home · Tool · DIY electric heated insoles. Heated insoles: varieties, review of store options, how to make them yourself. What are heated insoles for and who might benefit from them?

DIY electric heated insoles. Heated insoles: varieties, review of store options, how to make them yourself. What are heated insoles for and who might benefit from them?

Do-it-yourself heated insoles will be a good find for people who, due to circumstances, are forced to stay outside for a long time in winter. This simple device will help keep your feet warm when fishing, hunting, hiking, market sellers, etc. In addition to the cold season, insoles will come in handy in spring and even summer, in rainy weather.

One of the parts of the body that is sensitive to cold is the feet. If they freeze, the whole body begins to freeze, which causes us great discomfort, not to mention the risk of catching a cold. Heated insoles will help keep you warm in severe frosts.

There is nothing fancy about heated insoles. Depending on the type of product, the operating principle will differ. The products are made of several layers:

  • bottom layer - insulating material in the lower part, which retains heat well and does not allow moisture to pass through;
  • Next comes the pressure sensor, connector for charger, battery and electronic elements, located in the toes or all over the foot a heating element;
  • the penultimate layer is a polyurethane absorbent and synthetic insulating layer;
  • The last layer is a non-fabric lining.

High-quality heated insoles should distribute heat evenly over the entire foot and follow its shape. It is advisable to have perforations in the toe area. Thanks to it, they will warm up faster.

Insoles often have heating mode indicators. Can be powered by regular or rechargeable batteries. The design of the products is made in such a way that they are very easy to put into shoes, and several size options allow you to choose individual insoles for each person.

Types of heated insoles

There are three types of “warm” insoles: rechargeable, battery-powered and chemical. The first two types have a heating element in their design and are divided into wired and wireless.


The insoles have an external battery and a heating element inside the structure itself. Even if this is your first time using such a thing, you will not notice any discomfort while wearing it; your leg will quickly get used to it.

The battery and the heating element are connected to each other with a 40-60 cm wire. The batteries themselves are attached to the shin, and the change temperature conditions occurs using the control panel. Despite the fact that the main element is located outside, there is no risk of injury. All live wires are hidden in a plastic, tightly closed box.

Wired insoles can work for a maximum of 12 hours, which is quite enough for required quantity time in the cold or in cold water. You can make battery-powered heated insoles with your own hands, and they will turn out no worse than the purchased version.


In such insoles, the batteries are placed inside the product, most often in the heel area. The heating element is located in the toes, because... They are the ones who start to freeze first. Specially selected materials allow heat to be retained inside the insole: artificial plastic and natural rubber.

If you prefer wireless heated insoles, then immediately select your size taking into account your height, because... It is not possible to “tailor” the product to suit you. The operating time of the insoles is also quite long - up to 11 hours, with 4 hours until fully charged. Some models are equipped with a remote control. This allows you to turn them off when you enter the room.


Another type of heated insoles is chemical. Mostly produced disposable. Sold in hermetically sealed bags. To make them work, you need to shake or rub each insole with your palms after printing. This will start chemical reaction. After the insoles begin to heat up, they are inserted into the shoes. There are models that can be glued to socks using self-adhesive tape located on one side.

Heating of the insole occurs due to the oxidation of iron. To avoid burns, manufacturers add sodium chloride and salt, which reduce the oxidation process. Some products also add sawdust or charcoal to eliminate odor and moisture.

Chemical insoles are designed to last 6-7 hours. They heat up no more than 45 0 C. For a short walk this is quite enough.

Advantages and disadvantages of wireless insoles

Heated insoles have both their pros and some cons. The advantages of the products include:

  • keep feet warm even in severe frosts;
  • wireless insoles can be selected according to size;
  • chemical products have children's sizes;
  • adjustment of temperature and heating modes;
  • fast charging from a regular network;
  • comfortable to wear;
  • can be turned off upon entering the building.

