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Emergency stop traffic rules. Emergency sign - requirements for a new type of sign. Emergency sign - installation rules on the road

SDA (traffic rules) Russian Federation 2015.
7. Use of hazard warning lights and warning triangles

7.1. The hazard warning lights must be turned on:

  • when forced to stop in places where stopping is prohibited;
  • when the driver is blinded by headlights;
  • when towing (on a towed motor vehicle);
  • when boarding children in a vehicle with identification marks “Transportation of Children” and disembarking from it.

The driver must turn on alarm and in other cases to warn traffic participants about the danger that the vehicle may create.

7.2. When stopping vehicle and the activation of the alarm, as well as in the event of its malfunction or absence, the warning triangle must be immediately displayed:

  • in case of a traffic accident;
  • when forced to stop in places where it is prohibited, and where, taking into account visibility conditions, the vehicle cannot be noticed in a timely manner by other drivers.

This sign is installed at a distance that provides timely warning to other drivers of the danger in a particular situation. However, this distance must be at least 15 m from the vehicle in populated areas and 30 m outside populated areas.

The distance at which a warning triangle is installed must be sufficient to ensure the safety of other drivers. In a populated area - at least 15 m from the vehicle that stopped. The driver acts within the framework of the Rules

The distance at which a warning triangle is installed must be sufficient to ensure the safety of other drivers. Outside the populated area - at least 30 m. The driver acts within the framework of the Rules

A forced stop was made in a prohibited place (the “Stopping is prohibited” sign is in effect), but there is no hazard warning light and no warning triangle is displayed. Therefore, the driver violates the Rules

A warning triangle is one of the essential attributes of every motorist. The presence of this item, along with a first aid kit and a fire extinguisher, is checked by the inspector during technical inspection car. In addition, it must be installed in case of an accident. What actions should a driver take if an emergency stop is made? The sign is the first thing you need to install.

New warning signs

New warning triangles are manufactured in accordance with the requirements of the state standard GOST R 41.27-2001, which was developed on the basis of the UN Economic Commission for Europe Rules No. 27. Despite the age of adoption of this standard, its provisions regarding the manufacture of warning signs still remain unchanged.

Design and completeness of the new warning sign

The pre-alarm sign has the shape of an equilateral triangle, the side length of which is 50 (± 5) cm. The material for its manufacture is plastic or red plastic.

Each side of the signal triangle includes a reflective stripe located on the outside and an internal fluorescent stripe, while the width of the outer stripe must be at least 5 cm. The first one is indispensable when daylight, and the second will help at night.

The sign is installed on the ground surface using a metal stand.

The kit includes a cover with the company logo, which in addition to the warning triangle is required to be produced by the manufacturer. A similar icon is depicted on the sign itself.

Basic requirements for placing a signal sign

Requirements for the placement of warning signs are strictly regulated by the Russian Federation Traffic Regulations. If the driver makes an emergency stop, the sign will need to be installed immediately in order to warn other drivers about the existing obstacle.

So, ch. 7 of the Traffic Regulations of the Russian Federation establishes the following. An emergency stop sign is displayed in the following cases:

  • the necessary stopping of the vehicle in places that are not intended for this, or where, in conditions of poor visibility, the vehicle may be unnoticed by other drivers;
  • towing a car with a faulty warning light.

If an emergency stop was made, the sign must be installed at a distance of at least 30 m from the vehicle outside the populated area and 15 m within its boundaries. In any case, the warning beacon must be placed on the ground in such a way as to promptly and sufficiently warn other drivers of possible danger.

When towing a vehicle (if its warning lights are faulty), a warning sign is attached to the rear.

Due to the fact that situations on the roads are different, and a warning sign is necessary not only in the event of an accident, this thing is absolutely necessary in every car. How to choose such a sign and not make a mistake? Here's what you need to pay attention to when purchasing it:

  • the product must meet the requirements state standard(the presence of an old-style sign will not save the owner when passing a technical inspection);
  • It is recommended to select samples with plastic elements coated protective layer(this will extend the life of the sign and protect its surface from scratches and other damage);
  • the structure must be strong and stable;
  • The kit must include a cover and instructions for installing the sign.

If you purchase a warning signal, it is not advisable to save heavily. A more expensive copy, in contrast to a frankly cheaper one, has a longer service life, is durable and safe.

