home · Tool · Ekibana made of pine branches for the New Year. Do-it-yourself winter Ekibana, New Year's: ideas, compositions, photos. How to make a winter, New Year's ekibana from fir branches, pine cones, sweets, vegetables and fruits, Christmas tree decorations, beads for kindergarten, school, for holidays

Ekibana made of pine branches for the New Year. Do-it-yourself winter Ekibana, New Year's: ideas, compositions, photos. How to make a winter, New Year's ekibana from fir branches, pine cones, sweets, vegetables and fruits, Christmas tree decorations, beads for kindergarten, school, for holidays

Svetlana Vorontsova

New Year is the brightest, most beloved and anticipated holiday! From this holiday, each of us expects miracles and the fulfillment of desires. Pleasant atmosphere and colorful decoration of the groups kindergarten, also create the impression of a fairy tale, and therefore, in order for the children to plunge into this atmosphere, I, together with the children, try to create decorations for our group ourselves. You should not limit children in their fantasies; let each of them contribute a piece of themselves when decorating the group.

The simplest and easy way creating jewelry is to make them from available materials that any child can find at home.

To create Ekibana for me required: a garlic basket, which can be found in any store, garlands, New Year's toys, dried flowers (left after a birthday, for example, hot glue, hairspray, nail polish and most importantly a little imagination.

This is what I got out of it.

Publications on the topic:

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Everyone's favorite holiday is slowly approaching - New Year! The teachers, together with the children, begin to decorate their group and decorate the Christmas tree.

Children really like to make such a toy craft for the Christmas tree. If you make preparations in advance, then the child preparatory group quite possibly.

It’s white outside the window, snow is already fluttering in the courtyards, which means winter has come! What could be more beautiful than running through the snowdrifts?

Dear colleagues, I want to offer you another option Christmas tree from paper folded like an accordion. For this we need paper.

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Every New Year should be special in its own way, for example, many people like to wear things in colors that are associated with the symbol of the coming year. And some families have a tradition of making New Year's ekibans, and every year they make a new one. Thus, the table gets a new look every time appearance, and after the holiday only good emotions remain, because the composition was made by the whole family and became good decoration table.

Ekibana can be made not only for the table at which dinner will be held; it can be placed in any place, for example, near the Christmas tree or as a window decoration. You can make New Year's compositions from different elements and materials, they can be combined with each other. If you have time and desire, you can create several compositions and place them in different rooms.

DIY New Year's Ekibana from pine branches

The most popular is considered to be ekibana made from pine branches, because it is pine branches that are the symbol of the New Year. You can make such a composition in different variations, it all depends on the wishes of the family and on the availability necessary materials. For example, you can make a composition from artificial cones, but at the same time they can be combined with real coniferous branches; this will be a very original combination. You can buy cones at a decor store, or you can use those that you collected in the forest in the fall. They can be painted in different colors, sprinkle with glitter, draw some New Year's drawings, and put it in a basket or large vase, and pine branches should be inserted so that it seems as if it is one composition with pine cones.

Ekibana from pine cones

If you use real cones, you can also paint them and put them in a deep bowl, so the composition will have a natural look, and all its elements will be real.

Real coniferous branches can be combined with both artificial and real elements, for example, you can combine branches with flowers. Red roses are well suited for such an ekibana; they can be intertwined with branches and made into a wreath. To do this, you will need fastening materials to fold the branches into one circle, and insert the roses around the perimeter of the circle. If you just want to put coniferous branches in a vase, then you can simply mix them with roses, decorate them with beads or rain, and the composition for New Year's table ready.

Original ideas

From beads or satin ribbons you can make decorative snowflakes and place them in a container along with coniferous branches, such a composition should be in harmony with color scheme, so you need to choose soft colors of beads or ribbons, for example, purple or brown. Crafts made from such flowers will look good with green coniferous branches.

You can also make a candle rim from branches. For such a composition you need a thick candle, several pine branches and any contrasting fabric. The branches need to be connected to each other, and a candle should be placed inside. This whole composition needs to be placed in a cloth, and it needs to be tied to make a bag. To get the final result you need to decorate the branches Christmas decorations, and the composition is ready.

