home · Networks · Another viral mystery has taken over Facebook. However, not everyone liked it. Children's riddles about the refrigerator Parents have arrived, what will you open first?

Another viral mystery has taken over Facebook. However, not everyone liked it. Children's riddles about the refrigerator Parents have arrived, what will you open first?

Riddles with answers refrigerator.

Why are riddles about the refrigerator so popular? The answer is generally simple. Modern society- This is a consumer society. And the greater the need for consumption, the greater the need for stockpiling. This also applies to food products. And to preserve food, of course, you cannot do without a refrigerator. But most are still aware of the fact that nutrition modern man, to put it mildly, is not entirely correct. And the ethnic group hovering around the refrigerator (These are poems, anecdotes, and riddles) is a subconscious attempt to return to a more natural existence for any living creature. This is primarily movement and obtaining food, and not its uncontrolled consumption. And we actually move on to the riddles about our worst enemy- fridge.

Extraordinary parties are not needed? Has anyone else noticed how fancy kids' birthdays have become? Gone are the days of parties consisting of balloons, streamers and store-bought cake. Our ever-increasing desire for parental excellence has forced the baby lot to do a tremendous amount of work that highlights us all. A recent study in the Journal of Consumer Culture shows that moms are moving from outsourcing elements of their children's birthday parties to creating everything from scratch.

It's not obligatory new idea- my mother did something similar when we were children. As markets increasingly provide goods and services to support mothers and raise children, the extent to which this is acceptable is a source of concern for the acceptance of 'good' mothering in some social groups. Witnessing the motherhood that a birthday demands is even more intensifying.

The house is windowless and closed,
And it's cold inside.
If a cat sits next to you,
So the cat is hungry... (Fridge)

Look at this
What a house -
Even in summer
There is cold in it... (Refrigerator)

In the summer dad brought us
There is frost in the white box -
And now the frost is dry
We have both summer and winter
Protects products:
Meat, fish, fruits...(Refrigerator)

The presenter consistently asks riddles

Translation - if you hand over all the elements of your child's birthday party rather than doing everything yourself, you are a rotten mom. When did being a Martha Stewart clone become synonymous with motherhood? There may or may not be bags of dollar stores that moms collect with their little guests.

Quest materials

When did our kids' parties turn into a different style of stress, striving for perfection, and thinking they weren't doing it right? Findings suggest that mothers were able to publicly demonstrate their intimate knowledge and care for their child by personalizing the birthday through the gift of their time and effort to create a “homemade” event.

It looks like a house from the outside
But it’s so cold inside!
No, just look:
The North Pole is inside!
Why cold house!
How do food live in it?..(Refrigerator)

Feeds the house
Ice cabinet...(Refrigerator)

Inside he is cold, cold,
It is opened by a hungry person... (Refrigerator)

Riddles for children from Grandma Shosho! check yourself

This is actually a great idea, it's only our ever-increasing need to document and display everything we do that has caused the pendulum to swing in the other direction entirely. Instead of truly rebelling against the consumption of baby lots, we are now working too hard on excess growth. It is no longer who spends the most - but who has best ideas and who knows how to perform them. The thing is; these objects will excite him. He just wants to blow out candles - whether they're sitting on top of a tower of homemade French macarons or a poorly executed boxed cake is completely inconsequential to him.

Admire, look:
North Pole inside,
Snow and ice sparkle there,
Winter itself lives there.
Forever this winter for us
Brought from the store... (Refrigerator)

There is a safe in the kitchen. In it, child,
I hide the cold from the North.
I'll put the following products in it:
Meat, fish, juices, fruits,
And I'll turn on the switch.
And my safe... (Refrigerator)

It's important to remember the images that convince us that we should all be cunning dynamos are mostly just the bright drums of people's lives. No one "pushes out" a cake they just burned, or a party that looks like trash. No one is perfect - and whether you hand over every last element of your child's party or craft everything yourself - the most important detail is that you are truly present to enjoy your child's joy.

Unnecessary stress or a legitimate way to express your love for your child? We offer interesting game ideas without winners or losers for children from three years old. Events for parties, birthdays or meetings with children, in which cooperation and mutual support are a priority.