Penalties for failure to use a warning sign

The sign in question is classified as additional elements, without which the vehicle is not allowed to move (clause 7.7 of the Appendix to the Traffic Regulations of the Russian Federation). In its absence, the current regulatory legal acts responsibility is provided.

So, if the absence of a warning sign is determined by the traffic police inspector who stopped the car, then by virtue of Part 1 of Art. 12.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, he has the right to apply the following sanctions:

  • warning;
  • a fine of 500 rubles.

If, as a result of an accident, an emergency stop is made, the sign is not installed or the working light alarm is not turned on, the fine will be 1,500 rubles (Part 1 of Article 12.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

Nuance. All car owners who are involved in an emergency are required to install a warning sign.

In addition, the absence of a warning sign of the established type will result in refusal to undergo technical inspection.

Every vehicle must have a warning sign. However, this does not eliminate the need to be extremely careful on the road.

The rules prohibit the operation of a car unless it is equipped with three mandatory accessories: first aid kit, fire extinguisher and warning triangle. All this can be purchased at retail network and must be stored in an easily accessible place in the vehicle.

The warning triangle is a red triangle, which, if necessary, the driver must place on roadway road from approaching traffic. The sign is clearly visible not only during the day, but also at night, as it has the ability to reflect the headlights falling on it. Even in the dark, other drivers will see it, understand in advance that there is danger ahead, reduce their speed and be ready to stop or go around you.

A few words about what hazard warning lights are.

Absolutely every car has such a key (or button) - if you press it, then all the direction indicators and two more repeaters on the side surfaces of the front wings begin to flash simultaneously. That is, as many as six lights flash at once orange color from all sides of the car. The driver, turning on the hazard warning lights or using a warning triangle, seems to shout to other road users:

"I have a problem's! Be careful! Now, without meaning to, I pose a danger to everyone!”

It's something like special language(let’s call it “emergency language”). This language has only a few words and you need to know them. Moreover, both the one who “screams” and those who hear this “scream” need to know them. Then you can not only see that something happened, but also understand what exactly happened. Either an accident has occurred, or one person is towing another, or children are being boarded on a bus intended for their organized transportation.

The hazard warning lights must be turned on:

– when towing (on a towed motor vehicle);

– when the driver is blinded by headlights;

– when boarding children in a vehicle with identification marks “Transportation of Children” and disembarking from it:

– the driver must turn on the hazard warning lights in other cases to warn road users about the danger that the vehicle may create.

A warning triangle must be displayed:

– in case of a traffic accident;

– when forced to stop in places where stopping is prohibited;

– when forced to stop in any place where a stationary vehicle cannot be seen in a timely manner by other drivers.

In case of a traffic accident.

In the event of an accident, the first thing to do is to immediately turn on the hazard warning lights. Then also immediately put up a warning triangle. And only after that - everything else.

When forced to stop in places where stopping is prohibited.

You already know how to behave during a forced stop - first of all, turn on the emergency lights and put up an emergency stop sign.

Moreover, if you happen to break down in a place where stopping is not prohibited, or you manage to roll the car to a place where stopping is not prohibited (for example, to the side of the road), then in this case the Rules do not oblige drivers to “shout” to everyone about their problems.

However, if you are going to repair it right on the road, then this is a different situation.

Now you are certainly creating a danger for yourself and for the movement of other vehicles. And, therefore, they must turn on the emergency lights and put up an emergency stop sign.

Rules. Section 7. Clause 7.2. Paragraph 3 . This sign is installed at a distance that provides timely warning to other drivers of the danger in a particular situation. However, this distance must beat least 15 meters from a vehicle in populated areas andat least 30 meters – outside populated areas.

Did you notice: The rules set only the lower limit ( no less15 meters in populated areas And no less30 meters on the road outside populated areas). The Rules say nothing about “no more.” Drivers must determine the upper limit themselves, guided by safety considerations in each specific situation.

In all likelihood, something happened around the bend. And the driver put up a warning triangle, moving away from the scene of the incident much more than 30 meters.

And he did the right thing!

In this situation, this is exactly what you need to do!

When towing.

Everyone who has ever been towing or being towed has fully tasted all the “delights” of such a movement.

The distance between the cars is from 4 to 6 meters (this is the length of the tow rope), both are very limited in maneuvering, they can only accelerate slowly and brake only smoothly. In a word, it’s also “pleasure”.

