home · Measurements · Platonov, analysis of the work unknown flower, plan. Review of Druzhinina’s story “The Mysterious Bouquet” The main idea of ​​the story is a bouquet

Platonov, analysis of the work unknown flower, plan. Review of Druzhinina’s story “The Mysterious Bouquet” The main idea of ​​the story is a bouquet

Routing lesson
Subject Literary reading Class 4 Topic of the lesson Yu. Koval “Bouquet” Type of lesson studying new material Teacher Tamara Borisovna Tzimer
development of the ability to determine main idea text, convey the content of the text based on questions; development of speech, thinking, imagination.
- introduce students to Y. Koval’s work “Bouquet”; - remember literary genres; - to form the type of correct reading activity through the use of technology for the development of critical thinking; - develop creative activity students; communication skills.
Planned results:

formation respectful attitude to a different opinion; development of independence and personal responsibility for one’s actions based on ideas about moral standards of communication.

regulatory UUD:
formation and improvement of the ability to reflect on the methods and conditions of actions, control and evaluation of the process and results of activities; draw up a plan for solving an educational problem together with the teacher; work according to plan, checking your actions with the goal, adjusting your activities;
cognitive UUD:
improving the ability to extract information presented in different forms; process and transform information from one form to another, carry out analysis and synthesis;
communicative UUD:
improving the ability to express and justify one’s point of view; listen and hear others, try to accept a different point of view, be ready to adjust your point of view; improving mastery of monologue and dialogic forms of speech in accordance with the norms of the native language.
students will improve the conscious and voluntary construction of a speech utterance in oral form; semantic reading; use reference sources to understand and obtain additional information; ability to use the simplest types of text analysis. Lesson stage Teacher activity Student activity Slide No. Org. moment In what mood did you come to school? I wish you a good mood that will accompany you throughout today! What do you think it takes to be successful?
Updating knowledge Working with text Let's wish each other good luck. Guess the puzzle What do you think we will talk about today? What is the topic of our lesson? What is a BOUQUET? Where can we clarify whether we have given the correct interpretation of this word? Find the lexical meaning of this word in the dictionary. What are your hypotheses about what bouquet will be discussed in our work? Do you think it's true? What associations of mood and emotions does the bouquet evoke in you? For each letter, select and write a word. B - big, cheerful U - amazing K - beautiful E - natural, unique T - mysterious, solemn I propose to get acquainted with the work of Yu. Koval “Bouquet” and compare the associations of your bouquet with the one described in the story. I entered the house and froze on the threshold. On the threshold - where is this? What does it mean - frozen? Why did he freeze on the threshold? Guess the rebus. The answer is “BOUQUET.” They give answers (about the bouquet, ...) BOUQUET Children answer (a set of flowers, ...) In the dictionary. Children read out the explanation they found. They put forward their hypotheses. (write on the board) B - big, cheerful U - amazing K - beautiful E - natural, unique T - mysterious, solemn The text is covered with a piece of paper, children read, opening each line. Children form a cluster based on associations to the word FROZEN. FROZEN - anxiety, fear, mystery, wariness, expectation, concentration, anxiety, excitement, fright, tension, fear, ... Assume. Slide No. 1 Slide No. 2 (lesson topic)
Physical education - a minute Continuation of work on the topic of the lesson A lake of milk was spilling on the floor. There were fragments of cups, a bottle, and spoons lying around him. Introduced? And I introduced it. (This episode recorded on the board opens). Who is here? Who is here? -Who asks and to whom? Who could it be? Everything in the room was upside down. What does upside down mean? What do you think could have happened? Only the bouquet stood on the table safe and sound. In the midst of the destruction, he looked somewhat impudent. Impudent - how is that? What kind of impudent bouquet is this? It seemed that the bouquet was to blame for everything. How can the bouquet be to blame for everything? I looked under the stove, looked at the stove - there was no one on the stove, under the stove, in the closet, or under the table. And under the bed I found a can, from under which flowed a white, snowy stream that turned into a lake. How could there be a lake in the room? Why was the stream white and snowy? Suddenly it seemed like someone was watching! Who could be watching? And then I realized that it was on me. Children talk about their ideas. They assume. Children talk about their ideas. Turn to an explanatory dictionary. Children express their opinions The author compared a puddle to a lake. Milk was leaking from the can. Children's answers..... Slide No. 3
Reflection Homework looking at the bouquet. The bouquet - sunflowers, tansy, cornflowers - looked at me with impudent green eyes. Look
with your eyes - how is that? Look at me or at each other with impudent eyes. Have you already figured out the secret of this bouquet? Before I had time to think of anything, the whole bouquet shook, the jug flew to the floor, and some black, unprecedented flower arched its back, swung its tail and jumped straight from the table into the window. What is this unprecedented flower? Which part of speech does the author use more often in this paragraph in order to more accurately and vividly describe this plot? Find all the verbs and read only them. What type of text has many verbs? How did the actions take place? Read the last paragraph again. Is this a true story? All you have to do is draw a “black, unprecedented flower” with a curved back. Complete the sentences: Today I learned... Today I learned... I liked the lesson... I found it difficult during the lesson... My mood... Continue the story, come up with an ending to it; Staging “unseen flower”; Write a five-line poem about an “unseen flower.” Students' answers verb Text - quick narration Slide No. 3 1 click (bouquet of ...) Slide No. 4 Slide No. 5

