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Pantokrator Monastery: location, history of foundation, interesting facts, photos. Pantocrator Monastery

Holy Monastery Pantocrator, the seventh in the diptych of Athonite monasteries, is dedicated Transfiguration of the Lord.

“The Royal and Patriarchal Monastery in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ “Pantocrator” (Lord Pantocrator), stands at the foot of a forest slope, on an imposing rocky promontory, rising approximately 30 meters above sea level on the northern side of the Athos peninsula. Its location is pleasing magnificent view, how to see the islands in the northern part of the Aegean Sea: Thassos, Samothraki, Lemnos; so in the south-eastern side see the sharp peak of the magnificent Holy Mount Athos.

In the Pantocrator is revered by all believers miraculous icon Mother of God - " oxbow", or " Gerontissa"(Greek: "Γερόντισσα").

It is worth noting that in the Hermitage in St. Petersburg there is an icon of “Christ Pantocrator”, obtained from the Pantocrator Monastery.

Shrines: Pilgrims can bow to parts of the relics of one of the disciples of Jesus, Apostle Andrew the Pristine, a particle Life-giving Cross, the relics of the Great Martyr Theodore Stratelates, Saints Cosmas and Damian, part of the shield of Saint Mercury and other saints.

Half an hour's walk from the Pantokrator monastery is skete of the holy prophet Elijah, which belongs to the monastery.

Patronal holiday monastery: August 6/19, on the day of the Transfiguration of the Lord.
Other holidays: 21/7 (8/7) on the day of St. Theophilus the Myrrh-Streaming
28/10 (15/10) Council of the Athos Fathers in the Pantokrator monastery and
Tuesday of Bright Week - litany ( procession) with the icon of the Mother of God Gerondissa (Old Lady).

Pilgrimage to Athos - Pantokrator Monastery
To visit the Pantokrator Monastery of the Holy Mountain, a pilgrim must obtain permission, a visa entrance to Mount Athos- so-called diamonitirion, which must be pre-ordered in advance using our service.
« GENICO» diamonitirion ( general permission for 20 monasteries) - gives the right to stay on overnight in any monastery Holy Mountain (subject to availability). We can assist in organizing accommodation in the monastery and book overnight accommodations.
Pilgrims wishing to visit the monasteries of Athos, which are located on the eastern coast (m. Hilandar - m. Esphigmen - m. Vatopedi - m. Pantocrator- Stavronikita m. - Iveron m. - Karakal m. - Morfonou), can go by speed boat from the village of Ierissos. In this case, it is necessary to reserve seats on the speedboat in advance and you should notify our service and take care to get diamotirion from the ferry captain when boarding the boat in Ierissos.
Pilgrims can get to Pantokrator a) by ferry from the village of Ierissos or from Vatopedi; b) by minibus from Kareya (the administrative capital of Athos); c) on foot from Kareya 1 hour 30 minutes walk, or from Stavronikita metro station 1 hour walk, or from Vatopedi metro station 2 hours 30 minutes walk.


In Corfu you can find a lot of amazing places. If you are planning your holiday and cannot decide on the place you want to visit, know that Corfu is rich in both natural beauty and cultural heritage. Moreover, cultural attractions have their own division here.

You can visit a historical place like Spianada Square, which is rightfully considered the most beautiful square in Greece. It is able to immerse you in the original mood of Greece, filled with beautiful, majestic sculptures depicting Greek girls.

Additionally, the place is surrounded by a network of local Greek tavernas that offer an immersive experience of the gastronomic flavors of Corfu. These tastes are distinguished by spicy notes and a special love for rice, potato and pasta dishes. In general, the cuisine is very reminiscent of traditional Italian cuisine. This kind of vacation can be considered a real cultural pastime.

As well as a visit to the local palace, which at one time housed the summer residence of the local royal family. Exploring the magnificent decoration of the palace can be very interesting, both for adult tourists and the youngest vacationers. Also on the island a large number of places of interest that are distinguished by their rich spiritual heritage. Perhaps they have become a real symbol of this Greek island.

