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Origin, characteristics and meaning of the name Lina. Beautiful name Lina: character, fate and meaning of the name


Name Lina ancient Greek origin. Most likely came from Greek word"Λῖνος", which sounds like Linos, and translates as "linen". Although there is another version of the interpretation - according to this version, the name Lina can be interpreted as “sad news.” This name is also mentioned in the Old Testament.

Women's Russian name Lina is not found as often today as it was in the 90s in central Europe, for example. But on the other hand, it has good significance and symbolism, and endows its bearers with a whole bunch of important and quite good characteristics, which we will consider below...

Popularity: The name Lina has been classified for ten years as one of the rarest female names. According to statistics, it occurs in no more than 5-6 girls out of 10 thousand newborns.

Conversational options: Linochka

Modern English analogues: Not available

Meaning and interpretation of the name

The meaning of the name Lina can promise the bearer a whole bunch of unique characteristics, which together can form a truly unique character. And the energy of this name is very strong and unusual in its essence. Typically, girls who receive this name have such character traits as calmness, sociability, friendliness, sociability, eloquence, cheerful disposition, goodwill, good nature, optimism, activity and energy.

Plus, the girls named by this name are, for the most part, very capable female representatives with incredible creative potential.

Advantages and positive features: the most important advantage of all bearers of this name is that they always and with everyone find mutual language. These are mostly sociable girls who are able to get along with even the most unsociable people.

Lina has a bad attitude towards people who behave too secretively and withdrawn. Also, the bearers of this name hate men who always silence women and try to dominate them.

It is interesting that the name Lina is mentioned more than once in ancient Greek mythology, but only in the male variation - that was the name of the son of Apollo.

Personality of the name Lina

It is difficult to say exactly what the character of this or that person will be, especially when focusing only on the energy of his name. A lot also depends on upbringing and on a lot of astrological symbols who patronize a person and influence him with their energy. But in Lina's case, something can still be said. For example, we can say for sure that the bearer of this name must have the character of a leader, a true leader, a ringleader and simply a person whom everyone around will respect, and whose opinion everyone will listen to.

We can also say for sure that the majority of Linas are very unselfish and sincere girls. You won’t have to expect a trick from someone like this, because she won’t pursue any selfish goals in communication. Lina is always a person with her heart wide open, ready at any moment to come to the rescue, help, advise, reassure and simply support.

And in addition to everything else, it would also be worth saying that Linas are usually very creatively developed girls. These people always have a plan for the future, there is something they strive for, there are goals and objectives. And most importantly, such girls always have a solution prepared for any occasion...

Early childhood

Lina, this is usually with early years an excellent conversationalist who knows how to communicate on equal terms with those around her. A great friend and just a good and devoted friend.

She does not like noise and prefers to be with only a few, but loyal and interesting friends. Needs constant replenishment of mood, does not know how to live monotonously and has developed imagination. And since childhood, she has shown a penchant for creativity and art - she can become especially dependent on literature and poetry.

Lina obeys her parents unconditionally, and in general, she is obedient and correct, not a spoiled child, but slightly withdrawn into herself - she is afraid of everything new, is not very happy about making acquaintances, and tries her best to stay in the shadow of the leaders. Her life is full of emotions and impressions, but she herself does not strive for this, but for the simplest stability...


Lina is a teenager, and this is a girl whom you simply cannot help but admire. One of the main advantages is determination - she definitely achieves what she wants, achieves her goals in the shortest possible time, and never gives up, even seeing that the road to her goal involves meeting with a huge number of obstacles. In the future, this trait will help her achieve incredible heights in her studies and career, but the truth is, first, she needs to learn to be a leader.

Walking along the path of education, she will turn into an obliging, well-mannered, dutiful and responsible student, capable of much. Any subject is easy for her, and she learns roughly. The teachers praise her, which causes indignation among her peers and classmates. But she tries to be exemplary not for the sake of respect from anyone around her, not for the sake of superiority, but only for her own sake.

The only one Lina trusts and wants to please with her successes is her mother, while her father is more of an ordinary relative to her than a parent.

Adult woman

In adult life It's not easy for her. But it may be partly difficult for the bearer of this name only because of her character, because of her unwillingness to accept the fact that the world is strewn not only with rose petals, figuratively speaking...

