home · On a note · Make a New Year's craft with a candle. DIY candle decor: original ideas (55 photos). Candle decor for the wedding and New Year: options

Make a New Year's craft with a candle. DIY candle decor: original ideas (55 photos). Candle decor for the wedding and New Year: options

Habitual electric lamp, as a rule, can only play a role lighting device. When it comes to more subtle matter - giving the atmosphere some mystery, mystery and even intimacy - then he gives way to the long-standing union of wax and wick, called a candle. And the attribute of insidious conspiracies, mysterious love spells and divination suddenly becomes a friend and ally of an exquisite home interior. Candle decor for the New Year 2019, see 90 photos of do-it-yourself ideas for your interior:

Interior decor with candles

What better candles emphasize uneven warm light decorative pieces of furniture? New Year's decor of candles whispers: “Look, you didn’t notice this before! Isn't it great?"

Indeed, we seem to be discovering new world- a world that hides in the bright electric light and suddenly opens to a tiny living flame. Well, let's try to take a fresh look at the very culprit of all this magic - at a simple and familiar wax candle.

First, a little linguistics. English name“fairies of light” - “candle” in the Russian version was transferred to her powerful friend - a candelabra.

He, like his fellow candlestick, with his cast-iron-bronze strength, reliably supports and sets off the delicate wax bodies of beauties. And although he, the candlestick, changes girlfriends quite often, looking at their sweet idyll, it's nice to think that this union will be eternal. DIY candle decor - photo gallery for a better design presentation:

In the age of exalted fashion, candlesticks can be the most unexpected items. Here are the shining lights located in the sea shells, as if from the depths of the seas, carrying a unique light.

Beautiful candle decor for the New Year 2019

Several ripe plums on the plate suddenly turned into black pearls, and above them a bouquet of lilacs blossomed like a branch of coral. The masts of the sunken sailboat shot up three long large candles for decor and we, like treasure seekers, suddenly found ourselves at the treasured treasure.

As if supporting us in the depths of the sea, a candle brought its light - Starfish. With its flickering ray, we will continue the journey.

We are in the illuminated decorative candles fireplace. Here it is impossible not to believe that the fairy tale is real, that it is happening, that every candle light is a living little elf.

The more such elves, the more fun the story told to us will be. And only the space above the sofa is illuminated by an electric nightlight, inviting you to drown in soft pillows, importantly seated in a row.

If we continue the fairy-tale allegory, then in the next fireplace room there is a real kingdom of fairies and elves. Table decor with candles - everyone is taken care of in this kingdom:

  • bottom floor candles for decoration,
  • ranks of glasses are arranged with an invisible hand,
  • an army of fruits calls to taste their ripeness.

Flowers are fragrant - court maids of honor in sophisticated vases - dresses. And above all this noble assembly rise two royal persons - decorative candles in the interior.

Their dance fills the room with pink highlights. It even seems to us that we hear soft music inviting to the waltz.

Candle Decor Ideas

If you believe the legends, then many miracles and transformations occur on Christmas Eve or, as it is called among the people, the night of Ivan Kupala. On this night, only once a year, the fern blooms, and the girls can, by weaving a wreath and lowering it into the water, find their betrothed.

One of these wreaths is a shining bouquet of candles - flowers. Perhaps these are the magical fern flowers that shimmer in the night? And now, someone's wish will come true. Who knows if it's not yours ... After all, waxed candles and a mystery are one.

When you want to be in a very close company, having renounced the whole world, a room with round table and a fireplace. We are already waiting for bottles of excellent wine and soft fireplace warmth. Interior with candles with photo examples:

What about candles? Here they are just candles warming our souls. Their silent mission is to create a confidentially relaxing atmosphere.

Even light bulbs hid behind a soft lampshade so as not to interfere with their brightness:

  • Let twilight and understatement reign.
  • Let me want to know something else from the interlocutor.
  • After all, when everything is said, it turns out that there is nothing more to say.
  • Candlelight conversation is always leisurely and quiet, like melting wax.

But now the wine is finished, the stories are told, and we retire to a cozy, peaceful bedroom. But even here, behind a colorful drapery and a candlestick decorated with amazing roses, a family of five New Year's candles is hiding.

They are soft and modest, as if they are preparing to sing a lullaby, and we can finally see sweet dreams. In the meantime, their five lights, flickering, evoke peace and tenderness.

