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Cartoon "Vovka in the Far Far Away Kingdom"

Sports entertainment scenario "Two from a casket are identical in appearance" for older children preschool age

Chukmareva Maria Nikolaevna, teacher, MBDOU "Pychassky" kindergarten No. 2, p. Pychas, Udmurtia.
Description of material: This material will be useful for kindergarten teachers and older preschool children. The scenario of sports entertainment can be used in the work of preschoolers in physical education classes, sports entertainment in kindergarten in the summer.
Target: involving children in healthy image life through sports entertainment.
to form motor skills;
teach team play.
develop speed, strength, agility, accuracy, memory.
develop interest in sports games;
develop a sense of camaraderie and mutual assistance.
instill in children the need for daily physical exercise; Develop competitive qualities.
Educational areas:“Health”, “Cognition”, “Communication”.
Equipment: balls according to the number of children; 8 hoops; 3 jump ropes; a bag of sand.
Site design: in the center sports ground stands a chest decorated balloons with a large colorful envelope.
Entertainment participants:
Well done - Two from the casket, identical in appearance.

Progress of entertainment:

(In the center of the sports field there is a chest decorated with balloons and a large colorful envelope.)
Leading: These are miracles! How did this chest with balloons end up on our site and what is in it?! (Children's guesses)
Look, there's some kind of envelope here! Let's open it and see what's in it! (letter read out)
« Hello, guys from kindergarten No. 2.
We, the fabulous inhabitants of the distant kingdom,
The thirtieth state sends you fabulous greetings.
We are sending you a chest, two young men live in it.
All you have to do is knock and say loudly to the fellows:
“Hey, two from the casket, identical in appearance!
Different requests for you will all be fulfilled at the same hour

Leading: Well, guys, shall we knock? (knocking)
And we'll all say it together magic words: “Hey, two from the casket, identical in appearance!”
Well done: (jumping out of the casket) What do you need, new owner? (surprised, look around) Ooo! Where are we?
Leading: You ended up with children in kindergarten.
Well done: We saw a cherry orchard, an apple orchard, a pear orchard, but this was the kindergarten for the first time! What grows in kindergarten?
Leading: It's funny, it's not what, but who - the children are growing up! Guys, tell us what interesting things you do in kindergarten? (children recite poems)
Kindergarten, kindergarten...
Why do they say this?
We are not aspens,
We are not mountain ash.
Vova, Klava, Mishenka -
These are not cherries!
Kindergarten, kindergarten...
Why do they say this?
We are not leaves,
We are not flowers
Blue, scarlet-
We are little guys!
Kindergarten, kindergarten...
Why do they say this?
Because there is harmony in it
We are growing as one family!
That's why they say:
- There is a kindergarten in this house! (V. Tovarkov)

I wake up with the sun,
I'm glad the morning comes.
I'm getting ready quickly
I'm going to my favorite kindergarten!

There are books and toys,
There are beloved friends there,
My faithful girlfriends,
I can't live without them!

The teacher is the sweetest,
Helps us and teaches us.
She's almost like a mother to me.
And our kindergarten is the best!
(Irina Gurina)

1. Several hoops are laid out in one line. The task of each participant is to jump forward into the hoops on two legs, and jump back on one leg when returning.

2. Take the hoop and roll it in front of you so that it rolls, and so give it to each participant in the team.

3. Take the hoop with both hands and place it in front of you. You can jump over a hoop like jumping rope, and you can return by running.

4. Rotate the hoop around your waist, try to hold it as long as possible.
Well done: And we also know very much interesting game with hoops. Do you want to play?

The players form a circle with 2-3 drivers (catfish) in the center. The drivers are holding plastic gymnastic hoops in their hands. The players move arbitrarily in any direction near the drivers until the teacher gives a signal:
“Fish, fish, don’t yawn, swim away quickly!
The catfish moves its whiskers. Hide quickly, he’s not sleeping!”
The players try to quickly move away from the catfish’s habitat, and the drivers try to catch up and carefully put the hoop on the fleeing ones. A player who hits the hoop is considered caught. Fleeing from persecution, children can take a predetermined position, and then they cannot be salted. When the game stops, the most dexterous catfish are noted, those who managed to catch the most fish, and the fish that were never caught by the catfish.

