home · Appliances · How to make a snow globe craft. New Year's snow globe from a jar with your own hands. How to make a snow globe

How to make a snow globe craft. New Year's snow globe from a jar with your own hands. How to make a snow globe

It is not difficult to make it with your own hands, and at the same time, almost all of its components can be found at home.

DIY snow globe | Components

  • Jar with screw cap. Ideally, the lid should seal tightly. If you take a jar and a lid from ready-made canned food, do not count on tightness. I took a jar of compote, so I had to reinforce and glue the threads to prevent leakage.
  • Decorations. Well suited for this role Christmas decorations. Houses and Christmas trees look especially good with snow from above. I didn’t take this moment into account right away, so I had to take a lot of shots so that Grandfather Frost’s face would not hide in the snow.
  • Glue. Glue is needed to stick the decoration to the lid. Many praise the glue gun, but I didn’t want to buy it specifically for the snow globe. I used a tube of super glue.
  • Snow simulation. It could be artificial snow, glitter or even crushed dishes from white plastic. I bought ordinary silver sequins, but in the process I realized that they do not fit color scheme to our ball. Artificial snow in a small town is not so easy to find, so I had to limit myself to homemade “snow” from plastic toy packaging.

Homemade artificial snow

  • Glycerol. It is needed so that the "snow" falls slowly. It does this by increasing the viscosity of the water. The amount of glycerin depends on the type of "snow" chosen. Large "snowflakes" will require more glycerin. I have a 400 ml jar. it took 4 bottles of glycerin 25 gr. With the proportions of water and glycerin 1: 1, snowflakes will float in the water almost without sinking to the bottom.
  • Water. If you decide to make a ball for long-term storage or as a gift, then you will need distilled water and some kind of disinfectant for jewelry. There is no guarantee that the jewelry is sterile and their microbes will not cloud the water. For a ball that is not planned to be stored for a long time, any clean clear water. I used tap water. The first time I was unlucky, there was a whitish precipitate in the jar, which spoiled appearance. For the second time, I used pre-settled water.
  • Rubber medical gloves. They are needed if you are not sure about the tightness of the lid. Gloves are convenient to use as a sealant for threads.

DIY snow globe | Assembly algorithm

At this stage, the ball is ready, and the next portion new year mood received.

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You can make crafts on the theme of the New Year and winter with the whole family. This activity is exciting and will bring the family together very much. Outside the window, frost and wind sway the trees, it’s cold and dark, and you all gathered at the same table to create a small family masterpiece: magic jar with snow. In warmth and comfort there is always something to talk about, both small and large. And you are also busy with useful work, the result of your efforts will be only your small miracle. You can even feel like a magician. A New Year's product will decorate the apartment and always remind you that you should get together more often. And, of course, all relatives will appreciate a family gift, because in things made by hand, there is a particle of the soul.

What you need to work:

A small jar with a screw cap.
A decorative plastic element such as a Christmas tree, a snowman, or any other product of a suitable theme.
Glue thermogun.

  • First of all, we clean the jar of stickers and fill it with water exactly half.
  • The remaining space of the jar is filled with glycerin. We pour, so to speak, with a slide.
  • We glue the product of your choice to the lid of the jar, for example, let's focus on the Christmas tree. The surfaces to be glued are best degreased and notched for better adhesion. In the work, you can use other waterproof glue.

  • In water with glycerin, add sparkles, small tinsel. Close the jar tightly. If there are air bubbles, add water or glycerin. The lid should fit tightly to the jar. For fidelity, it can be salted with glue.

Now it remains to be tested. Flip and shake your snow can and enjoy " winter magic", made by your hands.

Video: How to do snowball(jar of snow) do-it-yourself

Young children will especially appreciate this. And you will spend many unforgettable and wonderful minutes in the company of your child. Good luck! Happy New Year!

How many times have you had to turn the ball over to see how the snow falls in small world? Today we will tell you how to assemble such a ball with your own hands step by step.

A Christmas ball with snow inside always evokes a sense of celebration, joy and awakens childhood memories. Watching the falling flakes is pleasant occupation, Truth? And the created snow globe with your own hands will add magic to the interior, plus it will charge the whole family with a Christmas mood. Start the master class and enjoy the process!

P.S.: You will find another idea for decorating the new year at the bank.

