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What is species composition? Species composition. The most interesting objects

Each biocenosis is a system that includes many ecologically and biologically various types, which arose as a result of selection and are capable of existing together in specific natural conditions. This system has its own species composition and structure; it is characterized by daily, seasonal and long-term dynamics, and the relationships of organisms both with each other and with the biotope.

The species composition of a biocenosis is a systematic set of species of plants, animals, fungi and microorganisms characteristic of a given biocenosis. The species composition of a phytocenosis is more or less constant compared to a zoocenosis, since animals move. Accounting for fungi and microorganisms is difficult due to excessive species abundance or their microscopic size. The greatest species diversity is found in the biocenoses of tropical rainforests, and the lowest in polar ice deserts.

The number of species of a biocenosis per unit area is called its species saturation. Different systematic groups of organisms in the same biocenosis differ sharply in species richness. Among terrestrial biocenoses, flowering plants are rich in this regard, the species richness of mushrooms and insects is somewhat less, and even less are birds, mammals and other representatives of fauna. In the tundra the greatest species diversity in mosses and lichens. The larger the territory the biocenosis occupies and the more favorable the environmental conditions, the more types oh composition. With a large species composition, we are talking about floristic and faunal richness.

The species that predominate in the biocenosis are called dominants. There are permanent and temporary dominants. The latter dominate only during a short growing season, being replaced by other, also temporary dominants. These include spring ephemeral plants: noble liverwort, oak wood anemone in European temperate forests and tulips in the southern steppes.

In a multi-tiered forest phytocenosis, dominants are present in all tiers. For example, in a pine-juniper-blueberry forest these are pine (tree layer), juniper (shrub layer) and blueberry (living ground cover). Moreover, the dominants upper tier have greater ecological significance than the lower ones. A tier may contain another species that is important, but less important than the dominant - the subdominant. Thus, in a birch-blueberry pine forest, the subdominant is birch if it, together with pine, forms a tree layer. Secondary species (assectators) are included in different tiers. In a biocenosis one can also find anthropophyte plants that have penetrated into the phytocenosis as a result of their deliberate or accidental introduction by humans.

It should be noted that dominance is not always associated with abundance and is a relative concept, especially in the animal world. A dominant is a species that predominates over others, although in a biocenosis it may have low numbers, for example in a desert with extremely sparse grass cover.

The dominants that determine the nature and structure of the biocenosis are called edificators (builders). Basically, these are those plants that create the internal biotic environment of the community: in a pine forest - pine, oak grove - oak, feather grass steppe - feather grass, etc. Subedificators are, as a rule, subdominants.

Community structure usually called ratio various groups organisms that differ in systematic position, in the role they play in the processes of transfer of energy and matter, in the place occupied in space in the food or trophic web, or in another characteristic that is essential for understanding the patterns of functioning of natural ecosystems.

One of the most important indicators of a community is the species structure.

Species structure a community includes the species composition of its constituent organisms and the quantitative ratio of species populations.

A community is judged primarily by its species diversity And species richness.

Species richness- This general set types of community, which is expressed by lists of representatives different groups organisms.

Species diversity- this is an indicator that reflects not only the qualitative composition of the biocenosis, but also the quantitative relationships of species.

Species diversity- a sign of ecological diversity: the more species, the more ecological niches, that is, the richness of the environment is higher.

Species diversity is also related to the stability of the community: the greater the diversity, the greater the ability of the community to adapt to changing conditions, be it climate change or other factors.

The number of species in a community depends on many factors, for example, on its geographical location. It increases noticeably as you move from north to south.


In a tropical forest on one hectare you can find a hundred species of birds, while in a temperate forest on the same area their number does not exceed a dozen. But in both cases the number of individuals is approximately the same. On islands the fauna is usually poorer than on continents, and the smaller the island and the more distant it is from the mainland, the poorer it is.

The diversity of living organisms is determined by both climatic and historical factors.


