home · Networks · Daily planning topic indoor plants senior group. Complex thematic planning in the second junior group: “Indoor flowers. I. Organizational moment

Daily planning topic indoor plants senior group. Complex thematic planning in the second junior group: “Indoor flowers. I. Organizational moment

Morning gathering.

Introducing children to the theme of the week"Houseplants": Why did the flower wilt?

Situational conversation “Do you need to talk to plants?”

Reading fiction

Fable by L. Tolstoy “The Jackdaw Wanted to Drink.”

Individual work

(Artem Loshk., Artem Lis) Count the toys on the Christmas tree. (Up to 5).

Five-minute speech therapy session:

Finger gymnastics"Gnomes are laundresses."

Di "Parts of a flower"

Motor activity

Morning exercises “Zimushka - winter”.

Round dance game "Yasha" and "Masha".

Work assignments.Dining room duty (arrange cutlery correctly).

Walk 1

Tit watching.

Goal: Continue calling

interest in birds. Continue to introduce the tit, its habits, habitat, features appearance. Develop dialogical speech. Foster a love for the nature of your native land.

Individual work

(Artem L., Bogdan). Repeat the tongue twister.

S/R game "Cafe"

Outdoor game "We are funny guys"

Goal: Increase motor activity, act quickly on the teacher’s signal.

Work order. Removing snow from the site.


Gymnastics after sleep. Path of Health.

C\P game "Flower Shop"

Walk 2

"Frosty Wind"

Goal: To identify and expand children's understanding of the properties of air. Cultivate interest in inanimate phenomena.

Ind. Job (Arina. Andrey). Let's count to 5.

Motor activity P/n "The Bird and the Cat"

Morning gathering.

We continue the conversation about the topic of the week: “How to care for indoor flowers?”

DI “Which flower is the leaf from?”

Five-minute speech therapy session:

Articulation gymnastics,

Exercise “What’s missing?”

Reading fiction:

Poem “In our group on the window”

Situational conversation. If you take out indoor flower outside in winter, what will happen to him?

Finger gymnastics"Walk" .

Di “Find the extra” (generalization).

Motor activity

Morning exercises “We are growing”

Round dance game "Sparrow"

Work assignments.Dining room duty (arrange cutlery correctly, arrange and lay out napkins beautifully).

Walk 1

Cat observation.


Reinforce the idea of ​​the characteristic features of a cat.

Individual work

(Denis, Dima). Geometric shapes in the snow.

Outdoor game "Cat and Mice"

Goal: Learn to run easily without bumping into each other.

Work order. Removing snow from the area.


Gymnastics after sleep.

Breathing exercises “Let’s warm our hands.”

Health path.

Communication activities

D\I “Hide the flower”

Learn to use prepositionson, with, in, with, from, under, for.

Individual work

Veronica "Sail", "Snake"

Dima Ch. “Pie”, “Bridge”

Artem Loshk. “Accordion”, “Cup”.

Walk 2

Watching spring weather

Goal: Continue to form an understanding of the seasonal phenomenon - snow melting (where does it melt faster?)

Ind. Job (Denis, Ulyana). We walk and count to 5.

Goal: Development of mathematical abilities.

Motor activitywith take-out material at the request of the children.

P/n “The mice dance in a circle,” “Who is taller?” Goal: Learn to jump easily, play, strictly follow the rules.

1. Speech therapy. Formation of lexical and grammatical means of the language.

Topic: Houseplants. Changes of verbs by tenses, numbers and genders.

Source: We speak correctly. Notes frontal classes II period of study in the senior logo group./O. S. Gomzyak.-M.: Publishing house GNOM and D, 2009.-p.116.

Goal: To clarify and expand children’s understanding of indoor plants and caring for them.

Software tasks:

correctional and educational:

To clarify and expand children’s ideas about indoor plants and caring for them;

Clarify, expand and activate children’s vocabulary on the topic;

Practice changing verbs by tenses, numbers and genders;

correctional and developmental:

Enrich children's speech with words-signs, words-actions;

Develop gross and fine motor skills;

correctional and educational:

To instill in children an interest in indoor plants, hard work and a desire to help adults in caring for them.

Equipment: demonstration material: houseplants, subject pictures depicting indoor plants, subject pictures depicting various actions for caring for indoor plants, subject pictures depicting parts of a flower, ball;

handout: subject pictures depicting indoor plants, subject pictures depicting various actions for caring for indoor plants.

Methods and techniques: examination, conversation, explanation, demonstration, story, clarification, questions, point of interest, analysis, comparison, Practical activities, encouragement.

Previous work: getting to know indoor plants, talking about indoor plants, caring for indoor plants.

Vocabulary work: subject vocabulary: plant, flower; roots, stem, leaves, petals; water, irrigation; begonia, violet, fern, cactus, sansevieria, crassula, ficus; pot, earth, heat, light, air;

dictionary of characteristics: indoor (plant), long, triangular, round, oval, short, wide, narrow, green, striped, blooming, low, tall, thin, thick, curly, smooth, unsmooth, rough, variegated, dark and light -green, spotted, beautiful;

vocabulary of actions: grows, blooms, curls, hangs, decorates, cares, waters, plants, grows, grows, blossoms, blooms.

1.Organizing time. Didactic exercise “Choose and name a flower.”

2.Message about the topic of the lesson.

3. Story “Flowers”.

4. Examination and conversation “Indoor plants”.

5.Didactic game“Name whose.”