The disadvantages of insoles are as follows:

  • not all budget models are able to retain heat for a long time;
  • the high position of the heel in wireless insoles gives the feeling as if you are on a heel;
  • in battery models you have to attach the battery to your leg;
  • there is a risk of the wire breaking or breaking at the most inopportune moment.

After weighing all the pros and cons, you yourself make the decision to purchase “warm” insoles. If you don’t want to waste money, you can make heated insoles for fishing or just walking with your own hands from scrap materials.

Instructions for making homemade heated insoles with your own hands

How to make heated insoles with your own hands? Everything is very simple. To make heated insoles, it is important to pay attention to the selection of materials so that heat loss below is minimal and heat transfer to the feet is maximum. You will need materials and tools such as:

  • a pair of felt insoles;
  • material for the front layer of the insole (you can take genuine leather, denim, leatherette);
  • nichrome wire approximately 60-70 cm;
  • battery case (4 compartments);
  • batteries;
  • switch for 2 or 3 modes;
  • MGTF wire 4 m;
  • crimp sleeve S = 0.2 mm 2 4 pcs;
  • set of socket and plug 2 pcs;
  • heat-resistant tube 1.5-2 m;
  • strips of fabric Velcro;
  • pliers.

The manufacturing process at home consists of simple steps that even a non-professional can perform.

  1. Using crimp sleeves, the MGTF wire is attached to the nichrome wire. First, the sleeve is put on the wire, the end of which is then inserted into the cleaned wire. The joint is covered with a sleeve, which is then crimped. The wire should protrude no less than 50 cm beyond the insole for convenient attachment to the foot. The wire on the insole is arranged in any order, as you prefer. You can attach it using thread and a needle.
  2. A plug from the headphones is soldered to the free end of the wire to connect the insoles for recharging. Hanging stranded wire sewn to the side of the insole approximately to the middle.
  3. Cut from a piece of leather top part insoles and applied to a felt base with wire.
  4. Now the arrangement of the battery is underway. A plug socket is mounted in one of the four compartments in the battery housing.
  5. There is Velcro on the back of the battery compartment. WITH front side two batteries are inserted. In this case, the heating temperature will not exceed 35 0 C. If this is not enough, you can insert a third battery.

Thus, in just an hour you can make battery-powered heated insoles with your own hands and feel comfortable in any weather.

The nuances of making heated insoles for fishing

Homemade heated insoles for use on fishing must be made taking into account environmental conditions. If there is a risk of water getting into your shoes, the insoles should be waterproof. All wires must be carefully hidden inside. It is better to make wireless insoles so as not to get the batteries on your feet wet. Switching modes should also be convenient. It would be better if it was a remote control. Then, even while wading waist-deep in water, you will be able to regulate the heating temperature.

Features of using heated insoles

Using homemade products is more than easy. The main thing in the product is that it fits the size of your shoes, otherwise it will fidget inside. Follow the rules for using insoles so that they serve you for a long time:

  • the integrity of the protective casing must not be damaged;
  • wet the products;
  • bend insoles;
  • stretch, press the wire;
  • dry immediately upon arrival home.

Charge your wireless insoles in a timely manner so that you don’t suddenly find yourself without a heating pad when outdoors.

Hunting is the hobby of real men. Adverse weather conditions undoubtedly strengthen a person's character. But now there is no need to freeze while hunting or get wet in the pouring rain, when the production of equipment for hunters has reached its peak. It is especially important to keep your feet warm. Heated insoles have been developed specifically for this purpose.

Historical reference

This type of product began to be mass produced about thirty years ago. The first heated insoles were distributed by brands making equipment for skiing. Each type of product was suitable only for a single shoe model. It quickly became clear that the use of this technology does not end only with sports: in cold countries they began to be used as a necessity. So, gradually, the device reached hunters and fishermen.

