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Prey: review. Walkthrough of Prey The Living Dead World

A lone survivor on a space station infested with creatures of unknown origin is the most banal plot premise. Running around corridor levels, collecting all sorts of junk and solving similar problems in the spirit of “find/bring/tighten the valve” is the most banal gameplay. Scanning and “crafting” based on the stupid trends of modern fashion, as well as manipulating the feelings of those nostalgic for System Shock. Full set. Jackpot!

In general, everything here is clear. You are reading Prey review- one of the best games of this year. And now we will try to figure out why this happened.

- How do I know that you are not lying?
- Out of nowhere. But I'm not lying.

X/F “Beginning/Inception” (2010)

We need to meditate... or mimic

You are Morgan Yu, one of the lucky ones who received an invitation to the Talos-1 station, where the best scientists in the world work. Having woken up in your own apartment, you put on a spacesuit and go straight to the site by helicopter. On your first working day, you will not be under much pressure - you will pass several tests and go on vacation early due to technical problems that have arisen in the department.

Later it turns out that both the apartment and the helicopter were fiction - all this time you were at the station, in a specially created environment under surveillance. There is not a soul around, only dead bodies and strange centipedes that can take the form of any objects. And a warning message on your personal terminal: run! There is a wrench in your hands, some food in your pockets - what can you do, forward into the unknown.

For some reason, almost all the corpses here look like they were trying to take a selfie before they died.

After a short wandering, an unknown person with the call sign “January” contacts the survivor and introduces him to very bad things: Typhons were studied at the station, but they got out of control and have already exterminated almost all the personnel. It is necessary to blow up the facility to prevent the threat from spreading.

None of past life Morgan does not remember due to neuromods - special brain implants that, when turned off, “roll back” the memory of the wearer until they are implanted. And this is one of best examples roleplaying a trick with memory loss by the protagonist, because after some time another contact with different directives will contact us, which will make us think: who should we trust here, and who is playing a double game? Is our enemy brother Alex, or is he just trying to protect the hero from danger?
The hacker mini-game is memorable for its cheerful musical accompaniment, which dominates almost the rest of the soundtrack.

If games were given slogans based on movies, the Prey posters would have something like “Everything is not what it seems.” The narrative develops slowly, but every now and then it throws up new revelations and food for thought, using techniques from “Shutter Island” and StarCraft: Brood War. At least due to the growing intrigue, you will probably not abandon the campaign halfway and will complete it to the end.

The only blank cartridge in the plot's clip in my case was the ending. In general, it is quite discouraging, but the screenwriters themselves are in one of the side quests They give too obvious hints about the essence of what is happening, and you predict exactly where to expect the trick. If you want to increase the shock of the ending, do not advance the mission “Who are you, December?” until departure in the rescue capsule.
Turrets are not very effective against elemental phantoms, but they will quickly explain to a crowd of mimics that this is not their territory.

But the project is strong beyond the main branch. The entire Talos-1 is like a book with a collection of stories: here you have role-playing scientists playing a game of searching for treasures using drawn maps, and a renegade hiding at the station under an assumed name and playing dirty tricks on the hero. You will hear a lot from the audio diaries touching stories, leading into an optional investigation quest.

I’m also pleased with the level of attention to detail with interesting references like the memorial to Kennedy, who lived over a hundred years thanks to life extension technology. Despite the fact that the entire game is shrouded in a shroud of mystery, by the end there will be no unknown variables left - there will be a reasonable explanation for everything. Besides understanding why a mimic can't turn into a sticker that says "I'm not a mimic."

Here is the most memorable character in the story. And this is not a joke at all.

In this situation, you don’t want to pay attention to the shortcomings, but they exist. The project sags in the frankly drawn-out second half, where instead of rapidly moving towards answers, you are forced to do a series of side tasks with a timer, asking you to run through already studied levels, and the plot involves a little more grunt work, such as helping a group of survivors and rebooting all systems.

There are also not many bright personalities: most You will hear people only once and during a short monologue or dialogue you are unlikely to have time to feel sympathy or compassion for someone. The localization turned out to be decent, but the impressions of the acting are blurry sudden changes volume, and in some places incorrect positioning of the sound relative to the environment.

Let the hunt begin

Previously, creations of this kind were called immersive simulators. But for Prey another definition is appropriate - sandbox closed type. There is no clear division into stages and chapters: the entire space station and it’s up to you to decide whether to rush headlong through the plot or sedately study the environment, looking for hidden passages and hiding places with valuables.

The icing on the cake is a plaster gun that shoots clumps of instantly hardening material. construction foam. With its help, you can build a path along an electrified floor, make steps for yourself on a steep wall and thereby shorten the path when climbing up, put out a fire, insulate leaking pipes hazardous substances. In battle, however, it is not very useful, because it only immobilizes opponents, and even then not for long.

But enemies also know how to stand up for themselves. Elemental phantoms strike with painful attacks across the area, invisible poltergeists throw improvised objects, and telepaths subjugate the consciousness of people, turning them into walking bombs. There are not so many varieties of creatures, but there is no sense of monotony, because each one requires a special approach: for some it is easier to plant a charge of shot at point-blank range, while for others it is easier to handle from afar.

Gun - the best remedy fighting those enemies that are dangerous to approach within effective range of a shotgun shot.

At the very beginning, we choose the main character, man or woman. After you wake up, put on the uniform hanging on the door. You can look around, read magazines and notes, look at messages on the computer. In the future, all viewed messages can be viewed in the menu. When you're ready, leave the room, take the elevator up to the roof, and board the helicopter.

Having arrived at the place, go inside the building and talk to the robot if you wish. After that, take the elevator down. Approach your brother Alex. After a short conversation with him, go to the test chamber.

Come to glass wall, where several scientists stand. After a short instruction, press the red button, and then move the boxes that appear outside the circle. Go to the next room. You can hide behind a chair, or you can do nothing - you will still fail the test. Next room - press the button, jump over the obstacle and press another button. Next is the last room. Sit down at the table and get started psychological test. Answer the questions as you wish, then watch a short cut-scene.


Waking up again, we look around the room again, read everything we come across, and also look at the messages on the computer. We select all the items, search the drawers, and then put on our uniform and leave the room. We select the adjustable wrench from the corpse on the left, and then the mysterious “January” will contact us.

We go back into the room and break the window using an adjustable wrench. Study all the computers and notes that you come across.

Go right, going around your room. In the room with the experiment chair, on the cabinet there will be a suitcase with a Stunner shocker, which is extremely effective against robots, as well as a Kinesthetic Assistant chip. We pass through the door with the burning orange light bulb, then into the room with the helicopter. From there - into the corridor where we met with Alex. Through the now open reception. In the second side room there will be two chairs - one of them is a mimic, the same as the one that attacked the scientist at the end of the test. These little mischief makers disguise themselves as various objects that are nearby. You see two cups next to each other - one is most likely a mimic. A trash can rolled - again most likely it was a mimic. And so with every item.

We go up the stairs and go straight through the disinfection chamber. We watch how the mimic deals with the scientist, after which the alien multiplies. When they run away, the doors will open. In the next room, on the nearest computer on the left, read the message “Urgent!”, after which you will receive the additional task “Vanishing Corpse”.

