home · Installation · A cup floating in the air. Floating cup: original do-it-yourself topiary. A floating cup is the perfect gift

A cup floating in the air. Floating cup: original do-it-yourself topiary. A floating cup is the perfect gift

The variety of crafts is off the charts, as is the variety of topics on which you can dream up. Depending on what is at hand at home and the craftsmen, they perform various crafts, which further please the eye. Adults and children can follow our instructions in the article on how to create a flying cup in a simple and understandable master class.

Today it is difficult to guess what else will come to mind for our needlewomen and craftsmen. Therefore, ahead of events, we present to your attention a master class on do-it-yourself flying cup topiary with detailed instructions and a step-by-step description of the actions.

The cup is used for various actions and is multifunctional, but who would have thought that it was possible to build a topiary from it. But in fact, MK coffee cup, a cup with flowers, a cup with money, a cup with kanzashi flowers, a cup with cream and other accessories are a great variety.

You will see a master class on creating a flying cup with flowers at home below. The article is accompanied by photo and video reports on the making of topiary.

Let's look at a simple step-by-step master class on a flying cup

You will need:
  • Cup
  • Saucer
  • Hot glue
  • Artificial flowers
  • Wire.

The craft will delight you with its originality and interesting implementation.

Step-by-step instructions for making a floating cup with flowers:
  1. Fold the wire in the shape of the letter “G”. Attach it with glue to a cup with inside, and to the saucer from above.
  2. Glue each flower, starting from the very top, to the wire.
  3. When you reach the saucer, you create a flower meadow.

Your floating cup with flowers is ready!

Topiary is a small product made from improvised materials that are available at home, for example, artificial flowers, shells, pebbles.

This is a very beautiful gift - a souvenir made with your own hands. The art of creating topiary takes its origins from the foundations of ancient floristry. As you know, floristry is the science of crafts made from flowers. Many centuries ago, topiary art originated in Ancient Rome, from where it has already spread throughout Europe.

Soon it became the property and skill of the monks. There, behind closed doors and fences, the monks worked wonders with the treetops.

A huge variety of materials and manufacturing techniques are used to create them. Basically, topiaries are made in the form of small trees that have a spherical or cone-shaped shape. They are decorated with flowers, feathers, rhinestones, stones, cereals, leaves, pine cones and other decor that comes to your mind. It is believed that topiary is a “tree of happiness”, so it is customary to give them to loved ones. Handmade souvenirs into which the master “puts his soul” are especially valued. As for the decor, there are many individual variations possible, it all depends on what you like.

Another entertaining option for making topiary is a craft in the form of a cup of coffee or flowers floating in the air. This type of topiary would be appropriate as decor in the kitchen or dining room.

There are several more ways to make topiary from a mug. Let's demonstrate one of them. You need to have:

  • Tea set – 1 copy
  • Small artificial flowers
  • Glue gun and sticks
  • Wire, preferably thicker
  • Pliers
  • Masking tape
  • Scissors
  • Accessories.
Actions for step-by-step execution topiary:
  1. Prepare the cup and saucer - wash it, wipe it well so that it is dry.
  2. Take the wire, bend it using pliers in the shape of the letter “G” with the end in the form of a curl or a zigzag.
  3. Give the desired bend by aligning the base of the wire; it should fit snugly against the side of the cup and the bottom of the saucer.
  4. You start working with a pistol. First glue the wire to the bottom of the saucer and wait for the glue to dry/cool completely. The wire should be completely immersed in the glue.
  5. As written above, glue the wire to the cup. Important point– wait for the glue to cool completely whenever you use it in your work.
  6. Wrapping the wire masking tape. Then glue the flowers.
  7. Glue leaves to the bottom of the saucer.
  8. Decorate the cup to your liking by gluing flowers and accessories in any order.

Topiary floating flower bowl is ready. Decorate your interior with it and give it as a gift!

DIY crafts have always been popular and in demand. After all, it’s nice to know that the gift that was given to you was made personally. This indicates the guest’s special respect for you and your home. Every person who has a desire and a little imagination can make this product independently at home.

Such crafts bring warmth, joy and good wishes to your home.

Videos on this topic in the links below

The name of these impressive decorative designs- “flying cups” - most likely arose because the cup seemed to be flying or hovering in the air. Flowers, coffee beans, and other objects fall out of it along the way, depending on the theme of this original topiary.

What you need to create a flying cup

Every home has cup and saucer, which you don’t mind using for decoration. In principle, there is nothing special to regret - after all, what you create as a result is no less valuable than just dishes for drinking tea. It can decorate the house for a very long time, and it will be good as a gift to friends. It is not necessary to look for a “cup + saucer” set; these can be separate objects; anyway, the saucer or small plate will be hidden under the decorative elements of the composition.

Wire or light fork.

Glue– one of the most powerful and fast (such as super glue). You can use a hot gun if you have one - hot glue will securely secure the elements of the composition.

For decoration– small and figurines, twigs, ribbons, cones, sparkles, rain, etc. It is advisable to choose a light one, but volumetric decor. You can put a Christmas gnome, etc. on a saucer.

