home · Lighting · How to replant peonies. When is it possible, is it better and how to replant peonies to bloom? Spring, Autumn! Preparing to transplant peonies

How to replant peonies. When is it possible, is it better and how to replant peonies to bloom? Spring, Autumn! Preparing to transplant peonies

In the territories of Eurasia and North America. Their homeland is China, where peonies began to be bred more than 2 thousand years ago.

By appearance the plant can be a tree or herbaceous subshrub, or. Peony stems grow up to 1 meter in height. The branches are large, strong, thick. They have trifoliate leaves, the color of which, depending on the variety, can be from green to violet tone. The flowers are large, located at the ends of the branches, their diameter can reach up to 20 cm. The root system is powerful. At home, mainly herbaceous types of peonies are grown.

The most popular varieties of peonies for growing:

  • Peony Adolphe Rousseau. A large variety with a compact bush, the branches of which stretch 100 cm in height. The leaves are trifoliate, large, dark green with a red tint. The flowers are large, the petals are dark red and alternate with yellow stamens. The buds open in early summer.
  • Peony Alexander Fleming. A large bush with strong stems that branch slightly. The flower is full, large, diameter 12 cm, petals are painted pink. They have a delicate aroma. The flowering period begins in late spring or early summer, depending on the weather.
  • Peony Alice Harding. The bush is short, the height of the stems reaches only 50 cm. The branches are spreading. The flowers are large, full, the petals are colored white tone with pink edges. The flowering period begins in early summer and lasts 2 weeks.
  • Peony Barzella. The bush is medium in size, its height reaches 70-80 cm. It has large flowers with a diameter of up to 25 cm. The petals are painted in a soft yellow color; when the bud is fully open, pink inclusions are visible in the center. The flower in the middle is empty and has a pleasant lemon aroma. The stems are thick, erect, strong. The variety is characterized by abundant flowering; one bush can have up to 50 buds.

unpretentious plants, but you need to carefully select a place for them. The bush must be protected from wind and draft. It is not recommended to plant peonies close to your home. Since the heat that comes from the building will overheat the bush and roots. The soil should be fertile and well-drained, and the location should be on a hill. Lighting should be constant, with shading for 2–4 hours a day.

Peonies do not tolerate swampy soil well; being in water for a long time, the roots rot, which leads to the death of the bush.

Therefore, watering should be moderate throughout the spring and autumn period. When buds begin to form on the bushes, it is necessary to ensure that the soil around the bush does not dry out completely, as this can lead to the death of the flowers. The rest of the time, the plant is watered once every 7–10 days, depending on weather conditions.

Plant nutrition:

  • Adult bushes need feeding.
  • Young, recently transplanted peonies are not recommended to be fertilized abundantly.
  • You can add organic and mineral fertilizers containing calcium and phosphorus.

Peonies can be transplanted in spring or autumn period. After the peonies bloom, the best period for planting and replanting them will be September. At this time, the heat subsides, and new buds form on the bushes. The bush is dug up, divided into several parts and planted in prepared holes. Autumn replanting of peony guarantees abundant flowering in the spring.

Transplantation in spring is more difficult:

  • There is no specific month, as the whole process is adjusted to the weather.
  • When do the first ones begin? sunny days and the snow has almost all melted, the bush can be removed from the ground along with the lump.
  • In the spring, the bush cannot be divided, and the roots cannot be washed or the soil shaken off. After winter, the roots are weak and brittle and any wrong movement can damage the bush.
  • A bush with an earthen lump is placed in a pre-prepared hole with loose soil mixed with nutrients.
  • Rotted compost is suitable for this.
  • Stronger fertilizers and fertilizing are not recommended during this period.
  • The transplanted bush must be watered regularly so that the soil around it does not dry out too much, but also avoid excessive moisture.

Bushes need to be prepared for winter. 5-7 days after the end of flowering of the entire bush, it is fed with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers. When cold weather sets in, they cut off all aboveground part plants. In regions where the temperature drops below -15 degrees in the winter months, it is recommended to insulate the bush autumn leaves or sawdust.

Peonies reproduce by seeds, roots and. Only breeders propagate these plants using seeds. This is a rather labor-intensive and lengthy process, in which the resulting plants do not retain the characteristics and external data of the mother bush.

When propagating by root cuttings, it is necessary in mid-summer to separate the part of the root on which the dormant bud is located.

This piece is planted in a previously prepared hole for rooting. By autumn the roots should take root. The disadvantage of this method is that such bushes bloom only 5 years after planting.

Dividing a bush is the simplest and most common way to propagate peonies:

  • Bushes are selected that are mature and have bloomed profusely for 2–3 years in a row.
  • At the end of summer or beginning of autumn, when the heat subsides, you can begin the process of propagating peonies.
  • The bush is dug in at a distance of 20–25 cm and carefully removed from the ground.
  • In this case, it is necessary to cut off all stems and branches at the root. The earth is carefully cleared away.
  • The roots are washed, the bad ones are removed and the old ones are trimmed.
  • It is necessary to divide the bush carefully so that 3-4 eyes remain on the separated root.
  • For disinfection, the roots can be treated with a solution of potassium permanganate.