Leading: Are your games interesting? far away kingdom! And now you try to guess the riddle, and the guys will help you!
When spring takes its toll
And the streams run, ringing,
I jump over it
Well, it’s through me!
(Jump rope)
Have you guessed what toy we are talking about? (Answers). Of course it's a jump rope! Since ancient times, string has always been one of the most favorite toys of children.
Well done: And we really like this toy. This is how we play with it: one of us “harnesses” the other with a rope, turning him into a frisky horse, and himself into a driver. The “coachman,” holding the free ends of the cord tightly in his hands, drives the “horse,” clicking and clicking his tongue. (show).
Leading: I propose to organize a competition with skipping ropes! Well done, you will help your teams! The team that completes the tasks faster and better wins!

1. Exercise “Coachman” (the above task is performed)

2. Run forward to the landmark, jumping over the rope.

3. “CYCLE” This game is a relay race with a jump rope: before the turning point, players jump over the rope from foot to foot, and when returning back, they take the rope folded in half in one hand and rotate it horizontally under their feet.

Well done: And we know an interesting game called “Bag of Sand”.

Sandbag game
A bag of sand is tied to one end of the rope. Children form a large circle.
The driver stands in the middle of the circle and begins to spin the rope with the bag low above the ground. The players' task is to jump over it. If someone is hit by the bag, he leaves the circle. The last one left wins.
Leading: We played, we jumped,
And a little tired!
Well done: Oh, we're exhausted! How fun it is to be with you and your wishes are very easy to fulfill! For your hospitality and good sports mood, we want to treat you with gifts from the distant kingdom - the state! But you have to guess what it is!
Sour and sweet
With smooth skin.
Juicy, fragrant
With radiant pulp.
Everyone benefits.
Cures diseases!
Even the birds and finches
Tasty. This is...
Well done: You guessed it! Well done, get your cucumbers! Oops, got the apples mixed up! (Well done, treating the children to apples). It’s very sad to part with you, but it’s time to go to fairyland. It’s really bad there without us, so many things need to be done!
Leading: Thank you, dear guests, for delighting us with such fun games and relay races! Come visit us more often, we will be very glad!
(Farewell to heroes)

Schoolboy Vovka dreamed of a fairy-tale life (after all, in fairy tales everything is done according to the pike’s orders). Using tips from the Do-It-Yourself reference book, the librarian created a drawn boy - a double of Vovka - and sent him to the Far Far Away Kingdom, which exists in the book of fairy tales.

Vovka entered the book “Fairy Tales” and found himself in the courtyard of the fairy-tale king. There is a throne, and the king is painting the fence. Vovka: “Why are you painting the fence? You are the king! You’re not supposed to do anything.” King: “I know, I know. My position is this: do nothing but do nothing. But you’ll die of boredom.” Vovka: “You don’t understand anything about royal life. Tsar! Do you want a cake, do you want ice cream!” The king listened to him, called the guards and ordered Vovka’s head to be cut off for his parasitism.

Vovka got scared, ran and ended up on the last page of “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish.” The old woman began to ask for a new trough, and Gold fish threw it into the next tale. And there a gathering of young Vasilis took place to exchange wisdom. One Vasilisa explained how to build a palace, another - a pool with swans, the third - a self-assembled tea tablecloth. They listened to Vovka and told him: “Good riddance!”

And Vovka walked along the path to the Far Away Kingdom. There were two from the casket, identical in appearance. They are ready to fulfill any desire, but they will also eat themselves. And Vovka sent them back to the casket. Vovka saw a talking Russian Oven, but was unable to bake pies. And then he decided to make a trough for his grandmother himself. It took me a long time, but I did it. He brought a trough to grandma. She praised him and asked him to build her a hut. And they sat down to look in the book “Do It Yourself” to see how huts were made there.
Soyuzmultfilm, 1965 Director: Stepantsev Boris

Cartoon size: 332.17 MB
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About the cartoon file:
Video: 720x544, 18mn 56s, 25.000 fps, XVID, 2 249 Kbps, 0.230b/p
Audio: 48.0 KHz, AC3, 2 channels, 192 Kbps
Date added/updated: 04/12/2015 at 23:31

Throughout human history, cases where twins are born have not left people indifferent. In ancient times it was even considered a supernatural phenomenon. Now the appearance of twins and triplets is no longer considered something incredible; its reasons are known. According to statistics, twins are born in approximately 1.5% of cases.