Before us closed door, which requires a pass. Here you can do things differently. Firstly, you can use the ventilation shaft hatch on the right in the far corner. Secondly, on the right there will be Bellamy's office, in which there will be a key card to the simulation laboratory on the table. Beware of the mimics that are hidden among the objects around you.

Having passed into the next corridor, we will see a more formidable enemy - a phantom, although you don’t have to be afraid of him for now, he will not leave the confines of that room. We go along the corridor and pick up the GIPS gun. We also collect ammunition for it from the corpse. Using it, you can make improvised stairs along the wall, seal holes in pipes, etc. It will also help in battle - with its help you can immobilize opponents for a short time and make them more susceptible to damage. There will be several mimics in the lobby. Try out the new gun on them. After this, “January” will offer to take the neuromod from the display case, the additional task “Everything is about to change.” We take it, pump it up, look around, and then go into the hall. We go down the stairs, after which “January” contacts us again and offers to go to your office.

Office with a great view

Facing the elevator, there will be a "Transtar Exhibition" on the right. There you can take the neuromod from the pedestal, but there is a phantom walking around there. In the early stages, the easiest way to deal with him is in 2 stages: first neutralize him using a gypsum gun, and then strike him with an adjustable wrench if you haven’t found a pistol or shotgun yet.

We go up to the third floor along the stairs nearby. We approach our office and enter code 0451 on the panel to unlock the doors. Inside, pick up everything you see. On the table near the operator distributor there will be a pass to Morgan's apartment and a pistol. There will also be a fabricator and a recycler on the premises. The recycler is used to process any items into materials, from which then, at the fabricator, if you have the necessary drawing, it will be possible to make weapons, first aid kits, cartridges and much more, which is extremely necessary for the passage.

After looking around, go to the computer. Take the pass to the teleconferencing center from the table and read the note attached to the monitor. Enter the password, read the messages and turn on the video “Watch me, Morgan” in the “Features” menu. We turn around and watch the video. In the video you can see the code - 5150. This combination is suitable for a safe from the Neuromods department.

Through a glass darkly

You will not be allowed to watch the video until the end. After first your brother Alex and then January contact you, we go back out. There will be two side rooms in front of the stairs. On the far table there will be a pass to the emergency room (you can also pick up a pass to the emergency room on the ground floor at the counter behind the elevators). We go to the teleconference center located at the other end landing. Keep the gypsum gun ready, because... Several mimics will attack you at once. Immobilize them and then finish them off with an adjustable wrench. Just outside the door will be the corpse of Elias Black. Take the pistol and shotgun ammo from his body, as well as the blueprint for the 9mm ammo needed for the pistol. The pistol itself lies nearby.

You can go down to the emergency room. It is located one floor below. There will be two phantoms inside - normal and fire. Try to shoot the cylinders to cause maximum damage. It’s worth moving quickly and not standing still, because... the new kind Typhon creates a pillar of fire directly under the hero. In the lobby of the emergency room, you can download a map of the sector from a computer, and also view mail. The latter will continue the quest “The Vanishing Corpse”. Also inspect the entire medical bay. There is an operator distributor here, where you can call a medical operator who can always cure you, essentially an endless first aid kit, but tied to a specific area. In one of the rooms there will be a living person, Trevor J. Young, under mind control. For now, you won't be able to disarm him without killing him, so if you want to get the "Do No Harm" achievement, wait until you have special grenade– zero-wave muffler.

On the ground floor near the stairs there will be a security office. You can get inside through a pipe, which you should jump onto at the beginning of the corridor, and then jump from it into the ventilation shaft. Inside you can find a shotgun and ammunition for it. There is also a note with the code for the interrogation room - 1129. In the safe there is a drawing of cartridges for a 12-gauge shotgun, code 0526, it can be found here, in Sarah Elazar's office, in the book Orit. Also take the note from the table - this will begin the quest “Stolen Neuromods”.

If you go through the teleconference center and then across the bridge to the other side of the hall, you can get to the sales department, where the Huntress dart launcher will be lying on the floor. You can also find a box with four neuromods here - once you find it, complete the “Stolen Neuromods” quest.

On the second floor, from the landing you can walk along a narrow ledge to the staff rest room. Behind the bar will be the body of Octavia Figgs. After listening to her transcript, you will find out the code for the door to the pre-flight preparation room - 3884.

When you finish exploring the hall, go up to the third floor along the same stairs that you used to go up to your office, go through the teleconferencing center and turn left, after which you go to a new location - the hardware laboratory. To do this, you will have to use an adjustable wrench to clear your way from the hardened foam.

Inside there will be a new enemy - an infected operator. You can use the Stunner shocker for it. It knocks out a robotic enemy for a while and also deals significant damage to it. After stunning, you can finish it off with an adjustable wrench, but it is worth considering that when it is destroyed, it explodes, causing damage. Going a little further, in the corridor on the left you can take a neuromod. There will also be another infected operator and a mimic, and at the end of the corridor there will be a hall where, through glass, you can watch a scene about the unequal struggle between a scientist and a phantom. Take the staff entrance pass from Sean Larsen's body. Then you can jump down, especially if you want to go secretly, and climb into the ventilation. You can go back and go to the security point, where you can take cartridges, weapons, and also a drawing of cartridges for a pistol.

IN next room With elevators, you can get to the second floor either through the front door near the security point, or through the ventilation, which was written about earlier. There will be a phantom inside. On the ground floor in the side corridor you can find the corpse of Aimee Schmidt, from which you can pick up a pass to the ballistics laboratory and a disposal grenade. It can be used to destroy Typhons, as well as clear the way for yourself by processing large boxes into materials. The ballistics laboratory itself will be nearby. You can find a variety of materials inside. The code for the safe is 8028 - you can read it in a note lying on the floor behind the bars.

In the southern part of the room, near Dr. Calvino’s workshop, you can get into a demonstration scene, the same room where you could watch the murder of a scientist by a phantom a little earlier. The phantom itself will be one level lower. There you can also find a recycler and a Huntress dart launcher. In the central room on the floor there is a chip with protection from ethereal damage.

We approach the workshop of Dr. Calvino. After January contacts you again, we return to the security point and place a marker on Lorenzo Calvino in the hardware laboratory. We go up to the second floor using the elevator in the next room. If you go into the corridor on the left, you will be attacked by a phantom and several mimics. There will be a terminal near the porthole. The password is on a note on the floor nearby. The second letter will contain the code for the mechanical shop storage room - 9501. Next you can get to Torstein’s office. The safe code is 9954.

On the second floor, in one of the side corridors, there is a marker about Lorenzo's body. If you go there, you will find out that you can only get to it from outside the station, and for this you will have to do “Artax”. We go into the next room - the machine shop. You can do this through the main entrance, but you will have to repair the electrical installation so that you do not get electrocuted, or use a gypsum gun to stop the shield from sparking for a few seconds. You can also go around the side for ventilation. We kill several infected operators and mimics. To get to the blueprint and fabricator, climb up the bales on the side. After you've done everything, open the gateway and go out to open space. Fly to the marker, search the body of Lorenzo Calvino, take the pass and transcript and return back. Go to Dr. Calvino's workshop. In the far corner of the room we turn on the power supply. On the terminal in the center we check the network utilities, and then look at the recording. Please note that on different screens the video from different angles. This way you can gain access to the doctor's secret safe. The thermos is lying on the floor near the large screen on the right in the nook, if you are facing the terminal. Place it on the scale and a panel will open next to it.

