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Horoscope for children born in. Your baby is Libra

Eastern horoscope calls the patron of 2017 the fiery red Rooster, whose temperament, character and tastes will affect not only the people celebrating this year, but will also be transmitted to children born throughout 2017.

Character of children born in 2017 Year of the Rooster

From the very early years children, those born under this sign, will be prone to display leadership qualities. It will cost a lot of work for parents to build relationships in the family in such a way that the child does not feel disadvantaged, while at the same time not giving him the opportunity to command the entire family (see characteristics). Another special character quality of children born under the auspices of the fiery Rooster can be their confidence that they are right. This can affect your studies and relationships with friends. Parents should carefully explain all sides of each issue in which their little one is involved. Fire Rooster. Your opinion should not be imposed. You will have to present it in such a way that the child thinks that he himself figured out such a solution to the problem.

Characteristics of a child born in the year of the fire Rooster

The main measure of a young child’s attitude towards life will be the father, by looking at whom the child will learn not only how to relate to people, but also basic values. The man in the family will become an authority not only for the growing boy, but also for the little lady. Looking at her father, the girl learns about what kind of attitude should be expected from the opposite sex in the future, how she should behave in moments of different fatherly moods, as well as what is especially valued in a father-daughter relationship: mutual understanding and support. Mom becomes the person on whom the attention of other family members is mainly focused. In relation to the mother and her relation to the father, children born in , recognize a pattern of affection, friendship and respect that they will carry throughout their lives.

What will children born in 2017 be like?

It should be noted that children born in the year of the Rooster become excellent teachers, and not only in schools. They teach in higher education educational institutions and are happy to educate the younger generation. Also, these children can grow into leading surgeons, engineers or even politicians. They can lead any enterprise, as well as become the heart of an unusual project, which will provide an opportunity to reveal their inner potential and character. Under no circumstances should you suppress the abilities of a growing child. It is necessary to encourage what he is especially passionate about and what works best. If a child masters a skill with which he will be comfortable, harmonious relationships with his family in the future and with the people around him are guaranteed.

If you wish, you can watch the video “Detailed characteristic sign - Rooster":

As a rule, people born under the sign of the Fire Rooster have many children. Therefore, in the future, parents will be able to feel like full-fledged grandparents with a bunch of pleasant troubles.

If you start thinking about having a child, hurry up. Children born in 2018 in the Year of the Pig will bring a lot of joy to their parents. If you see a brightly dressed teenager on the street who, gesticulating, is trying to prove something to his interlocutors, know that this is most likely a child born in the Year of the Pig. It’s true that our children now all love to dress fashionably and brightly. And arguing is also their favorite pastime, especially with adults. How are they different from others?

Once upon a time Buddha, meeting New Year, invited all living things on Earth to join him. Only twelve animals and birds came to the holiday. The Buddha's generosity was limitless, and he gave each of those swimming, crawling or flying in the constellation the right to rule for one year. Each animal, the owner of the year, is endowed with both remarkable and not so remarkable character traits. The Hare is still a cheerful fellow, and the Dragon is straightforward and decisive. The Pig is very hardworking and very honest, the Snake is fast and wise, the Monkey is a comedian and a wonderful family man.

Hardworking. The room is clean and tidy. Decisive, very energetic, truthful. Trying to argue with them is to your own detriment; you still won’t prove anything. Scorpio Pig takes criticism very hard. Hardworking and very reliable. Happy day is Thursday and the number is one.

9. Sagittarius.

They don’t lie, they are very truthful and open. Cheerful optimists without any admixture of snobbery or secrecy. They are excellent students, as they are inquisitive and diligent. These little chicks get along well with the team and are very friendly. Lucky day is Thursday and the number is eight.

Very big pessimists, unsure of themselves. Homebodies, hard workers. True friends, but going out into a crowded place is not easy for them. It’s better to watch a cartoon or read a book. Very romantic. Life successes come to them already in adult life. Lucky day is Saturday, the number is seven.

Now we draw a conclusion about what children will be born in 2019

  • hardworking, persistent and resilient;
  • a little selfish;
  • leaders with enormous willpower;
  • great aesthetes and restless people;
  • put their own interests above others;

- more of a humanitarian direction than a physical and mathematical one. Therefore, if you are faced with choosing a class in which a little chicken will study, it is best to choose one where the core disciplines will be history and literature;

— children are very independent with their own point of view on everything. Therefore, if you want to convince him of something, start gradually, imperceptibly. Constantly praise him, but if there is a reason. These guys tend to be narcissistic.

Which people known to us were born in the year of the Pig?

