home · On a note · How to learn to create beautiful logos. One color or several? The logo is easy to read

How to learn to create beautiful logos. One color or several? The logo is easy to read

Are you planning to open your own company, but don’t know where to get a logo for it? You want to get a high-quality image that will be easily remembered by your customers and can be safely placed on the website and branded products? And wouldn’t it be nice if you could get the image for free or at a minimal cost?

You can get what you want by using one of the six methods suggested below, each of which has a number of advantages and disadvantages. Actually, a logo of varying degrees of uniqueness can be obtained:
by drawing it yourself;
ordering from a designer;
by ordering it from a design studio;
by holding an auction-tender;
using an online editor;
created using an online generator.
Let us consider the essence and feasibility of each of these methods in more detail.

1. We draw ourselves

full control over the process;

at a minimum, you need to be able to draw;
Knowledge and ability to use modern graphic editors is highly desirable;
As practice shows, too often the result obtained becomes the object of jokes from friends, colleagues and clients for a long time.

Time spent: 10-20 hours.
Cost: $0.

2. We order from the designer

The bottom line: first you need to prepare a clear technical specification, in which you will need to list all your wishes. The next stage is to search for a contractor if there are no suitable specialists among your friends.

You can search both on Russian-language resources (Freelance, Free-lance, Golance, Weblancer, Freelansim, Freelancer, and on English-language ones (Behance, Odesk, Elance, Guru). Having chosen a suitable artist, you should agree with him on the timing, and then carry out control over the completion of the task, simultaneously making the necessary adjustments (possibly for an additional fee).

complete freedom to choose designers thanks to a large database of freelance platforms;
many of the designers are professionals with relevant specialized education and impressive work experience;
good quality of the output logo.

significant investment of time and effort in searching and selecting a suitable performer;
the logo may end up not being what you imagined;
long, expensive and tedious, and it is not a fact that the result will meet your expectations;
the most significant drawback, in addition to the financial risk, is the need for constant monitoring of the work, otherwise you risk not getting paid at all finished result;
even the most gifted and experienced designer can simply “miss the mark”;
a freelancer may simply get sick or simply not get in touch.

Time spent: from 2 days to 1-2 weeks.
Cost: from $50-100 to $500-1000.

3. We order from a design studio

The bottom line: the same as in the case of a freelance designer, but much nicer and more organized. You choose a design studio, draw up technical specifications yourself or with the help of the manager of this organization, clarify all possible nuances and wait for the result.

You can view the portfolio and information about the most famous and reliable design studios

your order will be handled by talented craftsmen with an impeccable reputation;
you are free to choose any design studio that you like;
it is easier to negotiate, because you will not be doing this directly with the designer, but with the company manager;
more guarantees to get a good result and, most importantly, on time;
Very high quality logo on the output.

very expensive;
long order fulfillment time.

Time spent: from 1-2 weeks to 1-2 months.
Cost: from $1000 for little-known studios to $20-50,000 for famous companies.

4. We hold an auction-tender

The bottom line: by registering on one of the crowdsourcing sites, for example, DesignCrowd (from $240 for a unique logo) or 99designs ($99, but the logos are not unique), you need to create a technical specification and deposit the appropriate amount into the system.

All designers see this specification and, if they wish, implement it. Then it is necessary to select the winner of the tender with the most suitable job, who receives the money (less often, the top three winners), and in return you receive the source code.

there is always a choice from several ready-made options;
you can communicate with the authors and ask them to make changes;
There are no missed deadlines, since there is no deadline in principle.

even if you didn’t like anything at all, you still have to choose at least one winner and pay for his work;
you need to spend time communicating if improvements are suddenly required;
you need to be able to draw up clear and specific terms of reference for the development of a logo, otherwise there is a risk of getting a logo that formally corresponds to your terms of reference, but is absolutely not what you expect.

Time spent: 2-4 days.
Cost: $100-200.

5. Use an online editor

The bottom line: the online editor is a simplified online version of Photoshop adapted for creating logos.

Examples of such services include:
They have a database of icons and fonts. Your task is to choose the right combination of colors, icons and fonts to end up with a nice logo.

conditional free (up to a certain level);
no prepayment;
at first glance - complete freedom of choice and the opportunity to do everything yourself.

it takes good taste and design skills to put together a beautiful combination of colors, images and fonts from the available range;
the quality of the logo also depends on your skills, so in 99% of cases the result is very mediocre;
You cannot make minor edits to images from the service database.

Time spent: 0.5-3 hours.
Cost: $20-50.

