home · On a note · What color of wood to choose for furniture? Useful tips for choosing the color of chipboard Apple tree color in the interior

What color of wood to choose for furniture? Useful tips for choosing the color of chipboard Apple tree color in the interior

When decorating the interior of a room, all details are important, including the color of the wood of the furniture. This should be taken into account in particular when there is a need to brighten a room, if the windows face strictly west and the sun hardly enters the room. Or, conversely, you need to add a little dark shades when the room, due to its location, most The day is brightly illuminated by sunlight.

In the first case, you need to choose light furniture, in the second, a dark wood color is suitable. Photos of many interiors make it clear that the color of the furniture affects the overall “mood” of the room. In this article you will find the answer to the question of how to choose the right color of furniture so that any room in your house or apartment is a model of harmony, elegance and comfort.

Furniture color is the main component of the interior

In any room, you need to consider the influence of color when creating the interior. With the help of furniture, any place in the apartment can be changed to a great extent, and it is very important what color of wood was used to produce furniture that contributes to creating a cozy atmosphere. Skillful use of color in choosing an interior allows you to change traditional dwellings, taking into account the latest trends.

When choosing the color of a particular room, you need to take into account various factors: where the windows face (if it is the north side, then it is better to stay on warm colors, if the south - in the cold), reflection of light, quality of lighting, and finally, what zone it is: living room, kitchen, office, children's room. Bright, rich colors will look best in the dining room or living room. But blue is associated with water and cleanliness; they are suitable for bathrooms, but they should not be used for the kitchen and dining room; here it is better to stick to yellow or orange colors.

Combination of colors in the interior

In addition, do not forget about the size of the room: bright walls visually make the room smaller, dark ones, on the contrary, make them larger. So, orange, yellow, and also red, for example, the color "apple tree", will help transform large room with a minimum amount of furniture into a smaller, cozy and comfortable one. White and black, purple and blue will visually enlarge the room.

When choosing the appropriate color for painting the walls, do not forget that the furniture, curtains, decorative fabrics, and curtains must match the walls. If furniture upholstery, the bedspread on the sofa, the curtains are patterned, then it is better to make the walls smooth. The issue of choosing colors and their combinations must be approached carefully, carefully weighing everything. For example, it is better not to mix green with red; this combination is difficult to perceive, especially if the colors are used in equal proportions. Light yellow serves as an excellent background for almost any color (for example, in China, a yellow background is always used to display a porcelain collection). Green color, on the contrary, does not harmonize well with other colors, except for different shades of this color itself.

Discreet, calm tones are the best backdrop for valuable items. For example, a light gray background is perfect for beautiful picture and solid furniture. The color of the walls must be combined with the color of the floor and furniture upholstery.

Different rooms - different colors of wood for furniture

In the kitchen, it is best to use light-colored walls in combination with light-colored furniture. Contrast can be created, for example, with bright decorative items on the shelves, a painting, a vase, dishes, bright curtains.

If the bathroom is lit only by electricity, then it is best to use light colors. Light shades of blue, yellow, cyan and pink are recommended. Pipes and various connections, and plumbing products should be in the same colors.

In hallways and corridors, you can use different colors for wall decoration. Light wood furniture is ideal for such rooms. The ceiling can be “lowered” a little if you make it slightly darker than the walls. A similar effect can be achieved if the ceiling and sections of walls adjacent to it are painted 20-35 centimeters with lighter paint.

In the living room, more neutral or cool colors are used, in this way you feel a surge of cheerfulness and energy.

For the bedroom, on the contrary, they choose warm colors to create comfort and coziness, but the main thing is that these colors are used in moderation, and the furniture will add elegance and emphasize the sophistication of your room.

Wood colors depending on types

So, we invite you to familiarize yourself with the colors that are characteristic of wood. different varieties. This knowledge will help you find mutual language with a consultant in a furniture showroom when you need to explain to him exactly what color of wood you need.

Light wood shades:

  • light ash has a yellowish color;
  • pine has a rich yellowish-golden color;
  • Karelian birch - calm yellowish-golden hue with small “circles”;
  • beech - the tree has a light color, with a bright pink tint.

Intermediate tones:

  • oak - brownish color;
  • alder is a mixture of beige and reddish shades, photos of furniture in many showrooms are suitable for many interiors and show all the advantages of this type of wood;
  • cherry - rich reddish-reddish hue;
  • Apple tree - Brown color with a reddish tint.