The great singer Caruso and children's writer Kipling, composer Wagner and actress Pfeiffer. And many more creative personalities peace. But what kind of children born in 2019 in the Year of the Pig will be depends on the parents and the upbringing of the little chicks. Only by making efforts to develop useful character traits and dulling those that can interfere with life can their lives be made happy, without family scandals and squabbles at work.

Children born in 2017 will be born during the period of primacy. This fighting bird is distinguished by its tenacity and activity, so under its protection children are born who are characterized by endurance, hard work and incredible determination. From a young age, Rooster children amaze their parents with their diligence and attentiveness. They are quite conservative, so they rarely leave the beaten path. From the first days of life, habits and preferences begin to form, which they will defend to the bitter end, so parents will have to pay increased attention to the educational process.

At school, little Roosters demonstrate an organized and methodical approach to completing tasks. You will be surprised how easy it is for a child to learn mathematics, physics and chemistry. Nothing surprising - Roosters love science, which requires accuracy and systematicity. However, excessive diligence leads to the fact that the Rooster child spends a lot of time studying.

Children born in the year of the Rooster will grow up persistent and sociable

Forecast for children born in 2017

You will certainly rejoice in the fact that you gave birth to an indomitable optimist - your child will never shy away from difficulties and will be ready to try to achieve the goal again and again. Fire Roosters have a penchant for creativity, but too often they cannot decide on their main hobby. Parents need to take a close look at the child and his hobbies in order to gently nudge him by sending him to the appropriate club or studio.

Children born in the year of the Fire Rooster are distinguished by their thriftiness, so you can always count on little helper in the kitchen or workshop. Parents of the Rooster can be advised not to overprotect the child - they need to feel the moment when they have to let go of the reins, so as not to force the Rooster to defend his right to personal independence.

Even though your child has exceptional willpower, take into account that he is sensitive and experiences grievances acutely. Watch for changes in the Rooster child’s mood and find out the cause of anxiety in time to show sympathy and understanding. It is better to clarify all issues in advance than to allow an upset child to hide his emotions.

Our horoscope for 2017 will predict the fate of your baby!

Most likely, the baby Rooster will begin to bring friends to the house early - people always gather around this charismatic personality a large number of friends. Don't worry that little Rooster may fall under the influence of bad company. He is too picky in his acquaintances and never follows the opinions of others. As for the influence of the zodiac sign on the personality and characteristics of the Rooster child, the following points can be noted.

ARIES, born in the year of the Rooster

Aries born during this period will be especially different strong character. Such a kid has a sharp mind and knows how to get out of the most hopeless situation. You can be sure that your child will always be completely honest with you, will never hide a prank and will be ready to be punished for his misdeed. A child born in the year of the Rooster will be able to make useful contacts and will be the leader in the team from childhood.

TAURUS, born in the year of the Rooster

Most likely, your baby will be overly self-confident from an early age. Get ready for the fact that more than once he may come home with bruises and bumps after another feat. These are strong and energetic children who are dominated by leadership skills. Little Roosters are very kind and caring, but they are characterized by some cunning. You need to carefully monitor your baby in order to wean him from the habit of protecting himself at the expense of others.

GEMINI born in the year of the Rooster

These are the most flighty and fickle of the Roosters. Such children are active and versatile, but often tend to overestimate their capabilities. Take a closer look at your child’s inclinations so that you can direct excess energy in a peaceful direction in a timely manner. As soon as the baby grows up, send him to several sections - sports and creative, since you always need to be active. You will have to look after your child at school - he will often be distracted from his lessons.

CANCER, born in the year of the Rooster

Perhaps this is the most controversial Rooster. Such children are vulnerable and touchy - they often cry if they feel powerless. -Roosters constantly doubt the correctness decisions taken- this does not mean that you should take all responsibility on yourself and deprive the child of independence, but take time to dispel his doubts. It is difficult for such individuals to change habits - try to traumatize your child less with transfers to new school or kindergarten. IN comfortable environment your child will achieve the highest results.

LEO, born in the year of the Rooster

From infancy, the child will try to become the head of the family and subjugate those around him. The Rooster is a born commander, so you will have to make an effort to force him to obey a certain order. You may notice a certain tendency towards pride and arrogance in a child of this sign, but they will be based on real achievements. This Rooster, unlike others, is absolutely free from selfishness - he is generous and noble to the extreme.

VIRGO born in the year of the Rooster

If you have the opportunity to plan the month of birth of a child, plan so that he is born during the period of Virgo's dominance. This combination of signs is one of the most favorable in 2017. will add courage to the indecisive Virgo, and the pragmatic one will reduce the recklessness of the Rooster. Such children are distinguished by hard work, a developed sense of justice and integrity. True, you will have to wean your baby from excessive boasting.