Go back to your cabin. The hall will once again be populated by Mimics and Phantoms, so be careful. Let's watch the video.

Talk to "January"

One of the shortest and easiest missions in the game - just talk to the operator.

Sharing Pass

After the conversation, “January” will give you a pass and a neuromod - take them from the table.

Data store

Go down to the main elevator and try to start it. When all else fails, “January” will contact you and give you the next main task, “A Workaround.”

Who are you, “December”?

Go to the door to the psychotronics laboratory. On the way, another operator will contact you and introduce himself as “December”. Follow the neuromod department, there in the foyer you will see a small scene, after which you will search the remains of the operator. You can continue the main plot or look around and climb to the second floor. There you can search the cabins of volunteers and production. In any case, you will have to return to the last room in the future to remove the copy protection (the additional task that you will receive if you do not do this now will be called “Copy Protection”) so that you can create unlimited neuromods on the fabricator number of times. We need Holden Graves' office. You'll have to sweat a little, because... It will be guarded by a rather strong enemy - a Technopath. The most effective against him is the Stunner, but only at close range, or disposal grenades. Below there will be a corpse with a pass to the desired office. Use a computer. When you're done with everything, return to the main task.


Go forward along the only path. There will be a security point on the right. You can get inside either using a dart thrower (break the glass and then shoot the button), or you can simply crack the combination lock. At the terminal inside you can download a location map.

Go to the showers. There will be a hole in the floor. We jump into it and at the end of the tunnel we take the psychoscope from the scientist’s body. It will allow you to scan typhons and gain their abilities. Scan the immobilized mimic nearby, then head back to the showers. Go further and take the elevator up. Scan the opened capsule to calibrate the psychoscope.

You will receive the additional task "Dr. Kelstrup's Neuromods." It is recommended for passing, because... receive the neuromod blueprint. Just go into the side room and search everything there. The safe will contain the treasured drawing. At the terminal you can watch a video about typhons, and pick up key cards from the doctor’s body. If you create many mods, the lock will turn on and the “Copy Protection” task will appear if you have not removed it earlier. If you haven't done this, you'll have to return to the neuromod department. The walkthrough for this quest can be found above in the mission “Who are you, “December”?”

When you're ready to continue, approach the large round door. If the psychoscope is calibrated, then you will be allowed to continue.

There will be a staircase on the right that takes you to the second floor. At the far end there will be a gateway, which is better to open, and on the opposite side you can find a transcriptor near the girl’s body on a chair and receive the additional task “Truth Lover”. When you're done here, go back down the stairs and scan the Weaver behind the large glass. There's a fork here.

You can go left. In this case, you will have to plaster the holes in the pipes to stop the fiery jets, and there will also be several mimics there. Having passed further, you will find yourself near a glass chamber with an experimental subject and will receive a new task: “Prisoner in the psychotronics laboratory.” Here you will have the first choice that affects the ending: you can free the prisoner by opening the cell door, or kill him by sending mimics towards him. All this is done at the terminal near the camera. If you release the prisoner, he will tell you the code to the door to the next room. Among other things, there will be drawings of 12-gauge shotgun and pistol cartridges with a silencer.

also in large room with the camera there will be a corpse of a woman with a psychoscope. There will be a transcriptionist nearby, after listening to which you will be given the task “Million Dollar Sealant”. To complete it, you need to go into outer space, since the airlock is nearby, and use a gypsum gun to seal the gap in the hull. After that, go back to the place where you found Christine Lloyd's transcript and kill the phantom in the room next to her corpse. Here you can find a lot of exotic matter. Having finished on this side, we return and pass by the large glass, behind which the Weaver is visible. We find ourselves in the observation room. On the right you can take the elevator down to the morgue. This is where you can continue the quest “The Vanishing Corpse”. You cannot get into the desired room without a pass, but you can break the window and shoot the button that unlocks the door with the Huntress dart launcher.

Take the pass from Sylvain Bellamy's corpse. Further progress on this additional task can be continued later, when access to the residential section becomes available. When you're ready, go to the terminal next to the large glass chamber and follow the suggested steps in the "Observation Department Management" section one by one. Kill the phantom that appears, and then proceed to the new location “Saggit”. You can go straight through the gateway, or before that you can go down the stairs and look around. There will be a long tunnel in front of us. Fly forward, avoiding the cystoids and their nests. The path forward will be blocked several times by locked gateways and other obstacles. To advance further, either pick the lock, or repair the electrical panel where necessary, or find ventilation. If the fan will work, fix it with a plaster gun. Fly until you reach a gateway that requires a pass. There will be a branch nearby. You will recognize him immediately, because... it will be with the field of gravity change. Follow there. Look around and listen to the transcript. Beware of energy surges. Every time he approaches, you will be warned - hide behind the cabinets. In the far corner, read the letters on the terminal and receive the task “Project Blackbox”. Mark Josh Dalton's location here on the terminal and download the location map. Climb to the second floor and climb into a field with zero gravity. Take the service tunnel pass from the scientist's body and return back to the locked airlock. When you reach the fork, follow the markers: the Arboretum in one direction, the body of Josh Dalton from the quest “Project Blackbox” in the other. First, let's complete an additional task. Fly towards the marker and you will see a large metal round pipe running along the wall. The body is behind her. To get into this pocket, fly along the bottom of this pipe and near the bend there will be enough room to fly under the pipe. Take the pass to the Blackbox laboratory from the body, and also find a K-beam gun nearby - a rather powerful weapon. Now you can continue the main task.

Fly towards the marker in the Arboretum. On the way you will have to encounter the Weaver. The K-beam gun will be extremely effective against him. We make our way through the gateway, and then move to a new location. Ahead there will be a corpse with a transcriptor. Listen to it to receive the "Disgruntled Employee" quest. Climb the stairs and then climb into the ventilation. Here you will be given another task - “Problems with the elevator.”

To complete it, go to a new location and deal with the Technopath there. Use Stunner and EM charges to cause damage and disable him for a while. Once you clear the area, elevator travel will become available. Using it you can quickly move between the hall, life support and arboretum. Here, search Devris's corpse and take the key card. Listen to the transcript located nearby and receive the task “Do no harm!” To complete it, you will have to go down to the hall and go to the emergency room. In Devries's office, read the letters on the terminal and download the encryption key. Listen to the audio recording “Morgan: Hysterical” through your inventory. The code for the safe in the office can be found in the back room of the emergency room, behind the glass, - 7324. Next, we go to Dr. Kohl’s office nearby and run the test on the computer. Use the suggested answers: A, C, B, A, C. A safe will open nearby. Listen to the transcript lying there and complete the task.

When you're done, head back to the arboretum. Here you can take on a few more side quests:

"Save Rani." It is taken in a greenhouse - the building is located on a hill above the entrance to the residential section. However, don't rush to go there. To begin, walk along the narrow path that starts near the entrance to the residential section and leads to the gazebo. Read the note from the ground and get the code. Go to the greenhouse. Be careful here. There will be a dangerous enemy here - the Telepath. He subjugates people and directs them towards you. Once nearby, their heads explode, causing significant damage. A null-wave silencer or Stunner will help neutralize them. Open the greenhouse on the control panel using the received code. Do not approach people, fire a couple of shots from a shotgun at the Telepath, after which he will leave the greenhouse, and you can calmly deal with him without exposing people. Remember that Rani must survive for you to receive this task. The second option is not to open the door and climb onto the roof, from where you can start shooting at the Telepath. When he dies, talk to Rani. She will give the warehouse code AR01. Go to the warehouse and complete the task.

