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GOST 8051 83 household washing machines. Household washing machines

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Official publication


UDC 648.23-83:006.354 Group E75



General technical conditions

Domestic washing machines. General specifications


OKP 51 £330

Date of introduction 07/01/84

This standard applies to household washing machines UHL versions 4.2 or 04.2 according to GOST 15150-69, in which washing is carried out by mechanical mixing of the laundry in the washing solution with a rotating paddle disk (activator) or drum.

This standard specifies requirements for washing machines, manufactured for the needs National economy and export.

The terms used in this standard and their explanations are specified in Appendix 1.

The requirements of this standard are mandatory, the requirements of paragraphs. 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 3.35, 3.36 - recommended (except for the parameters “Reduced strength of samples”, “Corrected sound power level”).

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 3, 5).


1.1. Washing machines must be manufactured of the following types:

SM - washing machine without spin;

SMR - washing machine with a manual squeezing device;

Official edition E

Reproduction is prohibited

(£) Standards Publishing House, 1983 (£) Standards Publishing House, 1993

Reissue with changes

The length of the inlet hose must be at least 2000 mm, length drain hose- not less than 1500 mm.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

3.18. The design of machines with a belt drive must provide the ability to change the belt and adjust its tension.

3.19-3.2.1. (Excluded, Amendment No. 4).

3.22. Connections of machine parts and components that come into contact with the cleaning solution must be waterproof.

3.23. The design of machines with a pump must ensure that water is drained from the tank within no more than 2 minutes.

For machines of types SMP with program control and SMA, water is drained by the pump in accordance with the machine’s cyclogram.

3.24-3.28. (Excluded, Amendment No. 4).

3.29. Machine parts that come into contact with the solution and laundry must be made of materials that do not cause contamination of the laundry.

3.30. Machine parts, including elastic ones and those with protective and decorative coatings, which are in contact with the washing solution during the washing process, must be resistant to the effects of synthetic detergents(SMS) from them general content in solution according to ST SEV 4920-84 for cotton fabrics.

In machines with structural elements made of aluminum alloys Darkening of these elements at the point of contact with the solution is allowed.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 3).

3.31. Paint and varnish coatings external surfaces of machines must have at least class V according to GOST 9.032-74 with adhesion of at least two points according to GOST 15140-78.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 4).

3.32. The glass-enamel coating must have strong adhesion to the metal and on surfaces in contact with the cleaning solution must be continuous, without swelling, exposure, cracks, or chips.

(Changed edition. Amendment No. 1).

3.33. (Deleted, Amendment No. 3).

3.34. The level of radio interference generated by the machine must not exceed the values ​​​​established by GOST 23511-79.

3.35. The mean time between failures must be no less than:

803 h - for machines with bladed disk types SM, SMR;

700 hours - for machines of types SMP, SMTs, SMTs-V, SMA and drum SM.

3.36. The average service life of machines must be at least 15 years.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. з, 5).

3.37. The design of the machine as a whole and its components must be repairable and ensure testability, complete interchangeability, free access to places Maintenance and repairs with standard tools, rational dissection of components when minimum costs time during dismantling, restoration of original parameters.

3.38; 3.39. (Excluded, Amendment No. 5).

3.40. The main components and parts of washing machines must be unified. The coefficient of inter-project unification must be at least 80% in relation to the base models. The list of main components that must be unified is given in mandatory Appendix 3.

3.41. Machine design increased comfort must provide at least two devices indicated in table. 4.

Table 4

Machine types

Comfort elements

Centrifuge brake

Availability of two or more modes

Automatic cord winder

Device for heating detergent

Filter (mesh) for cleaning the drain

solution from the tank Stationary installation of a squeezing device with fixation in the working and

non-working position

Basket for wrung out laundry A device that provides operation from a cold and hot water supply network.

Three or more section dispenser Sound or light alarm

end of machine operation

Availability of time relay


Note. The plus is the presence of a comfort device, the minus is its absence.

Comfort devices must be specified in the technical specifications for a specific machine model.

3.40, 3.41. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

3.42. Machines must be stable during operation. It is allowed to move drum machines relative to rest by ±10 mm.

(Introduced additionally, Amendment No. 1).

3.43. Machines weighing 15 kg or less, developed or modernized after 01/01/88, must comply with the requirements of group M-23 according to GOST 17516-72 in terms of impact mechanical factors external environment.


4.1. Completeness washing machine:

squeezing device - for SMR type machines;

autonomous centrifuge and stand - for SMC-V type machines;

gripper or clothes tongs (except drum machines);

inlet hose;

drain hose;

a tray for draining remaining liquid from the machine (except for SM type machines);

stand for SM type machines (without it - as agreed with the consumer);

two-pole socket with grounding contact (for class I machines) for the needs of the national economy;

device for connecting to the cold and hot water supply network (for SMA type machines).

Note When using a hose alternately to drain and fill the machine with water, it is permissible to use one hose with a length of at least 1400 mm

It is allowed not to equip SMR type machines with trays for liquid residues with a drain hole located at a distance of at least 220 mm above the floor level.

The complete set of the washing machine can be supplemented in the technical specifications for machines of a specific type.

2. The machine must be accompanied by an operating manual in accordance with GOST 26M9-84.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 5).