6. Didactic game “Yesterday – Today – Tomorrow”.

7. Didactic game “Name the related words.”

8. Finger gymnastics “Flowers”.

9. Physical exercise “Flowers”.

10. Didactic game “Name the parts.”

11. Didactic game “One - many.”

12. Didactic game “Say the other way around.”

13. Practical activity “Caring for flowers” ​​(with voicing your actions).

14.Result. Assessment of children's activities.

Efimova N.G., deputy Head of VMR MBDOU "Oshinsky Kindergarten"

Comprehensive thematic planning for topic "Indoor plants" in the younger mixed age group

The purpose of educational activities within the topic : developing children’s ideas about indoor plants, their names (impatiens, ficus, chlorophytum, geranium, begonia, primrose, etc.), and how to care for them.

Final event : exhibition of children's joint works with parents "Paper Greenhouse" -- March 15

Objectives by educational area

Forms of work

(Ongoing events)

Preparing for the event


Discussion of the event



Preservation and strengthening of children’s physical and mental health

See educational objectives


Education of cultural and hygienic skills


2 ml. gr.+ Average gr.

Improve the skills of careful eating: use a napkin correctly, rinse your mouth after eating.

Conversation: “Table etiquette lessons” - rules for using a napkin.

Rinse your mouth daily after meals


Wed. gr.

Cultivate the habit of washing yourself, washing your hands with soap when they become dirty.

Reading nursery rhymes about washing.

Reminder to wash your hands whenever you get dirty (after the gym, modeling, drawing, designing, before and after eating, after a walk, etc.)


Wed. gr.

+ 2 ml. gr.

Continue to cultivate neatness and the habit of taking care of your appearance.

Daily inspection of children by duty officers during the day, presentation of the “Most Neat and Neat” emblem badge at the end of the day to neat and tidy children.

A child who has gained in a week greatest number badges and emblems, a certificate of honor is awarded

In a week.
At the final event

Formation of initial ideas about healthy lifestyle

2 ml. gr.

Give an idea of ​​the value of health; create a desire to lead a healthy lifestyle.

Wed. gr.

Give an idea of ​​the components healthy image life.

About the meaning physical exercise for the human body. Cultivate the need to be healthy.

Teeth “Healthy”, Wed. gr. No. 13-14,


"Physical Culture"

Jr. gr.

Accept what is right initial position in standing long jump.

GCD No. 3-4

Develop independence and creativity when performing physical exercises and outdoor games

Average gr.

Develop the ability to jump over a short rope.

Develop the ability to climb from one span of a gymnastic wall to another (right, left).

GCD No. 3-4



sr games

Jr. gr.

To complicate and enrich the object-play environment through the use of multifunctional items and an increase in the number of toys

Sr game“Gardener” (use of spatulas, scoops, rakes, sprayer, etc.)

Average gr.

Develop the ability to select objects and attributes for the game

Selection of attributes for the game “Gardener” from a number of proposed items

Theatrical games

Jr. gr.

Develop the desire to improvise on simple plots of songs and fairy tales.

Free retelling and showing on flannelograph fairy tales "Thumbelina"

Average gr.

Promote the further development of director's play by providing space, play materials and the opportunity to bring several children together in long-term play.

Learning the game “I was born a gardener...”


Jr. gr.

Strengthen the ability to name all family members.


March 12

(1st day)

Average gr.

Deepen children's understanding of family and its history.

ConversationProject"Grandma's "helpers")


Jr. gr. + Wed. gr.

Involve in discussion of the design of the group room and locker room according to the “theme” of the week

Consideration indoor plants in the group room and in the recreation corner d/s on the 2nd floor - motivation for creating a paper greenhouse in the group room

March 12

Discussion and admiration of the “Paper Greenhouse”



Development labor activity


Average gr.

Develop the ability to cook your own food workplace and put it away after finishing classes in drawing, modeling, applique (washing jars, brushes, wiping the table, etc.).

Daily development of the ability to independently prepare your workplace and clean it after finishing classes in drawing, modeling, appliqué (washing jars, brushes, wiping the table, etc.).

Household labor

Jr. gr.

To teach to maintain order and cleanliness in the premises and area of ​​the kindergarten.

Involving children in maintaining order and cleanliness in the room ( cleaning fallen leaves and flowers from indoor plants from the windowsill) and on the kindergarten site.

Wed. gr.

Develop the ability to independently perform the duties of a dining room attendant: carefully arrange bread bins, cups and saucers, deep plates, place napkin holders, lay out cutlery (spoons, forks, knives).

Teach children, together with the teacher, to clean up trash on the site.

Canteen duty.

Cleaning the veranda

Labor in nature

Jr. gr.

Teach, with the help of an adult, to plant onions and water the beds. To develop the ability to pay attention to changes that have occurred with familiar plants (lilacs have bloomed, etc.).

Daily care of onions in a corner of nature, filling out an observation calendar.

Wed. gr.

Accustom children to work in the garden and flower garden (sowing seeds, watering).

Fostering a value-based attitude towards one’s own work, the work of other people and its results

Jr. gr.

Develop a positive attitude towards adult work.

Encourage to provide assistance to adults, to cultivate a caring attitude towards the results of their work.

Observations e at work ml. teacher replanting indoor plants in a group room.


Wed. gr.

Explain to children the importance of their work. Encourage initiative in helping comrades and adults.

Formation of primary ideas about the work of adults, its role in society and the life of each person

Jr. gr.

Expand and enrich ideas about labor actions and labor results.