In areas with a mild, stable climate, with abundant and regular rainfall, without severe frosts and seasonal temperature fluctuations, species richness is higher than in areas located in harsh climate zones, such as the tundra or highlands.

Species richness increases with the evolutionary development of the community. The more time has passed since the formation of a community, the higher its species richness.


In such an ancient lake as Baikal, for example, only \(300\) species of amphipods live.

Most short story have agricultural communities, they are created artificially, the time of their existence is measured in several months. But if a peasant’s field remains unsown and uncultivated for two or three years, it takes on a completely different appearance: the variety of herbs increases, new species of insects, birds, and rodents appear.

In any community, as a rule, there are relatively few species represented by a large number of individuals or large biomass, and relatively many species that are rare. Species with high abundance play a huge role in the life of a community, especially the so-called environment-forming species.


In forest ecosystems, habitat-forming species include the predominant species woody plants; the conditions necessary for the survival of other species of plants and animals - grasses, insects, birds, animals, small invertebrates of the forest floor, etc. - depend on them.

At the same time, rare species often end up best performance state of the community. This is due to the fact that to maintain the life of rare species, strictly defined combinations are required various factors(for example, temperature, humidity, soil composition, certain types of food resources, etc.). Maintenance necessary conditions largely depends on the normal functioning of ecosystems, so the disappearance of rare species allows us to conclude that the functioning of ecosystems has been disrupted.

Pay attention!

Species diversity is a sign of the stability of communities.

Species diversity can be seen as an indicator of the well-being of a community or ecosystem as a whole. Its decrease often indicates trouble much earlier than a change in the total number of living organisms. In communities with high diversity, many species occupy a similar position, inhabiting the same area of ​​space, performing similar functions in the system of matter-energy metabolism. In such a community, a change in living conditions under the influence of, for example, climate change or other factors can lead to the extinction of one species, but this loss will be compensated by other species close to the extinct one in their specialization. Thus, the greater the species diversity, the more resilient the community is to sudden changes. physical factors or climate.


Kamensky A.A., Kriksunov E.A., Pasechnik V.V. Biology. 9th grade // Bustard
Kamensky A.A., Kriksunov E.A., Pasechnik V.V. Biology. General biology(basic level) 10-11 grade // Bustard

Approximately five hundred species of birds and three million large animals live on the park's plains. The Serengeti boasts large herds of antelope, elands, klipspringers, dik antelopes, zebras, gazelles, lions, impalas, leopards, cheetahs, hyenas and other large mammals such as rhinoceroses, giraffes, buffalo, topi antelopes, congons, elephants and hippopotamuses. Others include crocodiles, baboons, bat-eared foxes, and chameleons. Prides of lions are content with the abundance of grazing animals on the plains. The favorite place of solitary leopards is the acacia trees growing along the banks of the Seronera River, while cheetahs can be found on the southeastern plains. Here you can also find spotted hyenas, all three species of African jackals and many elusive small predators, from insectivores to beautiful servals. In addition, ostriches, well adapted to life in the dry season, live here, as well as more than 350 species of reptiles, not to mention insects.

The most protected species: African buffalo; Ethiopian jackal; Asian jackal; hyena; African elephant; a lion; serval; black rhinoceros; white rhinoceros; leopard; klipspringer; giraffe; zebra; dik - dik; Thomson's gazelle; black-backed jackal; cheetah; Topi antelope; impala antelope; blue wildebeest.

Kenya. Climate and tourist seasons

The climate is subequatorial. There are two rainy seasons in the year: from October to December and from late March to early June. The rains usually start in the afternoon, and the rest of the time the sun shines brightly. Kenya's climate is the most favorable on the entire African continent. Daytime temperatures rarely drop below 24 degrees. Best time to visit Kenya from June to October. It is very hot between January and March. There is a long rainy season from March to May. During this period, there is a danger of contracting malaria and gastrointestinal infections.