She is not interested in financial stability or power, there is no zeal for leadership, just as there is no greed - she chooses a profession, thanks to which she can realize herself as a woman. She is interested in many things and is diversified, loves everything related to fantasy and creativity. Avoids callous and greedy people, trying to surround himself only with proven personalities. Avoids sycophants, flatterers and deceivers.

She will achieve personal happiness with difficulty - she does not need fleeting romances and unbridled passion, she dreams only of love to the grave and a happy marriage. In theory, she will become an exemplary wife and mother...

Interaction of Lin's character with the seasons

Spring - named after Lina and born under the auspices of Spring and its meaning, will become a complex character, one that is difficult to get along with. On the one hand, she is closed and fearful, and on the other, she is cheerful and optimistic, ready for entertainment and fun. Her main disadvantage is her excessive straightforwardness and inability to give in to people.

Summer - in the summer months, in conjunction with the origin and significance of this name, the girl is granted such traits as love of freedom, independence, the desire to develop and be the first, distrust and vulnerability, narcissism and lack of psychological gifts. She does not know how to consider people as individuals, and she ranks everyone according to a ruler - there are good and bad, and for her there is no average.

Autumn - as is the case with any name for a newborn, here too there is a clear connection with the capricious autumn time of the year. This gives rise to a self-centered, capricious, touchy and unpredictable nature, just like the autumn weather. She is demanding and tries to attribute qualities to everyone that they do not have. It will be hard for her soulmate - she will demand the impossible from him.

Winter – well, the winter lady is truly unique. She has excellent intuition that can be trusted, is successful and hardworking, sociable and eloquent, easily fits into any company and often becomes its central person. A realist who does not deceive herself with dreams and unattainable goals. Kind, but sometimes too harsh, which can lead to problems in communication.

The fate of the name Lina

It is difficult to predict how the fate of the girl Lina should turn out, especially if we focus only on the energy of the name. But if you still try, then the first thing to say is that the fate of all Lin, without exception, is to become popular in adolescence girls. These people always have a lot of fans, suitors and gentlemen.

Another thing is that Lina herself is unlikely to want to build relationships as a teenager, even if they are initially short-lived. And in general, hopelessness in anything is not for girls named by this name - they try to evaluate everything from afar, they all try to foresee and evaluate, and if a relationship with a guy, even a loved one, can harm Lina’s goals or plans, then build with She definitely won’t have a relationship with him.

It’s also worth noting the fact that sooner or later, according to statistics, all Linas become happy mothers and wives. It is difficult to say exactly when this will happen, in adulthood or in youth, but the fact remains that fate will definitely sooner or later make the bearer of this name truly happy.

Love and marriage

Lina is an interesting and positive woman, distinguished by her passion and impulsiveness in her youth. Then she pays attention to attractive and brutal womanizers, but after a series of disappointments she rethinks her tastes. Her husband is usually a strong, intelligent, caring and reliable man who can provide her with protection from any adversity.

Lina, as a rule, creates a strong and truly happy family. Many of her friends even envy her, because her husband appreciates and loves her, her children listen to her, and in general, as they say, the house is as full as a cup. She diligently ensures that each family member maintains order and cleanliness. She always gladly receives guests in her cozy and hospitable home.

However, such happiness in marriage is not a gift of fate, but the result of Lina’s efforts. In order to become happy, she must calm down her desire to command and humble her ardor. She learns to avoid scandals, quarrels and empty insults. For her husband, she tries to be the standard of femininity; she always looks well-groomed, attractive and sexy. She behaves like a sensual and passionate lover, and at the right moment, like a best friend.

Lina as Mother

Lina is bright, kind and at the same time strong man. As a woman and wife, she is simply a role model. She takes motherhood seriously and usually becomes a caring and demanding mother. Children simply adore their mother and maintain a close connection with her even in adulthood.

Lina usually gives birth to a son and a daughter. She is quite strict with them, not wanting to put up with their stubborn and quarrelsome nature. However, she loves them so much and reverently that she simply cannot help but spoil them. Sometimes she motivates her to earn some new gift through good behavior or diligent study.

Lina is quite demanding about the education of her children. She diligently monitors their progress, is always ready to give them hints and help, and then check this material again. She instills in children a love of sports and various types art. Her children are often interested in music and dancing.

Compatibility with male names

Akim, Alexander, Igor, Kazimir, Lavr, Ostap, Nikita, Yuliy - with guys who received one of the listed names at birth, Lina best compatibility in terms of feelings, passion, understanding and, in general, relationships as such.