6. Create a logo using an online website generator

The bottom line: just enter the name of the company and its type of activity, and the service will provide you with various logos. While viewing the presented options, you can make edits and clarify the task (what images, colors, etc. are needed). You also have the opportunity to edit the logo you like most manually.

you don’t need to combine images yourself to create a logo;
you can first evaluate the original version, make the necessary changes, make sure desired result and only then pay for it, if necessary;
everything happens under your control, quickly (within a couple of minutes) and online;
All options offered to you can be amended at your request;
You can save the logos you like without purchasing them to get time for discussion suitable options with colleagues and, if necessary, change certain details;
you can immediately, envelopes, etc.

a designer or design studio has a better chance of creating a unique and original logo for you;
You cannot make minor edits to the images of the service base.

Time spent: 1-20 minutes.
Cost: free for small images (for websites and social networks), from $9.99 for logos big size in raster and vector.

What to choose?

So, if we summarize what was described above, then the best option For large organizations with an impressive budget, ordering from a design studio will be time-consuming, expensive, but the result will be excellent.

If your budget is limited and you don’t want to risk it, but you want to get results as quickly as possible, this will help you. Free and fast receipt large quantity logos of good quality, among which you can choose the appropriate one, make the necessary changes and only then pay its quite affordable price.

And even if you don’t see a suitable logo, you won’t lose anything, since using the service is absolutely free and doesn’t take much time. But the proposed options can inspire you to an idea that can be used as the basis for creating an original designer logo.

You can view the infographic for this article. Need a logo for your website? Read how to do it!

Master class "Creating logos for teams in PowerPoint2010"

Author Rostova Natalya Sergeevna, teacher of the first category, MBDOU " Kindergarten No. 155", Nizhny Novgorod.
The master class is intended for educators, teachers and parents.
Target: use the power of PowerPoint2010 to create logos.
- teach how to create emblems;
- improve pedagogical competence;
- expand the possibilities of using ICT technologies in work.
To create emblems you need:
- availability of a PC;
- pictures and backgrounds for emblems of a certain theme;
- computer skills and PowerPoint 2010 software.
The technology for creating emblems is easy to master using the capabilities Microsoft Office Powerpoint2010.

Progress of creation:
Open PowerPoint 2010 and create a blank slide.
The emblem will be round, so on the tab Insert, select Shapes - Oval.

While holding the button ctrl, stretch the oval into a perfect circle. The size is adjustable according to required sizes.

The inscription in the logo should be located in a circle, so select the Insert - Inscription tab. Then click on the figure and select the tab Drawing Tools - Text Effects - Transform - Motion Path - Arc Up.

Enter the text. I have the name of a kindergarten.
We choose a motto. I have “Fly(m) to victory!” We also place the motto in a circle, but in its lower part.
Select the tab again Drawing Tools - Text Effects - Transform - Motion Path - Arc Down.

Using the tab Home - Font, select the color, font and font size for the inscriptions. Now we need to replace the circle fill:
Drawing Tools tab - Fill - No fill. You can skip this step and just select Fill - Drawing

Select the desired drawing. I have a starry sky.
Now let's insert a picture suitable for the team name. Our team is called “Rocket”, so I have a picture of a rocket, found on the Internet and modified by me. Tab Insert - Drawing and select it from the desired folder.

We adjust the size of the picture according to the size of the emblem, reducing its size. My rocket does not have fire, so I select the desired picture and add the missing element. Please note that we put the picture of fire in the background. Tab: Drawing Tools - Send to Back.

The emblem is almost ready. Let's move on to its final design. We work with the outline of the circle, select its color and thickness. Drawing tools - Figure outline - Theme color - Thickness - Other lines - Line type - Width I choose 10.

We again apply a circle to the created emblem.

Let's adjust its size. The second circle should be larger in size than the first. On the Drawing Tools tab - Shape Fill - No Fill. The figure will become transparent.

Now we work again with the outline of the second circle, its color and thickness. The thickness of the outline of this circle is 12.

Adjust the size of the second circle in relation to the first.
Please note that created on this moment The emblem consists of two figures, drawings and inscriptions.

We use grouping.

After this action, the emblem has become a single whole and can be moved entirely to any place on the slide.
The emblem can be saved as a drawing. Click on the logo, right-click, select save as picture and select a save location.

The emblem is ready. By analogy, we create any other emblems on any topic.
I got these:

Dear colleagues, to create emblems you need to choose drawings on transparent background. If the required drawing is superimposed on the background, then any Photoshop program or command will help us out Working with pictures - Remove background. Thank you. Wish creative ideas!

It’s difficult to overestimate the importance good logo. This is the foundation of the brand, which reflects the essence of the business, evokes certain emotions and remains in the memory. When you work on a design, the logo becomes one of the most important elements registration Fortunately, now you don’t need to spend a lot of money and hire a professional artist to design it - today there are many sites on the Internet where you can make a logo yourself.

