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What you need in a newborn's nursery. The design and nuances of arranging a newborn’s room are pleasant chores. Children's room in minimalist style

One of the main chores when a baby is born is arranging a nursery for him. What is the best way to do this, what needs to be observed and what to refuse, so that a newborn baby feels cozy and comfortable in his room?

General requirements for a room for a newborn baby

Any pediatrician, as well as anyone with everyday experience, can tell you what the basic requirements should be for a room for a newborn baby. There are not many such requirements, and it is desirable that all of them be met. The well-being and proper development of the child ultimately depends on how well they are fulfilled. These are the requirements:

  • The air temperature in the room must be regulated;
  • The room must be ventilated and properly lit. The light in it should not be too bright so that it does not irritate the baby, and at the same time, there should be enough light, otherwise the baby may be afraid of the dark;
  • There should be no extraneous noise entering the room that will disturb the child. In addition, reliable noise insulation will allow other family members to feel natural and not lower their voices to a whisper every time;
  • The walls must be finished exclusively with safe, natural materials;
  • The color of the walls, ceiling, floor and furniture should be calm, light and warm tones, which have a calming effect on the baby, as well as on his mother.

Children's design

Design requirements are very important. Here the child will spend a lot of time, grow up, develop, play, relax, and gain experience. Therefore, everything here must be provided for down to the very last detail.

It is best to divide the room into zones. One zone should be for games, another for relaxation, the third will be needed by the child when he grows up and starts classes or handicrafts, in other words, begins to learn.

There are several ways to divide a room into zones. One of these ways is the appropriate arrangement of furniture. Another way is flooring, wall coverings or photo wallpaper. For example, the part of the space where the baby’s crib is located can be covered with photo wallpaper with muted, soft colors so that the child can fall asleep more peacefully. And, say, part of the room where the child will play can be covered with photo wallpaper depicting toys, various animals, nature, etc.

There can be many options here. At the same time, designers and child psychologists advise play area place it in the center of the room or next to a window. Firstly, in such places there is much better natural light. Secondly, the child feels more confident in the middle of the room. Thirdly, in the future you can place a table near the window at which the child will study.

10 design ideas for a newborn's nursery

How best to decorate walls

In this case, there can also be many options for wall decoration. However, it is best to decorate the walls in a children's room with the following materials:

  • Washable wallpaper;
  • Paintable wallpaper;
  • Paint.

When decorating walls there are several points to consider. If the walls are covered with wallpaper, then you need to be prepared for the fact that the wallpaper will have to be periodically replaced with new ones. Firstly, children love to draw on wallpaper, and this process is difficult to follow. And secondly, during outdoor games, the child will sooner or later tear off the wallpaper.

The most preferred wallpaper for a children's room is paper or vinyl. It is highly desirable that they be plain and not too bright. No drawings on the wallpaper are needed, otherwise the child will get tired quickly, as bright colors irritates him nervous system. As for the paint, it should be waterproof acrylic and odorless.

What should be the flooring in a children's room?

There are also many requirements for flooring. It should be made from natural, environmentally friendly safe material. It could be:

  • Laminate;
  • Cork covering;
  • Wooden floor or parquet.

For obvious reasons, the floor in a children's room must be of high quality, without cracks or hangnails. It is advisable that when laying the floor, the seams are carefully sealed. Since the child will move around the floor (first crawl, and then walk), the floor covering should be easy to clean. But carpeting here is extremely undesirable. The carpet, as you know, actively absorbs dust, and removing it from there is quite difficult.

What color should the children's room be?