But with the likes of Andrei, Gabriel, Pankrat, Taras, Kirill, Ermolai, Anar and Albert, she will be able to build a truly happy marriage. An alliance with one of the above will bring a lot of positive things into her life.

But, unfortunately, it is not recommended to build relationships with Anton, Plato and Vilen at all, because in this case there are only negative factors influencing fate.

This name has many advantages: it is sonorous, rare, feminine. But does it have any disadvantages? Will a mother who named her daughter that name regret it? Do women living with this name have a happy fate? Today you will find out!

  1. Greek version of origin. This name could come from the mythological founder of the city of Linos. Lin was the son of the god Apollo. Linguists are sure: his name means “flax”.
  2. Greek version No. 2. Translated from this language, the word “lina” means “sad, unhappy news.” It is likely that this particular word became the “great-grandmother” of the modern name.
  3. Greek Christian version. However, knowing about the great popularity of church names, we can assume that our ancestors called their daughters Lynes not in honor of the mythical Greeks, but in honor of more real historical figures mentioned in the Bible. Namely, in honor of the early Roman Christian Linus, who helped the Apostle Peter bring people the good news of God.
  4. Latin version. In ancient Greek mythology, there were sirens - half girls, half birds. With their beautiful singing they lured sailors to certain death. If you translate the word "siren" into Latin, you get "lina".
  5. Soviet version. After the end of the First World War, the victorious countries formed the League of Nations, organizing post-war Europe. Some Russian people were so happy about the victory that they even named their daughters Lin in honor of this organization (LEAGUE OF NATIONS). Of course, it cannot be said that the name Lin was invented in the USSR. But thanks to this version, you can find out what exactly your great-grandmother’s name means.
  6. And one more version. This is a shortened version of other names that has become a separate name. For example, (“angel” from Greek), (“life force” from Hebrew), (“solar” from ancient Greek), Peacock (“modest” from Roman), (“woman”, “queen” from ancient German), (“ calm" from ancient Greek), (" full of life"from Roman), ("foreigner" from Latin).

Friends call Lina: Linusha, Linochka, Linchik, Linok.

In other cultures, this name is translated as follows: “pure” (Denmark), “light of the sun” (Italy), “gentle” or “beautiful palm tree” (Arabic), “Greek” from the word “eline” (Greece).

What character does it bestow on its owner?

Strengths: He is a friendly, kind person. Lina simply attracts men, so many bright romances can happen in her life.

She is very purposeful. If you set yourself a goal, you will definitely achieve it. This creative person, who will succeed both in art and in a more mundane position (the main thing is that it is not monotonous).

Weaknesses: she can be a gentle whim, very vulnerable, and if something goes wrong, she bursts into tears. In life, Lina is a pessimist and melancholic; she only expects a trick from fate (fortunately, not always).

She cannot stand control over herself, she constantly strives for independence. It’s not enough for her to be like everyone else - she wants to be better, taller, brighter than others. This is a stubborn girl (this trait is especially evident in her early youth).

Lina's fate

  • Childhood. This is a kind, curious little girl, however, not without character. If she decides something, it will be difficult for her mother to argue with her: the girl simply does not hear any arguments, even the most logical ones.
  • School. She does well in class, and knowledge seems to penetrate her head on its own. Thanks to her innate curiosity, she loves to study, and she enjoys both mathematics and literature with equal pleasure. She can also be an active member of school amateur performances and successfully attend a handicrafts club.
  • Youth. This is a kind, honest, emotional girl. Her friends may not like her directness, because to the question “Have I gained weight?” Lina can directly say “Yes, a lot.” At the same time, the girl does not want to offend anyone, and the pouting lips of her friends surprise her. She is in no hurry to draw conclusions from her behavior.
  • Mature years. She's vulnerable. Although she can be strict towards others, she can take criticism from outside with hostility (and although she does not always show that this has hurt her, at home she can fall into deep melancholy). Lina often creates the image of a “boy-woman”, strong woman, but inside himself he doesn’t consider it such.

All the talismans of this woman

  • Patron planet: Mercury.
  • The zodiac sign best suited to the bearer of this name: Gemini (birth period - from May 21 to June 20).
  • Name colors: orange and green.
  • Stone to wear in jewelry: jade.
  • Patron from the plant world: hellebore.
  • Totem from the animal world: mole.

Angel's Day (name day): it does not exist, since this female name is not in the holy books. Therefore, at baptism the girl will be given a different church name.