Flying cup - creation step by step

You will be amazed at how easy it is to assemble this fantastic New Year's composition.

First you need to secure the cup in “flight”. If you use a wire, wrap it with colored cardboard/paper or fabric to, firstly, hide the wires, and secondly, increase the surface on which the elements of the composition will be glued.

We do the same thing with the fork - we increase the area on which the decorative things will be glued. The fork seems like a more convenient part, and it actually is. However, the wired structure has its advantages - the structure can be made longer (or rather, higher), and therefore more decorative.

Glue one part of the plug/wires to the saucer, the second to the cup. We fasten it firmly so that the cup, together with the element on which it rests, does not come off.

We begin to secure decorative details. Since we are making a New Year's flying cup, we first attach a pine or spruce branch. In principle, it is not necessary to glue it; you can also tie it to a fork or wire base. Fluffy needles will hide them underneath.

A floating cup always looks unusual and attracts attention. This topiary will perfectly decorate the interior and will be an excellent invigorating gift. In this article we will look at: how to make a floating cup from coffee beans with your own hands.

You will need: saucer, cup, newspapers, water, PVA glue, glue gun or titanium glue, umbrella needle, wire, twine, coffee beans, knitting threads.

Master Class

  1. Cover the saucer with pieces of wet newspaper in two layers, then glue on another 8 layers. This technique is called papier-mâché, detailed Master Class and the features of this technique can be viewed in Image 1.
  2. Cover the cup in the same way, leaving the handle uncovered. Image 2.
  3. Leave the cup and saucer to dry completely.
  4. After drying, remove the paper blanks from the dishes and trim the edges. Image 3 and 4.
  5. Cover the hole in the pen cup with newspaper.
  6. Insert the knitting needle into the saucer, bend it and secure it with titanium glue. Image 5.

  7. Glue the saucer and cup on both sides with twine in a circular motion tightly to each other, fixing with titanium glue.
  8. Bend the knitting needle to secure the cup. Image 6 and 7.
  9. Attach the cup. Image 8 and 9.
  10. Wrap the knitting needle with knitting threads and secure with glue. Image 10.

  11. Glue the knitting needle with titanium glue with coffee beans, and also glue them to the inner wall of the cup and the surface of the saucer. Make a handle for the cup from wire, wrap it with twine, and then glue it. Image 11.
  12. Lay out a twine flower, glue it to the surface of the cup, and attach a coffee bean to the center.

A steaming cup of coffee beans is ready! I recommend watching the video master class!

Floating cups are created according to the same principle. Their main difference lies in the decor. Use the most original elements decorations - flowers, beads, ribbons, sparkles, figurines and everything your soul desires. Also view detailed master class how to create a floating cup from kanzashi flowers

Even as adults, we all love miracles. And if you have the opportunity to make a miracle with your own hands, then the first place will be a floating cup with flowers. It’s not at all difficult to make it with your own hands, and it will look as if a stream of bright colors is flowing from it, like from a cornucopia, out of nowhere.

Flower flow

The secret here is to place the cup under right angle. If you make a slight mistake, the magic will be lost. The craft will look as if a cup was placed on a bunch of flowers. Pay attention to this when you make your product. For example, here: although the work looks neat and the flowers are very beautiful, due to the irregular angle of the cup and the unnatural shape of the “flow”, the composition as a whole looks like just a pyramid of flowers topped with a cup.

In addition to the angle of the cup, the thickness of the “stream” matters; it should look natural. Otherwise, this is no longer a “floating cup”. If the “flow” is too thick, it will not look like a stream, it will turn out to be a mountain.

The position of the cup, saucer and flowers should be such that a distinct illusion is created that the cup is hanging in the air and a stream is “pouring” from it. Below in the photo you can see works where these details are thought out and they look perfect.

Let's figure it out step by step.

Preparation of materials: thick wire, strong glue, electrical tape, hot glue gun, artificial flowers made in any technique, foamiran, fabric, etc., beautiful cup and saucer, scissors.

We cut two pieces from the wire, equal to the height of the cup above the level of the saucer. We wrap them together with electrical tape. Sand the cup and saucer with sandpaper in those places where they will stick to the wire.

Apply glue and leave overnight to dry completely.

Prepare the leaves, twigs and flowers that will be used in the composition, think it through, draw a sketch so that there is enough for the entire stream and the wire is not visible.

Using a heat gun, carefully glue the workpiece one by one.

We complement the decor with beads, ribbons, ladybugs or butterflies.

The second option is when the structure is made from one piece of wire.

Spacers are formed from it both in the saucer and in the cup so that the contact area with the glue is larger, this will give the craft additional stability.

Here, wire wrapping in the form of paper and thread is used.

The entire surface of the fastening is masked with colors, and this is important, because “clearances” spoil general form products.

Flowers are also used in different diameters, it is very beautiful. The jet is strictly thought out and looks natural.

When preparing the material, do not forget that the size of the inflorescences and leaves should not be larger than the cup itself, otherwise it will introduce dissonance. Better to use in bulk small flowers, and there are only a few large ones to give volume to the entire composition.