Why do hunters need

Among hunters there are many opponents of modern innovations. But if done with my own hands While a reed bed has a kind of “wild” charm, neglect of one’s health is a bad excuse for any person. Heated insoles are indispensable during winter hunting in regions where temperatures drop to -20°C or lower. In such conditions, even extreme sports enthusiasts will be forced to resort to the latest technologies.

Types of insoles

Depending on the heating source, products are divided into two large categories: chemical and battery.


Such products are disposable. They are sold in disposable packaging. Often one side of these insoles is self-adhesive. The item must be used in accordance with the instructions. Some models need to be shaken or rubbed before sticking. Some types of products are attached to the sock, others - directly to the shoe. These insoles do not work for long: on average 5-6 hours, the heating temperature is low - 45°C.

Principle of operation

Heating occurs as a result of a chemical reaction of oxidation of iron powder. The mixture also contains sodium chloride to regulate the temperature by absorbing excess heat. Thus, the insoles are self-adjusting and do not cause burns. Some models contain coal and fine sawdust, absorbing odors. External surface covered with a special polymer that does not allow heat to pass out.


Chemical products have a number of undeniable advantages.

Among them:

    comfortable to wear - no wires or batteries;

    There are also children's sizes, which are especially necessary in cold climates.


However, these insoles have many disadvantages.

The main ones:

    single use;

    low temperature (depending on the manufacturer from 39 to 50°C);

    short validity period (2-4 hours for budget options, the most expensive ones keep warm for a maximum of 6 hours).

Important note: The temperature of chemical insoles cannot be controlled.

With heating element

These insoles are heated by an energy source - a battery or accumulator. They are divided into two types: wired and wireless.


The battery is located inside the item, most often in the heel area. And the main part of the heating element is located under the toes - they get cold more often than other parts of the foot. A special shell made of polymers - artificial plastics and natural rubber - keeps heat inside the device and does not let it out.

Advantages of this design:

    convenience due to the absence of wires;

    long heat retention time - 9-11 hours;

    short battery charging time - about 4 hours.

However, there are also disadvantages.

These include:

    inability to adjust the size;

    high position of the heel - as if on a heel;

    low heating temperature - 50-52°C;

    some models are activated only when pressing on the heel.


The battery is taken out. The length of the wire varies from 40 to 60 centimeters.


    size adjustment;

    the longest period of work is 11-12 hours;

    small thickness;

    temperature and heating mode adjustment.

Models of this type also have minor disadvantages.


    location of the battery on the lower leg;

    high risk of wire breakage and device failure.

Despite separate location battery, the model is absolutely safe, the risk of ignition is completely eliminated.

Design and principle of operation of wired insoles

Since this type of heating insoles is the most effective and has the most complex design, let’s take a closer look at its main components.

Main components

Despite small sizes, this invention is a tiny electric heater.

Each device includes:

    Heating mode indicator.

    Heating zone, which varies greatly among different manufacturers.

    Batteries or accumulator with a mini-plug for charging from the mains.

    Heating plate.

    Sheathing made of thermal insulation material.


The insole has a complex multi-layer design.

It looks like this:

    Bottom part- waterproofing and anti-slip coating.

    The second layer is a pressure sensor, charger connector, battery, heating element.

    Polyurethane absorbent and insulating layers.

High-quality products have arch supports, take the shape of the foot and distribute heat evenly.

Which ones to choose

To do right choice, you need to determine the approximate operating time of the heating pad, required temperature, cost and strength characteristics.

Heating temperature

This parameter is the most important when choosing a product.

It is different for each type:

    Chemical heating insoles heat unevenly and uncontrollably to 40-50°C.

    Corded batteries have several operating modes in the range of 40-55°C.

    Wireless ones are also regulated via the remote control, maintaining a temperature of 42-51°C for a long time.

Exercise stress

In order for heaters to last a long time, it is necessary to choose wear-resistant materials. The strongest is vegetable rubber, the most fragile and short-lived is porous rubber. Polyurethane and synthetic rubber are the best option in most mid-priced models.