It has already been partly mentioned above color finishing rooms for the baby. Let us dwell on this in more detail, especially since it has its own specific features that should be taken into account. Of course, what color to decorate the room in largely depends on the parents. But at the same time, the following points must be taken into account:

  • Too bright colors excite the child's psyche, so it is better not to use red or bright orange colors in decoration;
  • For the same reason, you should avoid dark colors: brown, emerald, purple, blue;
  • The best option is calm colors (cream, blue, olive, gray, light green) that calm the child;
  • Bright splashes can be used only to indicate areas inside the room or with their help to highlight some places that the child must remember;
  • It is generally accepted that when decorating the walls in a baby’s room there should be no more than three colors. Too much a large number of Painting has a stimulating effect on a child and can even lead to illness.

Room for a boy and a girl

Child psychologists, pediatricians, grandparents, and experienced parents assure that in terms of design, rooms for a newborn boy and a newborn girl should be different from each other. In a boy's room, the overall tone should be light, but pieces of brown, blue, gray and even black are acceptable (and even highly recommended). It is believed that strict dark colors help to cultivate purely masculine character traits in a boy: confidence, determination, perseverance in achieving goals. In general, the design of a room for a boy should be done in more subdued colors than for girls.

Note to moms!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me too, and I’ll also write about it))) But there’s nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too...

Designers sometimes call a little girl’s room a “princess room” or a “fairy room.” It would be great if it was decorated in pink tones. And it’s even better if the pink color is combined with other colors: beige, gray, turquoise, chocolate. Space for designer fantasies It's big here. The main thing is not to overdo it and not to make the “princess room” pink beyond measure, as a result of which it can become cloying and uncomfortable.

The “right” ceiling and the “right” lighting

As for the ceiling, there are also certain requirements for it. It is believed that the ceiling in terms of design should not be too complex and pretentious. It is better if it is a simple, flat ceiling. There are the following reasons for this:

  1. Firstly, a volumetric ceiling always causes a feeling of bulkiness and heaviness (in such cases they say that it “presses”). Accordingly, a “pressing” ceiling can frighten a child.
  2. Secondly, dust settles on the relief ceiling, which is quite difficult to remove.

It should also be borne in mind that a baby, lying in a crib, most often looks at the ceiling. Therefore, it is not recommended to paint the ceiling in bright colors. If there is still some kind of stucco on the ceiling, then it should be painted in soothing colors. However, it is best in this case to make a suspended ceiling.

Lighting plays a very important role for the baby. Until the child reaches the age of three months, his vision must be protected from direct impact sunlight. In addition, you need to take care of proper lighting premises electrical sources Sveta. To do this you need:

  • Cover all the windows in the room with curtains natural fabric, which will diffuse and muffle sunlight. Linen or linen fabric in plain, soothing colors is best suited here. These must be simple curtains without any frills or other designer delights. Complex curtains collect too much dust;
  • Windows must be equipped with mosquito nets;
  • Fluorescent lamps must be installed in lamps located on the ceiling;
  • Alternatively, you can do without overhead lighting altogether by using sconces, desk lamp or floor lamps;
  • If there is a special place for changing a baby, it should be equipped with a separate light source.

What should the furniture be like?

Let's start with the crib. There is probably no need to explain in detail the importance of a crib for a baby. Therefore, when arranging a nursery, you should first take care of this piece of furniture. The main advantage of a crib is that it should be comfortable for a child, and also convenient for an adult caring for a baby. Since you need to bend over and pick up the baby, the side of the crib must be designed in such a way that it lowers and rises.

There are certain, centuries-tested requirements for exactly how the crib should be placed. Usually it is placed in a place where it is calm and quiet. The crib should not be exposed to sunlight. The crib should not be placed near a door or near sockets, switches or wall lamps. If possible, the crib is placed on a specially made podium.

Currently, there are many types of baby cribs: with a specially equipped changing area, with additional drawers for linen, etc. If parents intend to rock their baby to sleep, then instead of a crib they can buy a cradle. Modern furniture stores sell many varieties of cradles. This can be a cradle on wheels or a cradle equipped with pendulum mechanisms. Such mechanisms are divided into longitudinal, transverse and universal.

