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Finist clear falcon read short. Fairy tale Finist - a clear falcon

One peasant's wife died. His youngest daughter Maryushka, a beautiful girl, a jack of all trades and a kind heart, began to help him with the housework. And her older sisters were angry and did nothing but whiten themselves, blush and dress up, although this did not make them any more beautiful.

When the father was getting ready to go to the city, he always asked his daughters:

- What should I bring you, my dear daughters?

The older daughters asked for scarves, boots, or dresses. And the youngest, Maryushka, is Finist’s feather, as clear as a falcon.

The father could not find this feather anywhere. One day an old man met him and gave him the treasured feather. In appearance it was very ordinary.

The sisters make fun of Maryushka:

- You were a fool, so you are. Put your feather in your hair and show off!

When everyone had gone to bed, Maryushka threw a feather on the floor and said:

- Dear Finist - clear falcon, come to me, my long-awaited groom!

“And a young man of indescribable beauty appeared to her. By morning the young man hit the floor and became a falcon. Maryushka opened the window for him, and the falcon flew away to the blue sky.

For three days Maryushka welcomed the young man to her place; During the day he flies like a falcon across the blue sky, and by night he flies to Maryushka and becomes a good fellow.”

The evil sisters noticed this and poked it into the frame sharp knives. The clear falcon fought and fought, cutting his entire chest, but Maryushka was sleeping and did not hear.

The falcon said:

“Then you will find me when you wear out three iron shoes, break three iron staves, and tear three iron caps.”

Maryushka heard this and went in search, ordering three iron shoes, three iron staves, three iron caps.

One day Maryushka came out into the clearing and saw a hut on chicken legs. Maryushka says:

- Hut, hut, stand with your back to the forest, and with your front to me!

In this hut there was Baba Yaga, who told the girl that her clear falcon was far away, in a distant state. The sorceress queen gave him a potion and married him.

The Yaga gave Maryushka a silver saucer and a golden egg and advised:

- When you come to Far Far Away kingdom, get hired as a worker for the queen. When you finish your work, take the saucer, put the golden egg, and it will roll around on its own. If they start buying, don’t sell. Ask Finist to see the falcon.

The second Baba Yaga, the sister of the first, gave the girl a silver hoop and a golden needle, who embroiders herself.

The third old woman gave a silver bottom and a golden spindle.

The forest animals greeted Maryushka, consoled her on the road, and the gray wolf took her to the crystal tower. There she hired herself as a worker. For a silver saucer and a golden egg, the queen allowed her to look at Finist - the clear falcon. Only at night, in a dream. Maryushka didn’t wake up dear...

For the second date, the girl gave the queen a silver hoop and a gold needle.

Finist, the bright falcon, slept soundly. Maryushka woke him up, but she didn’t wake him up.

For the third date, the girl gave a silver bottom and a golden spindle.

Maryushka woke up and woke up her betrothed, but she couldn’t get him to wake up, but dawn was close. I started crying. A burning tear fell on Finist’s bare shoulder—it was clear to the falcon and burned.

Finist, the clear falcon, woke up and said:

- Oh, I slept for a long time!

The queen gathered her subjects and began to demand punishment for her unfaithful husband.

And Finist the clear falcon asked them:

- Which, in your opinion, is a real wife: the one who loves deeply, or the one who sells and deceives?

Everyone agreed that Finist’s wife is the clear falcon - Maryushka.

And they began to live and live well and make good money. We went to our state, they gathered a feast, blew the trumpets, fired the cannons, and there was such a feast that they still remember it.

Finist the Clear Falcon is a fairy tale about how the girl Maryushka, with her sincerity and strong feelings, freed the Clear Falcon from the captivity of the evil queen. Finist the Clear Falcon is recommended to be read by children aged 5 years and older.