5.1. To check the compliance of washing machines with the requirements of this standard, acceptance, periodic, type and reliability tests are carried out.

5.2. Each machine must undergo acceptance tests according to the program specified in table. 5.

Table 5

Clauses 1 of this standard

Test program




Visual inspection

Cold dielectric strength test

3 12; 3.13; 3 14, 3J 6; 3.S8; 3.41, 4.1; 7.1.1

Functional test Checking the locking device and the braking device

va if available

Water resistance test


1 It is permissible to combine the water tightness test and the water resistance test.

operation The temperature of the water used is not specified

2 It is allowed for SM type machines with a solid plastic tank to test for water resistance 1% of the machines, but not less than 5 pieces from the tested batch. If unsatisfactory results are obtained, repeat tests are carried out on twice the number of samples. The results of repeated tests are considered final and apply to the entire batch

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1, 3, 4).

5.3. Periodic testing should be carried out once every two years.

For periodic testing using the random selection method in accordance with GOST 18321-73, a sample of at least three machines of the same type that have passed acceptance tests must be taken.

The periodic testing program must comply with the requirements of Table. S,

Table 6

Clause of this standard

Test name




Transport test

Visual inspection

3I; 3.4; 3.5; 3.12;

Measured insulation resistance

Checking protection against damage electric shock

Startup check

Checking power consumption

Functional test

Heat test

Examination electrical insulation, leakage current at operating temperature

Checking the corrected sound power level

ST SEV 4572-84

Checking vibration at a given speed

ST SEV 4921-84

Weight check

Checking the dimensions


Checking the length of the connecting cord

Checking the length of the hoses and their location

Checking the machine moving device

Checking the time for draining water from the tank

Water resistance test

Moisture resistance test

Testing machines for static water pressure

Checking machine stability during operation

Checking machine stability and mechanical hazards

Continuation of the table. 6

Clause of this standard

Test name




Progress of specific water consumption

ST SEV 492 3 -8 4

Determination of rinsing efficiency**

ST SEV 492 3--84

Checking the rinsing efficiency

ST SEV 4923-81

Checking that there is no ejection of cleaning solution

Checking the decrease in sample strength**

ST SEV 4920-84

Absence check mechanical damage fabrics when washing

Determining spin efficiency

ST SEV 4920-84

Checking the squeeze rollers:

control of the force applied to the handle during spinning;

checking water drainage

Checking the locking device and braking device (if equipped)

Checking the operation of the device that automatically turns off the electric heater

Thermal resistance test during operation

Abnormal operation test

Mechanical strength test*

Checking protective connections

Checking creepage distances, clearances and insulation distances*

Testing heat resistance, fire resistance and resistance to the formation of conductive bridges*

GOST 2757 0.4-87

Continuation of the table. 6

Clause of this standard

Test name




Checking the quality of external surface coatings

Radio interference test

GOST 1SS42-82

Checking the impact of mechanical environmental factors

* Tests can be carried out once every 3 years.

** Tests are carried out in the presence of design changes that cause a change in the indicator

Note SMR type machines designed before CI G1.83 do not tilt when checking protection against electric shock.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1, 3, 4, 5).

5.4. Checking the quality of machines by the consumer (final recipient) should be carried out selectively. 3% of cars are subject to inspection, but not less than 3 units. from the tested batch. The inspection program should include: external inspection and functional testing. The quality control program for washing machines can be supplemented by other types of checks from the scope of acceptance tests in the technical specifications for a specific machine model.

If unsatisfactory results are obtained, repeated tests are carried out on a double number of samples.

The results of repeated tests are considered final.

results spot check the quality of washing machines by the consumer applies to the entire batch.

5.5. General requirements during reliability tests, as well as their frequency - in accordance with GOST 17446-86.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 3).

5.6. (Deleted, Amendment No. 3).

5.7. Number of programs (clause 2.4 of table 3), installation, connecting and operational parameters(clause 3.3), connecting inlet hoses to the water supply network and design requirements to the machine (clause 3.16), checking for the possibility of water and solution getting from the machine into the water supply network (clause 3.27), absence of contamination of the laundry with machine parts (3.29),

the resistance of the machine to the effects of the washing solution (clause 3.30), checking the unification of the machine (clause 3.40), the presence of comfortable devices (clause 3.41) are checked during acceptance tests according to the method approved in in the prescribed manner.

5.8. Type tests are carried out when the design, technology or materials are changed if these changes may affect the parameters of the product. The test program is established & depends on the nature of the changes.


6.1. The general conditions for testing machines must comply with the requirements of GOST 14087-80 and ST SEV 4920-84.

The temperature of the consumed water should be (20+5) °C.

When testing machines with additional water heating and when using hot water in fully heated machines, the temperature of the water consumed for the main wash should be (55+2) °C.

When determining the washing efficiency, the detergent solution test and the heating test for machines whose washing tub is made of plastic, Maximum temperature The water poured should be between 75 and 80 °C.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 3).

6.2. During an external inspection, the presence and location of individual devices (clauses 3.4; 3.5; 3.12; 3.14; 3.18; 3.28), completeness (clause 4.1), presence, correctness and quality of markings (clause 7.1), absence of burrs and sharp edges on working surfaces of the washing tank (drum) and the centrifuge basket.

Correspondence appearance machines to the approved standard model are checked only during acceptance tests.