It is very important what material the crib or cradle is made of. You should not buy a crib and cradle that are made of synthetic materials. A crib (or cradle) for a baby should be made of natural wood. In addition, you need to pay attention to the fact that the crib is not varnished or painted. Varnish, paint or synthetics can cause allergic diseases in a child.

As for other furniture, there shouldn’t be a lot of it in the children’s room. In general, in addition to the crib or cradle, the set of furniture here should be as follows:

  • Chest of drawers for storing children's clothes, toys and other necessary things;
  • Changing table;
  • A chair in which the mother will feel comfortable feeding her baby.

Maintaining a comfortable temperature and cleanliness in the baby’s room

It is very important to know that excessively humid as well as dry air is harmful to a child. All sorts of harmful bacteria develop in excessively humid or dry air. The ideal air humidity for a baby is a minimum of 50, maximum of 70 percent. There are many ways to make air humidity optimal:

  • Air with low humidity usually occurs in winter in rooms where central heating. In this case, a special humidifier will come in handy. If you don’t have a humidifier, you can use the old proven method - hang wet towels on the radiators, changing them periodically;
  • Air with high humidity usually happens in autumn or spring. In this case, the room must be ventilated as often as possible. It is clear that measures must be taken here to prevent the child from catching a cold;
  • It must be remembered that the children's room must be ventilated at least 3-4 times a day. Be sure to air it out before putting your child to bed.

The temperature in the children's room is of great importance. The temperature must be constantly monitored and adjusted if necessary. Most comfortable temperature for a baby – 20-22 degrees. When bathing a child, the room temperature should be higher - 25-28 degrees. When the baby grows up and begins to move, the temperature in the room should be 18-22 degrees - so that the child, while actively moving, does not overheat.

Anna Sheina: Children's room renovation

How we arranged our children's room. What is in the nursery: furniture for a newborn, toys, lighting and much more:

Note to moms!

Hello girls! Today I will tell you how I managed to get in shape, lose 20 kilograms, and finally get rid of terrible complexes fat people. I hope you find the information useful!

This is the case when parents consider their children to be fools who do not understand anything. You, “protecting the child’s psyche,” forced the older child to suffer, to look for his beloved cat, knowing that she had died. Most likely, he was not so stupid, he understood that “she felt better, but she ran away from the clinic,” most likely means that the mother was simply lying, but logic came into conflict with the still existing trust in the mother when you think that if mom says anything, then she’s right - and he understood what happened, but still continued to wait and hope: “What if she’s really alive, because mom can’t lie to me?” And then, when even the youngest told you that he still understood everything (and they probably discussed the case with each other, and increasingly came to disappointing conclusions that mom was lying), you also convinced him that he supposedly " not guilty." In my opinion, this is a direct way to raise children who are unable to take responsibility for their actions. I think it would be much more useful to say that yes, Kusya died because you pushed her, but nothing can be done, and now you know that your self-indulgence and experiments can lead to dire consequences, and, of course, you do so you will never do it again. The child would cry and forever remember what he did. And a person’s personality is made up of memories. And please don't promote Mosquito nets as protection against cats falling out. They are designed to protect your home from insects, and nothing more. At most, they can protect your parrot from flying out of the window. It was recently in the news that one year old child fell out with such a net from the 10th floor... died, of course. These nets will not protect either a cat or a child. They are made of plastic and are glued double-sided tape, or are pinned with buttons. The slightest load and the mesh flies out. A cat can jump onto the net after a bird or a butterfly and fly down. Or he might just start tearing at it, sharpening his claws, and tear it apart. If you get a cat, then buy and install an anti-cat net, this metal grill, which is firmly attached to the frame with screws or bolts, and can even support an adult.

The ideal option is when parents have the opportunity to allocate one of the rooms of the apartment for the child. But, alas, not everyone succeeds. A corner is being set up: a crib, a cabinet for children's linen (not a shelf; the laundry gathers dust on the open shelf), a changing table. Many mothers, even if they can allocate a children's room, prefer that the child be nearby all the time in the first months of life - it makes them feel calmer, especially at night.