In Corfu you can find not a single local original small church, monastery or magnificent cathedral. In addition, on the island you can find many different fortresses and castle ruins, but that’s a different story. The monasteries and temples that Kerkyra, the capital of Corfu, hospitably invites you to visit, can truly enrich your heart and immerse you in a spiritual atmosphere. Although there are also spiritual hermitages on individual islands or suburbs of Corfu.

Let's talk in order about the main attractions of Corfu in order to get a more complete picture of this resort. And then we will move on to consider one of its spiritual places - the monastery of Pontokrator.

Pros of holidays in Corfu

Corfu is one of the largest Greek islands of the Ionian island group. This island rightfully bears the name of the Emerald Paradise, because it is surrounded by lush greenery of local fruit trees. Let's look at its striking features.

  1. Corfu is famous for its mild and warm climate without much rainfall and dry summers. The average temperature in this area is about 30 degrees. Therefore, you are unlikely to get sunburned or get heatstroke while holidaying in Corfu.
  2. The local nature pleases with its views and diversity. In Corfu you will meet how amazing undersea world, as well as stunning land landscapes. In the sea you will meet bright and colorful inhabitants who, without any fear, will swim up to vacationers on the beach. Amazing colors of fish, octopuses, crabs and starfish They make you believe that you are in a Jacques Cousteau show, the underwater world here is so beautiful. In Corfu you can even find blue colored crabs. Therefore, armed with a camera, feel free to explore the local beaches, bays and bays. Such sea excursions, like no other, will appeal to vacationers with children. Every day you can watch the underwater inhabitants, which nature has endowed with such beautiful colors, completely free of charge. Let's move on to the terrestrial part of nature. She is no less interesting and charming. Here you will be greeted by entire orange orchards, olive and cypress groves, as well as fig trees and blackberry thickets. You can also find blackberry thickets on the island. If you are lucky, you will be able to pick up all these delicacies for yourself, so be sure to arm yourself with a bag or some kind of container while exploring the local forests. It is simply wonderful to take refuge in these groves in hot weather. Trees provide great protection from the sun. Nature is perhaps Corfu's biggest attraction! Apart from his spiritual heritage.
  3. Well, and, of course, Corfu is rich in its cultural, historical and spiritual places of interest. As mentioned above, each of them immerses you in its own special mood, conveying the spirit of Greece as a whole. In many ways, by the way, it is associated with ancient mythology, which most of us have known about since childhood. For example, in Corfu there is a small island called Mouse Island. It is believed that this is nothing more than Poseidon's ship, which the angry Poseidon turned into stone. This is a fairly small island; you can walk its length and breadth in just a few minutes. In addition, it is believed that the wedding of the famous Jason and Medea, the famous thieves of the Golden Fleece, took place in Corfu. An island like this is impossible would be better suited For beautiful wedding! Well, and, of course, as already mentioned, the main asset of the island is the places that convey the spiritual heritage of Corfu. Numerous cathedrals and monasteries happily welcome pilgrims and ordinary tourists from all over the world. For example, the doors of the famous Church of St. Spyridon are open around the clock. Hundreds of tourists come to this largest church in the East in order to come into contact with the relics of St. Spyridon. He was truly a great personality, as evidenced by his numerous biographies. By the way, the magnificent and even magnificent decoration of the temple testifies well to this. After all, there are scenes from his life, which are presented in the form of magnificent medallions in frames. Also, the amazing spiritual atmosphere of the island is perfectly conveyed by the numerous monasteries of Corfu. Of course, because they contain individuals who keep very pure vows. They are the ones who fill these places with life.

Monastery of Pantokrator on the island of Corfu

This monastery is located in the northwest of the capital Corfu. The name Pontocrator means Almighty.