Observation at work ml. teacher replanting indoor plants in a group room.

Conversation about caring for the results of her work.

Wed. gr.

Continue to expand ideas about adult work and different professions



Formation of the foundations for the safety of one’s own life activities

Jr. gr.

Continue to formulate ideas about how to dress for the weather.

Topic 36, p. 113 (Avdeeva N.N. “Safety”)

Wed. gr.

Continue to introduce the culture of behavior on the street and in transport.

Formation of prerequisites for environmental consciousness

Jr. gr. + Wed. gr.

Continue to form elementary ideas about ways to interact with plants: examine plants without harming them (do not tear plants unnecessarily, do not break tree branches).

Develop the ability to understand the simplest relationships in nature (if a plant is not watered, it may dry out, etc.)

Cooperative activity on the topic: “We and plants” ( Avdeeva N.N. "Safety" Topic 14, page 73)

Consideration and discussion

Experiment: If the plant is not watered, will it die or dry out?


In a week

Discussion of the experiment results

(cause and effect relationships)



Sensory education

Jr. gr.

Continue to show different ways of examining objects, actively include hand movements on the object and its parts.

Admiring indoor plants in the group room and in the corner of nature.

D/game“Which plant is the leaf from?” (like Lykova’s “Did.games” p.65)


In a week

Average gr.

Continue to form figurative ideas based on the development of figurative perception in the process of various types of activities

D/game“Guess the flowers by silhouettes” (like Lykova’s “Did.games” p. 79)

“Find two images of the same flower (indoor”


Quantity and counting.

Jr. gr.

Practice the techniques of sequential superimposition and application of objects from one group to objects from another. Develop the ability to understand the questions “Equally?”, “What is more (less)?”; answer questions using sentences like: “I put a mushroom on each circle. There are more circles, but fewer mushrooms” or “There are as many circles as mushrooms.”

GCD №24

Average gr.

Learn to distinguish between quantitative and ordinal counting; learn to answer questions correctly: how much? Which one?

GCD No. 24

Di“Which one?” (houseplants)


Jr. gr.

Compare objects of contrasting and similar sizes; when comparing objects, compare one object with another according to a given size characteristic (height), using application techniques; denote the result of comparison with words: high - low, identical (equal) in height, large - small.

GCD No. 24
Comparative analysis indoor plants in gr. room (higher, lower, equal in height; large - small)


Jr. gr.

Learn to distinguish and name a circle, square, triangle.

GCD No. 24

Di"Pick a Pair"

Average gr.

Orientation in space

Average gr.

Introduce spatial relations: far - close (the house is close, but the birch tree grows far away).

GCD No. 24


Getting to know nature.

Jr. gr.

Introduce indoor plants (ficus, geranium) ,

To introduce the characteristic features of successive seasons and the changes that occur in connection with this in the life and activities of adults and children (spring)

GCD No. 7(Ecology, pp. 20-22)
Observation and discussion during truancy.

Guessing riddles about houseplants

Di"Look and name"

Average gr.

To consolidate children's knowledge about indoor plants, their names (impatiens, ficus, chlorophytum, geranium, begonia, primrose, etc.); introduce ways to care for them

Tell children about plant protection (primroses, etc.)

GCD No. 13 “The World of Indoor Plants” (FEEP)

Looking at indoor plants in the group room and recreation area on the 2nd floor.

Looking at albums with photographs, (drawings) of indoor plants.

Guessing riddles about indoor plants (pronouncing names)

Consideration of hint diagrams care for indoor plants

Review and discussion posters on caring for plants.


In a week

Seasonal observations.

Jr. gr. +

Average gr.

Develop the ability to recognize and name the seasons; highlight signs of spring (the sun became warmer, the buds on the trees swelled, grass appeared, snowdrops blossomed, insects appeared).

Tell children that many indoor plants bloom in spring.

Observations while walking.

Di“Who knows when this happens?”

Guessing riddles about the seasons

(in the group room and on a walk)

See more details : Solomennikova O.A. “Classes on the formation of elementary environmental concepts. Jr.gr and middle gr., chapter: Observations on truancy.Spring (Page 60-64 – middle group)

In a week.


Jr. gr.

Improve constructive skills.

Develop a desire to build buildings according to your own design. Continue to teach children how to play with buildings, unite them according to the plot

Activities with parents when designing a “houseplant” for a paper greenhouse.

D/i " Choose (design) a flower pot"


paper greenhouse

Wed. gr.

Develop the ability to analyze a building sample, identify the main parts, distinguish and correlate them by size and shape.

Teach paper construction techniques: fold a rectangular sheet of paper in half, aligning the sides and corners.

Making a “Indoor Plant Passport”, made for a paper greenhouse

(baby book)

Consideration baby books

(“Houseplant Passports”)



Speech development

2 ml. gr.

Continue to teach children to listen to the teacher’s stories. Create a need to share your impressions with teachers and parents.

Encourage the desire to ask questions to the teacher and peers.

Introduction to the topic: conversation-message about indoor plants.


Talking about your “plant” presented in the “Paper Greenhouse” to the children from the group and their parents.

Admiring your own and other “plants”

Improve children's ability to clearly pronounce consonants in words t, p, k (Page 60-61)

GCD No. 2“Sound culture of speech: sounds t, p, k"

Articulation gymnastics

Improve dialogic speech. Practice your ability to conduct dialogue.

Narrating a topic“My green friends” (about indoor plants growing at a child’s home) + baby book.