To the room in which it is located infant, there are a number of requirements. The room should be sufficiently spacious and bright, regularly ventilated. Daily wet cleaning. It is best when the floor in the room is wooden. In general, know: all objects that your baby comes into contact with must be made of natural materials. But the floor in your apartment is covered with linoleum (nowadays this is a very common phenomenon), don’t worry. If your linoleum does not contain a layer of PVC and has not been treated with synthetic resins, it is not harmful to your child. The undoubted advantage of linoleum is that it is very easy to process.

Perhaps before placing your child in the room, you want to renovate it. This is a very smart decision. However, you must be sure that there are no harmful impurities in the varnishes and paints you use. About these harmful impurities usually indicated on packages.

All kinds of carpets, rugs, and rugs are undesirable in a children's room, but if they exist and cannot be abandoned, then they should be regularly cleaned with a vacuum cleaner. You should also clean the walls with a vacuum cleaner (many young parents forget about this, believing that dust can only collect on horizontal surfaces). It's good when the walls are covered with washable wallpaper...

Which wallpaper color to choose?

The best colors are soothing: light green, light brown. With a small, discreet, unobtrusive pattern. You should know that from bright colors a child gets tired, as does an adult, and a large drawing - a completely harmless floral ornament - can even frighten your child... It’s unlikely that any of us remembers what images he saw in the first year of life in the wallpaper, in the cracks on the ceiling, in the plaster stains...

The room you place your baby in should be well lit and sunny. In addition to the fact that the sun's rays kill microbes, they also create good mood. Believe me, the child soon begins to feel the mood and comfort.

Pathogenic microbes, as a rule, enter a child’s room with dust, and dust is carried on shoes. Therefore, it is necessary to change into special slippers when you enter the nursery

In the room where the child is, especially when the child begins to move independently - crawling, taking the first steps - there should be no objects with sharp corners that can easily get hurt. If there are such corners (the corner of a closet, for example, a bed, table legs), then the child can be protected as follows: wrap the table legs with something soft, cover the corners of the furniture with strips of thick rubber or cork.

Never leave it open electrical sockets. Little children, exploring the world, will certainly one day pay attention to the socket. They have enough time for that. What if it’s still nearby? metal object suitable shape- a nail from dad's box or mom's knitting needles - and this object, due to a parent's oversight, falls into the hands of a child, a tragedy can occur.

There should be nothing unnecessary in the room in which you place the child. This also means furniture. And not only because dust collects on the furniture (dust also collects on the floor). Bulky and not very practical things displace the volume of air from the room that is so necessary for the normal development of the child.

Those pieces of furniture whose presence you consider necessary in the children's room must be durable, without sharp corners, smooth (to avoid splinters) and stable. After all, if a child knocks something over himself, injury is possible, not to mention a stressful reaction for everyone.

If you live in your own home, make fireplaces, Russian stoves, stairs, the entrance to the cellar, etc. inaccessible to the child. By taking care of the fencing bars in a timely manner, you will protect your child from burns and injuries.
Make it a rule: when a child leaves the children's room, he must be constantly under the control of one of the adults.

In a city apartment, heating radiators pose an undoubted danger to a child. Make sure that they are covered with special panels.

There should be nothing on your windowsills, especially heavy objects. A child is quite capable of throwing something off himself.

Protect access to windows. Or make sure that the windows are securely closed, even if you live on the ground floor. There is no need for a chair or sofa to stand near the window, from the back of which a child could easily climb onto the windowsill. If a child falls from the windowsill onto the floor, it will be an unpleasant experience for everyone.

A very necessary item in a child's room is a wall thermometer. It allows you to control the temperature. A temperature of 18-20 °C is optimal. At night it can be even lower - 12-15 °C. The wall thermometer should be placed at crib level. Then you can be sure that you are not making mistakes in your measurements. It is always colder above the floor than below the ceiling.