In order for the heating pads to maintain their integrity for a long time, they need to be selected for specific shoes, true to size. Durability also depends on the battery: it breaks down quickly if it is exposed to high heat.

Overview of store options

You also need to focus on manufacturers - time-tested brands are more expensive, but they are different high quality. Below are the main product brands.

Therma Cell

Exclusively cordless battery models are common, providing the greatest comfort. Continuous use time: 4.5-5 hours. The kit includes a control panel with which you can select one of three available modes. Service life: 3000 hours.


The battery is attached to the shin. Heating method - infrared generator. The built-in sensor saves power after a certain period of low activity. This brand is more accessible to the majority of buyers and is a kind of representative of the mass market among goods for hunting and fishing.


This type is universal - suitable for absolutely any type of shoe. Carbon elements provide heating by generating infrared radiation. The control unit is located on the shin or outer part of the boot. The product runs on batteries.

Heat Fabric

These insoles are almost universal foot warmers. They are completely waterproof and powered by a 2600 mAh battery. The size is easily adjustable from 36 to 46. The product has the most low cost for this quality class, it maintains the temperature for up to 7 hours. The only drawback: low temperature. Maximum heating is possible up to 45°C.


Good heating of the insoles is very important powerful battery. Thanks to it, thermal elements are located over the entire area of ​​the foot. Efficiency output electrical power: 98%. The product works up to 11-11.5 hours. There are three heating modes. Maximum - 57°C.


Product prices greatly depend on the brand, type of heating, service life and maximum temperature. The most budget options cost about 10 dollars, the most expensive goods are 350-370.

How to make it yourself

Making heated insoles with your own hands is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. In addition, a craftsman can save a lot of money.

To make heating pads you will need:

    felt insoles - 2 pcs;

    nichrome wire - 60-65 cm;

    MGTF wire with a transverse area of ​​0.2 mm 2 3 meters long;

    compartment for 4 batteries - 2 pcs;

    three-position switch - 2 pcs;

    connector mini jack(socket + plug) - 2 pcs;

    crimp sleeve S = 0.2 mm 2 - 4 pcs;

    heat-shrink tubing- 1 meter;

    strips of fabric with a Velcro-type lock;

    hot glue.

In such a self-made circuit, the heater will be a nichrome filament with a resistance of about 8.9 Ohms. Its length can be changed, the wire can be powered by two or three batteries.

Using crimp sleeves, you need to attach the MGTF wire to the nichrome wire. The wire outside the insole must be at least 50 centimeters in order for it to had can be attached to the boot.

The nichrome heater inside the felt can be laid in a variety of patterns - most often under the fingers. The MGTF needs to be sewn to the side of the insole, heat shrink should be applied to the unprotected part of the wire, and its end should be soldered to the plug. The battery compartments can be filled completely or partially, depending on the amount of energy required. DIY insoles are ready!

Care and operation

There are rules that must be followed for all types of products.

    break the tightness of the protective casing;

    wet heating pads;

    bend, tear the wire and subject it to excessive tension.

Heating pads must be dried immediately after use. High mechanical loads and overheating can shorten the service life of the device.


In this video you will learn how to make heated insoles with your own hands without extra costs.

In our country, winters are quite harsh, despite what was promised global warming, people still need means of heating in cold period of the year. Heated clothing is becoming increasingly popular among hobbyists and those who have to spend a lot of time outside in any weather.

In severe frosts, your feet freeze very quickly, and after standing at a bus stop for 10-15 minutes, your fingertips “begin to get numb.” Heated socks are an affordable and convenient way prevent your feet from getting hypothermic winter period. Pragmatic residents of megacities have long realized that the easiest way to buy heated socks in St. Petersburg is through our online store.

Battery-powered heated socks

Everyone knows how the body reacts to hypothermia. Symptoms of ARVI appear literally the next day. Our great-grandfathers also argued that feet should always be kept warm. However, even woolen socks are sometimes not enough to save your feet from the cold. If you don't want to become a hostage to serious complications, you just need to wear heated electric socks.

