplest, single-phase - possible for both organizations and individuals. At the same time, we offer the most competitive prices for installing an electric meter on a pole in SNT. We must not forget that the importance of accurately calculating the electrical wiring load, correct installation and compliance with all rules is the key to safety. Work done unprofessionally can be very expensive.

You can find out how much it costs to install an electric meter in a private home by calling the company. Contact our specialists for help and your electrical equipment will operate in strict accordance with the rules.

From the presented material, the reader will learn: does the energy sales company have the right to require the installation of a meter on the street; which device to choose, where and how to install it, what rules must be followed, is it possible refuse to install the device outside the home.

Installing an electricity meter on the street: what do you need to know?

There are certain rules and subtleties that you need to know before installing an electricity meter.

There are devices electronic and induction. The second ones are less accurate, so they are replaced by electronic ones.

Before purchasing, you need to check the integrity of the seal and check the timing of its installation.

If a common house appliance is being installed, you should coordinate the actions with your neighbors.

Install The meter can be installed by an electrician.

Before starting work, you need to request a service agreement from the energy supply company. It contains installation requirements, a set of actions, rights and obligations of the parties.

They are forced to take the electricity meter outside: is the requirement legal in Russia, and who benefits from it?

Electricity suppliers require installation of meters on the street for the convenience of inspecting them and taking readings.

In addition, when the air temperature is below zero, the device often does not work in favor of citizens. The error reaches 10% or more. This benefits the sales company. Meters installed in this way fail faster, and accordingly, the costs of owners for their replacement, installation and sealing increase.

Consumers are wondering: is it legal such a setup?

Conditions for power engineers to install devices outdoors illegal!

They are contrary to the following regulations:

1. Clause 1.5.27 PUE (electrical installation rules)

The document states that the meter should be installed in a dry room that is easily accessible for maintenance and with a winter temperature not lower than zero.

Takeaway Using the device outdoors exposes it to precipitation and low temperatures.

2. Clause 1.5.29 PUE

The permissible installation height of the meter is in the range from 0.4 to 1.7 m from the floor.

3. Art. 210 Civil Code of the Russian Federation

The owner is responsible for the safety of his property, unless otherwise provided by the contract.

Pushing forward requirements install the device on the street, the energy sales company deprives the owner of the opportunity to keep it. Everyone has access to the street electricity meter, including hooligans and thieves.

Based on the above, the owner has the right refuse from installing the device outdoors.

Where is the best place to install an electric meter on the street?

In a cottage or country house, the device can be mounted on a pole, support, or building facade.

There are certain standards for installing the device outdoors and parameters for attaching the hanging line:

  1. The distance from the mounting post to the input module should be no more than 25 m.
  2. At the lowest point, the height of the branch should be more than 6 m in places of traffic, and above pedestrian paths - more than 3.5 m.
  3. The lowest point where cables are attached to the structure must be more than 2.75 m.

Installation installation of the device on the pole is carried out after receiving permission from the electricity supplier. All work must be performed by a licensed professional.

The building is connected to the support using a cable. On the outside, it is insulated and protected from the effects of adverse weather conditions.

Electrical devices on poles and supports are placed in metal or plastic boxes. The wires entering the room are laid in a metal pipe. To prevent electric shock to a person, all metal constructions connected to the ground loop.

The pillar to which it is attached counter, must be securely installed.

When installing a metering device on the facade of a building, the same standards must be observed as when installing it on a support.

It is necessary to have permission from the electricity supplier.

Which electric meter should I choose for outdoor installation?

There are household meters electricity, designed for installation outside the home. They are able to withstand fluctuations in air temperature while maintaining accurate readings.

There are devices single- and multi-tariff, single- or three-phase.

There are street meters different power.

Now in production devices that work well even at low temperatures.

When purchasing an installation box, you need to pay Special attention for its tightness. Heating is not required.

The moisture-resistant box must have a degree of protection of at least IP53-IP54.

Boxing should be chosen taking into account the design of the meter.

It is necessary to have a window on the door to take readings.

As street version most suitable single-phase electricity meter- For small house and dachas, or three-phase- for a multi-storey cottage with a swimming pool, sauna, etc.

In the latter case, the main thing is to correctly connect the device and evenly distribute the load on the network circuits.