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Read the fairy tale Finist the Clear Falcon

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Finist the clear falcon: a fairy tale. Summary

The beginning of the story begins according to one of the usual fairy tale scenarios. The father has three daughters, two of whom are not distinguished by their intelligence and diligence, and the youngest Maryushka is both beautiful and smart. When getting ready for a trip, a father always asks his daughters what gifts they would like to receive. The older girls only dream about fashionable things, but Maryushka dreams of the feather of the Yasnaya falcon. One day it happened that the old grandfather gave such a feather to his father, and here the story itself begins. Maryushka meets Finist, a kind young man, and, going through the dirty tricks of her sisters, sets off on the road to save her loved one from an evil witch. The girl will have to meet Baba Yaga and her sisters, and in exchange for her kindness and sincerity will receive magical gifts. They are the ones who will help Maryushka free Finist from the spell...

Finist the Clear Falcon - a magical character from a folk tale

The fairy tale Finist the clear falcon (read “good fellow”) is one of the few Russian folk tales, not named after main character, and the name of a magical character. Finist is one of the good heroes of Russian folk art. The ability to turn into a falcon manifests itself after the girl Maryushka calls him to her. Finist the clear falcon represents pure love, which easily passes through any obstacles.

“The Feather of Finist the Clear Falcon”- Russian folk tale about a young man who can turn into a feather or a falcon, and about a girl who loves him.

Finist's Feather - clear falcon summary

The old man had three daughters. The father is going to the city, the eldest and middle daughter ask to buy them fabrics for a dress, and the youngest - a feather from Finist - the clear falcon. Having returned, the father gives his eldest daughters some new clothes, but he could not find the feather. The next time, the older sisters each receive a scarf, but the promised feather for the younger sister is again missing. For the third time, the old man finally buys a feather for a thousand rubles.

In the youngest daughter’s room, the feather turns into the prince Finista The prince and the girl are having a conversation. The sisters hear voices. Then the prince turns into a falcon, and the girl lets him fly. The older sisters stick knives and needles into the window frame. Returning, Finist wounds his wings on the knives and flies away, telling the girl to look for him in the distant kingdom. She hears it through her sleep.

The girl stocks up with three pairs of iron shoes, three cast-iron staves, three stone potions and goes to look for Finist. On the way, she spends the night with three old women. One gives her a golden spindle, another a silver dish with a golden egg, the third a golden hoop with a needle.

The bread has already been devoured, the staffs have been broken, the shoes have been trampled. The girl learns that Finist in such and such a city married his mallow daughter. Having found out about this, the girl got a job as a housekeeper at a bakery, and began to barter with her and her husband for one wonderful item each in one night. But the malt milk gave Finist sleeping pills, so that he slept soundly for three nights. But on the last, third night, a girl’s tear accidentally fell on the sleeping Finist’s cheek, causing him to wake up and recognize his ex-lover, and ran away with her to her native land.

Finist turns into a feather again, and the girl comes home with him. She says she was on a pilgrimage. The father and eldest daughters leave for matins. The youngest stays at home and, after waiting a little, goes to church with Tsarevich Finist, in a golden carriage and precious attire. In church, the relatives do not recognize the girl, and she does not open up to them. The next day the same thing happens. On the third day, the father guesses everything, forces his daughter to confess, and the red maiden marries Prince Finist.

The fairy tale tells how a feisty queen captivated the clear falcon Finist. A kind and sincere girl, Marya, thanks to her love, freed the young man from captivity. The fairy tale “Finist the Clear Falcon” is suitable for children over five years old.

Fairy tale Finist - the clear falcon download:

Fairy tale Finist - clear falcon read

Once upon a time there was a peasant. His wife died and he was left with three daughters. The old man wanted to hire a worker to help with the farm, but his youngest daughter, Maryushka, said:

There is no need, father, to hire a worker, I will manage the farm myself.

OK. My daughter Maryushka began to manage the household. She can do everything, everything goes well for her. Father loved Maryushka: he was glad that such a smart and hard-working daughter was growing up. And Maryushka is a real beauty. And her sisters are envious and greedy, ugly in appearance, and fashionable women - overfashionable - sit all day and bleach themselves, and blush, and dress up in new clothes, and their dresses are not dresses, boots are not boots, a scarf is not a scarf.

The father went to the market and asked his daughters:

What should I buy for you, daughters, to make you happy?

Buy a half shawl, and one with larger flowers, painted in gold.