This is how Lina appears in different life situations

  • Family. Lina is considered a good housewife and a caring wife. She loves when guests come to her house. It is important for her to know that outside her home they speak of her and her home with admiration. Moreover, she is good mom who will always find time for her child.
  • Job. She should choose creative profession, devoid of routine and framework (singer, writer, historian). However, she will also make a good doctor. For her, the main thing is not her career, but the joy of work. If the job does not bring pleasure, Lina will leave for another place, even if they can pay a relatively small salary there.
  • Friends. Lina is very relaxed and sociable. Finding herself in an unfamiliar company, she will not sit silently against the wall, but will immediately become acquainted with the entire team. Making many friends is not a problem for her.
  • Diseases. This girl's health is average. If you send her to a sports section during her school years, she will get sick less. Her weak spot is nervous system. Although you can’t tell it from the outside, inside the girl is very worried about any of her mistakes, especially quarrels with her family. And, since “it’s all from nerves,” it doesn’t go away in vain.

Which man (name) should I plan my future with?

Bearers of the name, known throughout the world

  1. Lina Cavalieri (1874-1944) - Opera singer(soprano) from Italy.
  2. Lina Kostenko (1930) is a Ukrainian writer and poet, whose works are rightfully included in the school curriculum.
  3. Lina Braknite (1952) - Soviet actress from Lithuania. She became famous for her children's roles (“Three Fat Men”, “The Girl and the Echo”).
  4. Lina Romey (1954-2012) is the creative name of a Spanish actress. Her roles: “Vampire”, “White Cannibal Goddess”. Appeared in several adult films.
  5. or Lina Cederberg (1951) - fashion model from Sweden, star of Playboy magazine.
  6. Prokhorova Leonila or Lina is a Ukrainian pop singer, professor at the University of Culture. Master of Sports in rhythmic gymnastics.
  7. Lina Vorobyova, also known as Yovin (1975) is a modern bard, performer of songs in the folk rock style. Performs with his band Rosa Alba.
  8. Lina Milovich (1980) is a Russian singer, songwriter and composer.

More about spiritual meaning this beautiful feminine name you will learn from this video:

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Short form of the name Lina. Linka, Linusha, Linok, Linochek, Linusya, Linusik, Linochka, Linchik, Linuccia, Linetta, Lino, Line.
Synonyms for the name Lina. Evelina, Polina, Carolina, Angelina, Paulina, Apollinaria, Galina, Magdalena, Vasilina, Elina, Akulina, Kapitolina, Adelina, Alina, Liana, Lydia, Linda, Amalia.
Origin of the name Lina. The name Lina is Russian, German, Greek.

The name Lina has several versions of origin. According to the first version, the name Lina has Greek roots and comes from the name Linos (Lin), which was borne by the founder of the city of Linos - Lin, the son of Apollo ( Greek mythology), which is possibly translated as “linen” (“linum”). Also translated from Greek, the name Lina means “sad news.” The New Testament mentions Linus, a Christian from Rome, a companion of the Apostle Paul. There is a possibility that the female name Lina is a derivative of the male name Lin.

According to the second version, the name Lina is translated from Latin language means "siren". This is what the residents called these half-women, half-birds with beautiful, enchanting voices.

It is also known that after the end of the First World War, when the international peacekeeping council League of Nations was formed, many revolutionary-minded Soviet citizens named their daughters Lina - from the first letters “LEAGUE OF NATIONS”.

Very often in Europe the name Lina is pronounced as Laina or Liana, Line or Linetta. It is quite possible that these are separate independent names, and Lina is one of the variants of address.

The name Lina has different translations in different languages. So in Arabic the name Lina will be translated as “beautiful as a palm tree” or “tender”, in Denmark – “pure”, in Greece it can also be translated as “Greek” (derived from “eline”), in Italy – “sunshine”.

IN modern times the name Lina is used as an independent name, but continues to be used as a diminutive address to many female names, not only ending in “-lina”: Evelina, Polina, Carolina, Angelina, Nikolina (Nicole), Pavlina (Paulina), Apollinaria, Galina, Magdalena, Jorgelina (Georgina, Georgina), Vitalina, Vasilina, Rusalina, Elina, Akulina , Evangelina, Capitolina, Miguelina (Michelle), Angelina, Adelina and others. But this is also an appeal to names - Alina, Liana, Lydia, Linda, Liliana, Eliana, Ursulina, Zalina, Amalia, Jacqueline, Ulyana and many other names.

