home · Measurements · I don’t know where my pride can find refuge. A comprehensive analysis of A. Blok’s poem “About valor, about exploits, about glory...

I don’t know where my pride can find refuge. A comprehensive analysis of A. Blok’s poem “About valor, about exploits, about glory...

About valor, about exploits, about glory
I forgot on the sorrowful land,
When your face is in a simple frame
It was shining on the table in front of me.

But the hour came, and you left home.
I threw the treasured ring into the night.
You gave your destiny to someone else
And I forgot the beautiful face.

The days flew by, spinning like a damned swarm...
Wine and passion tormented my life...
And I remembered you in front of the lectern,
And he called you like his youth...

I called you, but you didn't look back,
I shed tears, but you did not condescend.
You sadly wrapped yourself in a blue cloak,
On a damp night you left the house.

I don't know where your pride is sheltered
You, dear, you, gentle one, have found...
I sleep soundly, I dream of your blue cloak,
In which you left on a damp night...

Don't dream about tenderness, about fame,
Everything is over, youth is gone!
Your face in its simple frame
I removed it from the table with my own hand.

Analysis of the poem “About valor, about exploits, about glory” by Blok

Blok’s poem “About valor, about exploits, about glory...” refers to the poet’s love lyrics. It is dedicated to a real life event. Blok wrote it in 1908, immediately after his wife left him. It should be noted that their relationship was very strange. The poet's wife, L. Mendeleev, was an actress, which left a very big imprint on her life. Between creative people rarely folded strong family relationships. Stormy life constantly pushes them to search for new strong impressions. This is what happened in the Blok family. Mendeleeva left him for another poet -. Blok had a hard time with his wife’s betrayal, for a long time was a creative muse for him.

The poem conveys the deep personal experience of the author. He does not use the complex symbolism inherent in his early work. Behind every line you can feel the pain of a deceived person. The image of a “face in a simple frame” is a portrait of his wife, which was constantly on the poet’s desk. In him he found the source of his inspiration.

The first time after his wife’s betrayal, the author was in the grip of anger and misunderstanding that gripped him. He throws away the “cherished ring” and assures himself that he has forgotten about the ungrateful woman forever. The lyrical hero is looking for a way out in “wine and passion.” But gradually he is overwhelmed by memories of a happy past. The marriage took place at an early age, so Blok associates his wife’s betrayal with the loss of youth.

The poet is trying to bring back his beloved. But his prayers and tears remain unanswered. Here another symbol of the work appears - the “blue cloak” in which the wife left home. There is no longer anger in Blok’s soul, he turns to ex-wife with affectionate words: “sweet, gentle.” Even in his dreams, he is constantly haunted by the image of the “blue cloak,” which in one night broke the poet’s entire life in two.
The poem ends with the recognition that both youth and love are irrevocably gone. Carefree dreams left the poet forever. A symbolic farewell action is clearing the table of the “face in a simple frame.”

The work still did not become the final point. Yielding to Blok’s pleas, his wife returned to him, but left again after some time. This mysterious relationship continued until the poet’s death. He himself, having lost faith in pure love, started short-term affairs. But his first wife forever remained for him a symbol of his first immaculate love.

Comprehensive analysis poems by A. Blok

“About valor, about exploits, about glory...”

Completed by: Course attendee

in new sociocultural conditions"

1. Theme of the poem

The theme of love has always prevailed in the work of Alexander Blok. Joy and sadness were combined in his love lyrics, apparently because the ideal of a refined and sublime, proud and trusting, beautiful and gentle woman did not find its earthly embodiment.

Blok was at first very passionate about his future wife Lyubov Dmitrievna Mendeleeva, to whom he dedicated the series “Poems about a Beautiful Lady.” According to him, if you carefully read this book, you will see that “this is a true story about how one teenager fell so enthusiastically in love with his neighbor that he created the Radiant Virgin from her and transformed her entire surrounding landscape into unearthly villages. This was the same thing that Dante did to the daughter of his neighbor Partinari.” lived and wrote in very difficult historical conditions, painfully feeling the lack of harmony in the “terrible world.” He didn’t feel it in his soul either. Only love could bring Blok that necessary, desired peace, without which it was impossible to live. Love was designed to eliminate chaos not only in the soul, but also in the world around the poet. Blok deified love, which revealed to him the high meaning of life. He dedicated a huge number of poems to this wonderful feeling. One of them is “About valor, about exploits, about glory...”.
This poem was written in 1908 and was included in the third volume of the poet's collected poems. The “Retribution” cycle, to which the poem belongs, continues the theme of the “terrible world”. The word "retribution" is usually understood as punishment for a certain crime. Moreover, the punishment comes from the outside, from someone. Retribution, according to Blok, is, first of all, a person’s condemnation of himself, the judgment of his own conscience. The main guilt of the hero is betrayal of the once sacred vows, high love, betrayal of human destiny. And the consequence of this is retribution: spiritual emptiness, weariness of life, resigned expectation of death. These motifs are heard in all the poems of the “Retribution” cycle.
That lofty, sinless love has left the poet’s life forever, reality has destroyed the ideal, and the poet mourns the lost pure dream, in which he is now unable to believe so strongly:

About valor, about exploits, about glory
I forgot on the sorrowful land,

It was shining on the table in front of me...
Don't dream about tenderness, about fame,
Everything is over, youth is gone!

I removed it from the table with my own hand.

All the poems in the collection are imbued with a thirst “to see the unearthly in the earthly” (V. Bryusov). A purely personal experience is melted here into the universal, into a mystery with the future descent to earth of the Eternal Feminine.

For six years, Blok wrote about one woman and dedicated 687 poetic works to her. In 1903, the poet married Lyubov Dmitrievna. This is where the lyrical diary addressed to the Beautiful Lady stopped. Blok’s poetic world includes new themes and new images. In the “Retribution” cycle, in which the poet prophesies a speedy judgment and retribution for a society that has shackled, enslaved and “frozen” a person, the now famous “On Valor, on Deeds, on Glory...” (1908) is published. The poem is written in a special manner and is noticeably different in style and theme from other poems in the “Retribution” cycle.

2. Genre

The genre of the poem is a love letter. This is a conversation with a portrait of a distant beloved who once left the lyrical hero. However, the hero perceives him as a living, spiritualized image. That is why he calls it not a portrait, but a face, and, turning to the portrait, he speaks as if the beloved who left him is able to hear his words, realize the depth of his mistake and, perhaps, return to the hero. The entire poem is built on the opposition of two images (the lyrical hero and his beloved woman), which only emphasizes the insurmountable distance between them.

3. Plot

The plot of the poem and its development are inextricably linked with the personality of the lyrical hero. In the first stanza we see that the hero’s entire world is focused on the image of his beloved. “About valor, about exploits, about glory

4. Artistic media

“I forgot on the sorrowful earth” - these first lines confirm that lovers tend to experience a feeling of complete satisfaction and harmony with the world and themselves only when the object of love is nearby.

But then “the hour has come,” in the second stanza the beloved leaves the hero. And the meaning of life disappears along with it. The loss of internal guidelines completely unsettles the hero, and he is left alone with the passions that “torment” his life.

Over the period of time contained in the next three stanzas, the life of the lyrical hero is filled only with memories and pain from the awareness of loss. However, in the last stanza we see that he finally manages to make a mature decision to let go of his lost love, and this undoubtedly shows the hero’s maturation and his emergence as a self-sufficient person.

Composition: meter, rhyme, rhythm.

Poem size:

_ _" / _ _" / _ _" /_ _"/ _ _" /_ iambic pentameter. This meter has been used by many poets from Shakespeare to his Silver Age contemporaries. It recreates human speech within the framework of an epic or dramatic story, tension of will, it is characterized by clarity, firmness.It is obvious that Blok uses the names of this size to emphasize the tragedy expressed in the work.

Cross rhyme.

The first line of the last stanza “Don’t dream about tenderness, about glory...”, on the one hand, completes the poem, forming ring composition. On the other hand, it contains a deep thought that a person’s personal happiness and his social role are closely related.

Trails. To give the tongue literary work are used more expressively special means: epithets, comparison, metaphors.

The first line of the work, “About valor, about exploits, about glory...” seems to deceive the reader’s expectations: it seems that we will be talking about the topic of civic duty. However, love experiences turn out to be the most important thing for the hero at a certain stage of life, so great and boundless is the bitterness of his loss. In the poem we encounter a large number of epithets: “on a sorrowful land”, “cherished ring”, “cursed swarm”, “damp night”. The tenderness with which the hero remembers his beloved, comparing her with his youth: “And he called you like his youth,” is reflected in the work with such epithets as: “beautiful face,” “you, dear,” “you, tender.” . There are personifications and metaphors in the poem: “when your face is in a simple frame”, “it shone on the table in front of me”, “I threw the treasured ring into the night”, “you gave your destiny to another”, “the days flew by”, “wine and passion

