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The meaning of the name Kirill. Interpretation of the name. Name day dates and the day of the angel Cyril - church calendar and traditions

Like most popular names in Russian, the name Kirill came to us from ancient Greece. This happened as a result of the adoption of the Orthodox faith in Kievan Rus. Translated from Greek the meaning of the name Kirill (Κύριλλος) means "lord" or "lord".

The meaning of the name Kirill for a child

Kirill is an obedient and receptive child. He easily finds understanding and love from adults. But Kirill’s relationships with other children are tense. His sense of justice and self-worth prevents him from making friends. He doesn't like helping others on tests and doesn't let them cheat. He is ambitious and loves awards and praise. He always tries to be the first, which many of his peers do not like.

Kirill has been well intellectually developed since childhood. He easily learns to read and count, and school program it comes easy to him. The main thing is that he enjoys studying. Kirill has an excellent memory that can only be envied. He is often praised by teachers, which often causes narcissism and narcissism. It is worth noting the boy’s good athletic abilities. If Kirill takes up sports seriously, he can achieve great success in this.

The boy's health only makes his parents happy. Overall, he is one of the healthiest children. With age, this trend continues. The only weak point is the digestive system. Kirill should watch his diet. And of course, if any health problems arise, do not self-medicate, but contact a specialist.

Short name Kirill

Kir, Kirya, Kiryukha, Kiryakha.

Diminutive pet names

Kiryusha, Kiryunya, Kirusya, Kiryasha.

Children's middle names

Kirillovich and Kirillovna. It has the popular form of patronymic as Kirillich and Kirillichna.

Name Kirill in English

IN English language The name Kirill is spelled Cyril.

Name Kirill for international passport- Kirill, according to the latest transliteration rules for government agencies in Russia.

Translation of the name Kirill into other languages

in Arabic - سيريل‎‎
in Belarusian - Kiryl
in Bulgarian - Kiril
in Hungarian - Cyril
in Greek - Κύριλλος
in Hebrew - קיריל‎
in Spanish - Cirilo
in Italian - Cirillo
in Latvian - Kirilas
in Lithuanian - Kirilas
in Macedonian - Kiril
in German - Kirilo
in Polish - Cyryl
in Romanian - Cyril
in Serbian - Ћiril
in Ukrainian - Kirilo
in French - Cyril
in Czech - Cyril

Church name Kirill(in the Orthodox faith), like most of the names that came to us along with Orthodox faith, remains in church tradition unchanged.

Characteristics of the name Kirill

Kirill’s character hides enormous strength, which is not noticeable to many. He is so strong that not everyone can stand such a personality nearby and try to limit communication with Kirill. Kirill, realizing over time the peculiarities of his character, shows it less and less in vain. Adult Kirill is calm and at the same time cheerful. He has a wonderful sense of humor that contrasts with his iron will, which is a rather rare combination. Kirill does not like to show his feelings openly and enter into his inner world keeps under lock and key. Only those closest to him can find out what is going on in his soul. However, when it comes to defending his interests, Kirill is not a fan of worries and long thoughts. He quickly mobilizes and fights back against offenders.

Kirill loves big and noisy companies, although he keeps himself a little aloof at such events. Kirill's independence and determination help him in career growth and earning credibility with colleagues.

But these sides of Kirill’s character also have an unpleasant side. Often in family life, those character traits that help in achieving goals conflict with the characteristics necessary for a calm family life. His isolation and reluctance to show feelings often lead to tension in the family. If Kirill learns to share his inner experiences with his soul mate, he will find real family happiness.

Another characteristic of Kirill that can interfere in life is seriousness. Often taking even small things seriously. he creates conflict situations on the empty place. The only thing that can save him in such a situation is the ability to laugh at oneself and one’s own ability to make a mountain out of a molehill.

The secret of the name Kirill

Kirill has at least two secrets. One has to do with his secrecy. Seemingly cheerful and sociable, Kirill does not allow strangers into his inner world. If it seemed to you that Kirill was like an open book in front of you, then he managed to make the necessary impression on you, nothing more. Only those closest to him can know about his true experiences.

Kirill's second secret is his tendency to spontaneous laziness. All people accustomed to his crazy performance are usually very surprised by this quality. But you don’t have to worry, his laziness quickly passes.

Planet- Saturn.

Zodiac sign- Capricorn.

Totem animal- Seal.

Name color- Red.

Tree- Fir.

Plant- Crocus.

Stone- Corundum.