Dark wood shades:

  • walnut is a classic, dark brown in color;
  • mahogany - dark Cherry color;
  • - deep black color.

Common types of wood for furniture

The most common option is pine. This tree has a light yellow or yellowish-red color. This material is not a very hard wood, but it attracts furniture makers with ease of processing, and the manufactured furniture is characterized by sufficient durability and strength.

Especially good quality have trees that grow in northern latitudes. They are straight, have a good length and are distinguished by straight layers, which is also valued when performing construction work.

The advantages of pine also include price. In addition, it is a strong and light wood, it responds well to woodworking tools, holds glue and other impregnations well, and many people like its color. Pine is usually used as a material for inexpensive furniture, as well as doors, window frames and others that are widely used in construction and for interior decoration.

Walnut is one of the most popular wood colors used in interiors. Furniture made from this wood is ideal if you prefer style, elegant classics, or modern. It harmonizes well with interiors in the tones of the autumn palette. Photos of furniture made from this rich material clearly show that these furnishings give the room a special completeness.

Furniture made from larch has many advantages. This material is considered to be the best in terms of carpentry and construction processes. Larch is a wood with a reddish tint, characterized by excellent strength combined with light weight. This species is much more stable and stronger than oak and beech. A tree whose color is special and very popular is larch. And her resistance to air environment and to the water explains high content resin in wood. This wood is easy to process, which allows you to get a very high-quality and smooth-looking material. Products made from larch are not afraid of wormholes, and they practically do not warp.

Oak has hard and strong wood, the color of the wood is yellow-brown with pronounced annual layers. A variety of products, as well as floor and wall coverings made from this type of wood are in demand, almost evidence of the high status of the owner who uses this material to furnish the premises. Young oak wood is plastic, hard material elegant grayish brown color. But the old tree is distinguished by brittle and more yellow wood. When choosing this material, measures should be taken to prevent wormholes.

Let's take a closer look at the most used colors for furniture.

White furniture is universal

Dark colors wood for furniture in the interior have gained great popularity because of their practicality, however, furniture white is in no way inferior to her. New technologies make it possible to create surfaces that have no maintenance problems.

White furniture will also perfectly highlight the interior of the living room and kitchen - it looks stylish, elegant and expensive everywhere. The color “alder” looks especially chic. The photo shows all the advantages of this solution. Not by chance classic furniture in light colors is now in demand in Europe. Light furniture It is versatile and can be used in any style. White color may vary: kitchen small sizes it visually increases, and with platinum, gold and silver, white kitchens acquire features of a classic style.

Dark furniture is a sign of luxury

Dark furniture also looks elegant, but not every color can go harmoniously with it. Dark colors give a room a special charm, especially if they are in harmony with upholstered furniture, decoration and lighting. In addition, dark colors can be diluted with pastels and bright colors- such solutions add even more charm, especially to the bedroom or living room.

If you want dark brown furniture then suitable color"nut". The photo clearly shows that this furniture looks great, but you need to arrange the interior in such a way that this color does not dominate the room, otherwise it will oppress. Since it is heavy in itself, it must be diluted. A good option Black and white furniture will serve. This color in the interior should be harmoniously combined with other tones. No less stylish and fashionable combination, but black furniture against the background of green walls is considered calmer. It looks original and extravagant.

Mahogany - chic and elegance

The most solid and elegant furniture is considered to be products made from wood. Similar colors of wood for furniture will add respectability to any room, making it luxurious and rich. Today, mahogany is one of the most common materials in furniture production and the most sought after by wealthy buyers. The value of this type of wood lies in the strength and incomparable texture of the wood, which makes mahogany furniture simply unique.

Oak is a reliable and strong material

Oak is rightfully considered another popular material for furniture production. Furniture is endowed with calming energy, so products made of oak normalize sleep and cleanse negative energy, creating a harmonious and calm atmosphere. Oak furniture is very strong and can serve you for many years. Moreover, furniture from this wood began to be produced a very long time ago. If you remember the films about wealthy English nobles, they loved to throw luxurious receptions within the walls of their castles, and always on solid oak tables filled with various treats.

Oak furniture fits perfectly into any interior of a corridor or living room, emphasizing the aesthetic taste and high status of the owner of the room.

Combination of furniture color with wall decor

How to choose the color of wood furniture so that it fits perfectly into the interior? You can build on the tone of the walls. Below are various options color combinations.