tormented my life,” “I sleep soundly.”
From the first lines, the poet hints to the reader about the mood of the entire work by using the epithet “On a sorrowful land.” In the second stanza centrally is a cherished ring- a symbol of love fidelity. The boundless despair of the lyrical hero, caused by the departure of his beloved, is expressed in the episode when he throws away the “cherished ring”. Night in this case symbolizes darkness and the unknown. However, according to the aesthetic views of the symbolist poets, to whom he belonged, the meaning of a symbol can never be completely exhausted. In this case, it can be perceived more broadly: night is the time when demonic forces rise up. Despair and loss of the meaning of life for the narrator are described by the epithets “cursed swarm”, “on a damp night”.

To convey to the reader how much his chosen one meant to the hero, a comparison is used: “And he called you like he called his youth.” The author points out that when love goes away, so do better days the life of our hero. The serene youth is behind us, the time has come for harsh growing up.

The metaphors “when your face is in a simple frame”, “it shone on the table in front of me”, pointing us to the heroine, reflect the fact that the lyrical hero is inclined to deify and idealize her even after betrayal. “I threw the treasured ring into the night,” “you gave your destiny to another” - these metaphors seem to indicate the choice of both characters and the fact that their paths diverge. Blok uses the personifications “days flew by,” “wine and passion tormented my life” to show that the hero’s life and fate are dominated by otherworldly dark forces that he does not want to fight. Strength love feeling The lyrical hero is also updated by the dream motif:

“I sleep soundly, I sleep with your blue cloak,

In which you left on a damp night."

Stylistic figures:

Repeats/refrain: “a face in a simple frame.” Repetition demonstrates the importance for the author of the described object, process, action, etc. When using this figure, the author repeatedly mentions something that particularly excites him, also concentrating the reader’s attention on this.

Antithesis: Opposition - means of expression, which makes it possible to make a particularly strong impression on the reader, to convey to him the strong excitement of the author due to the rapid change of concepts of opposite meanings used in the text of the poem. Also, opposing emotions, feelings and experiences of the author or his hero can be used as an object of opposition.

“When your face is in a simple frame

It was shining on the table in front of me...

Your face in its simple frame

I removed it from the table with my own hand”;

Inversion: “They tormented my life,” “your blue cloak,” “she left on a damp night,” “I cleared it from the table.” Inversion in poetic texts performs an accent or semantic function, a rhythm-forming function for building a poetic text, as well as the function of creating a verbal-figurative picture.

Assonance: “I don’t know where your shelter is pride/ I sleep soundly, I dream of your cloak blue", "Everything is over, youth passed! / With my hand I removed table».

Anaphora gives the text additional emotionality.

“And I remembered you in front of the lectern,

And he called you like his youth..."

Even after years, the lyrical hero still remembers that fateful day of farewell:

“I called you, but you didn’t look back,

I shed tears, but you did not condescend.”

Synonyms: valor, exploits, glory; sweet, tender.

Archaisms: the hour has come, lectern, pride.

In the poem “About Valor, About Deeds, About Glory,” an image appears of a man devastated by life with a difficult fate. The poem is autobiographical, because during this period his first love, Lyubov Dmitrievna, the granddaughter of the famous chemist Mendeleev, leaves him and goes to to a close friend Blok - poet Andrei Bely.

Having parted with his beloved, the hero lost the meaning of life, he lost himself. He no longer meets true love, on the path of life he encounters only passion. We see that, having lost his beloved, the hero lost faith in life and lost his moral support. The loss turned the hero's carefree life into existence. He is tormented by wine and passion, but this is not spiritual life, but only a sinful parody of it, burning and devastating the soul. It is symbolic that the hero remembers his beloved in front of a lectern (a lectern is a high table with a sloping top, on which icons and holy books). Obviously, in love he seeks salvation for his lost soul. Also, it is in front of the lectern in the Temple that the wedding ceremony is held. This image is used to show how dear the hero is to already forgotten oaths eternal love and loyalty.

The line “Everything is over, youth is gone!” emphasizes that time cannot be turned back. A man, immersed in his suffering, and then, trying to console himself by spending his days searching for truth in wine, lost not only love. He lost everything. The ambitious dreams of youth are irrevocably a thing of the past. Life plans remained unrealized. Only after realizing this did the lyrical hero find the strength to remove the portrait of his beloved from the table. However, having lost his beloved, the lyrical hero did not become embittered against her. Years later, he still calls her sweet and gentle. The breakup is perceived by him as a fatal accident, for which pride is to blame.