Technical progress to us
Gave me a chest of miracles -
There are tons of products there,
Winter protects them... (Refrigerator)

The unit trembles,
There is a thaw and a cold in it,
He is very happy at work
If you turn it off, it will sit in a puddle... (Refrigerator)

In our kitchen all year round
Santa Claus lives in the closet... (Refrigerator)

It hides small toys that are of little value or safety in the house or garden before guests arrive so children can find them. Save some for unlucky kids. Make a playlist of songs your kids know and dance! You can also give each of them an instrument to play music at their leisure.

It's a classic that never fails, perfect for outdoor parties. Make sure you have pomp for each child or prepare a bowl of soap and water and give each child lipstick. You will need white t-shirts or scraps of fabric and permanent paint or fabric marker. You will have a great time and will be able to take the memory home.

The cold lives in this box,
He guards our products... (Refrigerator)

The White House is filled with goodness
It contains different types of products.
There are no windows in that house
And the owner in it is frost... (Refrigerator)

There is a white house in the kitchen.
Oh, and it's cold in there.
In every room there are products,
Eggs, vegetables and fruits...(Refrigerator)

About a refrigerator magnet

With sheets and a few ropes or wool that the elders will help tie here and there, we can make big house. You can also make walls with sofas and put a roof. Furniture will serve as pillows and drawers for storing toys. Prepare small bags of small gifts and place them in a box. Put on some music while you're all in a circle and walk past the box next to it as quickly as possible. When the music stops, the child who has the box opens it and takes some of the gift.

Let there be something for everyone! Ask for some funny stories to prepare to read to children. You can soften the narrative with puppets, disguises, or a little craft for the kids to do at the end. At some point they will ask for water: it's up to you, but they enjoy making sniffles so much that the effort of cleaning up later may be worth it.

In the kitchen white cabinet costs,
Winter lives inside
It keeps it cold all year round.
If you don’t believe me, look... (Refrigerator)

It's purring, not a cat,
It's cold and icy inside!
Where in the kitchen in the summer heat
How is it in the frosty winter?..(Refrigerator)

There is always frost and ice in it,
In the summer, winter lives in it... (Refrigerator)

It's time to use up those shadows, blurs, and impossible-hued eyeliners you keep in your neglected bag. And there's a version of the game they love: what if the models are fathers, mothers and children, makeup and hairdressers? Write the name of different animals on paper and put them in a bowl.

Randomly choose a child to start the story. You have one minute to calculate your role. As time passes, history follows to your right, and so on until the end. Turn balloon and throw it into the air. We must pass between something that does not fall to the ground, touching it with any part of our body.

A shiny box has moved into houses,
The owner Winter lives in it... (Refrigerator)

Here is a large cold cabinet.
It's as cold as winter.
And products are stored in it:
Meat, vegetables and fruits.
If you forgot to close the door,
It will get cold in the apartment.
Sounds like an alarm clock
About this...(Refrigerator)

A sweet home doesn't have to mean an ethereal home of jellies, whipped cream and juices. When it comes to children's birthday parties, there are those who prefer to clear out their homes and look for other options. Not wanting to ruin the fun of taking all the boys from class to their home, decorating the room with sensual balloons, or making snacks with those little hands, we remembered - it was just an idea! - we might also receive offers from other places - besides home! - celebrate your son's birthday.

And before your conscience starts screaming, “today’s parents don’t even bother to throw a birthday party for their children!”, We thought that the sites and programs are so cool that everyone will understand why the party is in a sweet home. How many kids have ever seen a donkey "really seriously"? And how many chances did you have to play? In the Natural Lake Nature Reserve in Sintra, all this is possible. They organize tours for families and schools, as well as so-called birthday parties. The program is part of a short course to learn the basics of animal handling and walk around with a saw for about an hour.

He collects food

Takes care of them, saves them!

Freeze - freezer,

Who will cool it?.. (Refrigerator)

Caring parents always try to arrange a memorable birthday program for their child. However, over time, difficulties begin to arise with new ideas, and you don’t want to repeat yourself. What to do in this case? Perhaps one of the interesting ones will come to the rescue modern methods to celebrate the holiday - a children's birthday quest.

When the children arrive, and after unpacking the donkeys, they have a snack in a beautiful place for this purpose. Prices: from 1040 rubles per participant. Adventure Park Even for those who have never heard of Tarzan, it's easy to get excited about the idea of ​​climbing trees using ropes. Arborism is something like this: "an activity consisting of sequentially passing obstacles between platforms placed on the treetops - suspension bridges, ropes, nets, tunnels - always ending on a slide." It's fun, exciting and safe - kids will always have a great fuck and there are monitors to unblock any panic attack.

