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Connecting television via the Internet. Connecting a TV without Smart TV. The emergence of smart TV technology

How to connect your TV to WiFi?

When the TV is connected to the Internet, you get the opportunity to watch videos and videos online, use various services and applications using the TV screen, and participate in activities social networks etc.

Before you start connecting, make sure your TV supports Smart technology TV and has the ability to connect to the Internet. Below are options for connecting a TV with built-in Wi-Fi and using a Wi-Fi adapter.

How to connect a TV with built-in Wi-Fi

The connection method is described for Samsung TVs, but in general, the sequence of actions remains the same for most models from different manufacturers.

Before you start, make sure that you have a working wireless network, to find out how to connect various devices to it, check out our article -.

Once you have verified that the network is working properly, follow these steps:

  1. Using the remote control, enter the “Menu” of the TV, then open the “Network” tab, and in it “Network Status”. Here you need to check your connection settings. In the “IP Settings” column, the “Receive automatically” indicator should be lit, and the IP address and DNS of the network should be displayed in the tab field.
  2. If the data is not displayed, check your router settings to see if Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) is enabled on it.
  3. In the “Network Settings” tab, click the “Start” button.
  4. After the search procedure, a list of routers located in the access area will be displayed on the screen.
  5. Select your own Wi-Fi network and click next.
  6. Enter a password that protects access to your network, after which the key will be verified and the connection will occur.
  7. Open the browser located on the TV monitor and use the Internet access provided by Wi-Fi.

How to connect a TV using a Wi-Fi adapter

It happens that the instructions for the TV mention the ability to connect the device to the network, but it does not come with built-in Wi-Fi. It is better to check this information with the seller to avoid surprises during setup.

If your TV requires a special adapter, you will need to purchase it separately. Such models are found in some brands, including LG. Externally, Wi-Fi looks like a drive, popularly called a “flash drive,” with the same USB connection, which must be placed in one of the corresponding connectors on the back of the TV.

After the system finds the newly connected equipment, enter the TV menu, then open the “Settings” tab, and then “Network” and “Network settings”. The “Wireless” connection option should be available in the window that appears.

This tab has several ways to configure the connection

  1. Select an access point that belongs to your home network and enter a password to allow access.
  2. Select WPS mode from the list of options offered by the TV. Then the connection will be made automatically. However, your router must also support this function.
  3. If you don’t want or don’t have the ability to establish an offline connection to the Internet, you can try to synchronize the TV with your computer; to do this, select the Ad-hoc option in the TV control menu.

What to do if the connection does not occur

It often happens that a wireless connection cannot be connected due to problems with the router. In this case, you will have to enter the IP address and configure it manually. Here's how to do it correctly:

  1. Turn off the DHCP function on the router panel.
  2. In the TV menu, in the “Network setup” tab, select the “Configure manually” command.
  3. Enter the gateway address and other parameters assigned to the network. You can find this data on a computer or other device that is already connected to your home network. To do this, go to the following path: Network connections ⇒ Home network ⇒ Status ⇒ Information.

After the TV system receives these parameters, it usually finds the network, which means you get the opportunity to use the Internet directly through the TV screen.

Thus, there are several ways to connect your TV to the network, so you can choose the one that is most understandable and convenient for you.

The process of connecting television equipment to the World Wide Web does not require special skills and experience; anyone can handle this work. In many ways, the procedure has been simplified by equipment manufacturers who produce high-quality devices with a simple setup system and an intuitive interface. It is very easy to figure out how to connect your TV to the Internet.

Smart TVs have a direct connection to the Internet; they are equipped with a special platform, as well as a wide package of pre-installed applications, including a browser. For example, models running on the Android operating system provide the ability to download software from Google Play.

How do TVs without Smart TV connect to the Internet? Even the most ordinary plasma TV you can connect to the Internet, for this you need to first purchase a special one. There are several ways to connect to the Internet, let's look at the main ones to find out which option is the most effective.

What will connecting your TV to the Internet give you?

Why spend yours free time on this? The fact is that having access to the World Wide Web opens up an extensive list of additional opportunities for the user:

  • playing media content online;
  • Internet surfing;
  • video calls via Skype and various instant messengers;
  • launching applications and video games;
  • watching sports broadcasts, news, TV shows, etc.

As you can see, connecting an LG TV to the Internet or a device from another manufacturer is definitely worth it. Because then you will be able to fully use the functionality of the technology. Naturally, you first need to choose a connection method, which will be discussed further.

