home · electrical safety · Floating cup with flowers made of satin ribbons. Flying cup: a master class with interesting, unusual ideas, easy to implement and with step-by-step photo instructions. To make a souvenir you will need

Floating cup with flowers made of satin ribbons. Flying cup: a master class with interesting, unusual ideas, easy to implement and with step-by-step photo instructions. To make a souvenir you will need

A flying mug with different designs can become a wonderful gift for family, friends and acquaintances who are already difficult to surprise with anything. Original idea and the embodiment will definitely make you think about how the cup floats in the air? Finished flying cup (master class various options production and design are presented in the article) will bring only positive emotions to both the donor and the recipient.

Flying cup: master class

Topiary - small decorative item, created from available materials: flowers, pebbles, shells, etc. Soaring decorative cup It would look appropriate in the dining room or kitchen. In this lesson we will learn how to make a topiary with a flying cup with our own hands. We will need the following materials and tools:

  • cup and saucer;
  • wire;
  • hot glue;
  • small artificial flowers;
  • masking tape;
  • pliers;
  • scissors.

1. Prepare the cup and saucer: degrease them and wipe them dry.

2. Bend the thick wire with pliers, creating a Z-shape.

3. Align the bottom and top part wire so that it fits tightly to the saucer and to the wall of the cup.

4. Using a glue gun, first glue the wire to the saucer. We don’t skimp on consumables: the glue must completely cover the wire. Hold the wire in the desired position until the glue hardens.

5. Glue the wire to the walls of the cup in the same way. Be sure to wait until the glue has completely hardened: the wire should not lag behind the walls.

6. Cover the wire masking tape. We did not do this right away, but only after we were sure that the flowers did not stick to the wire.

7. Glue artificial leaves to the bottom in random order.

8. Glue the largest flowers to the bottom of the cup and to the saucer.

9. From more small flowers and leaves we create a “flow” by gluing both in random order.

It turns out this decorative cup with flowers.

We use kanzashi

To decorate a floating cup, you can also use flowers made using the kanzashi technique. It turns out very original.


  • thin floral felt;
  • sponge;
  • aluminum fork;
  • coffee or tea pair;
  • lighter or soldering iron;
  • tweezers for kanzashi;
  • stamens and small beads;
  • beads, decorative butterfly;
  • multi-colored ribbons 5 cm wide;
  • glue gun

1. From thin felt or, if there is none, then from ribbon, cut out leaves.

2. Cut the ribbon for the flower. One will need 5 pieces. We collect the sharp petal, but do not rush to solder it. We draw along the line with a soldering iron or lighter.

3. The result is a petal like this. Let's do required amount from multi-colored ribbons.

4. We collect the centers of flowers from beads with stamens.

5. Glue the fork with hot glue, connecting it to the coffee cup and saucer.

6. After 10 minutes, apply glue again.

7. We use any heavy object as a load. We knitted old door hinges.

9. We collect flowers by gluing petal by petal to the stamen.

10. Decorate the cup. To begin with, we cover the cup and saucer with leaves, and then gradually cover the entire surface of the saucer, cup and fork with fabric flowers.

It turns out to be such a flying cup.

Money cup in feng shui style

Competition to traditional money tree will be a flying cup with money, made according to Feng Shui.

To create it you will need:

  • coffee pair;
  • glue gun;
  • coins;
  • wire;
  • imitation banknotes;
  • napkins;
  • scotch;
  • aluminum wire;
  • clear nail polish.

1. Bend the wire and glue it in exactly the same way as in the previous microns.

2. To give the wire the appearance of a waterfall jet, wrap it in napkins.

3. Secure with transparent tape.

4. We begin pasting with coins, moving from bottom to top, as in the photo.

5. To make the craft look neat, first glue the side coins on top.

6. The result is a durable, rather weighty structure.

7. Roll the imitation real banknotes into a tube, fix them with glue and add them to the composition.

8. To prevent coins from darkening over time outdoors, cover the money stream with transparent varnish.

Try to make your first flying cup using our lessons: we are sure that soon all your friends will have in their home different variants such gifts made by your own hands!

A selection of videos on the topic of the article

Topiary from a mug is an original gift for loved ones that you can make with your own hands. This creation is perfect for a gift in honor of Valentine's Day. You can make it even with children and please your family. It is necessary to consider what topiary is and how to make it from a mug.

What is topiary

Topiary is a decorative figurine symbolizing wealth and abundance. Typically, topiary consists of coffee beans, shells, and, in general, various little things. The variety of elements that can be used to create a souvenir provides room for imagination. According to the same scheme, but using various materials, you can make completely different topiaries.

Previously, topiary was called a special tree trimming, which later grew into the creation ornamental plants, where the crown was depicted in the form of various gizmos. At the same time, you can make such a small and beautiful tree from any materials; the simple scheme of work allows you to make something like this even for children.