Perhaps not all parents know what this means. Strictly speaking, a quest (from the English “task”, “search”, “hike”) is one of the variants of holiday scenarios, but its peculiarity is that it can be performed alone, i.e. exclusively for the birthday boy. This does not mean that there is no need to invite guests - they can come after the quest is completed (or earlier) and participate in the festive events. And the quest, as a rule, is designed to be completed independently, although there are also options for the participation of several guests, except for the birthday person.

The park offers two hours of party time. The only requirement is minimum height child. And they should wear comfortable clothes and shoes. Prices: from 650 rubles per participant. When they use sofas as trampolines and siblings as a punching bag, nothing better than offering them Gym. Parties are 3 hours long, suitable for children aged 3+ and have a fixed price for up to 30 or 45 children.

Prices: €175 up to 30 children and €200 up to 45 children. For non-members, the cost of the lot increases by 50%. The children get wet, but the water is warm. Here parents don't even have any work other than helping their children put on and take off their clothes. Snack included in the package. But before that there are age-appropriate water games organized by the teacher.

Where can you conduct quests? Similar events for adults are usually held on the street, especially if the conditions involve moving around the city. For a children's party, indoor quest options are more suitable: a museum, an entertainment center, a gallery - such scenarios can be ordered from many children's entertainment agencies.

Prices: 17 euros per child, minimum 15 participants. When the group is above 20, there is the possibility of an additional monitor. Dream Place At the Dream Place, your child has the opportunity to choose a themed party with names such as Princess Trapaljona, Indian Tribe or Beading. Parties include entertainment, snacks, decorations and invitations.

Prices: from 9750 rubles, up to 10 children. Address: ed. An underwater party doesn't happen every day! The party includes a free visit where children will be sea detectives searching for clues, knowledge and rarities in 31 themed aquariums and environments, from the source of the Douro River to the depths of the Atlantic, Indian and Pacific Oceans.

But what if you want to organize a quest for your child yourself? This is not difficult to do - you just need to think through the scenario wisely and prepare all the necessary components.

Quest scenario

1) Preparation stage.

The tasks are designed for one child (the birthday boy), but if he wants to invite several friends for company, they will not hurt (there will be someone to consult with).

Prices: from 1040 rubles per child. There was a long long tragedy for the ghostly black ship that sometimes rushed into the sea with thick fog. Dear children, do not look for treasures. A fun game - a real treasure of cursed, strange creatures and epic adventures with your favorite Caribbean pirates!

When pale faces met pale crayfish When the wild West rode the Indian cold kettle. And when everything was going well, someone knocked with a golden hoof. Perhaps the reward will be yours! All costumes or accessories are provided for all children based on the party theme. Take part in the battle between good and evil and become part of the endless adventures of the valiant Star Rangers.

One of the adults will have to play the role of presenter. It doesn’t matter so much whether it’s one of the parents or a guest animator - as long as he copes with the task. The second role is the postman.

Time spending: approximately one hour.

Location: apartment.

Participant age: a boy aged 7 years or more (can be adapted for a girl if she is interested in detective stories).

Themed parties for children over 4 years old

Spartacus and Stephanie are here to make you a winner. They want people in Lergragrad to be happy, so everyone should be healthy and fit. Duration: 80 minutes; price: 160 lv. Duration: 120 minutes; price: 160 lv. The character is your choice without changing children. Fairy, silver, golden carp, clown, pirate, Pikachu, Aladdin, Pippi, Princess, Tiger, Mickey Mouse, Miniature Mouse, Barbaron, Naruto, Ben 10, Stephanie, Storkas, Suncho, Winnie the Pooh.

Children's birthday - large package for up to 20 children

Duration: 80 minutes; price: 150 lv. The funniest, most magical and for you. Duration: 60 minutes; price: 160 lv. Fun games, dancing, face painting, music. For all children's costumes and accessories. For children: - Invitation for guests - Sound system- Club animator - Hat and balloon - CHILDREN'S MENU.

This quest will be ideal option Congratulations if you decide to give your child a live dog puppy.

Quest materials:

  • envelope with a picture of Sherlock Holmes, paper and pen
  • “detective costume” in the right size for a child
  • flash drive or memory card with recorded audio files
  • a computer on which you can play audio recordings
  • 5 different “traces” of a dog’s paw cut out of paper (each in several copies)
  • toy dog ​​(or real)

2) Beginning.

