home · Other · How to take a photo at home yourself. The main thing is that your hands are completely relaxed, no clenched fingers or fists. Just before shooting, you can shake your brushes several times, this will help you hide tension. It is best to bend one leg in

How to take a photo at home yourself. The main thing is that your hands are completely relaxed, no clenched fingers or fists. Just before shooting, you can shake your brushes several times, this will help you hide tension. It is best to bend one leg in

Do you like to take pictures of yourself and post fresh photos on Instagram? Then I will tell you a few secrets that will allow you to look beautiful and natural when taking selfies.


The best photos are taken with natural daylight from the window. To do this, you will need to stand closer to him and turn your face. If straight Sun rays fall on you, I advise you to cover the window with a translucent white curtain or just step back a little. This light is very soft and applies beautifully, and also hides imperfections and evens out the skin.

Outdoors, choose shade and light white/gray walls to reflect light without distorting colors.

The best time is from dawn to 9-10 in the morning and a couple of hours before sunset.

To hide a double chin, you can hold it at chest level White list. It will also lighten the face a little.


Do you want to take a photo of your face? close-up? Best option– lift your smartphone and take a photo of yourself a little from above. This will make your face narrower and your eyes more expressive.

Try both left and right, look for your working side. In this case, what can you do with your head: move it a little higher, a little lower, a little to the left, a little to the right, tilt it a little to one side, then to the other. Work with your shoulders, you probably don’t need a face like a passport) The more you bend, the more feminine you become.

Do you want a full-length photo? Then you will have to move away from the mirror, raise your hand with the phone to chest level and move it slightly to the side. Take it higher, so you visually narrow the figure. If you want to lose more weight, turn slightly in profile, focus on one hip, point your front leg (on your toes), bend over to emphasize the curves.

Facial expression

Be interesting, sweet, thoughtful, smile sincerely! You can also make faces) Do you want to make your lips plumper? Open them slightly, but do not duckface.

Try to remember a funny incident and keep your camera ready.


Even the best photo can be ruined by trash in the background or tiles recognizable from a shopping center toilet.

Minimalism - look for light ones plain walls, nothing colorful or flashy, preferably in your color scheme.

Nature - sunset sky, meadows, mountains, flowers, beach.

If you find a celebrity, catch him quickly!

Extreme conditions - excellent!

Are there any cute animals nearby? Success guaranteed.

Phone settings

Everyone knows that the main camera has best quality, but it’s more convenient to photograph yourself from the front. Here you either put up with it, or take a selfie stick, or get used to using the buttons on your phone.

Focusing and adjusting exposure (light) based on the face.

Checking the white balance - sometimes you need third-party applications like VSCO, where you can correct it - so that white is white and gray is gray, and not blue, pink or another color.

If possible, turn off the flash.

Wipe and keep your phone camera clean.

Processing Applications

All that remains is to adjust the photo a little - and you're done! Here is a selection of some of them:

  1. Facetune 2
  2. YouCam Perfect
  3. Makeup Genius
  4. Retrica
  5. Meitu
  6. TouchRetouch
  1. BestMe Selfie Camera
  2. Bestie
  3. Candy Camera
  4. Retrica

Firstly, such photographs are of poor quality, and secondly, it means that you don’t even have friends who could take your picture.

2. Photo as for a passport

Girls usually show only two emotions in photographs – “I’m smiling” and “I’m mega sexy with a serious look.” The guys in the photo generally have one emotion - “I’m a very serious guy.” It is much better to have a photo of poorer quality, but with interesting emotions, than to take a photo with a good DSLR with a neutral facial expression. Few people are interested in such photographs.

3. Banal poses and plots

Another one of common mistakes take photos like “I’m in front of a monument”, “I’m standing with the sea behind me” or “I’m in front of a car”. Who do you want to impress with your Ford Focus?

4. Wrong angle

There is one joke: “The model has two good angles and she knows them, but common man there is only one angle and he never gets into it.”

