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How to spell the name Emilia correctly. Name Emilia in English. Love relationships and marriage

Tender name Emilia, meanwhile, carries a formidable, harsh meaning, and its Russian folk version will amaze with its unexpectedness and sharp contrast with the aristocratic sound. What does the name Emilia mean, what is its origin, the character and fate of the bearer - all the answers below.

Origin and forms of the name Emilia

The antiquity of the origin of the name and its wide distribution led to the diversity of its related and other forms.

Related names: Irma, Emma, ​​Emmy, Emiliana, Leah, Mila. Interestingly, the popular version of the male cognate form of the name is the name Emelyan. Diminutive forms: Em, Milli, Amy, Meli, Lita, Milita, Milinya, Meli. Read the material further and you will find out what the name Emma means.

The origin and meaning of the name Emma is ancient and most noble: from the ancient Roman family name Aemilius, which means “rival”, “zealous”. From him came male name Aemilius (Emil) and female name Aemilia (Emilia). Thus, the meaning of the name Emilia is “rival”, “jealous”.

Spelling and sounding of a name in various languages

  • English: Emily (Emily);
  • Greek: Αιμιλία (Emilia);
  • Spanish: Emilia (Emilia);
  • Italian: Emilia (Emilia);
  • German: Emilia (Emilia);
  • Polish: Emilia (Emilia);
  • Portuguese: Emília (Emilia);
  • Ukrainian language: Emiliya;
  • French: Emilie (Emily).

Full Russian form: Emilia. Short and diminutive forms: Emmochka, Mila, Liya, Elya, Milka, Milochka, Milechka, Emilianochka, Emilya, Milya, Liana, Ema, Mia, Emilianka, Emilechka.

Declension of name by case

  • nominative case – Emilia;
  • genitive case – Emilia;
  • dative case – Emilia;
  • accusative case - Emilia;
  • instrumental case - Emilia;
  • prepositional case – Emilia.

The meaning of the name Emilia in Orthodoxy

In Christianity, the memory of the Venerable Emilia of Caesarea is honored. IN Orthodox calendar Emilia's name is celebrated on January 14, May 21.

Characteristics of the name

The origin of the name Emilia left an imprint on its character and determines the fate of its bearers. The meaning of the name, or rather, the amazing combination of melody of sound and severity of meaning, formed a complex, contradictory characteristic of the name. Emilias are independent, capricious individuals who, at the same time, have a crushing charm and magical femininity.

Emilia's girls are cheerful, restless mischief-makers, full of inexhaustible inventions and pranks. Outwardly, she is all calmness, but behind her balance lies a willingness to embark on stunning adventures. The girl Emilia has an impatient character; She can quickly lose her temper, and she does not accept educational measures towards herself at all.

The fate of the girl Amy is cloudless. At school, I got mixed A's and B's. Her ambitious nature forces her to be a leader not only academically, but also socially and cultural life. She tries herself on stage, dances and sings well. Emilia's admirers appear even at school; her charm, cheerfulness and external attractiveness drive many boys crazy.

Adult Emilia has a demanding character; she is confident, but kind and sympathetic. She has many good, sincere friends.

In personal life, the original meaning of the name Emilia plays a big role. She is very jealous, sees every woman as a rival, and often is one herself.
She also competes at work. Her strong character, perseverance, ability to foresight, ambition and willfulness help her in career growth, allow you to stand firmly on your feet and live a bright, rich life.

Emilia good hostess, she is hospitable and hospitable, and there are real legends about her delicious, gourmet treats.

Famous people named Emilia

The name Emilia was and is borne by many talented and famous women:

  • Emily Brontë - English writer;
  • Emilie du Chatelet - French aristocrat, physicist and mathematician, friend of Voltaire;
  • Emilia Musina-Pushkina is a famous Russian beauty in history, a friend of A. S. Pushkin;
  • Emilia Pardo Basan - Spanish writer;
  • Emilia Lileeva – Opera singer;
  • Emilia Flöge – Austrian fashion designer;
  • Emilia Shanks is a Russian artist, the first woman painter accepted into the Association of Traveling Art Exhibitions;
  • Emilia Spivak - Russian actress;
  • Emily Blunt - English actress;
  • Emilia Fox – English actress;
  • Emilia Rydberg is a Swedish pop singer.

