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How to beat the killing eggs game. Bedbug eggs and their larvae - where to find and how to destroy. Get - an effective remedy for bedbugs

Bed bugs have a keen sense of smell and good vision, they are able to penetrate even the narrowest crevices. Due to their high fertility, they are difficult to get rid of. It's all because of bedbug eggs, which are resistant to a large number pesticides.

What do bedbug eggs look like (photo)

Bed bug eggs don't look like what most people imagine. Many people mistake their black excrement or digested blood for eggs. In fact, egg laying looks like this.

The method of reproduction of bedbugs is called traumatic insemination. How does this happen? By piercing the abdomen, the male injects his sperm into the female. It can be stored in a special compartment for a very long time, and then goes to eggs that are already formed. It turns out that for fertilization the female does not need permanent “partners”; offspring from the resulting gametes will appear many times.

The female lays up to twelve eggs per day, and by the end of her life the number reaches five hundred. Bed bugs thus protect themselves from extinction - one insemination and daily laying of eggs. Moreover, you can find them in various places, even on vertical surfaces, thanks to the sticky substance. The eggs, 1 millimeter in size, are cylindrical in shape and pearly in color, yellowish or transparent white, with a cap at the end.

The process of laying eggs begins two days after the female feasts on blood. The number of eggs in a clutch depends on the room temperature, optimal conditions It is considered 12-37 degrees, regardless of the time of year. Also from external conditions The time of birth of the larvae depends, and this is 4-29 days. The larvae look the same as adults, only smaller and lighter in color.

Otherwise, there are no differences; like their “parents,” they look for a victim to taste blood, and on occasion they can starve for a long time. In general, the development cycle from egg to adult is 40-100 days. In addition to temperature, the rate of reproduction and development is influenced by the amount of food. But in any case, after 5-25 days the larvae hatch from the eggs.

If you have bedbugs in your apartment, you can say with absolute certainty that there are already ovipositions.

Bedbug eggs - where to look for clutches?

Possible attachment sites for bedbug eggs:

  • connections between bed elements and gaps;
  • mattress or bed linen;
  • nightstands near the bed;
  • behind peeling wallpaper;
  • under baseboards;
  • under the carpet or behind it on the wall;
  • behind pictures or in their frames;
  • inside electronics or household appliances;
  • for batteries;
  • in the fur of domestic animals;
  • in ventilation ducts.

How to destroy bedbug eggs

Destroying bedbug eggs is not an easy task. While larvae and adult insects can be poisoned with insecticides, the eggs are resistant to many chemicals. Methods for getting rid of egg clutches can be divided into three categories - chemical, mechanical and.

  • Chemical method. Effective remedies against bedbug eggs are drugs that have an ovicidal effect, that is, capable of destroying the eggs. One of them, Karbofos or Fufanon, is inexpensive and available at any hardware store. The disadvantage of the product is high toxicity and bad smell. Among modern insecticides, microencapsulated concentrates Lambda Zona and Get have a similar effect. Delta Zone will help destroy bedbug eggs, but the product also has a pungent odor. Radical means, the use of which requires taking all protective measures, are Sinuzan, Tetrix, Sichlor, Chlorpirimark. After spraying them, a strong smell also appears in the room. If you choose to use microencapsulated or professional formulations, re-treatment may not be necessary. In other cases (Kombat, Dichlorvos) multiple treatments are needed, every seven days. If bedbugs have been living in an apartment for a long time, careful treatment will be required; you will even have to spray books, paintings, carpets, ventilation passages and other places.
  • The mechanical method is the simplest, but does not always guarantee a 100% result. The essence of the method is that you find an egg, put on gloves and crush each egg with your fingers. Its effectiveness is low, since most often the masonry is located in hard-to-reach places hidden from human eyes.
  • The temperature method involves exposing the masonry to steam or boiling water, as well as freezing. Linen and clothes should be boiled for at least twenty minutes. Mattresses and furniture need to be treated with hot steam, iron or boiling water (70-80 degrees). In winter, you can take furniture and things out into the cold and leave them there for a day.

By treating your apartment with chemical insecticides, you can get rid of adult bedbugs and larvae. However, the ripening eggs will still be completely safe, they are numerous, located in hard-to-reach places, and their shell is resistant to many chemicals. After just 10 days, the young offspring will terrorize the residents of the apartment, so the destruction of bed bug eggs should be a priority in the fight against blood-sucking insects.

There are several ways to get rid of clutches of eggs:

  • mechanical
  • thermal
  • chemical

Mechanical method. Found eggs are crushed by hand or vacuumed. The effectiveness of this method is very low. The eggs are securely hidden from human eyes in secluded places and it is almost impossible to discover them all.

Destruction of bedbug eggs mechanically- waste of time!

  • heating and water supply systems will not tolerate such temperatures
  • household appliances without wrapping may fail
  • houseplants will die
  • the person will not be able to stay in the apartment for a long time

Bed bug eggs die instantly at a temperature of 95°C

By using a steam generator or pouring boiling water, you will definitely destroy the entire clutch of eggs. If eggs are found in bed linen, it must be boiled for 20 minutes.

Scroll chemicals to get rid of bedbug eggs:

  • Fufanon
  • Karbofos
  • Delta Zone
  • Lambda Zone
  • Sinuzan
  • Tetrix
  • Sychlor
  • Chlorpyrimark

Get - effective remedy from bedbugs

Today, no insect causes as many problems as bed bugs. And if you consider that, according to entomologists’ forecasts, a “bedbug epidemic” may begin in the near future, then you should prepare yourself to fight back now.

Description of flash game

Egg Destruction 3

Disaster Will Strike 3

Egg Destruction 3 is an exciting online game in which you can use both logical thinking and just have fun. Here we are transported to the times of the Jurassic period and will destroy the huge eggs of monsters that want to fill Jurassic Park. The gameplay is based on the fact that you have to destroy eggs that are located on various platforms. You don't need to shoot them with a cannon or slingshot; you just need to unleash natural phenomena on them that will do everything for you. Your task is to correctly place these disasters on the field so that they cause maximum damage to the structure.

There are 8 different disasters available for you to turn soft-boiled eggs and complete 50 different levels. Each level has new platform structures, more eggs and new types of natural disasters. For example, these include: hurricane, earthquake, bee attack, flood and much more. the main objective each level - destroy all the eggs from the platform. But these attributes for destruction are presented to you in limited quantities, so it is important to act thoughtfully. However, the gameplay can be addictive from the first seconds. Egg Destruction 3 is a good leisure alternative for children and adults.