And Maryushka stands and is silent. Her father asks:

What should I buy for you, daughter?

And for me, father, buy a feather from Finist - the falcon is clear.

The father arrives and brings his daughters shawls, but he couldn’t find a feather. Father went to the market another time.

Well, he says, daughters, order gifts.

Buy us boots with silver shoes.

And Maryushka orders again;

Buy me, father, a feather from Finist - a clear falcon.

Father walked all day, bought boots, but couldn’t find a feather. Arrived without a feather. OK. The old man went to the market for the third time, and the eldest and middle daughters said:

Buy us a coat each.

And Maryushka asks again:

And for me, father, buy Finist’s feather - the falcon is clear.

Father walked all day, but did not find the feather. I left the city, and an old old man met me:

Hello, grandpa!

Hello Darling! Where are you headed?

To my place, grandfather, to the village. Yes, this is my grief: my youngest daughter told me to buy a feather from Finist, the clear falcon, but I couldn’t find it.

I have such a feather, but it’s treasured, but for a good person, I’ll give it wherever it may go.

Grandfather took out a feather and handed it to him, but it was the most ordinary one. A peasant rides along and thinks: “What good did Maryushka find in him?”

The old man brought gifts for his daughters, the eldest and middle ones dress up, and they laugh at Maryushka:

You were a fool, so you are. Put your feather in your hair and show off!

Maryushka remained silent, stepped aside, and when everyone went to bed, Maryushka threw a feather on the floor and said:

Dear Finist - clear falcon, come to me, my long-awaited groom!

And a young man of indescribable beauty appeared to her. By morning the young man hit the floor and became a falcon. Maryushka opened the window for him, and the falcon flew away to the blue sky.

For three days Maryushka welcomed the young man to her place; During the day he flies like a falcon across the blue sky, and by night he flies to Maryushka and becomes a good fellow.

On the fourth day, the evil sisters noticed and told their father about their sister.

“My dear daughters,” says the father, “better take care of yourself!”

“Okay,” the sisters think, “let’s see what happens next.”

They stuck sharp knives into the frame, while they hid and watched. Here is a clear falcon flying. Flew to the window and cannot get into Maryushka’s room. He fought and fought, cut his whole chest, but Maryushka slept and did not hear. And then the falcon said:

Whoever needs me will find me. But it won't be easy. Then you will find me when you wear out three iron shoes, break three iron staves, and tear three iron caps.

Maryushka heard this, jumped out of bed, looked out the window, but there was no falcon, and only bloody trail remained on the window. Maryushka cried bitter tears, washed away the bloody trail with her tears and became even more beautiful. She went to her father and said:

Don’t scold me, father, let me go on a long journey. If I live, I'll see you again, if I die, I know it's written in my family.

It was a pity for the father to let go of his beloved daughter, but he let her go. Maryushka ordered three iron shoes, three iron staves, three iron caps and set off on a long journey to look for the desired Finist - the clear falcon. She walked through an open field, walked through a dark forest, high mountains. The birds gladdened her heart with cheerful songs, the streams washed her white face, the dark forests welcomed her. And no one could touch Maryushka: gray wolves, bears, foxes - all the animals came running to her. She wore out her iron shoes, broke her iron staff, and tore her iron cap. And then Maryushka comes out into the clearing and sees: a hut standing on chicken legs - spinning. Maryushka says:

Baba Yaga saw Maryushka and made a noise:

I'm looking, grandma, for Finist the clear falcon.

Oh, beauty, it will be difficult for you to look for him! Your clear falcon is far away, in a distant state. The sorceress queen gave him a potion and married him. But I will help you. Here's a silver saucer and a golden egg. When you come to the distant kingdom, hire yourself as a worker for the queen. When you finish your work, take the saucer, put the golden egg, and it will roll around on its own. If they start buying, don't sell. Ask Finist to see the falcon. Maryushka thanked Baba Yaga and left. The forest darkened, Maryushka became afraid, she was afraid to take a step, and a cat came towards her. He jumped to Maryushka and purred:

Don't be afraid, Maryushka, go forward. It will be even worse, but just keep going and don’t look back.