LIBRA born in the year of the Rooster

Perhaps such children are not very sensitive to other people's problems. However, they are very skillful diplomats and can smooth out any conflict. These kids are always honest with their parents and know how to present a reasoned position on any issue, so don’t worry and don’t expect cunning from them. IN adolescence You will need to closely monitor the child - Roosters are particularly loving and capable of doing stupid things.

SCORPIO, born in the year of the Rooster

From birth, such children are distinguished by courage and irrepressible energy, so you should not leave the little experimenter without attention and control. Roosters have an inquisitive mind and sharp intellect - you don’t have to worry about their school grades. But your child’s behavior can cause you unpleasant moments parent meeting– these children absolutely do not know how to keep their emotions in check. However, this is only a consequence of the lack of love and affection. Be caring and kind to prevent aggression from appearing in your child's character.

SAGITTARIUS, born in the year of the Rooster

Roosters born during the period of dominance are distinguished by a special gift for convincing other people. These are outspoken children, ready to chat with anyone, so teach your baby to be vigilant when he walks on the street. Sagittarius Roosters are little enthusiasts who love change and new experiences, and in the company of friends they are always bursting with ideas. They rarely finish things, so you need to teach your child to concentrate on one thing at a time.

CAPRICORN, born in the year of the Rooster

These are the only Roosters who are not prone to excessive boasting. Since childhood, they have been distinguished by modesty and ease, so they easily make new acquaintances and quickly win the sympathy of the team. Little Roosters are honest with parents and friends, they are hardworking and diligent, so you can be sure of the quality of your homework. Prepare for the fact that the child will be honest to the extreme, which will sometimes harm himself.

AQUARIUS, born in the year of the Rooster

The 2017 totem will further enhance idealism

It is no secret that each person has his own character and disposition, which manifests itself from the first months of life. The baby inherits some traits from his father, some from his mother, but mostly the stars are to blame for everything. Find out what the children born in 2019 will be like under the auspices of the good-natured Yellow Pig or Boar, according to eastern calendar, all those who are expecting a child soon will be able to.

Love of freedom and honesty

Children born in the year of the Pig (Boar) are endowed with a developed logical thinking, which will make itself felt already in infancy. The little pig will solve logical problems, will definitely draw accurate conclusions from everything, he has a huge number of ideas, and any storyteller will envy his imagination; he strives for accuracy in everything. Over the years, this mentality will only develop; children born under the auspices of the Pig will become excellent engineers, economists, financiers, accountants, writers, and editors.

The Pig tries to bypass leadership positions in every possible way, because then she will be forced to devote less time to her family and children, which is unacceptable for her, and she experiences such moments painfully.

In kindergartens and at school events, young Pigs are involved in theatrical productions, read poetry expressively, and write beautiful essays. They can often be seen as television presenters, poets and writers, actors and singers.

Efficiency and hard work

Piglet's outstanding trait is his diligence. If a Pig child is assigned to draw a poster or prepare a report, then rest assured that he will definitely do it. You can rely on him in any situation, and the order will be completed in the most at its best. Children born in this year are diligent and diligent and take their studies responsibly. Often already in progress labor activity Those around them take advantage of this to load the obligatory Pig with all the complex and urgent work.

Sole of company

Children born in 2019 will definitely have many acquaintances and friends, but they have few close friends. However, parents of Pig children should not be afraid that their child has a large social circle, since he will independently make right choice friends, you won’t meet him in bad company.

Children born this year are very patient, sensitive and attentive, but they also have a limit, so be prepared for the fact that already in preschool age your child may be stubborn and adamant in his decision if he is confident in his own rightness.

Pigs are quite hardworking and inquisitive, but sometimes prone to laziness. Therefore, parents need to participate in the child’s life, be interested in his affairs, failures and victories. Kabanchik wants to be confident in his parents, to feel love and care from the family. During adolescence, parents of Piggy children will have a particularly difficult time; the child’s desire for independence and freedom-loving character will fray the nerves of adults. However, he will never allow others to offend or speak unflatteringly about relatives and friends.

Children born in 2019 will certainly achieve a lot in life, because they know how to set a goal and persistently pursue it. They have everything planned for many years in advance, they are constantly improving and trying to learn and keep abreast of new trends. Hard work, perseverance and the pursuit of ideals in everything are their main helpers in achieving success.

Let us remind you that 2019 Chinese calendar comes February 5, 2019 and the last day of this year will be January 24, 2020. Therefore, children born during this period will be under the protection of the Yellow Earthen Pig (Boar) and accordingly endowed with the character of this lovely animal.

The Year of the Fire Rooster will be especially favorable to every baby born in 2017. But what does he have in store for your future baby? Read our horoscope and find out.