Electric meters have a higher accuracy class than induction meters. The readings remain stable despite temperature changes throughout the entire service life.

When selecting fastening type It is better to give preference to a DIN rail for the device. It is universal.

Before purchasing you need Pay attention to the seal and the date of the last verification. It must not be older than two years - for single-phase devices and 1 year - for three-phase.

How to properly install an electricity meter on the street: installation rules

You can call a specialist to install the electric meter.

If the owner of the house knows how to properly install the device, he can do it himself. To do this, you must follow safety precautions and act according to the scheme below.

Step 1. Application to the energy sales organization

The supplier is preparing Required documents, agreement, assigns a personal account for payments for electricity. The supplier issues technical papers to the consumer.

They indicate:

  1. Counter type.
  2. Input protection circuit breaker.
  3. Wire cross-section and footage.
  4. Name of the installation panel (box).

Step 2. Installation of the meter

Having received the technical documents, you can install the device. At self-installation should be prepared necessary materials and elements.

A YUR-NG (external distribution box) is fixed outside the house or on a pole. It is equipped with the necessary parts for fastening electrical. counter elements.

When installing the device yourself, you must follow certain rules:

  1. Before starting work, disconnect the network line.
  2. The installation height should be 0.8-1.7 m.
  3. At temperatures below 5°, the device readings are incorrect. You should consider purchasing a heated electrical panel.
  4. Entrance electrical circuit connects to the line circuit breaker and then to the meter.
  5. Necessary protective grounding. In case of phase imbalance or short circuit electronics in the house will not be damaged.
  6. The meter output is connected to the input machine.
  7. The meter must be located at a distance of at least a meter from the gas pipeline and water supply line.
  8. Test activation.

Step 3. Application for approval of the device for use

The document is drawn up by the consumer at the office of the energy sales company. It can be sent by registered mail with notice.

The application reflects the following information:

  1. Full name of the applicant.
  2. Agreement (account) number.
  3. Address and telephone number of the individual.
  4. Date and signature.

Step 4. Drawing up an inspection report and sealing the device

The document is prepared by the supplier's representative. It informs about the provision of services for technological connection of the meter, its cost, specifications connections, device data and initial readings.

Payments for electricity are made from the date specified in the act.

Important! When installing the electric meter for the first time, it is sealed free of charge.

Is it possible to refuse to take the electricity meter outside?

If the owners of the house do not prevent energy workers from inspecting and taking meter readings, then there is no need to take it outside.

If the agreement with suppliers specifies the installation location local area, then the consumer may request that this clause be changed.

In this case, it would be useful to mention the violation of the above laws.

Installation of metering panels on poles and pipe stands in SNT, DNT. We offer significant discounts on pipe stands and metering panels for SNT.




PROMOTION INSTALLING A PIPE STAND FOR 18,000 RUBLES. When ordering 3 or more units, the price is 15,000 rubles.

Plot electricity. Discounts when ordering two installations of pipe stands price RUR 15,000.

For each subscriber electric meter According to the new requirements, it must be installed on a pole or pipe stand. Removing meters to poles occurred due to a problem in controllers gaining access to subscribers’ electricity meter. This was due to the fact that electrical energy meters are installed inside a private house.

The solution to problems is installation of electricity meters on a pole in the closet where the meter and the input machine are sealed.

Installation of an electric meter on a support, will make it impossible for electricity to be stolen.

After installation of electricity meters on a support in the unauthorized access cabinet, the number of cases of underpayments by subscribers for consumed electrical energy, due to the creation of the possibility of round-the-clock access for controllers to meters. Electricity meter, installed on a support, will be located on the line of responsibility, in accordance with Government Decree No. 530.

Our company deals connecting electricity meters on poles has been with SNT for several years now and has extensive experience in Gardening partnerships. We work throughout the Moscow region and New Moscow.