White walls. In the case where the walls in the room are white, the furniture can be of absolutely any shade: dark yellow, red, red-brown, orange, burgundy, brown, blue, lilac, violet, purple, black, green and so on.

Green color. Light wood will harmonize perfectly with walls in these colors. But in this case, beware of purchasing turquoise or blue furniture. Most suitable options in this situation, the following colors will be considered: dark red, dark yellow, red-green, brown, purple, dark blue, white, light gray, light orange.

They will be dissonant with red and furniture. But blue, gray and blue furniture will fit harmoniously.

Brown furniture will not suit light blue walls. It is better if the furniture is dark red, burgundy, gray, dark yellow, blue, dark orange, black, white, dark blue.

Light brown walls will go perfectly with dark brown furniture, as well as dark red, like the color “apple tree”. But it is advisable not to take white and yellow furniture.

Dark red walls will match furniture in light green, beige, light grey, light blue, white. Just not the brown color of the walnut wood.

Photos show that gray walls and furniture in red, purple, blue, black, dark gray, brown colors go well together. Orange and white furniture definitely won’t work here.

Gray walls also “don’t like” yellow furniture, but you’ll get it right if you choose interior items in dark brown, black, red, dark red, blue.

What color to choose furniture is, of course, everyone’s business. But if you want your home to look harmonious, pay Special attention on the color of the wood, and then you will definitely make your home comfortable, cozy and stylish.

More recently, the main criteria for choosing pieces of furniture were considered to be quality, reliability, and practicality of the frame; today, the design and shades of the facade have been added to the main characteristics. Various colors of furniture, photos with names are presented below, they are necessary to create the overall concept of the interior. In addition, using different shades of the facade, you can correct the existing shortcomings of the room.

Before you choose new headset For a bedroom, living room or kitchen, you need to study a wide range of materials from which interior items are made. For example, products made from veneered or painted MDF have many different colors and shades. Color solutions items of upholstered or cabinet furniture made from natural massif are more limited and usually depend on the grain of the wood.

Furniture colors with names

How to choose the color of furniture for a small small apartment or a spacious country mansion? The choice of color is particularly influenced by the overall design, size, and purpose of the living space. To decorate a modern living room, decorators advise using deep, saturated colors; for a bedroom, lighter shades are more suitable; in the hallway, it is recommended to use texture valuable species wood

It should be noted that different manufacturers The color scheme may vary slightly, but despite this, the entire variety of shades can be divided into groups. Each category has the name of the type of wood it corresponds to. Below are the most popular colors of furniture, photos with names will help you not to make a mistake with your choice and choose the right color.


Deep dark shades of the facade are often used to create aristocratic classic interiors. Exquisite design allows you to create an atmosphere of luxury and splendor in the interior, introducing notes of conservatism and respectability.

TO dark shades relate:

  • walnut - traditional dark brown shade;
  • wenge - blue-black or chocolate color;
  • mahogany - spectacular dark burgundy decor;
  • Ebony – African ebony has a unique black tone.

Red tree

To prevent the atmosphere from looking dull and dull, you need to choose the right shades decorative coatings walls, floor and ceiling.

For furniture painted black, dark grey, chocolate or traditional brown, a neutral background is more suitable - this will create a calm, homely atmosphere. If interior elements with a mahogany texture are used to furnish a living space, it is recommended to choose wallpaper for the walls of a similar shade, but several tones lighter. A design with a dark color palette is ideal for spacious, well-lit living rooms, dining rooms, or hallways.

Dark wood tones


Particularly popular are cabinet furniture items with light shades of the facade. Correctly selected colors can create the effect of maximum freedom and spaciousness in a small room. Light-colored natural rocks are used to create interior doors, decorative wooden partitions. The snow-white surfaces of the facade fit harmoniously into any modern interior.

Decorated with gold or bronze floral patterns, the set will become a real decoration of the luxurious imperial style. Aged furniture in the Provence style is organically combined with blue and green wall coverings and is suitable for furnishing a country mansion or a small country house.

To the most famous light shades relate:

  • Karelian birch - delicate yellowish tone with a pattern of knots;
  • light ash - creamy background with an interesting smooth structure;
  • pine - golden tone, characterized by richness;
  • light beech - beige tone with a bright pinkish tint.

In fashionable modern interiors There are a wide variety of light facades: maple, pear, apple or acacia. By choosing furniture of a certain warm decor for arranging small shaded rooms, you can fill them with light and add general interior a little sunny notes.