DIY candle decor - 2019

By the way, have you noticed how often the decor of a candle in a vase is adjacent to flowers? Probably, our heroines, whose ancestors were bees, remember the sweet honey smell of flower nectar. And here they are together again - giving light wax candles and flowers carrying aroma and beauty, interior with candles photo:

Neighbors of decorative candles can be the most unusual things. And the more unusual the candle itself, the more unpredictable its neighbor:

  • Here, for example, round balls of wax,
  • like eggs of unknown birds, settled in nests of dried grass,
  • or hatched chicks - timid tongues of flame.
  • And transparent glass balls look like thin shells from which newborn birds have already flown.

This joyful birth of a new life is decorated with two decorative plates. Their hand-made painting, mysterious and fabulous New Year's, is similar to the festive bird plumage. Isn't that why so often, as soon as a candle flutters out of a familiar interior, it becomes a participant in some kind of holiday?

These are wedding candles, Christmas tree candles, and Easter cake decorations. Even if you look at the birthday cake, it is the candles that mark the number of years of the hero of the occasion.

The candles in the interior are sincere and pure. They are the image of the soul, their non-burning fire brings everyone closer to the solution of eternity. What a joyful Easter evening with a vase decorated with flowers and a pie!

On a simple rustic table from the planed boards lies a white silk scarf, a symbol of purity and purity. Both wine glasses with wine and candles in the form of wine glasses symbolize the Resurrection.

And it seems that a kind angel is about to descend on this holiday and consecrate the celebration. Small glass caps with lights inside according to the number of glasses, introduce everyone present to the common good fire. The holiday will stay with us. And new candles will light the flame of hope in the darkness of doubt. Candle decor for the New Year 2019 - 90 photos:

Not sure how to decorate candles with your own hands? These tips and a selection of photos will inspire you to create masterpieces

Candles are an essential attribute in home decor and in decorating a festive table. Ordinary candles look boring, even if you match them with an expensive candlestick. Try to decorate candles with your own hands in an original and beautiful way - photos and tips will help turn a simple penny candle into a masterpiece. Among the proposed decor options is not complex technologies requiring high costs. Most jewelry can be found in a craft box or in the kitchen.

Coffee and cinnamon - for lovers of aromas

Cinnamon sticks have an amazing aroma and a warm, warm feel. The smell of cinnamon has been proven to be soothing, uplifting and reduce appetite. Cinnamon decoration can be used both in the decoration of candles for the home, and in decoration for festive table or a romantic dinner. It will be no less pleasant to receive such beauty as a gift.

Decorating candles with cinnamon is as easy as shelling pears - carefully place the sticks around the base and tie with a ribbon, rope, cord, lace or twine. For a romantic setting, you can add beads to the decor or pin the ribbon with a beautiful brooch.

To keep the sticks well, you can, before decorating the candle with your own hands, melt the paraffin and glue each element with it. Another option is to chop the sticks into pieces and use the resulting shavings in decoration.

Coffee candles take a long time to make, it is much easier to use decor ideas with coffee beans, in which coffee plays the role of a base. Pour your coffee beans into a clear glass container or a pretty ceramic dishes and place an ordinary candle in the thickness. While melting, the paraffin will drip onto the grains, so the makeshift candlestick will remain clean.

Decor for the kitchen - cereals and seeds

Similar to coffee beans, you can use cereals, beans, seeds, nuts, and even pasta. It is difficult to come up with something simpler, but the result is amazing. With a little effort, spectacular patterns can be obtained if you use several types of cereals or spend time dyeing rice in different shades.

Decorated candles look no less original in the photo, in the decor of which whole cobs of miniature corn are used.

Another option is to glue the paraffin candles with grains - this is easy to do if you heat the candle with a hot hairdryer.

If you want to spend a minimum of time and surprise your guests, make a decoration out of bay leaf or fragrant eucalyptus leaves.

Decorating with natural materials

Do not know where to attach the pebbles brought from vacation? See what application they found in the decor of candles creative people. If there are no pebbles, then buy beautiful pebbles in the aquarium department. This option is ideal for.

It will not be difficult to make impromptu candlesticks from shells, and it is easy to make a cozy bed for candles from cones, using a suitable vase or basket as a base.