Guardian angel named Kirill and his patron, like other names, depends on the date of birth. If you know your date of birth, you can find out the patron of the name Kirill in a special article.

Kirill - quite common male name. It has Greek roots and, according to one version, means “little master.” Almost from birth, the boy is distinguished by irrepressible optimism and shows leadership qualities.

Even Kirill’s name day falls on many days a year. In order to decide when to celebrate a name day, you need to choose the date that is closest to your birthday.

Since childhood, little Kiryusha has shown signs of a leader, fully justifying the meaning of its name. He is inquisitive, optimistic and moderately vain. Always tries to look good, regardless of income level.

The desire for leadership manifests itself even in games. The boy does not like to lose and has high self-esteem. At the same time, he is purposeful and stubborn, and therefore completes all the things he starts.

He studies well at school, and thanks to leadership qualities and stubbornness, can become a leader in the class. He strives to gain recognition and wealth, which, however, he often succeeds.

At the same time, Kirill is not inclined to offend others. He quickly joins any team, finds mutual language with everyone and receives a certain amount of respect. His vanity does not coexist with arrogance.

A man loves praise and compliments very much and sometimes may not notice flattery. Even in love, he tends to choose the wrong one. beautiful girl, but one that will suit him in terms of status and level of intelligence.

A man with this name becomes a faithful spouse. But although he does not cheat on his wife, he can cause empty jealousy in her. And he himself is very jealous, because of this there may be periodic scandals. On the one hand, it is very important for him to see a worthy girl next to him, arousing admiration among others. On the other hand, due to his jealousy, Kirill does not like to introduce his wife to his friends.

Orthodox calendar

It is believed that this name has three main patrons: Radonezh, Novoezersky and Belozersky. But according to the church calendar, the day of the angel Cyril can be celebrated several times a year:

Usually, parents themselves decide when to celebrate Kirill’s name day according to the church calendar. To do this, select the date closest to your birthday from the list.

Patron Saints

It happens that parents do not focus on their birthday when choosing an angel’s day or Kirill’s name day. The day in this case is selected based on which patron is closer to the family or the boy himself:

Like many other holidays, St. Cyril's Day has its own signs. One of the most famous is associated with the winter holiday. If the weather is good and clear on this day, then the rest of the winter will be cold, even frosty.

It’s good if Kirill’s loved ones congratulate him not only on his birthday, but also on his name day. After all, the “little gentleman” really appreciates attention and, of course, will be very happy nice words on your angel day.

Attention, TODAY only!

When is Kirill's name day according to the church calendar?: January 31, October 1 – Cyril of Radonezh, schemamonk, father St. Sergius Radonezh; January 31 – Cyril of Alexandria, Patriarch; February 17, May 24 – Cyril the Philosopher, Moravian, Equal to the Apostles, Slovenian teacher.

Characteristics of the birthday boy Kirill:

According to one version (from the ancient Greek language) - gentleman, little gentleman. Diminutive of the name Cyrus Kyrios - lord, ruler. Another version (from the Persian root) is the sun Kirill - a person with high self-esteem. Inferiority complexes are almost unknown to him, but if he has them, then those around him will never guess about it. Kirill loves to show off, he is constantly ready and waiting to be praised for his intelligence, demeanor, beautiful clothes, and delicate taste. That is, Kirill considers himself “the very best,” the one without whom even the water will not be sanctified, the smartest, the bravest ... Kirill's birthday in winter and spring.

His life partner should be the same. Therefore, when choosing a wife, Kirill is guided by the impression she will make on people. He will love her the same way - through the eyes of others. Kirill is a big arguer; it is almost impossible to convince him of anything. Likes to speculate on abstract topics. He is jealous and does not cheat on his wife.

Congratulations on Kirill’s name day:

Don't forget to celebrate Kirill's name day and congratulate Kirill on Angel's Day.

Happy Angel Day to you, Kirill,

I wish you to live in abundance,

May you live wonderfully with your beloved -

Wonderful, fun and sweet!

May you always be lucky

May you succeed in everything

Let your life go easily,

As bright as the sun!

Happy name day, Kirill!

You have long conquered us all with your enthusiasm!

You are undoubtedly the soul of any company,

You have mastered the art of charming quickly!

You have light and creativity,

Goodness and faith, harmony and peace,

Let your wishes come true

Beautiful, my friend Kirill!

Today your Guardian Angel is at its zenith,

Kirill, our sun and our ruler!

This is what the Greeks thought after arguing with the East:

From Olympus you can see better with the divine eye.