There are many other ways to make New Year's compositions; it is not at all necessary to use only coniferous branches. You can watch a master class on creating ekiban for the holiday, and you will definitely like some of them; you can do it yourself.

For example, ekibana made of papier mache or origami - such compositions take a long time to make, but look very beautiful and stylish. You can also make an ekibana from many different branches, which will act as a decorated nest, and you can plant an artificial bird in the middle.

DIY New Year's ekibans made from fresh flowers

On New Year's holidays, ekibans made from fresh flowers become popular, because in winter fresh flowers are hard to find, and a table decorated with them will look very beautiful and aesthetically pleasing. You can choose any flowers, but to create an ekibana it is better to use a special floral sponge, because it will prolong the life of fresh flowers. Cones are well suited for combination with fresh flowers. wooden crafts and fabric figurines. Flowers can be placed in a vase, or in a container with a wide bottom, and decorated around them with wood or fabric products, pine cones, but for complete New Year's composition you also need to use garlands.

In order to clearly see what this or that ekibana can look like, look at the photo. They will help you choose the most the best option Ekibans for the New Year's table or room. Before you create any masterpiece, you need to purchase everything necessary materials and tools for making it, as well as recharge yourself with a good mood.

Video on the topic of the article

Ekibana is the ancient Japanese art of bouquet arranging. Decorative combinations created from natural and artificial materials. This set is a great way to decorate your home and develop your creativity. Practicing this type of creativity will help relieve fatigue and lift the mood of any person.

Features of art

Composition in autumn style

Before you start making ekiban, you should get acquainted with the features of this type of art. . Recommendations:

  • rigor and conciseness are the basic principles when composing combinations, it is worth paying attention Special attention on the location of the main components;
  • during work, materials are placed on the right, and the container is at eye level;
  • live and dry gifts of flora are used, as well as trees, branches, berries, fruits;
  • the main material is living gifts of flora, which have an individual philosophical sound, which must be taken into account when compiling.

Making it yourself: photo

The finished product will depend on your imagination. It is worth presenting the result in advance and understanding the shape of the bouquet. When compiling, you should not restrain the flight of your imagination.

Striving for Harmony- an important component of any creative process. But in order to get a beautiful and harmonious combination, you should adhere to some rules when composing:

Variable works of art from flowers

  1. In each architectonics, the main element is identified; there may be several of them.
  2. It consists of three central elements, symbolizing heaven, earth and man.
  3. To make the sound dynamic, it is worth placing some components at an angle.
  4. There must be asymmetry.
  5. Living gifts of flora are not placed next to heating devices.
  6. Materials are selected depending on the time of year.
  7. The vase chosen is inconspicuous and dim, which will not attract attention. The focus is on flowers or leaves.

It shouldn't be too big. This is its main difference from traditional European bouquets.

From flowers

To start composing, First prepare everything you need: a small vase, gifts of flora, three shoots, garden pruners, floral sponge.

Refined composition in Japanese style

Place a sponge in a vase or bowl and pour water.

Then the flowers are prepared. If opportunity allows, you can take traditional Japanese ingredients - sakura, chrysanthemums. If they are not available, any others will do, as well as fruits.

The long stem symbolizes the sky. It is placed tilted to the left. To secure you can use plasticine.

The second flower or sprout is 2/3 the length of the first. It is also tilted to the left. This is a symbol of a person.

The third sprout is also 2/3 long; it represents the earth. Its tilt is to the right.

If you look at it from the outside, you should get the feeling that there is only one shoot in the vase.

The gaps are filled small flowers or greenery, but there is no need to use many small elements.

Refined simplicity

All elements of Japanese bouquets carry a certain meaning. Opened buds, as well as dry carpels and fruits mean the past. Unopened flowers and fresh leaves symbolize the present. Symbols of the future are buds and buds.

Roses are a symbol of youth, sakura means devotion, bamboo means hardness, pine means endurance.

It is also worth considering color compatibility, since not all types of plants suit each other well. For example, poppies and lilies are not combined. Lilies of the valley, daffodils and roses also do not like the proximity of other flowers.