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Origin of the name Emilia

feminine form of the Roman family name Aemilius, whose roots lie in Latin word aemulus – “rival”. In the Orthodox monthly book, the name is written as Emilia.

Characteristics of the name Emilia

a calm and obedient girl, but very unbalanced. Undeserved punishment can be remembered for a lifetime. He prefers the company of adults to playing with peers. She has a rich imagination, a developed imagination. Artistic - knows how to imitate the manners and voices of friends. In studies, everything is grasped on the fly. Strong and energetic. She does not sit idle, but she is not interested in household chores. He enters a university and already in his first year begins to engage in scientific activities. Prefers exact and natural sciences. She is stubborn and persistently achieves her goal. Comprehensively developed. Successful everywhere. She is self-critical and knows how to admit her mistakes. In relationships with men she is very picky and strict. Preference will always be given to intelligence.

Famous personalities: Emilia Pardo-Basan (1852–1921) – Spanish writer; Emilia Gierczak (1925–1945) – member of the Polish Resistance


Blessed Emilia and her husband Vasily lived Christian thoughts and deeds - they fed the poor, helped the sick, donated to churches. After the death of her husband, Emilia was left with ten children and raised them all in deep piety. Of these, five are canonized: Saint Basil the Great, Saint Macrina - an example of ascetic life, which had a strong influence on the life and character of Saint Basil the Great, Saint Gregory, Bishop of Nyssa, Saint Peter, Bishop of Sebaste and Righteous Theosevia - a deaconess. Blessed Emilia ended her righteous life with prayer for her children.

Forms of the name Emilia

Short form of the name Emilia. Emilia, Milya, Ema, Elya, Emilinya, Mila, Milinya, Milita, Mimi, Emilika, Liana, Liya, Milika. Synonyms for the name Emilia. Emily, Emilin, Emilie, Emilia, Omelyana, Emiliana, Emiliena.

In Russian, the name Emilia sounded like Emilia, and also as a derivative of the male name Omelyan - Omelyan.

The diminutives Mila, Liana and Leah are also independent names.

Name Emilia in different languages

Let's look at the spelling and sound of the name in Chinese, Japanese and other languages: Chinese (how to write in hieroglyphs): 艾米利亞 (Ài mǐlì yǎ). Japanese: エミリア (Emiria). Gujarati: ઈમિલિઆ (Īmili"ā). Hindi: एमिलिया (Ēmiliyā). Ukrainian: Emiliya. Kannada: ಎಮಿಲಿಯಾ (Emiliyā). English: Emilia (Emil ia).

Origin of the name Emilia

The name Emilia has several versions of its origin. According to the first version, the name Emilia translated from Latin means “diligent”, “strong”, “strong”.

According to the second version, the name Emilia comes from the Roman family name Aemilius, which comes from “aemulus”, meaning “rival”, so the meaning of the name Emilia sounds like “rival”.

According to the third version, the name Emilia is an option Greek name Emilios, derived from “aimylios”, means “affectionate”, “flattering”.

According to the next version, the name Emilia is one of the forms of the female name Emily, which has different versions origin. Emily and Emilia are interchangeable and mutually used names, but in modern times each of these names has become independent and is used independently of each other.

The name Emilia has related names: Irma, Emmy, Emma. The name Emily has a male name - Emil.

Character of the name Emilia

Emilia's character can be called not very balanced. This is a somewhat conflicted woman, intolerant and demanding of people, capable of starting her life from scratch. She is distinguished by great self-confidence, which is why Emilia can constantly go against what does not suit her outlook on life. Such stubbornness has been observed in the owner of this name since childhood. As a rule, this is a girl who is quite calm in appearance, has great internal energy and is developed beyond her years.