The air in the room should not be too dry, so it is recommended to hang a damp towel out at night.

Always remember the need to maintain silence if you have a Small child. For normal physical and mental development The baby needs silence.

You must be sure that there are no drafts in the room.

Baby crib

The baby's crib should be in a place with sufficient natural light, but not very close to the window. Away from possible drafts. Not in a walk-through room - so as not to disturb the child once again when he is sleeping. Many parents put their baby to sleep in a stroller and rock him to sleep when the baby wakes up. You should not accustom your child to motion sickness - he will get used to it and will have trouble falling asleep without it.

You've found a cozy corner for your baby's crib. Dad just brought a crib from furniture store. And he collected it. What a beauty!.. But you are surprised that the crib is too big. This is because you involuntarily compare her to a baby. Yes, the crib is still too big for the baby. But he will grow quickly, and in this crib he will sleep until school.

Factory-made cribs meet certain requirements (dimensions, lowering and rising bottom, distance between the bars of the lattice, materials, etc.). But sometimes, especially in rural areas, parents prefer to make do with cribs self-made. In this case, it is important for them to know that the distance between the bars of the grill should not exceed 7.5 cm; otherwise, the child may stick their head through one of the holes and get stuck.

Regarding the bottom of the crib... When the child is still small and not very mobile, the bottom of the crib should be located high: this way it is more convenient for the mother to care for the baby - there is no need to bend low. But when the baby is already active and able to get out of the crib, the bottom must be lowered.

Over time, your baby will no longer spend all his waking hours in the crib. Like any full-fledged member of the family, he will want to participate more actively in all events and one day he will let you know that he is tired of being “behind bars.” Then you can remove a couple of bars from the crib in a place that you consider convenient for the child as an exit. Now, if the baby needs it, he will independently get out of the crib and walk around the room.

The first time after birth the child does not move on his own; where you put it, there it will lie. At this time his main exercise stress- this is a cry. But the baby will grow a little, and it will be difficult to hold him. To prevent the child from being injured on the crib bars, it is better to cover them with special protective pads. You can make these pillows yourself from a new quilt.

It is not recommended to put the baby to bed next to the mother in the same bed at night. For example, when a child sleeps restlessly. From a hygiene point of view, this is a violation. The adult body, of course, is not perfectly clean.
If for some reason the child does not yet have his own crib, it is quite possible to use a large basket - the so-called laundry basket. Only the basket must be thoroughly treated with an antiseptic. And you need to sew a special mattress.

In general, a mattress for a child should not be very thick and too soft. This condition is important to observe especially in the first months of life - when the child is growing rapidly. Violation of this rule threatens the curvature of the child’s spine. Synthetics (foam rubber) are also not recommended - static electricity does not affect the developing organism in the best possible way. A straw mattress - hardly anyone will have any objections to it.

Try to buy a duvet for your child. His positive traits: The duvet is warm and light. You will be sure that the baby is warm and comfortable enough under it.

When putting your child into bed, remember that soft feather beds are harmful to him. The mattress should be quite hard - straw or hair. This is necessary for the proper development of the child’s skeletal system, in particular the spine. No need for a pillow at all. If you still want to put something under your baby’s head, place a diaper folded in four. Using a pillow with this early age may cause distortion cervical region spinal column. In addition, it will be difficult for the child to breathe if his head is placed on the pillow - after all, the child has a very short neck.

Do not wrap your child up or pile blankets on him. If he is fed on time and healthy, he is warm under a light blanket. Some mothers, for fear of catching a child's cold, even wrap him in a feather blanket - and thereby only make things worse. The child sweats and shows signs of heat rash in many places.

Your child will need a folding chair with a table at the age of six months - the child is already sitting confidently. And he is not interested in eating alone; the baby already needs company. When you use such a high chair, pay attention every time so that the child does not push his legs away from the edge of the table - he may tip over along with the high chair.