It’s good if the flowers are complemented by shoots and leaves. Others look original decorative elements: ribbons, lace, stones.

From leaves

Leaves in a basket

To compile the autumn version with their own hands they take a container, twigs with bright autumn leaves or branches of physalis, rowan, moss.

Place a sponge or foam rubber into the selected container. Install a tall twig with a slope. Add smaller branches. Decorate with autumn leaves and moss.

To maintain freshness, pour water into the vase.

As a container you can use pumpkin. To do this, cut off the top, clean out the pulp and seeds. Before the creative process, the pumpkin should dry out a little. Next, they are composed according to the same rules as in the vase.

From fruits

Fruits in a basket

Such compositions cannot stand for long, so I make them t as a gift for any event.

Choose different fruits, as well as a vase or basket. They can be used whole or chopped. You will also need a sponge and skewers.

Then cut beautiful shapes : in the form of hearts, flowers and others interesting elements. Place on skewers and insert into a sponge. Do this to fill the entire vase or basket.

You need to give such a bouquet on the same day, before they lose their attractiveness. Unfortunately, this beauty cannot serve as interior decoration.

New Year's variation

To make a New Year's bouquet use colors:

  • red;
  • golden;
  • silver;
  • white;
  • green;
  • blue.

Bouquet with pine cones

To start determine the leading color. An additional one is added to it. Diluted with gold and silver.

IN New Year's bouquets They use not only flowers, but also other natural materials: pine cones, spruce shoots, cinnamon sticks, Christmas balls, candles, candies, ribbons. The candle can be located in the center.

Put in cart floral sponge. The edges of the basket are framed with spruce twigs. Branches, leaves are placed in the sponge, flowers are added. Decorated with New Year's balls.

A great DIY gift for the New Year is ready!

A correctly composed bouquet will become an unforgettable gift and can decorate any interior.

Photo gallery

How to make your home cozy, add zest, add color to the interior and diversify your everyday life cold winter? You can make a beautiful and unusual ekibana in winter that will decorate your home. Long cold ones winter evenings You can get creative and create a feeling of celebration.

Many people associate winter with such a cheerful, long-awaited and magical holiday like New Year. Creating a New Year's ekibana from natural materials will be in a great way bring closer the anticipation of the holiday and magic.

It is enough to put in just a little effort, add imagination, and you can create an extraordinary winter bouquet or composition.

Making ekibana about winter with your own hands: photo in the master class

In order to create a beautiful and harmonious winter outfit with your own hands, you can use many various materials: moss, cones, beads, berries, branches, tinsel, tree bark and much, much more.

Winter ekibana does not necessarily have to be in a vase. You can creatively arrange it in a basket, bucket, make a wreath out of it, or place the composition in flower pot. Let your imagination run wild!

The main components of winter ekiban are undoubtedly spruce and pine coniferous branches. This is not surprising, because in winter it is impossible to find leaves of other trees. An excellent addition to coniferous branches will be cones, dried flowers and some berries, such as rose hips.

A large number of dried flowers do not require special preliminary work with them. They can simply be cleaned and dried. Do not forget to cut off the leaves from them, as they look completely unattractive when dried. Plants collected and prepared in advance can be safely stored in a vase. They won't lose theirs beautiful view until you use them.

In any case, it is very important to properly prepare raw material. In order for the leaf ekibana to look beautiful, you need to choose only whole and healthy leaves. You need to dry the leaves between the pages of a book or album, pressing them down with a weight. This must be done in order to avoid curling of the leaves in the future. Autumn leaves prepared in this way are used for children's applications, leaf collages, and also for herbariums.

If there is a need to make a volumetric composition, autumn leaves are soaked for three to four days in a glycerin solution (200 ml) and cold water(400 ml). When treated with this method, autumn leaves become flexible, pliable and do not lose their original beautiful appearance.

Flat crafts.