The name Lina is not listed in either the Orthodox or Catholic calendars, although male name Lin is present. Name day for the name Lina - see the corresponding full name.

Lina is very sociable and interesting girl. Among her peers, she is always distinguished by her activity. Behind her strong and strong-willed appearance lies a receptive and kind nature, but Lina is not easy to convince of anything.

She often quarrels with her parents. The girl’s character traits contribute to the fact that she often finds herself in various difficult situations. Lina enjoys success with the opposite sex. Determination helps her in her studies at the institute.

Lina’s work should not force her into rigid boundaries. Painstaking work is not for her. As a specialty, this girl usually chooses professions such as artist, sculptor or doctor. IN labor activity she is always smart and neat.

Such qualities as an analytical mind, curiosity, and excellent memory help her achieve goals in life. Emotionality, bias and temper often interfere with Lina and spoil the attitude of others towards her. The girl tries to restrain her negative emotions and not show offence. Over time, she becomes irritable.

Only close friends know how vulnerable Lina is. She is always ready to help. From the outside, she gives the impression of a powerful and independent woman, to whom it is almost impossible to approach.

Lina's family life is going well. She loving wife, caring mother and good hostess. Lina enjoys receiving guests. Tries to keep the house clean. She often gives birth to two children - a boy and a girl. Their stubbornness often haunts Lina.

Outwardly, Lina looks more like her father, but in character she took after her mother. Thanks to her hard work, she can achieve a lot in life. A girl's intuition always tells her when they are trying to deceive her. Lina always tries to treat people well and makes contact with everyone. She is direct in conversation with her interlocutor. If she is not satisfied with something, she is always able to make specific complaints. She performs any actions deliberately.

She loves to be in company. Always behaves relaxed. The girl dances well, can sing, and can make guests laugh. Lina enjoys visiting.

Lina, born in winter, has a poorly developed sense of humor. She may be offended for no apparent reason. Celebrating her birthday in the summer, Lina is kind, not touchy, and always makes compromises. Can devote his life to faith. “Autumn” Lina is calculating and has a good imagination. She will do well in a leadership position. Traveling is one of her main hobbies.

“Winter” Lina likes to feel power over others. She tries to subjugate people by any means. Each of her actions must bring results. She does everything thoughtfully. She shows persistence and discipline in her work.

If necessary, the owner of this name knows how to adapt to the situation, attract attention and win sympathy. Thanks to her talent and professional success, she quickly moves up the career ladder. She will achieve good results in any profession Lina chooses.

Lina is practical and thrifty. She always tries to maintain a sane mind, although she does not succeed in every situation. When communicating with close people, she tries to make concessions. Lina avoids rude communication and tries to get around dead-end situations by any means. In a team she shows leadership skills. She shows ingenuity and is able to motivate people to action. Lina knows how to enjoy life and appreciate the experience gained.

Lina's birthday

Lina doesn't celebrate her name day.

Famous people named Lina

  • Lina Wertmüller ((born 1926) Italian film director, screenwriter and playwright)
  • Lina Cavalieri ((1874 - 1944) Italian opera singer (soprano))
  • Lina Krasnorutskaya ((b.1984) former Russian professional tennis player, 2003 US Open mixed doubles finalist)
  • Lina Kostenko ((born 1930) Ukrainian writer, poet)
  • Lina Medina ((born 1933) youngest mother in medical history)
  • Lina Vorobyova (Yovin) ((born 1975) performer of songs in the bard-folk genre, minstrel, leader of the group “Rosa Alba”)
  • Lina Braknite ((born 1952) Soviet film actress)
  • Lina Kaciushite ((born 1963) Lithuanian athlete)
  • Lina Stern ((1878 - 1968) Soviet biochemist, physiologist)
  • Lina Ivanova (actress of the State Film Actor Theater, dubbing actress)
  • Lina Kurdyukova (teacher, specialist in the field of animation pedagogy)
  • Lina Cederberg (Swedish fashion model)
  • Lina Romey (Romay) ((born 1954) real name – Rosa Maria Almirall Martinez; Spanish actress)

Lina's birthday

What does it mean

Lina means “sad song” (this is a translation from ancient Greek).


It makes sense to start the analysis with its origin. The story has Greek roots. The name Lina was an ancient Greek family name, which translated meant “sad song.”