Special bags for carrying babies are becoming more and more popular. Of course, you can’t use them as a crib, but if you need to carry your child somewhere, they are very convenient - much more convenient than strollers.

Requirements for the apartment

In some apartments and houses there are many flowers and other indoor plants- in pots, tubs and even in large flower beds. The presence of plants in a children's room is undesirable. First of all, this applies to toxic plants, such as philodendrons, begonias, oleanders... But even if the plant is non-toxic, take it to another room. The fact is that over time, when your child becomes more mobile and begins to independently travel around the room, he will naturally become interested in such an attractive object as a flower and want to taste it. This is fraught with great complications. Otherwise, God forbid, he will knock over the pot on himself.

If you value your indoor flowers and you don’t want to part with them, collect them somewhere in one place and isolate them from the baby with a reliable partition. The most reasonable thing is to take the flowers to another room. IN summer time You can put them on the balcony.

It is necessary to ventilate the room more often. Move the child to another room for ventilation. Or air it out while he walks. Most effective method ventilation - draft ventilation. In a few minutes the air in the room is completely replaced.
You can leave the window ajar at night. But provided that the incoming air does not rush directly towards the child (the baby can be blocked from the window with sheets). And you must be sure that there are no drafts in the room.

Make sure that matches do not fall into your child's hands. The child is “big-eyed”. He watches you very carefully, he is learning about the world. Having seen the trick you perform with matches a couple of times, he already has a rough idea of ​​what he should achieve from this curious object... Keep matches away from the baby.

A home first aid kit also poses a great danger to a child. The packaging of the medicines is very attractive and bright, a child’s hand is drawn to them. And some tablets are coated with a sweet coating.

All cleaning and cleaning products should be kept out of the reach of children. detergents. For example, in the bathroom in a locker.

Mom, dad and guests

Protect your child from contact with people who have colds. A nursing mother and all loved ones who care for the baby should not pose a risk of infection. Carious untreated teeth and chronic tonsillitis are all dangerous sources of infection for a child.

A very important circumstance: the mother’s nails should be cut short (for the sake of the child it is worth making this sacrifice). Long nails are always a danger of accidentally scratching a child. And, of course, there may be a good infection under the nails... Short-cut nails should also be treated with a nail file.

Maximum participation and assistance should be felt from the father. A man should put aside all sorts of complexes and not be ashamed, for example, of swaddling a child or taking him for a walk in a stroller. - a man can provide very tangible help at night if he swaddles the baby - he will provide an extra opportunity for the nursing mother to rest.
Well, to play with the child (don’t forget that during play the baby develops and learns about the world) - this gives both dad and child incomparable pleasure.

If your child is in the kitchen with you, keep him away from the stove. And in general, when you cook something in the kitchen, you don’t need the child to be nearby. Boiling oil may splash on the child, or boiling water may splash out from under the kettle lid. According to the “law of meanness,” the handle of a saucepan may fall off at the very moment when the baby is crawling on the floor.

When a baby is born, there is no need to immediately arrange a separate room for him, because the baby doesn’t care what kind of furniture and what kind of interior.

The closeness of his mother is important for the baby. That’s why, if it’s not possible to allocate a separate room, don’t worry – you can also arrange a corner for a newborn.

First corner

A room for a newborn is a special place, and it is clear that it is not permissible to design it like a bedroom for adults.

The nursery should be functional! The nursery should have a comfortable air temperature, it should be well ventilated, and in addition, it is important to equip it with normal lighting.

Initially, you need to soundproof the room so that nothing interferes with the baby’s comfortable sleep.

The first nursery should be bright and cozy, and you should like it, because the baby will perceive your impression of the room through your emotions.

To ensure a constant comfortable temperature in the nursery, autonomous heating is used with the function of regulating heat supply.

For newborns optimal temperature 20-22 degrees, with a humidity level of 50-70%.