At periodic testing the conclusion on compliance with clause 3.1 is accepted after testing according to the program in accordance with table. 6.

Consumer testing in accordance with table. 6 does not carry out.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1),

6.3. (Deleted, Amendment No. 4).

6.4. Measuring the mass of the machine (clause 2.2) is carried out on scales with a weighing error of +0.2 kg, with the devices included in the delivery set. For SM type machines, the weight of the stand is not taken into account.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 3).

6.5. Measurement of overall dimensions of machines (l. 2.3) is carried out by measuring instruments with a permissible error of no more

6.6. The efficiency of washing, the decrease in the strength of samples, the efficiency of rinsing, spinning and specific energy consumption are determined according to ST SEV 4920-84. In this case, the characteristics (articles) of fabrics for linen samples and test samples, chemical composition detergents, the composition and characteristics of the pollutant and contaminated test samples, methods of drying laundry samples and test samples, ironing test samples, as well as the type of device for measuring the reflectance of test samples are indicated in a procedure approved in the prescribed manner, which may include the use of reference machines.

At intermediate values ​​of water hardness relative to those specified in ST SEV 4920-84, the amount of detergent is determined by linear interpolation.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 3).

6.6.1-6.9. (Excluded, Amendment No. 3).

6.10. When determining mechanical damage to the fabric and accessories sewn to it during the washing process, the machine should be loaded with a nominal amount of laundry, having 8-10 buttons with a diameter of 20-25 mm, one buckle and one zipper made of plastic.

The temperature and concentration of the washing solution must correspond to those specified in ST SEV 4920-84 when determining the effectiveness of washing. After three washing cycles, the fittings and fabric in the place where the fittings are attached should not have any mechanical damage.

6.11, 6.12. (Excluded, Amendment No. 3).

6.13. The heat resistance test during operation is carried out according to GOST 16962-71 without load in a heat chamber. Before testing, the machines are kept at climatic conditions test room for at least 4 hours. Then the machines are installed in a heat chamber. The temperature in the chamber during the testing period should be (40±3) for machines of execution UHL 4.2 or (45±3) °C for machines of execution 04.2. The holding time of machines in the chamber in hours must be no less than:

5.5 - for SMA type machines;

4.0 - for SMP type vehicles;

3.0 - for machines of types SM, SMR,

The holding time is counted from the moment the set temperature is reached in the chamber. After the holding time has expired,

directly in the chamber, the insulation resistance is measured according to GOST 27570.4-87, then the machine is removed from the chamber and within 3 minutes after removal, the electrical strength of the insulation is checked (GOST 27570.4-87) and no later than 10 minutes, an external inspection and functioning test is carried out . During an external inspection, the condition of metal, plastic and rubber parts is checked (discoloration, absence of defects in the form of cracks, swelling, chips, metal exposures, etc.). Tests for the functioning of machines of types SM, SMR, SMG1 are carried out at rated voltage, when filling the washing tank (drum) with water to the nominal level and the nominal load of laundry. The machines are put into operation and the laundry is rinsed for (3.04=0.5) minutes, spun on rollers or in a centrifuge for (3.04=0.5) minutes and water is drained. The machine must perform all specified operations. The functioning of SMA type machines is checked by turning on the machines in a program for processing heavily soiled cotton laundry at normal voltage and nominal load for at least 1 minute at each operation of the program.

6.14. The absence of emission of the washing solution (clause 3.6) from the tank is checked while the machine is operating at normal load with the lid closed during one wash cycle. Visually check the absence of mortar and foam leaks on the outer surfaces of the machine body and the floor surface.

The absence of emission of the washing solution can be checked in the main wash mode when determining the washing efficiency according to ST SEV 4920-84. Machines of the SMA type are not subject to these tests.

(And the imputed edition, Amendment No. 3).

6.15. Checking the device that automatically turns off the electric heater when the set temperature (clause 3.7) of heating the liquid is reached is carried out using mercury thermometer with an absolute measurement error of no more than ±1°С or other measuring instruments of the specified accuracy.

The operation of the device is checked by filling the machine to the nominal level with water at a temperature lower than the temperature being tested by at least 20°C. Testing of the device’s operation is carried out sequentially at temperatures corresponding to various washing modes according to ST SEV 4920-84. Installed certain temperature and the heating element turns on. Immediately after the electric heater is turned off, indicating that the set temperature has been reached, the water temperature is measured. To do this, the pump is turned on and a stream of water is directed

SMP is a semi-automatic washing machine with control separate processes fabric processing and repositioning are performed by the operator;

SMC - a washing machine with washing and spinning operations in one tank by alternately installing an activator or a centrifuge basket on the drive shaft;

SMC-V - washing machine with an inserted autonomous centrifuge included in the machine kit;

SMA is an automatic washing machine in which all fabric processing operations, the transition from one operation to another and their control are performed automatically in accordance with a given program.

Depending on the design features machines are classified:

by nominal load, kg: 1.0; 1.3; 1.5; 2.0; 3.0; 4.0; 4.5; 5.0;

by number of tanks:

single tank,

D - two-tank; by loading method: top loading,

F - front loading; by activation method: with a bladed disk (activator),

B - drums; by control method: electromechanical control;

E - with electronic control.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1, 3, 5).