Storytelling about which family member grows indoor plants (who helped make the paper flower)?

Storytelling about what medicinal indoor plants grandma grows ( Project"Grandma's "helpers")

In a week

Wed. gr.

Help children express their point of view and discuss various situations with peers

Discussion stories about indoor plants

In a week

Develop phonemic awareness: learn to distinguish by ear and name words that begin with a certain sound.

Improve intonation expressiveness of speech (March-May)

Practice sound pronunciation sch And h

GCD No. 2 « Sound culture of speech: sounds sch, h"

Articulation gymnastics

Phonetics game“Name a flower whose name begins with the same sound” or

“What colors have sounds in their names? sch-ch" etc.

Repetition after the teacher of tongue twisters and pure tongue twisters with sound. Shch and Ch.


"Reading fiction»

Jr. gr.

Develop the ability to listen to new fairy tales and poems

In a week

Repeat the most interesting, expressive passages from the read work, giving children the opportunity to finish words and phrases that are easy to reproduce.

In a week

Making and guessing riddles about indoor plants

Continue to develop an interest in books. Review the illustrations regularly with your children.

Reading articles in children's encyclopedias about indoor plants, looking at and discussing illustrations

Wed. gr.

Continue to create interest in the book. Continue reading fiction books to your children regularly.

Offer children illustrated editions of familiar works. Explain how important drawings are in a book;

In a week

Continue to teach children to listen to fairy tales and poems. Help children perceive the content of the work and empathize with its characters.

At the child’s request, read out a favorite passage from a fairy tale or poem, helping to develop a personal attitude towards the work

Reading poems, stories about indoor plants.

In a week


"Artistic creativity"


Jr. gr.

Develop the ability to arrange images throughout the sheet

GCD No. 48 “Crybaby Icicles”

Wed. gr.

Direct children's attention to conveying the relationship of objects in size: a tall tree, a bush below a tree, flowers below a bush.

GCD No. 61 “Beautiful flowers have bloomed”

Drawing indoor plants

Develop the ability to receive light and dark shades colors by changing the pressure on the pencil.

Coloring coloring pages with images of indoor plants

Viewing an exhibition of drawings

To develop the ability to correctly convey the location of parts of complex objects (doll, bunny, etc.) and correlate them by size.

Drawing indoor plants


Jr. gr.

Invite children to sculpt simple objects consisting of several parts (tumbler).

Develop the ability to roll out lumps in a circular motion.

GCD No. 47???

“The cacti have bloomed” (Sculpting cacti)


Wed. gr.

Reinforce the techniques of careful modeling mastered during the school year.

GCD No. 63“Vase (pot) for indoor flowers”

The cacti have bloomed" (Sculpting cacti)



Jr. gr.

Develop the ability to create subject and decorative compositions from geometric shapes, repeating and alternating them in shape and color. Reinforce knowledge of the shape of objects and their colors. Develop a sense of rhythm.

GCD No. 25"Bouquet of flowers for mommy"


Wed. gr.

Continue to expand the number of objects depicted in the applique from ready-made forms. Develop the ability to transform these shapes by cutting them into two or four parts (a circle into semicircles, quarters; a square into triangles, etc.).

Create a desire to interact when creating collective compositions

GCD No. 62“A beautiful bouquet as a gift to all women in the d/s”




Jr. gr.


Wed. gr.


Interaction with family

Inform parents about the progress of the educational process.

  • Announcement of the theme of the week.

  • Reporting the form of the final event - an exhibition of joint works with the child using the art layout technique “Paper Greenhouse” with a “Passport” of the plant made;

  • Room distribution plants among children of the group to create a paper greenhouse.

  • Posting information on the topic of the week in the parent corner:
- plan for a story-message about a houseplant growing in a child’s home;

Sample baby book;

Technology for making a houseplant from paper using artistic layout technique

Show parents the value of dialogical communication with a child, which opens up the opportunity to understand the world around them, exchange information and emotions with adults and peers --

NGO "Communication"

  • Preparing a story-message on the topic “My green friends” (about indoor plants growing at a child’s home)

  • Compiling a story about what medicinal indoor plants grandma grows ( Project"Grandma's "helpers") (Average gr.)

Involve parents in productive activities at home with their children that contribute to the emergence of cognitive activity (on indoor plants) -

NGO "Poznanie"

  • Making a houseplant together with your child using artistic layout techniques;

Involve parents in project activities at the stage of designing baby books about indoor plants -

NGO "Reading Fiction"

  • Making a baby book (“passport” of a plant - image of a flower, its name, brief information)

Support the desire of parents to develop the artistic activities of children in kindergarten and at home;

Organize an exhibition joint work"Paper Greenhouse"

Involve parents in active forms of joint activities with children that contribute to the emergence of creative inspiration - NGO "Artistic Creativity"

  • Organization of the exhibition “Paper Greenhouse”

Draw parents' attention to various forms joint work with children in kindergarten and at home, contributing to the formation of interaction between adults and children, the emergence of a sense of unity, joy, and pride in the results of common work.

Organize a campaign for landscaping the territory of the village - NGO "Trud"

  • Caring for indoor plants together at home (watering, wiping leaves, loosening the soil, planting).

  • Sowing seeds (growing seedlings) of flowers for flower beds together with children playground in d/s.

Show parents the importance of developing environmental consciousness as a condition for the overall survival of nature, the family, and the individual.