DIY logo in the Wix editor

If you've worked in the Wix editor, you probably know that it can do a lot. Like any graphic editor, it can also be used for logo design. This is done simply. Log in under your login, click “Add” and select “Shapes and Lines”. In the "Form" tab you will find all kinds of images, including banners, arrows and more. In the “Clip Art” section, by the way, there are also a lot of pictures, and they are drawn more carefully. To view them, click Add > Photo > Clip Art.

Now choose a picture that is suitable as a symbol of your business. This will be the basis of the logo. Experiment with its color, size and effects, then write the name of your company, choose a beautiful font and position the text so that it looks good next to the picture. That's it, the logo is ready!

Free online logo creation services

There are many other free services on the Internet, designed specifically so that anyone can make a logo for themselves. They usually look like simple editor, where you can change the color and size of the logo, fonts and some other parameters. As a result, you get a finished image in several formats. We recommend these sites:

Size. The logo should look equally good on both a regular computer and a smartphone. Test your image thoroughly and make sure it is optimized for different screen resolutions.

Sources of inspiration. See more good examples and be sure to analyze what you see. To begin with, a selection.

Relevance. Yes, a logo can be changed from time to time, but not every two weeks, so come up with one that will last a long time and will not be outdated a year later.

Definition. People should immediately understand what your business is, so try to keep your logo simple and clear.

Number of options. Make 3-4 logo options. Think about the advantages and disadvantages of each and consult with knowledgeable people before you decide.

Simplicity. Don't use too many fonts and colors - overly colorful logos look tacky and confuse users.

Background. Make a version of the logo on a transparent background so that it can be placed on a colored background. For the web, use PNG or GIF format.

Format. Save the finished image in several formats: JPEG, GIF and PNG for the web, PDF and EPS for printing.

Meaning. Don't get hung up on design. Think about the meaning of the logo and don’t just draw beautiful picture, but one that will become a symbol of your brand.

It so happens that a programmer is given an extraordinary task, which he can complete only thanks to his ingenuity, and not experience, which, in fact, does not exist in the field of the required task. And today I want to talk about how a non-designer can draw a beautiful logo.

I won’t bore you with the story of how it happened that the programmer fell so low and started drawing logos. Better yet, I’ll tell you everything right away cunning tricks, which allowed us to obtain a result that was ultimately approved by the customer.

The task was as follows: develop a logo for the optician chain “Optic +”. In principle, this is all the input data that was available at the time the task was accepted. The client expressed his desire to draw a logo in a minimalist style, with simple and soft shapes. Well, this is only to our advantage, since drawing something in a different style is already an impossible task, requiring at least some creative design thinking and experience, which we do not possess.

Our plan is:

  • Come up with an idea;
  • Somehow draw this in vector;
  • Show to the client;
  • Profit...
First, let's think about the idea and try to find associations that will allow us to come to something:
  • Glasses;
  • Lenses;
  • Frames;
  • Glass;
  • Botanist?
There are few ideas, and I don’t really want to go into the wilds. We take the most decent of them - glasses.

For drawing, we will use the vector editor Corel Draw, which, as it seemed to me from the reviews I looked at, is much simpler and more intuitive than its main competitor - Adobe Illustrator.

Our main assistants will be simple geometric figures: circles, rectangles and various blending modes (Intersect - intersection, Simplify - exception). To be honest, it took more than 5 hours of agony to come to this decision. But, it seems to me, these tools are universal and with their help you can draw the Mona Lisa and more complex graphic designs.

We will make glasses from circles. In order to get a perfect circle, equal in height and width, we need to hold down the “Ctrl” key while stretching it. The image will be scaled proportionally.

Now we make a hole where, logically, the glass should be. To make it, we need another circle, inscribed in the first one, but smaller in diameter. Select both objects and apply the Simplify blending mode to them. At the end we get a neat “donut”.

We duplicate our figure to make the second half of the glasses and start thinking about how we can draw a smooth bow. Designers use Bezier Curves to solve this problem, but for me personally they turned out to be overwhelming: the arc always turned out to be uneven and not neat, and therefore we will use the inscribed circle that is familiar to us, bottom half which we will simply delete.

We won’t figure out how to rationally remove the bottom half, and it’s not that important, so we’ll use a rectangle to which we’ll apply Simplify relative to our ring. Next, we will be left with the stroke of the element, which we do not need at all; we will set its parameter to “none”

Ready. Let's move on to the temples. To draw them, we will take 2 rectangles, for which we will set the necessary corner smoothing parameter. If we don't smooth it out, the temples will turn out too clumsy and will stand out from our overall design.

Duplicate the rectangle, twist and turn, see how it looks better and choose the shape that is most pleasing to the eye.

All that's left is to add some flair. I decided to add eyebrows to further emphasize that these are glasses and not anything else.
And we will draw it, yes, all using the same blending modes and a simple circle. The “Intersect” mode allows you to create an object at the intersection of other objects; This is what we will use.