2.1. Machines must operate from electrical network single-phase alternating current voltage 220 V, frequency 50 Hz. It is allowed, at the request of the consumer, to manufacture machines for a voltage of 127 V.

Machines intended for export may be manufactured at other voltages and current frequencies according to the order of the foreign trade organization.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

2.2. The main parameters of the machines must correspond to those indicated in the table. 1.

connected to the thermometer sensor, which records the established temperature value.

For machines of the SMA type, the operation of the device is checked at the water heating temperature provided for by the programs for processing cotton and synthetic linen. The temperature of the heated water is measured after shutdown heating element in accordance with the cyclogram. The measured value of heated water should not differ from the standardized value by more than 5°C.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1, 3).

6.16. (Deleted, Amendment No. 3).

6.17. Checking the drainage of water (clause 3.9) from the rollers is carried out for washing machines of the SMR type when determining the spin efficiency according to ST SEV 4920-84.

It is visually determined whether water is dripping from the rollers onto the floor.

6.18. Control of the force (clause 3.11) applied to the handle of the squeezing rollers during squeezing is carried out by visual definition the beginning of rotation of the rolls under the influence of a force of 70 N on the handle of the squeezing device with a gradual decrease in the adjusting screw of the pressing force of the rolls, previously brought to the maximum. At the same time, using a handle, samples of linen are passed through the rollers according to ST SEV 4920-84. The force applied to the handle is monitored when the middle part of the laundry samples passes between the rollers. Then the spin efficiency is checked.

6.17; 6.18. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 3).

6.19. The length of the cord (clause 3.13) is measured from the point of entry of the cord into the machine to the pins plug in a free state on horizontal plane in a straight line with the application of a tensile force from 1 to 5 N.

Measurements are carried out using measuring instruments with an absolute error of no more than 1 mm.

6.20. The length of the hoses (clauses 3.15-3.17) is measured in a free state on a horizontal plane along the center line, taking into account the crimp clamp or fitting.

The length of the permanent hose is measured from the body of the machine, taking into account the length of the curved end.

Checking the possibility of draining residual liquid from the tank of machines that have a pump for pumping out liquid (clause 3.15) is carried out immediately after checking the time of draining water from the tank. The end of the drain hose is located at a height of (35±5) mm. Using additional device to drain remaining liquid

Table 1

Standard size


* consumed



power W

total one-time consumption

Weight, kg, no more

SM-1; SM-1.3

Parameter value for an autonomous centrifuge.

2.3. dimensions machines should not exceed the values ​​​​specified in table. 2.

table 2

Machine size

Continuation of the table. 2

Machine size

SMR-1.5 in non-working position

in working position

in non-working position

in working position

SM-1, SM-1,3

* Parameter value for an autonomous centrifuge.

Note For machines of standard size SMR-2 with a cylindrical tank, a depth in the non-working position of 480 mm is allowed

2.2; 2.3. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 1, 3, 5).

2.4. Standards for parameters determining technical level machines must comply with those given in table. 3 (issue from 01/01/88 to 01/01/91) and For (issue from 01/01/91 to 01/01/96).

Table 3

Norm for cars

standard sizes



Root mean square value of vibration rate, mm/s, no more

Continuation of Table 3

Standard for machine sizes



Corrected sound power level, dBA, no more than:

when washing

during the spin cycle

Number of programs, not less

* For machines equipped with an electric pump for draining water, -0.05 kW*h/kg.


1. The adjusted sound power level of machines developed after 01 01 89 should be 72 dBA for SM and SMR machines, for others - 70 dBA when washing, 80 dBA when spinning

2 All parameter values ​​are given for the case of processing cotton fabric using a pollutant based on soot and oil according to ST SEV 4920-84 For machines of the SMA type, the parameters are given according to the program for processing heavily contaminated cotton fabric samples.

3 For machines of the SMA-ZB type, model “Eureka”, developed before 0107 84, the number of programs is at least 9

4 For SMA type machines, the parameters are given according to the program for heavily soiled cotton fabric samples

5 (Deleted, Amendment No. 5).

Table For

Norm for

machine types

Parameter name

Washing efficiency, %, not less

Reduction in sample strength, %, no more

Continuation of the table. Behind

Norm for

machine types

Parameter name

Spin efficiency

at a higher speed of rotation of the drum (centrifuge) during spinning. %, no more:

Specific consumption water, l/kg, no more

Root mean square value of vibration velocity, mm/s, no more

Corrected level

sound power level, dBA, no more than*:

when washing

during the spin cycle

> The adjusted sound power level of machines manufactured before C1 02 89 is according to Table 3.

The numerator shows the values ​​for drum machines, the denominator - for machines with an activator

■*■** Parameter value for an autonomous centrifuge.

Note. Parameters of SMR-type machines, the production of which will continue after 01.0! 01, must correspond to those given in table. 3.

Notes to the table 3 and Pro:

1. The indicators “washing efficiency” and “reduction in sample strength” are assessed only based on the results of acceptance and qualification tests (during the development and launch of products into production). The values ​​of the indicators obtained in this case are valid throughout the industrial production of the product, unless design and technological changes are made to it that entail changes in these indicators. Acceptance and qualification test reports for these indicators evaluate compliance or non-compliance with the standards established by this standard. The values ​​of these indicators are not indicated in the CG and comparisons with analogues are not made.