All his life he cherished the hope of her return. The portrait removed from the table at the end of the poem testifies to the final loss of this hope, but at the same time it is also a certain courageous step of a person in which reason finally defeated a painful feeling that had grown to universal proportions. However, the hero managed to put so much grief and melancholy into this farewell gesture that the reader, even understanding the correctness of the action taken, still continues to sympathize with the unfortunate man.

The poem has a clearly expressed dramatic element, which is typical for lyrics in general. Typical love triangle turned into a disconsolate drama of a broken heart. Some of the images in the poem also resemble details of theatrical props.

During this difficult period, the poet breaks with his Symbolist friends. It seemed that Blok was drowning his despair in wine. But despite this, main theme poems from the “Terrible World” period, love still remains. But the one about whom the poet writes his magnificent poems is no longer the former Beautiful Lady, but a fatal passion, a temptress, a destroyer. She tortures and burns the poet, but he cannot break free from her bonds, her power.

Even about the vulgarity and rudeness of the terrible world, Blok writes spiritually and beautifully. Although he no longer believes in love, does not believe in anything, the image of the stranger in the poems of this period still remains beautiful. The poet hated cynicism and vulgarity - they were never in his poems.

If you carefully read the poem “About valor, about exploits, about glory...”, then it is easy to notice that it echoes the poem “I remember wonderful moment...".
When your face is in a simple frame
It was shining on the table in front of me...
In Pushkin we see similar lines:
I remember a wonderful moment:
You appeared before me.
“And I forgot your beautiful face” - “And I forgot your gentle voice.” “The days flew by” - “the years passed.” But, despite such a similar scenario, the endings of the poems are completely opposite: at the end of the poem there is an awakening of the soul, in Blok we see only bitterness, despair (the hero did not return his beloved).
A. Blok always believed in the saving faith of love, love as a cleansing bright feeling and strove to give all of himself to the great love for a woman, for the Motherland... He dedicated his feelings, thoughts, soul to love, which is clearly expressed in poems throughout his work a poet whose name Russia is still proud of.

Students in the 11th grade are invited to read the poem “On Valor, About Deeds, About Glory” by Alexander Alexandrovich Blok in a literature lesson. At home they are assigned to learn it completely by heart. On our website you can download it to your gadget for free or read it online.

The text of Blok’s poem “On Valor, on Deeds, on Glory” was written in 1908. It is dedicated to the poet’s wife Lyubov Mendeleeva. Alexander Alexandrovich had a very difficult relationship with her. They met as children. Then they didn't see each other for some time. In their youth they met again. The poet fell deeply in love with her and, in the end, in 1903 they married. They came together and then diverged, but nevertheless, she was his muse all her life. This work was created after her next departure. In it, he writes that she left him on a damp night in a blue cloak. With the help of the color of clothes, he is trying to convey to the reader that she did not just abandon him. She went to another person. Blue color symbolizes betrayal. Blok was very worried about this event. He couldn't understand why she did it. He couldn't think about anything but her. In the poem, he writes that he began to drink a lot, change women, but this did not help him forget. She appeared before his eyes all the time. Even in his sleep, he constantly dreamed of her. He called Lyubov Mendeleeva back, but she did not return. For Alexander Alexandrovich, her departure was ultimately marked not just by the loss of his beloved, but also by the loss of his youth. All his dreams, thoughts, desires were connected with her, but she was no longer around. That young ardent boy who was hopelessly in love with her was also gone. In the last stanza we learn that after a while he was still able to cope with the pain of loss, he forgot his beloved. In it, Alexander Alexandrovich writes that he removed the portrait of his beloved from the table.

About valor, about exploits, about glory
I forgot on the sorrowful land,
When your face is in a simple frame
It was shining on the table in front of me.

But the hour came, and you left home.
I threw the treasured ring into the night.
You gave your destiny to someone else
And I forgot the beautiful face.

The days flew by, spinning like a damned swarm...
Wine and passion tormented my life...
And I remembered you in front of the lectern,
And he called you like his youth...

I called you, but you didn't look back,
I shed tears, but you did not condescend.
You sadly wrapped yourself in a blue cloak,
On a damp night you left the house.

I don't know where your pride is sheltered
You, dear, you, gentle one, have found...
I sleep soundly, I dream of your blue cloak,
In which you left on a damp night...

Don't dream about tenderness, about fame,
Everything is over, youth is gone!
Your face in its simple frame
I removed it from the table with my own hand.