There are two types of twins: identical (monozygotic) and fraternal (dizygotic). The first are absolutely identical, always of the same sex and difficult to distinguish from each other. The development of identical twins is preceded by the random division of one fertilized egg into two fully viable embryos. Accordingly, both the egg and the sperm that “took part” are the same for both children. Twin brothers that arise in this way have completely identical genes. Approximately 30% of all twins are such genetic copies.

Twins can develop when two eggs matured during ovulation are fertilized by different sperm. In this case, twins are also born, but their external resemblance to each other is no more than that of siblings born at different times.

Features of the “psyche and physics” of twins

Often twins are born weak and underweight. To spur their development and give them the opportunity to catch up with their peers, you need to pay attention to the motor development of children. They will benefit from massage, gentle stroking, and tactile games... And, as you know, physical development V early age is closely related to the future intellectual victories that our twin brothers will win.

Since parents have to pay attention to two babies at once, children may lack emotions and communication. Try to come up with games that you can play with two kids at the same time. These can be any “ticklers” or nursery rhymes; the laughter of one child will only amuse the second even more. Take them in your arms more often, take turns carrying them in a sling or kangaroo, or even better, involve dad, grandpa, grandma or nanny.

Twin brothers play a very important role for each other. It is in pairs that they learn to communicate and interact. In the person of his brother, everyone has a playmate and playmate. But at the same time contacts with outside world they are not interested. They already understand each other perfectly! Therefore, twin brothers can use their own language of communication among themselves for quite a long time and have serious problems with speech development. They remember their names only by the age of 3, and in the first years, being apart, they often confuse them. Therefore, psychologists believe that the names of twins should not sound similar.

Dealing with twins is not easy. Twin brothers are always keenly interested in each other's activities, and, having united, they often forget about the assignment altogether.

At the same time, quarrels and fights often arise between twins at an early age. This is due to the fact that they both want the same thing. Most likely, at first you will need to have two identical toys, cups and other things on hand. Later, of course, you will teach them to negotiate or use things one at a time.

When raising twins, you must remember that you are raising two personalities. And your task is to raise not “twins”, but each of the kids individually.

Gemini brothers: secrets of education

When twins are born into a family, fierce competition immediately arises between them, everyone wants to be the best. The best way It is considered to separate this couple at least a little in order to give each child the opportunity to develop as an individual. Any manifestations of individuality should be encouraged. Allow them to dress differently, try to spend time with each of them separately, at least 15 minutes a day. Children's reaction to separation: activities in different groups, games and walks separately with dad or mom and your other attempts to help children find their interests and their path of development may be different. Usually the child who is “in the shadow” welcomes separation because he is looking for his own way of self-expression. But the second baby may resist this.

In a family where twin brothers are raised, there must be such a thing as justice. Rewards and punishments should be the same for each child. And the reaction of adults to the behavior of each child should be the same.

Don't "label" Geminis are often given fictitious character traits. Sometimes it is easier for parents to distinguish children by character. One is more cheerful, the other is more capricious, one eats well, the other poorly, one is sociable, the other is withdrawn. All these assessments begin to affect relationships with children. They begin to be treated differently and this can develop negative character traits. Search positive traits in your kids and pay attention to them.

Another one headache parents - pranks and pampering of the twins. When a friend for mischief is always nearby, it is impossible to keep yourself within limits. Come up with something exciting for everyone in a separate corner of the house or play with them. As a rule, if an adult takes part in children's games, who helps them follow the rules and keeps order, the pleasure of the game will not be spoiled by quarrels and conflicts.

Are there conflicts over who mom spends the most time with? Buy an hourglass!
Any problem can be solved if you approach it calmly and wisely. Do not forget that your obnoxious twin brothers are small children, look at what is happening with humor, this will make your life much easier.

Is the order in which twins are born important?

When twins are born, one is born first anyway. Does it matter? The baby born first is usually stronger physically and therefore begins to play " main role" paired with. It is necessary to notice this in time so as not to allow the younger one to feel like a loser, always “second.” The situation in which one of the kids is a “leader” and the other is a “subordinate” occurs often. It is important to help children so that this sense of self does not persist into adulthood.

The reaction of parents is very important. They do not need to emphasize that some of the children are younger and some are older, so that their attention to this does not provoke unnecessary outbreaks of jealousy between the children. Treat them equally, explain that they are both dear to you and dearly loved. It would be reasonable to simply “forget” about who was born earlier, at least for a few years.

No matter how difficult it may be for you, always remember that your tomboys also bring you joy. double size, and in the future, the twin brothers will always support you and help each other.