National Park”Tsawo” (Tsawo National Park)

It occupies an area of ​​2,082,114 hectares. Formed in 1948. Semi-desert plateau and hills composed of volcanic rocks. Thorn bush thickets, park savannas with baobab, tree spurges, acacias, grasslands. Elephant, buffalo, black rhinoceros, lion, leopard, hippopotamus, antelopes (lesser kudu, beisa, oryx), 450 species of birds. Located in the southeastern part of the country and divided in half into western and eastern parts by road and by railway Nairobi-Mombasa.

1. Landscapes and its components.

The landscapes of the parks combine rocky mountains, hills, plains and crystal clear lakes. The predominant landscapes are treeless savanna and open forests, with the eastern part being drier. In the moist parts grow ancient baobabs, umbrella trees and acacias with white and pink flowers, desert rose and others exotic plants. Adjacent to Tsavo Parks is the Taita Hills Private Game Reserve.

East Tsavo

This is the less visited part of the park. Part of the territory of this part of the park is occupied by vast forests, home to herds of elephants. The most diverse fauna is located in the Kanderi swamp. But the most famous landmark in this part of the park is the Aruba Dam, built on the Voi River. Most occupies the Yatta Highlands - a three-hundred-kilometer-long frozen lava flow - a huge desert plain covered with thorns and low-growing acacias. Only the Galana River valley gives freshness to this arid steppe. Along its banks there are green oases and clusters of trees casting shade.

East Tsavo is divided into 2 parts:

the northern bank of the Galana River is closed to the public;
southern zone– from the Voi region in the west to Sal in the east.

West Tsavo

This part of the park is better known and developed, with an extensive road network and infrastructure. The soil in this part is very fertile thanks to the abundant water supply and the volcano, so the vegetation here is very lush. The main attractions are the ponds at Kilaguni and Nguila Lodges, which attract animals during the dry season. In autumn, thousands of birds migrating south from Europe stop to rest near Nguila Lodge. Not far from Kilaguni Lodge is Mzima Springs. On the territory of Z. Tsavo there is the Ngulia mountain range, the plain and the Idawe volcanic upland, created by the Great African Rift, Mount Kilimanjaro and Kenya. Divided into 3 parts:

the northern bank of the Tsavo River is the most visited and suitable place for receiving tourists; Part of the reserve between the river and the road to Taveta;
The southwestern part, where tourists visit only Jipe Lake and Taita Hills. The territory of Western Tsavo extends to the slopes of Kilimanjaro. The most interesting to visit is the northern part of Western Tsavo. There are lakes here that are fed by an underground source. Palm trees, tamarind trees and reeds grow around the clear lakes.

2. The most interesting objects

Springs of Mzima(Tsavo West)

Sources with crystal clean water, which replenish the waters of small ponds where animals come to drink. You can always see crocodiles, hippos and fish living in the reservoir. There is also a specially equipped place for underwater observation of hippos and crocodiles - an underwater camera from which you can look at the animals through glass. Several sources “spit out” about 500 million liters daily pure water, flowing from the glaciers of Kilimanjaro and lost in the rocky deposits of the volcano.

Growling Rocks(Tsavo West)

They owe their name to the cicadas that live in these places, whose constant buzzing hits the bare rocks with the wind and produces an extraordinary roaring effect. From here you have a panoramic view of the expanses of Tsavo Park.

Volcanic block and Shetani cave and Chaimu crater(Tsavo West)

A giant (8 km by 1.6 km) black volcanic block that formed in these places more than 240 years ago. You can climb it and see a small cave in the center. Recent evidence of volcanic activity appears in the crater of the Chaumu volcano. It is also possible to climb it as there is a specific trekking route on it. However, it will not be easy: the ground under your feet will be slippery and at the same time even warm.

Ngulia Nature Reserve(Tsavo West)

Right at the foot of Ngulia Hill there is a protected area of ​​70 square meters. km. There are more than 50 endangered black rhinoceroses protected behind a special fence. Observations are being organized rare species animals.