There are four ways to dry leaves for flat crafts:

  1. Natural method. The collected natural materials are tied into bundles and hung on a thread in a dry, well-ventilated area.
  2. Hot iron drying. Autumn leaves laid out on thick cardboard, place thin paper on top and gently iron it with a hot iron. It is necessary to iron until the moisture from the leaves has completely evaporated.
  3. Volumetric drying. With this method autumn flowers best retain their shape and volume. The flower is cut and placed in dried and calcined sand for one month.
  4. Oven drying method. It is necessary to set the oven at a very low temperature, about 60 degrees Celsius. The prepared natural raw materials are laid out on a base and slowly dried. You should always monitor the condition of the leaves and flowers to prevent them from darkening or losing their shape.

If you prepared plants (flowers, leaves) for winter ekibana in summer or autumn, use them. However, it's not at all scary, even if you haven't done this. Indeed, in this case, you can make flowers, for example, from paper or fabric. They are not at all difficult to make, but they look very beautiful and very gentle.

When composing New Year's winter compositions, feel free to use all your imagination. Combine different colors and materials.

Since winter ekibans are overwhelmingly made from dried flowers and natural materials, such compositions please the eye for a very long time.

In order to create an unusual and beautiful festive ekibana we will need:

  • Floral sponge
  • Leaves
  • Wicker basket
  • Wire
  • Berries, spruce branches
  • Scissors
  • Dried fruits (apples, oranges, lemons)
  • Christmas balls

Moisten the floral sponge with water and place it in the basket.

We decorate the sponge with fir branches.

We add branches with berries, leaves to the ekibana, and attach roses.

Dried fruits and Christmas balls We attach it to the wire and add it to our winter composition.

You can use only Christmas balls or only roses.

The result was a festive and unusual winter ekibana.

If you have not prepared natural material in advance for creating ekibana, you can make a beautiful composition from corrugated paper. You will need:

  • Red crepe paper (about 75cm long)
  • Green corrugated paper (approx. 30 cm)
  • Green wire
  • Glue and scissors
  • Container for composition

How to make roses:

  1. Fold the red corrugated paper in half horizontally. This must be done so that thin strips of paper remain.
  2. Measure approximately 8 centimeters and bend one end of the product downwards. This will give us the core of our future flower.
  3. We form the petals: carefully roll the paper and bend it at the end.
  4. The lower part of the flower must be dense so that the bud holds its shape.
  5. When we form a bud, leave about 8 centimeters free. We do this in order to then secure the flower to the wire with this end.
  6. We insert the green wire into the flower and carefully pierce the lower part.
  7. We cut out the sepals from green corrugated paper, put them on a wire and pull them to the base of the flower. Using glue we attach the sepals.
  8. From the remnants of green paper, cut out thin strips at least 15 centimeters long. We coat them with glue and wrap them tightly around the stem.
  9. Make the desired number of roses and insert them into the prepared container.

Video on the topic of the article

Watch several videos on creating New Year's ekiban. Happy exploring!

New Year's Ekibana is another way to decorate your home and create a holiday mood. Fresh flowers and natural materials will create a unique aroma and comfort in your home. What materials and symbols to use in New Year's floristry, what will be the symbol of the year 2016 and will attract good luck to you? And most importantly - how to create such a masterpiece with your own hands?

Combination of colors and shades
Classic New Year's flowers are:
rich red; green; gold; silver; white; bright blue.

If silver, white and gold are complementary colors - that is, they complement some primary color. For example, red and gold, blue and silver. Choose one primary color that will play a leading role in the composition, include one additional bright shade and dilute the ekibana with silver, white or gold.

Materials used
Festive winter floristry uses not only flowers, but also other natural materials - cones, spruce and pine branches, cinnamon sticks, dried fruits and berries. From artificial ones, bows, ribbons, candies, etc. will complement the image well. christmas balls. Often candles become the center of New Year's ekibana. A bouquet with candles will not only decorate the house, but also create an atmosphere of comfort and tranquility.

To decorate porta bouquets, wicker baskets, large Christmas tree balls, glass vases, boxes with New Year symbols.

Master class on creating New Year's Ekibana

To create this floral composition We use the following tools and materials. Wicker basket; floral sponge; wire; red roses, leaves; spruce branches, berries; dried oranges and apples; Christmas balls; scissors.

Place the floral foam in a basket and moisten it with water.

Decorate in a circle with fir branches.

Add leaves and branches with berries to the ekibana.

Carefully insert the roses