Inform about the need to create favorable and safe conditions keeping children at home (do not raise children at home poisonous plants etc.) - NGO "Safety"

  • Placement in the parent's corner booklets:“The influence of indoor plants on people”, “Caution - poisonous pets (about poisonous indoor plants)

Inform about factors affecting the child’s physical health (growing plants at home that have beneficial and negative effects on the child’s body) –

NGO "Health"

Children on the topic by the end of the week:

Know: names of several indoor plants.

Can: talk about indoor plants, convey their image in productive activities. Care for indoor plants with ml. educator, educator, parents.

They express a subjective value attitude in the desire to solve riddles, talk about indoor plants, and in a feeling of joy from working with the teacher and parents within the framework of the topic.

With a little help from a teacher, they are able to distinguish indoor plants from others and determine cause-and-effect relationships (if the plant is not watered, it will die).

Objective of the project:

  • expand children's knowledge about plants such as flowers, trees, bushes, herbs.
  • exercise children in recognizing indoor plants by external signs using pictures with their images.
  • with the help of plot - role playing games Show children clearly how to properly care for indoor plants.
  • to form in children ideas about the adaptability of plants to changes in nature.
  • introduce the guys to various types medicinal plants.
  • cultivate a love for indoor plants, a desire to care for them, and the ability to communicate with nature as a living organism.

Final event: lesson in the form of a conversation “Garden on the window”.

Directly – educational activities


1.Music (according to the music director’s plan)

2. Speech development.

Topic: “Introduction to the variety of words, modeling, drawing short, abrupt lines”

Goals: - to introduce children to the term “word”, as well as to the variety of words in the alphabet.

Develop hearing and perception of literary text, learn to select words that fit the meaning. consolidate the ability to correctly pronounce sounds in words.

3.H/T (drawing). Sketch “Vegetable garden on the windowsill.”

Objectives: - explain to children that you can draw not only with watercolors, but also with gouache, pastels, charcoal pencil and gel pen.

— help some children learn to hold a pencil correctly when drawing.

Learn to mix different colors with each other (gray-blue, green-yellow)

Develop the ability to choose independently color scheme for sketching plants.


  • Work in a natural corner: water indoor plants, wash saucers;
  • Wipe down the shelves, arranging plants on it.

Purpose: to provide the teacher with all possible assistance; bring your work to completion.

  • Walk (3 weeks, card file No. 1)


  • Conversation - a story from a series of plot pictures.

Goal: to teach children to compose a story together with children, to give either humorous or appropriate names to the conversation. /Bondarenko T.M., p.40-41/


  • Physical education session “Meeting of friends”

Goals: -to develop children's speech, coordination of hand and body movements, fine motor skills of the hands; development of voluntary attention and memory. ability to concentrate, with the help of which children can receive different impressions.


  • Educational game “Fourth odd” (cards, one at a time)

Goals: to develop children's thinking, coherent speech, attention; expand lexicon; teach children to establish the purpose and functions of objects, eliminating the unnecessary; establish a connection between an object and the benefits of its use.


  • Working with plasticine.

Goals: to train children to work with it, consolidating the acquired skills; satisfy children’s desires to sculpt whatever they want of their choice; strengthen children's ability to sculpt objects different ways, for example, plastic, structural and combined; teach children to use a stack when modeling to make the task easier for them.


  • Offer blitz questions to the children one by one.

Goals: to conduct a conversation about politeness, the actions of people and their relationships.


1. Knowledge of FEMP. Subject “Quantity and counting. Getting to know the number 1."

Goals: - consolidate children's knowledge about the number one.

- learn to compare objects by size (large, small, medium)

— continue to teach how to write the number 1 correctly.

/Kolesnikova E.V. Mathematics for children 5-6 years old. pp. 20-22/

2. H/T application "Dandelion"

Goal: - to continue to improve children’s ability to convey images of objects in drawings.

- encourage the creation of subject and plot compositions, supplement them with details that enrich the images.

Develop the ability to sculpt small parts using stack.

- consolidate the ability to sculpt from plasticine in different ways, smooth out shapes on cardboard.

3. Lesson on physical culture in the gym /according to the plan of the physical education director/

Educational activities at special times: group, subgroup


Goal: - to teach children to mark the day with the appropriate chip every day, so that in the future they can quickly master the days of the week and month.

  • Walk (card file of walks No. 2)


  • Conversation about nature

Goals: - expand children’s understanding of living and inanimate nature;
-explain to children what happens different types plants: herbs, shrubs, trees.
— discuss what types of indoor plants are found in a natural corner in our group.

Educational activities during restricted periods: individual


  • Game "Guess the profession"

Objectives: discuss with children what professions exist, what people work in them and what is their labor material.
- how professions are important in our lives, what is their role and significance in life / Dybina O.V., “Acquaintance with the subject and social environment. P. 60/


  • Conversation about cultural and hygienic skills not only at home, but also in kindergarten

Purpose: -explain that you need to maintain order in your locker, so you need to be able to put your things neatly in a certain place.

Educational activities during restricted moments: independent activities of children


  • Children's games with sets of animals from the group's collection

Goals: - to teach children to independently develop the plot, use existing knowledge about animals, and consolidate their names.


  • Children's games with board games.

Goals: unite into subgroups based on interests; learn to develop the plot and bring the game you started to its logical conclusion.
— children must learn to independently choose and organize games, and be able to coordinate their actions with each other.