The main characters of Andrei Platonov’s story “Flower on Earth” are the boy Afonya and his grandfather. Afonya’s father was at war, and his mother worked, so the boy often stayed at home with his grandfather. But the grandfather was very old, he slept on the stove all the time, and Afona was bored.

In order not to be sad, Afonya tried to wake up his grandfather and talk to him, but it was not an easy task. When he managed to wake up his grandfather, Afonya asked him various questions. One day he asked his grandfather if he knew everything in the world? And the grandfather replied that he knew everything. Afona wanted to hear about everything her grandfather knew, but he fell asleep again.

Then the boy used a trick - he stopped the pendulum near the clock. From the silence that fell in the house, grandfather woke up and did not sleep again. Hearing that Afonya wanted to know about everything, the grandfather got down from the stove, took his grandson by the hand and led him to the fields. He brought Afonya to the pasture and showed him a blue flower growing on sandy soil.

Afonya said that he already knew this flower and demanded to tell him everything. But the grandfather got angry with his grandson and said that this flower contains the most important thing. He explained that the flower grows on sand, in which there is no life, but the flower itself is alive. A flower knows how to make life out of death, and this is the most important thing to know.

Afonya understood his grandfather and asked him about people, about their role in our world. And the grandfather replied that people plow the land and help, for example, bread to grow. And my grandfather also said that some plants are medicines and are taken at the pharmacy.

The grandfather reminded Afona that his father was fighting and he might need medicine. He suggested that his grandson collect more medicinal plants and take them to the pharmacy. Afonya understood what his grandfather told him, and he wanted to make life out of death himself.

The boy gained a lot useful flowers and took them to the pharmacy. There they gave him a comb for this. Afonya gave a comb to his grandfather so that he could comb his beard. The grandfather thanked his grandson and asked if the flowers told Athos what they grow from? Afonya said that the flowers are silent, but we will definitely have to ask them.

The grandfather stroked Afonya on the head and thought that his grandson looked like a flower growing on the ground. After that he fell asleep again.

That's how it is summary story.

The main idea of ​​Platonov’s story “Flower on Earth” is that it is important to understand why all living things exist in this world. The boy's grandfather Afoni knew this secret; he told his grandson that one must be able to make life out of death.

Platonov’s story “Flower on Earth” teaches you to be inquisitive, to be able to keep yourself busy. Afonya suffered from boredom, remaining alone at home, and his grandfather taught him how to collect medicinal plants to help those who fought at the front.

In the story I liked the boy’s grandfather Afoni, who was wise man and who managed to explain to his grandson in simple words the main secret of nature. Grandfather Afoni is a born philosopher; it is important for him to get to the bottom of the foundations of life on earth.

What proverbs are suitable for Platonov’s story “Flower on Earth”?

The day until the evening is boring if there is nothing to do.
The world is illuminated by the sun, and man is illuminated by knowledge.
Life is given for good deeds.

The story is a fairy tale by Platonov Unknown flower- this is one of the latest works author, which makes you think, which evokes thoughts and shows how difficult it can be human life and how important the help of caring people is. The work describes the desire for life, describes growth, the difficulties of survival.