Light beech

Karelian birch

Light ash


Neutral solid colors will help create delicate, pastel compositions, these include the texture of certain types of wood:

  • cherry - has a rich reddish tone;
  • alder - the texture has interesting reddish and rusty shades;
  • oak - oak wood is easy to identify by its beautiful grain pattern.

Moderately refined pieces of cabinet furniture that do not attract much attention add special chic and aristocracy to any interior style. Multi-colored furniture is used to decorate rooms in the style of pop art, shabby chic, Provence or neoclassicism.

The location of the texture pattern on the surface of the facade allows you to create the desired visual effect that changes the actual perception of the size of the room.

How to choose the color of furniture for rooms with non-standard sizes? To decorate narrow, elongated corridors with high ceilings, designers recommend using furniture that has an intermediate facade texture with a horizontal pattern.

Chipboard colors

Possible colors of laminated chipboard


Manufacturers offer the most daring and non-standard furniture collections with original facade surfaces that imitate the texture of precious wood, leather or marble. Successful combination colors of furniture allows you to create unique modern or classic interiors. To create a harmonious and holistic space, it is necessary that pieces of furniture be combined not only with each other, but also with decorative finishing walls, floor or ceiling.

A special combination table has been developed furniture color with wall decor:

  • gray walls are in harmony with red, orange, blue or brown furniture;
  • the pink background of the walls is successfully emphasized by decorative elements painted in deep blue, gray, light blue or white;
  • Green walls blend organically with furniture in yellow, bluish, orange and grayish shades.

Color selection is the most important task; it must be solved at the initial stages of repair. It is necessary to take into account the combination of individual pieces of cabinet furniture with each other and with decoration, to provide for the influence of color on the perception of the room and the emotional state of a person.


The color scheme of a room's interior greatly influences a person's mood. If you are wondering how to choose the right color or shade of chipboard furniture for your interior, then our article will help you with this.

Texture and primary colors

Chipboard color palette, which is provided for production furniture facades, is more than 250 shades and colors. They have the following classification:

  1. Wood texture.

TO this species belong natural shades with the most accurate imitation of wood texture.

In turn, they are also divided into:

Bright hues. These include:

  • Karelian birch is a golden-yellow tonality, on which small rings of cut knots are depicted;
  • pine tree, which has yellow, with the image of medium-sized knots;
  • light ash has a milky-cream shade with a soft composition;
  • Light Beech is a purplish-beige tone with small stripes throughout the area.

The room design is made in light colors

Furniture made in light colors saturates the room with light and allows you to visually enlarge the space.

Intermediate tones. These include:

  • rustic oak is an excellent imitation of natural wood;
  • cherry has a red color with a reddish tint;
  • alder is made in orange-beige tones, has pronounced color transitions, creating the impression that each shade is a separate stripe.

The kitchen design is made in intermediate tones like wood

Dark colors. These include:

  • wenge has a chocolate shade with black straight lines that imitate a wood structure;
  • ebony is made in the form of a black slab, which has an extruded structure;
  • dark walnut has a dark brown tint;
  • Mahogany (mahon) is a dark cherry color with an almost black structure.

Example of a room using dark tones in the interior

Furniture in dark colors fits perfectly into spacious, wide rooms and well-lit rooms. Such furniture brings nobility and representativeness to the room.

  1. Imitation of other materials

These include the texture of such materials: tiles, fabric, various patterns, stone and fantasy. The use of such textures in the interior is limited only by the design taste and preferences of the client.

An example of using texture with imitation of other materials

Chipboard manufacturers often have an online catalog on their websites where you can view examples of decors. Please note that the monitor may distort the presented shades and colors; in reality, the color you like may look different.

A textured pattern that is located on the front of the furniture and plays the role of a good visual effect with which you can change the actual idea of ​​​​the size of the room.

If you need to expand the room, then you should give preference to furniture with a horizontal structure. This option ideal for rooms with high ceilings and narrow, elongated dimensions. If the room has square size with a low ceiling, then furniture with a vertical structure on the facade is well suited.

Basic rules for combining colors and shades in the interior

The chipboard color palette has many shades. To correctly select the shade of furniture to the overall color of the room, you need to use the designer’s color wheel.

When choosing shades, you must have a designer's color wheel in order to correctly combine different colors.