Kanderi Swamps(Tsavo East)

With the exception of the Aruba Platinum, the swampy areas of Kanderi are a natural source of fresh water, and attract a huge number of inhabitants of the African savannah to these places who come to drink.

Lugard Falls

Lugard Falls are rapids on a raging river that disappears from view in a narrow gorge. Also of interest are multi-colored stones that have been subjected to the destructive effects of water and have unusual carved shapes.

3. Species composition of flora and fauna

Animal world very diverse: agama lizards, dwarf mongooses, marabou storks, baboons, antelopes, caracals, gazelles, buffalos, zebras, Masai giraffes, jackals, hyenas, crocodiles, hippos, leopards, lions and cheetahs. More than 60 species of mammals and 400 species of birds live here.

Tsavo elephants are called "red" because of their pink shade skin, which gives them a reddish mud color. There are very few rhinoceroses in Tsavo. The steppe is home to herds of small impala and springbok antelopes. Another inhabitant of the dry, barren steppes is the oryx antelope. Tsavo lions differ from their counterparts in Ngorongoro or Serengeti in their larger size and rare beautiful mane.

South African Republic. Climate and tourist seasons

Tropical in the north and subtropical in the south of the country. The average temperature in January is from +18C to +27C, in July - from +7C to +10C. Best time to visit national park Kruger - winter (from May to September), when it is dry and cool. Daytime temperatures do not exceed +25 degrees. In summer (December, January, February), temperatures can rise above 40 degrees. At this time it often rains with thunderstorms.

Kruger National Park

It occupies an area of ​​1,948,528 hectares. Province of Transvaal. Formed in 1898; until 1926 - Sabie Game Reserve, in 1927 renamed Kruger Park. About a million tourists visit it every year. It extends in a strip of 60 km along the border with Mozambique and is surrounded by a wall 1800 km long. It is one of the 14 largest parks in the world and is the most economically successful wildlife conservation project in the world. The inhabitants of the park and their health are monitored by professional staff: doctors, hunters, rangers. Work is underway to restore the number of animals that are in danger of extinction.

1. Landscapes and its components

Gently hilly terrain, grassy plains, park savannas, dry deciduous forest, thickets of thorny bushes. In the southwest of the park, shrubs and acacias predominate. Large granite rocks are scattered across the ground, covered with abundant vegetation. The central region consists of vast grassy plains that are interrupted by lush river vegetation on the banks of the Olifants and Letaba rivers. In the east, the Olifants River separates the savannah and the arid bush. Mopane trees dominate north of the Olifants River. The southeastern part of the park is open savannah. Closer to the Limpopo River (the northern border of the park), the tropical forest begins, with a large and wide baobab towering above all other trees. The land north of the Levuvhu River offers extraordinary birdwatching opportunities. Numerous ethnographic villages and private reserves.

2. Species composition of flora and fauna

The park is home to more than 250 thousand animals, almost 150 species, including representatives of the big five - 3,200 rhinoceroses, 8,000 elephants, 1,000 leopards, 2,000 lions, 120,000 thousand buffalo and about the same number of impala antelopes. In addition, over 500 species of birds, about 50 species of fish, 150 species of amphibians and reptiles live here, more than 450 species of trees and shrubs, as well as 235 species of grasses. The local elephants are famous for their large tusks. In 1970, the park had its own “seven”: elephants with two tusks weighing more than 45 kg.

The world of birds is very diverse. Here you can see: heron, stork, vulture, hawk, eagle, guinea fowl, plover, wading bird, bustard, pigeon, parrot, owl, kingfisher, bee-eater, roller, hornbill, swallow, nightingale, starling, sunbird, weaver. The park is of great interest to those interested in reptiles, fish, frogs, scorpions, spiders and other arthropods.


SPECIES COMPOSITION is a set of species included in one or another territorially limited group of organisms (biocenosis).

Ecological encyclopedic Dictionary. - Chisinau: Main editorial office of the Moldavian Soviet Encyclopedia. I.I. Dedu. 1989.


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