Currently, in addition to trees, they create various compositions, where the tree is not present at all. It's all about technique - gluing the elements onto the base tightly to each other. You can decorate the craft various parts, paint them, tie ribbons to create a unique gift and attract wealth to your home.

Floating cup of coffee (video)

What can topiary be made from?

In addition to the tree, topiary in the form of a cup from which something pours onto a saucer is very popular. This “something” could be coins, coffee beans, even pasta. This figure symbolizes abundance. It is best to choose a cup and saucer of the same color, that is, a coffee pair.

Saucers can have patterns, but it’s ideal if the set is plain white.

It’s not difficult to make a topiary from a cup, the main thing is to choose what will flow from the mug, and also have patience to create a neat craft.

The “flying mug” will fit into the interior of a modern living room, bedroom, and kitchen. This feng shui element will bring joy and wealth to your home, and it is easy to do using the tutorial below.

Coffee mug (video)

How to make topiary from a mug

You can make a craft from a mug as follows. Step-by-step instructions (master class) will help you create a beautiful and unusual craft.

You will need:

  • Coffee cup and saucer;
  • Super glue;
  • coffee beans;
  • fork or thick wire;
  • pliers;
  • thin strip of foam rubber about 10 cm;
  • different decorative elements.

Step-by-step execution:

  1. First of all, you need to prepare the base for the cup. To do this, a fork or thick strong wire needs to be bent in several places to form an arc. There is no need to overdo it: you should get something like a semicircle.
  2. The next step is to secure this element. If using a fork, attach the serrated side to the side of the mug using superglue. The other end of the fork needs to be glued to the saucer. The result should be a mug flying over the saucer. It's okay if the cup outweighs the structure, this will be corrected later.
  3. To disguise a fork or wire, you need to carefully apply foam tape on all sides using glue.
  4. Now you need to glue the coffee beans. First, they are placed inside the mug one at a time (each needs to be carefully lubricated with glue). The type of coffee in this case does not matter, the main thing is that the beans are intact.
  5. Then you need to do the same along the entire length of the foam strip. All actions are performed slowly, carefully; one grain at a time should be glued, pressing them tightly against each other.
  6. As a result, there should be no voids with foam rubber. If there are any, you need to stick smaller grains there, this will also give the craft volume.
  7. The coffee beans should also be attached to the back of the foam fork. If there are bald spots left, they need to be covered with a few more grains. You should pay attention to the sides of the fork so that there are no empty spaces anywhere.
  8. A few coffee beans can be added to the saucer itself to create the feeling that the coffee is actually pouring out of the cup.
  9. Now you need to leave the craft to dry. It may happen that the cup still outweighs the saucer. In this case, adding various decorative elements can correct the situation. You can glue more coffee beans onto the saucer, but it’s better to stick them one at a time: it will be neater, although it will take longer.
  10. In addition to coffee, the craft can be decorated with beads and hearts. You need to remove all the threads that superglue leaves behind.

The craft is ready.

Thus, you can make a topiary, the basis for which will be a cup of coffee. Instead of grains, you can use flowers, shells, beads, in general, whatever your heart desires. Topiary can be created for some holiday, depending on this it can be used various decor.

In conclusion, you should pay attention to the fact that the “coffee cup” topiary is a simple and at the same time creative gift for family and friends. Using the master class, you can create several very different and very beautiful topiary, depending on the time of year or upcoming holidays.

Do you like to make gifts in hand-made style? Are you looking for new ideas and opportunities for making such souvenirs? Study the material given in the article, and you will succeed with flowers. You can do everything with your own hands (a master class to help) step by step instructions and make a souvenir. This ordinary object seems to float in the air, while a “floral drink” flows on the saucer. This gift is sure to please everyone and can decorate any interior.

Prepare everything you need

In order for you to get a beautiful cup with (the master class is given below), you need to buy or get the following tools and materials from your supplies:

  • (cup and saucer). It is better to use a set, since in this case the elements match each other in size and design. If you have separate, for example, unnecessary tea accessories (items left over from sets), try to ensure that they look harmonious in combination and have a suitable pattern. If the pattern on them is completely different, it is worth decorating the surface of the porcelain.
  • Wire or wire for the frame.
  • Threads or twine to create a connecting surface between fastening elements.
  • or a block for processing the surface of porcelain at the places where the frame is attached.
  • Glue or heat gun.
  • Artificial flowers and other decor (ribbons, bows, coins, coffee beans).

As you can see, all materials are simple and accessible.