1. Music lesson /according to the music director’s plan/

2. Cognition (formation of a holistic picture of the world) "About friendship and friends"

Goal: -expand knowledge about peers, consolidate the rules of friendly attitude towards each other;

Share a toy, talk to each other politely, if one of the children is sad, talk to him, invite him to the game, always help and help each other out. /Dybina O.V. “Acquaintance with the academic and social environment. pp. 25-26/

3. Artistic creativity. Handicraft/design on the theme “Plants”

Goal: -to consolidate the ability to cut paper into short long strips, cut circles from squares with scissors, create different compositions from shapes that were cut out.

- treat labor materials carefully and with care in order to use them in further classes.

Educational activities during restricted periods: group, subgroup


  • Conversation on the topic: “Where did we go on vacation in the summer?” We discuss situations in family life with children.

Goals: -continue to develop speech as a means of communication. Expand children's understanding of the diversity of the world around them.
-encourage children’s attempts to share their impressions with the teacher and other children.

  • Walk (card file No. 3)


  • Reading the story “Plant Dispute”

Goals: - continue to develop children’s interest in fiction, fairy tales, stories, poems.
- children should listen carefully and interestedly to fairy tales, stories, poems;
- to instill an interest in children learning to read as soon as possible in order to understand fairy tales and stories themselves.

Educational activities during restricted periods: individual


  • To develop cultural and hygienic skills in children.

Goal: explain to children that they should develop the habit of quickly and correctly washing their hands, wiping them dry with a towel and folding them.


  • Repeat forward and backward counting with children, as well as naming adjacent numbers.

Objectives: - practice composing problems, including all parts of the structure: conditions, question, solution, answer.
-count with children up to ten straight and reverse order.

Educational activities during restricted moments: independent activities of children


  • Theatrical game "Family"

Goals: - continue to develop interest in theatrical play by involving children in play activities. make you want to try yourself in different roles during the game.
- the teacher must create an atmosphere of trust in each other during the game, giving each child the opportunity to speak out about the children’s theatrical play during the game.


  • Didactic game "Seasons"

Goal: - develop the ability to select pictures that correspond to each season and assemble a whole from parts.


1. Knowledge of FEMP. Continue lesson on topic “Quantity and counting. Quantity Number. Orientation in time."

Goals: continue to get acquainted with the number one.

The teacher explains the problem, and the children must solve it independently, without the help of the teacher.

- talk to children about the first autumn month- September.

Develop skills of self-control and self-esteem.

/Kolesnikova E.V. Mathematics for children 5-6 years old. pp. 20-22/

2. “Speech development.” Continue the topic of getting to know the variety of words.

Goal: - develop speech through dialogue

If a child wants to express his point of view, then listen to whether you agree or not with his answer.

Children should develop the ability to talk about a subject according to a model, according to given pictures and actions that develop sequentially.

/Kolesnikova E.V. Development of phonemic hearing in children. From 12-12/

3. Outdoor physical education class /according to the plan of the physical education director/

Educational activities during restricted periods: group, subgroup


Goal: - teach to think logically and develop ideas; - development of the ability to analyze, generalize, forms the ability to independently draw conclusions, inferences, the ability to clearly identify the most characteristic, expressive features of an object or phenomenon, the ability to vividly and concisely convey images of objects, develops in children " a poetic view of reality."

  • Walk (card file No. 4)


  • Game situation.

Strengthen spatial representations: left, right, up, down, in front, behind, between, next to, behind.

Educational activities during restricted periods: individual


  • Work individually with children on drawing round objects

Goal: learn to hold a pencil correctly, the ability to place objects in the center of a sheet, and overcome self-doubt.


  • Individual work on FEMP - name the geometric shapes that make up the rocket.

Goals: - consolidate knowledge about geometric shapes, name them.
-composed from flat geometric shapes ow a rocket. /Skorolupova. P.35/.

Educational activities during restricted moments: independent activities of children


  • Game of "Shop"

Goals: Children must independently perform actions regarding the role so that children can develop the plot of the game based on the knowledge they have acquired and observations from their lives.


  • Independent play activity.

Goals: children agree on the theme of the game independently; distribute roles, prepare the necessary conditions, children agree on a sequence of joint actions, establish and regulate relationships among themselves if disagreements suddenly occur, negotiate, reconcile, give in, convince; children learn to independently resolve conflicts that arise during play. Contribute to the strengthening of emerging sustainable children's play associations.


1. Physical education class in the gym (according to the plan of the physical education director)

2. Cognition (learning to read and write). Alphabet.

Goal: - the teacher introduces children to the alphabet, what words are made of, how to lay out words from sounds, change the first letter and learn new words, reading a poem in the game “Folds”. / Bondarenko T.M., “Practical material on mastering educational areas. pp. 115-117/

3. Educational lesson research activities on this topic "Rules for caring for indoor plants."

Goal: -the teacher continues to develop children’s speech as a means of communication.

Expand children's understanding of the diversity of the world around them.

- the teacher encourages attempts to share with other children their various impressions, where they learned about this information (TV show, an adult’s story, visiting an exhibition, children’s play, etc.).

With children, consolidate the ability to carry out various tasks related to caring for animals and plants in a corner of nature; remind children to perform duty duties in a corner of nature (watering indoor plants, loosening the soil, etc.).

Educational activities during restricted periods: group, subgroup


  • Conversation on the topic “Phenomenon of Nature”

Goals: - tell what the weather is like in the morning, note its features in the nature calendar, and so on throughout the day, if there are changes.

  • Walk (card file No. 5)


  • Exercise “Who hid on the feeding trough.”