With the arrival of real cold weather, everyone thinks about how to feel comfortable in such, not comfortable conditions. Due to the fact that winters are sometimes quite harsh, everyone wants to be thoroughly insulated. Sometimes warm, classic things are not enough and it comes down to such little things, it would seem, like insoles. Heated insoles will significantly improve the feeling of comfort and also protect against various colds.

Some fishermen need heated insoles, since they spend almost the entire daylight hours outside in the winter. Heated insoles will allow you to forget about the burning cold and feel comfortable even in the harshest conditions. It is very important to have warm insoles when fishing in a wade, even in summer time. Being in the water for a long time, the feet freeze to such an extent that they stop bending. Of course, you can put another pair of socks on your feet, but using heated insoles is the best option.

If your feet freeze in winter, it’s easy to get sick, even if you haven’t spent much time in the cold. The use of heated insoles will create a heated space between the sole and the foot, which will prevent you from getting a dose of hypothermia. This means that the fisherman’s body will remain healthy, without colds.

Many people are interested in how heated insoles work. How do they all work?

The design of the insole is quite simple: in its hollow part there is a heating pad. It is made of such material that your feet can stay warm for several hours. The front part is made of perforated material, which helps to quickly warm the toes. The lower part is designed in such a way that the heat is evenly distributed throughout the foot.

On the market you can find low-quality products that do not meet the declared functions. In this regard, you need to know by what criteria insoles are selected and from which manufacturer.

When choosing heated insoles, you should pay attention to the following details:

  1. The operating principle of the product is based on a chemical reaction. As a rule, they are disposable and this is their main drawback. Before use, remove from insoles upper layer, which leads to the start of a chemical reaction. The validity period of such an insole is no more than 4 hours. The advantage is the simplicity of the device, low price, which means accessibility.
  2. The operating principle is based on a built-in heating element operating from a low-voltage source. This type of insoles is considered the safest, especially since they can be used long time. The device takes up little space thanks to its slim design. The model is absolutely safe for humans. In addition, the heating temperature is regulated.


Heated insoles are:

Which indicates technical progress, which was even projected onto the insoles. The design is simple and has no wires, which is what interests many potential clients. The insole is controlled using a remote control. The device has a small battery in its design.

Advantages of such models:

  • Can be used with any type of shoe.
  • The shelf life is about 3 years, although much depends on the intensity of use.
  • Possibility of adjusting temperature conditions.

They differ in that they have a remote control unit connected to the heater using wires. The insole is also connected to the battery with a wire. You can use regular AA batteries as a power source.

Advantages of such models:

  • In appearance, this is a regular insole that can fit any shoe.
  • The ability to quickly replace the battery, which allows you to warm your feet longer.
  • Due to the simplicity of the design, the insole can be adjusted to fit any shoe size.

Heated insoles are absolutely safe and if they get wet, you can simply dry them.

Prices for heated insoles

Prices may vary depending on the manufacturer, and you can purchase them either in a supermarket or in an online store.

Manufacturers of heated insoles

This is a modern wireless product that operates on lithium-ion battery. Warms your feet for 5 hours, after which you need to charge the battery and use it again. Powered by remote control, which controls three operating modes. The product is designed to operate up to 3000 hours.

This development is suitable for various types shoes and keeps warm perfectly. There is a carbon plate inside the insole, and heating comes from a source infrared radiation. The heating element is located at the top of the insole. The control panel can be mounted on the shin or on the upper side of the shoe. The device runs on batteries, and the charge is controlled on the control unit.

The device includes a battery that is attached to the shin. It works on the principle of an infrared radiation source. The device also includes a sensor that uses battery capacity very economically.

It is very important in winter to feel that you are surrounded by warmth. This is especially true for fishermen who are out in the cold all day. If your feet are warm and do not freeze, then your whole body feels comfortable. As a rule, the feet always freeze first, after which the whole body begins to feel discomfort.