2. The actual value of the indicators “washing efficiency” and “strength reduction” when testing washing machines should not differ from

given in Table 3 and For the normalized values ​​of the corresponding indicators by more than the value of the normalized absolute error in the direction of decrease for the indicator of washing efficiency and increase - for the indicator of strength reduction*

In this case, the assigned absolute error of the indicator should not exceed the absolute value of the standardized error value. Values ​​of standardized absolute errors: washing efficiency - 5%; reduction in strength for activator machines - 3%; strength reduction for drum machines - 2 °/o.

3 (Deleted, Amendment No. 5).

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 4, 5).

2 5. Alkalinity value of water after rinsing relative tap water should not exceed 0.3 mEq/l.

2 6 Machines must wash, rinse and spin without mechanical damage to the fabric.

2.7a. The spin efficiency of machines manufactured from 01/01/88 to 01/01/91 should not exceed the following values: for SMR type machines ■ - 92%;

for machines of the media and SMA types at the following values ​​of the peripheral speed of rotation of the drum (centrifuge) during spinning

5 m/s - PO%;

10 m/s - 98%;

15 m/s - 86%;

20 m/s - 74%;

25 m/s - 62%;

Note Permissible relative error in determining the peripheral speed of machines of types SMP and SMA ■-■ ±3% For intermediate values ​​of drum (centrifuge) rotation speed, the limiting value of spin efficiency indicators Y,%, is determined by the formula

B= 121.6-2.4(0,

where (о - peripheral speed of rotation of the drum (centrifuge), m/s (method of determination in accordance with Appendix 4)

The values ​​of the peripheral speed of the drum (centrifuge) are established in the technical conditions and technical specifications

(Introduced additionally, Amendment No. 4).

2.7. The symbol of the washing machine must contain the size designation and model name.

Example symbol washing machines household type SMA model “Vyatka-automatic” for 12 programs with front loading of 4 kg of dry cotton fabric with a drum activation method:


3.1. Machines must be manufactured in accordance with the requirements of GOST 14087-88, GOST 27570.4-87, this standard, technical specifications for a specific model according to working drawings approved in the prescribed manner, and correspond to the standard model in accordance with GOST 15.009-91.

Machines intended for export must comply with the agreement between the enterprise and the foreign trade organization.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 4, 5).

3.2. (Deleted, Amendment No. 5).

3.3. The installation, connection and operational parameters of the machines must allow them to be installed in the bathrooms of typical residential buildings.

3.4. All types of machines must have a pump for pumping out liquid (except for SM type machines), a time relay or a device that sets the operating time of the paddle disk or centrifuge drum. Machines of the SMR type can be manufactured without a pump, and machines of the SM type - without a time relay - in agreement with the USSR Ministry of Trade.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 3).

3.5. All types of machines, except the SMA type, must have a level gauge or indicator of the level of filling the tank with a nominal amount of liquid (before loading the machine with laundry) for each washing mode.

3.6. Ejection of the cleaning solution from the tank with the lid closed during operation is not allowed.

3.7. Machines with an electric heater must have a device that automatically turns off the electric heater when the set temperature is reached.

3.8. (Deleted, Amendment No. 3).

3.9. The design of machines with squeezing rollers must ensure that water drains into the tank when spinning clothes.

EVIL. (Deleted, Amendment No. 3).

3.11. The efficiency of squeezing clothes in machines with manual squeezing rollers must be ensured when a force of no more than 70 N is applied to the handle. The pressing force of the rollers must be regulated.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 3).

3.12. Machines weighing more than 15 kg (except for SMA type machines) must have a device that allows the machine to move across the floor without damaging its surface. Machines weighing 15 kg or less must have a carrying device.

3.13. Machines must have a permanent connecting cord with connection to the machine of types X, Y or M in accordance with GOST 27570.0---87. Requirements for the plug according to GOST 7396.1-89.

The length of the connecting cord from the machine body to the plug pins must be (3±0.15) m, and for SMA type machines - at least 3 m.

SMC-V type machines must have separate non-removable connecting cords for the washing machine and centrifuge included in the kit.

3.14. Machines other than the SMA type must have organized place for laying the cord when not in use.

Autonomous centrifuges of SMC-V type machines must have an organized place for laying the cord when not in use.

3.13, 3.14. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 1, 5).

3.15. The design of the machines must ensure complete drainage of liquid from the tanks. For machines that are drained by a pump, an additional device must be provided to drain the remaining fluid from the hydraulic system. For machines with a pump, drain hoses with a rounded shape must be provided for hanging them from the side of the bathtub in accordance with GOST 1154-80, except for machines in which the outlet of the drain hose is located at a height of at least 650 mm above the floor level.

For machines of types SM, SMR and SMP, the length of the drain hose (reamer) from the body must be at least:

600 mm - for draining liquid by gravity;

950 mm - for draining liquid with a pump.

The outlet of the drain hose from the body of SMR-1.5 type machines that do not have a pump must be at a height of at least 250 mm from the floor level.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1, 3).

3.16. Inlet hoses must have a socket or other device for connection to the water supply network. The length of the inlet hose for SMR and SMP type machines must be at least 1400 mm; for SM type machines - at least 1200 mm.