Goals: - develop imagination, presentation, consolidate knowledge in naming birds, count them. Name the whole family, for example: goose - goose - goslings / Reent, P. 133/

Educational activities during restricted periods: individual


  • Offer any children a piece of paper and pencils.

Goal: - free drawing;
-children should reflect in the drawing the most understandable and interesting episodes and explain their presence in the drawing.


  • Outdoor game "Running"

Purpose: - to introduce the game and its rules;
-improve children’s ability to act on a signal by performing basic running movements.
-formation in children correct posture.
-children learn to fairly evaluate the results of the game, who won and who lost.

Educational activities during restricted moments: independent activities of children


  • Children play with any toys with their friends and girlfriends.

Goal: - with the help of the teacher, encourage children to be independent in the game.
— children expand their gaming skills during the game.
- the ability to exercise self-control is formed;
-develop leadership qualities and organizational skills among children (when working in pairs).


  • Jumping rope, twirling a hoop, ball games

Goals: develop physical qualities such as speed, strength, endurance, coordination.

Working with parents.

1. Individual conversation “How do you care for indoor plants in your family?”

2. Reading fiction with children on the topic “Plant world”.

Oksana Petrova
Scheduling in middle group. Thematic week"Houseplants"

Thematic week« Houseplants»

Monday Morning exercises

Conversation "Morning of joyful meetings"

Target: develop children's speech; the ability to share your impressions.

Observation and work in a corner of nature.

Target: consolidate the courtship process indoor plants(scheme).

D/i k- triz “What’s in what?”

Target: teach children to build a system by defining a subsystem.

Sri "Gardener"

Target: formation of ideas about the role indoor plants in human life. «

Finger game "Begonia"

Target: practice coordinating hand movements with the text.

OD. Speech development.

Subject: « Houseplants»

Teaching storytelling: work with a picture - a matrix and handout pictures. V. V. Gerbova (p. 63)

OD Physical culture


Observation "Green Carpet"

Target: repeat the signs of spring, the structure of herbaceous plants.

Di "Guess plant as described»

Target: develop children’s skills in finding flowers based on the listed characteristics.

P/i "Gardener and Flowers"

Target: introduce children to new game, develop children’s ability to act on a signal.

Ind/r on movement development. "Grasshoppers".

Target: practice jumping in place with turns to the right, left, around yourself.

Labor activity. Work in the garden.

Goals: consolidate the ability to work collectively, carry out instructions from the teacher (planting in the garden).

Afternoon Awakening gymnastics Walking along the paths of health

Telling an ecological fairy tale by L. F. Vorotnikova. ""How man tamed plants"Target: Expand children's knowledge about indoor plants.

Ind/r, drawing with Yaroslav, Nikita, Nastya. TO "Trace the stencil"

Target: develop fine motor skills, the ability to work with a stencil.

Conversation on the 70th anniversary of the Victory. "Children of the War Years".

Target: introduce children to the names of child heroes of the war years; to convey to the children how hard it was for the children in those harsh years.

Ind/r by times. speeches “Call it in one word”

Target: learn to enrich objects with one word, enrich vocabulary

An evening walk

Observation "Beyond the Sky and Clouds"

Target: consolidate ideas about spring: continue to teach how to describe natural phenomena that have been taken away.

D/and ecology "Spring, Summer, Autumn"

Target: expand and clarify children’s knowledge about the flowering time of individual plants.

Playing with sand " "Magic treasure"

Target: practice orientation in space, according to verbal instructions.

Interaction with parents: Memo " “Hardening a child at home”

Tuesday Morning exercises

Consideration indoor plants, which are in group

Target: development of observation and ability to see houseplants.

D/i "Find the Difference"

Target: development of thinking, visual perception, ability to see the difference.

Finger game "Ficus"

Target: develop coordination of hand movements with the text.

OD Musical

Od Cognition FEMP.

Subject: « Houseplants»

Pomoraeva I. A. (p. 50)


Observing the sun.

Target: help to discover connections between certain weather signs.

P/i "Butterflies, Frogs and Herons"


Round dance game "Entertainer"

Target: - exercise the ability to maintain a circle during movement; develop leadership qualities.

D\and life safety " "Guide"

Target: develop a trusting attitude towards each other.

Labor activity. "Let's plant flowers".

Target: involving children in adult labor.


Awakening gymnastics. We walk along the paths of health

DI "Show the parts plants»

Target: consolidation of knowledge about the structure indoor plant

Situational conversation "How do people grow houseplants»

Target: development of thinking and ability to reason on a given topic.

Theatrical performance of a fairy tale "Thumbelina" (table theater)

Target: involving children in helping and telling fairy tales and participating in the role of heroes.

An evening walk

Watching the wind

Goals: - continue to consolidate ideas about weather changes.

P/n "Cars"

Target: practice running in all directions; develop visual attention.

Di "Bird, insect, reptile"

Target: consolidate knowledge about birds, insects, reptiles.

Interaction with parents. Consultation " “Why are children different?”

Wednesday Morning exercises

Bird watching

Target: create a desire to take care of birds; fix the name of birds and body parts.

Conversation on the topic: « Houseplants- our faithful friends"

Target: expand children's knowledge about colors.

S. and "Flower shop"

Target: We expand children’s knowledge about the work of flower shop employees.

OD Child and the world around

Subject: "Journey to the Kingdom indoor plants» Abstract is attached.

OD Physical culture

OD Construction

Subject: "Cactus" Abstract is attached.