She studies well, but does not like it when adults demonstrate their superiority, do not explain, but impose their opinions. It will be quite difficult for parents to raise Emilia, since she is difficult to educate, she herself draws knowledge about the world and forms her own concepts of right and wrong. Adult Emilia is an internally tense woman. She always seems to be in the mood for a fight, and therefore she reeks of some kind of problematic nature.

Life is indeed often inhospitable to the owner of this name, but she endures adversity steadfastly, managing to maintain an affable, albeit slightly demanding, disposition. Emilia loves to be busy, so she is constantly on the move. She is a rather kind person, people like her and knows how to present herself. She has many friends who love Emilia because she is an interesting conversationalist and a strong personality.

The mystery of the name Emilia

spring Emilia is a noisy and sociable woman. She is persistent in achieving her goals and stubborn. Such a woman is well versed in science and art, she can easily shine in selected society. Life with her is difficult. Emilia is demanding and picky towards her household, but she also knows how to admit her mistakes.

Autumn Emilia devotes herself to a matter of interest and is rarely free. She does not like to devote herself to housework. She cares about politics and is an erudite person.

Summer Emilia is balanced and calm girl. She is unpretentious and kind. She devotes a lot of time to her family and can become an excellent housewife.

Emilia gets married quite late. She is in no hurry to become a mother, but first tries to achieve material well-being. She does not worry about the financial situation of her beloved partner, since she can achieve everything herself.

Astrological characteristics of the name

Zodiacality: Cancer
Name color: blue
Radiation: 99%
Planets: Uranus
Stone-mascot: aquamarine
Plant: sweet pea
Totemic animal: jellyfish
Basic features character: will, intuition, activity, sexuality

Additional characteristics of the name

Vibration: 100,000 vibrations/s.
Self-realization(character): 97%
Psyche: introvert, not influenced by others
Health: there may be neuroses, eye twitching, speech defects, blood diseases, eczema, skin diseases, addiction to stimulants

Numerology of the name Emilia

Owners of this name number always take an active position in life and always clearly know what they want to achieve. They are the best at navigating complex and even extreme situations. life situations, they cannot be embarrassed by dramatically changed circumstances or caught off guard by difficulties. However, “long-term” projects are not their strong point - they quickly lose interest in the matter and let go of the threads, which automatically eliminates them from the ranks of business people. The hobby of the “units” is the execution of assigned tasks, and the more complex and difficult the task is, the greater the likelihood that it is the “unit” who will solve it faster and better than anyone else. Men and women of the “unity” are courageous and confident in their abilities, they know how to earn money, but they are also easy to spend. Tend to make impulsive and rash decisions. In most cases, they are the life of the party and reliable friends.


Planet: Sun.
Element: Fire, warmth, dryness.
Zodiac: A lion.
Color: Yellow, bright red, gold.
Day: Sunday.
Metal: Gold.
Mineral: Peridot, heliotrope, carbuncle, diamond (especially yellow).
Plants: Heliotrope, mistletoe, peony, ginger, laurel, cedar, lemon, wild rose, olive, almond, oak.
Animals: Lion, eagle, falcon, scarab.

The name Emilia as a phrase

E (YE = E) Esi
M Think
L People
AND AND (Union, Connect, Union, UNITY, One, Together, “Together with”)
I (YA = A) Az

Interpretation of the meaning of the letters of the name Emilia

The meaning of the name Emilia for life

Emilia has a Complex character, she is persistent, inclined to argue about any matter, does not know how to admit defeat, and believes that she is always right. She is difficult to communicate with and the spirit of contradiction is evident in everything. She contradicts herself, she can act to spite someone, even if she harms herself. Strives to dominate in any society, which is especially disliked by men. She is almost never friends with women, only with those who have the same strong character as her. He has few friends and finds it difficult to get along with people. Willful, selfish, suffers from high self-esteem. Due to narcissism, she forgets about her friends and thinks only about how good she is. But she is very responsive to requests, ready to help even in cases when others are powerless. She chooses as a husband a balanced and patient man who can withstand her whims and will completely obey her will. She won't be able to live with anyone else. Values ​​honesty and decency in a man. If Emilia divorces her husband, he becomes worst enemy for her for life. The divorce occurs violently, with insults and accusations against the spouse. Emilia is a good housewife, she knows how to create comfort, and spends a lot of money and time on the interior of the apartment. Tastes good. Relationships with children are not easy; you may needlessly yell at them, lash out at them, and then ask for forgiveness. But he loves them endlessly and spoils them greatly.