Little Aries (21 March - 19 April)

The babies, who will only be born in early spring, will delight mom and dad with a good appetite and curiosity. The only thing young parents should remember is that Aries babies may have poor sleep. And therefore, it is worth doing everything so that they actively play during the day, using up all their energy reserves.

athlete, surgeon, artist, poet.

Little Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

One can only envy the parents of this baby: good health, absolute non-conflict and good nature - distinctive features Taurus child. But in order for the baby to develop harmoniously, he should be provided with a supply of toys in which he can tirelessly tinker, and... a pet. A cat, dog or hamster will become a child’s faithful playmate.

Professions that a child can learn: restaurateur, financier, designer.

Baby Twin (May 21 - June 20)

A very active baby will give parents a lot of pleasant troubles. And all because this child will begin to explore space with great pleasure, conquering new peaks over and over again, including the stairs, the table, and the wardrobe. And perhaps even surprise you with its early development. But the last point may also contribute to the fact that nervous system will not cope with the load. Therefore, it is worth taking care of bathing the baby in a decoction of soothing herbs.

Professions that a child can learn: logistician, mathematician, marketer, journalist.

Little Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

These babies will be a real gift for parents. Because from childhood, one trait will clearly appear in them: the desire to help in everything and everywhere. And you shouldn’t deny this to your child. On the contrary, communicating with him while washing dishes together, for example, will allow you to return to childhood. Soft and naive little Cancers are open to the world, so they love to listen to stories and read bright books. They also love to swim. Therefore, it is worth making sure that your child can swim as often as possible.

Professions that a child can learn: farmer, doctor, architect, builder.

Little Lion (23 July - 22 August)

This artistic kid early childhood will attract admiring glances from strangers. Because he will be so talented that all creative directions will be his joy. He will sing, dance, and act on stage. The parents’ task is to monitor his health, paying attention to strengthening the immune system.

Professions that a child can learn: jeweler, designer, artist, singer.

Little Virgo (23 August - 22 September)

This serious kid knows how to listen. Therefore, you can always come to an agreement with him using arguments, not shouting! Parents should use this character trait in their upbringing. And the baby’s weak point is digestive system. Therefore, his diet must be monitored especially carefully, paying attention to maintaining a daily routine and regularly including vegetables in the diet.

Professions that a child can learn: IT specialist, lawyer, veterinarian.

Scales (September 23 - October 22)

Refined natures and aesthetes are small scales. Children born in the fall of 2017 will grow up to be very refined personalities. True, if from childhood the sense of beauty is dispelled in them. And for this you can learn poems, sing a lot, thus developing correct and beautiful speech. But it is worth remembering that Libras have an extremely high tendency to problems in paired organs (kidneys, tonsils, etc.).

Professions that a child can learn: lawyer, culturologist, art critic, theater critic.

Little Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)

These kids are impossible not to notice. They are great at attracting attention to themselves while manipulating their parents. And this is worth remembering. Just like the fact that scorpion babies can be subject to unconscious fears. And it is useless to fight them with healthy arguments. They will help you cope with this problem... horror stories, told at night, and protective rituals or amulets made together with dad. Also, this child should be sent to a section with maximum physical activity so that he is not drawn to extreme sports.

Professions that a child can learn: banker, psychologist, financier, bodybuilder.

Baby Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)

Ambition and determination are qualities of little Sagittarius that should never be laughed at. On the contrary, it is necessary to ask the child’s opinion on this or that issue more often, taking into account what has been expressed. This is what will help the child grow up independent. Tendency to foreign languages needs to be developed with early age. Sagittarius has a great chance of achieving success in this area.

Professions that a child can learn: philologist, translator, sociologist, PR specialist.

Little Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)

The Capricorn baby will be serious and flexible as long as you do not impose your point of view on him. And in order to avoid conflicts in the family, it is necessary to learn from childhood to negotiate with the baby. Otherwise the child will shut down. Yoga and theater classes will have a beneficial effect on a child’s development. This will help the baby learn to negotiate and also be tolerant.

Professions that a child can learn: realtor, accountant, builder, architect.

Little Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)

You won't find a better friend than this little Aquarius. Children who will be born or have already been born under this sign are friendly and brilliant. mental abilities, which are worth developing. For this, the child can be enrolled in chess or in any other club in which classes are aimed at developing intelligence. And perhaps the next Nobel will appear in your family!

Professions that a child can learn: psychologist, linguist, researcher, energy specialist.

Little Pisces (February 19 - March 20)

Fantasy, daydreaming, imagination - these are all the qualities that need to be developed in a child who will soon be born. And this will make him successful. You can take up music, dance, or help your child learn acting. The main thing is that the talents of the young dreamer do not turn into lies and head in the clouds. The weak point of these children is their susceptibility to allergies and infections. Therefore, it is worth paying special attention to hardening.

Professions that a child can learn: writer, journalist, photographer, doctor.