Control panels for all types of machines, a device for laying a hole, a filter for cleaning the hydraulic system and other structural elements used by the operator must be located in an easily accessible place, and the outlets of the inlet and drain hoses must allow the installation of machines in straight and mirror bathroom layouts.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1, 3, 5).

3.17. SMA type machines must be permanently connected to the water supply network during operation*

GOST 8051-83 Household washing machines. General technical conditions.

GOST 8051-83

Group E75



General technical conditions

Domestic washing machines.
General specifications

Date of introduction 1984-07-01


1. DEVELOPED AND INTRODUCED by the USSR State Committee for Standards

M.T.Geykhman (topic leader)
2. APPROVED AND ENTERED INTO EFFECT by the Resolution State Committee USSR according to standards dated 10.06.83 N 2515
3. The inspection period is 1996, the inspection frequency is 5 years.

Designation of the referenced technical document

Number of paragraph, subparagraph

GOST 9.032-74

3.31, 6.29

GOST 15.009-91


GOST 515-77


GOST 1154-80

3.15, 6.20

GOST 2991-85


GOST 7251-77


GOST 7399-80


GOST 8273-75


GOST 8828-89


GOST 9142-90


GOST 10354-82


GOST 12082-82


GOST 14087-88

3.1, 6.1

GOST 15140-78

3.31, 6.29

GOST 15150-69

Introductory part, 7.3.3, 7.4.1

GOST 15346-79


GOST 16842-82

GOST 16962-71

5.3, 6.13

GOST 17446-86

5.5, 6.32

GOST 17516-72

3.43, 6.30

GOST 18321-73

GOST 23216-78

6.3, 7.2.1, 7.2.4, 7.3.1

GOST 23511-79

3.34, 5.3

GOST 26119-84

GOST 27570.4-87

3.1, 3.2, 5.2, 5.3, 6.13, 6.34, 6.36, 7.1.1

ST SEV 4672-84


ST SEV 4920-84

2.4, 3.30, 5.3, 6.1, 6.6, 6.10, 6.14, 6.15, 6.17, 6.18, 6.39

ST SEV 4921-84


5. The validity period was removed by Decree of the USSR State Standard of 11.07.91 N 1240
6. REISSUE (November 1993) with Amendments No. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, approved in July 1984, December 1984, March 1987, September 1988, July 1991 (IUS 11-84, 3-85, 6-87, 12-88, 10-91).

This standard applies to household washing machines of UHL 4.2 or 04.2 versions according to GOST 15150-69, in which washing is carried out by mechanical mixing of the laundry in the washing solution with a rotating paddle disk (activator) or drum.

This standard establishes requirements for washing machines manufactured for the needs of the national economy and export.

The terms used in this standard and their explanations are specified in Appendix 1.

The requirements of this standard are mandatory, the requirements of clauses 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 3.35, 3.36 are recommended (except for the parameters “Reduction in strength of samples”, “Corrected sound power level”).

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 3, 5).


1. Washing machines must be manufactured of the following types:

SM - washing machine without spin;

MR - washing machine with a manual squeezing device;

SMP is a semi-automatic washing machine, in which the control of individual fabric processing processes and its transfer are carried out by the operator;

SMC - a washing machine with washing and spinning operations in one tank by alternately installing an activator or a centrifuge basket on the drive shaft;

SMC-V - washing machine with an inserted autonomous centrifuge included in the machine kit;

SMA is an automatic washing machine in which all fabric processing operations, the transition from one operation to another and their control are performed automatically in accordance with a given program.

Depending on the design features of the machine, they are classified:

by nominal load, kg: 1.0; 1.3; 1.5; 2.0; 3.0; 4.0; 4.5; 5.0;

by number of tanks:

single tank,

D - two-tank;

by download method:

top loading,

F - front loading;

by activation method:

with a bladed disk (activator),

B - drums;

by control method:

electromechanical control;

E - with electronic control.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1, 3, 5).


2.1. The machines must operate from a single-phase alternating current electrical network with a voltage of 220 V and a frequency of 50 Hz. It is allowed, at the request of the consumer, to manufacture machines for a voltage of 127 V.

Machines intended for export may be manufactured for other voltages and current frequencies in accordance with the purchase order of the foreign trade organization.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).
2.2. The main parameters of the machines must correspond to those indicated in Table 1.

Table 1

Rated power consumption, W

Machine size

electric drive

electric heating device

total one-time consumption

Weight, kg,
no more


























































SM-1; SM-1.3

1; 1,3



10; 13











2.3. The overall dimensions of the machines should not exceed the values ​​​​specified in Table 2.

table 2

Machine size

OKP code





51 5633


51 5633


51 5633



51 5633



51 5633



51 5633


51 5633



51 5633



51 5632


51 5632



51 5632



51 5632



51 5634




51 5634





51 5631

in non-working position

in working position



51 5631

in non-working position


in working position

CM-1; CM-1.3

51 5634

420; 440


51 5634


51 5634


* Parameter value for an autonomous centrifuge.

Note. For machines of standard size SMR-2 with a cylindrical tank, a depth in the non-working position of 480 mm is allowed.

2.2; 2.3. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 1, 3, 5).
2.4. The standards for parameters that determine the technical level of machines must correspond to those given in Table 3 (issue from 01/01/88 to 01/01/91) and 3a (issue from 01/01/91 to 01/01/96).