But we, thank God, are not Greeks. Nam Kir -

An excellent comrade and not a commander.

Kirill, we respect you as a friend

And happy name day from the bottom of our hearts!

I wish you from the bottom of my heart, Kirill,
So that you swim in the ocean of happiness,
So that every moment gives you joy,
I wish you to always smile!

May your dreams always come true,
I wish you good health,
Good luck, clear days and kindness,
May your life be like paradise!

Happy birthday, Kirill,
May you be full of strength
So that there is a carriage of health
And the house is full of comfort,
So that in autumn, winter,
In red summer and spring,
During the day or under the light of the stars
You were happy to the point of tears.

Kirill, you are a great fellow, always remember this. I want to congratulate you from the bottom of my heart and wish you To colorful days of life, And interesting hobbies, R the diversity of your soul, And the modesty of your feelings, l love of your heart, l Imona in your tea for immunity and in a Swiss jar for all your needs.

Today is Kirill's holiday.
How cute he is today
And he stretched out as he grew up -
Handsome, there are not enough words!
Grow courageous, strong,
And fair and open,
A worthy, honest person.
And respect you for it
All your relatives are ready,
And also true friends!

Congratulations to you, Kirill
And I wish you happiness
I wish that all
The world was in your power.

Your name means -
Ruler and lord,
I wish that by my destiny
You managed brilliantly.

So that you have conditions
Life didn't dictate
Luck is in front of you
So that she bows her head.

I wish you on your feet
I stand firm for you
Overlord title
Carry through life proudly.

Dear Kiryusha, congratulations!
Let everything in life be 5!
I wish you victories on all fronts
And, of course, never be bored.

May fate be kind to you
And friends will be nearby,
May everything around you be wonderful.
Happiness never fades.

Who gave you a lot of joy?
Of course, this is our Kirill.
In the company of friends - the soul,
He moves through life slowly.

Confident and good-looking
For your lady - go straight into battle.
Smart, responsible and brave,
He can solve a lot of problems.

May everything be great for you.
Thank you for being with us.
And let your dreams come true
Incredibly beautiful.

You are among all your friends
He deserves respect.
You are honest, reliable guy,
You are a good friend, Kirill.

It may sound trivial,
But I wish you happiness.
To be beautiful, interesting
Your life has always been.

Be healthy, don't lose heart,
Set goals and win
Don't listen to envious people
Believe in yourself, love, dream.

May this bright holiday
Dreams come true.
Let in all companies
You will be the soul!

I wish you, Kirill
Goodness, health, happiness.
Let them retreat from you
All the thunderstorms and misfortunes.

I wish that charisma
He retained his mind and strength,
Was just as persistent, powerful,
My incomparable Kirill.

May you be lucky in your plans,
Let love lead the way
And bad mood
Let him not take it, Kiryusha.

Believe in yourself and don't give up
Choose your right path
A faithful friend, a nice guy
And be a great pro.

Happy holiday to you, Kirill!
Be lucky, cheerful.
I wish you were
Always strong and healthy,
To save money,
May your home be a full cup,
So that he loves his wife,
So that she is more beautiful than everyone else,
So that happiness never
It didn't end in your house,
May you always be the first
So that everything always works out.

He was at the court of the Rostov prince Konstantin II, and then Konstantin III. Saint Cyril accompanied them to the Horde more than once.
From the life of St. Sergius, we know that during the Divine Liturgy, before the birth of their son, righteous Mary and everyone who prayed nearby heard the baby’s voice three times before reading the Gospel, during the Cherubic Song, and also at the moment when the priest said "Holy of Holies."
After some time, their son Bartholomew was born. The parents made a promise to the Lord that they would dedicate the boy to Him. From his very first days, the child amazed everyone that on Wednesdays and Fridays he did not accept his mother’s milk, and if on other days Saint Mary ate meat, the baby did the same. When Reverend Mary I noticed this, so I stopped eating meat.
Saints Cyril and Mary were known for their pious lives. They helped the poor, and also always received wandering prayer workers. And the holy couple taught their children to always welcome wandering monks and monks into their home.
Unfortunately, not much information has been preserved about the life of Saints Cyril and Mary. It is known that in 1328 they moved to Radonezh from Rostov. Near this city there was the Khotkovsky Intercession Monastery. In those days it was inhabited by both female nuns and men.
Saints Cyril and Mary accepted monasticism and became inhabitants of this monastery. A few years later they peacefully departed to the Lord.