Alexander Blok wrote a lot about love, he wrote in a special way, light and sad. Joy and sadness were combined in his love lyrics, apparently because the ideal of a refined and sublime, proud and trusting, beautiful and gentle woman did not find its earthly embodiment.

Blok was at first very passionate about his future wife Lyubov Dmitrievna Mendeleeva, to whom he dedicated the series “Poems about a Beautiful Lady.” According to K.I. Chukovsky, if you carefully read this book, you will see that “this is a true story about how one teenager fell so enthusiastically in love with his neighbor that he created the Radiant Virgin out of her and transformed her entire surrounding landscape into unearthly villages. This was the same thing that Dante did to the daughter of his neighbor Partinari.” All the poems in the collection are imbued with a thirst “to see the unearthly in the earthly” (V. Bryusov). A purely personal experience is melted here into the universal, into a mystery with the future descent to earth of the Eternal Feminine.

For six years, Blok wrote about one woman and dedicated 687 poems to her. In 1903, the poet married Lyubov Dmitrievna - and the lyrical diary addressed to the Beautiful Lady ceased. Blok’s poetic world includes new themes and new images. The poet depicts the ulcers of the “terrible world”, expresses sympathy for the oppressed and condemns the “well-fed”. This is how cycles of poems appear “ Scary world", "Retribution", "Iambics".

In the “Retribution” cycle, in which the poet prophesies a speedy judgment and retribution for a society that has shackled, enslaved and “frozen” a person, the now famous “On Valor, on Deeds, on Glory...” (1908) is published. The poem is written in a special manner and is noticeably different in style and theme from other poems in the “Retribution” cycle.

Reading this small piece, I immediately remembered the Beautiful Lady, that unreal woman, lover, dream, with whom the poet recently parted:

But the hour has come, and you left home,
I threw the treasured ring into the night.
You gave your destiny to someone else
And I forgot the beautiful face...

Yes, it is She - the Ancient Virgin, Dawn, Bush, Stranger, Eternal Wife, Beautiful Lady, who, “wrapped in a blue cloak sadly,” leaves the poet and retreats into memories, into the past, into the world of youth and dreams. The poet remains alone, sad and weak:

I called you, but you didn't look back,
I shed tears, but you did not condescend...

The words sound excited and loud, the pain of parting squeezes the trembling heart and takes away the breath. But the hero is no longer able to return anything back.

The poem is logically divided into three parts: the departure of a loved one, a sad life without hope and light, humility before fate.

The main idea of ​​the work is a painful parting with the innermost dreams of youth. First, a sad and bitter memory of her, then a heart-aching consciousness of loss and, finally, apathy and indifference to the vain future, which no longer attracts with its mystery and novelty. The author uses the technique of framing, repeating the motif of a forgotten portrait in the first and last stanzas.

His lyrical hero clears the table as a sign of accepting life as it is.

In this Blok’s poem, it is rare, but still there are various paths that help us see new features and facets of the imaginary, to better understand the meaning (metaphor “days flew by, spinning in a damned swarm”, epithets: “cherished”, “sorrowful land”).

The block is incredibly accurate in conveying the semantic nuance of the word:

I shed tears, but you did not condescend...

She did not “return”, did not “appear”, but rather “descended”, this leaves no doubt that we are talking about the Goddess, about an Angel in a female guise. Or more:

When your face is in a simple frame
It was shining on the table in front of me...

The face “shone” like the face of a saint. The poet constantly emphasizes the unearthly origin of the great gift of love.

The work is written in Blok’s favorite poetic meter – iambic, using spondee. Cross rhyme. The stanza is a quatrain with alternating female and male rhymes.

The poem sounds melodious, melodic and very excited. The emotional tension grows from stanza to stanza. The poet uses many soft sonorant sounds [l], [m], [n], but when he wants to express indignation and anger, he increases the number of sounds [r], which gives the line hardness:

The days flew by, spinning like a damned swarm...
Wine and passion tormented my life...

The climax of the poem is the fourth stanza. After it, the tension subsides, the rhythm slows down. It seems as if the poet leaves, looks back for the last time at the table where the treasured portrait stood, and closes the door behind him.

You can reread the poem many times to immerse yourself in the fascinating world of Blok’s poetry. The poet chooses surprisingly precise words in order to express the depth of his feelings, pure, selfless, not demanding anything in return. His lines touch the soul, making us not witnesses, but accomplices of experiences:

I don’t know where my pride has a refuge
You, dear, you, gentle one, have found...
I sleep soundly, I dream of your blue cloak,
In which you left on a damp night...