That's basically it. Add a font to your taste and the logo is ready.

We demonstrate it to the customer, and he fully approves of the idea and implementation. Profit…

Thus, with the help of simple ingenuity and minimal perseverance, you can solve simple design problems without being a designer. Next time I will tell you how to easily and simply draw an impressive website design using Axure RP, without using graphic editors.

Hello, dear bloggers, website owners and web builders, today’s post is just for you! Let's talk about how to make a logo for a website.

In general, it is amazing how quickly the Internet has changed our world. Just 8-10 years ago, only large companies or well-promoted ones had their own logos. brands. And the owners of medium and small businesses limited themselves to “flashy” names like “World of Windows”, “ABC of Furniture” and other “Empires”. By the way, in Samara we still have a chain of “Planet Second-Hand” stores, and this name brings wild delight to all my out-of-town friends.

But the World Wide Web has turned everything upside down in this matter as well. If you have at least one domain, you've probably already thought about how to write it beautifully. And it is right. Every webmaster wants people not only to visit his site, but also to remember it. The logo plays an important role in this matter, so let’s figure out whether it’s possible to make it yourself and how much it costs to start your own brand.

1. Free online services

The easiest, fastest and completely free way is to generate a logo using a free service. There are a dime a dozen of such sites in the bourgeois internet, maybe there are also in RuNet, but I haven’t found them yet.

  • www.logaster.ru is a very convenient and simple online logo generator. In just a few minutes you can create a beautiful logo, and then download it in all popular formats. There is a possibility of free and paid downloading of logos.
  • cooltext.com - you can create a text logo with animation, although I don’t know why.
  • www.onlinelogomaker.com has a pretty decent set of icons, but most of them look a bit basic.
  • logotypecreator.com - the service generates several abstract options, which can then be modified and downloaded.
  • www.logoease.com - it is possible to edit not only the text, but also the size, position and colors of the icon.

Pros: You don’t need any special knowledge or experience in working with graphic editors; a simple logo can be made in just a few minutes.

Minuses: limited set of graphic elements; everywhere except www.logaster.ru there are no Cyrillic fonts.

2. Draw in Photoshop

There are tons of tutorials online on how to create beautiful texts in Photoshop. All you have to do is choose the style that suits you and follow the step-by-step instructions.
Websites where you can find such lessons:

Pros: cheap, completely free and cheerful. The result depends only on your diligence and imagination.

Minuses: If you have not worked in Photoshop before, you will have to tinker and spend a lot of time creating a logo.

3. Paid online services

On these sites you can create a logo completely free of charge, but you will have to pay to download and use it for its intended purpose.

  • www.logaster.ru - was already on the list of free services, but logo options with large size available after payment.
  • logotypecreator.com - some (or rather, the most beautiful) logo options on this site are available only after payment.

Pros: there are very interesting ideas, it’s worth trying these services even if you don’t intend to buy anything there. You can create a sketch of the logo, screen it and send it to the designer; you can’t think of a better technical specification.

Minuses: expensive, considering that anyone, even your competitor, can create the same logo if desired.

4. Buy a ready-made logo

If you have money, but don’t have time to look for a designer, write technical specifications and check the work, you can buy a ready-made logo on a stock site. For example:

  • www.shutterstock.com and so on.

To be able to include your domain in the logo, when purchasing, choose a vector format (usually it is the most expensive).

Pros: We save time and get professional results.

Minuses: Again, lack of uniqueness. In some cases, you can buy the rights to the image, but if someone has already made a logo using this template, you will not be able to revoke their license.

5. Order from a freelancer

And finally, the most correct option from my point of view is to go to the freelance exchange and entrust the creation of a logo to professionals. Here another question really arises, how to find good designer, who will take into account all your wishes, will not disappear after receiving an advance payment and will not rip you off? And you won’t find a definite answer, because lazy people and scammers are constantly improving their “skills.”

I choose an artist based on the following criteria:

  • there are works in the portfolio that I would buy
  • no negative feedback
  • was on the site today/yesterday, maximum a week ago

Usually I don’t create a project, but rather send messages to 3-5 freelancers who meet these requirements. I briefly describe the task and ask you to indicate the cost and timing of the order.

Among those who respond within one or two days, I choose the freelancer whose work, prices and deadlines I liked the most. Then all you have to do is fill out the form terms of reference(the designer must send it) and start the deal.

What should the site logo be like?

A good logo should have three main qualities: conciseness, readability, and idea. There is no need to pile up a bunch of elements (especially small ones), you should not use handwritten fonts. Your visitor will not peer at the site header for hours; he can see it out of the corner of his eye. And if one glance at the logo is enough for a person to understand what this site is about, then you did a great job!