"Golden Gun" Create a staircase using the gypsum cannon on the rocks on which Alex's office is located. Climb up it and climb into the space under your brother's house. There will be the corpse of Marietta Kirkas. Deal with the electrical panel, and then take the pass and the transcript from her body, which is worth listening to. Next, the quest will continue in the residential section.

"Gardening Tips." Next to the body of Marietta Kirkas, whom we just visited, there is a small elevation of stones. Climb onto them, and then jump into a kind of crater. Julien Howard's body will be there. Listen to its transcript and create required device at the fabricator. After that, go to the watering system next to the greenhouse. Place the device in the slot and press the button. Now you have to wait 10 real minutes for Dr. Howard's Superfruit to grow. Take it to complete the task. You can grow an infinite number of times, the main disadvantage is the long wait. At the same time, the fruit perfectly heals wounds.

Let's return to the main task - “Workaround”. Go towards the marker and take the elevator down. Listen to the transcript of Zachary West - his corpse will be right in front of the entrance to the data warehouse. Receive a new main quest - "Collecting Voices", and the "Detour" will be completed. Don’t forget to take a pass and a note, which, when checked, turns out to be a treasure map for the “Treasure Hunt” quest. Now our path lies in the residential section, but it’s worth taking a look at Alex’s office.

Who are you, “December”? (Part 2 - Arboretum)

Go up to Alex's office in the arboretum. The elevators don't work, so build a staircase along the edge of the hill using a gypsum cannon. Go inside and move the box blocking the entrance to the hatch located near the table. You will need the Climb II ability. Get inside and unlock the safe. Code - 2512. Take the key card to Alex Yu's apartment. Continuation of the quest - in the residential section.

Collecting votes

Head to the residential section. Here you will immediately be greeted by Nightmare and many people controlled by a telepath. Before Nightmare reacts, we immediately throw a null-wave silencer at the nearest people if we want to save their lives. If you kill at least one of them, you will not receive the “Do No Harm” achievement (if people explode themselves near you, then this will not be considered a murder). They can be temporarily immobilized with a GIPS gun, but if you pass nearby, they will still explode. There are two options with Nightmare: you can run away and sit out for a little over 2 minutes in a secluded place, or kill him. For the second option, a K-beam thrower is ideal, and for the first, a room with a waste disposal unit on the second floor (the door on the left as soon as you go up the stairs located to the left of the entrance to the residential section). There will be one phantom. You can take a pass from his corpse - Medicines with limited access. Also in this room there will be a piece of paper attached to the table with the code for the elevators to the directors' apartments - 3302.

“Kok’s Request” - you will receive this side quest automatically as soon as you find yourself in the residential section. The cafeteria is located on the first floor in the far corridor on the right, if you stand with your back to the entrance to the location. The path will be blocked by many infected people. Use a null-wave silencer or a Stunner shocker (the latter is only effective at short range). Use the K-beam gun against the telepath. Once he dies, all the people he controls will lose consciousness. After this, go to the kitchen and talk to cook Will Mitchell. Take the pass and head to his cabin. Inside, listen to the transcript after completing the “Collecting Voices” part of the task, and also grab the medal from the nightstand near the bed. Return back to Mitchell and give him his reward. Go to his kitchen. The cook will complain that the water pressure regulator is broken. You can do it in two ways: you can repair the one lying nearby, or you can return to the arboretum and pick up a working device from the greenhouse. When you fix it, the cook will let you into the freezer. When you wake up, go to the back room. Abigail Foy's body will be there. Listen to her transcript. This will advance you in the main task, giving you the necessary voice sample, and also receive a new task - “Daniella Shaw”. Move the block of ice if you have the appropriate skill, or shoot the pipe on the left to melt the ice. After that, open the hatch and climb into the ventilation. The "Cook's Request" quest will be completed. Don’t rush to leave the kitchen—Mitchell left a mine on the door. Shoot the button that opens the door with a dart launcher to disarm the trap.

“Truth Lover” - part of this additional task is completed in the residential section. Follow the marker and search the girl's corpse. Listen to her transcript. After this, head to the security point on the first floor of the residential section and listen to the recording and read the report. Continuation of the quest - in the cargo compartment.

"The Vanishing Corpse" - go into Bellamy's room and search it, and the quest will complete.

“Golden Gun” - go to the desired cabin and open the safe (code 3479).

Let's continue with the main task. Visit Danielle Shaw's cabin and listen to the transcript lying there. You can also take on an additional task on the computer - “Treasure Hunt”. Another transcript will be in the cinema on the second floor under the seats. Another part of the voice can be obtained in the bar, also located on the second floor. In the far corner, climb into the ventilation and turn on the power supply. There will be near the stage small room with the terminal. Listen to the recordings. The next sample will be in the recreation center on a table on the second floor. You can also use it to get a pass to Abigail Foy’s cabin. Listen to the recording there on your computer and get 100% voice samples.

Having collected all the voice samples, or even if you haven’t collected them and you are too lazy to continue, you can begin the side task “Daniella Shaw”. Go to the fitness center (door code 5078). Be careful - there are a lot of people subordinate to the telepath there. The telepath himself is in a distant large room - a swimming pool. Kill him, then go to the window in the far corner and knock on it. Daniella Shaw will appear and give out a voice sample herself, and will also offer to deal with the cook. You need to look for it in the arboretum.

In this location you can take on another side quest. In the crew quarters on one of the upper beds, listen to Lawrence Baxter's transcript. This way you will receive the task “Gift for your beloved”. To complete it, you will need to return to the arboretum.

Who are you, “December”? (part 3 – Residential section)

Enter the password for the elevator (can be found on the second floor in the room with the disposal - 3302). The required pass will be under the globe on the nightstand. Just hit it with an adjustable wrench. Then you can leave the station using the rescue capsule, returning to the arboretum, but the game will not appreciate this and will offer to continue playing.

Restore from backup

We return to the arboretum. Here you can complete two side quests along the way:

“Daniella Shaw” - we go to the bridge of “Talos 1”. Our pretender will be sitting in the far capsule on the left. As soon as you enter the capsule, run away immediately, because... another of his devices will work. After this, the task will complete.

"Gift to my beloved." If you stand with your back to the waterfall, there will be a thick tree on the left. Move the stone near it. Take the pass from storage room A2. Kill the phantom inside and pick up valuable items.

Now you can return to the main task - “Restore from backup”. Let's go to the data warehouse. Unlock it using Shaw's voice password. Go forward and kill the technopath.

On the side there will be stairs to the second floor. There, on the terminal, you can continue the quest “Disgruntled Employee” by entering his number – 1129. After that, on the security service terminal, mark his location. It is located outside the station, so you will have to fly in outer space.

Upstairs, take the security pass to get into the room on the first floor. There, at the terminal, unlock the door to the archive. Follow the room with zero gravity. Fly down to the hard drive. Along the way you will come across many nests of cystoids, and the Weaver will also be waiting below. Take a backup HDD and connect it to the server located above. On the terminal, click “Connect disk” and go back. Go back up to the second floor to the room with the recycler and fabricator. On your computer, download the file “Activation_Key_U_M”. After this, you will be given the next task, “Keys to Paradise.” It leads to one of the possible endings. Since it’s easy to get one key, you can simply create it at any fabricator, and the second can only be obtained in life support, and this can only be done much later in the story, let’s return to the “Restore from Backup” quest.

On Danielle Shaw's nearby computer, access data module B, then go to the opposite part of the location on the second floor. You will need to move the closet. If you don't have the required skill, use a disposal grenade. Having dealt with the weaver and the phantom, follow the desired corridor. Open the hatch and press the button, after which you will find yourself in a capsule in outer space.

When you wake up, press the button and fly to the cargo compartment. As you approach it, Dr. Igwe will contact you and the quest of the same name will begin. Remember - you only have 7 minutes to save him. If you don’t have time or simply open his container, he will die, and this will affect the ending. Fly to his capsule and remember its number. After this, fly to the cargo bay and enter the number at the terminal the desired container– 2312. The container with Igwe will start moving and dock with the station. After that, through the same container, get inside the station.

Reception and dispatch

Go through the central doors (over the bridge) into the room with the survivors. Go up to the second floor and talk to Dr. Igwe, completing his quest, and then talk to Sarah Elazar. She will issue the task “Defense the cargo compartment”. It also affects the ending. To find the turret blueprint, you should go outside again and find the required safe through the hole. The code is 7527. To supply power to the fabricator, you need to walk along a long corridor covered in blue fire. This can be done from the top, moving along the racks and pipes. Click on the button on the switchboard and then exit through the door. You need to install at least three turrets in front of the door to compartment B (the area is highlighted with dark gray metal), it doesn’t matter how you get them. You can create them at a fabricator, or you can bring in ready-made ones. One will be right on the bridge, another in container number 05. To get to it, take the freight elevator at the terminal opposite. The third turret is with the survivors in the warehouse on the first floor. To open the door, either hack the terminal, or get the note from Gus Magill's body. After installing three turrets (more is better), Sarah Elazar will offer to open the door and provide a code. After you open it, a large number of different typhons will climb out of there. After you deal with them, the “Reception and Dispatch” task will be completed.

Follow the room with containers. You can search them, or you can go further into the loading bay of SAGITTA. There will be a container ahead. Pick the lock and take Annalize Gallegos' flash drive from the corpse. Thus, you will complete the quest “Lover of Truth.” Next, go to a new location - Life Support.

Ekaterina Ilyushina will contact you. To begin, go up one floor using the stairs on the right. Search the corpses. Erica Teague will have the password for the safe in the security booth - 9193. There will also be a passage barricaded with plaster. Break the obstacle and read the note from Elton Weber's corpse. It will talk about the cache. We go back down and walk past the faulty electrical panel (you need to either temporarily neutralize it using a gypsum gun or repair it). Using the elevator we go down to the floor below. There is a passage to the escape capsules. Where it bends, jump down under the bridge. There will be a cache there. One of the capsules will contain the Corpse of Emily Carter. Listen to her transcript to get another side quest, “Sobering Up.” To complete it, you need to go to the water treatment plant in the same location (the “Lifting III” skill is required). You need to restore the power supply (the control panel is to the right of the entrance) and go down the elevator at the far end of the room. There, use the terminal to open the hatch and complete the task.

It will also be useful in the future, before sending to the power plant, to look into the atmosphere control center at a higher level. Deal with the enemies and go around the entire structure from behind. At the terminal, stop the fans, jump down and take out the beam interfering proper operation one of the fans, then quickly leave the danger area before the fans start working again. This can be done later, but at the same time it will save a lot of time in the future.

When you're done, go to the power plant. There will be a locked door ahead. Hack the security terminal in the room in the middle of the corridor or use the gypsum cannon to build a ladder to the ventilation shaft in the far corner of the corridor above the operators' station. Go forward and take the elevator down. You will find yourself in a chamber with coolant. Deal with your enemies. The airlock is locked. The required key card will be immediately to the left. Use the gypsum cannon to put out the fire and take the pass. Go further and talk to Ekaterina Ilyushina. Whether you help her or not will affect the ending. You can go straight for the medicine into outer space through the cargo bay, or you can first restart the reactor and exit through the airlock here. You have 2 real hours to do everything about everything.

Go down to the reactor, first by elevator, then by stairs. The easiest way to get inside the control room is through the roof (requires Climb II). You can also pick the lock (level 4). On the terminal, click on "Emergency Switches". Next, read what is written on the tablet next to you. The correct order for changing the position of the opened levers will be given there: first three on the left, one by one, starting from the one farthest from the terminal, and then three on the right in the same way. After this, start the restart procedure on your computer. When a breakdown occurs, leave the room and enter the reactor through the glass doors. Walk around and you will see a broken diverter. Now there are two options: a longer one - to pick up a working spare part from the elevator, which you can find out from the transcript lying around here (you can get to the elevator by stairs), or to repair the existing part (3rd level of repair). Install a working diverter, return to the control room and continue restarting. Return to Ekaterina Ilyushina.

Now you can complete her quest “Help Ekaterina Ilyushina.” Unlock the airlock and go into outer space. Follow the marker, find the desired hole in the station's casing and take the medicine from the cabinet. Return to Catherine and inject it into her.

Keys to Heaven

Return to the hall. You will need to go through the coolant chamber again, but this time the room is shrouded in gray fog. One shot and it's game over. Go either through stealth or using a gypsum gun. You can immediately get into the hall through life support - an elevator on the upper level of the location. You will also receive a new additional task “Ekaterina Ilyushina”. To complete it, simply return to your office, where Dr. Igwe and Catherine will be waiting for you. Talk to them and receive a new task - “Catherine’s Father”.

To complete it, you will have to run to the data storage through the arboretum. While passing there, you will additionally receive a quest from Dr. Igwe - “Gustav Leitner”. Once in the vault, follow the marker. The required door is locked. There are two ways: crack the 4th level lock or build a ladder from a gypsum gun to climb onto blue wires, and from there another one to crawl into the hatch. Once you get to the computer, you will have a choice - erase the recording or move it to the computer in your office and then return to Catherine and listen to the recording. If the entry does not appear on your computer, then talk to Ekaterina several times, and then check again. In both cases, the task will be completed, but the decision you make will affect the ending.

"Gustav Leitner" - through the arboretum, get to the residential section and go to Igwe's room. There, near the painting, play the suggested recording through your inventory and take it with Connectome. Give it to Igwe in your office to complete the quest.

It is better to complete both of these tasks before visiting Alex's office, because... After this, life will become seriously more difficult. Before this, it is better to stock up on ammunition, especially shocker charges, as well as EM grenades. When you're ready and have completed all the side quests you wanted, head to Alex's office in the arboretum. Now you will already have the code for the elevator - 1696.

Before I give you the key

Enter the password on Alex's computer and watch the video. Take the chip from the table and install it. Go out into outer space and scan two Coral nodes, then return to Alex’s office in the arboretum. You won't be able to finish what you started. Two combat operators will appear.


To begin with, it is better to complete the additional task “Dal the Pursuer”. Run to the data storage and deactivate your beacon bracelet in the room on the second floor. You need to enter the code on the terminal - 0913. Luther Glass will contact you there and give you an additional task “Help Luther Glass. To complete it, you will have to return to the emergency room. It's actually a trap, and Luther is long dead. We will have to survive the attack of a huge number of combat operators. After this, the task will be completed.

In the hall you can also talk to Dr. Igwe about his task “Incapacitate Dahl.” This task is required if you want to leave the station. Follow the shuttle bay - a door on the first floor of the hall. On the left there will be a corridor through which you can get to the pre-flight preparation room, code - 5593. The only thing is that the road is blocked by a large cabinet - either move it, or use a disposal grenade. Here, from the table, take the pass from the shuttle control point - located on the right, if you stand with your back to the entrance to the location. Inside, pay attention to the non-working gravity lifts. From this room, go down the stairs to the lower level. A little closer to the center there will be a door that can be unlocked with an existing pass. Activate the gravity lifts and go back up the same stairs, then use the elevator to go up another level.

The control room is a room hanging separately from the ceiling. The bridge leading to it is broken, so climb onto the railing, accelerate and jump over. Extend the bridge using the terminal, and then go back down and enter the shuttle. Before this, you can also complete one more side task - “Escape Attempt”. To do this, go down the stairs in the same corridor that we cleared from the large closet. You will find yourself at the escape capsules. You will be asked to blow up the hatch. Go to outer space (the airlock on the lower level of the shuttle bay), get to the desired hatch and knock on the red latches. Return to the capsules, open the hatch on the panel and launch capsule 2. The reward will be at ground floor in the toilet on the panels under the ceiling.

When you're ready, board the shuttle. There will be a terminal near the cabin - on it we move the file with the task parameters. Now you need to find Dahl's technique. To do this, we go into outer space. Once you're outside, Dahl will make your life a little more difficult.

"Dahl's Ultimatum." You are given 15 minutes of real time to complete it, and the outcome of the task affects the ending. We fly to the power plant gateway, from there to the life support compartment. We go to the atmosphere control center. If you did not fix the fan earlier, then we go around the perimeter of the room and on the opposite side of the entrance at the terminal we stop the fans, quickly jump down and take out the stuck beam. After this, we leave the recess with the fans as quickly as possible. Now we go to the room here on the second floor. If you stand with your back to the entrance, it will be on the left (Dal is in a similar room on the right). We start the disinfection procedure on the remote control. So Dahl will lose consciousness. If you want to save the survivors, then under no circumstances kill Dahl. Let's go to his room. The door is locked with a level 4 lock. It can be hacked, but you can also break the glass near the stairs and walk through it. Ahead there will be a wall with panels, one of which glows red. You need to repair the air mixture regulator lying around and put it in place. Now people's lives are not in danger and the timer will turn off. Now let's deal with Dahl's technician - Kaspar. We will go to the psychotronics laboratory in a way convenient for you. On the way, Dr. Igwe will contact you and invite you to look into the neuromod department on the task “Incapacitate Dahl.” To get to Kaspar, go to the director's office, and then to the passage in the back of the room (you need to allow access to the conference room at the terminal in this room). The desired operator will hide behind the mirror.

"Incapacitate Dahl." Completing this task will open access to one of the endings - without this you will also not be able to save the survivors. Let's go to the neuromod department. Just follow the marker and you'll end up at the surgical terminal. Using a computer, immobilize Dahl, scan the brain, and then perform a neurotomy.

Keys to Paradise (part 2 - Arboretum)

Go to Alex's office in the arboretum. The brother of the main character/heroine will be hiding in the back room - you can easily find the door using the marker. Open it and talk to Alex Yu. To save your brother, simply drag his body back to the utility room from which he came and lock the door. Next will be the actual endings.

Mind without limits

In this option, create a prototype of a null-wave jammer at the fabricator, go to the psychotronics laboratory and install it in the heart of the coral. Then you need to go through the arboretum to the bridge of Talos 1. There will be a choice here, but if you want to activate the device and not blow up the station, then kill “January”. Launch the null-wave device on the terminal. Watch the video - the game is completed.


In this case, go to the power plant and go down to the reactor. Before glass doors open the hatch in the floor and press the button. Go down into the passage that appears. Insert two activator keys. Then you need to go through the arboretum to the bridge of Talos 1. Activate self-destruct. Here are a few options:

  1. Die along with the station. Sit in a chair opposite, next to the window.
  2. Run away. There are several ways to escape. Firstly, on the shuttle, but Dahl must be alive. Survivors, if any, will go with you. You can also leave the station on an escape capsule. In this case, follow the quest marker “Who are you, December?”


This is the true ending - you will see it after the credits. Here you will be reminded of everything you did throughout the game. To get the best possible ending you need:

  • Do not install neuromods in the Typhon skill tree. A little is possible, but without them at all is better.
  • Rescue test subject Ingram in the psychotronics laboratory
  • Rescue Dr. Igwe and then find his connectomes
  • In the cargo compartment, help Sarah Elazar and set up turrets, and also prevent Dahl from strangling her and her people.
  • Spare Dahl and leave him alive
  • Bring the medicine to Ekaterina Ilyushina and let her listen to the compromising recording about her father.
  • Find Danielle Shaw (knock on the glass in the fitness center) and then find volunteer 37 (cook Mitchell) trying to escape.

After you find out the truth, Alex will offer to shake his hand. You can either agree or kill everyone.

Game tested on PlayStation 4

Some of the first enemies you encounter in Prey are Mimics. Spider-like creatures that can transform into any object in the room. Entering the room, you are not surprised by the object lying on the floor - there is a book lying around, you never know, someone dropped it. But as soon as you approach it, this book suddenly turns into a spider-like clot of darkness that attacks you, after which it instantly disappears from sight and takes on the appearance of another object. Prey from Arkane Studios itself resembles such a mimic - it takes almost all the best from System Shock 2, BioShock, Dishonored, Deus Ex and Half-Life, periodically becoming similar to one project or another. And most often she succeeds very well.


New employee or employee of the TransStar Corporation Morgan Yu (gender must be chosen at the very beginning, although this does not affect anything) undergoes mandatory tests before gaining access to the Talos-1 space station. Through no fault of Morgan's, the process ends in failure, and a few minutes later the hero wakes up in the same place and realizes that he is reliving the same day again and again. He has already arrived at Talos-1, and the station is not in the best condition - it is swarming with alien Typhon monsters, and the hero needs to figure out what is going on here.

Despite the intense beginning, the main storyline is almost completely devoid of dynamics and memorable episodes. The characters, while well developed, are not up to the level of SHODAN from System Shock 2 or Andrew Ryan and Sander Cohen from the first BioShock. Perhaps it’s the lack of caricature and charisma - the developers clearly tried to make the characters more realistic (taking into account the science fiction genre, of course).

The plot noticeably accelerates only in the last third of the game. At the same time, you have to return to old locations very often, which would not be a problem if the loading times when moving to the next zone did not last about a minute. Well, too carefree players will face a lot of strong and annoying opponents - if you haven’t paid enough attention to leveling up and filling your inventory with useful items, you’ll either have to become more sophisticated in battles, or just run through some areas like a bullet. This isn't really a criticism (it's a complex game that remains that way until the credits roll), but some of the developer's decisions don't seem entirely well thought out.

Most interesting character it turns out that the Talos-1 station itself, worked out to the smallest detail. Instead of completing the next story mission, you can spend a few extra hours by turning to the side and finding yourself in a corridor with several doors. Some of them are locked and require a password, some with the word “Error” on the lock force them to be broken into, and the entrances to other rooms are completely boarded up. And here Prey hands over the reins to the player, as if saying: “Do what you want and how you want.” And the most amazing thing is that it really works.

In many ways, the number of available paths depends on the user and the chosen pumping scheme. There are six skill trees in total: three offer human skills, three more are related to the abilities of typhons. People's skills are quite ordinary: there is an increase in health, and increased effectiveness of first aid kits, and increased damage from weapons. Some of them are designed specifically for quick access to closed locations - for example, picking locks or the ability to drag heavy objects.

The Typhon branches give Morgan the skills of the monsters scurrying around the station - which is why access to them opens only after scanning these creatures. Once is not enough - you will have to find three or four identical opponents to fully learn a particular skill. The ability to transform into various objects, which may have seemed like just a fun feature from the trailers, is actually very useful for exploring the station. It is especially convenient in cases where you need to get behind a barricaded reception desk with bulletproof glass: turned around in a book, slipped through a small window - and you were inside.

the freedom of action

Almost every room has two, three or even four paths leading to it. Whatever leveling branch you choose, you will almost never feel disadvantaged. If you haven’t invested neuromods in dragging things, then you can probably ignore the huge box in the aisle and look for other routes to the warehouse with tempting trophies: crawl from above, find the code in the computer nearby, look under the table and find a note with a hint there. You can get to the final using either the skills of people, or the skills of typhons, or without pumping anything at all - they are even awarded the corresponding achievements for this. The process encourages observation and variability, so you will probably want to replay Prey more than once - if only to open up new possibilities.

The GIPS cannon, one of the first types of weapons to appear in Morgan's arsenal, also contributes to the diversity. It shoots instantly hardening foam, which can be useful in a variety of situations: closing gaps in pipes, freezing Typhons for a few seconds, and even creating something like steps on the walls. There is no need to run around the whole room looking for boxes that you can stack on top of each other and climb into the ventilation - just shoot a couple of times at the wall. The GYPS Gun makes life on Talos 1 much easier.

The space station is littered not only with extra ammo or first aid kits, but also with mountains of all kinds of garbage needed to create the necessary items. With a couple of clicks, pieces of paper, cigars, wires and other rubbish are transformed into resources, from which you can then make first aid kits or neuromods to upgrade your hero. The system turned out to be original, but not fully thought out - two people are responsible for recycling and creating items different devices, which are not always nearby. In addition, some trash (for example, the remains of Typhons) is not added to stacks automatically - you have to sort it manually to free up space in your inventory. Well, resources occupying four cells look rather strange, especially for those who prefer not to increase their “backpack” with the help of a special skill.

The selected skills not only influence the way you explore the environment, but also dictate the course of battles with opponents - only the Typhons pose the greatest danger here. There are the Mimics described above, which can be killed with a couple of hits of a wrench, and their tougher subtype. Splitting and teleporting phantoms are common, and some enemies are highly electrified and shock you from afar as soon as they see you. The most interesting are invisible poltergeists and giant Nightmares that pursue the player for several minutes. Unfortunately, their artificial intelligence is far from ideal - it’s easy to hide from Nightmares in the nearest ventilation, and other typhons may stubbornly not notice Morgan, even if he is very close. But this moment does not spoil the overall impression.

Mimicry is a solution to many problems

The same cannot be said about the combat system. It seems to have all the necessary components, but not every component works as desired. Shooting is no fun due to lack of feedback and visible effects - the fact that the shotgun actually causes damage is indicated only by the decreasing health scale of the typhon. The wheel of abilities and weapons slows down time a la and seems not the most correct decision on the part of the creators - this can be circumvented by assigning some of the equipment to separate buttons, but then everything will come down to using the same combinations of techniques. In addition, Morgan himself seems to be sliding on the floor rather than walking, and it takes quite a long time to get used to this - as a result, battles with very strong opponents are boring.

Individually, all these small shortcomings do not make Prey a bad game, but it cannot be called an ideal successor to the same System Shock 2. However, despite copying large quantity elements from other games, Prey looks like a completely original project in which you can lose yourself in for dozens of hours. Listening to audio diaries, reading notes and mail, completing side quests and generally exploring everything you see along the way is very exciting. And the impressive design of the Talos 1 space station encourages you to search for secrets and use all the opportunities provided. Sales of Prey are unlikely to meet Bethesda's expectations, but if the publisher still allows Arkane to do something similar again, correcting the shortcomings, then we have a chance to get a real masterpiece, has the potential to become a cult classic. But, alas, not this time.


  • a space station full of secrets;
  • any problem has several solutions;
  • many side quests and other details that more fully reveal the plot;
  • great atmosphere due to impressive design and pleasant music.


  • The main storyline is quite weak;
  • imperfect combat system and shooting;
  • Long loading times are annoying - especially in the final third, when you have to often return to old locations.
Graphic arts The game was created not on its own Arkane engine, but on CryEngine - probably because of this, there are almost no problems with optimization. It looks out of date, but it’s still not bad - you believe in what’s happening. 8
Sound Synthwave performed by Mick Gordon perfectly complements the atmosphere, although it would not hurt to add more compositions. The actors played their roles well, but not in the Russian version, alas - only the voices of Morgan and Alex did their best there, the rest sadly read the text from a piece of paper. 8
Single player game The concept of “immersion simulation” from the days of System Shock 2 is taken as a basis - the idea is correct, but the implementation is lame in places. Despite the fragility of the main plot core (which only strengthens towards the end), exploring and exploring locations saves the day. Talos 1 is really interesting to be on. 8
Group game Not provided. -
General impression Prey resembles a music collection " Greatest Hits": there is almost nothing new on the record, a couple of compositions I would never listen to, but all the other songs touch the right chords. So here too - there are several shortcomings, but overall everything is good and there is hope that the shortcomings will be corrected in the next part. 8

The long-suffering series is back. And this time quite successfully.

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We are on the Talos 1 space station, which has survived some kind of disaster. B O Most of the staff were killed, the station was partially destroyed, and monsters from nightmares roamed everywhere. A main character(or the heroine), a scientist named Morgan, still doesn’t remember anything. What will he/she do?

Adapt and improvise. Because, as you might have guessed, Prey It's not a shooter at all, but a much more complex game.

Learned from the best

Those who played System Shock or Deus Ex, will feel at home here. Developers from Arkane were not at all shy about borrowing elements from other projects: Prey got the style from BioShock, tasks and atmosphere refer to Half-Life 2, and sometimes to Portal, and during episodes with some enemies I remember Alien: Isolation. The presentation of the story and some mechanics are borrowed from Dishonored, another game Arkane. But Prey manages all this so competently that it’s impossible to blame the developers for soulless plagiarism.

Most of the time you have to explore the world around you, look for scraps of stories, read a lot, solve technical problems at the station, make something, look for ways to the goal (there are many of them), upgrade the hero, hide and sometimes fight. And in all this, Prey managed to maintain a balance: it teaches you to think, be attentive, calculating and cunning.

IT IS IMPORTANT: Arkane didn’t lie about the variability. Almost any problem can be solved in many ways. Don't know how to hack terminals? Can't kill a strong enemy? The designers have probably prepared a workaround or a couple of turrets, hidden a pass or a code for the door - you just need to find them. Improvising, exploring and wandering around in general is very important here - the most useful finds are usually off the main route.

