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How to replace snow in a snow globe. Glass ball with snow. How to make a snow globe

On New Year It is customary to give gifts to each other. Usually they give valuable things to relatives, and inexpensive but cute souvenirs to friends and acquaintances. Such a gift could well be a glass ball. It's filled clear liquid, and inside it - New Year's or winter composition. When you shake the ball, snow shoots up from below. Sometimes it magically shimmers with different lights in the light. This is a nice souvenir to give. And it’s not difficult to do it yourself.

Materials and tools for work

To work on a souvenir in the form of a glass ball with snow, you will not need many materials; if you wish, you can find everything in your home:

  • You need to directly select a container made of transparent material, preferably round in shape. Usually they use jars with lids or wine glasses, as in the case shown in the master class.
  • To create a seal, you can take a lid from a jar of cosmetic cream, suitable in size.
  • Waterproof glue or silicone sealant– for fastening the composition and processing the junction of the lid with the edge of the container.
  • The figures for the composition are selected by the artist. at will and taste.
  • To imitate snow under your feet, you can use white plasticine.

Sparkles act as snowflakes flying from the sky. However, you don’t have to buy them - you can make glitter from Christmas tree rain, regular foil or candy wrappers. The bottom of the lid is also decorated with sparkles - remember how fabulously the snow shimmers under your feet on New Year's Eve?

To cut the glitter you will need scissors.

On a note. You need to fill the container with distilled water. Experts recommend adding glycerin to the water - then the snow will settle smoothly downwards. Although the latter is not at all necessary.

Choosing figures for the composition

Usually for glass balls They use houses, Christmas trees, a toy Santa Claus, and a snowman. Such figures can be found in a box with Christmas tree decorations. Only before use should you close the hole in the toy. To do this, you can use plasticine or polymer clay.

You can also sculpt the figures yourself. Polymer clay is perfect for this. By the way, the bag with gifts in this composition was made by hand.

First, the bag itself is fashioned. Then a thin sausage tie is made. If a single-color mass is used, then after the figure dries, it is painted. You need to take waterproof paints - such as stained glass paints or nail polish.

Some people use miniature toys from Kinder Surprises for the composition. This is also an option! Such a souvenir will be especially romantic if the figurine (even if not New Year’s) is associated with some kind of memory.

And the figurine can also be a symbol of the year, as in this proposed case, for example, a dog. True, the original poodle had a yellow circus cap. But as soon as you painted it red with nail polish, a simple figurine-toy turned into a New Year's one.

And this is how an interesting composition turned out: instead of Santa Claus, there is a cute poodle with a whole bag of gifts!

Let's start creating a snow globe

Step 1:

We glue our poodle to the bottom of the lid.

Step 2:

Next to it we attach a bag with glue.

This workpiece should be dried well so that no trouble occurs during assembly.

Step 3:

At this time you can prepare the glitter. This is a rather painstaking and boring task - you need to cut the foil very finely.

Step 4:

When the dog and bag are glued to the bottom of the lid, you can imitate snow with plasticine by sprinkling it with glitter.

Step 5:

Pour water into the container (with the addition of a tablespoon of glycerin, if desired), add glitter and artificial snow.

Step 6:

Cover the filled container with the lid containing the composition. Remembering Archimedes' law, it is better to perform this procedure in a bowl or over a sink, since the liquid displaced by the composition will spill out.

Step 7:

The junction of the lid and the container must be coated with glue or sealant.

Whatever one may say, the best gift is the one made with your own hands. A snow globe will be an excellent gift for a friend on the eve of the winter holidays and will be unique New Year's decoration Your room.

Create a small Christmas miracle with your own hands and give your friends a festive mood. And I will share with you the secrets of making a snow globe.

Are you ready to surprise everyone around you with your rich imagination and talent as a wizard? Then go ahead!