Peonies can be infected with gray rot. Such diseases can appear on plants when improper care, excess moisture and nitrogenous substances in the soil. The bush and all plants growing nearby are treated with special treatments. In some cases, the bushes are moved to a more suitable place or planted.

More information can be found in the video.

Transplanting peonies is one of the agrotechnical techniques, which is necessary to preserve these ornamental plants. Peonies are planted in flower beds, greenhouses and gardens. They are used to decorate the site, cut into bouquets and compositions. Growing peonies, subject to planting and care rules, is not difficult.

Many gardeners unpretentious plants don't bloom. If this problem occurs, the peonies must be transplanted to another location.

Peonies long time can grow without proper care. There are real long-livers among these representatives. Over time, the bushes decline, so they need to be replanted. In most cases, deterioration in plant quality is observed 5-7 years after planting.

The root collar undergoes aging, which leads to the colonization of pests in it. Holes and hollows in woody stems are inhabited by worms, ants or slugs.

Poor growth and flowering may be caused by an abundance of stems. Peonies tend to grow, and the plants begin to shade each other. On densely planted flowers, the buds form more deeply each year. This leads to late or no flowering. Additional feeding and careful care do not improve the situation.

To ensure that peonies do not lose their flowering quality, they must be transplanted to a new location no later than 3-5 years after planting the seeds.

When is the best time to replant?

in autumn

The optimal period for transplanting peonies is late summer or early autumn. There should be no heat or frost at this time, which will allow the plant to take root before the onset of extreme weather. Thanks to autumn replanting, peonies will feel comfortable in their new place, and their flowering will be earlier.

in spring

Sometimes spring transplantation is also practiced. It is carried out immediately after the snow melts and in the absence of frost. The rapid growth of stems and leaves significantly interferes; care must be taken not to damage the above-ground parts of the plants. When transplanted in spring, the plant does not bloom.

In summer, replanting is extremely dangerous for peonies. Tender roots may get sunburn, which in most cases leads to the death of plants. At high temperature Damaged roots will not have the opportunity to recover.

Transplant methods

Peonies are transplanted only by division. Peony bushes after 3 years of life have a special strength. The root system gains strength and goes 40-100 cm deep, so digging them will not be easy. The use of a shovel is not recommended; careless actions can lead to cutting off most of the roots.

Preparing for transplant

The soil. Large perennial roots of peonies require a large supply of nutrients. Only deep cultivated fertile soils are suitable for them. If the soil is too compacted, plants are suppressed and do not bloom; clay soils and highly acidic substrates are not suitable for them.

When preparing the soil, it is necessary to create a drainage layer that will help preserve optimal quantity moisture and creates breathability. When testing the soil, its acidity should vary between 5.5-6.5 pH.

If peonies are transplanted on heavy soil, it is necessary to dilute it with coarse sand. A few days before transplanting, the soil is fertilized with nitrogen and potassium (10-15 grams per bush), and compost or humus is added.

Light and moisture. Peonies are not recommended to be grown near trees, paths and other bushes. They will need a large number of Sveta. If in the place where peonies will be planted, they lie close groundwater, for the root system they form raised beds with the addition of expanded clay. The substance does not give excess moisture influence the roots, protecting them from rotting.

Apart from wet and humid places, peonies do not tolerate wind. Windy areas are dangerous for plants. Air currents will blow moisture out of the ground and break off tall flowering bushes.

For better flowering Do not bury the growth buds of peonies. If they are placed deep into the soil with high acidity, the plants are at risk of gray rot. The soil is first mixed with wood ash.

Transplantation process

The day before digging up the bushes, water the plant generously at the roots so that the hardened soil softens as much as possible. The upper green part is cut off, leaving the stems no more than 5-10 cm. At 20 cm from the growth of the shoots, the bush is dug up in a circle with a pitchfork and loosened well.

When digging, the plant may fall apart, which indicates aging of the central roots. It is impossible to divide the peony into parts until it is removed to the surface. Such treatment can lead to damage to the entire bush.

After the plant has been dug up, its root system is washed well with running water and left in a shaded place for 6 hours. During this time, the peony will wither a little, which will have a good effect on strengthening its roots. They will not be brittle when planted in the ground. In places where roots are exposed, use Activated carbon. It is sprinkled on exposed fabrics to prevent the development of bacteria.

Rotten, damaged and dry roots are removed, and the rest are trimmed by 10-20 cm. At least 3 buds must be preserved on each rhizome.