  • This monastery is already several centuries old - the first mention of it can be found in messages from the 17th century. Although there is an opinion that at that time this monastery was already very well known.
  • Pontocrator was originally monastery. And that's how he was very for a long time, up to the last century. Then, after a short break and non-functioning, the monastery was revived. But it was only from above that a women’s monastery should reign here.
  • Corfu had its own metropolitan named Vaena. He is considered the patron of this monastery. Throughout his life he inspired service in this spiritual place and cared for its condition. Other spiritual mentors also helped Pontokrator in many ways. These include the famous elders of Greece, such as Paisius the Svyatogorets, as well as Kavsokalivit Porfiry. They prayed for the monastery for a long time and helped its inhabitants. What is most surprising is that these two elders had never been to the monastery. They only corresponded with the mothers, who were novices. But the elders helped in every possible way, even from a distance. They say that Porfiry wrote that he saw this monastery with his spiritual vision - in the thickets of olive trees and that it seemed as if he could even fly a little sea ​​foam. Indeed, this picturesque description is very similar to the surroundings of Pontokrator.
  • The Pontocrator Monastery of Corfu, or rather its cathedral, was built in 1834. It contains numerous relics of holy personalities. One contact with these places can already cleanse the soul and calm the heart.
  • The sisters of this monastery paint amazingly beautiful, joyful and bright icons. Looking at them fills the heart with special spiritual joy and grace.
  • In addition to this sublime activity, novices are also engaged in writing books and growing various crops. Olives are the main crop grown here. Although the main occupation of nuns, as usual, is a solitary life in worship of the Lord and prayer.
  • It is very interesting to visit this place, which is why many hours of educational excursions are conducted on its territory.

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  • The Pantokrator monastery is located on a steep cliff 30 meters high. It can be reached both by land (from the Vatopedi monastery or from Karyes) and from the sea by ship. The monastery was built around the end of the 14th century by the great military leader Alexy and the pious John (Stratigopoulos brothers). The mausoleum where they are buried dates back to 1363.

    The cathedral church of the monastery is dedicated to the Transfiguration of the Savior and celebrates its day on August 6. The monastery was painted in 1538.

    The monastery library, located in the fortress, contains 317 manuscripts, of which 68 parchment codices from the 11th-14th centuries, 185 codices written on paper from the 15th-19th centuries, 2 parchment scrolls and 3,500 printed editions. Among the shrines of the monastery are the right shin of St. Andrew Protoclitus and part of the relics of Saints Cosmas and Damian; The Gospel of John Koliviti (Kuschnik), which is kept in Agio Vima, measures 0.17 by 0.12 cm. It is written in small handwriting and decorated with 12 miniature icons and a piece of the shield of Saint Mercury, who became a martyr in 225 during the reign of Valerian and Galinius .

    In the 15th century, the monasteries of Fakinu, Falakru, Sotira, St. Demetrius, Kilopodari: St. Avxentius and Ravdokh were annexed to the monastery. Among other shrines, the monastery also houses the icon of the Mother of God “Gerontissa” (Old Lady), which is located in the Cathedral Church of the monastery on the left column, closer to the east. (Once it was inside, in the altar). The Virgin Mary is depicted in full height. The icon was restored and decorated with silver carvings. The monastery has 8 chapels on the territory of the monastery and 7 outside it. Not far from the monastery is the village of Kapsalas with many monastic huts.

    Skete of Elijah the Prophet of the Pantocrator Monastery. The Holy Skete of the Prophet Elijah, belonging to the Pantokrator monastery, is located an hour's walk from Karyes and 25 minutes from the main monastery of Pantokrator. It was created in 1839, and in 1881 the construction of its beautiful temple dedicated to Elijah the Prophet was completed. Among the shrines of the Skete there is a magnificent artophore (a tray for consecrated bread), vestments, liturgical objects and much more. The gilded wooden iconostasis of the Skete is of great interest.

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    On the northeastern coast of the Greek Athos peninsula, two hours' drive from the major administrative center Karye, located convent Pantocrator. Rising on a 50-meter cliff and surrounded by a wall with loopholes cut into it, in the old days it was not only a large spiritual center, but also a powerful fortification. Let us dwell in more detail on the history of this world-famous monastery.

    Events of bygone centuries

    The honor of founding the Pantokrator monastery is traditionally attributed to two Greek aristocrats of the 13th century - stratopedarkh (commander) Alexei and his brother Ivan, who was awarded the rank of “primikirium,” which in those days meant belonging to the highest court circle. However, many scientists believe that the monastery is the brainchild of another historical figure - the Byzantine emperor Alexius Komnenos (1181-1222), who became the founder of a dynasty that then ruled for many decades.

