home · Installation · Gypsum plaster practice first. Light gypsum plaster Bergauf Praktik. Application of Bergauf Praktik

Gypsum plaster practice first. Light gypsum plaster Bergauf Praktik. Application of Bergauf Praktik

As you know, the quality of repair depends not only on the experience of the performer, but also on the materials used. Among plaster mixtures, the most popular these days are composites based on gypsum - environmentally friendly, quick-drying, fire-resistant. The Bergauf company produces modern universal gypsum plaster, about wide possibilities and the benefits of which are obtained positive reviews professionals and ordinary users.

Bergauf gypsum compositions are intended for finishing ceilings and walls, as well as for exterior work. Plaster is laid on classic and cellular concrete, reinforced concrete and brick foundations, cement bonded particle boards and chipboard. The gypsum mixture is suitable for continuous processing of gypsum boards or sealing the seams between them. The permissible thickness of laying the mortar ranges from 2-50 mm.

The plaster contains the following components:

  • gypsum base (binder);
  • quartz fractionated sand;
  • perlite filler;
  • mineral supplements;
  • polymer modifiers.

Bergauf mixtures combine fairly high strength, good adhesive properties, and ductility. If you follow the rules for preparing the base, preparing the solution and applying it, the surface usually does not need putty - this applies to treating walls for wallpapering or laying tiles.

Before starting work, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the characteristics of gypsum plaster:

1. Color – predominantly white.

2. Maximum size fractions – 0.63-2.5 mm.

3. Consumption of dry powder per 1 m2 – up to 13 kg (with a thickness of 1 cm). At quality training no more than 9 kg of material will be required for square meter.

4. Thickness. Provided that the plaster is completely leveled, it can be applied in a layer of 4-40. If you intend to level the finish only partially, permissible thickness– 50 mm.

5. Adhesion. The adhesion force to the base is 0.5 MPa.

6. Strength indicators: bending – up to 1.2 MPa, compression – up to 4.

7. The prepared solution is suitable for use for an average of 1 hour.

8. Optimal temperature regime for work – from +5 o to +20 o.

9. Grouting is done an hour after application.

10. The period for achieving maximum strength is 28 days at +20 o.

Depending on the size of the sand fraction, gypsum Bergauf plaster divided into three main groups:

  • coarse-grained - used as a rough finish for leveling walls if the level differences are more than 50 mm;
  • medium-grained – the most common, maximum application thickness – 50;
  • fine-grained - it includes ground sand, intended for laying a layer of no more than 8 mm (to reduce cracking).

Gypsum as a base component allows you to level surfaces with thick layers of mortar with minimal risk of cracking when hardening. In this way, gypsum plaster compares favorably with cement-containing plaster, which is prone to the appearance of shrinkage cracks (cobwebs). In addition, Bergauf and similar gypsum mixtures have a number of advantages compared to cement plasters:

  1. small specific gravity, providing relatively low consumption;
  2. ease of application;
  3. effective leveling of ceilings - due to high adhesion and low weight;
  4. maintaining a constant level of humidity in the room - if it rises, plaster finish absorbs water vapor; if the air is dry, the gypsum releases previously accumulated moisture;
  5. creating a perfectly flat surface that requires only minimal cleaning;
  6. optional use plaster mesh during processing smooth walls(for example, concrete).


The manufacturer produces several types of mixture, each of which is based on gypsum. Except general properties Each of them has specific formulations, different characteristics and purpose.

1. Bergauf Prima Putz Gips (30 kg).

This thermal insulation plaster serves for processing all types of surfaces mentioned above. The premium composition is intended for preparation for decorative plastering, gluing thin and textured wallpaper, and painting. The method of applying Prima Putz Gips is manual, the fraction size is 2.5 mm. Recommended thorough cleaning bases and primer - to increase the adhesion of elements. To prepare a solution for 25 kg of dry mixture, 15-16.5 liters of water are needed. Strength finished finishing compression – 4 MPa.

2. White plaster Bergauf Bau Putz Gips (30 kg).

It, like Prima gypsum plaster, is intended for interior work. Ideally fits on ceilings and walls made of any materials, suitable for leveling primed bases before finishing putty, textured plaster, painting or wallpapering. It is applied manually, without special equipment, the fraction size is 0.63 mm. Proportions of materials for preparation gypsum composition: for 25 kg of dry semi-finished product - 10.5-12.6 liters of water. The mass is mixed once, without further addition of components.