The quest begins in the children's room, where the birthday boy and the presenter are. The door to the room is closed. Suddenly the sound of a bell is heard outside the door - it’s the postman ringing.

The presenter says: - It seems someone has come. We need to open the door.

The child goes to the door and opens it. A postman stands on the threshold with a bag in his hands.

Postman says: - Hello! Tell me, does “Mr. X” live here?(instead of “X” we use the child’s name). - Yes, now I see that it is you. Please receive a letter.

The postman hands over the letter and leaves. The child must print the envelope and read the letter.

Text of the letter: "Dear friend! I have to ask you for help. Happened to me terrible story: I followed the trail of the Hound of the Baskervilles for several days, and when I had almost caught up with it, the unexpected happened - Professor Moriarty ambushed me. Having entered into an unequal battle, I was forced to retreat, and now I have to hide for some time in a secret shelter until I can regain my strength. I ask you to help me find the Hound of the Baskervilles and prevent the crime that she might commit. You will find everything you need for your search in the place that is located in the house, and at the same time - on the street.

Sincerely, detective Sherlock Holmes."

Child's task- guess where the box with things for the quest is located - the balcony. If you can’t guess, then the letters that lie inside the envelope should help - from them the child must form the word “balcony”.

3) Identification.

So, the child finds a box on the balcony and takes out a detective costume from there, which he needs to put on. The box also contains a memory card, a note and “traces”.

Note text: “I have collected here the evidence that I managed to find in our case. Listen to the recordings and identify the voice of the Hound of the Baskervilles, and then follow the trail."

You must first record five audio files with the sounds of different voices of barking dogs on the memory card. Files have serial numbers. One of them will belong to the Hound of the Baskervilles. The card must be connected to the computer, then let the child listen to the voice of the desired dog once or twice, and then load all the recordings from the memory card into the computer audio player. The child's task is to listen to them all in any order and find out which recording belongs to the Hound of the Baskervilles.

If you didn't succeed the first time, you can repeat the task.

When a file is identified, the child must remember its number.

Now it's time to study the dog's tracks. Each “paw print” cut out of paper has a serial number. 5 types of different traces should be glued to the floor (you can stick them with tape), going from the balcony to certain areas of the room. One trace is correct and four are false.

Child's task- look at the samples of tracks from the box, take the track with the number that was on the dog’s voice recording, and find the same one on the floor, and then follow the track until it leads to the next goal. This target will be a closet with clothes.

4) Search.

Inside the closet there is a note attached in a visible place and several wardrobe items hanging (for example, a shirt, coat, jacket, jacket, trousers, etc.)

Note text: "Dear friend! You have the qualities of a real detective! Now you need to complete the next task: here are hanging the things of a criminal who is hiding the location of the Hound of the Baskervilles. You will have to carefully search these things and find the puzzle pieces from which you need to assemble the word. This word will show you the further path.”

Seven pieces of paper should be hidden in the pockets of things, on each of which one letter is drawn:"corridor". It is advisable that things have some hidden pockets - then the search will be more exciting. The child’s task is to find all the letters and form the word “corridor” from them.

After this you can move into the corridor.

5) Brainstorming tasks.

On the floor in the corridor lies an envelope with another note that the young detective will have to pick up.

Note text: “Great job! You are getting closer and closer to your goal. Next task- strengthen your detective skills using logic and deduction. Having solved all the riddles, you will receive an answer to where to move next.”

The presenter sequentially asks riddles:

  • 12 dog paws peek out from under the fence. How many dogs are hiding behind the fence? (Answer: three).
  • With the onset of January, two apple trees and one pear tree bloomed. How many trees have bloomed? (Answer: none, because trees do not bloom in winter).
  • A white cat crawled through the chimney and turned black because it was smeared in soot. What color will the black cat be when it crawls through the chimney? (Answer: it will remain black).
  • Mouse, horse, dog, apple, squirrel, penguin. Which word is missing in this chain and why? (Answer: “apple” because it is not an animal).
  • What object in the corridor leaves traces? The correct answer will be the end of the search for the Hound of the Baskervilles.

To answer the last question, the child needs to guess that we are talking about shoes. After this, he needs to search several pairs of different shoes standing in the corridor, and inside the boot (or other type of shoes that are available) find a dog collar. A note “go to the next room” will be attached to the collar (if there is only one room, then you can use the kitchen or bathroom).