    Both some and others base their statements only on hypotheses existing in the scientific world; The first documentary mention of the monastery dates back to 1358. It is also known for certain that in 1362 the monastery was expanded and significantly rebuilt by order of the Patriarch of Constantinople Callistus I. early period Throughout its history, the monastery more than once became a place where major religious figures lived for long periods, such as the Thessalonian archbishops Simeon and Theona, as well as the primate of the Byzantine Church Callistos II Xanthopoulos.

    Monastery located in the citadel

    The Monastery of Christ Pantocrator, which translated from Greek means “Almighty,” currently occupies seventh place in the hierarchy of Athos monasteries. As mentioned above, due to the peculiarities of its layout, over the past centuries it was able to serve as a defensive structure. For this purpose it inner part divided into two separate areas. One of them contains various outbuildings- hotels, workshops and food barns; in the other, fenced off by a powerful wall, there is the main temple, consecrated in honor of the Transfiguration of Jesus Christ, a refectory and a bell tower.

    The first major fire in the monastery

    Built on the sacred mountain, Pantokrator has experienced many troubles over the long centuries of its history. The first in a long series was a fire that engulfed it in 1392 and resulted in the destruction of most of the buildings. However, thanks to generous donations from a number of high-ranking Greek and Byzantine officials, restoration work was completed within a year.

    A major role in the matter was played by the fact that, by order of the Patriarch of Constantinople, shortly before the catastrophe broke out, several ancient but small monasteries, built in the name of the saints: Dorotheus, Auxentius, Falakra, Fakina and Ravdukh, were included in the Pantokrator monastery. All of them had their regular pilgrims and donors, who did not fail to respond by contributing whatever amounts they could to the general treasury.

    The troubles that befell the monastery in subsequent centuries

    There is information about two other, no less destructive fires. One of them occurred in 1773 due to lightning striking the dome of the Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord. However, even here pious people came to the rescue, sparing no expense to restore the shrine. In addition, the largest fire disaster occurred on the territory of the monastery in 1948. The destruction it caused was so significant that it called into question the possibility of the continued existence of the monastery. But even in this case, the brethren of the monastery, supported by the Orthodox community different countries, managed to overcome the adversity that befell them.

    The most difficult period in the history of the monastery is considered to be the time of the Ottoman yoke and the economic crisis it caused. During this period, it was repeatedly robbed, and many monks ended their earthly journey as martyrs. Currently, life in the Pantokrator monastery is built on the basis of a very strict communal system, established in the 90s of the last century by one of the former abbots, Elder Vassian, and strictly supported by his current leadership.

    Stages of construction of the main monastery church

    The main temple or, as they say on Athos, the catholicon, consecrated in honor of the Transfiguration of the Lord, was founded simultaneously with the founding of the monastery itself, but was subsequently rebuilt twice. The first time this happened was in 1614, and then in 1847. However, surviving historical documents allow us to get a very complete picture of its original appearance.

    It is characteristic that the construction extended over time left its mark on architectural features building. In general, corresponding to the canons of the classical Athonite type, it at the same time includes a number of elements inherent in other directions. According to art historians, this refers primarily to the elongated eastern arch and two additional structures installed at the corners of the altar.

    Frescoes of the katholikon

    Special attention deserve the frescoes decorating interior walls temples, most of which date back to the second half of the 14th century and contain character traits, inherent in the works of people from the school of the outstanding master of that era - the Greek icon painter Panselin. However, here, as in the case of the construction of the catholicon itself, there are elements inherent in various historical eras. In addition, some, albeit insignificant, part of the early pictorial layer was painted over during the reconstruction of the temple, which was carried out in 1847. Now, in place of the lost frescoes, you can see a wall painting painted by a prominent master of the mid-19th century, Matthew John.

    Masterpieces and shrines of the main temple

    The name of the creator of its unique iconostasis, master Chrysanthos Klienda, has forever entered into the history of the main temple of the Pantokrator monastery. This work, completed in 1640, brought him fame as an unsurpassed master of wood carving and decorative gilding. There, in the catholicon, the main relic of the monastery is kept - the image Holy Mother of God Gerontissa, which is translated from Greek as “Old Woman”. On this icon, which has very big sizes(1.96 by 0.76 meters), depicted mother of God in full stature without His Eternal Son. The author captured her at the end of her earthly life, ready to move into the Kingdom of Heaven.