Be aware of the flaws in your appearance and figure and try not to show them in the photo. Know your winning angles and poses, and show them off in your photos. Big nose, thin face, short stature, plumpness or thinness - for each of the shortcomings there is ready-made solutions how to hide them.

5. Too many photos of the same type

Many people put several photos on their avatar from one photo shoot, event or party. For the viewer, such a sequence of similar photographs looks boring. It's better to post two or three the best photos from each event than many identical ones (the law of psychology!).

6. Lack of photos with friends

The lack of photos of you with friends indicates that you are an uninteresting and unsociable person. Even complete sociopaths have close people with whom they communicate, study, relax and work. Take photos with friends every chance you get.

7. Cropped limbs - arms and legs

The cropped limbs in the photos give her a very casual amateur look. When taking full-length photographs, warn the photographer that you will tear off his arms if he cuts off your legs in the photo. When photographing from the waist up, make sure your arms are fully included in the frame.

8. (At a party) Taking pictures in an “imperfect” state

If you take photos while the party is in full swing, you run the risk of appearing red-eyed and looking rather shabby. Therefore, if you would like to have attractive photos that you can put on your avatar or post on social networks, then take photos at the beginning of the party, as soon as you arrive.

9. Cut yourself out of a photo

Let's say you turned out well in the photo, but in this photo you are not alone, but with a friend or a group of people. However, you take this photograph and carefully cut yourself out of it. The end result is a photograph where part of your shoulder or arm is cut off, and other people's arms and legs protrude from the edge of the photograph. The question is WHY?

If you like a photo and you are not alone in it, then post the photo with your friends. See point 6.

10. Taking photos in poor light

If you take photographs under the light of an ordinary lamp, the photographs will have an unsightly yellowish tint. This, of course, can be corrected in Photoshop, if you know how to do it. But it’s much easier to take pictures with daylight. Or make friends with Photoshop and the “white balance” function in your camera.

Simple tips on how to pose correctly and always look good in photographs.

It's so nice to look at old photos and see yourself looking beautiful in them. However, many complain about not being photogenic and often do not agree to be photographed for memory.

In fact, it’s worth working a little on yourself and your poses to always look good in the photo. Want to know how? Let's figure it out.

I can’t show up in photos: what should I do?

Professional photographers say you don’t have to be handsome to look good in photos.

People with sharp features or uneven facial contours often look good in the frame. And attractive people with the right features for some reason look unattractive or do not stand out from the general background.

In order to please yourself and your loved ones in photographs, you need to find a suitable angle and work on your facial expressions.

How to look good in photographs: simple rules

Before you take a photo next time, don't forget to learn 4 simple rules:

  1. Choose a pose. Stand in front of a mirror and experiment a little. Look at yourself from the outside. This makes it easier to understand which poses are successful for you and which ones you should avoid.
  2. Facial expression. Again, conduct an experiment: first look straight, then look away a little, tilt your head a little, smile or slightly raise your eyebrow. You can capture yourself at this moment so that later you can more carefully study the appropriate facial expression for the photo.
  3. Makeup. Regardless of the occasion for which you decide to take a photo, be it an ordinary weekday or a special event, watch your makeup. Avoid vulgar makeup (unless this is a themed photo shoot), give preference to natural shades. Don't experiment with new types of makeup if you're not sure they suit you.
  4. Cloth. It is customary to wear the most elegant and festive clothes for a photo shoot. In fact, you can look much better in photos in your usual everyday clothes. The most important thing is that it suits your figure, color scheme and is neat. How you feel in your clothes is also important. Often many people do not feel comfortable in business suits, in which case your stiffness will be visible in the photo. Even if you need to take a photo in business attire, try to relax as much as possible.

How to make your face look beautiful in photographs?