Meaning of the name Emilia for sex

In sex, as in other aspects of life, it greatly depends on your mood. If a man does not satisfy her needs, he can explain to him in a harsh form why there will be no more meetings. Doesn't spare anyone. Can have a partner to maintain health without having any feelings for him.

Characteristics of the name Emilia according to P. Rouget

Character: 97%

Radiation: 99%

Vibration: 100,000 vibrations/s

Color: blue.

Basic features: will - intuition - activity - sexuality.

Type: it is enough to look into the eyes of a girl named Emilia to understand what the look of our foremother Eva was like: they contain the passion of the first morning rays. They are very impudent - real tomboys, they lie in wait for the victim, like their totem animal is the lynx. Growing up, they give the impression of people possessing some secret knowledge reading the book of life.

Psyche: People with this name are introverts, not influenced, and have incredible memory.

Will: strong. They want to have everything. And immediately! They only believe in themselves.

Excitability: Excitability. strong, which, fortunately, is balanced by a titanic will.

Speed reactions: hot and hot type. These women resist everyone, which often interferes with their lives. They are vindictive, proud, conflictual and scandalous. They do not listen to other people's advice, no matter how useful it may be.

Activity: They have a lot of problems at school, they argue with teachers and especially have conflicts with female teachers. Dreams - to become an actress, painter, singer, sculptor.

Intuition: They are guided by clairvoyance. They have a presentiment, guess, and envelop you with their charm. Men become convinced of this very quickly.

Intelligence: Too analytical. Their eyes miss nothing. Thanks to their cuteness and charm, they can win over not only their loved ones.

Susceptibility: very picky. They love only what belongs to them.

Moral: not too strict. It seems to them that they have the right to control moral principles and change them at their own discretion.

Health: They have fragile bones and a very “impressive” stomach. We do not recommend neglecting your diet and having dinner late. Accidents related to motor vehicles are possible. As a child, you need to take care of your eyes.

Sexuality: Sex for them is all or nothing. Everything - when they love. Nothing - when they don't like you.

Field activities: medicine, especially paramedicine. They can become experienced engineers. They know how to tell and make people listen to themselves.

Sociability: they accept guests they like, others are kicked out the door. It would be great if they chose a phlegmatic husband. They love to collect men indiscriminately..

Additionally: bearers of this name very often start from scratch; neither marriage nor emerging maturity is an obstacle for them.

Compatibility of the name Emilia and patronymic

Emilia Alekseevna, Andreevna, Artemovna, Valentinovna, Vasilievna, Viktorovna, Vitalievna, Vladimirovna, Evgenievna, Ivanovna, Ilyinichna, Mikhailovna, Petrovna, Sergeevna, Fedorovna, Yuryevna/u< строга, прямолинейна, с характером мужского склада. Обязательна, пунктуальна, с развитым чувством долга и ответственности. Надежная, никогда не подведет; не даст невыполнимых обещаний. Общительная, справедливая, не любит говорить о ком-то за глаза, не принимает участия в интригах, пересудах. Хорошей хозяйкой становится не сразу, но с большим желанием интересуется всем, что относится к household. She loves to cook and collects recipes for rare dishes. Clean, supportive in the house perfect order. Spends the family budget economically and does not allow any unnecessary expenses. Marry someone who is reliable, obligatory and open person. She demands all possible help from him in housekeeping, she is attentive, a loyal friend to her husband. IN free time loves to present various premieres and exhibitions. He likes to go to the circus or puppet theater with children. He spends a lot of time on the upbringing and comprehensive development of children, building relationships with them on a basis of trust. Children pay her with love and respect. More often girls are born, but the most desirable is a boy, which is very rare.