For work you will need:

  • a small glass jar with a tight-fitting lid,
  • any plastic or ceramic figurines and small faux Christmas tree,
  • good glue(ideally epoxy),
  • artificial snow and sparkles,
  • distilled water,
  • glycerol,
  • Oil paint enamel white(not necessary),
  • polymer clay, foam (optional).

Instead of artificial snow you can use: coconut shavings, small balls polystyrene foam, grated paraffin, etc.

1. From foam plastic or other material that is not afraid of water, we make a platform for the figure (snowdrift), glue it to the lid. We paint it white. Leave until completely dry.

2. Lubricate the platform with a thin layer of glue and generously sprinkle with glitter. Carefully shake off those that do not stick.

3. On the “snowdrift” we glue a serpentine tree and a figurine of an animal or a favorite fairy-tale character. By the way, you can make a unique figurine from polymer clay.

4. It’s time to fill our jar with distilled water and add glycerin (it should be a little less than half of the total liquid in the jar). You can find glycerin in any pharmacy. It is needed so that the glitter slowly and beautifully sinks to the bottom of the jar.

Pour in enough liquid so that the jar comes out complete with the figures. Do you remember Archimedes' law?

5. Add sparkles and artificial snow. Buy glitter in a large size (or even in the shape of stars), then they will not float up, but will spin, smoothly descending “to the bottom” of the jar, like real fluffy snow.

6. Cover the jar with a lid and screw it tightly, having previously lubricated outside neck with glue. This must be done, because over time, water can leak out.

Look how beautiful you and I have turned out! Shake the jar, turn it upside down and enjoy the magical snowfall.

See what else Yours can look like snowball:

How do you like the version of a New Year's ball with snow without water? To make it, in addition to traditional figurines, a jar and a serpentine Christmas tree, you will need fishing line and cotton wool.

Magic is always present in our lives, you just need to believe in it. Take, for example, a New Year's snow globe filled with liquid, by shaking which you can watch for a while how snowflakes dance merrily inside it, isn't that magic?! Did you know that you can make such a ball yourself, from a simple jar with a screw-on lid. So, the topic of today’s article is: “How to make a snow globe with your own hands.”

The snow globe was first presented in 1889 at the Paris Exhibition, it was small size, about the size of a palm, and inside it was a miniature copy of the Eiffel Tower. The ball was filled with water, and the role of snowflakes was played by crumbled porcelain and sifted sand.

How to make a snow globe at home.

To recreate this magical item you need to prepare:

  1. It is better to choose a jar with a screw cap small capacity(ideally, it is better to use a round vessel, but it is also quite possible to use a regular elongated jar);
  2. A plastic figurine or even several tiny plastic figurines;
  3. Glue gun or waterproof glue;
  4. Artificial snow and several shades of glitter (you can use glitter for nails);
  5. Glycerin (sold in pharmacies, inexpensive);
  6. Clean, filtered water.

Master class: how to make a snow globe.

We remove the lid from the jar and glue a pre-selected figure onto the inside of it with a glue gun. To make the composition inside the jar look impressive, you can use many different small items: houses, Christmas trees, benches, bushes, etc. This point, in fact, will largely depend on your imagination. IN in this example The figurine of Queen Elsa from the cartoon “Frozen” was used.

Pour water into a clean jar, and add glycerin here (you can even pour out the entire bottle). The more glycerin you add, the smoother the snowflakes and sparkles will swirl.

We also add the prepared glitter into the jar, do not add too much, everything should be in moderation, first add half a teaspoon of each shade of prepared glitter to the water, then you can add more if you think that this is not enough. Instead of glitter, you can add artificial snow to the water.

Close the jar with a lid with a figure glued, and to prevent water from leaking during use, we recommend pre-treating inner part lids with glue.

The snow globe is ready, shake it and enjoy the snowfall raging inside it.

DIY snow globes, photo.

Below are the different variations. snow globes, made with your own hands, pay attention to all sorts of spectacular compositions inside them, perhaps you will like some of them, and you will try to make a similar snow globe.