If the TV does not connect to the Internet, and you have followed all the suggested instructions exactly, then contact the specialists who are involved in the setup - they will solve the problem.

What you need to connect

In addition to TV, you will need the following:

  • Internet connection;
  • instructions for the TV;
  • router;
  • network cable (if the TV does not have Wi-Fi).

If you have all this, then you can use one of two available ways connecting TV to the Internet. Let's look at them. The direct method is characterized by additional difficulties, since it involves connecting an Internet cable to an Ethernet connector - after all, it needs to be beautifully connected to the TV.

An alternative option is a wireless connection (Wi-Fi). Naturally, this method is considered simpler and more accessible. Cables won't get in the way.

Connection via cable

Of course, you can connect the Internet to your TV by simply inserting the cable into the appropriate connector. However, if you are required to enter a login and password, as well as additional server data, the web pages will not load. All modern models television equipment have a network connection system almost similar to a computer, but certain differences everything is just like that. Therefore, it makes more sense to connect a router to the TV. How to connect a TV to the Internet via a modem?

Step-by-step instructions for connecting your TV to the Internet via a router:

  1. Purchase and connect a router, if this has not been done previously.

  1. Connect the Internet cable to the WAN connector located on the router.

  1. Next, you need to configure the router so that it connects to the Internet. This process depends on your ISP and router model. To do this, you need to connect to the router via a computer or laptop, using another Ethernet cable or via Wi-Fi. To open the settings panel, you usually need to enter the combination of numbers (0.1.) in the address bar of the browser.

  1. When the router is configured and the devices connected to it (computer, laptop, smartphone) access the Internet, you can start connecting the TV.

  1. We take a network cable and connect one end to the LAN connector of the TV, and the other to one of the free inputs on the router.

  1. When the two-way patch cord is connected, the corresponding load indicator on the router corresponding to the selected port will light up.

  1. When everything is done correctly, you can start programming the TV.

  1. We go to the main menu by pressing the corresponding button on the remote control remote control(Menu or Keypad).

  1. Open the “Network” section and select the “Network Settings” subsection.

  1. Select the connection mode, in our case “Connect via cable” or “LAN”.

Actually, at this point the connection process can be considered complete. Just wait for the automatic setup to finish direct connection, and also click “OK”.

Connect via Wi-Fi

Wireless connection – best option. In principle, the algorithm for connecting a TV via Wi-Fi adapter similar as in the case of cable. With the exception of a few important nuances:

  • no need to pull Ethernet cable from the router to the LAN port of the TV;
  • During the software setup process, you must select a wireless connection for a Samsung, LG TV or device from any other manufacturer.

Television equipment manufacturers strongly recommend giving preference to this option. Why? Let's find out now.

Firstly, you can connect additional devices, such as a tablet or smartphone. Synchronizing equipment will make the process of use even more convenient and practical. Secondly, you don’t have to run the cable across your entire apartment or house. Thirdly, if you crimp the cable incorrectly, failures may occur. In the case of a wireless connection, this is completely excluded.

How to connect the Internet on a TV via Wi-Fi if you have a login and password? Almost always, after setting up the television equipment and selecting the connection type, a window appears on the screen in which you need to specify a login and password. It would seem that what is so difficult here? But what if you don’t have a remote control keyboard at hand? Though modern televisions and they will display a keyboard, and you can use it to enter data; this is not very convenient to do.

To connect Smart TV to the Internet via Wi-Fi, use WPS. The essence of this algorithm is to confirm the connection without a login and password. When the authorization window appears, back side router, click on the thin button, it’s called WPS. As a result, authorization will be confirmed without entering a password.

Connecting a TV without Smart TV

If you want to set up access to the World Wide Web on a regular TV, then you may encounter certain problems. This applies not only to the implementation process, but also to additional financial costs. However, it is still possible to achieve results.

The best option is to purchase a Smart set-top box, which has its own operating system. As a result, a regular TV will become “smart”. The cost of upgrading depends on the box you choose.

Naturally, the most popular are consoles running on the Android OS. Firstly, they are distinguished by their low price. Secondly, they are more familiar to domestic users. A more expensive and high-quality solution is Apple TV.

As for the process of attaching a set-top box, it is quite simple:

  1. Connect the device to the network.
  2. We connect the TV and TV box using an HDMI cable.
  3. Press “Search for external source” on the remote control and select the connected device.
  4. Setting up a network connection.