Emilia Aleksandrovna, Arkadyevna, Borisovna, Vadimovna, Grigorievna, Kirillovna;, Matveevna, Nikitichna, Pavlovna, Romanovna, Tarasovna, Timofeevna, Eduardovna, Yakovlevna - emotional, impulsive, the energy in her is in full swing. He cannot sit idle, he always finds something to do. Brave, decisive, but at the same time practical and calculating. She carefully thinks through her every step and is not prone to rash actions. Attractive to men, many seek her affection. Gets along equally well with both men and women. She is smart and can find a way out of any difficult situation. Willingly gives advice and helps practical actions. He does not like to do housework; most often he lives with his parents as one family and relies on his mother. She knows how to cook perfectly herself, but does not bother herself unless absolutely necessary, but anyone will have to wash the dishes, but not her. She tries to take a simple, good-natured and hardworking man as her husband, without bad habits and with good makings of a strong owner. Family relationships builds on mutual respect and complete trust. Attentive to children, loving and kind mother. When communicating with children, he does not raise his voice, does not punish them severely, but I do not spoil them. More often girls are born.

Emilia Bogdanovna, Vilenovna, Vladislavovna, Vyacheslavovna, Gennadievna, Georgievna, Danilovna, Egorovna, Konstantinovna, Makarovna, Robertovna, Svyatoslavovna, Yanovna, Yaroslavovna - a somewhat reserved, taciturn woman with strict moral rules and principles. Her silent, close observation alarms many; only after a long conversation can one understand the essence of this woman. She is reliable, devoted in friendships, values ​​the love and respect of her friends. "December" - stubborn, hot-tempered. "June" can be very religious, observe fasting, often attend church or be a member of some sect. They have a strict upbringing and a serious attitude towards life and starting a family. In her marriage, Emilia is a good housewife, thrifty, knows how to cook deliciously, is clean, and loves order. She takes as her husband a man without bad habits, economical, and kind. It will be his duty to go shopping; she doesn’t like “shops, and doesn’t tolerate markets. Emilia loves children dearly, tries not to spoil them, or at least not to show it clearly. She gives them a variety of things to do.” intellectual development, introduces “sports, music, theater. Children of different sexes are born.

Emilia Antonovna, Arturovna, Valerievna, Germanovna, Glebovna, Denisovna, Igorevna, Leonidovna, Lvovna, Olegovna, Ruslanovna, Semyonovna, Filimonovna, Filippovna, Emmanuilovna - restless, stubborn, she creates unnecessary difficulties for herself in life. Predisposed to nervous breakdowns and deep depression. He experiences any trouble with difficulty and withdraws into himself for a long time. “Winter” - accepts failures more easily and takes on new business more decisively. A good housewife, neat and clean. A little squeamish, she carefully washes the dishes and takes care in perfect order in the kitchen. Prepares vegetables and fruits for the winter, using rare old recipes. She takes as her husband a man who is flexible and compliant, but at the same time independent and economical. Demands that he come home from work on time and not abuse alcohol. She tries not to make trouble with him. He holds the children under a tight rein, controlling their every step. He is afraid of troubles for his children, but excessive guardianship brings them even greater troubles. Children of different sexes are born.

Emilia Alanovna, Albertovna, Anatolyevna, Veniaminovna, Vladlenovna, Dmitrievna, Markovna, Nikolaevna, Rostislavovna, Stanislavovna, Stepanovna, Feliksovna - emotional, an avid debater, not every man can communicate with her in a calm tone. It is impossible to prove anything to her; quarreling is unsafe. But, along with all this, she is very kind and sympathetic, quickly moves away, forgets insults, and is ready to rush to the aid of a recent enemy if he is in trouble. Her life is not easy, but it does not make her angry. Not a bad housewife, quick to work, in a matter of minutes. will do in minutes what another woman would have to spend a whole day doing.