3. Bergauf Easy Plaster (25 kg).

This is universal gypsum mixture It is used both in rooms with any humidity and when finishing facades and plinths. The viability of the solution is higher than the previous ones - 1.5 hours. Both manual and . The manufacturer positions Easy Plaster as the easiest variety of Bergauf to use, even in the absence of practical experience.

4. Bergauf Easy Band (30 kg).

A new product with a maximum sand content is used for finishing rooms with moderate humidity. It has a convenient setting period, uniform hardening over the entire area, and the ability to apply a thick layer manually.

5. Bergauf Praktik(30 kg).

Lightweight gypsum plaster, which is used to level ceilings and walls before finishing operations. A normal level of humidity is allowed in the rooms. Manual and machine application methods are possible. Layer thickness - from 2 to 25 for full leveling, 35 mm for partial leveling. The consumption of the mixture does not exceed 10 kg/m2, the surface is grouted after 1.5-2 hours. To prepare the solution, take 30 kg of dry powder and 14.5-15 liters of water.

As reviews confirm, in heated rooms the gypsum finish dries in 5-6 days, after which wallpaper is glued onto it.

People's opinions about Bergauf mixtures

“We have been using this composition for a long time, most often in rooms with average humidity. We have to work with a machine and a spatula on large areas - the plaster is consumed in huge quantities. Bergauf allows you to save money and at the same time get absolutely flat surface. The solution adheres equally firmly to concrete and brick.”

Andrey Fomin, Moscow.

“The democratic price is not the only advantage of Bergauf. Another good thing is the relatively low consumption per square meter: with a thickness of 1 cm - approximately 10 kg. And you can even lay it on drywall, not to mention brick and concrete walls. Thanks to plasticizing additives, the plaster is applied in an even layer and does not crack after shrinkage.”

Ivan, Yekaterinburg.

“We ran into a problem: we bought Rotband, but it turned out to be a counterfeit. We read the reviews and realized that Lately it is often counterfeited. A master I know advised me to buy a Bergauf. The quality is no worse, and the cost is more affordable. We followed the advice and did not regret it: the plaster lay perfectly on the walls. After 40 minutes, the excess material was cut off using a rule, the recesses were filled, and smoothed with a spatula. After another 15 minutes they sanded it down, and after 5 hours we walked over the rubbed walls with a spatula to make it smooth. After that, we didn’t putty, but simply hung wallpaper.”

Irina, Moscow.

“I advise you to treat the walls with a primer before plastering - preferably from the same company. If you skip this step, the solution will set too quickly. This will leave you with little time to level and trowel the mixture. Accelerated hardening is accompanied by severe shrinkage, the appearance of cracks and a decrease in the strength of the finished finish.”

Pavel Filimonov, St. Petersburg.

“I ran out of Volma, and to finish the job, I bought plaster mixture Bergauf Bau Putz Gips. It is easy to lay by hand, has good stretch, and is suitable for dry and wet areas. And one more plus: price and quality match each other. I note that gypsum plaster hardens quickly, so you need to have time to level it.”

Sergey, Minsk.

“Read the instructions before cooking. After preliminary stirring, the gypsum mixture should stand for no more than 5 minutes, after which it is finally mixed. Bergauf should be applied from the bottom up, plaster the ceiling towards you. If the layer on the ceiling is more than 20 mm, you need reinforcing galvanized mesh.”

Alexey, Novgorod.


Gypsum-based plaster is sold in most construction stores in Moscow - both retail and wholesale. In the second case, there is a real opportunity for additional savings. Below is a table informing the consumer about the average prices for different types gypsum plaster.

Cement plaster "Bergauf Praktik" is a highly effective means for leveling walls for subsequent finishing puttying or wallpapering. The material can be used with concrete, brick, cement and aerated concrete bases.

Main advantages:

  • optimal consumption;
  • no cracks during application;
  • versatility;
  • Full compliance with strict environmental standards.
  • high thermal insulation properties;
  • wide range of application layers.


Cement base with polymer additives.


The working surface is pre-cleaned of dirt, dust and oil stains; aligned using the h-shaped rule. The contents of the bag are diluted with water in the proportion indicated on the packaging, and then mixed until a homogeneous mass is obtained. The finished solution is applied to the surface manually or by machine.

Packaging and storage

The plaster is packaged in durable paper bags weighing up to 30 kg. The recommended shelf life is 12 months from the date of manufacture.

In a hypermarket building materials At Master Tibot you will find a wide range of plasters from leading manufacturers. In our online store you can buy “ Bergauf Praktik» in Moscow by cash and non-cash payments. Delivery of orders is carried out throughout the city and region.