Such cups are filled not only with flowers. These could be coins, grains or natural materials, depending on the theme and season. But the principle of “naturalness” of the jet shape should be inherent in the formation of any material.

Please note that the wire for attaching the cup is not completely covered with electrical tape, but it is better to also wrap paper or twine on top. This is done because the electrical tape cannot withstand the hot glue and begins to slip in places. If there is no wire, you can use an old fork, which must be slightly bent. Another option that needlewomen use is masking the wire. polyurethane foam. After gluing the wire to the cup and saucer, the structure is “blown out” with foam, after drying, a “stream” is formed with a knife and the decor is applied. Since in this way you can give the stream natural look, then such floating cups are made with small details– beads, coffee, they will not distort the shape of the stream by being too curvaceous.

To make a topiary in the shape of a flying mug with your own hands, you won’t need much effort, and the materials for such a charming craft can be found in the attic or mezzanine. For example, your favorite cup is cracked, and even though the crack is small, you will no longer be able to drink from such dishes. What to do when your hand doesn’t rise to throw it away? There is only one way out - to make an interior decoration out of the cup - a floating topiary.

Another example: someone once gave a tea set, but it still stands idle on the sideboard shelf. So why not give him a chance at a second life? You can make wonderful souvenirs from cups and saucers for relatives or friends. A floating cup from which flowers, coins or Christmas decorations, can become not only a pleasant surprise, but also a real interior decoration.

Varieties of floating topiary and materials for their manufacture

Topiary flying cups can be very diverse in their design, but the shape is always the same: the mug seems to float above the saucer. It is held in this position thanks to a curved fork (or a strong rod) disguised with decorative elements. When conducting a master class on creating such souvenirs for beginners, experts recommend the following list of necessary materials:

  • cup and saucer (preferably from the same set or a suitable color scheme);
  • a fork (or a stable rod that can be bent with some effort);
  • gypsum;
  • hot glue;
  • decorative materials.

On the eve of calendar holidays ( New Year, Easter, March 8, Valentine's Day) a floating cup decorated with symbols of celebration will become a wonderful gift. But a money or coffee arrangement can be given for no reason, just as a sign of attention. Choosing decor for New Year's souvenir, you can buy tiny Christmas tree toys, fir cones and some artificial pine needles.

The Easter floating cup, in addition to flowers and miniature paints, can be decorated with a couple of toy fluffy chickens. By the way, dyes can be made from whole quail egg shells. For this purpose, they need to be carefully pierced on both sides and the contents released through one of the holes. The washed and dried shells should be painted with gouache or acrylic paints and covered with transparent manicure varnish.

Topiary flying cup prepared for Valentine's Day, usually decorated with hearts and roses or other decorative flowers, and the space between them is filled with pieces of tulle or sisal. By the way, a coffee souvenir (in addition to whole coffee beans) can be decorated with heart-shaped candies; such a gift will be pleasant not only to women, but also to men.

A handmade money cup is suitable as a present even for your boss. To decorate it you need to stock up on coins and banknotes. It is not necessary to use real banknotes for these purposes; now you can buy souvenir money, which at first glance is difficult to distinguish from real ones.

Floating cup (video)

Guide to making a floating mug with coffee beans

A step-by-step master class will help even beginners in needlework create a wonderful craft from available materials. The first step is to prepare everything you need, namely:

  • saucers and cups from the same set or just the same color scheme;
  • a fork or a piece of thick copper wire;
  • hot melt glue or Secunda glue;
  • gypsum or polyurethane foam;
  • stationery knife;
  • whole natural coffee beans;
  • others decorative elements(optional).

When all the components are collected, you can start working. First you need to slightly bend the fork or wire so that one end can be conveniently glued to the center of the saucer, and the other - inside the cup. Having glued one end of the support, you need to give it time to set (this is 4 hours, no less). Gluing the other end to the cup, it needs to be strengthened on the support until the glue completely hardens, which will also be about 4 hours.

After this, the support can be bent a little more so that the finished composition looks neat. Next, the entire stand needs to be coated with plaster or treated with foam. True, the foam should also be cut off after hardening, and the plaster can be initially formed as intended. In both the first and second options, it will again take time for the structure to dry, at least a couple of hours.

The final stage is the most creative. It's time to decorate. Foam or plaster must be covered with brown paint (you can use gouache or acrylic paints), or you can lubricate thin layer PVA glue and sprinkle with cinnamon powder. The smell of such a topiary floating mug will be simply amazing, but not everyone likes this smell, and this nuance must be taken into account if the craft is being prepared for a gift.

Coffee beans need to be glued tightly, creating the effect of a waterfall (or “coffeefall”), completely covering gypsum base. On a saucer, some grains can be glued in two tiers, simulating splashes. It is also recommended to decorate such a topiary with a couple of cinnamon sticks, star anise or artificial flowers.

This master class can be taken as a basis for creating your own decor options. The cup is decorated with your own hands with sea pebbles and shells, old keyboard buttons, buttons and beads... and whatever your heart desires.