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Color spots on the TV.

Basically, white spots on the TV screen appear due to malfunctions of the internal modules of the TV, but in rare cases, they may be a feature of your TV model.

If narrow stripes run along the edges of the screen, most likely this is a feature of this model and there is no reason to worry. It’s another matter if these are very noticeable light spots on the TV screen (usually visible from the edge of the screen) - this already indicates a breakdown of the TV.

If the TV is under warranty, and you find similar defects on the screen, the right decision will contact the warranty service.

Possible causes of stains

TVs with kinescope

On TVs with a cathode ray tube, this defect is easy to notice - the spots are usually large. White spots can be caused by a faulty frame scanner, which can be repaired by a technician. Also, glare can be caused by a “shrunken” kinescope, which cannot be restored.

Plasma TV

In plasma TVs, white spots on the screen appear mainly due to the failure of the image building blocks. In some cases, a faulty matrix manifests itself this way.


White spots on LCD TVs may be a result of poor assembly of the model or mechanical impact on the screen. In both cases, the defect will be eliminated only by replacing the matrix.

Every owner of a TV with an LCD display may encounter a problem when dark spots appear on the TV screen. They can appear both in inexpensive equipment and in owners of elite models. This question is very common among LCD models, however, not everyone knows why they appear. Let's look at this problem in more detail.

Dark spots are dead (non-working) pixels on the matrix. They indicate a malfunction of the display in this area and can appear on the screen for a variety of reasons.

Reasons for appearance

Basically, the appearance of dark spots is a manufacturing defect. But this problem does not always arise due to manufacturing defects. Let's look at the main causes of dark spots on LCD TV screens:

  • Defects in production. If you have just purchased new TV and found a speck on the display, then with high probability we can say that this is a factory defect. This is the most common reason for the appearance of spots.
  • Mechanical impact. In this case, the dark area was formed as a result of improper operation of the equipment. For example, you pressed your hand hard on the display or hit the screen against something. This could cause a similar problem.
  • Air entry. TV owners also encounter this problem very often. Air could have entered during transportation or transfer of the device, which caused the pixels to fail.
  • Moisture ingress. This option is not excluded. It is not recommended to wipe the screen with a very wet cloth or use a large number of cleaning products. Liquid can get under the layers of the matrix, which will lead to stains.
  • Impact high temperature . The non-working area could have been formed due to exposure to high temperature. In this case, matrix delamination occurs, which leads to this problem.

How to remove stains

In most cases, it is almost impossible to repair a damaged area of ​​the screen yourself. This requires special equipment and considerable repair skills. But before you panic, we recommend reading the following tips:

  • If you still have a warranty card for the product and its period has not expired, then contact the store where you made the purchase. The product will be collected and sent to determine the cause of the malfunction. If the analysis shows that the damage is not mechanical, most likely you will receive a refund or simply be given a new product.
  • If the dark spot is caused by physical impact during improper use, it is most likely that the store will refuse to return you. In this case, we do not recommend sending it for repair. The cost of repairing such a problem can almost reach the cost of the TV itself.

Advice: buy equipment only from well-known and trusted brands. These include equipment from LG, Samsung, Sony and many others.

Causes. A fairly common malfunction is the appearance of colored spots on the screen of a CRT television.

Almost always, this malfunction means magnetization of the screen.

Sometimes the problem can be fixed on your own, but sometimes the TV breaks down and you need to call a repairman.

Important. If colored spots appear after the TV has been dropped or hit, then most likely the kinescope has failed. Currently, repairing this is either impossible or extremely expensive.

— Since equipment standing next to the TV can create interference, you should first move it to a “safe” distance.

— It rarely happens that the TV is placed in the wrong place. Still, you can try moving the device to another place and turning it on there. This can help remove smudges from your screen.

— The most reliable way to remove screen magnetization is to turn off the TV with the power button, unplug the plug from the socket and wait 20 minutes. Then turn on the TV again. It is advisable to repeat this action twice.

If the double “turn off-rest-on” did not help, most likely the demagnetization circuit in the TV is faulty. The breakdown is quite simple and can almost always be repaired by a technician.

If a dark spot (or several spots) appears on the TV screen and it is clearly visible, then depending on the type of TV, different conclusions can be drawn.

Possible causes of malfunction

Tit TV and causes of malfunction


A dark spot on an LCD TV almost always indicates a matrix malfunction:

There is only one way out: change the matrix.


Dark spots on the screen plasma TV may indicate a malfunction of the blocks that build the image. The cause of the breakdown is often wear and tear of power parts or a defect in the manufacturing plant.

Sometimes blocks can be repaired by replacing some chips. More often you have to replace one or two entire blocks.


Most often, dark spots on a CRT TV screen are the result of shedding of phosphor, which is applied to inner side kinescope and provides an image.

Such a defect may occur as a result of a shock or old age of the kinescope. Only replacing the kinescope will help. Currently it is either unprofitable or impossible.

Remember if guarantee period TV service has not yet come out, you need to urgently contact service center your city and return the device under warranty.

Conditionally useful information

Traditional methods for removing stains on the screen (our company’s specialists are not responsible for the performance of these methods and do not recommend using them).

Alternative Uses for TVs (Disassembly and other tampering with TVs can be dangerous due to residual voltage that can cause death or serious injury).