How to make a snow globe with your own hands:

Today we showed you how to make a snow globe, the process of creating it is absolutely not complicated, and the result is very impressive. The snowflakes dancing inside it calm you down, immersing you in bright thoughts and dreams. In addition, children should like such a ball; try making it together with your child, he will definitely be delighted. Moreover, the entire process of creating such a ball can be completely entrusted to the child, he will cope, you will only have to watch from the side how your child deftly copes with the task.

Hello, dear readers! We all know factory-made glass balls with liquid and a beautiful composition, which, when shaken, “activate” snowfall inside the container, but not everyone knows that a similar item can be made independently. That is why today we will tell you how to make a snow globe with your own hands, practically from scrap materials. We recommend involving children in the process of creating such a wonderful item; it will be very interesting for them to observe and perhaps even participate in its recreation.

DIY glass ball with snow.

What you will need:

  1. A small jar with a screw cap (you can buy it specially glass jar with baby puree).
  2. Nail polish.
  3. Polymer glue or Moment.
  4. White tinsel or artificial snow.
  5. Scissors.
  6. White and silver glitter.
  7. A suitable figurine is clay, ceramic or plastic (sold in any souvenir departments).
  8. Glycerin (can be bought for about 8 rubles at absolutely any pharmacy).
  9. Purified water (distilled or purified with a home water filter).

How to make a snow globe with your own hands.

Using scissors, cut the white tinsel very finely, cut as finely as possible, since even the smallest particles will visually appear large in water.

Paint the lid of the jar with a matching nail polish color. Also pay attention to the inner walls of the lid, since more often than not the product will be in an upside-down state, which means that possible unadorned places will be evident.

After the varnish on the lid has hardened, glue the selected figure to the inside of it. We used a figurine of the Moscow Kremlin, it’s just a pity that the inscription on it is in English, but apparently in Moscow such products are purchased more often by foreign tourists than by our compatriots, since literally all the souvenirs are full of English-language engravings.

You can place Kinder Surprise figures, small figurines or small children's toys inside your snow globe. We recommend stopping by the gift shop and purchasing a tiny plastic Christmas tree or snowman. If you don’t want to look around the city for a souvenir shop, visit any hypermarket; they usually have departments with similar trinkets.

Try to select small figures. Glass with water will act as a magnifying glass, so a large composition will appear bloated and dimensionless.

Now we proceed to the next more interesting step, pour glycerin into the jar, look at the photo below to see how much we poured into a small container. The speed of rotation of snowflakes will depend on the amount of glycerin; the more of it, the slower they will spin. Many people are interested in the question: is it possible to make a snow globe without glycerin just using water? The answer is no, without glycerin the snowflakes will immediately fall to the bottom of the container, while with it they can swirl around the composition inside the jar for quite a long time.

We also pour purified water into the jar with glycerin to the top. It is important that the water is crystal clear, which is why we recommend using either distilled water or simply purified in a home filter.

Well, here we come to the very interesting moment. Pour half a teaspoon of previously chopped white tinsel or prepared artificial snow into the jar. Mix it with a teaspoon and see how our snowflakes “come to life”. Do not add a lot of snow, otherwise the composition itself will not be visible behind the snowfall.
DIY snow globe.

Add 1/3 teaspoon of white and silver glitter here. Mix everything thoroughly. Here I would like to say that the point with sparkles can, in principle, be completely skipped; snow alone will be quite enough.

We close the jar with a lid on which the figure is attached. Scroll the lid with special care so that the liquid does not start leaking out. Ideally, the lid should be treated with a layer of glue on the inside, and only then screwed on.
DIY snow globe.

Finally, you can decorate the neck of the jar with rhinestones, tie a ribbon with a bow, or make a spectacular stand from polymer clay. We decided to leave our snow globe with open lid and neckline, I didn’t want to burden the composition with unnecessary details.