There are very few resources: cartridges, first aid kits and spare parts are constantly running out, so you have to adapt. Stealth will help someone: you can hide from your opponents by sneaking along safer hidden paths. Gadgets will help someone - they are allowed to assemble them from improvised rubbish. But everyone will need to pay attention: noticing a tiny ventilation hatch or a note with a safe code can be difficult, but vital.

The skills that the main character discovers during the adventure will also come in handy. For example, individual objects blocking the path can only be moved after purchasing the “Climb” ability. The hacker's skills allow you to quickly get into locked areas - there will probably be resources or a shortcut to the goal there. And those who invest in repairs will be able to repair security turrets and gain an advantage in battle.

Survive at any cost

The main thing that makes the fights here memorable is that you need to think in them. When there is a lot of ammunition, you can go into open battle, but most often you come to your opponents with empty pockets and poor health. And in such cases you have to improvise and use any means that you can find.

The enemies here are also very different and force you to look for a special approach to yourself. Some, for example, disguise themselves as interior items and attack from ambush. Others create doubles, shoot bolts of energy and disable the player's weapons. Still others fly, block the hero’s abilities and turn people into zombies, and some invisible monsters are also capable of lifting Morgan and all other objects in the room into the air with telekinesis.

IT IS IMPORTANT: as in Dishonored, there are supernatural forces involved. Thanks to a new invention, neuromods, Morgan can adopt the skills of his enemies: for example, telekinesis, mind control or explosions with the power of his thoughts. But the much-talked-about ability to transform into objects didn’t really impress me - yes, you can use it to get into hard-to-reach places, but it’s inconvenient to use. There should always be an object nearby that could be “copied”. Mimicry is not good for anything serious, except for “hide and seek” with enemies when the player has enough energy. And this doesn’t happen very often.

As a result, short fights alternate with intense battles, when you have to crawl between tables in search of resources, throw chairs at enemies and hide in closets, in order to eventually find a couple of cartridges in the nightstand and finally blow the annoying enemy to pieces. Such victories bring a lot of pleasure.

Full immersion

But the main merit of Prey is how the developers play with the elements of the mechanics and tie them together.

For example, the terminals here are unexpectedly useful: they allow you not only to read mail, but also to download drawings, location maps, activate station functions, or find the desired character. At the same time, interaction with touch screens occurs not in a separate menu, but directly in the game - you need to hover the cursor and press a button. This not only enhances the sense of immersion, but also affects gameplay, especially when such operations have to be carried out right under the nose of the enemy.

If you are attacked with electricity, then it is better not to stand on an iron floor or in a puddle. Enemies who step into spilled fuel can be set on fire, and the gas pipeline opposite them can be pierced with a bullet. Or, conversely, block the hole with hardening foam from a plaster gun if the flame stream prevents the passage.

This gun is generally a universal tool. It will allow you to close holes, stop the fan blades, immobilize enemies, and with its help you can make stairs and climb into the most unexpected places. In this regard, the game does not pose any barriers: you can climb and grab onto almost everything and everywhere where a real person could do it.

And the main thing is that all mechanics interact harmoniously. The monster scanner allows you to unlock unique skills (we borrow them from enemies), detect enemy vulnerabilities and spot hidden mimics. Some grenades not only kill all enemies in the area, but at the same time break them down into resources - after that there is no need to dispose of the trash. So you calculate each throw in such a way that there are as many useless objects around as possible. I don’t even want to shirk collecting garbage anymore, because every “rusty spring” is a chance for new pack cartridges or first aid kit.

What is good and what is bad

All this creates a real feeling of survival on a space station. Moreover, even a mug or a seductively lying pistol can turn out to be an enemy in disguise. After a couple of such incidents, you start pounding wrench almost everything in the area: chairs, globes, boxes... Yes, Prey cannot be called a horror film, but there is something creepy in wandering around the dead Talos-1. And sometimes it can be difficult to play. Even more.

At times it seems that in terms of complexity Prey is the same as a guest from the 1990s, and this is both an advantage and a disadvantage. The developers don't care that the player may not understand where to go or what to do. You can be chased several times through the same locations with respawning enemies. And if all resources run out overnight, you will spend a whole half hour alone with the annoying tenacious monster, searching through empty rooms.

Prey, even during loading screens, almost screams: save resources, hide and run away from enemies, survive, it will be difficult. And sometimes it works: you are forced to hide, use all available means, collect garbage to make ammunition out of it, even throw stools. And when you manage to get out, the feeling remains special.

But sometimes it's all just annoying. Of course, you can hide, but there are no exciting stealth mechanics here, there are too many enemies, it’s difficult to run away due to not the most convenient controls (at least on PS4), and without resources, fighting with a wrench is simply boring.

What can definitely be classified as unambiguous disadvantages are minor flaws. Either damage to enemies is not counted, or they hit or shoot through the wall. You have to climb relatively often, but it’s inconvenient to do so: you constantly get stuck in objects and obstacles. Well, the plot characters sometimes start talking at the same time, which is why it is simply impossible to understand some of the dialogues.

Living dead world

And you still want to listen to them! Especially when you know that the script was handled by Chris Avellone, one of the creators Planescape: Torment And Fallout: New Vegas. And his contribution to Prey is felt. True, apparently, he got the texts and details of the story, and not the main skeleton of the plot.

The plot itself is trivial to the point of eerily: the hero doesn’t remember anything, a mysterious assistant gets in touch with him, experiments were carried out on aliens at the station... At first it still seems that there is intrigue, and the scriptwriters are about to surprise and get out of it, but gradually it becomes cliches only more.

However, all the plot flaws are made up for by the elaboration of details. Diaries, audio recordings, notes and journals are scattered around the station, and the computers are full by email. All of them provide a wealth of information about the environment, enemies, character relationships and life on Talos 1. From fragmentary information whole pieces are collected storylines, and many of their heroes later appear and participate in global history.

The new creation by Arkane Studios went on sale on May 5, but the first ratings from major publications have only now begun to appear. This is due to the fact that Bethesda does not provide journalists with copies of its games before release.At the moment, the average score for the PC version of Prey on Metacritic is , compared to the PS4 version- .

Critics mostly praise the intriguing and interesting story games, Beautiful design Talos-1 stations, scary sound effects, a light but at the same time varied RPG system and a wide scope for exploration.

The disadvantages include clunky animations, long loading times that ruin the tension, unstable frame rates, monotonous enemies and a fair number of bugs.

Prey is about deep space and varied gameplay. A huge space station hiding thousands of game mechanics ready for the player to explore. Combat isn't endless or predetermined, it's part of a bigger picture, a bigger game where gameplay means much more than just run and gun.

Prey turned out to be a great reboot. The game's breathtaking setting, clever plot twists, and intriguing lore raise the bar for sci-fi quality to even higher levels. high level. Despite many elements borrowed from other franchises, Prey also has its own identity. However, the game still has quite a few bugs.

XGN - 8.5/10

As Morgan Yu, Prey challenges us to create an interesting and complex hero who maneuvers through dangerous world, filled with characters worth getting to know. The fusion of story and fluid gameplay remains strong throughout the game's entire playthrough and makes Prey an outstanding horror adventure, despite a few shortcomings.


Prey gets under your skin and stays in your thoughts, but it's also plagued by bugs and imbalances, while combining a top-notch setting with uneven gameplay. Comparisons to BioShock are inevitable, but Prey's ups and downs remind me more of Alien: Isolation.