How to make a cup with flowers with your own hands: useful tips

The most important stage in creating such a souvenir is making a frame connection between the cup and saucer. It is its strength, quality and reliability that determine how long such a gift will delight the owner with its beauty. If the connection is made poorly, after a while the cup will simply fall off and the impression of a spectacular souvenir will be irretrievably lost. It is unlikely that the new owner of the floating cup will want to repair your creation. Most likely, he will place both objects separately and each time they will remind you that the gift or purchase was made poorly. Therefore, it is worth trying and doing everything properly.

The sequence of work should be like this:

  1. Prepare two wires or metal frame made of wire. It's better to use a couple rather than just one. It will be more reliable this way. The size of the cut parts will be about 30 cm. You can take a single element without cutting the workpiece.
  2. Determine where the wire is attached to the cup and saucer. These parts must be sanded with sandpaper. The rough part has best properties grip than glossy varnish. The surface will also need to be degreased. Acetone can be used.
  3. First, attach the wire to the inside of the cup, then bend it 180 degrees. The cup will appear to be in a clamp. Direct the workpiece at the desired angle to the saucer. There, make an element of fastening to the plane.
  4. Bend the second wire in the same way.
  5. Attach the blanks to the parts and coat them thickly with glue or treat them with a heat gun.
  6. The main technological stage has been completed. It’s a good idea to wrap the frame with threads or twine, forming a surface for arranging flowers and decor. Each turn should also be well treated with adhesive.
  7. Then you can proceed to the most interesting and creative process- decorating a tea pair.

How to make a cup with flowers with your own hands: master class

So, to make a beautiful souvenir from an ordinary pair of tea, proceed as follows:

What shades are best to combine?

In order for you to get a beautiful floating cup with flowers (photo below), it is very important to choose harmonious tones in the composition.

You can act in two ways:

  1. Choose contrasting components (orange with blue, yellow colors and purple).
  2. Perform compositions using similar combinations (pink, yellow-orange, blue-violet).

Pay attention to the size of the elements of a particular shade. It's better to bet several large ones bright accents and complement them with other smaller parts.

How to make flowers from nylon

A floating cup with flowers can be made not only from purchased elements, but also from those created independently. Techniques for making floral elements are very different. You can use fabric and even paper.

It's easy to make flowers from nylon. Typically, a wire frame is used to make petals, which forms the outline of the element. The nylon is pulled over the workpiece and secured. When required quantity petals and leaves are made, the parts are assembled into a single whole. In the case of decorating a cup, individual flowers You can even attach it to the base using wire.

How to decorate with chiffon

A floating cup with flowers can be made using decorations from this material. It’s easy to cut out blanks for the petals from it according to the template, trim the edges over the candle so that the fabric does not fray, and connect the parts into a single flower.

Roses can be made from a strip gathered on a thread in a frill. This option also turns out beautiful and natural.

Kanzashi technique

A very unusual floating cup with flowers can be made using blanks made using this method. Such flowers will not be naturalistic, but decorative, but very beautiful.

They are made from squares folded in a special way, cut from satin ribbons different widths. Iridescent texture, bright color combinations, additions made from beads will help you create a real masterpiece. It will take more time than using store-bought artificial flowers, but the gift will be truly unique.

So, you have learned how to make a cup with flowers with your own hands. Master class and useful tips should help you implement this interesting and original idea. Prepare your materials and tools and begin the exciting creative process.

March 6th, 2015 ale4ka

Do you want to please loved one an original gift or add bright notes to your interior? Then you will like the master class that I want to show you today. This wonderful composition will not leave anyone indifferent. If you want to please your loved ones and family, then of course you know that the most valuable gift is the one made with your own hands.

There are several options for a flying mug, for example, coffee beans, coins or even candies are used in the composition, but we will make a topiary of flowers with our own hands. Flowers visually impart greater lightness, airiness and tenderness to the design, so this option is more attractive to me.

Preparing for work

To make a flying cup topiary we will need:

Frame making

The most difficult thing in making our flying mug is, of course, the frame, which will be hidden under the flowers. To make it with your own hands, we need a wire that holds its shape well. We cut two identical pieces of wire and fix them together in the middle using electrical tape. Do not wrap the wire completely as hot glue interacts better with the wire and the tape will soon come off.

Now the places where we will glue the wire on the mug and saucer need to be sanded with sandpaper.

We bend the wire and glue it first to the cup, then to the saucer. For this we use glue – “Extra-Strength Moment”.

Pay attention to the height of your frame, it should not be too short or long, the length should be approximately 1.5 times the length of the cup itself. Also, the mug should not extend too far beyond the saucer, otherwise your composition will be unstable.

To ensure that the frame holds up well, let it dry thoroughly; to do this, you will have to wait until the mug and saucer are left to dry overnight. In the morning you can return to work.

Decorating with flowers

We select suitable leaves and flowers. My advice to you: choose the most beautiful, high-quality flowers, otherwise the product will not turn out the way you would like it to be.