She is collected, does not tolerate delays, does not put things off until later. Very neat, she doesn’t let anyone into the kitchen - this is her abode. She takes an independent but compliant man as her husband. He takes good care of him, does not require help with housework, but in minor matters he has the right to vote only when Emilia herself asks him. But in serious matters, Emilia always consults with her husband and does not dare to take a serious step without his approval. The husband should always be at home on time, and if he is late, warn her. She is just as strict with children, with the difference that they are given a discount based on their age. More often girls are born.

Positive traits of the name

Emma has a friendly, sunny character, great personal charm and excellent prospects in any field. She may have strong passions for business or people, and be a supporter of ideas and innovations in life and work.

Negative traits of the name

Emma is annoyed by those people who are slow in words and actions, but she is sometimes too hasty, restless, prone to changing places, to all sorts of unexpected actions and events. In matters of the heart, she is also changeable; she is drawn to new people. Emma belongs to those who are “their own boss”, so she does not like advice.

Choosing a profession by name

Emma tends to choose professions in which she can practice her unerring sense of proportion and express her inner desire for harmony. Emma can become a first-class fashion designer, hairdresser, stylist, artist.

The impact of a name on business

Emma is lucky in financial matters, but she does not attach much importance to money and can sometimes show ruinous generosity. Perhaps Emma will receive money through a gift will. The influence of the name on health: Emma herself destroys her beauty

The influence of a name on health

She may have neuroses, eye twitching, speech defects, blood diseases, eczema, skin diseases, and addiction to stimulant drugs.

Psychology of the name

Emma knows how to see only the good in people and helps them express best qualities. Most often, communicating with her is not particularly difficult. She appreciates in people the sense of humor that she herself possesses, and her character is characterized by optimism.

Famous people named Emilia

Emilia of Caesarea (Cappadocia) (venerable)
Emilia Lepida (traditional female name of the patrician ancient Roman family of the Aemilii)
Emilia Spivak ((born 1981) Russian theater and film actress)
Emilia Shanks ((1857 - 1936) Anglo-Russian artist, the first woman painter accepted into the Association of Traveling Art Exhibitions)
Emilia Fadini ((born 1930) Italian harpsichordist and musicologist)
Emilia Pardo Basan ((1851 - 1921) Spanish (Galician) writer)
Emilia (Emilia) ((born 1982) full name- Emilia Yancheva Valeva; Bulgarian pop-folk singer)
Emilia Uggla ((1819 - 1855) Swedish aristocrat, pianist, singer)
Emilia Lileeva ((1824 - 1893) opera singer (lyric-dramatic soprano))
Emilia Rydberg ((born 1978) Swedish pop singer)
Emilia Tourey ((born 1984) Russian handball player, winger of the Russian national team)
Emilia Milton ((1902 - 1978) Russian actress)
Emilia Musina-Pushkina ((1810 - 1846) famous beauty (Lermontov’s madrigal is dedicated to her), friend of A.S. Pushkin, sister of the famous Aurora Demidova)
Emilia Plater ((1806 - 1831) Countess, participant in the November uprising)
Emilia Flöge ((1874 - 1952) Austrian fashion designer)
Emilia Fox ((born 1974) British stage and film actress)
Emilia Heim ((1885 - 1954) Austrian singer (soprano))
Emilia Chegrintseva ((1904 - 1989) Russian poetess of the “first wave” of Emigration, participant in a number of literary associations in Prague)
Emilia Shtina ((1910 - 2007) algologist, Doctor of Biological Sciences, professor)

Orthodox name days and days of the angel Emilia

Emilia celebrates Catholic name days

Compatibility of the name Emilia

Emma is a supporter of free, open marriage. She manages to maintain complete freedom in her marriage. A favorable alliance is with Abraham, Valentin, Zinovy, Hippolytus, Nestor, Felix, and Edward.

Incompatibility of the name Emilia

Difficult relationships are likely with Ananias, Galaktion, David, Demids, Eustathius, Isaac, Konon, Hosea, Protas, Rogdai.