If there is absolutely nothing at hand, but you need to make a quick decoration, use paper tubes, glossy magazines or film.

And another master class on decor:

Be aware that a burning candle carries a potential fire hazard. Using decor, think a hundred times whether it is possible to light a flame with it or is it better to be content with only the beauty of the resulting masterpiece.

Hello my dear readers! Soon the most important, in my opinion, annual holiday - the New Year. And in anticipation of it, I want to publish a number of articles on this topic. All of them will be connected with the house, so if you are interested, subscribe to blog updates and get the latest information first.

And today we will talk about candles, more precisely about them. New Year's decor. Festive paraphernalia is currently full, for every taste and color. But here they are, I believe, an integral part new year holidays. They not only give the house a solemn look, but also create comfort and a certain mystery that is present at this time. The decor of New Year's candles is significantly different from everyday. It will not be difficult even for a child to distinguish it. Bright colors, sparkles, non-standard materials make candles a real work of art. And all this can be done with your own hands, showing a little patience and imagination.

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I made a selection of ideas for decorating candles on New Year. There is nothing difficult in the decoration process itself. The main thing is to choose suitable material and the right combination of elements. So, let's begin……

detailed wizard You won't find classes here. Firstly, everything is clear from the photographs, and secondly, I wanted to give you as much information and ideas for decor as possible. By the way, if you don’t know how to make an ordinary candle with your own hands, then be sure to read the article here, there is the same step-by-step instruction.

I'll start with the simplest and most uncomplicated, but very cool way decor, this is a “knitted” decor. You can take and separately knit such covers for candlesticks, or you can use old sweaters or even socks for decoration, after cutting the part to size. Agree, these candles are very cute, but they look just great.

The next option is also not difficult. In this case, glass containers are used, including ordinary bottles. They fit perfectly in their neck. long candles. The joints can be decorated with a sprig of needles, ribbons, threads and beads. Wide voluminous glasses are perfect for darkening. To do this, it is enough to cut out shapes from paper and stick them on outside candlestick. Alternatively, such decor can be constantly updated and it would never occur to anyone that these are the same candles.

In the West, New Year's candles of red color are very popular. They are literally in every home, and different forms and with different decor. Thick ones look good in special glass candlesticks, which will not only decorate the room, but also ensure safety. Narrow and small tea candles perfectly decorate coasters of various subjects. You can buy them in stores or make your own.

A composition that includes New Year's decorative elements is a win-win option. Especially it will be in place on the tables and coffee tables. They look great and originally emphasize the New Year's festive mood. They are made easily, you can even take a simple improvised material. The result is a super decoration of candles.

And here Christmas balls You can decorate not only the Christmas tree. You can decorate them with candles. Look at the photo. They look very beautiful and unique. Simple and tasteful.

For lovers of ECO style, the following decor options are suitable. Wood, cones, moss, coniferous branches, dried berries and models - everything will fit. These materials will go well with rope and burlap. natural style always brings warmth and comfort to the house. Therefore, I advise everyone to try to decorate their apartment in this way, especially since it is, in fact, very cheap.

IN Lately It is very fashionable to make candlesticks from cans. And, indeed, they look quite simple, but at the same time tasteful. And you can decorate it with everything you can, for example, ribbons, paints, sparkles, ropes. Salt, rice or even sawdust works well as bedding. Sometimes it is not clear what the candle composition is made of.

Everyone can decorate candles for the new year, you don’t need much for this. A little imagination and desire to transform home interior. I hope today's post was helpful to you. How will you decorate your apartment? Share your ideas in the comments. I look forward to hearing from you.

All the best pre-holiday mood! Kisses to all, bye bye!

In addition to the tree Christmas balls, tinsel and tangerines have one of the most long-awaited holidays of the year, another symbol is candles. There are many similar souvenirs on New Year's Eve, but you can make a candle or a beautiful and original candlestick for it yourself. We will present clear master classes with original and even fragrant ideas below.

Master class number 1: DIY Christmas candles from soy wax

In ordinary souvenir candles sold in many stores, the wax composition is saturated with a variety of additives and not always natural ones. Such candles burn out very quickly and may exude a not very pleasant aroma. You can easily avoid this by making your own candles. This process is not complicated. We will show you how to make DIY soy wax candles. This raw material the good thing is that it is natural, besides, it burns out more slowly than usual.