A dog - toy or real - will be waiting for the quest participant in the next room. He will be able to put a collar on her and listen to congratulations from Sherlock Holmes on the successful completion of the investigation.

In the ancient Egyptian papyri, the riddle does not look like something new for humanity. The ability to make and solve riddles was valued in many cultures: ancient greek myths, Scandinavian, German, Russian fairy tales we meet heroes and heroines who found happiness and well-being by finding answers to complex riddles.

And today the riddle lives in culture, because it teaches children logical thinking, the ability to identify internal connections between phenomena, enriches their imaginative thinking. Riddles attract children's attention to natural phenomena such as snow, ice, rain, rainbows, etc. They help you get to know a variety of animals better - wolves, hare, elephants, giraffes, horses or dogs.

Children have been familiar with riddles since preschool years, but at the age of 10 and 16 this intellectual fun is still interesting to them. And adults also love difficult questions, riddles with a trick that train the mind and lift the spirits. Interesting, complex riddles with a trick are always included in quizzes, quests, and humorous competitions at various holidays.

True, today this folklore genre has changed, choosing more modern vocabulary and images. It is difficult to expect that modern children will be close to folklore “guessing games” about a rocker arm, a spindle or a plow, which they saw, at best, in a picture in a book.

For today's children, elephants, giraffes, and hippos are known more than a harrow or a loom. Therefore, the heroes of today's mysteries are animals and objects that are close to modern children. For example, riddles for children about a refrigerator with a trick and answers are included in many scenarios for children's games and holidays.

The main feature of a riddle as a genre is the need to describe a phenomenon or object allegorically, pointing out its main features, but without naming them directly. This develops in children the ability to highlight the main thing, find similarities and connections within various phenomena, and develop imagination and creativity.

Riddles seem to call on the child: look carefully at the object, think about the familiar as if it were new, describe what you see and understand. Children aged 6-7 years are taught to compose their own simple riddles, and at the age of 8–10 they willingly compete in their ability to find answers to them.

But it’s more interesting to make and guess about things that are familiar.

For today's children this:

  • Natural phenomena, changing seasons. Riddles about ice, stream, leaf fall, etc. just as before, they are understandable and interesting to children of different ages.
  • Animal world: kids love riddles about fish, birds, domestic and wild animals. But if in Russian folk mysteries there were only those who live in our country, then today's children equally know the wolf, hare, elephant, hippopotamus, fox or giraffe only from the zoo, videos or books. Therefore, you can meet them all in riddles.
  • Household appliances: TV, refrigerator, computer, telephone. Today, it is this home appliance that has replaced the old spinning wheels and rockers.
  • Toys, books, notebooks and other things that children use. For children over 10 years old, there are riddles for the development of logic, knowledge of geography, etc.

About the elephant and the refrigerator

Among the heroes modern mysteries Elephants stand out from animals, and refrigerators from household appliances. The refrigerator is popular both because it is in every home and because it allows big game meanings and images.

It unites:

  1. Natural phenomena: ice, frost, cold;
  2. Life: storing food inside it;
  3. Fairy tale: remember how many characters from modern cartoons and fairy tales are associated with him? Santa Claus, warranty men, fixies and other characters have been inside the refrigerator.

Through them, adults can teach a child how to properly use a refrigerator, what it is for, and how to properly handle food.

The elephant, which in nature lives far from our country, has become a character as familiar to us as a bear and as close as a refrigerator. For children aged 5, 10, and 12, the elephant is a symbol of wisdom, good nature, strength and power. They have a good idea of ​​what an elephant looks like and how it differs from other animals or objects. Riddles about an elephant are not difficult for 10-year-old schoolchildren, unless they manage to look at it from a completely unexpected angle.

About a refrigerator magnet

Today the refrigerator can become with a real map family quest, where magnets indicate places where family members have visited or participated. Most families bring souvenir magnets from every trip or visit to an exhibition or museum. Friends and acquaintances also give magnets, sharing their impressions in other cities and countries.

There are magnets with different interesting pictures - cartoon characters, beautiful flowers, animals from cats to giraffes. Such a variety of images on magnets makes it possible to make them the hero of complex issues and the subject of play with children. For example, a child must find the answer to a riddle in a picture - a magnet, choosing the correct one from 10 different ones.

