home · Installation · Strawberry Red Mitten: reviews of gardeners, characteristics of the variety. Unusual black strawberry Strawberry without red pixels

Strawberry Red Mitten: reviews of gardeners, characteristics of the variety. Unusual black strawberry Strawberry without red pixels

This is not the first photograph of its kind to receive wide attention.

Japanese psychology professor Akiyoshi Kitaoka, representing Ritsumeikan University, posted a photograph in which a red strawberry can be clearly seen, although not a single red pixel is present in the image.

With the help of various image processing programs, it is indeed possible to verify that the "strawberry pixels" themselves appear gray or greenish, but by no means red. As the scientist himself explained, the secret of the illusion is that the entire image has a pronounced bluish tint. Because of this, the one who sees the photograph involuntarily makes a “correction” for the background and begins to perceive different shades of gray as colors that are “opposite” to this background.

The most “notorious” illusion of this kind can be considered to have hit the Internet about two years ago, which seemed to some to be white-gold and blue-black to others, and some could at first be sure of one of these options, and after some time suspect that the photograph simply changed. In general, the same mechanism of color perception was involved in this as in the case above, adjusted for the fact that in this case different people chose a different "reference point", perceived as real color and affecting the perception of the image as a whole. In November last year was published in many ways.

Among other optical illusions, in different time attracted quite a lot of attention, we can recall "changing size" and. Also, a similar reaction of many people was caused by photographs that are an illusion in a slightly different sense of the word - for example, a picture in which it is difficult to immediately determine how many girls are in reality, as well as a photograph in which one of the girls sitting on the couch.

Hello! I heard on TV that black strawberries appeared in our country. Is it true? Is it possible to grow it in central Russia? Thank you.

In our country, gardeners are accustomed to growing and consuming varieties of this crop that produce red berries. However, today white and other varieties are gradually gaining ground in the plots and plates of summer residents.

He is from America. This is the fruit of the activity of modern breeders. The fruits of this species are large, juicy in appearance and taste. It is a mistake to think that they are very dark in color in the usual sense of the word. No, the fruits have a dark red saturated hue. By the time of full maturation, it actually looks like a black color. But the seeds of this strawberry are still rare species just really black.

Sometimes this berry is mistakenly considered the Black Swan strawberry variety shown in the photo. This is a frost-resistant strawberry, which, by the way, can also be bred.

Berry bushes of a rare species do not require special care compared to other varieties. Plant it in fertile soil, of course, not clay or sandy. Moderate watering and loosening are the main care for her. Interestingly, unlike regular strawberries, this species does not degenerate over time, but, on the contrary, its bushes produce more and more mustaches, giving more and more fruits. So you can safely plant strawberries, popularizing it among gardeners.

Concerning middle lane Russia, it is quite possible to select and breed this variety. Seeds are sold in all major gardening stores, and online ordering is also available. In America, these berries are very popular due to their taste. They are eaten fresh in kind, preparing fruit drinks, compotes.

The leaves of the plant are no less popular. Dry them and use in winter as an addition to tea. This will be a real prevention of SARS.

This photo of a strawberry cake is being actively discussed on the Internet. At first glance, nothing special: just a picture of poor quality - perhaps the author went too far with filters.


In fact, everything is somewhat more complicated: red pixels are completely absent in the picture, but despite this, the human eye still sees red berries. The red color of strawberries exists only in our imagination: the mind deceives us, since the berries are depicted on a blue background.

IN different lighting things and colors look different - for example, under office fluorescent lamps daylight or in the soft lighting of the living room. However, the human brain independently makes changes to the drawing so that we still see the strawberries as red.

This feature of human perception is called "color constancy".

"Your brain is saying, 'The light source I see these strawberries in is adding some blueness to them, so I will automatically remove the blue content from every pixel,'" the color perception expert explains. Bevil Conway in an interview with Motherboard.

Of course, we know that strawberries should be red. And it also helps the mind to correct the color of the image.

Then joined the discussion Matt Lieberman, posting on Twitter a slightly modified picture, which, however, also did not contain red pixels.

Many responded to Matt's post by adding gray rectangles to his picture for comparison. Carson Mall took color swatches from several places that appear red to us and placed them on a white background.

The gray color becomes more obvious if you look at each berry separately from the rest of the picture. Try covering the background in the photo with your hands.

In 2015, the Internet was divided into two camps, arguing furiously between themselves, what color is the dress: blue and black or white and gold.

A gray strawberry that looks red has a slightly different explanation, however, in both cases, we are talking about color correction, which our mind resorts to depending on the type of lighting.

Optical illusion with strawberries. To the observer, the strawberry, as expected, appears red. But in fact, there are no red pixels in the photo.

For those who don't believe, here's the proof: The right side shows the most "reddish" colors in the image.


The strawberry photo appeared exactly two years after the dress, which seemed white and gold to some people, and black and blue to others. The basis of such illusions is the same property of the brain.

The fact is that lighting conditions greatly distort color scheme the object we are looking at. However, our brain has learned to "compensate" these distortions, so we see strawberries as red under any conditions. The same thing happens in Kitaoka's photo - the brain "corrected" the colors, removing the blue tints.

It was not clear from the photo of the dress what kind of lighting it was taken in, so different people "corrected" the colors in different ways. In the case of strawberries, having them in the frame helps us a lot - we know that the strawberries are red.

And here is the ill-fated dress, because of which the lovers quarreled and best friends. After explaining the puzzle, the popularity of this dress model increased greatly. In America, they sold an amazing Halloween costume - the famous dress, half of which was black and blue, and the other half was white and gold.

About a year later, Buzzfeed editors found another puzzle for their users. Most users thought that in one hand lies blue pill and the other is red. In fact, they are both grey. So our brain is very easy to deceive.


  • David Duchovny, who played a ladies' writer in Californication and an FBI special agent in The X-Files, has let the world know that he thinks the dress is green and blue.
  • The strawberry shot was published exactly two years after the ill-fated dress.

Social networks "blew up" a new optical illusion that promises to outshine - a blue-black or white-gold dress, which divided the entire global network into two camps, leading a fierce debate about the color of the outfit. The author of the new "mystery" was psychology professor Akiyoshi Kitaoka from Japan's Ritsumeikan University, who showed a photo of a cake with red strawberries, explaining the theory of color constancy. snapshot optical illusion Matt Lieberman, a neuroscientist from the University of California, posted on his Twitter, asking subscribers to indicate what color the strawberry is.

Most of the subscribers said that the strawberries are red, but it turned out that there are absolutely no red pixels in the photo, and the strawberries are actually gray. However, netizens wonder how could gray color it turns out red and asked the neuroscientist to explain the origin of the optical illusion, which again became the subject of serious controversy.

Later, one of the Twitter users analyzed the photo with gray-red strawberries and demonstrated that there really are no red pixels in the picture. He explained that the human brain balances White color, but as soon as it sees a blue tint, it automatically shifts all colors in the opposite direction. He also pointed out that the blue component is already contained in the light source under which the viewer looks at the strawberry, and therefore automatically subtracts it from each pixel.