The software setup procedure directly depends on which set-top box the user chooses. They differ not only in hardware characteristics, but also in functionality and the number of pre-installed applications.

Using the set-top box, we connect to the Wi-Fi router. If you need to specify a login and password, then log in using the WPS button. Although it is much easier to enter authorization data in the set-top box.

How to connect a TV to the Internet without a set-top box? Whether it's LG, Samsung or another, it doesn't matter. If you don't want to spend money on a purchase additional equipment– prefixes, then you should consider alternative options. For example, or to a computer using HDMI.

The functionality will be similar to that of Smart TV, but you will significantly save on financial costs, since average cost HDMI cable– 150-250 rubles. It’s no wonder that most users consider this method of connecting a regular TV to the Internet to be the most effective.

Most modern televisions are no longer just repeaters of analogue or digital television, they now have such features as Smart TV, communication using Skype and much more. But most of the new functions that have appeared are based on one primary thing - access to the Internet from the TV. It is thanks to Internet access that you can fully use Smart TV, watch movies from the Internet, chat on Skype, add and use other TV functions. How to set up Internet on TV, the primary task that arises immediately after its purchase. In this article I will show in detail how to connect a TV (suitable for any TV - LG, Philips, Samsung, Sony, etc.) to the Internet using a network LAN cable.

Almost all modern TVs have functionality that allows them to access the Internet. All that remains is to connect it and configure it. There are two ways to connect your TV to the Internet:

1 With network cable;

2 With wireless connection Wi-Fi.

Connecting a cable to a TV is not as simple as it might seem at first, since you need to understand where this cable comes from and where one of its ends is connected. And here there are two options:

1 Network cable is connected to the router;

2 Network the cable is coming from the entrance (provider cable).

Let's look at each option in more detail.

Connecting the TV to the Internet using a network cable from your provider.

This method does not require any additional devices and initially it may seem that everything is simple, but this is not entirely true. The thing is that the providers I use various technologies connections, such as PPPoE, L2TP, Dynamic IP, Static IP. The settings that need to be made on the TV for the Internet to work there depend on what technology your provider uses. You can find out what technology your provider uses by looking at the contract with the provider or calling technical support. Next, I propose to analyze each of the connection technologies:

Dynamic IP. If your provider uses Dynamic IP, it requires minimal effort from you:

1 Connect the network cable from your provider to the TV;

2 Make sure your TV is using Automatic search for network settings.

As an example, I will describe how to do this on LG TVs with WebOS.

Press the "Settings" button on a regular remote control.

If you have a remote magic remote control, press the "Input" button.

Select the gear icon.

Then select "Network" - "Wired Ethernet Connection". There you should see “Connected to the Internet”, if so, then congratulations, you have set up the Internet on your TV.

If you see the message “No Internet connection via Ethernet”, select this connection and make sure that it is set to receive network settings automatically.

Static IP. With this connection method, you need to find out from the contract with the provider your network settings and register them in the TV settings. We do everything step by step:

1 Connect the provider’s network cable to the LAN port of the TV.

2 Go to the TV settings and enter the network settings of the provider.

For example, on LG TVs, click the "Settings" button, select from the menu - "Network" - "Wired Ethernet connection",

Uncheck "Automatically" and enter the IP address, mask, gateway, DNS issued by your provider.

PPPoE, L2TP. Unfortunately, very few TVs allow you to set up the Internet if your provider provides the Internet using PPPoE technologies,L2TP. And for most, the way out of this situation is to use a router to connect the TV to the Internet.

Setting up the Internet on the TV when connected via a router.

For this method, it is necessary that the Internet is already configured on the router (you can find out how to configure the router in other articles on our website). Connect one end of the cable to any LAN port of the router.

The other end of the cable goes into the TV.

Go to your TV settings. On LG TVs, to do this, on a regular remote control, press the "Settings" button

or the "Input" button on remote magic controls

and select the gear icon.

Go to the menu "Network" - "Wired Ethernet Connection" and make sure that below this inscription it says "Connected to the Internet."

If this is not the case, check that the TV receives network settings automatically by selecting an Ethernet connection. Click the "Edit" button.

And check the "Automatic" checkbox.

Thus, without special effort, using a LAN network cable, you can set up the Internet on any TV (LG, Philips, Samsung, Sony, etc.).