Table 3

Parameter name

Standard for machine sizes


















strength of samples, %, no more























Corrected sound power level, dBA, no more than:

when washing








during the spin cycle














Number of programs, not less












For machines equipped with an electric pump for draining water - 0.05 kWh/kg.


The adjusted sound power level of machines developed after 01/01/89 should be: for SM and SMR machines 72 dBA, for others - when washing 70 dBA, when spinning 80 dBA.
2. All parameter values ​​are given for the case of processing cotton fabric using a pollutant based on soot and oil according to ST SEV 4920-84. For SMA type machines, the parameters are given according to the program for processing heavily contaminated cotton fabric samples.
3. For machines of type SMA-3B of the “Eureka” model, developed before 07/01/84, the number of programs is at least 9.
4. For SMA type machines, the parameters are given according to the program for heavily soiled cotton fabric samples.
5. (Deleted, Amendment No. 5).

Table 3a

Standard for machine types

Parameter name





OKP code





Washing efficiency, %, not less





Reduction in sample strength, %, no more





Spin efficiency at the peripheral rotation speed of the drum (centrifuge) during spinning, %, no more than:

5 m/s




10 m/s

15 m/s

20 m/s


25 m/s

30 m/s



Specific water consumption, l/kg, no more




Root mean square value of vibration velocity, mm/s, no more



Corrected sound power level, dBA, no more than*:

when washing


during the spin cycle




* Corrected sound power level of machines put into production before 01/01/89 - according to Table 3.

** The numerator shows the values ​​for drum machines, the denominator - for machines with an activator.

*** Parameter value for an autonomous centrifuge.

Note. The parameters of SMR type machines, the production of which will continue after 01/01/91, must correspond to those given in Table 3.

Notes to tables 3 and 3a:
1. The indicators “washing efficiency” and “reduction in sample strength” are assessed only based on the results of acceptance and qualification tests (during the development and launch of products into production). The obtained indicator values ​​are valid throughout the industrial production of the product, unless design and technological changes are made to it that entail changes in these indicators. In the acceptance and qualification test reports, compliance or non-compliance with the standards established by this standard is assessed based on these indicators. The values ​​of these indicators are not indicated in the CG and comparisons with analogues are not made.
2. The actual value of the indicators “washing efficiency” and “reduction in strength” when testing washing machines should not differ from the normalized values ​​of the corresponding indicators given in Tables 3 and 3a by more than the value of the standardized absolute error in the direction of decrease for the indicator of washing efficiency and increase - for the strength reduction indicator.

In this case, the assigned absolute error of the indicator should not exceed in absolute value the standardized error value.

Values ​​of standardized absolute errors:

washing efficiency - 5%;

reduction in strength for activator machines - 3%;

reduction in strength for drum machines - 2%.
3. (Deleted, Amendment No. 5).

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 4, 5).
2.5. The alkalinity value of water after rinsing relative to tap water should not exceed 0.3 mEq/l.
2.6. Machines must wash, rinse and spin without mechanical damage to the fabric.
2.7a. The spin efficiency of machines manufactured from 01/01/88 to 01/01/91 should not exceed the following values:

for SMR type machines - 92%;

for machines of the SMP and SMA types at the following values ​​of the peripheral speed of rotation of the drum (centrifuge) during spinning:
5 m/s - 110%;
10 m/s - 98%;
15 m/s - 86%;
20 m/s - 74%;
25 m/s - 62%;
30 m/s - 50%.

Note. The permissible relative error in determining the peripheral speed of machines of the SMP and SMA types is ±3%. For intermediate values ​​of drum (centrifuge) rotation speed, the limiting value of spin efficiency indicators, %, is determined by the formula:


where is the peripheral speed of rotation of the drum (centrifuge), m/s (method of determination in accordance with Appendix 4).

The values ​​of the peripheral speed of the drum (centrifuge) are established in the technical conditions and technical specifications.

(Introduced additionally, Amendment No. 4).
2.7. The symbol of the washing machine must contain the size designation and model name.

An example of a symbol for a household washing machine type SMA model "Vyatka-automatic" for 12 programs with front loading of 4 kg of dry cotton fabric with a drum activation method:

SMA-4FB "Vyatka-automatic-12" GOST 8051-83.



GOST 8.051-81
(ST SEV 303-76)



DEVELOPED by the Ministry of Higher and Secondary special education RSFSR


N.N. Markov

INTRODUCED by the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the RSFSR

Member of the Board E.K. Kalinin

APPROVED AND ENTERED INTO EFFECT by Resolution of the USSR State Committee on Standards dated November 23, 1981 No. 5067


Statesupport system
unity of measurements


The state system of ensuring the uniformity of
measurements. Permissible errors of measurement
of linear dimensions to 500 mm

(ST SEV 303-76)

In return
GOST 8.051-73

Resolution of the USSR State Committee on Standards dated November 231981. No. 5067, the introduction date has been set

from 01/01/1982

This standard establishes the permissible errors in measuring linear dimensions up to 500 mm during acceptance inspection and the rules for determining acceptance limits taking into account these errors.

This standard does not establish permissible errors in dimensional measurements that are established by others. state standards, and sizes with unspecified maximum deviations.

The standard fully complies with ST SEV 303-76.