For respiratory system Dry air is extremely dangerous for a newborn, and therefore in an ordinary city apartment, where heating is centralized, you need to use a humidifier.

The basic rules for organizing a room for a newborn baby: warmth, light, movement fresh air. Sound insulation is carried out, air humidity is controlled.

Surface finishing

When decorating a nursery, we must not forget that the material chosen is only environmentally friendly. The walls can either be painted or covered with wallpaper.

If the choice fell on wallpaper, then the base is paper. Acceptable use vinyl wallpaper, because such walls are easy to wash as needed.

When decorating a children's room for a newborn, it is best to lay cork on the floor - a completely environmentally friendly material, not dangerous for the baby.

Moreover, such a floor is safe, quite warm, and easy to maintain. As an option, lay laminate or board.

The room for a newborn boy or girl is completely freed from all those things that can accumulate dust, in particular from books and carpets, from rubbish that has no place in the child’s room. Carpet products are taboo for children, because germs can long time live in pile.

For the same reason, it is worth abandoning drapery to decorate windows, because textiles also collect dust. To reduce the brightness of sunlight, choose light translucent curtains for window decoration.

In a newborn’s room, you should not use textiles in abundance - ruffles, lambrequins. This window design will make it very difficult to maintain the proper level of order in the nursery.

Color design

While the child is too small, it is clear that we are not talking about his tastes, and therefore you need to focus on your preferences, on your emotions when you see this or that color. A room for a newborn girl or boy should be decorated in soft pastel colors, because they are “stable” and calming.

When decorating a nursery, you need to make every effort to ensure that the room is bright, so that there is no cluttered space around the baby.

The child reacts very sharply to color. The nursery should have both colors, pastel and bright.

If we analyze the design of a room for a newborn presented below, we can note that it is built on two colors - chocolate and cream.

The main mistake of young parents is that they decorate the first room with extraordinary beauty - there are a million figures on the ceiling, a million steps.

The photo below fully conveys what such a room for a newborn looks like. This is all too much. It is important to remember that multi-level structures that are bright and colorful should not be used in a nursery; you should not make the structures hang over the child.


The main furniture for a nursery, of course, is a crib - according to age, and so that as the child grows, it does not have to be quickly changed.

The bed should be made of natural material, which does not cause allergic reactions, and is also convenient.

Other furniture - a chest of drawers for clothes, a place to store toys. The furniture should be arranged so that everything is easy for mom to find.

If a whole room is allocated for the child, and not a corner, then know that you can arrange a cozy corner for the mother to make it more convenient to feed the baby.

Photo of a room for a newborn


The newborn should be surrounded by light and soft colors. Pastel, light peach, light blue, olive are the most suitable shades from the point of view of mental health. Bright colors cause anxiety and can adversely affect vision. By the way, a comfortable, calm environment is no less important for a young mother.

Color spectrum

Leave bright, saturated colors until your child grows up. You can refresh the interior for a baby with natural patterns on wallpaper, curtains, photo frames, and simple drawings on the walls.

If the crib is dark in color, then make the walls, ceiling and window opening as light as possible. For accents, simple geometry is more suitable dark shades. For example, squares.


Newborn most spends his life in a crib or in mom/dad's arms. If the baby has a separate room, then it needs a sleeping area for the child, a changing area and an area for sharing with the mother.

Also consider the storage area. There are several options here. This is a separate closet, a changing chest of drawers, shelves in the parents' closet, drawers in the crib. As your living space and imagination allow.

The care area (changing room) is a place where the baby is changed and hygiene procedures are carried out. Usually this requires a changing table with shelves or a chest of drawers. A more compact option is a crib-chest. She can be a transformer for older people.

Finishing materials: 3 important qualities

A newborn human is very tender and sensitive. His immunity is just developing. Therefore, interior items and especially should be as natural, environmentally friendly, and hygienic as possible.