The cat rubbed its back and was gone, and Maryushka moved on. And the forest became even darker.

Maryushka walked and walked, wore out her iron boots, broke her staff, tore her cap and came to a hut on chicken legs. There are skulls around, on stakes, and each skull is burning with fire.

Hut, hut, stand with your back to the forest, and with your front to me! I have to climb into you, there is bread.

The hut turned its back to the forest, and its front to Maryushka. Maryushka went into the hut and saw: Baba Yaga was sitting there - a bone leg, legs from corner to corner, lips on the garden bed, and her nose rooted to the ceiling.

Baba Yaga saw Maryushka and made a noise:

Ugh, ugh, it smells like the Russian spirit! Red girl, are you torturing or are you trying to get away with it?

Did my sister have one?

Yes, grandma.

Okay, beauty, I'll help you. Take a silver hoop and a gold needle. The needle itself will embroider in silver and gold on crimson velvet. They will buy - don't sell. Ask Finist to see the falcon.

Maryushka thanked Baba Yaga and left. And in the forest there is knocking, thunder, whistling, skulls illuminate the forest. Maryushka became scared. Look, the dog is running. The dog said to Maryushka:

Aw, aw, Maryushka, don’t be afraid, dear, go. It will be even worse, don't look back.

She said it and was like that. Maryushka went, and the forest became even darker. He grabs her by the legs, grabs her by the sleeves... Maryushka goes, goes and doesn’t look back. Whether it was a long or short walk, she wore out her iron shoes, broke her iron staff, and tore her iron cap. She went out into a clearing, and in the clearing there was a hut on chicken legs, around there were tines, and on stakes there were horse skulls, each skull was burning with fire.

Hut, hut, stand with your back to the forest, and with your front to me!

The hut turned its back to the forest, and its front to Maryushka. Maryushka went into the hut and saw: Baba Yaga was sitting there - a bone leg, legs from corner to corner, lips on the garden bed, and her nose rooted to the ceiling. Baba Yaga saw Maryushka and made a noise:

Ugh, ugh, it smells like the Russian spirit! Red girl, are you torturing the matter, or are you torturing the matter?

I am looking, grandmother, for Finista, the clear falcon.

It will be difficult, beauty, you will have to look for him, but I will help. Here is your silver bottom, your golden spindle. Take it in your hands, it will spin itself, it will pull out not a simple thread, but a golden one.

Thank you, grandma.

Okay, you’ll say thank you later, but now listen to what I’m telling you: if they buy a golden spindle, don’t sell it, but ask Finist to see the falcon.

Maryushka thanked Baba Yaga and went, and the forest began to rustle and hum: a whistle rose, owls began to circle, mice crawled out of their holes, and everything was towards Maryushka. And Maryushka sees a gray wolf running towards him. The gray wolf says to Maryushka:

“Don’t worry,” he says, “but sit on me and don’t look back.”

Maryushka sat on a gray wolf, and only she was seen. Ahead are wide steppes, velvet meadows, honey rivers, jelly banks, mountains touching the clouds. And Maryushka keeps jumping and jumping. And here in front of Maryushka is a crystal tower. The porch is carved, the windows are patterned, and the queen is looking through the window.

Well,” says the wolf, “get down, Maryushka, go and get hired as a servant.”

Maryushka got down, took the bundle, thanked the wolf and went to the crystal palace. Maryushka bowed to the queen and said:

I don’t know what to call you, how to dignify you, but would you need a worker?

The queen answers:

I have been looking for a worker for a long time, but one who could spin and weave and embroider.

I can do all this.

Then come in and sit down to work.

And Maryushka became a worker. The day works, and when night comes, Maryushka will take the silver saucer and the golden egg and say:

Roll, roll, golden egg, on a silver platter, show me my darling.

The egg will roll on a silver saucer, and Finist, the clear falcon, will appear. Maryushka looks at him and bursts into tears:

My Finist, Finist is a clear falcon, why did you leave me alone, bitter, to cry for you!

The queen overheard her words and said:

Oh, sell me, Maryushka, a silver saucer and a golden egg.