Video of connecting the TV to the Internet using LAN, Wi-Fi.

The crazy technological breakthrough of the 21st century has led to the fact that even advanced users of electronic gadgets do not have time to keep track of constantly updated functionality computer and Internet devices.

What can we say about representatives of the older generation, for whom the lack of paper step by step instructions to a new TV is tantamount to disaster. Especially if it is a “smart” TV or Smart TV. It is these TVs that have the ability to connect to the Internet (via Wi-Fi or cable) and allow you to install all sorts of useful applications on them.

Today, even a child can figure out any smart system on his own, but in order to use all its capabilities with maximum efficiency, it is better to do this intelligently. Therefore, here we will figure out how to quickly connect your new TV, Smart TV to your home network and the Internet via a Wi-Fi router.

For this you will need:

  • TV with one of the operating systems: WebOS, Tizen OS or Android. WebOS is installed on LG smart TVs, Tizen is designed for latest models Samsung, Android are used by SONY, Philips, and many other manufacturers;
  • Configured via, connected to high-speed Internet;
  • UTP network patch cord – in case of cable TV connection;
  • compatible Wi-Fi adapter - for older TV models that do not have built-in Wi-Fi. The compatibility of the adapter with your TV model can be found in the instructions, which usually state: “Wi-Fi adapter for LG TV series 4.”;
  • remote control.

IMPORTANT: to watch movies and TV shows online in good quality it is necessary to ensure stable and sustainable high speed internet compound. If the Wi-Fi router is located at a considerable distance from the TV (on another floor of the house, in the attic, etc.) it makes sense to buy a long UTP patch cord. A cable connection will require more time and effort, but will give guaranteed quality pictures on the screen.

Connecting and setting up the Internet on your TV.

Make sure the Wi-Fi router is turned on (green lights are blinking). If you decide to connect to it with a cable, connect one of the LAN ports of the router and the corresponding connector on the TV with a patch cord.

If your TV does not have built-in Wi-Fi, insert a Wi-Fi adapter into the USB connector. Take the remote control and go to the Internet settings on the TV itself.

IMPORTANT: All operating systems work on the same principle. Whatever OS is installed on your smart phone, you should go to “settings” and find the “network” section.

  1. Select “network settings” from the menu and click “start”. The operating system will start searching possible options connections;
  2. a new menu will appear on the screen prompting you to select the type of connection: “cable”, “wireless”, “WPS”;
  3. Having selected “cable”, all you have to do is wait for the connection and exit the settings. The WPS connection is available only on those devices that support this function - if your TV and router are one of them, then select it in the menu and press the corresponding button on the router - the connection will happen automatically. In the case of a wireless connection, a list of available devices will appear on the screen. Wi-Fi networks;
  4. select the desired network and click “next”, “ok” or “connect” (depending on the OS);
  5. if the network is password protected, enter it in the pop-up window;
  6. click “done” or “ok” and exit settings;
  7. check how the connection works - open, for example, a video on YouTube.

IMPORTANT: connection to home internet The Smart TV network, which has a DLNA function, allows you not only to watch movies online, but also to play recordings from computers, tablets and laptops connected to the same network - use all the available capabilities of your TV!

Common problems with the Internet connection of TVs (LG, Samsung, Toshiba, Panasonic, etc.).

Smart TV malfunctions occur due to various reasons and are accompanied by all kinds of information tips, which in different operating systems look similar to each other. Most often the problem sounds like “no network connection" or "network unavailable." What to do?

Practice shows that most often it is possible to restore your Internet connection by simply rebooting the router - just disconnect it from the mains power for a minute or two. For a cable connection, check the contact (the light of the corresponding LAN port should be on). If the problem persists, you should contact your provider.

The so-called SMART TV – smart TVs – have been on the market for a long time. Their peculiarity is that in addition to broadcasting the usual television, they have access to the Internet. By connecting to special network resources, such a TV is enriched with additional functionality - weather forecast, you tube, fitness, zoomby, Skype, and a huge number additional programs. And, of course, a simple Internet browser for regular Internet surfing. But after purchasing, the TV must be configured to access the network, and since in most cases the home computer is also connected to the Internet, this article will teach you how to connect a TV through a router.