Before you pick up your snow globe, wipe it with a napkin to remove any marks left during the creation process. Now shake our snow globe and admire the snowfall, as well as the playful shimmer of white and silver glitter.

DIY glass ball with snow, video:

Today you learned how to make a snow globe with your own hands, we hope this master class was comprehensive, but in any case, if you still have questions, or if they arose in the process of creating a similar composition, feel free to ask them in the comments, we’ll be happy to answer them we will answer.

Master class Snow globe

wonderful New Year's ball with a snowman!

Required materials and tools:

Glass jar (spices / mustard / baby food…)
Boiled water (cooled)
Sequins (glitters)
Polymer clay
Glue gun
Nail pusher
Waterproof glue
Baking paper
Wire cutters

Process description:
You don’t have to make a snowman yourself, but take a ready-made holiday figurine.

Let's get started! First, let's take white polymer clay and divide it into three parts (here I had plastic, which was already packaged in the form of balls). Let's make two balls for a snowman - one twice the size of the other.

During the sculpting process, do not forget to check the size of the figure - whether the snowman fits into our jar.

We connect the two resulting balls using a pin. Remove the pin head using wire cutters.

Using the tip of the brush (not shaggy) we outline the future eyes. Making eyes - coals from small balls dark color(plastic). Some materials, such as a brush, can be replaced in this MK (for example, with a toothpick).

Now you need to make a smile. I did this using a nail pusher. You can also use special tool for polymer clay. The mouth is done carefully, in small steps. Do not hurry.

What's a snowman without a carrot nose? Let's take 2 plastic balls - yellow and red (or you don't have to bother and just one orange). Press the balls together until you get almost the same color, with small streaks.

Let's make a carrot. We mark the place for the nose and stick our vegetable there.

We will make “legs” from two balls of white clay (you can skip this moment and leave the snowman as is). Flatten the balls a little.

Now - “hands”. We roll the sausage, make one end sharp - it turns out to be shaped like a droplet. We bend the resulting stumps slightly and attach them to the sides.

Let's give our friend a festive caramel. To do this, take two colored balls of the same size. Roll out two sausages.

We trim the ends of our new sausage and form a hook. We insert the resulting candy between the hand and the snowman’s belly (he is holding it).

Now we “knit” the scarf. Forming two sausages different colors. Roll them out quite thin.

Roll two sausages together right hand let's spin it FROM OURSELVES. We roll out two more thin ones, which we twist towards ourselves (in the other direction).

We connect our bagels so that we get “loops”. We cut off the ends. We put the resulting scarf on the snowman.

We attach tiny sausages to the scarf - this is fringe.

Let's create another scarf. Starting from the back, we wrap the snowman's head in a spiral, forming a hat.

At this stage, my snowman was tired and began to fall back. He had to prop his butt up with a jar lid.

Our hat is missing a pompom. We do something similar using small sausages.

It turned out to be a fun winter hat.

The final touch is to make buttons (two indentations). The snowman is ready! We bake it in the oven and glue it to the lid of the jar. The next part of the master class is devoted to making a snow globe.

Apply glue to the lid around the snowman. Sprinkle glitter on top of the glue.

When the glitter has stuck, pour out the rest.

Now we make snow from different types glitters (can be from one). If you take sparkles that are too small, they will float up instead of sinking down.

It's time to fill our snow globe with a special liquid.

My (secret recipe). A tablespoon of glycerin (sold at the pharmacy) per tablespoon of vodka.

Plus - cooled boiled water (distilled is possible). We pour so much water that together with the snowman we get a full jar (don’t forget about Archimedes’ law).

Use a glue gun to secure the lid. This is very important point. It is necessary that water cannot seep through. After you have glued it and twisted it, check it (shake it in all directions).

The hardened glue can be decorated with glitter on top. The result will be a kind of snowdrift.

So our magical snow globe is ready. Happy holidays everyone!