About the hippopotamus and the refrigerator

What do a hippopotamus and a refrigerator have in common? Even such a simple question can become complex riddle for a child 10 years old. The surprise of such a seemingly stupid comparison of the incomparable - home appliances and a hippopotamus that lives in Africa will not only amuse the child, but will also make him think, revealing common features, developing imagination and logic. Here possible options answers:

  1. There is food inside both.
  2. Both the refrigerator and the hippopotamus are large, etc.

About the giraffe

The giraffe does not live in our latitudes, but thanks to poems, cartoons and jokes, it has become a full-fledged hero of folklore. Children know what a giraffe looks like early childhood thanks to pictures in books about Aibolit, cartoons about the island of Chunga-Changa, “Madagascar”, etc.

And some of the children saw a giraffe in the zoo. So any kid, not to mention a 10-year-old schoolchild, knows perfectly well what a giraffe looks like and how it differs from other animals, which means they can guess about it.

Riddles for children from Grandma Shosho! check yourself

Another viral game has gripped Facebook: users are trying to guess the riddle about “breakfast with parents”, and if they fail, they change their profile photo. #Letters figured out what was going on and looked at how they reacted in their feeds to yet another popular pastime.

I'm sure you've already seen this post in your feed today:

"I changed my profile photo because I made a mistake with the answer to the riddle. Try it yourself... Answer only in a private message. If you are wrong, I choose any of your photos, and you set it as your profile photo for 24 hours. If you give the correct answer, I'm posting your name in the comments. And here's the riddle: It's 7 am. You're sleeping and suddenly there's a knock on the door. Outside the door are your parents, who came to have breakfast with you. In your refrigerator: Bread, milk (pasteurized!), juice and a jar of jam. Question: What will you open first?
Reply only in private message! Good luck".

This one is pretty old game originally from RuNet, 2007 last days received new life among users of the Ukrainian segment of Facebook.

Users rack their brains over the riddle and, not finding the correct answer, must put any photo on their avatar, chosen by the author of the post. As a rule, the avatar is chosen to be a photo that you would definitely not think of putting on your avatar if you were of sound mind and sober memory. This, in fact, is the excitement of the game.

However, not everyone received the game positively. User Anton Khodza believed that Facebook, for better or worse, began to gradually turn into Odnoklassniki. And I thought about online emigration.

Someone was frankly perplexed by the popularity of the flash mob.

Someone rephrased the riddle in their own way, making it even more interesting.

Some users suggested non-standard options answers and did not try to restrain themselves in emotions. Really, who would like to get up so early?

Experienced bloggers tried to play on two topics of the day at once in one joke.

Some users began to specifically write the correct answer.

But some don't.

User Vladimir Koval thanked the participants of the flameshob for keeping them informed.

If you don't want to know the correct answer, don't read any further in this post.

If you want to know the right answer, it's the eyes. If you're sleeping and your parents knock on your door and they've stopped by for breakfast, the first thing you'll do is open your eyes.

Riddles about household appliances, what would it be like without her in the modern world.

Every apartment of a modern person has a TV, or even more than one, a refrigerator, a washing machine, which is very helpful for mothers, an iron, a vacuum cleaner, a camera, a hairdryer, hob and much more. All these devices make our lives easier. We have collected riddles about all these helpers on this page. Guessing them will be interesting not only for children, but also for adults. Riddles will be useful in lessons, educational events, and at themed parties.

Riddles about TV

Looking at the screen in the apartment,
We see what is happening in the world.

In the center of the room stands
Or hanging on the wall.
Brings news to us
And the films are more interesting.

There is a large and magical screen in the house.
In it you can see animals from distant countries,
Cartoons and news. Even
He will tell you how to cook something!
My dad often watches football there.
But this screen is black during the day.
While there is no one around -
Haven't turned it on yet!

What kind of miracle, what kind of box?
He himself is a singer and himself a storyteller,
And at the same time
Shows movies.

On my screen, friends.
Then the seas rustle in the fog,
The garden is shaking fruits.
There are cartoons for kids.

I'll go to the box
I'll press the button.
The box will wake up
This will start:
Cartoons will show
He will tell you about the weather.
Everything is interesting!
How are they not cramped there?

Riddles about the refrigerator

Even in the July heat
It's frosty there, like in winter.

Technical progress to us
Gave me a chest of miracles -
There are tons of products there,
Winter protects them.

Technical progress to us
Gave me a chest of miracles -
There are tons of products there,
Winter protects them.