2. Indicate the means of creating expressiveness.
3. In the last paragraph, underline grammar basics in SSP

And I forgot the beautiful face.

I shed tears, but you did not condescend.
On a damp night you left the house.

I don’t know where my pride has a refuge

(A. Blok)

please help me write out complex sentences from the poem that combine different types of communication!! About valor, about exploits, about

I forgot on the sorrowful land,
When your face is in a simple frame
It was shining on the table in front of me.

But the hour came, and you left home.
I threw the treasured ring into the night.
You gave your destiny to someone else
And I forgot the beautiful face.

The days flew by, spinning like a damned swarm...
Wine and passion tormented my life...
And I remembered you in front of the lectern,
And he called you like his youth...

I called you, but you didn't look back,
I shed tears, but you did not condescend.
You sadly wrapped yourself in a blue cloak,
On a damp night you left the house.

I don't know where your pride is sheltered
You, my dear, you, my gentle one, have found...
I sleep soundly, I dream of your blue cloak,
In which you left on a damp night...

Don't dream about tenderness, about fame,
Everything is over, youth is gone!
Your face in its simple frame
I removed it from the table with my own hand.

Determine the type of subordinate clause: 1. Where you are, I will be there. 2. I don’t know where the line is between a comrade and a friend. 3. The room where I was usually accommodated was

busy. 4. The legend is silent about whether this castle has survived. 5.I can guess why you wanted to come. 6. I'm sad because you're having fun. 7. Happiness awaits us there, where we don’t dream of finding it. 8.If you go to him, you can stretch your legs.

Task 2. Copy, opening the brackets and indicating the rank of the pronoun. 1) (Someone) (about) (whom) p...think 2) (to whom) (someone) entrust 3) to prepare for (not)

how many minutes? ) (dis) agree(?) 7) (what) (that) items 8) (whose) (that) advice 9) (not) something interesting 10) (what) (that) had to be refused(?) 11) You (will not) learn yourself, (nor) anyone (will) teach.12) What (hurts) someone, he (about) speaks about.13) He (is not) mistaken who (doesn’t) do anything does.14) It is bad for the one who does good (not) to anyone.15) My son is mine, but his mind is his own.16) Keep yourself from troubles while they are gone.17) (Neither ) what am I (not) afraid of, but (neither) (with) whom and (not) scolding.18) You (not) put a scarf on each mouth. 19) The enemy experienced a lot that day, which means the Russian battle is daring, ours hand-to-hand combat. 20) Hearing such a judgment, my poor Nightingale took flight and flew to distant lands. 21) The pure field has died, there are no longer those bright days. 22) I don’t know any other country where people can breathe so freely. 23) The lodge stood on Borovoy moss, in a vast swamp. Such swamps in the Ryazan region are called mshars. 24) We chose a place under a steep ravine, sheltered from the westerly wind. This wind always began to blow in the morning and continued until noon.

Help me condense the presentation to 70-75 words, keeping all the paragraphs. The understanding that we are all different comes to us in childhood. Without knowing yet

meaning of the word “character”, we divide our acquaintances into evil and kind, cheerful and sad. In adult life we avoid people with “difficult” characters and bring closer to us those with whom we find it easy, pleasant and interesting.

A person’s character is a certain way of thinking, manifested in a system of relationships towards other people, business, oneself and property.

No matter how many times a person finds himself in similar situations, his reaction will always be approximately the same. Knowing a person well, you can predict the development of events with a high percentage of probability. Usually, by how a person behaves, his character is assessed, the manifestation of which is associated with temperament, inclinations and abilities.

Temperament qualities are innate and manifest themselves in emotionality, speed of movement and thinking, and sociability. A person's character is not an innate personality trait. It is formed throughout life path, its prerequisites can be seen from the very early age, however, the first manifestations can be detected in twelve-year-old adolescents.

Many character traits are based on temperamental characteristics. Patience and perseverance are more characteristic of phlegmatic and melancholic people, and sociability is more characteristic of choleric and sanguine people.

How smaller child, the less life experience he has and the less developed the ability to manage himself. The role of the adults around the child is great, they regulate the child’s behavior and act as teachers. The higher the level of the teacher, the more successful a student he can raise. Good qualities They will be better vaccinated if people significant to the child demonstrate them themselves.

In the past, many attempts have been made to calculate the influence of factors on the formation of a child’s character environment. They can be reduced to simple truths: love your child, be natural, be guided not by upbringing theories, but by your own feelings and the feelings of the child.