The best option is heated insoles. At the same time, it is worth noting that buying a factory product is an expensive pleasure, although the choice is huge. Don't despair, because you can make them yourself.

To do this, you should stock up on the following elements:

  • Felt insoles and 60 cm nichrome wire.
  • MGTF wire 0.2 mm 2, about 3 meters.
  • Battery compartment for 4 batteries – 2 pieces.
  • Three-position switch – 2 pieces.
  • Mini-connector – 2 pieces (socket + plug).
  • Crimping sleeve 0.2 mm 2 – 4 pieces.
  • Heat shrink tube – 1 m.
  • Velcro.
  • Glue.

If all the elements are prepared, then you can start self-production similar useful device. For heating, thin nichrome wire is used here. The device runs on several batteries, the capacity of which is enough for several hours of continuous operation.

When the device is working, the nichrome will be hot, but you should not panic. Before installation nichrome thread, it should be tested for heating by connecting to a power source. If the wire gets very hot, it can be lengthened, and if it gets too hot, it can be shortened. In any case, even the slightest heating will be enough to prevent your feet from freezing. The average current consumption from 2 batteries should be approximately 270 mA. In this case, it is easy to choose the capacity of the power source that will provide comfort for your feet throughout the day.

The MGTF wire should be secured to the nichrome using crimp sleeves. The sleeve is put on the nichrome, after which the stripped end of the wire is inserted here. Crimping can be done using pliers. The length of the wire is taken with a margin. After final assembly of the device, the excess wire will be removed.

The most crucial moment here is to correctly position the heating element (nichrome). At the same time, it should be remembered that the fingers are always the first to freeze, so the heating element should be carefully secured along the entire perimeter of the insole, and especially in its toe. The MGTF wire is attached to the side of the insole, after which a heat-shrinkable tube is stretched over it. Well, finally, the wire is soldered to the mini-connector. The insoles are ready, so you can begin installing the battery compartment. One cell of the compartment should serve to house the second part of the mini-connector, as well as a three-position switch. All connections are carefully soldered and filled with hot glue. On the reverse side you need to drill a couple of holes for attaching Velcro. That's all, homemade insoles heated, ready to eat.

Without heat, especially in winter time, and even when fishing, it’s very difficult to last the whole day, especially when severe frosts. If your feet are constantly warm, then warming up your body will not be a problem at all, and heated insoles will help with this.

Our collection useful homemade products for hunting, fishing and tourism has been replenished! Today you will learn how to make heated insoles with your own hands.

Hello site users. I’m glad to share with you my useful winter homemade product - heated insoles. The main task in this is to select materials so that downward heat loss is minimal and heat transfer to the feet is maximum.

To make insoles we will need:

  • purchased felt insoles - the basis of the product;

  • nichrome thread (taken from a spiral heating device power 300 W, thickness approximately 0.3 mm);
  • heat-conducting tape - for additional fastening of the thread to the base, in addition, for the convenience of installing insole elements for sewing, without reducing the heating of the thread itself (who is interested in tape, you can look here http://ali.pub/pa5f4);

  • genuine leather for the top layer of the product. It has good thermal conductivity, and it also holds the heat of the thread well (it does not melt or curl like synthetics). But you can use other material with similar characteristics. For example, leather substitute or denim.

  • fuse (for insurance, mounted in the wire cut, in my case 2A);
  • power regulator (was replaced with a lightweight, compact and cheaper one) but it has a power reserve (there is a link in the description of the video).
  • wires for installation (I recommend buying them at an auto store, they are softer, don’t harden too much in the cold and are of better quality, but a little more expensive than those found in electrical goods (the length and cross-section are in the video);

  • Velcro for mounting batteries and regulator.

Dear readers, Additional Information You can see the assembly nuances in the video and its description. Watch, discuss, send your options.