No, says Maryushka, they are not for sale. I can give them to you if you allow me to look at Finist - a clear falcon.

The queen thought and thought.

Okay,” he says, “so be it.” At night, when he falls asleep, I will show him to you.

Night has fallen, and Maryushka goes to the bedroom of Finist, the clear falcon. She sees that her dear friend is sleeping soundly. Maryushka looks, can’t see enough, kisses her sugary lips, presses her to her white chest - her dear friend sleeps and will not wake up. Morning came, but Maryushka did not wake up her dear...

Maryushka worked all day, and in the evening she took a silver hoop and a gold needle. She sits, embroiders, and says:

Embroider, embroider, pattern, for Finist - the falcon is clear. It would be something for him to dry himself with in the morning.

The queen overheard and said:

Sell ​​me, Maryushka, a silver hoop, a golden needle.

“I won’t sell it,” says Maryushka, “but I’ll give it away, only allow me to meet with Finist, the clear falcon.”

Okay,” he says, “so be it, I’ll show it to you at night.”

The night is coming. Maryushka enters the bedroom of Finist, the clear falcon, and he sleeps soundly.

You are my finist, clear falcon, arise, awaken!

Finist, the clear falcon, is sleeping soundly. Maryushka woke him up, but she didn’t wake him up.

The day is coming. Maryushka sits at work, picks up a silver bottom and a golden spindle. And the queen saw: sell and sell!

I won’t sell it, but I can give it away anyway, if you allow me to stay with Finist, the clear falcon, for at least an hour.

OK. And she thinks: “It still won’t wake you up.”

Night has come. Maryushka enters the bedroom of Finist, the clear falcon, and he is sleeping soundly.

Finist, you are my clear falcon, arise, awaken!

Finist sleeps, does not wake up. She woke up and woke up, but she just couldn’t wake up, but dawn was close. Maryushka cried:

My dear Finist, a clear falcon, get up, wake up, look at your Maryushka, hold her to your heart!

Maryushka's tear fell on Finist's bare shoulder - it was clear to the falcon and burned. Finist, the bright falcon, woke up, looked around and saw Maryushka. He hugged her and kissed her:

Is it really you, Maryushka! She wore out three shoes, broke three iron staves, wore out three iron caps and found me? Let's go home now.

They began to get ready to go home, and the queen saw and ordered the trumpets to be blown to notify her husband of his betrayal.

The princes and merchants gathered and began to hold council, like Finist - to punish the falcon.

Then Finist the clear falcon says:

Which, in your opinion, is a real wife: the one who loves deeply, or the one who sells and deceives?

Everyone agreed that Finist’s wife is the clear falcon - Maryushka.

And they began to live and live well and make good money. We went to our state, they gathered a feast, blew the trumpets, fired the cannons, and there was such a feast that they still remember it.

Finist the clear falcon: a fairy tale. Summary

The beginning of the story begins according to one of the usual fairy tale scenarios. The father has three daughters, two of whom are not distinguished by their intelligence and diligence, and the youngest Maryushka is both beautiful and smart. When getting ready for a trip, a father always asks his daughters what gifts they would like to receive. The older girls only dream about fashionable things, but Maryushka dreams of the feather of the Yasnaya falcon. One day it happened that the old grandfather gave such a feather to his father, and here the story itself begins. Maryushka meets Finist, a kind young man, and, going through the dirty tricks of her sisters, sets off on the road to save her loved one from an evil witch. The girl will have to meet Baba Yaga and her sisters and receive magical gifts in exchange for her kindness and sincerity. They are the ones who will help Maryushka free Finist from the spell...

Finist the Clear Falcon - a magical character from a folk tale

The fairy tale Finist the Clear Falcon (read “good fellow”) is one of the few Russian folk tales named not after the main character, but after a magical character. Finist is one of the good heroes of Russian folk art. The ability to turn into a falcon manifests itself after the girl Maryushka calls him to her. Finist the clear falcon represents pure love, which easily passes through any obstacles.