What does the name Lina mean?

In accordance with the interpretation of the name Lina, the main traits of women with this name are receptivity, sociability, activity and sexuality.

Type: the character of the name Lina can be called choleric. Lina doesn’t listen to words, but she has a good heart.

Psyche: Lina has the quality of love for others, but this love can sometimes take an unusual form.

Will: at first glance it seems quite strong, but Lina can be easily convinced if you overcome her aggressiveness.

Excitability: often so strong that it suppresses other good qualities.

Field of activity: Lina does not really like painstaking and regulated work. She does not like to sit within limits and tries in every possible way to go beyond them. Often chooses the profession of a doctor, artist, sculptor.

Intelligence: Lins have an analytical mind and good memory. At the same time, they are very inquisitive. Excessive excitability often deprives them of common sense, they become unfair and biased.

Receptivity: tries to take possession of not only the body and soul of the chosen one, but also his condition.

Morality: Lina has slightly unstable moral principles, which gives her some charm.

Sociability: Excessive desire for communication often leads to a disordered life.


According to the description of the name Lina, women with this name are purposeful and very emotional. At first glance, it seems that they are easy to communicate, but at the same time they are very vulnerable and try not to show their grievances and experiences. Due to the constant containment of all experiences, Lina can become irritable and nervous with age.

Despite the fact that Lina seems independent and powerful, you can find an approach to her and then you can see that she is a very kind, sympathetic and vulnerable person.

In marriage, Lynam is usually lucky. They are very good, clean housewives and caring mothers. Lina is very hospitable and loves to entertain guests with her singing and dancing.


Options: Lyana, Linux.

Diminutives : Linochka, Linushka, Link, Linya, Linka, Linusya, Linusha, Linusik.

Different languages

Famous Lins:

  • Lina Vorobyova is a performer of songs in the bard-folk genre, a minstrel, and the leader of the group Rosa Alba.
  • Lina Braknite is an actress of Soviet cinema.
  • Lina Kaciušite is a Lithuanian swimmer, one of the world's best breaststroke specialists at the turn of the 1970s and 1980s.
  • Lina Kostenko is a Ukrainian writer and poet. Shevchenko Prize laureate.
  • Lina Stern - Soviet biochemist, physiologist, creator of the concept of the blood-brain barrier. The first woman is a member of the USSR Academy of Sciences. Member of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences. Laureate of the Stalin Prize, second degree.

Value (description):

The meaning of the name Lina is detailed description origin and characteristics of the name, name day dates, famous people.
Short form of the name Lina. Linka, Linusha, Linok, Linochek, Linusya, Linusik, Linochka, Linchik, Linuccia, Linetta, Lino, Line.
Synonyms for the name Lina. Evelina, Polina, Carolina, Angelina, Paulina, Apollinaria, Galina, Magdalena, Vasilina, Elina, Akulina, Kapitolina, Adelina, Alina, Liana, Lydia, Linda, Amalia.
Origin of the name Lina. The name Lina is Russian, German, Greek.

The name Lina has several versions of origin. According to the first version, the name Lina has Greek roots and comes from the name Linos (Lin), which was borne by the founder of the city of Linos - Lin, the son of Apollo (Greek mythology), which is possibly translated as “flax” (“linum”). Also translated from Greek, the name Lina means “sad news.” The New Testament mentions Linus, a Christian from Rome, a companion of the Apostle Paul. There is a possibility that the female name Lina is a derivative of the male name Lin.

According to the second version, the name Lina means “siren” in Latin. This is what the residents called these half-women, half-birds with beautiful, enchanting voices.

It is also known that after the end of the First World War, when the international peacekeeping council League of Nations was formed, many revolutionary-minded Soviet citizens named their daughters Lina - from the first letters “LEAGUE OF NATIONS”.

Very often in Europe the name Lina is pronounced as Laina or Liana, Line or Linette. It is quite possible that these are separate independent names, and Lina is one of the variants of address.

The name Lina has different translations in different languages. So in Arabic the name Lina will be translated as “beautiful as a palm tree” or “tender”, in Denmark – “pure”, in Greece it can also be translated as “Greek” (derived from “eline”), in Italy – “sunshine” .