If you know the flaws of your face, try to hide them in the photo:

  • A double chin can be hidden by placing the camera slightly above your face. Another way: support your face with your hand, but do not lean on your hand, otherwise your face will be uneven.
  • People with round faces should not look directly into the camera. It is better to take pictures in ¾ or profile.
  • People with a triangular face should be photographed from a lower angle. This also applies to those with a small chin.
  • If you have a big nose, as they say, don't hang it up. Look up while taking photos. Also a photo will do in front, that is, look directly into the lens. Actress Audrey Hepburn has many photographs of this kind.
  • To enlarge your eyes, look up at the lens.

Smile in the photo

A smile is one of the main criteria nice photo. Don't try to smile if you're in a bad mood, it's immediately obvious. Don't put on a forced smile; it won't make you look good in the photo either.

While taking the picture, think about something pleasant, imagine that your loved one has walked in, so the smile will turn out natural.

Share sincerity, then the photo will be successful. If the photo shoot tires you a little, rest, relax, and then continue taking photos.

How to pose beautifully for photographs?

  • Avoid soldier formation; relaxed poses look better
  • The thumbs look more impressive in the pockets, and the rest outward, as opposed to the whole hand in the pocket.
  • If you support your face with your hand, make sure that it smoothly follows the oval of your face. The palm should not be facing the lens.
  • Lower your shoulder slightly, this will make your face more open and your neck visually longer.
  • If you're taking a photo sideways, bend your knee. In this case, the pose will look more relaxed.
  • Don't look straight at the camera, tilt your face slightly.
  • Smile with your natural and radiant smile.

How to look good and beautiful in photographs: poses

Learn to change your emotions

Various options poses in the studio

Poses for pregnant women

Options for lovers

How to look good and beautiful in a passport photo?

There is a joke: “If you look like the photo in your passport, it’s time for you to go on vacation!”

Very often people, especially women, are dissatisfied with their image in their passport. A passport photo is not the place where you can experiment with angles and a smile. Here you can see both facial asymmetry and contour imperfections. However, there are small tricks here too:

  1. Face tone. Create an even, natural tone using cosmetics. Conceal the circles under the eyes, remove pimples and other imperfections with concealer. Set your makeup with powder to avoid shine.
  2. Eyes. You should not do provocative makeup. Beautiful eyelashes and neat arrows will sufficiently emphasize the eyes.
  3. Pomade. Choose the most natural tone, do not paint your lips bright color. Or leave them without makeup at all.
  4. Hair. If your hairstyle is sloppy, the photo cannot be saved. Hair should be clean, neatly styled, without overgrown roots.

How can a guy look good in photographs?

Usually guys have many photos of the same type, in which they are in the same pose, with the same facial expression. And just like women, many guys are afraid of looking unattractive in photos, they just don’t say it out loud. To start looking good in photographs, guys need to work on their facial expressions and perspective.

You should avoid the same type of poses, and most importantly, learn to relax during photography.

How can men look beautiful in photographs?

  • Confidence and strength in the photo can be emphasized by legs slightly spread to the sides
  • If you hold your arms straight, bend your fingers as if you are holding a stone
  • If you want to cross your arms over your chest, do not hide your hands, let them be visible
  • For a relaxed pose, place one or both hands in your pocket
  • If you're sitting, you can cross your legs with your ankle toward your knee for a more relaxed feel.

How to pose for men correctly for photographs?

Successful poses for photographing men:

How to pose beautifully for children for photographs?

Why do you think children look beautiful in photographs? 'Cause they don't worry about theirs appearance, children are characterized by openness to the world, to people, to everything new. We should learn from them.

Some ideas for photographing children:

How do beautiful girls pose for photos?

A selection of successful shots of beautiful girls:

Professional photographers and models on various forums give advice on how to look beautiful in photos. Their essence boils down to the following:

  • Be sincere when taking photographs, try to relax as much as possible and not think about your shortcomings, there are no ugly people
  • Find a few good angles and don't forget about them
  • Don't be afraid of the camera, it doesn't bite
  • If you want to receive high quality photos, invite a professional photographer. But remember that the most important part of shooting still lies with you - your mood and emotions

Beautiful photographs are often a random shot, and most often the result of long work. Even if you can’t pose yet, don’t despair, try again and again.