  • Environmental friendliness. Choose high-quality building materials for finishing. Natural or with minimal toxic substances. Such materials are usually sold with the label “suitable for decorating a child’s room.”
  • Naturalness. The crib should be made of natural wood. Paint and impregnation are non-toxic. Also choose textiles of natural origin: linen, cotton, bamboo.
  • Hygiene. Any decorative elements in the baby’s room need to be washed and dusted frequently.

Choosing a style: Provence and country

Provence and country styles suggest an atmosphere close to rustic. Elements of this style can be used in the design of a room for a newborn. This is antique-style furniture, white or pastel base tone, natural curtains, natural wooden floors.

Floral patterns and checkered patterns on textile elements and wallpaper will refresh such an interior and add color accents.

Scandinavian style

Basic Tenets Scandinavian style- environmental friendliness, functionality and minimalism decorative elements. This is a very ergonomic solution for the baby and his parents. What elements are suitable for a newborn's room?

Natural wood crib, changing chest white, rocking chair for comfortable feeding, relaxation, bright window, decor made from natural materials.

The walls are plain pastel, soft pink or light cornflower blue. Wall decor in the style of children's drawings, large multi-colored letters. Older siblings or friends' children can help create this design element.

Hang simple shelves, rectangular or house shelves on the walls.

Classic style

Pink Princess World

Walls can be covered paper wallpaper Pink colour with a pattern of white, olive, gray. It can be stripes, circles, polka dots, clouds, flowers.

It will look harmonious in a pink nursery white furniture made from natural wood.

If the room turns out to be monochromatic, a brighter textile finish will add expressiveness. For example, curtains, roller blinds with a pattern.

For boy

The most popular baby boy's tone classic style– light blue. But this color in the interior of a baby’s room can also be diversified by combinations with light and dark decorative elements.

White trim on a blue background will add lightness and space. Vertical images from floor to ceiling will visually raise the ceiling.

Universal themes

Many young parents prefer to keep the gender of their child a secret until birth. In this case, it is appropriate to decorate the premises for the future resident in a universal color scheme.

White– a very fashionable color for decorating a nursery. The more we get tired of city smog, the more popular this color becomes, despite its impracticality in terms of cleaning.

In combination with undiluted main colors color range(yellow, green, blue) white is perfect for the design of a newborn’s nursery.

It harmonizes with all tones of unpainted natural materials.

Various pastel shades combine harmoniously with each other.

The combination of white or in the interior of a nursery for a newborn baby looks stylish and modern.

Even mouse gray in combination with white furniture and accessories creates a comfortable atmosphere.

Fresh green color.

Childhood corner in a one-room apartment

It often happens that a young family lives in one room. When another resident appears, parents are faced with the question: how to organize the baby’s territory?

Partition-rack or light textile, plasterboard partition They will separate the children's and adult areas and add storage space.

Accessories and lamps

The walls can be decorated with photo frames, casts of the baby’s legs and arms. Maintain balance, do not overload the situation, especially in a confined space.

Interior stickers or photo wallpapers will enliven the interior and add visual impressions to the baby. After all, very soon the child will become interested in the situation around him. Choose wall decorations with simple, uncomplicated images in 2-3 different colors.

Organize natural lighting. That is why the walls should be light. One powerful lamp in the middle of the ceiling is enough. If there is no brightness adjustment, hang a night light.

Decorate a small window with curtains that leave the window opening free (roller blinds, blinds).

For a bright room, classic curtains are suitable.

Textile accessories will add charm and joy. Can be hung on the wall capital letters- the name of the child or some phrase with a meaning like “our baby”, “our princess”. A bright baby blanket for newborns will also brighten up the interior.

2. DO NOT use halftones, purple, or deep red in large quantities.

3. Do not hang lamps or wall decorations directly above the crib. This is dangerous and absolutely unnecessary.

Compact furniture

If the baby’s room is small or even shared with a brother or sister, then a compact crib-chest with lower drawers will help.

For common room Suitable with an older child bunk bed with a lower tier for a newborn.