Gypsum plaster light thin-layer


Plaster with light filler for thin-layer leveling of walls and ceilings. Used for work on absorbent substrates (aerated concrete, foam blocks, cement and cement-sand plasters), brickwork, concrete (over 6 months), reinforced concrete, gypsum plasters, as well as plasterboard and gypsum-containing surfaces. Used before applying subsequent finishing putty, painting or decorative plasters. For work in rooms with normal humidity levels.

For machine and manual application


Maximum fraction sand

Consumption of dry mixture per 1 m 2 with a layer of 1 mm

Minimum thickness application

Maximum thickness application

Maximum application thickness for partial leveling

Viability of the finished solution in an open container

Grouting is allowed after

Time to fully gain strength

Carrying out work at base temperature

from +5 to +25 0 С

Brand strength

Compressive strength (after 28 days)

Strength of adhesion to the base (after 28 days)

more than 0.3 MPa


Gypsum binder, fractionated sand, perlite filler, mineral fillers, modifying polymer additives.

Preparation of the solution

For machine application:

  1. Pour the dry mixture into the receiving hopper.
  2. Set the initial water flow*.
  3. Bring the consistency of the solution to the required consistency by adjusting the water flow level

* Water consumption level depends on the make and model of the machine.

When applied manually :

  1. Mix the mixture with water (from +10 to +25 0 C) in the following proportion:

- per 1 kg of mixture - 0.58 - 0.60 l of water;

For 30 kg of mixture – 17.4 – 18 liters of water.

  1. Stir until smooth.
  2. Wait 3-5 minutes until all chemical reactions are completed.
  3. Stir again.

Preparing the base

The base must be cleaned of dust, dirt, oil stains - anything that can impair the adhesion of the material. The prepared surface must be treated with “Bergauf” primer (“Primer” or “Tiefgrunt” - depending on the type of base).

Operating procedure

  1. Apply a base layer of the required thickness, but not exceeding 20 mm.
  2. Level the surface using the h-shaped rule.
  3. After partial loss of mobility, level using the trapezoidal rule.
  4. After complete loss of mobility, gloss the surface (with a sponge-based trowel, apply water to the surface in a circular motion with light pressure. Level the released composition over the surface using wide spatula) Glazing is possible after 1.5-2 hours (times are based on the thickness of the applied layer of 20 mm, at t 0 = +20 0 C and humidity 60%).


If the required leveling thickness is more than 20 mm, we recommend using light thick-layer gypsum plaster Bergauf Praktik.

Safety precautions

Avoid contact of material with eyes and respiratory tract.


The guaranteed shelf life in a dry place and in closed original packaging is 6 months from the date of manufacture.

To buy adhesive for cellular blocks Bergauf Praktik at an affordable price, you should place an order in our online store. We guarantee highest quality provided products, as well as prompt delivery throughout Moscow and the region. We offer original products at a price that allows you to purchase a high-quality product.

It should be noted that the selected construction products comply with international and domestic quality standards. Respectively, performance characteristics building materials are at a high level.

Advantages of Bergauf Praktik glue

Working surface and temperature conditions environment should be around plus five plus thirty degrees. If the thermometer reaches the minus mark, it is recommended to use a special frost-resistant product.

After the adhesive has been prepared, it should be used for no more than two to three hours. Only in this interval does Bergauf Praktik retain its technical properties. In general, this solution dries quickly. Thanks to the above advantages, the construction process is significantly accelerated.

Application of Bergauf Praktik

Bergauf Praktik mixture– is a first-class material, the purpose of which is fine-seam masonry of blocks, both for external and internal horizontal and vertical surfaces.

Moreover, this product not only helps to maximize the uniformity of the surface on which the consistency is applied, but also reduces heat loss to a minimum percentage. It is known that it is cracks and crevices that reduce the amount of stored heat in a room. An important nuance is that significant tightness is achieved during the gluing process of no more than two millimeters.

Now, as for the composition of Bergauf Praktik 30 kg adhesive, it includes the following components:

  • Portland cement is one of the most basic elements found among building materials. This is a kind of binding material.
  • Sand with a minimum size. The manufacturer carefully sifts it before adding it to the mixture.
  • A number of polymers that increase the elasticity of the material. They also have a positive effect on the adhesion of the glue.
  • Various modifiers allow you to retain an indefinite amount of moisture inside the glue itself. Due to this, the seams do not crack when exposed to elevated temperatures.
  • Thanks to this composition Bergauf Praktik becomes less thermally conductive.