But in any case, you shouldn’t make photography the meaning of your life. There are cases when a woman made herself several plastic surgery for the sake of successful shots. Love yourself; inner charisma never goes unnoticed.

Video: How to pose correctly - the secrets of great photos

Not every person has the opportunity or wants to hire a photographer and go outside the apartment for a photo shoot. And their own beautiful pictures I would like to have it myself. In order not to be ridiculed because of grandma's rug on the wall or protruding lips, let's see how you can take a beautiful photo at home.

Taking beautiful pictures at home: preparation

Thinking through makeup

  1. Of course, after shooting, facial skin imperfections can be removed using Photoshop, but with puffiness and swelling under the eyes to an ordinary person It will be difficult to handle in the editor. Therefore, the day before, refrain from eating salty, sour and pickled foods. You can even take a diuretic if you are prone to facial swelling.
  2. Eyebrow correction should also be carried out in advance so that there is no redness in the eye area.
  3. Carefully select the color of the foundation, make sure that there is no strong difference in the shade of the face and neck. To take a beautiful photo at home, you need to apply tone to your face and mask skin imperfections with a thicker layer than for everyday life.
  4. Do not use mother-of-pearl in facial makeup and purple. It looks bad especially on black and white photographs. In general, makeup should be brighter than in everyday life. But taking photographs close, from a distance arm's length Of course, don’t overdo it, be more natural.

Transforming hair

  1. If you are used to using hairspray, then under no circumstances apply hairspray with glitter to your hair. Often, the flash of a camera turns glitter into dandruff.
  2. For a sporty look, you shouldn’t let your hair down, as well as for a strict business look. But if in a sporty style there may be a perky ponytail, then in a business style there is only a bun or something similar.
  3. For a casual look, remove all hair clips and ties and let your hair fall off your shoulders in a loose style.
  4. If you choose an evening style for a photo, then you can fantasize with your hair in any direction.

Now how can you take a beautiful photo at home or tips on clothing

  1. Deciding on color scheme, combine no more than 3 colors in clothes. Moreover, let one be the main one, and the other two as an addition.
  2. When using accessories, do not overdo it, and also do not wear a lot of cheap trinkets; it is better to take 1-2 expensive things from a friend for the evening.
  3. When dressing, stick to one style, don’t mix sport with elegance, otherwise you won’t be able to take a beautiful photo at home.

Taking photos at home

To better understand how to take beautiful pictures at home, look at in social networks good photos other girls, note what poses make beautiful photographs. Observe what objects in the apartment are best not to be photographed against, what looks comical and awkward.

When taking pictures yourself at home, do not take a full-face photo, otherwise your face will turn out large and asymmetrical. Poses sitting half-turned with a slight tilt of the head will look beautiful in the photo. People with wide faces should tilt their heads slightly downwards and take photos from above. And it is advisable to photograph narrow and long faces directly or slightly from below.

How to make a portrait with a “Wow effect”?

It’s very good when a portrait is made according to all the rules, but often the most striking and memorable portraits are those in which absolutely all the rules are violated.

In this article you will learn how you can make amazing portraits by breaking or slightly deviating from the rules.

1. Change your perspective

Most portraits are taken at the subject's eye level. Although this method is the most logical, a radical change in the shooting angle will make your photo unexpected and original.

Climb higher and shoot your subject from a higher point, or vice versa, lean lower to the ground and photograph from there. In any case, you will see the subject from an unusual angle, which will generate interest in the photo.

2. Play with your eyes

It's amazing how much the direction your subject is looking at can affect an image. In most portraits, the model's gaze is directed directly into the lens and this creates a real sense of connection between the audience and the subject. But there are a few other methods you can try.

Option A. Off-Camera View - Allow the model to focus on something unseen beyond the camera lens. This will help create a feeling of sincerity and will intrigue the viewer, making him think about where the eye is going in the photo. Especially for the site This intrigue is especially evident when the photo captures any emotion (that is, it will raise questions like “what makes them laugh?” or “what surprised them?”). But when shooting a distracted look, beware that the viewer, following the gaze of the model, has not gone beyond the scope of the photograph, missing the main object in the photograph itself - your model.