In modern times, the name Lina is used as an independent name, but continues to be used as a diminutive address for many female names, not only ending in “-lina”: Evelina, Polina, Carolina, Angelina, Nikolina (Nicole), Pavlina (Paulina) , Apollinaria, Galina, Magdalena, Jorhelina (Georgina, Georgina), Vitalina, Vasilina, Rusalina, Elina, Akulina, Evangelina, Capitolina, Angelina, Adelina, Alina, Liana, Lydia, Linda, Liliana, Eliana, Ursulina, Zalina, Amalia, Jacqueline, Ulyana and many other names.

The name Lin is not listed in either the Orthodox or Catholic calendars, although the male name Lin is present. Name day for the name Lina - see the corresponding full name.

Lina is a very sociable and interesting girl. Among her peers, she is always distinguished by her activity. Behind her strong and strong-willed appearance lies a receptive and kind nature, but Lina is not easy to convince of anything.

She often quarrels with her parents. The girl’s character traits contribute to the fact that she often finds herself in various difficult situations. Lina enjoys success with the opposite sex. Determination helps her in her studies at the institute.

Lina’s work should not force her into rigid boundaries. Painstaking work is not for her. As a specialty, this girl usually chooses professions such as artist, sculptor or doctor. In her work life, she is always smart and neat.

Such qualities as an analytical mind, curiosity, and excellent memory help her achieve goals in life. Emotionality, bias and temper often interfere with Lina and spoil the attitude of others towards her. The girl tries to restrain her negative emotions and not show offence. Over time, she becomes irritable.

Only close friends know how vulnerable Lina is. She is always ready to help. From the outside, she gives the impression of a powerful and independent woman, to whom it is almost impossible to approach.

Lina's family life is going well. She is a loving wife, a caring mother and a good housewife. Lina enjoys receiving guests. Tries to keep the house clean. She often gives birth to two children - a boy and a girl. Their stubbornness often haunts Lina.

Outwardly, Lina looks more like her father, but in character she took after her mother. Thanks to her hard work, she can achieve a lot in life. A girl's intuition always tells her when they are trying to deceive her. Lina always tries to treat people well and makes contact with everyone. She is direct in conversation with her interlocutor. If she is not satisfied with something, she is always able to make specific complaints. She performs any actions deliberately.

She loves to be in company. Always behaves relaxed. The girl dances well, can sing, and can make guests laugh. Lina enjoys visiting.

Lina, born in winter, has a poorly developed sense of humor. She may be offended for no apparent reason. Celebrating her birthday in the summer, Lina is kind, not touchy, and always makes compromises. Can devote his life to faith. “Autumn” Lina is calculating and has a good imagination. She will do well in a leadership position. Traveling is one of her main hobbies.

“Winter” Lina likes to feel power over others. She tries to subjugate people by any means. Each of her actions must bring results. She does everything thoughtfully. She shows persistence and discipline in her work.

If necessary, the owner of this name knows how to adapt to the situation, attract attention and win sympathy. Thanks to her talent and professional success, she quickly moves up the career ladder. She will achieve good results in any profession Lina chooses.

Lina is practical and thrifty. She always tries to maintain a sane mind, although she does not succeed in every situation. When communicating with close people, she tries to make concessions. Lina avoids rude communication and tries to get around dead-end situations by any means. In a team, she shows leadership qualities. She shows ingenuity and is able to motivate people to action. Lina knows how to enjoy life and appreciate the experience gained.

Famous people named Lina

  • Lina Wertmüller ((born 1926) Italian film director, screenwriter and playwright)
  • Lina Cavalieri ((1874 - 1944) Italian opera singer (soprano))
  • Lina Krasnorutskaya ((b.1984) former Russian professional tennis player, 2003 US Open mixed doubles finalist)
  • Lina Kostenko ((born 1930) Ukrainian writer, poet)
  • Lina Medina ((born 1933) youngest mother in medical history)
  • Lina Vorobyova (Yovin) ((born 1975) performer of songs in the bard-folk genre, minstrel, leader of the group “Rosa Alba”)
  • Lina Braknite ((born 1952) Soviet film actress)
  • Lina Kaciushite ((born 1963) Lithuanian athlete)
  • Lina Stern ((1878 - 1968) Soviet biochemist, physiologist)
  • Lina Ivanova (actress of the State Film Actor Theater, dubbing actress)
  • Lina Kurdyukova (teacher, specialist in the field of animation pedagogy)
  • Lina Cederberg (Swedish fashion model)
  • Lina Romey (Romay) ((born 1954) real name – Rosa Maria Almirall Martinez; Spanish actress)