Depending on the manufacturer, smart TVs have different connection interfaces, which can be divided into the following categories:

    USB port. It is used to connect external hard drives, flash drives, USB Wi-Fi adapters (more expensive models are equipped with built-in Wi-Fi);

    Ethernet port. This port is used to connect a wired network via a network cable twisted pair(patch cord);

    HDMI port. It is used to transmit high definition video (Full HD resolution);

    D-SUB connector for working as a computer monitor.

Of course, you can’t do without the usual RF in antenna input for cable television. Recently, they began to abandon outdated SCART ports, CI slots and composite connectors (bells).

Connection to the router

So, we have the following scheme - an ADLS channel enters the apartment, the connector of which is connected to some multi-port router, to which a computer is connected to access the Internet. The router is equipped with a Wi-Fi adapter. Our goal is to connect the TV to this router so that both the TV and the computer (or several computers, it doesn’t matter) can access the network.

home network

There are at least two connection options - via an Ethernet port (wired) or via Wi-Fi (wireless). Let's look at the wired connection first.

Ethernet TV connection

We take the router in our hands and look at the back panel.

Rear panel of the router

Finding LAN ports. They are usually signed.

Attention! The back panel of your particular router may differ from the one shown here, it all depends on the manufacturer and model, but you always need to look for the LAN port; all models have it.

It may happen that there is only one LAN port, and it is already occupied. In this case, we use a hub and a switch to “multiply” the port.

Patch cord

We turn on both devices. On the TV remote control, press the “Settings” button. Select the “Network” menu item, then the “Network setup: wired” submenu.

Setting up a wired network, step 1

Click “Ok” on the remote control and move on to the second step – setting the TV’s network address.

Setting up a wired network, step 2

The IP address can also be configured manually, but this is only necessary in rare cases when it is required computer network(static address, non-standard subnet mask, etc.). If there are no such requirements, then feel free to set the “Auto IP configuration” mode, and the TV itself will coordinate its address with the router without your participation.

The same applies to the DNS server - we leave it on auto-configuration. Click "OK".

That's it, the wired connection is established, you can access the Internet directly from the TV by launching the built-in web browser.

Wi-Fi TV connection

But installation is much more convenient wireless network Wi-Fi. It is more convenient in many respects - there are no wires spoiling the interior, setup is done without getting up from the couch, in some cases the transmission speed is higher (standard “n”). Let's look at how to connect a TV to a router via Wi-Fi.

First of all, check the instructions for your TV to see if it is equipped with a Wi-Fi wireless module. If yes, you’re lucky; if not, you need to purchase a separate Wi-Fi adapter.

Wi-Fi adapter for smart TV

We connect it to any USB smart TV adapter.

Setting up a wireless network, step 1

The TV will offer several options for further settings.

Setting up a wireless network, step 2

There are three options in total:

    “Setting from a list of access points (AP).” This option requires knowledge of your access point, since when selecting it you will need to enter the name of the wireless network and additional parameters;

    "Easy installation (WPS button mode)." The most convenient continuation of setup. When you select it, the TV itself will begin searching for all available Wi-Fi networks, from a list of which you can select the one you need;

    "Network configuration ". Direct connection of the TV to your home computer without Internet access. For example, to watch movies or photos stored on a computer.

When you select the second item, a list of available networks will appear, select the one you need.

Setting up a wireless network, step 3

If the wireless network is protected by a password, a window will appear asking you to enter it.

Setting up a wireless network, step 4

Click "OK". That's it, the wireless connection is established.

Connection difficulties

In this section, we will look at the possible difficulties of connecting via Wi-Fi.

The first possible problem is that you can’t set up Wi-Fi. To troubleshoot, take any wireless device (laptop, smartphone, tablet) and install it on it software to connect your TV directly to it. This software is on the TV installation disk, or can be downloaded from the manufacturer’s website. For example, for Samsung TV such a program is called AllShare. After installing the software, we try to connect directly to the TV (third item in the menu). If it works, Wi-Fi is fine; if not, the conclusion suggests itself.

The second reason is that on some TV models the automatic network search function is disabled. Please read the instructions carefully and check this parameter.

The third reason is that the network is installed, but there is no Internet access. Check the DHCP server on the router, try disabling it and setting the TV to a manual IP address - IP address, subnet mask, gateway #router address#.

Reason three - make sure that the purchased Wi-Fi adapter is really compatible with your TV model.

And the last, universal advice - try turning off and turning on both the TV and the router, sometimes it helps to adequately detect each other.

Additionally, you can familiarize yourself with the settings in the video lesson: