home · Tool · Magic snow globe. Winter magic. Jar with snow. "Snow globe" without glycerin

Magic snow globe. Winter magic. Jar with snow. "Snow globe" without glycerin

We offer you a master class on making an accessory, without which it is simply impossible to imagine new year holidays. We will make a glass snow globe - a decoration that is always liked by both adults and children.

These snow balls are simply mesmerizing. Once you shake them, it seems as if something magical is happening. Beautiful flakes slowly swirl behind the glass, as if there is a whole snowy world in your palms.

Of course these are traditional Christmas gifts on the eve of the holiday it is not difficult to find. But it’s much more pleasant (and, by the way, much cheaper) to make them yourself. At some point you will even feel like a wizard!

What do we need?

  • transparent glass jar
  • water (it’s better to take distilled water so that it doesn’t “go rotten”)
  • glycerol
  • white glitter
  • small figurine for the base


  1. Glue a figurine to the back of the lid (Christmas tree, snowman, birds - to your taste).
  2. Mix water with glycerin in a ratio of one to three and fill the jar to the very top.
  3. Add glitter.
  4. Carefully coat the edges of the lid with glue and screw the jar on.
  5. All that remains is to tie a beautiful ribbon around the neck and turn the jar over.
  6. The magic begins!

Tip: if the neck and, accordingly, the lid are too narrow, glue the figurine directly to the bottom of the jar. To do this, drop glue not on the bottom, but on the figure and fix it inside.

We offer you some ideas for inspiration.

Please note that even the most simple jars they look very nice. You don't have to look for a round or grooved patterned container - a regular quart jar will also work for making a snow globe. In this case, you just need to choose a larger figure.

Fascinating and magical holiday. At this time of year, everyone wants to give and receive gifts. In this article you will read how to make a “snow globe” with your own hands to please your loved ones.

Why make a "snow globe"?

Before starting any work, a person asks himself: “Why am I taking on this particular business?” In the case of this craft, this question is easy to answer. Firstly, everyone loves to receive gifts made with their own hands, especially in modern world it's also very fashionable. Secondly, such original gift Even children can do it, which is even more valuable.

Thirdly, the New Year's “snow globe” looks beautiful, symbolic, and is suitable for a person of any age. And if you use your imagination, you can create a unique and memorable surprise! And to make it you will need very little time and minimal financial costs.

What is needed for the job?

In 1889, the New Year's "snow globe" was made for the first time. It was presented in Paris and was small in size (could fit in the palm of your hand). A copy of the famous Eiffel Tower was installed in it, and the role of snow was played by fine sifted porcelain and sand. Today, anyone can create a “snow globe” with their own hands. How to make such a miracle? Let's start by preparing the necessary things. So, you will need:

  • Glass jar with a locking lid. It is better that the container is airtight, otherwise you will have to strengthen the screwing point to prevent the craft from leaking;
  • Figures to create the main composition - these can be houses, animals, Christmas trees, and so on.

  • Glue gun or good super glue.
  • Distilled water. If you take an unrefined liquid, it will darken over time, ruining appearance crafts.
  • Artificial snow - it can be played by sparkles and finely chopped tinsel. Some even use cut-up disposable tableware or polystyrene foam.
  • Glycerin - for thickening water. It is he who will help you see how the snow falls in your ball.
  • Decorations for the lid.

Let's get started

When all the necessary preparations are completed, you can proceed directly to creating the ball. To begin, thoroughly wash the jar and figurines to create the display. You can even pour boiling water over them. This is done to better preserve the snow globe from the jar. If any bacteria remain on the figures, the craft will quickly become cloudy.

Now start creating decorative composition on the lid. Rub the underside of the lid with sandpaper so the glue will adhere better. Then treat the surface with glue and install the figure of your choice. Work quickly before the compound dries.

If the base of your figure is very narrow (for example, like a Christmas tree), place a couple of pebbles on the lid, and install the tree between them.

Place the shapes in the center of the lid and do not make them too wide, otherwise they simply will not fit into your “snow globe” with glycerin. When the plot is ready, set the lid aside. The glue must dry completely!

You can also place your figurine on a snowdrift. Cut it out of foam, glue it to the lid and paint it with white paint.

Treat the snowdrift with glue and sprinkle with glitter. A wonderful platform for fairy tale characters ready! Now you can place any hero on it. You can create a unique figurine if you mold it yourself from polymer clay.

Preparing the solution and artificial snow

In the question of how to make a “snow globe” with your own hands, the nuance of preparing a solution of the required consistency is very important. Take a jar and fill it three-quarters full with water. Then pour in 2-3 teaspoons of glycerin (you can buy it at the pharmacy and it is very inexpensive). The amount of glycerin determines how slowly the snow falls in the composition. When the solution is ready, the children’s favorite stage begins - loading “snow” into the jar. Carefully place the glitter into your balloon. Their quantity depends only on your desires, but you should not put too many sparkles, otherwise they will cover the entire view of the composition. Gold and silver glitter work best, but you can use any shade.

If you don’t have glitter on hand, a white eggshell will save the day; it needs to be thoroughly crushed, and it will do a great job as snow in a New Year’s craft.

The sparkles must be carefully mixed with a clean spoon and observed their behavior. If you see particles that do not settle to the bottom, carefully remove them. They will continue to float on top of the composition, spoiling its appearance.

Now proceed to the crucial moment - immersing the figurine in water and screwing on the lid. Turn the compositions over and place them in water.

Screw the lid tightly, using a towel to remove any water that has leaked out. To be on the safe side, it is better to apply glue once again along the junction of the jar and the lid.

Decorating the lid

The lid is also worth thinking about. Before you make a “snow globe” with your own hands, prepare everything you need for decoration.

The cover decoration is not mandatory stage, but this way the ball will look complete. The decoration will help hide the joint between the lid and the jar.

Cut a couple of strips from cardboard and glue them into a circle. Cover the stand with gold self-adhesive paper and place the jar in it. This stand can be decorated as you wish.

You can cover the lid with nail polish, wrap it in bright decorative tape, decorate with felt or glue small decorative elements: bells, curls. The ball is ready! Shake it and watch the fabulous snowfall.

Making a "snow globe" from a store-bought kit

If you don't really want to look for the necessary items to create a snow New Year's gift, you can create a ball from a ready-made set. They can be found in many stores. The kits can be different: some already have grooves for photographs, others contain clay for creating ceramic figurines. The main thing is to strictly follow the instructions! There are kits in which children must draw and color some of the details themselves. Most often, the decoration is installed on the lid and glued to a dome made of plastic or glass. Then the solution is poured into the ball through a special hole and artificial snow. The plug from the kit will allow it to be tightly closed.

"Snow globe" without glycerin

Is it possible to create a New Year's surprise without glycerin? And how to replace glycerin in the “snow globe”?

Can be a good substitute for the substance baby oil, it can also thicken water. Or you can create a ball with only water. There is an option to create crafts without any solution at all. Take the round ones Christmas balls with transparent walls. Remove the rope attachment, insert a small figurine and add snow. Place the toy on a stand or decorate a Christmas tree with it.

This magical surprise will be pleasant for both children and adults. Everyone will follow the snowfall of sparkles swirling behind the glass. A gift made with your own hands contains a piece of your soul, and this is very expensive!

The imagination is limitless for realizing creative ideas and creating a unique New Year's interior. On the list original crafts and an unusual jar with snow - it’s not difficult to make it with your own hands. A ball of snow, in which, when shaken, snowflakes swirl and fancy ones float New Year's figures, for almost everyone is a distant childhood memory.

Master class for creating a winter-themed phantasmagoria with your own hands in an ordinary glass jar is incredibly simple. Shall we try?

Decoration materials

To create a New Year's jar with snow, we will need a tall and straight glass container with a screw-on iron lid with a volume of about 1 liter, loose foam or artificial snow, minifigures that will live in the jar with snow. Our decor includes a green Christmas tree and a funny snowman with a sleigh.

To create a unique New Year's decor The choice of miniature toys is quite wide. The main thing is that it fits in the jar. Santa Claus and deer, a Christmas tree, the Snow Maiden, gnomes, forest animals in the snow, in a word, everything that is somehow connected with the New Year and Christmas holidays.

It’s worth thinking about a platform stand for figures in a jar of snow. This can be a hand-made pedestal made from a piece of wood, polystyrene foam or cardboard. White cotton or wool balls will come in handy small size. You can make them yourself or buy them at a craft store. You will also need a needle, fishing line, glue/tape.

Step-by-step algorithm of work

Stylized New Year's jar in a festive interior it will be an excellent decoration for any room: living room, kitchen, nursery. Considering that you will make this miracle with your own hands, a festive atmosphere will appear in the house during the creative process.

  1. We thread the fishing line through a needle and string cotton or wool balls onto the fishing line. To secure them, use a drop of glue or a drop of nail polish (colorless) on one side of the middle of the ball.
  2. We attach a platform for a mini-toy to the bottom of the jar. Glue and double-sided tape will help with this.
  3. We place miniature figures on the bottom of the jar, while there is still no snow, and attach them so that they do not dangle when the jar moves.
  4. Sprinkle the glass bottom of the jar with artificial snow or loose foam so as to completely cover the “podium”. By the way, artificial snow for a jar is quite easy to make with your own hands. There are many on the Internet original recipes its manufacture.
  5. The crucial moment is “snow” in the bank. We attach the improvised garland using hot glue or tape to the screw-on lid. Eight to ten “cotton-snow” threads different lengthsbest option for New Year's decor of our magic jar.
  6. The final touch is to close the container with a lid with attached garlands and screw it on. The jar of snow is ready!

Imagination will suggest decor for winter, Easter, autumn jars in which you can use natural materials and a creative set of do-it-yourself figurines, toys, and accessories.

The shape of the can itself may also be interesting. The more unusual the glass container, the more intricate the painting inside can be. And a reason to create and use “can” decor with your own hands can arise at any moment.

On supermarket shelves you can find thousands of different New Year's trinkets and souvenirs. However, you don’t have to run to the store for a gift; you can make it yourself.

In this article we will suggest you to make a wonderful souvenir yourself - a ball of snow. It's not at all difficult to make. To do this you will need:

  • base for a ball with snow, it can be a purchased special container in the form of a glass ball, or a small beautiful jar (for example, from under baby food);
  • distilled water;
  • glycerin (you can buy it at the pharmacy);
  • glue, preferably waterproof;
  • snow flakes or sparkles;
  • small figurines of Christmas trees, animals, snowmen or any other New Year-themed items. You can also create an original ball with a photograph inside, but before placing the photograph in the liquid it must first be laminated.

Now that all the components are ready, let's start creating a New Year's masterpiece.

1. To begin, make a composition of figures so that it fits on the lid and at the same time goes into the neck of the jar. Then glue it to the lid and let the glue dry.

2. After this, pour glitter into the jar. By the way, in addition to sparkles or snow, you can also place other floating objects (beads, stars or snowflakes) in the future water balloon with snow.

3. Then fill the jar with a mixture of glycerin and distilled water, taking into account the volume of the composition. After lowering the figures into the jar, the liquid in it should reach the edges, as a result, the jar should be completely filled.

5. Now you can decorate the base of the ball (lid) as you wish. For example, wrap it in a piece of fabric and tie it with a festive ribbon.

Your snow globe is ready, shake it and enjoy the magical spectacle.

Such a homemade ball can become a decoration for your interior or a wonderful souvenir for your guests. Also, making snow balls can be great fun for kids. Collect such a ball together with your child, and you will be pleased with the happy shining eyes of the child when he sees the result.

They say that the first snow globe was created back in the 16th century. True, it was not quite “snowy”, but filled with “just” water in which birds swam. The first documented snow globe was demonstrated at the Paris Exhibition in 1878, containing a figurine of a man holding an open umbrella. Within a year, five large European companies were producing such balloons. Peak popularity in the UK and US snow globes occurred in the 20s of the last century. By this time, a wide variety of scenes and views could be found inside glass spheres, and the balls gradually began to be associated with Christmas.
Each manufacturer had its own secret of the composition of the liquid and “snow”. Initially, the balls were crystal on a ceramic stand, the water was spring water, and the snow was planed from the smallest pieces of porcelain or bone. Then crystal became glass, porcelain and bone were replaced with white sand and pieces of foil. Now the balls are most often made entirely of plastic, and the snow is grated from plastic pipe. In order for the snow to fall most naturally and slowly, glycerin is added to the water. Balloons with a slot in the middle appeared on sale, into which you can insert your own photo. And also most Christmas balls began to be produced in China, Hong Kong and Taiwan. A rotation mechanism is mounted in the stand so that there is no need to shake the ball (so that snow begins to fall), often together with the music box. Light bulbs are inserted into the balls. In the USA they sell inflatable snow globes made of transparent vinyl; by the way, they can be inflated to a very high large sizes, so they are often used for decoration, e.g. shopping centers. Limited editions are sold for fabulous money by famous fashion houses - from Chanel And Louis Vuitto n to Lanvin And Christian Dior.

Snow globes are traditionally collected; the largest collection to date belongs to a resident of Nuremberg (about 8,000 balls). And this is not surprising, because not so many “real” snow globes are produced. The first patent for their production was received by the Austrian Erwin Perzi, who constantly experimented with lighting effects and fluorescent lamps, and did it in the kitchen. One day he poured semolina into the water of the lamp, and when it swelled and began to slowly settle, it reminded him of falling snow. Then Erwin placed a tiny model of the famous Austrian Mariazellerkirche inside the lamp and gave his creation to the nearest souvenir shop. The success was so great that in 1900 he and his brother opened a snow globe factory in Vienna, which is still in operation today. Gradually, the factory's assortment expanded - Christmas scenes appeared, the diameter of the balls changed, and in the 90s of the last century a museum was created at the factory. Snow globes at this factory are still made by hand, and half of the employees work from home.

By the way, you can also try making a snow globe with your own hands!

glass container with a tight-fitting lid - we took a plastic ball with a lid for crafts, small figures, distilled water, glycerin solution, glitter or artificial snow, glue for plastic.

TIP If you want to make a ball without falling “snow”, replace the glycerin solution with a drop of dish soap.

HOW TO DO: turn the glass container upside down (we put our ball in a cup). Glue the figures to the inside of the lid. If you want to make a “vault” from which snow will fall, then mix glitter or artificial snow with glue and apply the mixture to the bottom of the container. Let the glue dry completely.

Fill the container with distilled water mixed with glitter. Add glycerin to the water until it reaches the consistency of a (very) runny dough: the more glycerin you add, the denser the liquid will become and the slower the snow will “fall.”
Apply glue to the junction of the neck of the container with the lid (distribute the glue evenly, leaving no areas uncovered with glue!) and put on the lid. Allow the glue to dry completely, turn the container over and make sure that the liquid does not leak.