In this situation, all you need is to competently “shout” to everyone that you are being towed - when moving, the towed person must have the emergency light signaling.

Moreover, it is at the towed and only for the towed one!

What to do if the alarm system does not work?

Rules. Section 7.Clause 7.3. If there is no or malfunction of the hazard warning lights on the towed motor vehicle, a warning triangle must be attached to its rear part.

Just try to make sure that the warning triangle does not limit your view and does not obscure the state registration plate of your car.

When the driver is blinded by headlights.

Night time. The road is out settlement without artificial lighting. A car is driving towards you with its headlights on. Just imagine - you don’t see the road surface, you don’t see the markings, you don’t see the edge of the road, you don’t see that the road makes a turn. This is deadly!

The most correct thing now is to depict a forced stop. That is, of course, there is no need to put up a sign, just turn on the hazard warning lights and smoothly stop without changing lanes. I assure you, this is the most correct and safe decision. Moreover, the Rules require the same:

Rules. Section 19.Clause 19.2. Paragraph 5. If blinded, the driver must turn on the hazard warning lights and, without changing lanes, reduce speed and stop.

Then, when the car that blinded you passes, start driving and, having accelerated to the average speed of the flow, turn off the emergency lights.

When boarding and disembarking children from a vehicle that has the “Transportation of Children” markings.

For the organized transportation of children, buses are specially hired, and these buses must have “Transportation of Children” identification signs on the front and rear.

Children are children. Getting carried away, they may forget that they are on the road. Therefore, every time children are boarded or disembarked, the driver of such a bus is required to turn on the hazard warning lights. This is also one of the words in the “emergency language”, and it is very important that drivers understand it correctly. That is, when driving around such a bus, you need to be extremely careful and take all precautions.

The driver must turn on the hazard warning lights in other cases to warn road users of the danger that the vehicle may pose.

Well, we have already considered one such case. This is when you decide to get repairs right on the road, and you are standing in a place where stopping is not prohibited.

Suppose this happens on the side of the road outside a populated area, that is, where stopping is not only allowed, but even prescribed by the Rules. You will now be walking around the car, opening and closing doors, hanging out under the hood, and perhaps even crawling under the car, leaving your feet on the roadway. And all this time cars will fly past. Of course, just because you turn on your hazard warning lights and put up a warning triangle, they won’t stop flying by, but drivers will be more attentive and, just in case, will increase the lateral interval towards you.

And another suitable case is when your vehicle has a malfunction that prohibits its operation. For example, a stone knocked out Windshield. Well, what to do now? In this case, the rules allow you to drive home or to the place of repair (do not abandon the car on the road). But with all necessary precautions! That is, firstly, you will move in the far right lane. Secondly, you need to move at a low speed (and it won’t work at a high speed - the wind will blow in your face, carrying with it road dust and sand). And thirdly, during such (!) movement you are required to turn on the hazard warning lights.

The rules do not cover all such cases. According to the Rules, drivers must turn on the emergency lights whenever they, voluntarily or unwittingly, create a danger to traffic.

The rules prohibit the operation of a car unless it is equipped with the following three mandatory accessories: a first aid kit, a fire extinguisher and a warning triangle. All this can be purchased at retail stores and must be stored in an easily accessible place in the car.

A warning triangle is a red triangle, which, if necessary, you must place on the roadway from the direction of approaching traffic. It is clearly visible not only during the day, but also at night, as it has the ability to reflect the headlights falling on it. Even in the dark on a country road, drivers will see it, understand in advance that there is danger ahead, reduce speed and be ready to stop or go around you. And this must be done without fail and immediately!

A few words about what hazard warning lights are.

Absolutely every car has such a key (or button) - if you press it, then all the direction indicators and two more repeaters on the side surfaces of the front wings begin to flash simultaneously. That is, as many as six orange lights flash on all sides of the car at once. The driver, turning on the hazard warning lights or using a warning triangle, seems to shout to other road users:

"I have a problem's! Be careful! Now, without meaning to, I pose a danger to everyone!”

This is something like a special language (let’s call it “emergency language”). This language has only a few words and you need to know them. Moreover, both the one who “screams” and those who hear this “scream” need to know them. Then you can not only see that something happened, but also understand what exactly happened. Either an accident has occurred, or one person is towing another, or children are being boarded on a bus intended for their organized transportation.