Before starting work, prepare:

  • two containers of different diameters;
  • soy wax;
  • essential oils;
  • wick;
  • wooden sticks;
  • candlesticks made of glass or ceramics.

Step 1. Build a water bath from two containers. Pour soy wax flakes into an empty bowl. Stir it with a spatula until it is completely melted.

Step 2. Remove the container with melted wax from the heat and let it cool slightly. Two or three minutes will be enough.

Step 3. lower metal part lower the wick into an empty candlestick. Place it exactly in the middle of the container. If similar detail your wick is missing, you can make a similar weighting agent yourself by attaching the thread to a small piece of metal.

Step 4. Add essential oils to melted wax. For Christmas candles, it is better to use traditional smells, such as pine, orange or lemongrass oil. Stir the wax with a stick.

Step 5 Fasten the wick at the top vertical position holding it with two wooden sticks. Carefully pour the melted wax into the candlestick.

Step 6. Wait until the wax hardens. After that, you can remove the wooden sticks and shorten the wick itself. Wait another day before lighting the candle. This time will be enough for the wax to finally set.

Master class number 2: DIY Christmas candle in salt

A homemade candle can be decorated in an original way so that it not only fits into your interior, but also creates the appropriate mood. Not just a candle looks very interesting, but a composition in a single style. In this case, the main decorative element it will be a large crystalline salt.


To decorate candles in salt with your own hands, prepare:

  • high large candle;
  • coarse crystalline salt;
  • foam balls;
  • glue for decoupage;
  • brush;
  • stationery gum;
  • cardboard box;
  • toothpicks or long wooden sticks;
  • paint in a blue can.

Step 1. Start making the composition with the decor of foam balls. On working surface set an empty cardboard box. Pierce it with toothpicks or chopsticks. Place balls on sticks. Between foam products and the box itself should be empty space.

Cover the surface of the balls completely with decoupage glue and, until it dries, sprinkle everything with salt. Leave the balls alone until the glue dries completely.

Step 2. On the candle, stepping back a third from the top, fasten the clerical gum. Spread two-thirds of the surface of the candle with glue and sprinkle with salt. Remove the rubber band after the glue has dried.

Step 3. Cover some of the balls with blue spray paint. Do the same with the candle, coloring only two-thirds already decorated with salt. To prevent paint from getting on the rest of the candle, cover it with masking tape.

Step 4. Wrap the border between the painted and unpainted parts of the candle with silver ribbon or colored twine. Set the candle on the tray and complete the composition with white, blue and silver balls.

Your Christmas candle is ready!

Master class number 3: New Year's orange candlestick

The simplest penny candle can also become holiday decoration. You can make a similar original frame from improvised materials. The candle, among other things, will exude a pleasant aroma.


Since we will make a candlestick from an orange, prepare:

  • simple candle;
  • orange;
  • spoon
  • cookie cutter;
  • cloves (spice);
  • cup
  • dish;
  • pencil;
  • book.

Step 1. First, cut the orange skin in half. To do this, it is important to draw a straight line in the middle of the citrus. Place a book of suitable thickness on the table. Put a pencil on top of it and move it a little so that it protrudes slightly from the cover. Place an orange next to it and, scrolling it, draw a line.

Draw along the line with the blade of a knife. Take a spoon and carefully insert it under the skin, removing the pulp.

Step 2. Take a cup with a flat bottom and place a cookie cutter on it. Place a half orange on top of the whole structure, place it in the middle and gently press to cut out the shape. You can take the mold at your discretion, for example, a star, a heart, and so on.

You can also make an original New Year's candlestick from an ordinary candle yourself. The candlestick will be environmentally friendly and can give off a pleasant fragrance if the appropriate raw materials are selected.


For the manufacture of New Year's candlestick make sure you have:

  • candles with a glass candlestick;
  • wooden branches without knots (preferably pine);
  • rulers;
  • secateurs;
  • wide stationery gum;
  • satin ribbon.

Step 1. Measure the height of the glass candlestick. Add another half centimeter to the resulting measurement. Cut off the branches. They must be the same and even.

Step 2. Put a rubber band on the candlestick. Insert the branches tightly under the elastic, pressing them tightly against each other.

Step 3. At the level of the elastic band, tie the candlestick with a ribbon.

Instead of wooden twigs, you can use cinnamon sticks as decoration.