Here is a large cold cabinet.
It's as cold as winter.
And products are stored in it:
Meat, vegetables and fruits.
If you forgot to close the door,
It will get cold in the apartment.
Sounds like an alarm clock
About this...

It looks like a house from the outside
But it’s so cold inside!
No, just look:
The North Pole is inside!
What a cold house!
How do the products live in it?

I have big belly.
It contains sausages, cheese, compote.
If you want to eat, don’t be shy,
Open your belly quickly!

Riddles about washing machine
There is a box in the bathroom
He looks with a transparent and round eye.
It's interesting to look into the eye when
There is water bubbling in this box.
(washing machine)

The drum turns and turns
Mom's assistant.
There is a sheet and a sundress in it
Rinse clean.
(washing machine)

What a car it is - simply amazing!
After it everything is clean and beautiful...
She washed away all the stains and dirt
I squeezed everything out and rinsed it myself.
(washing machine)

Buzzed, buzzed -

Washed and wrung out.

The shirts became clean,

Dresses, trousers and vests.
(washing machine)

Riddles about the iron

I'm scurrying through matter,
I stick my sharp nose everywhere.
Oh, I get angry and hiss.
I really don’t like wrinkled ones.

Strokes everything it touches
And if you touch it, it bites.

I'll walk around a little hot,
And the sheet will become smooth.
I can fix any problems
And draw arrows on your trousers.

Riddles about a vacuum cleaner, floor polisher

He willingly inhaled the dust,
I didn’t get sick or sneeze.
(vacuum cleaner)

Which year is it for me?
A hedgehog lives in the room.
If you wax the floor,
He will polish it to a shine.

Walks and wanders on the carpets,
He moves his nose around the corners.
Where I went, there was no dust,
Dust and litter are his lunch.
(vacuum cleaner)

If I see dust, I’ll grumble,
I'll growl and swallow.
(vacuum cleaner)

I really like to wander through carpets,
By soft sofas, in dark corners.
I always find delicious dust there
And I buzz loudly with pleasure.
(vacuum cleaner)

Mechanical baby elephant
It buzzes with electricity
Long thick proboscis
Collects dust all around.
What will fall under the trunk,
Everything goes into his stomach.
(vacuum cleaner)

Guess who I am, children?
A long nose, and in the belly - Wind.
The belly walks on the carpet
Eats wrappers and peels.
(vacuum cleaner)

An elephant walks around the apartment
And he swallows garbage.
(vacuum cleaner)

With him, his mother does not know grief,
He rushes like a sail to the sea,
On carpets, like on waves,
In the mornings and evenings.
Dust swallows like a pump
Did you guess it?...
(vacuum cleaner)

Riddles about the camera

This eye is a special eye.
He will quickly look at you,
And will be born
The most accurate portrait of you.

Look at me
And just freeze for a moment.
I took your portrait.
Who am I?

A magical thing, no doubt -
instantly stops time.

Where have you been, he will tell his friends,
It will show all the details.
Happiness moment return back
Maybe …

Of course it will be useful for everyone
This is a complicated thing.
Just press the button
You can catch up with everyone
And make you freeze
And take a closer look,
Take memorable photos
And remember everything on the SIM card.
There are manual and automatic
This -…

Riddles about the light bulb
I brought the sun
Outside your window.
I hung it from the ceiling -
It became fun at home.

She looks like a pear on the outside
Hangs idle during the day
And at night it lights up the house.

A pear hangs from the ceiling,
And don’t even think about eating a pear!
Glows like the sun
If you drop it, it will break.

Riddles about hair dryers

In that small object
A warm wind settled in.

The dry wind dries
My mommy's curls.

Riddles about a lantern, flashlight

House is a glass bubble,
And a light lives in it.
During the day he sleeps, but when he wakes up,
It will light up with a bright flame.

I am a magic candle
I turn it this way and that in my hands.
She doesn't burn with fire
Full of batteries.

Riddles about the stove and hob

I always live in the kitchen
There's a frying pan on me
Pan, ladle, kettle -
I am the boss over them!
With me the whole family is full,
Well, have you guessed it? I …

Fries meat, cooks soup,
Bakes pies.
She has it here and there
Very hot.
(stove or hob)

Riddle about sewing machine

It will shoot like a machine gun,
He will sew a new dress.
(sewing machine)

Razor riddles
I can mow grass
But not at all in the meadow.
I want to walk on my cheeks.
Hey stubble, watch out!