It happens that parents do not deprive their child of anything - neither care, nor love, nor financially, but there is no happiness or good luck in the life of their beloved child. The reason here may be quite simple - at baptism, adults made a mistake in choosing a name, which led to such consequences. Having chosen the name Emilia, the meaning of the name, character and fate should be examined by relatives especially carefully, because subsequent events in the girl’s life may depend on the secret meaning hidden here.

The meaning of the name Emilia for a girl briefly

Tens of hundreds of years ago, people were especially careful about choosing a name for their descendants, because it was believed that it was from them the right decision Too much depended on the child's life. Character traits, unpleasant incidents or joyful surprises from life, marriage or even the choice of work - only a name could influence all these features. That is why, before christening the baby, the secret meaning inherent in the name initially, and all the details that could somehow influence the fate, were carefully studied. One should not abandon the thousand-year experience of ancestors even today - a careful study of ancient sources will certainly help to cope with the difficulties in raising a child and give him a cloudless future.

Emilia, the meaning of the name, character and fate - how to correctly understand these features and what can be changed in advance? The first thing adults who like this particular name should pay attention to is its meaning; there are often several of them at once. Another rule that needs to be followed is to study all the character traits associated with this name, events that can happen after some time. This will help you respond to unwanted features in a timely manner and correct them in a timely manner.

The meaning of the name Emilia for a girl is brief, as ancient Roman sources testify - “strong”, “zealous”, “rival”. It can be concluded that she will have strong character and in love she will stop at nothing - there will be no barriers for her.

What does the name Emilia mean for a girl according to the church calendar?

Should you trust ancient sources when studying the meaning of a name for your child? Most parents act more simply - they turn to Orthodox literature, correctly believing that this is where the most reliable information can be contained. As it turns out, Christian meanings rarely differ from generally accepted ones, but it doesn’t hurt to make sure once again that the choice was made correctly. It is necessary to study Orthodox sources for one more reason - only in them can you find out which of the saints will patronize the baby and when he will be able to celebrate his name day. This often happens several times a year.

Emilia, the meaning of the name, character and fate - what can one of the most popular Orthodox sources say about this? In addition to the meaning of the name and the saints, you can find here prayers that need to be offered to the guardian angel - he will certainly support you in difficult times and help you overcome all the difficulties and difficulties in life.

What does the name Emilia mean for a girl? church calendar? Differences between ancient Roman and Orthodox meaning no – it also states that it means “rival”, “zealous” and “strong”. The girl will certainly correspond to these data and will walk her life’s path with honor.

The secret of the name Emilia, name day dates, signs

How useful can the secret of the name Emilia be in a girl’s life? Parents along with the meaning and the most interesting and useful features must study information about which saints will take care of the child. The girl will have several of them; her name day will have to be celebrated in January (14th), June (17th), August (24th), September (23rd). It is not necessary to organize a magnificent celebration for all holidays, present expensive gifts– it will be much more useful for the baby if her family prays to the saints and asks good fate for your baby.

The holy day of June is considered especially revered by the people. On this day, according to ancient beliefs, unmarried girls you should ask your patroness for a good spouse. This must be done in an open field early in the morning. When returning home, do not talk to anyone, and do not even stop. The saint will certainly respond to the request and very soon a betrothed will appear in the house, who will be a faithful and good husband.

Origin of the name Emilia and its meaning for children

Is it necessary to first pay attention to the origin of the name Emilia and its meaning for children, or do these features not play any role in the life of a girl? If you try to find useful information about which country gave the world this melodious name, ancient sources will briefly inform you about it. This once again proves that you can not pay attention to the origin, and it can be useful in only one case - if a grown-up child wants to find out this information from his relatives.

It is more important to study the meaning of the name in detail. Very often, thanks to this, you can find out what advantages or disadvantages the baby will show. Parents should not be careless about these useful information. If they study negative qualities in a timely manner, they can partially get rid of them, because this is much easier to do in childhood than in adulthood.