    In addition to this icon, the monastery also houses many other shrines, to which pilgrims flock from all over. Orthodox world. First of all, these are particles of the Life-Giving Tree on which the Savior was crucified, the relics of the holy great martyr of the 4th century Theodore Stratelates, as well as the unmercenaries Cosmas and Demyan. With constant reverence, visitors to the monastery also look at the fragment of the shield of the Holy Great Martyr Mercury stored here.

    Monastery on the island of Corfu

    Let us note that the name of the monastery uses a term often found in the Orthodox East and Mediterranean countries. Suffice it to recall the landmark of the Greek island of Corfu - the Pantokrator monastery. Located on the territory of the administrative district of Camarela, it, according to researchers, was founded in the 16th century, although some of them also name an earlier period, preceding the named one by two or even three centuries. Like most Orthodox centers in Greece, this monastery had to witness the Ottoman occupation and then go through a long and difficult path of revival. Suffice it to say that only during the 17th century, after the expulsion of the invaders, the monastery of Pantokrator (Kamarela) twice found itself in a critical situation due to the destruction caused by the hostilities that broke out around it.

    Icon from an Egyptian monastery

    In addition, this Greek term is well known due to one of the most famous icons of the Savior. This is “Christ Pantocrator” from the Sinai Monastery (see photo below). Under this name it was included in all world publications devoted to Byzantine art.

    Created in the mid-6th century by an unnamed Constantinople painter, the icon was transferred by Emperor Justinian to Sinai as a gift to a Christian monastery, where a separate basilica was built for it. There, on the territory of Egypt, it is located to this day. In 1962, the surface of the icon was cleared of later pictorial deposits, which were the result of renovations carried out in the 17th and early XIX centuries This image is considered one of the most striking masterpieces of Byzantine and world icon painting.


    The Holy Monastery of Pantokrator is located in the northeast of the Athos peninsula, next to the ruins ancient city. And although there is a widespread legend that the monastery was founded by Alexy Komnenos, the actual founders should be considered the brothers Alexy (who had the title of stratopedarch - commander of a military camp) and John (who held a high position in court).

    Nothing is known about the start date of construction of the monastery, but in documentary sources it was first mentioned in 1358. It is also known that in 1362 the monastery was rebuilt by Patriarch Callistus I. During the same period, the following monasteries became part of the Pantocrator: St. Auxentius, St. Dorothea, Kinopod, Ravdush, Faken, Falakr. The founder of the monastery, Alexy, died around 1368. Presumably, in 1384 his brother John received him here monastic tonsure. With donations made by the brothers, farmsteads were built that still exist today. The brothers' gift - the icon of Christ Pantocrator (Pantocrator) - is kept today in the Hermitage.

    The monastery was rebuilt and expanded in the 16th century. Despite the huge debts, during the Turkish yoke Pantocrator did not lose its viability. Significant persons for the state and saints in their way of life chose the monastery as their place of residence - these are Patriarch Callistos II Xanthopoulos, as well as Simeon and Feona, archbishops of Thessalonica. The monastery was destroyed by fires in 1393, 1773 and 1948, but, fortunately, not completely.

    The cathedral, consecrated in honor of the Transfiguration of the Lord, was erected simultaneously with the main part of the monastery, but it was completed, restored and remodeled completely independently of the general architectural ensemble in the third quarter of the 14th century and in 1854. The bell tower was built in the 19th century.

    Currently, 7 churches are located on the territory of the monastery, and another 7 are located outside it. Pantocrator has 5 cells in the Karei region. Now the monastery has many farmsteads in Greece, Asia Minor and Wallachia, which no other has. Subordinate to the monastery is the monastery of the prophet Elijah, 5 cells and 38 kalivas on Kapsala. It occupies 7th place in the hierarchy of Athonite monasteries.

    The monastery contains many shrines, among them: the relics of the Great Martyr. Theodore Stratelates, St. bessr. Cosmas and Damian, as well as a particle of the Life-Giving Cross, part of the shield of St. Mercury, icons of the 14th century. The iconostasis of the cathedral is probably the oldest on Mount Athos. The holy icon of the Mother of God Gerontissa (patron of the monastery) is one of the most revered miraculous Athonite icons.