Option B. Looking Inside the Frame – Alternatively, the model can look at something (or someone) inside the frame. A child looking at a ball, a mother looking at her newborn baby, a man gazing hungrily at a large plate of pasta... When you let your subject look at something within the frame, you create an additional point of interest and a connection between him and the main subject. This also helps create a "story" in the photo.

3. Break the rules of composition

There are many rules for creating compositions. But sometimes it’s useful to know the rules so that you can deliberately break them, as this can lead to interesting results.

The rule of thirds is something that can be broken most effectively. Placing your subject exactly in the center can create an impressive image, but creatively placing your subject at the very edge of the photo can also sometimes create interesting images.

Another rule that is often mentioned is that the subject's face and gaze be directed towards the center of the photo. This can work very well, but then again, rules are sometimes made to be broken.

4. Experiment with lighting

Another element of randomness that can be applied to portrait photography is the method of lighting. There are almost unlimited possibilities when it comes to using light in portraits.
Especially for the site

Side light can create a mood, and backlighting and silhouette photography to hide the details of the subject can make the photo very expressive.

Using techniques such as slow flash sync can create a dramatic effect.

5. Take your model out of your comfort zone

There is a story of a photographer who did corporate portrait photography for a businessman in his home. There were a lot of head-and-shoulders shots, desk shots, framed diploma shots, and other typical corporate photos. They all turned out to be pretty standard, but there was nothing that stood out from the crowd. Especially for the site

The photographer and client agreed that many useful images had been taken, but wanted to create something “special.” The photographer suggested we try shooting with jumps. The client was hesitant at first, but finally decided to step out of his comfort zone and started jumping while wearing a suit and tie!

The pictures turned out amazing, unexpected and quite funny. The culmination of the shoot was the client jumping into the pool in the last photo!

Although this sounds a little “stupid”, in the end it is these custom photos and appeared in the magazine because the publishers considered them the most interesting and worthy of the readers' attention.

6. Create sincerity

Sometimes staged photos look “too” staged. Some people don't do well in pictures when posing, so it's better to use the immersion method.

Photograph your subject at work, with family, or while they are doing something they enjoy. This will make them feel more at ease and, in the end, you can get some special photos. Especially for the site in which the client will look natural and appropriate to the situation. You may want to use a large zoom lens to capture environment, feeling like a real paparazzi.

This works especially well when photographing children.

7. Add a foreign object

By adding an unusual subject to some of your photos, you can create alternative points of interest that will add interest to the photo.

Yes, this can be quite risky because you take attention away from the main subject. But this method will help add a sense of history and place to the photo, which will give a new direction and give the subject an additional level of depth that would not be in the photo without this subject.

8. Focus on one part of the body

Use a lens with a long focal length or get close enough to the subject that you can only photograph part of the body. Shooting hands, eyes, mouth or even the lower body will leave a lot to the viewer's imagination.

Sometimes what's missing in a photo says more than what's there.

9. Hide part of your subject

Variation of the shooting idea individual parts body may be hiding part of the face or body in a portrait. You can do this using clothes, objects, your hands, or simply by cutting out the excess from the photo.

This approach leaves little room for the viewer's imagination, but focuses them on the parts of the subject that you want to highlight.

10. Take a series of photos

Switch your camera to burst mode and take multiple photos at once.

This way you can create a series of shots that can be presented simultaneously, instead of just a single static photo.

This technique works well when shooting with children or other active subjects who change their positions and poses at a fast pace.


Everything written above will help you create a custom creative portrait. But use these techniques wisely. Many of the methods described above violate well-known and classical techniques and rules. But this does not mean that the rules should be neglected. On the contrary, before you start flouting the rules, you need to learn to follow them. Only in this case will you be able to take a truly creative and original photo, and not complete nonsense.