Character of a girl named Emilia

What positive features or will the character of a girl named Emilia be replete with shortcomings? The baby will certainly please her family even in childhood, because there will be many advantages that will begin to appear at this age. Among them:

  1. activity;
  2. talent;
  3. sociability;
  4. wit;
  5. optimism;
  6. ability to adapt to any conditions;
  7. success;
  8. hard work.

Another wonderful quality that will also appear in childhood is that the baby happily takes on any work, even the most difficult and uninteresting. Mom can safely ask her to help around the house - the girl will do it quickly and efficiently, without asking many questions.

There are few negative qualities, and one of them is the inability to make important decisions independently. She will certainly need to be pushed and given a lot of arguments and arguments in order for her to decide to take any important step.

The fate of a girl named Emilia

How can the fate of a girl named Emilia turn out very soon? Relatives should definitely remember her main drawback - her inability to make decisions, so she will have to get a little help with choosing a specialty. I can recommend these professions to her.

The origin of the name Emilia causes a lot of controversy and controversy, which indicates its great popularity among different peoples. Translated from Latin language it takes on the meaning of “strong”, “diligent”, “strong”. According to the second version, this is the feminine form of Aemilius, which arose from the Roman generic nickname Aemilius and means “rival”. Some researchers consider it a variant of the Greek name Emilios, which comes from the word “aimylios” - “affectionate”, “flattering”.

Name Astrology

  • Zodiac sign: Scorpio
  • Patron Planet: Mercury
  • Talisman stone: carnelian
  • Orange color
  • Plant: sweet pea
  • Animal: jellyfish
  • Favorable day: Thursday

Character traits

For a girl named by this name, every day is a step towards a new achievement. Intelligence, prudence and a leading position in society make her mature beyond her years. Emilia begins to show a wayward character from the very early age. She does not accept teachings or refusals. Does not like the imposition of other people's opinions, even parents. I'm used to deciding everything myself. The versatile characteristics of this name only emphasize the stubbornness and courage of its owner.

Emilia is an obedient girl, a friendly woman, although somewhat unbalanced. This is a strong personality full of energy. As a child, she loves the company of adults more, and later on her friends often become men. An optimist in life, she is endowed with a good sense of humor. At the same time, such a girl is fickle, she is always drawn to something or someone new.

Winter Emilia demonstrates greatest strength character. She is passionate about knowledge, shows herself brightly at the institute, prepares scientific works. Can become a graduate student. Spring is purposeful, always in the center of events. Manifests himself in various fields and interests. Smart, comprehensively developed, sociable. A girl born in autumn is interested in everything that arouses her interest. He doesn’t leave his home unattended either. Summer is the most homely. Her family comes first. She is interested in growing flowers.

Interests and hobbies

Since childhood, Emilia - creative child thirsty for new knowledge. Her hobbies are always extravagant. The girl is happy to grow rare varieties flowering plants and is sure to achieve success in this. She is very artistic and has a talent for parody.

Profession and business

Emilia has excellent logical analysis skills and developed intuition. Therefore, the professions of a police officer, tax service, and customs may be ideal for her. She makes a wonderful medical worker or diplomat. She is a responsible specialist and masters the techniques of oratory. An innate sense of beauty and a personal creative approach to business allow her to also express herself as a designer, fashion designer, and stylist.

A woman with this name can be successful in business; luck is often on her side. But you can’t earn big money due to excessive generosity.


Since birth, Emilia has been in excellent health and rarely gets sick. But frequent breakdowns and nervousness in words and actions have a destructive effect on the body. As a result, she may have neuroses, speech defects, blood diseases, and skin diseases.

Sex and love

IN intimate relationships she is quite picky and strict. Knows and feels men, prefers intellectual partners. More often influenced by the mind than the heart. She does not accept casual relationships, so her trust must be earned.

Family and marriage

Emilia is in no hurry to get married. Most often she gets married after 25 years. The secret of the name lies in the fact that its bearer can only become happy with a strong, educated and self-confident man. She is not at all interested in her financial situation. She believes that everything can be successfully achieved together. Is an excellent hostess and a wonderful mother. Great importance for such a woman has sexual compatibility- Without her, relationships don’t last long.