The hazard warning lights must be turned on:

When towing (on a towed motor vehicle);

When the driver is blinded by headlights;

When boarding and disembarking children from a vehicle with identification marks “Transportation of Children”:

The driver must turn on the hazard warning lights in other cases to warn road users of the danger that the vehicle may pose.

A warning triangle must be displayed:

In case of a traffic accident;

When forced to stop in places where stopping is prohibited;

When forced to stop in any place where a stationary vehicle cannot be seen by other drivers in a timely manner.

In case of a traffic accident.

In the event of an accident, the first thing to do is to immediately turn on the hazard warning lights. Then also immediately put up a warning triangle. And only after that - everything else.

When forced to stop in places where stopping is prohibited.

You already know how to behave during a forced stop - also, the first thing to do is turn on the emergency lights and put up an emergency stop sign.

Moreover, if you happen to break down in a place where stopping is not prohibited, or you manage to roll the car to a place where stopping is not prohibited (for example, to the side of the road), then in this case the Rules do not oblige you to “shout” to everyone about your problems.

However, if you are planning to repair it right on the road, then this is a different situation. Now you are certainly creating a danger for yourself and for the movement of other vehicles. And, therefore, they must turn on the emergency lights and put up an emergency stop sign.

Rules. Section 7. Clause 7.2. Paragraph 3.

This sign is installed at a distance that provides timely warning to other drivers of the danger in a particular situation. However, this distance must be at least 15 meters from the vehicle in populated areas and at least 30 meters outside populated areas.

Did you notice: The rules established only the lower limit (at least 15 meters in populated areas and at least 30 meters on the road outside populated areas). The Rules say nothing about “no more.” Drivers must determine the upper limit themselves, guided by safety considerations in each specific situation.

In all likelihood, something happened around the bend. And the driver put up a warning triangle, moving away from the scene of the incident much more than 30 meters.

In this situation, this is exactly what you need to do!

When towing.

Just try to make sure that the warning triangle does not obscure the state registration plate of your car.

When the driver is blinded by headlights.

Night time. A road outside a populated area without artificial lighting. A car is driving towards you with its headlights on. Just imagine - you don’t see the road surface, you don’t see the markings, you don’t see the edge of the road, you don’t see that the road makes a turn. This is deadly!

The most correct thing now is to depict a forced stop. That is, there is no need to put up a sign, just turn on the hazard warning lights and smoothly stop without changing lanes. I assure you, this is the most correct and safe decision. Moreover, the Rules require the same.

Rules. Section 19. Clause 19.2. Paragraph 5.

If blinded, the driver must turn on the hazard warning lights and, without changing lanes, reduce speed and stop.

Then, when the car that blinded you passes, start driving and, having accelerated to the average speed of the flow, turn off the emergency lights.

When boarding children in a vehicle with identification marks

"Transportation of children" and disembarkation from it.

For the organized transportation of children, buses are specially hired, and these buses must have “Transportation of Children” identification signs on the front and rear.

Children are children. Getting carried away, they may forget that they are on the road. Therefore, every time children are boarded or disembarked, the driver of such a bus is required to turn on the hazard warning lights. This is also one of the words in the “emergency language”, and it is very important that drivers understand it correctly.

The driver must turn on the hazard warning lights in other cases to warn road users of the danger that the vehicle may pose.

Well, we have already considered one such case. This is when you decide to get repairs right on the road, and you are standing in a place where stopping is not prohibited.

Suppose this happens on the side of the road outside a populated area, that is, where stopping is not only allowed, but even prescribed by the Rules. You will now be walking around the car, opening and closing doors, hanging out under the hood, and perhaps even crawling under the car, leaving your feet on the roadway. And all this time cars will fly past. Of course, just because you turn on the hazard warning lights and put up a warning triangle, they won’t stop flying by, but drivers will be more attentive and, just in case, will increase the lateral interval towards you.

And another suitable case is when your vehicle has a malfunction that prohibits its operation. For example, the windshield was broken by a stone. Well, what to do now? In this case, the rules allow you to drive home or to the place of repair (do not abandon the car on the road). But with all necessary precautions! That is, firstly, you will move in the far right lane. Secondly, you need to move at a low speed (and it won’t work at a high speed - the wind will blow in your face, carrying with it road dust and sand). And thirdly, during such (!) movement you are required to turn on the hazard warning lights.

The rules do not cover all such cases. They simply allow you to use the alarm whenever you feel the need to do so.