Summary of the fairy tale Finist - the clear falcon:
This tale is about a peasant whose wife died, but was left with three daughters. Two of them were a little lazy, and the youngest Maryushka worked tirelessly from morning to night. One day, when their father was going to the market, Maryushka asked her to bring her a phoenix feather. He gave it to her. At night, uttering words, her lover appeared in front of the girl, and in the morning he disappeared without a trace. Hitting against sharp knives that were specially placed on window frame her evil sisters, the falcon was offended and flew away from Maryushka forever. Without waiting for her lover, the girl went to look for her boyfriend. In the end, thanks to our sincere feelings, they became husband and wife..

The fairy tale “Finist - the clear falcon” - read online:

Once upon a time there was a peasant. His wife died, leaving three daughters. The old man wanted to hire a worker to help with the farm. But the youngest daughter, Maryushka, said:

There is no need, father, to hire a worker, I will manage the farm myself.

OK. My daughter Maryushka began to manage the household. She can do everything, everything goes well for her. Father loved Maryushka: he was glad that such a smart and hard-working daughter was growing up. Maryushka looks like a real beauty. And her sisters are envious and greedy; They're not pretty, but fashionable women sit all day and bleach, blush, and dress up in new clothes, their dress is not a dress, their boots are not boots, their scarf is not a scarf.

The father went to the market and asked his daughters:

What should I buy for you, my daughter, to make you happy?

And the eldest and middle daughters say:

Buy a half shawl, and one with larger flowers, painted in gold.

And Maryushka stands and is silent. Her father asks:

What should I buy for you, daughter?

Buy me, father, a feather from Finist - a clear falcon.

The father arrives and brings his daughters shawls, but he couldn’t find a feather.

Father went to the market another time.

Well, he says, daughters, order gifts.

The eldest and middle daughters were delighted:

Buy us boots with silver shoes.

And Maryushka orders again:

Buy me, father, a feather from Finist - a clear falcon.

Father walked all day, bought boots, but couldn’t find a feather. Arrived without a feather.

OK. The old man went to the market for the third time, and the eldest and middle daughters said:

Buy us a dress each.

And Maryushka asks again:

Father, buy Finist’s feather - the falcon is clear.

Father walked all day, but did not find the feather. I left the city, and an old old man met me.

Hello, grandpa!

Hello Darling! Where are you headed?

To my place, grandfather, to the village. Yes, this is my grief: my youngest daughter told me to buy a feather from Finist, the clear falcon, but I couldn’t find it.

I have such a feather, but it’s treasured; but for a good person, wherever it goes, I will give it.

Grandfather took out a feather and handed it to him, but it was the most ordinary one. A peasant rides along and thinks: “What good did Maryushka find in him!”

The old man brought gifts for his daughters; The eldest and middle ones dress up and laugh at Maryushka:

You were a fool, so you are. Put your feather in your hair and show off!

Maryushka remained silent and stepped aside; and when everyone had gone to bed, Maryushka threw a feather on the floor and said:

Dear Finist - clear falcon, come to me, my long-awaited groom!

And a young man of indescribable beauty appeared to her. By morning the young man hit the floor and became a falcon. Maryushka opened the window for him, and the falcon flew away to the blue sky.

For three days Maryushka welcomed the young man to her place; During the day he flies like a falcon across the blue sky, and by night he flies to Maryushka and becomes a good fellow.

On the fourth day, the evil sisters noticed and told their father about their sister.

Dear daughters, says the father, take better care of yourself.

“Okay,” the sisters think, “let’s see what happens next.”

They stuck sharp knives into the frame, while they hid and watched.

Here is a clear falcon flying. Flew to the window and cannot get into Maryushka’s room. He fought and fought, cut his whole chest, but Maryushka slept and did not hear. And then the falcon said:

Whoever needs me will find me. But it won't be easy. Then you will find me when you wear out three iron shoes, break three iron staves, and tear three iron caps.

Maryushka heard this, jumped out of bed, looked out the window, but there was no falcon, and only a bloody trail remained on the window. Maryushka cried with bitter tears - she washed away the bloody trail with her tears and became even more beautiful.

She went to her father and said:

Don’t scold me, father, let me go on a long journey. If I live, I'll see you again, if I die, I know it's written in my family.