Christmas ball with snow: video instruction

Christmas ball with snow: 4 easy steps

What do you need:

glass jar with screw cap
- artificial snow
- figurines of spruce / animals
- glue / double-sided tape / glue gun
- dye
- brush
- decorative star

Bear, deer, bunny, penguin are suitable as animals. Also in the ball you can hide a snowman, Santa Claus, a nutcracker, a gingerbread man, a symbol of the coming year.

Step one: The colored rim of the screw cap will be noticeable, so in order not to break the magic, it should be painted. By the way, this can be done not only with the help of paint and brushes, but also with the help of an aerosol can. It seems that the second option is simpler and more convenient. Leave the lid alone until completely dry. Apply an extra ball of paint if necessary.

Step two: On inside covers need to glue the little animal and spruce. This can be done with glue double sided tape or a glue gun. In the video, the master uses a special glue that resembles chewing gum. If you know where to buy one, let me know in the comments, suddenly someone will come in handy.

Step three: Our glass ball with snow is still without the most important component. You can find it in major stores that sell christmas decor or order online. Artificial snow should take up about a quarter of the can.

Step four: Screw on the lid, turn the jar over and enjoy the result. The composition of several cans looks more interesting and bewitching.

How to make a snow globe so that the snow slowly descends?

In the container you need to pour glycerin, which is sold in pharmacies, and water in equal proportions. Make sure that there is nothing foreign in the water, otherwise it will be difficult to catch this particle later.
Mix well and sprinkle snow and glitter on top.

Important: When calculating the amount of water and glycerin, keep in mind that there should be room for figurines and decor in the container. Of course, if your eye is not accurate, which happens 98% of the time, when you close the lid, water will flow out. There is nothing wrong with that, the main thing is to substitute the plate in advance. If there is not enough water, turn the jar upside down, unscrew it again and add the required amount.

Making your own snow globe is easy with these instructions! And it won't cost much. You will have to spend money on decorative figurines, although, perhaps, your child himself will want to enclose his bear or deer in a ball? Or do you have souvenir Santa Clauses or snowmen at home that are covered with dust?

You can admire beautiful snow globes for a long time: shake the ball and admire how white flakes fall, slowly spinning.

The first "snowballs" appeared in France in the 19th century, then they came to Great Britain, and in America they became popular in the 20s of the last century. Since that time, it has been one of the most common gifts for the New Year and Christmas.

What is a snow globe made of?

Initially, the balls were made of crystal and placed on a ceramic stand. The balls were filled with water, and the "snow" was made of sand or porcelain chips. Then the souvenir ball began to be made of glass, which gradually became thinner and thinner, and sand and porcelain replaced plastic.

Not many factories make real snow globes in the world, so original toys become the subject of collections. The largest was collected by a resident of Nuremberg, there are about 8,000 copies in it.

At the New Year's fairs you can meet various types and the size of the snow globes, and not everyone knows what to do original souvenir you can do it yourself at home.

Perhaps it will be much simpler than purchased: finding miniature items that would fit in a small jar is not easy, but it will produce no less effect.

What can you make a ball at home from:

  • from a small jar with a tightly screwed lid;
  • from outdated light bulb.

Attention! The light bulb is made of thin glass, so the work requires care, it is better not to trust it to a child.

In addition to the bank, you will need:

  • artificial snow or sparkles;
  • small New Year-themed toys that easily fit in a jar;
  • distilled water;
  • glycerin (it, like water, can be bought at any pharmacy);
  • glue "Moment".

For a stand, it is convenient to use foam, cutting out a bed for a snow globe in it. When all the materials are ready, you can get to work. We offer detailed instructions how to make a snow globe.

How to make a "snow globe" with your own hands

First you need to wash the jar and lid well. Inner part degrease the lids and glue the elements of the ball to it - toys. What it will be: a miniature Christmas tree, Santa Claus or little animals - symbols of the year made of plastic - choose for yourself. It is only important that after they are placed in a jar, there is room for snow flakes in it.

We fill the jar with water and add glycerin to it. The consistency should be similar to batter: so the "snow" flakes will fall and swirl slowly.

Add artificial snow or sparkles, carefully lower the lid, smearing it with glue beforehand, twist, press. Check if water is leaking.

Important! Instead of water and glycerin, you can use baby oil for massage "Johnson and Johnson".

Epoxy glue can be used instead of Moment glue, it holds the toy parts more firmly. Artificial snow can also be replaced with grated paraffin wax, coconut flakes, or small pieces of foam.