1.1. The permissible measurement errors (δ) depending on the IT tolerances are given in the table.

Note. The permissible measurement errors for tolerances according to the OST system are given in the mandatory Appendix 1.

1.2. The measurement errors established in this standard are the largest permissible measurement errors, including all components that depend on measuring instruments, installation standards, temperature deformations, basing, etc.

1.3. The permissible measurement error includes random and unaccounted systematic measurement errors.

Nominal sizes, mm

For qualifications

The random measurement error should not exceed 0.6 of the permissible measurement error and is taken equal to 2σ, where σ is the value of the standard deviation of the measurement error.

1.4. For tolerances that do not correspond to the values ​​​​indicated in the table, the permissible error is selected according to the nearest smaller tolerance value for the corresponding size.


2.1. The influence of measurement errors on measurement results (see reference appendix 2) must be taken into account when establishing acceptance limits - dimensional values ​​for which acceptance control of products is carried out (see reference appendix 3).

2.2. Acceptance boundaries are set to coincide with the maximum dimensions or are shifted relative to them by introducing a production tolerance (reducing the tolerance).

The first method is preferable.

When introducing a production tolerance, the displacement value should not exceed half of the permissible measurement error established by this standard at each acceptance limit.

2.3. During arbitration rechecking of accepted parts, the measurement error should not exceed 30% of the error allowed during acceptance control. Among the accepted parts, it is allowed to have up to 5% of parts from the rechecked batch with deviations beyond the acceptance limits by a value not exceeding half the permissible measurement error upon acceptance, for qualifications from 2 to 7; series of limits of permissible measurement errors from 1 to 6 (see mandatory appendix 1); up to 4% for qualifications 8, 9 or for rows 7 and 8; 3% - for grades 10 and rougher or for grades 9 and rougher.




Series of limits of permissible measurement errors

Nominal dimensions in mm

Note. It is allowed to increase the permissible measurement error indicated in the table when reducing the size tolerance, taking into account this increase, as well as in the case of dividing products into size groups for selective assembly.




1. The influence of measurement error during acceptance inspection is assessed by the following parameters:

m- the number of parts as a percentage of the total number measured, having dimensions beyond the limits and accepted as acceptable (incorrectly accepted);

P- number of parts as a percentage of the total number measured, having dimensions not exceeding the maximum and rejected (incorrectly rejected);

c- the probabilistic value of the size exceeding the limit for incorrectly accepted parts.

2. Parameter values m, P And c when distributing controlled sizes according to the normal law, they are shown in Figures 1 - 3.

3. To hell. 1 - 3 solid lines correspond to the distribution of measurement error according to the normal law, and dotted lines - according to the law of equal probability.

With an unknown distribution law of the measurement error for the parameters m, n And c It is recommended to take the average of the values ​​determined by the solid and dotted lines.

4. Parameters m And c on the graphs are determined with a confidence probability of 0.9973. For determining m with another confidence probability, it is necessary to shift the origin of coordinates along the ordinate axis.

5. Features on the graphs. 1 - 3 values A met (σ) in coordinates is determined by the formula

where σ is the average standard deviation measurement errors;

IT - tolerance for controlled size.

When defining parameters m, n And c recommended to take A met (σ), equal to 16% for qualifications 2 - 7, 12% - for qualifications 8 and 9 and 10% - for qualifications 10 and rougher.

6. Parameters m, n And c are shown on the graphs depending on the value, where σ tech is the standard deviation of the manufacturing error.

7. Parameters m, n And c to hell 1 - 3 are given for a symmetrical location of the tolerance relative to the center of grouping of the controlled parts.

8. Combined influence of systematic and random manufacturing errors on parameters m And n determined by trait graphs. 1 - 2, but instead of the value taken for one border

From 0.37 to 0.39

From 0.7 to 0.75


1. First values m And n correspond to the distribution of measurement errors according to the normal law; the second - according to the law of equal probability.

2. Limit values ​​of parameters m, n and , - take into account the influence of only the random component of the measurement error.




This standard provides two methods for establishing acceptance limits

1st method. Acceptance boundaries are set to coincide with the maximum dimensions.

Example. When designing a shaft with a diameter of 100 mm, it was estimated that the deviations in its dimensions for operating conditions should correspond to h6 (100 - 0.022).

In accordance with the table of this standard, it is established that for this shaft size and tolerance the permissible measurement error is 0.006 mm.

In accordance with the table in reference appendix 2, it is established that for A met (σ) equal to 16%, and unknown accuracy technological process m= 5.2 and c= 0.25 IT, i.e. Among the acceptable parts there may be up to 5.2% of incorrectly accepted parts with maximum deviations of +0.0055 and -0.0275 mm. If the data obtained does not affect the performance of the shaft, then the initially selected quality is indicated on the drawings. Otherwise, choose a more precise quality or another tolerance field in this quality.

2nd method. Acceptance boundaries are shifted inward relative to the maximum dimensions.

When introducing a manufacturing tolerance, there are two options depending on whether the accuracy of the process is known or unknown.

Option 1. When assigning limit sizes, the accuracy of the technological process is unknown. In accordance with clause 2.2 of this standard, the maximum dimensions are changed by half the permissible measurement error. For the example discussed above, the diameter

Appendix 2. The influence of measurement error on the results of screening during acceptance control. 6

Appendix 3. Acceptance limits taking into account measurement error. 9