Platonov Unknown flower

Platonov’s story “The Unknown Flower” tells us about an ordinary flower, but at the same time the flower was not quite ordinary, because it managed to grow in the middle of a wasteland, where there is no life-giving moisture, where there is no nutritious soil. A seed just accidentally fell into a hole between clay and stone. But the plant wanted to live so much that it managed not only to germinate, but also to rise towards the sun. It managed, using only the morning dew and dust brought by the wind, to grow and cover the entire area with its aroma. It was the aroma that attracted the attention of one girl. Her name was Dasha and she lived in a pioneer camp. She passed by, and in her hands was a letter to her mother. At that moment the girl was also lonely. She missed her family and so she saw a lovely flower, which she could not answer what it was called, because “no one calls him, he lives alone.” The girl did not remain indifferent, she told her pioneer friends about the flower, who made sure that the flower was comfortable, that the soil became fertile and that the seeds that fell from the flower sprouted and grew from them, and did not die, beautiful children.

And the seeds sprouted, the girl was convinced of this in the second year, when she again came to the former wasteland. But now herbs grew here and flowers bloomed, however, Dasha did not find the old flower, but in its place, his son grew, even more beautiful and strong, because he grew “from stone.”

Platonov Unknown flower main characters

In Platonov’s work “The Unknown Flower” there are two main characters: the flower and Dasha. The flower is small, but hardworking, in its desire to live, it managed to overcome difficulties and blossomed.

Dasha is a hardworking girl, a pioneer. She is not indifferent and loves nature, so she did not stand aside and helped create with her friends good conditions for the continued existence of the poor small, but so beautiful, flower.

Platonov Unknown flower main idea

The main idea of ​​Platonov’s work is that with the help of perseverance. aspirations, hard work, courage, all difficulties that a person encounters along the way will be overcome.


1. How an unknown flower appeared
2. Difficult life and the struggle for the survival of the flower
3. Girl Dasha
4. Help from a girl and her friends
5. A transformed wasteland and Dasha’s meeting with the descendant of an unknown flower.

The main characters of the story by Marina Druzhinina “ Mysterious bouquet"- mom, dad and son. One day my mother returned home with a large bouquet of flowers. When dad and son inquired about the origin of the bouquet, she invited them to guess where she got it from.

Dad suggested that the bouquet was given to mom by a fan. But my mother said that fans are afraid to approach her, knowing that she is married. Then the son assumed that the bouquet was given to his mother at school, because he managed to rewrite the test from a two to a three. Mom replied that they don’t give bouquets for such “successes.”

Then she added that they still wouldn’t be able to guess and told how it happened. Mom was driving a car when she was stopped by a traffic police officer. He said that they were holding a “Lady Driving” campaign and handed her this bouquet. Mom said that she was very pleased to receive such a gift.

Dad listened to this amazing story and went to park the car in the garage. But at the same time he left his mobile phone Houses. When the phone rang, my mother answered the call. The caller introduced himself as Lieutenant Shustrikov. He asked to tell Alexander Filippovich that he had given the flowers to his wife. Upon learning that he was talking to Alexander Filippovich’s wife, Shustrikov became embarrassed and ended the conversation.

At this time, dad returned, and mom told him about Shustrikov’s call. She asked why he didn't just give her flowers himself? Dad replied that he wanted to surprise mom because Lately she stopped being surprised by the bouquets that he gave her.

This is the summary of the story.

The main idea of ​​the story is that sincerely loving person always strives to make pleasant surprises for the one he loves. Dad loved mom and often gave her flowers. But when he noticed that his mother was used to receiving bouquets from him, he came up with a very original way surprise her and he succeeded.

The story teaches you to be caring towards loved ones and more often surprise them with pleasant surprises.

In the story, I liked the dad, Alexander Filippovich, who managed to give his wife a pleasant surprise by giving her a bouquet of flowers through a traffic police officer. Dad treats mom reverently, with great attention, and this is very pleasant. Reading stories about attentive and kind people makes your soul feel joyful and warm.

What proverbs fit Druzhinina’s story “The Mysterious Bouquet”?

Where there is love and advice, there is no grief.
They are friends in the family - they live, they don’t bother.
It is not the gift that is precious, but the attention.