Cat watching

Goals: consolidate knowledge that a cat is a domestic animal, a mammal, and has certain characteristics; to cultivate humane feelings towards animals that have been tamed by humans.

Di "Tree, bush, flower"

Goals: consolidate knowledge plants, broaden the horizons of children.

P/n “Burn, burn clearly!”

Target: develop children’s self-control and spatial orientation; practice running fast.

Game exercise "Bus"

Target: consolidate knowledge of traffic rules; practice skills proper communication, speech, social behavior.

Ind. worker on the development of movements. "Walking on a Log"

Target: strengthen the ability to walk on a log in a bear cub pose, maintain balance.

Labor activity. Tidying up flower beds, loosening the soil, planting seedlings.

Target: teach to work together.

Afternoon. Awakening gymnastics. We walk along the paths of health.

Entertainment "Friendship"

Target: to develop children’s ability to manage their feelings and emotions, to expand their understanding of friendship.

Indus paper construction worker “Postcard for the 70th anniversary of Victory Day”

Target: learn to design from paper for the holiday; develop aesthetic taste, creativity, imagination.

Indus slave for drawing "Color the flowers"

Target: development of creative skills and fine motor skills.

Screening of educational films. "The Scarlet Flower","Stone Flower"

Target: in any, even the most difficult situations, he teaches you to never lose spirit, even if this is not true.

Conversation on the topic: "Professions of people involved in floriculture"

Target: introduce children to the profession of florist.

An evening walk

Observation of jasmine.

Target: to form knowledge about shrubs jasmine plant.

P/n "Where we were"

Target: develop motor skills and abilities; develop observation skills.

D/i "Paints"

Target: develop intelligence, attention, endurance.

Interaction with parents. Consultation "Green world on the window"

Morning exercises

Di "Magic Cube"

Target: develop children’s skills to identify an object and its actions.

Presentation « Houseplants» ICT

Target: develop children's knowledge about indoor flowers.

Learning a poem "In our group on the window»

Target: develop memory, speech, sense of rhythm.

Board-print game: “Define what is missing”

Target: develop thinking, the ability to analyze objects and find commonalities.

OD 1Musical

OD 2 Drawing

Subject: "Violet in a pot" Abstract attached


Watching a garbage truck.

Goals: expand knowledge about special equipment; enrich your vocabulary.

P/i "Butterflies, Frogs and Herons"

Target: develop motor activity, attention.

Di "What do they plant in the garden"

Target: teach children to classify objects according to certain criteria (according to their place growth)

Labor activity: Collection of dry branches on the site.

Target: teach joint labor actions.

Reading Slovak folk tale. "Visiting the sun"

Goals: induce a positive emotional state in children.

D/i k- triz "Tease"

Target: learn to form words with suffixes - lka, - chk, -shche.

Ind/r by application "Postcard to a Veteran" To the 70th anniversary of the victory.

Target: teach children to use paper to make and paste an image for a postcard.

Di "Yesterday Today Tomorrow"

Target: V game form practice active discrimination of temporal concepts "yesterday", "Today", "Tomorrow".

An evening walk

Dandelion observation.

Target: develop cognitive activity in the process of forming ideas about medicinal plants.

P/n "Tunnel"

Target: practice walking in a column, keeping the same speed for everyone.

Di "It flies - it doesn't fly"

Target: development of movement, ability to perform movements in response to words, attention and focus on task

Interaction with parents. Consultation" “Cultivating love for the native land in kindergarten and family”

Morning exercises

Conversation " "Beware of flowers" (not all flowers are safe)

Target: expand ideas and teach to distinguish plants from other natural objects.

DI "Riddles about indoor plants»

Target: development of thinking, ability to solve riddles, development of imagination.

Sri " "Beauty saloon"

Target: expand and consolidate children’s knowledge about work in "Beauty salon".

OD 1. Artistic creativity. Modeling.

Subject: "Flower pots" T. S. Komarova, page 80.

OD 2. Physical culture

Walk for the weather.

Target: note what the weather is like that day, sunny or cloudy.

Experimental activity: “If you don’t water the flowers for a long time, they quickly wither and die.”

Target: teach children to care for flowers like any living thing on earth.

DI “Where, what can I do?”

Target: development of mindfulness and concentration, ability to analyze behavior and actions.

P/i "Geese-geese"

Target: to develop in children self-control and the ability to perform movements when given a signal.

Exercise to develop movements. "Jump further".

Goals: teach running long jump.

Labor activity: Clean up the veranda.

Target: cultivate a desire to work.

Afternoon Awakening gymnastics. We walk along the paths of health

Board-print game "Fold the flower"

Target: development of knowledge and skills about the structure of a flower, development of fine motor skills and perception.

Music education Learning a song for Victory Day "Sunny Circle"

Target: promote memorization of words and expressive singing; cultivate a sense of patriotism.

An evening walk

Observation of bushes and trees

Target: teach to recognize and distinguish trees and shrubs by their characteristic features.

DI "Find plant as described» (structure, name)

Target: consolidation of knowledge about plant rooms and the ability to identify it by description.

Games with sand and water "Funny Bubbles"

Target: expand your understanding of the properties of water; develop coordination and fine motor skills of the hands; develop understanding of speech, encourage children to perform various actions with water.

P/i "Gardener and Flowers"

Target: introduce children to a new game, develop children’s skills to act on a signal; practice running fast without bumping into each other.

Interaction with parents. Booklet for the 70th anniversary Victory: "Thank the granfather for the victory"