The second master class on snow globes for beginners describes the process of creating New Year's souvenir from an old electric light bulb. First you need to remove all the insides from the light bulb. They are fragile, and it will not be difficult to remove them, it is only important not to break the glass itself.

Then cook standard solution from distilled water and glycerin in a ratio of 7:3. Why can't you use plain water? Sooner or later it will rot or "bloom". Pour the solution and sparkles into the light bulb. She has a narrow neck, so putting a large toy there will not work.

As an option, you can carefully cut the neck with an engraver and a nozzle with a diamond-coated cutting wheel, then glue the round dome with decor and sparkles inside onto the stand.

Another option is to apply the drawing to the glass. You can close the hole with a lid from a vial of medicine. It must be filled epoxy glue, and as a stand it is convenient to use an insert from a perfume box of the appropriate size. The "snow globe" needs to be glued into it, you can add additional decor.

Various photos of the "snow globe" can be seen on the Internet. Having learned how to make it with your own hands, you can easily create an original souvenir for new year holidays as a gift to loved ones.

Photo of snow globes

They say that the first snow globe was created in the 16th century. True, it was not entirely “snowy”, but filled with “just” water, in which birds swam. The documented first snow globe was demonstrated at the Paris Exhibition in 1878, inside it was a figure of a man with an open umbrella. A year later, five large European companies produced such balloons. In the UK and the US, snow globes peaked in the 1920s. By this time, a wide variety of scenes and views could be found inside the glass spheres, and the balls gradually began to be associated with Christmas.
Each manufacturer had his own secret of the composition of the liquid and "snow". Initially, the balls were crystal on a ceramic stand, the water was spring water, and the snow was cut from the smallest pieces of porcelain or bone. Then crystal became glass, porcelain and bone were replaced with white sand and pieces of foil. Now the balls are most often made entirely of plastic, and the snow is rubbed on a grater of plastic pipe. In order for the snow to fall most naturally and slowly, glycerin is added to the water. On sale there were balls with a gap in the middle, into which you can insert your own photo. And also most Christmas balls began to be produced in China, Hong Kong and Taiwan. A rotation mechanism is mounted in the stand so that it is not necessary to shake the ball (so that snow begins to fall), often along with a music box. Light bulbs are inserted into the balls. In the USA they sell inflatable snowballs made of transparent vinyl, by the way, you can inflate them to a very large sizes, so they are often used for decoration, for example, shopping centers. Limited editions for fabulous money are sold by famous fashion houses - from Chanel And Louis Vuitto n to Lanvin And Christian Dior.

Snow globes are traditionally collected, the largest collection to date is held by a resident of Nuremberg (about 8,000 balls). And this is not surprising, because there are not so many "real" snow globes produced. The Austrian Erwin Perzi was the first to obtain a patent for their manufacture, who constantly experimented with lighting effects and fluorescent lamps and did it in the kitchen. Once he poured semolina into the water of the lamp, and when it swelled and began to slowly settle, it reminded him of falling snow. Then Erwin placed a tiny model of the famous Austrian Mariazellerkirche inside the lamp and gave his creation to the nearest souvenir shop. The success was so great that in 1900 he and his brother opened a snow globe factory in Vienna, which is still in operation today. Gradually, the assortment of the factory expanded - Christmas scenes appeared, the diameter of the balls changed, and in the 90s of the last century, a museum was created at the factory. The snow globes at this factory are still made by hand, and half of the employees work from home.

By the way, you can also try to make a snow globe with your own hands!

a glass container with a tight-fitting lid - we took a plastic ball with a lid for crafts, small figurines, distilled water, glycerin solution, glitter or artificial snow, glue for plastic.

TIP If you want to make a ball without falling "snow", replace the glycerin solution with a drop of dishwashing detergent.

HOW TO DO: turn the glass container upside down (we put our ball in a cup). Glue the figurines to the inside of the lid. If you want to make a "vault" from which snow will fall, then mix glitter or artificial snow with glue and apply the mixture to the bottom of the container. Let the glue dry completely.

Fill the container with distilled water mixed with glitter. Add glycerin to the water until you get a (very) batter consistency: the more glycerin you add, the thicker the liquid will become and the slower the “snow will fall”.
Apply glue to the junction of the neck of the container with the lid (distribute the glue evenly, leaving no places uncovered with glue!) and put on the lid. Let the glue dry completely, turn the container upside down and make sure that the liquid does not leak.