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Proofing cabinets purpose. Why do you need a proofing cabinet: features of the equipment. Proofing cabinet manufacturers

The softness and fluffiness of the dough is just as important to bakers as the flavor. To obtain workpieces with the required qualities, professionals use special proofers. We'll talk about them today.

It may seem to the average person that there is nothing complicated about baking buns. But in fact, this is a long and painstaking process that requires not only correct selection ingredients, but also strict adherence to the rules of kneading, resting and baking the dough. One of the most useful assistants Bakers and confectioners all over the world have a dough proofing cabinet.

What is proofing?

In a professional environment, proofing is understood as a set of fermentation processes occurring in the dough before baking. It is necessary to form the final structure and desired moisture content of baked goods before they go into the oven. During the proofing process, the dough pieces noticeably gain in volume, becoming more loose and airy.

To make a good baking dough, it is necessary to take into account the factor of its proofing time, as well as the temperature and humidity at which fermentation occurs. Experienced bakers determine the degree of readiness visually and “by touch”, highlighting three stages of proofing:

  • Insufficient;
  • optimal;
  • redundant.

In the first case, the workpiece remains dense enough for fingerprints to quickly disappear. If the fermentation time is chosen correctly (15-120 minutes, depending on the characteristics and purpose of the test), a slow leveling of the traces is observed. With excessive proofing, fingerprints disappear too slowly or generally remain in place. Either insufficient or excessive degrees of dough preparedness lead to a decrease in its quality and are classified as a baker’s mistake.

Why do you need a proofing cabinet?

Fermentation in baked goods works best when following certain temperature and air humidity. It is for these purposes that proofers are used, in which an optimal microclimate is created for the activity of yeast bacteria. The baker just needs to put the products in the chamber and only check their readiness from time to time. The closet will do the rest for him.

Proofing cabinet design

In modern bakery and confectionery production, specialists use special equipment for proofing buns, bread and other products. It provides optimal temperature and humidity conditions at which fermentation processes occur as efficiently as possible.

Pre-proofing cabinets consist of the following components:

  • Chambers into which workpieces are placed;
  • sealed door;
  • steam generator or heating element;
  • control and monitoring unit;
  • containers with a bath.

To activate fermentation processes in yeast dough, simultaneous heating and humidification of the air is necessary. In inexpensive models, a heating element and a special container with a bath into which water is poured are used for this. When heated, the liquid evaporates, forming a humid environment. Professional units, in turn, are equipped with steam generators that allow more fine control of the air humidity in the chamber.

Temperature and humidity

The temperature for proofing the dough usually varies between 33-40 °C, and humidity - 70-80%. However, most cabinets are capable of supporting a wider temperature range, up to 90°C. One more important point is the uniformity of heating of the chamber - the higher it is, the more correct the dough will prove in different zones. In professional models, special fans are used for this purpose, which circulate warm air, uniformly heating the cabinet throughout its entire volume.

Features of choice

When choosing baking proofers, you should pay attention to the following characteristics:

Material of external and internal lining. The most expensive models use food-grade stainless steel, which does not absorb moisture, is not subject to corrosion and easily withstands temperature changes.

Proofing cabinet power. The higher the power heating elements, the faster the set temperature is reached. In addition to power, the energy efficiency of the equipment plays a significant role, especially if you plan to use it outdoors. This parameter is affected by the tightness of the chamber, as well as the quality of the thermal insulation layer.

Chamber volume. Everything is simple here - what larger cabinet, the more products can be placed in it at one time.

Correspondence of oven trays to the dimensions of the internal chamber. If the baking sheets can be installed in the cabinet, you will be able to save a lot of time on rearranging the workpieces.

Range and accuracy of temperature control. The more accurate the equipment, the better proofing conditions can be achieved. In addition, in some cases it is necessary to go beyond standard heating methods. Therefore, you should not forget about the size of the range either.

Possibility of adjusting humidity. In addition to a certain temperature, a certain air humidity must be maintained in the chamber. Professional models are equipped with a humidity control function and are able to maintain it at a given level.

Availability glass doors. Transparent doors allow you to visually monitor the condition of the workpieces. This is especially important when testing new recipes.

Leading manufacturers of proofing cabinets

An Italian company that has been producing professional baking equipment since the early 40s of the last century. The company's products attract buyers high technology and impeccable quality. By purchasing a Sottoriva dough proofing cabinet, you can be confident in its functionality, high precision climate control system and reliability, even if the equipment is used around the clock.

Pietro Berto is another Italian company with a long history. Starting in 1909 with the production of fork mixers, the small family business gradually grew into an international corporation that produces dozens of high-quality bakery equipment. Pietro Berto proofers are focused on the classic sponge technology of dough preparation, but, if necessary, they can also cope with exotic recipes.

Spanish manufacturer Salva produces baking equipment for establishments Catering. Its assortment includes both small-sized models for small confectionery shops and huge cabinets capable of storing tens of kilograms of baked goods. yeast dough. All equipment is different high quality, remarkable performance and embodies the latest developments of the company's engineers.

Debag products are, first of all, German scrupulousness and attention to detail. The manufacturer produces a wide range automatic cabinets for proofing dough, which can do everything for you. To prepare the dough, just place the dough in the chamber, set the program and wait for the process to complete - all the nuances of the preparation will be monitored by smart electronics, which will not let you down even when implementing extremely complex recipes.

Like ovens, bakery proofers determine the look and taste of future baked goods. Therefore, they need to be selected as carefully as possible, in order to later save time on preparing dough and delight customers with consistently delicious baked goods.

Need to prepare yeast dough before baking? For this purpose, you will need a proofer - equipment that is indispensable in bakeries, bakeries, pizzerias, confectioneries and other catering establishments. Buy it and please your customers with delicious, aromatic and “airy” baked goods!

What exactly is a proofing cabinet for?

This design helps the cook create dough for preparing for baking. optimal conditions. During the fermentation process of the dough, which is actually called proofing, the density of the dough decreases and its volume increases. Thanks to special temperature conditions and humidity, the porosity and elasticity lost during the formation of the dough are restored to the dough, and the final product, even baked from a previously frozen mass, becomes fluffy and soft.

What does the proofing cabinet come with?

The equipment includes a control point, steam humidification, doors, fences with a bath and the cabinet itself. A tray with water is installed under it (in simple cheap models). When heated, it evaporates, creating an environment suitable for proofing. In expensive designs, steam comes from a steam generator connected to the water supply.

The presence of water, temperature and humidity in the chamber are controlled by special control systems. The last two parameters during proofing usually fluctuate between 33-40°C and 75-80%, respectively. To ensure that the air is evenly distributed throughout the cabinet, fans are built into it. In some models, their rotation speed can be adjusted.

What should you pay attention to when buying a proofing cabinet?

When choosing equipment, it is important to consider the following parameters:

1) temperature range, their adjustment. This indicator affects the heating time working area, duration of proofing and quality of the final product;

2) the ability to regulate the humidity level;

3) material used for internal covering. To prevent the dough from sticking later, it must be moisture-proof;

4) insulating properties of the structure: quality of cladding, tightness of doors. Firstly, proper thermal insulation prevents the dough from “falling”, which is possible in the presence of even the smallest draft. Secondly, it helps to rationally use energy resources;

5) availability glass doors. With them it is easier to control how the proofing proceeds. And they significantly reduce heat loss;

6) productivity. This parameter is important for equipment that is installed in large production, because there it is necessary to work with large volumes of dough;

7) the size of the baking sheets. Ideally, they should match the size of those in the baking cabinet. Then, after proofing, you don’t have to move the workpieces, but simply swap the baking sheets.

Proofers should be used exclusively in heated rooms. The lower the ambient temperature, the longer it will take to warm up the working chamber.

What's good about a proofer?

This type of equipment has a lot of advantages:

    does not make noise during operation;

    due to the availability of all mechanisms, it is easy to repair;

    does not take up much space;

    Easily synchronizes with devices for subsequent test processing.

Choose a proofing cabinet and order it from our company. Get a high-quality unit at an affordable price!

Hello, dear readers of the site! Today we will talk about this important device like a proofer. The article will be useful to any owner of a bakery, confectionery shop, canteen or cafe, since in it we will talk about the structure and operating principle of this invention.

Why do you need a proofing cabinet?

The final proofing of the dough pieces takes place in the proofing cabinet immediately before baking. In addition, a proofer is necessary for proofing quick-frozen semi-finished yeast dough products.

What is proofing?

This is the process of fermenting the dough before baking, which occurs under the control of the baker. The dough approximately doubles in volume and becomes looser. All this happens under the influence of carbon dioxide. All this is necessary to form the correct structure of baked goods.

Proofing cabinet necessary to restore the original porosity of the dough, which decreases during the preparation of dough pieces and molding. The special microclimate created in the proofing cabinet makes it possible to reduce the density of the dough while increasing the volume. The workpiece acquires flat surface. Finished products this adds pomp.

The advantages of using proofing cabinets in an enterprise are obvious. You don't need to adapt various surfaces for placing dough pieces. As a result, you save space inside the bakery. In addition, the use of a proofer in production has a positive effect on the taste properties of the product.

The operation of the proofing cabinet is almost silent. Quiet operation is ensured by braking flaps and nylon tippers.

The operation of the cabinet can be easily synchronized with various dough dividers, since it is easily adjustable. The cabinet mechanisms and parts are easily accessible, so you can easily replace any element.

How to choose a proofer?

If you are planning to buy a proofing cabinet for your business, pay attention to the following points:

- quality of cladding;

— thermal insulation ability;

— the ability to maintain and regulate humidity levels;

- internal coating material (it should not allow moisture to pass through, otherwise you may get such a nuisance as the dough sticking).

It is necessary to remember the proofing parameters. This process is carried out at a temperature of 35 - 40 degrees and at a humidity of 75 - 80%. In addition, a prerequisite for operating the proofing cabinet is the presence of heating in the room.

Proofing cabinet: device and principle of operation

The design of the proofing cabinet includes the following elements: the cabinet itself with doors, fences with a bath and a control device.

How is the necessary environment provided? The proofing cabinet is equipped with a steam humidification system. There is a smooth temperature change. The cabinet has a tray with a sponge; water is poured into it. The pallet is equipped with a heating element. The heating element heats the water, evaporation occurs, which provides the microclimate necessary for the proofing process - warm and humid.

Older models of proofing cabinets have various disadvantages. For example, insufficient tightness of the bottom panel. As a result, the likelihood of Ten burning out increases. In some cabinets, raising the temperature to 80 degrees causes the baking sheets to warp.

Not all models of proofing cabinets are suitable for use outdoors: for example, if it is not intended to maintain a temperature above 40 degrees, then in the cold season heating up to required temperature inside the cabinet will take a very long time.

Pay attention to such a function as adding flour. Many are equipped with it modern models proofing cabinets. The goal is to prevent the dough from sticking.

Another convenient detail is the glass window. Through it you can visually monitor the proofing process.

Based on the above parameters, choose for yourself optimal model. Depending on which manufacturer (imported or domestic) you choose a proofing cabinet, the price will be different. The price also depends on the characteristics and model.

In the comments below you can ask a question and also leave a review about any manufacturer of proofing cabinets.


The secret of delicious and airy baking lies not only in the competent selection of ingredients. It is very important to prepare the dough correctly and create comfortable conditions to ferment it before baking. In order to facilitate this task and prepare the yeast dough for baking, use professional equipment -

What and where is it used for?

Proofing cabinet designed for aging dough pieces of bakery products immediately before baking. For the test, a certain environment is created here - a temperature of up to 38 degrees and humidity in the range of 75-85%. This helps restore the structure of the yeast dough, which was damaged during formation, and ensures its loosening due to the release of carbon dioxide - the dough “fits.”

Such cabinets are used in small industries, such as cafes, restaurants, hotels, and in large ones - confectionery shops and bakery factories.

Design and principle of operation of the proofing cabinet

Proofing cabinets, as a rule, have a similar type of construction and consist of:

  1. The closet itself.
  2. Control devices.
  3. Doors.
  4. Containers with a bath.

All proofing cabinets are equipped with a steam humidification system, and the temperature inside the cabinet is continuously adjustable. Usually at the bottom of the cabinets there is a tray with a special sponge, equipped with a heating element. The sponge is designed to absorb excess moisture, and the heating element heats this moisture and converts it into warm steam. This allows you to achieve the warm and humid environment inside the cabinet necessary for the proofing process.

In the process of working with the dough (giving it the desired shape, making small pieces, rolling out dough), almost all carbon dioxide comes out of it. In order for the baked goods to turn out fluffy and airy, the dough needs to be “saturated” with it again. For this purpose, the dough is sent to special warm proofers.

Proofing is the process of fermenting dough before baking, controlled by temperature and humidity. Under the influence of carbon dioxide, which is released during the fermentation process, the dough becomes loose and approximately doubles in volume. This process allows the dough to acquire a better structure, become more loose and airy. The workpiece itself takes on a finished appearance, becomes smooth and even. After proofing, the dough is sent for baking, and at this time the next batch of products - already shaped products - is proofed.

The process of proofing dough is very important during the preparation of baked goods. It allows you to create and maintain best conditions for the development of bacteria that participate in the fermentation process, which can significantly speed up the process. The main purpose of proofers is the final proofing of dough pieces before they are sent for baking in bakers or ovens. In pastry shops and bakeries, proofers can be used in conjunction with single-format ovens.

The dough proofing process can take from 15 to 120 minutes. This depends on many factors: the method of preparing the dough (mechanical or manual), the quality of the flour, the amount of sugar and fat in the dough, which significantly slow down the dough proofing process, and the weight of the workpiece.

It is worth noting that those blanks that are in molds take much longer to rise than those that are simply laid out on baking sheets. The use of proofers in the production of bakery products makes the products produced by enterprises softer, fluffier and looser. To prevent the baked goods from cracking during the proofing process, the cabinet is very well maintained. high humidity. Proofers can also be used for defrosting quick-frozen semi-finished products from ready-made yeast dough.

Advantages of modern cabinets

The most common models of proving equipment can rightfully be considered proofing cabinets. Today, manufacturing companies present a fairly wide range of proofing cabinets . Depending on the performance of the oven, proofing cabinets come in different sizes - from 2 baking sheets (size 600 x 300 mm) to 2-3 trolleys (capacity up to 20 baking sheets).

Modern production of proofing cabinets is constantly being improved. Manufacturers take into account more and more new needs and wishes of consumers. New cabinet models have many additional features:

    glass built into the door, which allows you to monitor the process without opening the cabinet;

    the presence of nylon tippers and braking flaps, which makes the use of the cabinet almost silent;

    location of most parts in easily accessible places (if necessary, replace a part, you do not need to disassemble the entire structure).

In addition, modern proofing cabinets are easy to adjust, which makes it possible to synchronize them with various types of dough dividers, and you don’t even have to take into account what manufacturer they are - domestic or foreign.

Old-style models have a lot of disadvantages:

  • heating elements often burn out, since the bottom panel is not always sealed;
  • when the cabinet is heated to 75-85 degrees, deformation of the baking sheets may occur;
  • cannot withstand temperatures above 30-40 degrees.

If it is necessary to use them at low temperatures (for example, outdoors in cold weather) they will not be able to maintain enough inside high temperature or they will do it very slowly.

Basic rules for choosing a proofing cabinet

  • it is advisable to give preference to new models;
  • it is important to consider what products it will be used for, since its design will depend on this;
  • It is worth paying attention to the productivity of the cabinet (hourly, shift or daily), because the proofing process requires much more time than the baking process itself. Therefore, you need to choose a proofer whose performance will be significantly higher than that of an oven or oven. oven. For small products, you should use a proofer with a productivity 4-6 times higher than that of oven, for bakery products – 1-2 times.

    It is necessary to consider what equipment the proofing cabinet will be used with. Subsequently, this will allow automating the production process.

You should also pay attention to:

    external lining of the cabinet. It must be free of gaps, dents and holes, as this affects the quality of the insulation;

    level of thermal insulation, since the dough will not be subjected to the proofing process in a cabinet in which there will be drafts;

    ability to support inside the cabinet optimal humidity air, as well as the possibility of its regulation;

    presence of a door with glass. This will allow you to control the proofing process without opening the cabinet and avoid drafts.

When choosing a proofing cabinet, you should consider the temperature range to ensure that the dough proofing process proceeds properly. The temperature should be from 33 to 45 degrees, the air humidity inside should not go beyond 75-85%. The room in which the equipment will be located must be heated.

Proofing cabinet manufacturers

The Italian manufacturer Sottoriva began its activities in the forties. The founders are brothers Claudio and Giuseppe Sottoriva. Proofing cabinets from this manufacturer have polyurethane insulation. This material is famous for its heat-insulating properties and durability. Plus, polyurethane is fire-safe and environmentally friendly. Cabinet cladding made of durable aluminum sheets.



Cabinet dimensions,

Dimensions of the baking tray, cm

Heat generator/steam generator power, kW


CLQ 4076/12

CLQ 8080/12


CLQ 80100/12


CLQ 80120/12

CLQ 4060/24


CLQ 4076/24

CLQ 6080/24

CLQ 8080/24


CLQ 80100/24

2x46x76 - 2x50x70

CLQ 80120/24

The manufacturer “Unox” was founded in Italy in 1990, and 9 years later it launched its products on the market in the United States. A special feature of Unox proofing cabinets is their environmental friendliness due to insulating material and low energy consumption during operation.



Dimensions, mm


power, kWt

- glass door;
- 8 levels 600x400;
- control through the oven;
- for furnaces XF 195 - XF 185 - XF188

Stainless steel cladding;
- glass door;
- 12 levels 600x400;
- distance between levels 75 mm;
- max. temperature 50°C; - control through the oven;
- for XBC 805/605/405/815G/615G models

Stainless steel cladding;
- glass door;
- 8 levels 600x400;
- Maximum temperature 50° C.;
- control through the oven;
-for furnaces XF 193 - XF 183

Stainless steel cladding;
- glass door;
- 8 levels 460x330;
- maximum temperature 50° C.;
- control through the oven;
-for furnaces XF 135/XF 119/XF 115

Stainless steel cladding;
- glass door;
- 8 levels 460x330;
- maximum temperature 50° C.;
- control through the oven;
-for furnaces XF 135/XF 130/XF 133/XF 119/XF 115/XF 110/XF 113

Fimar is an Italian manufacturer founded in the seventies. Even on this moment production is not on a large scale. All offices and workshops will fit on an area of ​​4.5 km2. But the quality of “Fimar” is appreciated all over the world.



Dimensions, mm


power, kWt

- maximum temperature 110° C; - timer 0÷120 minutes
- thermostat 30÷110 °C

Stainless steel cladding; - 8 levels;
- maximum temperature 110° C; - timer 0÷120 minutes;
- thermostat 30÷110 °C;
- manual humidifier;
- fan with automatic change of direction of rotation

Summarizing the above, we can conclude that the use of proofers is necessary to obtain tasty, fluffy baked goods. And since all over the world Italians are considered experts in baking, their products are used in great demand. The article reflects all the benefits of proofing cabinets and the subtleties of choosing models. The decisive factor in choosing a particular cabinet is the scale of production and budget.


Surely, many women who bake at home do not know such a term as a proofer, and they do not need it, homemade baking it turns out great and on our own. But for those who make baked goods in production, or in pastry shops, a proofer is truly an irreplaceable thing.

So, what is the principle of operation of this device, and why is it even necessary? During the formation of dough pieces for baking, such necessary substances, like carbon dioxide and moisture. Without them, finished products lose their visual appeal and become irregular shape, yes and taste qualities suffer too. In this case, the proofer becomes a lifesaver. Before sending the already prepared dough to the oven, it is placed in this cabinet, where the dough is saturated carbon dioxide and are in their ideal humidity and temperature. By the way, both the humidity level and temperature can be adjusted. Many cabinets are equipped with automatic proofing controls, so you can easily leave dough pieces out overnight without worrying about them spoiling.

The Amazing Powers of the Proofing Oven

Surely many people have noticed how beautiful and fluffy baked goods are produced in various bakeries, cafes and pastry shops. So this is the merit of the proofer. With its help, even the taste of baked goods becomes more pleasant and richer, and the products themselves seem simply airy and weightless. In addition, semi-finished yeast dough products can also be left to proof here. Such a device helps to significantly speed up the baking process, which is very important in continuous production.

The proofing cabinet itself is made of stainless steel, which makes it easy to clean it from any contaminants. The cabinet door is made of glass, this allows you to continuously monitor and control the proofing process. Inside the device there is a tray on which a special sponge is placed. It is able to control the level of moisture and absorb excess so that the products are constantly in an atmosphere favorable for their preparation.

Today, not a single bakery or pastry shop can do without a proofer. This item is as necessary here as the oven itself in which baked goods are prepared. If you want your baked goods to be amazing and delight your visitors, be sure to purchase a proofer.

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