Installed electricity meters on poles and pipe supports in the following areas: Odintsovskii district Istrinsky district, Mozhaysky district, Dmitrovsky district, Solnechnogorsk district, Ruzsky district, Volokolamsky district, Mytishchi district, Pushkinsky district, Voskresensky district, Naro-Fominsky district, Lukhovitsky district, Stupinsky district, Podolsky district, Sergiev Posad district, Chekhovsky district, Ramensky district, Zelenogradsky district, Noginsky district, Krasnogorsky district, Shchelkovsky district, Lyuberetsky district, Kashira district, Leninsky district, Klinsky district, Egoryevsky district, Lotoshinsky district, New Moscow, Moscow city, Taldomsky district, Klinsky district, Tver region, Orekhovo-Zuevsky district, Ozeretsky district, Zaraisky district, Serebryano-Prudsky district.

The company SPETSELECTROSHCHIT LLC provides the following services: installation of a meter on a pole in SNT, installation of a meter on a pipe stand in SNT, removal of electricity meters to poles in SNT, installation of pipe stands in SNT, installation of pipe stands in SNT , electric installation work in "SNT", assembly, connection introductory boards on pillars. All work takes place in accordance with the current rules of PUE, GOST, TU. According to the requirements of MOESK, RES, MOSENERGOSBYT.

Electricity connection and removal of electricity meters in SNT, ONT (DNT, DNP) in the Moscow region +7 495 922-17-70, 8 903 685-55-36

Dacha associations and cottage villages, when contacting us, we are ready to offer:

>>> Special prices for equipment - Electricity meters Mercury, Matrix. Routers (USPD). Automation (switches, RCD, DIF). Shields for streets (IP54).

>>> Special conditions for work - Electricity connection. Removal of electricity meters. Installation of ASKUE. Street device LED lighting(LED).

We work according to Federal Law 217 - non-cash form of payments with SNT and ONT

For getting detailed information, click on the picture you are interested in

Services for removal of metering devices to dacha associations:
>> removal of electricity meters to the border of the balance sheet in SNT , DNT, DNP
>> removal of electricity meters to the street in SNT , DNT, DNP
>> removal of electricity meters to poles in SNT , DNT, DNP

Applications are accepted daily for email: [email protected]
Delivery of equipment throughout Moscow and the Moscow region. Shipping to all regions of the Russian Federation.

Direct agreement with Mosenergosbyt in SNT, consultation tel.: +7 495 922-17-70(SNT direct contract for electricity supply, consultation and paid assistance in registration. Preparation of initial permitting documentation for concluding an electricity supply contract).

Electrical installation work in SNT in the Moscow region.

We connect electricity to SNT (DNP, DNT), single-phase and three-phase subscribers under an agreement with a guarantee for all electrical work performed. A collective order for such work significantly reduces their cost, which is why our organization operates for SNT special prices, first of all, you can find out prices by phone. The customer receives the final payment in the form of a specification after a pre-project inspection of the facility by our specialists. It is possible to purchase only electricity meters with prompt delivery to any region of the Russian Federation. SNT can also order and buy a meter from us at special wholesale prices.

You can order from us removal of electricity meters to poles in SNT(power line supports or pipe stand), this event, at correct execution technical part, makes it possible to significantly reduce unaccounted for electricity consumption (electricity theft), which is ubiquitous in SNT and other dacha associations in which there is no proper control over metering devices within the partnership itself. Accordingly, payments for electricity are collected in smaller amounts than actually paid. The result is that all SNT pays for electricity stolen by individuals, because network organization(CO) only the “calculated” electricity meter for transformer substation, from which this SNT is powered, and not the electrical equipment inside it. The reason for the discrepancy in the CO readings is not of interest. Putting things in order this issue, is the interest of the SNT members themselves.

SNT meters installation. Meter on SNT pole and meter on pipe stand +7 495 922-17-70

How to bring order to payments for electricity in SNT? Options in terms of technical solution This problem is currently sufficient. From the simplest and cheapest, when in compliance with PUE standards, only the installation of simple modifications on electricity meter poles is carried out, without the possibility of telemetry (remote control and data transmission), before the installation of automated automated control systems for automated accounting of electricity consumption (ASKUE) in SNT ( automated system commercial electricity metering). Including, on the most technically modern radio options, in a very interesting price sector, allowing you to organize such energy accounting in SNT for electric meters with radio module, described in more detail on our website for these systems in the ASKUE radio section, below conditional diagram With brief description structures of such technology (click on the picture to enlarge).

We organize accounting of SNT for electricity. You can get a preliminary consultation by contacting +7 495 922-17-70, +7 903 685-55-36.