It was a pity for the father to let go of his beloved daughter, but he let her go.

Maryushka ordered three iron shoes, three iron staves, three iron caps and set off on a long journey to look for the desired Finist - the clear falcon. She walked through an open field, through a dark forest, through high mountains. The birds gladdened her heart with cheerful songs, the streams washed her white face, the dark forests welcomed her. And no one could touch Maryushka: gray wolves, bears, foxes - all the animals came running to her. She wore out her iron shoes, broke her iron staff, and tore her iron cap.

And then Maryushka comes out into the clearing and sees: a hut standing on chicken legs - spinning. Maryushka says:

Oh beauty, you have a long time to search! Your clear falcon is far away, in a distant state. The sorceress queen gave him a potion and married him. But I will help you. Here's a silver saucer and a golden egg. When you come to the distant kingdom, hire yourself as a worker for the queen. When you finish your work, take the saucer, put the golden egg, and it will roll around on its own. If they start buying, don't sell. Ask Finist to see the falcon.

Maryushka thanked Baba Yaga and left. The forest darkened, Maryushka became afraid, she was afraid to take a step, and a cat came towards her. He jumped to Maryushka and purred:

Don't be afraid, Maryushka, go forward. It will be even worse, but just keep going and don’t look back.

The cat rubbed its back and was gone, and Maryushka moved on. And the forest became even darker. Maryushka walked and walked, wore out her iron boots, broke her staff, tore her cap and came to a hut on chicken legs. There are skulls around, on stakes, and each skull is burning with fire.

Maryushka says:

Hut, hut, stand with your back to the forest, and with your front to me! I have to climb into you, there is bread.

The hut turned its back to the forest, and its front to Maryushka. Maryushka went into the hut and saw: Baba Yaga was sitting there - a bone leg, legs from corner to corner, lips on the garden bed, and her nose rooted to the ceiling.

Baba Yaga saw Maryushka and made a noise:

Ugh, ugh, it smells like the Russian spirit! Red girl, are you torturing or are you trying to get away with it?

I am looking, grandmother, for Finista, the clear falcon.

Did my sister have one?

Yes, grandma.

Okay, beauty, I'll help you. Take a silver hoop and a gold needle. The needle itself will embroider in silver and gold on crimson velvet. They will buy - don't sell. Ask Finist to see the falcon.

Maryushka thanked Baba Yaga and left. And in the forest there is knocking, thunder, whistling, skulls illuminate the forest. Maryushka became scared. Look, the dog is running:

Aw, aw, Maryushka, don’t be afraid, dear, go! It will be even worse, don't look back.

She said it and was like that. Maryushka went, and the forest became even darker. He grabs her by the legs, grabs her by the sleeves... Maryushka goes, goes and doesn’t look back.

Whether it was a long or short walk, she wore out her iron shoes, broke her iron staff, and tore her iron cap. She came out into a clearing, and in the clearing there was a hut on chicken legs, around there were tines, and on stakes there were horse skulls; every skull burns with fire.

Maryushka says:

Hut, hut, stand with your back to the forest, and with your front to me!

The hut turned its back to the forest, and its front to Maryushka. Maryushka went into the hut and saw: Baba Yaga was sitting - a bone leg, legs from corner to corner, lips on the garden bed, and her nose rooted to the ceiling. She herself is black, and one fang sticks out in her mouth.

Baba Yaga saw Maryushka and made a noise:

Ugh, ugh, it smells like the Russian spirit! Red girl, are you torturing or are you trying to get away with it?

I am looking, grandmother, for Finista, the clear falcon.

It will be difficult for you, beauty, to find him, but I will help. Here is your silver bottom, your golden spindle. Take it in your hands, it will spin itself, it will pull out not a simple thread, but a golden one.

Thank you, grandma.

Okay, you’ll say thank you later, but now listen to what I’m telling you: if they buy a golden spindle, don’t sell it, but ask Finist to see the falcon.

Maryushka thanked Baba Yaga and went, and the forest began to rustle and hum; There was a whistling sound, the owls began to circle, the mice crawled out of their holes - and everything towards Maryushka. And Maryushka sees a gray wolf running towards him.