  • By using warm shades, for example, yellow or orange, you can saturate the space around you with a cheerful mood.
  • Woody natural textures create in the room nice coziness and can be combined with almost all styles.
  • If you want to add red shades, then it will look best in spots. Otherwise, it causes overwork.
  • The use of cool shades of green and blue contributes to the calm mood of the room. Perfect for the workplace.
  • Neutral colors gray and white fit perfectly into any interior. Other colors look advantageous against their background.
  • Monotonous colors bring slight fatigue, but contrast, on the contrary, improves the overall mood, but up to a certain time. Great option The application of color is the choice of an average of four shades: one dominant, one nuanced and one combined.

We hope that our tips will help transform your room into a cozy and comfortable room with individual style.

tell friends:

The article provides answers to the following questions:

What role does the color scheme of furniture play in the interior?

What shades are combined with popular chipboard colors?

How to choose the right texture of chipboard furniture relative to the overall dimensions of the room?

Is it possible to give the room a harmonious and aesthetically complete appearance by choosing a certain tone of furniture?

A correctly selected color palette and pattern structure on furniture can visually expand or narrow the space, make the room much lighter or artificially darken it, create the illusion high ceiling or, conversely, “lower” the height somewhat.

Before you go to the store for a new set or before you are going to order furniture custom design, you need to explore at least a little the wide range laminated coating Chipboard.

This will greatly simplify communication with the production designer and store consultant.

> Wood texture: Light tones of laminated chipboard

  • Karelian birch– a calm tone of yellow-golden hue with a decorative image of small circles in the form of sawn knots.
  • Pine– yellow color with pronounced “knots” of medium size.
  • Light ash– creamy shade with a beautiful, smooth structure.
  • Light beech– beige-pink color scheme with miniature light brown dashes throughout the entire surface.

> Wood texture: Dark colored chipboard

  • Wenge- deep chocolate shade with black straight stripes imitating the structure of wood.
  • Ebony – naturally, this is a black slab, where the structure is extruded and not drawn.
  • Dark walnut(nut)– a very beautiful dark brown tone.
  • Mahogany (mahon)– dark cherry color with an almost black, smooth structure, similar to the outline of a cut of expensive mahogany.

> Wood texture: Intermediate tones of chipboard

  • Rustic oak– an ideal imitation of natural wood, where both the color and structure fully correspond to solid oak.
  • Cherry– a rich reddish-red shade with smooth transitions from tone to tone.
  • Alder– beige-orange tonality, in which the transition from color to color is clearly visible, since each shade is like a separate stripe.

By choosing light-colored furniture for a room, you fill it with light, visually expand the space, add bright, positive, and a little sunny notes.

Also, glossy surfaces, mirrors, glass, and chrome decor are perfect for this purpose.

Dark color schemes of furniture are great for spacious rooms, large halls and well-lit rooms. Fundamentality, nobility, solidity and respectability - this is what dark furniture can bring to a room.

> Chipboard wood texture in the photo

The textures described above chipboard wood can be seen in the following example:

> Texture and its influence on the interior

The location of the texture pattern on the facade of cabinet furniture largely serves as a worthy visual effect that breaks the real idea of overall dimensions premises.


  • If the structure on the furniture doors is located horizontally, that is, parallel to the floor and ceiling, such furniture can slightly expand the room. The ideal option for this arrangement is narrow, elongated rooms with high ceilings.
  • For square rooms with a ceiling slightly lower than standard, a vertical pattern on furniture facades is suitable.

> Combination of the color palette of the room interior and the color of the furniture

  • White tone of the room– there are no limits for your imagination. Furniture can be of absolutely any color, the main thing is that the general concept of style is supported.
  • Light blue and salad colors– for a sunny room in this interior it is quite possible to use furniture in the darkest colors (wenge, walnut, black). But, if the room itself is a bit dark, you will have to resort to light chipboard or dilute the dark body with glossy facades.
  • Burgundy shade and red gradation– regardless of the lighting of the space, it is better to select dark furniture here in order to “mute” the bright red color a little. From colored laminated chipboard you can choose green, yellow, purple or black.
  • Gray shades- to get away from gloominess gray, buy furniture in rich colors with a pronounced structure.
  • Light brown wallsperfect option for fashionable interior design beige-chocolate tones.

Naturally, what color to buy furniture is everyone’s personal decision. But by listening to these tips, you can transform any room into a cozy and comfortable space with individual character.

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FURNITURE CATALOG: All furniture from Moscow and the Moscow region