Let's begin the most enjoyable process - gluing flowers. We use a heat gun for this.

It is better to start with large flowers, and then use smaller flowers, leaves and petals. Glue the buds slightly tilted downwards so that our waterfall of flowers looks more natural.
Don't forget about back side wire. We also carefully glue it with flowers.
Glue the flowers onto the saucer. Try to glue them so that it looks like the flowers are smoothly flowing from the mug into the saucer.

An exquisite handmade souvenir can enliven a simple office interior and decorate living room– topiary is rightfully included among such products. Previously, this was the name given to decorative trimming of tree and shrub crowns. Later this direction was embodied in making miniature “trees of happiness”, decorated mainly natural decor– dried flowers, feathers, stones, shells.

Nowadays, topiary in the form of a bowl of abundance with a stream of coins, flowers, coffee beans and even jewelry. A floating cup as a symbol of abundance is not just original craft in Feng Shui style, but also a great gift for a friend.

Topiary “flying cup”: what can you make it from with your own hands?

Included necessary materials always includes a tea or coffee pair - a cup and saucer. They are connected into a single composition using thick wire or a regular fork.

To make topiary with your own hands, you will need a heat gun with silicone rods, pliers, and scissors. To give the flow of abundance a more natural form, use polyurethane foam. Foam pads help to stick decorative elements onto the saucer.

Experienced craftswomen advise using glue instead of a heat gun " Cold welding"- the structure will be much stronger.

What the flying cup will “pour out” depends on the author’s idea. These can be artificial flowers and leaves, New Year's beads, moss or sisal (fiber from agave leaves) and other interesting little things.

You can imitate pouring coffee using coffee beans, cinnamon powder, or regular acrylic paint. If the floating cup is covered with lace or wrapped with rope twine, this will add zest to the product and give it a special style flavor.

Topiary “Easter Cup of Plenty”

To make a beautiful souvenir for Easter with your own hands, you will need:

  • coffee cup and saucer, fork (pre-bent using pliers and a vice)
  • masking tape
  • shards from the old flower pot or pebbles
  • for decoration, prepare green sisal, plastic eggs (about 30 pcs.), small artificial roses, green twigs with small flowers, a couple of small fluffy chickens

Manufacturing stages:

The result is a very positive, sunny floating cup. If desired, one more touch is added: the sippy cup is covered with lace - using hot glue or double-sided tape.

Topiary “Floating Cup of Coffee”

In addition to the glue gun and pliers, prepare:

  • small ball of twine
  • thick copper wire
  • glue Moment (crystal)
  • lace
  • brown tape for floristry
  • decoupage varnish
  • Arabica coffee beans
  • Pre-beat the handle off the cup

Making your own begins by covering the cup with twine, starting from the center inside bottom.

  • First, roll up a tight circle of as large a diameter as possible, drop a little Moment into the center of the bottom and glue the rolled element
  • Add glue little by little and gradually wrap it with twine. inner surface, go to the outside and end with the center of the bottom. Decorate the saucer in the same sequence
  • Now you need to make the handle of the cup with your own hands. Bend two identical pieces of wire from two pieces of wire, fold them together, wrap them with tape and wrap them with twine. Glue the handle with a heat gun and let it dry well
  • To make the floating cup have a unique decor, cover it in the middle part with lace or braid. First, put a wide strip of a darker color, then place a thinner light strip on top of it. Place coffee beans evenly around the circumference of the lace. Also decorate the outline of the saucer with a lace rim
  • Bend the wire into a tongue shape, place the ends on the saucer, and place the bent part closer to the bottom of the cup. Adjust the bend so that the composition looks most natural. Fill in a sufficient amount of hot glue and fix the wire in the cup, after hardening, glue the wire ends to the saucer
  • Wrap the wire “coffee stream” with tape and stick the coffee beans using a gun, starting from the cup and ending with the saucer.

When the topiary has completely hardened, use a brush to varnish the grains. A cup of coffee floating in the air with ever-flowing coffee is ready! In order for the aroma of your favorite drink to spread in the air, coffee should not be varnished.

The floating cup can be complemented with a mini cake made of colored foam acrylic paint. In this case, it is better not to decorate with twine, leaving the earthenware surface in its original form.

Symbol of abundance. Do it yourself in half an hour

This topiary is really built very quickly and looks beautiful. The flow of abundance is decorated artificial flowers to match the cup, with golden New Year's beads. In addition, prepare:

  • thick wire in white insulation
  • golden nylon tape
  • aquarium pebbles to prevent the floating cup from tipping over

Manufacturing process:

This topiary can be complemented with an artificial butterfly, a beautiful rose, a delicate lily, a doll or a ladybug made of foamiran.: all this splendor will look organic among flowers and an abundance of sparkling decorations.