“Don’t worry,” he says, “but sit on me and don’t look back.”

Maryushka sat on a gray wolf, and only she was seen. Ahead are wide steppes, velvet meadows, honey rivers, jelly banks, mountains touching the clouds. And Maryushka jumps and jumps. And here in front of Maryushka is a crystal tower. The porch is carved, the windows are patterned, and the queen is looking through the window.

Well,” says the wolf, “get down, Maryushka, go and get hired as a servant.”

Maryushka got down, took the bundle, thanked the wolf and went to the crystal palace. Maryushka bowed to the queen and said:

I don’t know what to call you, how to dignify you, but would you need a worker?

The queen answers:

I have been looking for a worker for a long time, but one who could spin, weave, and embroider.

I can do all this.

Then come in and sit down to work.

And Maryushka became a worker. The day works, and when night comes, Maryushka will take the silver saucer and the golden egg and say:

Roll, roll, golden egg, on a silver platter, show me my darling.

The egg will roll on a silver saucer, and Finist, the clear falcon, will appear. Maryushka looks at him and bursts into tears:

My Finist, Finist is a clear falcon, why did you leave me alone, bitter, to cry for you!

The queen overheard her words and said:

Sell ​​me, Maryushka, a silver saucer and a golden egg.

No, says Maryushka, they are not for sale. I can give them to you if you allow me to look at Finist - a clear falcon.

The queen thought and thought.

Okay,” he says, “so be it.” At night, when he falls asleep, I will show him to you.

Night has fallen, and Maryushka goes to the bedroom of Finist, the clear falcon. She sees that her dear friend is sleeping soundly. Maryushka looks - she can’t see enough, kisses her sugar lips, presses her to her white chest - she sleeps, her dear friend will not wake up.

Morning came, but Maryushka did not wake up her dear...

Maryushka worked all day, and in the evening she took a silver hoop and a gold needle. She sits embroidering and says:

Embroider, embroider, pattern, for Finist - the falcon is clear. It would be something for him to dry himself with in the morning.

The queen overheard and said:

Sell, Maryushka, a silver hoop, a golden needle.

“I won’t sell it,” says Maryushka, “but I’ll give it away, only allow me to meet with Finist, the clear falcon.”

She thought and thought.

Okay,” he says, “so be it, come at night.”

The night is coming. Maryushka enters the bedroom of Finist, the clear falcon, and he sleeps soundly.

Finist, the clear falcon, is sleeping soundly. Maryushka woke him up, but she didn’t wake him up.

The day is coming.

Maryushka sits at work, picks up a silver bottom and a golden spindle. And the queen saw:

Sell ​​and sell!

I won’t sell it, but I can give it away anyway, if you allow me to stay with Finist, the clear falcon, for at least an hour.

Okay, she says.

And she thinks: “It still won’t wake you up.”

Night has come. Maryushka enters the bedroom of Finist, the clear falcon, and he is sleeping soundly.

You are my finist, clear falcon, arise, awaken!

Finist sleeps, does not wake up.

She woke up and woke up, but she just couldn’t wake up, but dawn was close.

Maryushka cried:

My dear Finist, a clear falcon, get up, wake up, look at your Maryushka, hold her to your heart!

Maryushka's tear fell on Finist's bare shoulder - it was clear to the falcon and burned. Finist, the bright falcon, woke up, looked around and saw Maryushka. He hugged her and kissed her:

Is it really you, Maryushka! She wore out three iron shoes, broke three iron staves, wore out three iron caps and found me? Let's go home now.

They began to get ready to go home, and the queen saw and ordered the trumpets to be blown to notify her husband of his betrayal.

The princes and merchants gathered and began to hold council, like Finist - to punish the falcon.

Then Finist the clear falcon says:

Which, in your opinion, is a real wife: the one who loves deeply, or the one who sells and deceives?

Everyone agreed that Finist’s wife is the clear falcon - Maryushka.

And they began to live and live well and make good money. We went to our state, they gathered a feast, blew the trumpets, fired the cannons, and there was such a feast that they still remember it.