To plant one peony bush, you will need a hole at least 50 cm deep and up to 80 cm wide. A distance of 80-90 cm is maintained between the holes. Any drainage (rotch, expanded clay, broken brick, sand) is placed at the bottom of the hole. After identifying the flower, the hole can be filled with fertilized soil or a special complex soil mixture. The root system must be compacted well, preferably with feet.

Caring for a transplanted plant

A new plant usually stays sick for up to three weeks after transplantation. At this time, the bushes must be properly cared for. .

Immediately after identifying the colors, the soil is watered. To avoid root disease, you can add a few grains of potassium permanganate to the water (7-10 liters). The solution will prevent infection of the system by pathogenic bacteria.

When cold weather sets in, the bushes are carefully covered until next spring. Peonies open when the threat of frost has passed. From this moment on, they require not only watering, but also other measures to improve growth.


After the first shoots appear, the bushes require loosening. Tillage is done carefully, without deepening the tool more than 5 cm. This will prevent damage to the kidneys. Deeper loosening is possible after the peony stems grow. Weeding and saturation of the soil with oxygen is carried out after each watering and rainy weather.


In early spring, peonies must be mulched with humus, compost or rotten bark. You can't throw it under the root fresh manure, it can cause burns to the kidneys and root system. Thanks to mulch, plants will be protected from excessive exposure to the sun and possible soil erosion after rainfall.


Abundant and infrequent watering is suitable for peonies. If the heat persists for a long time, the bushes are watered evening time once a week. One plant requires at least 20-30 liters of water. Watering should not be skipped during periods of abundant growth, bud formation and flowering.


If landing pit was well fed, then in the next 2-3 years peonies do not need additional nutrients. At the expiration of three years under the bushes in early spring They apply potassium and phosphorus fertilizers, and during bud formation they focus on fertilizing with nitrogen.


After gaining green mass, peonies need to be tied up. Heavy buds can cause bushes to bend when rainy or windy weather persists. Without a garter, peonies may die. The best option there will be a circular fence in the form of wooden wedges, which are tied with rope. This way the structure will hold the shape of the plants well, and it will not fall apart.

After active flowering, dried buds are removed. Fallen petals can create a root layer in which pathogens quickly multiply .

Gardeners love them for their beautiful, chic, lush flowers, for their sweet, rich aroma, for their ease of cultivation and ease of care. Peonies make us happy wide choice, differing in color, shape, size of their flowers and leaves. This variety can please everyone who wants to have this flower in their garden. Bushes can grow for years in the same place, but there comes a time when this flower needs to be replanted.

We will talk about transplanting peonies and when it is best to do this in our article, because this flower, despite its unpretentiousness, is very sensitive to transplantation and this operation must be carried out while observing certain conditions. It is especially important to choose the right time of year when it is better for your bushes to “move to a new place of residence.”

Reasons for transplantation

The reason to change the site for your peonies may be excessive bushiness. When a plant grows over the years, it begins to interfere with neighboring inhabitants; it needs to be replanted, rejuvenated, or completely transplanted to a new, freer place.

A good reason for replanting can be a long-term plant in the same place.

Did you know? For a long time were considered medicinal plants that could “heal from 20 diseases,” so they necessarily grew in every garden of all Greek monasteries. Until the 19th century, they were used by people as, and some varieties served as a seasoning for many culinary dishes.

When and how to replant peonies?

Let's figure out when you can transplant to another place and how to do it correctly.

in spring

In spring, peonies are transplanted from place to place as a whole bush. They do not engage in division or reproduction during this period. After winter, with the onset of warmth, root system bushes are overgrown with additional suction roots. They will help the plant take root in a new place after the “move”. It is worth replanting in the spring to another place, adhering to a short time frame: from the moment all the snow has melted and the air has warmed up to at least 7 ° C, and until the vegetative period of the plant begins.

To do this, you need to prepare a hole for the bush in advance. The soil in it should be loose and nutritious. You can fertilize the soil with any fertilizer (in no case fresh). You can mix the soil with a small amount of sand.

When digging up a bush from its old place, make sure that the roots are as undamaged as possible and are in one whole pile of earth. It should not be beaten, cleaned, or washed off. While maintaining the integrity of the root-soil union, place the bush in the prepared hole.

Bury and secure the bush in the ground by thoroughly compacting it. Then water thoroughly.

In summer

In the summer, August is chosen for replanting peonies.. At this time, the weather is no longer so hot, there are still no heavy autumn showers that will interfere with the process.

The bush pit is prepared long before it is used - about 6 months. To do this, dig a round depression with a diameter of approximately 0.5 m and a depth of up to 80 cm. A little sand is poured onto the bottom, or this mixture is mixed with soil, watered with water and wait until August for replanting.

IN right time Carefully dig the flower out of the ground with a pitchfork; if necessary, you can carefully divide or thin it out. The root of the flower must have at least six buds. Before planting, it must be washed and disinfected.
If you plan to divide the root, all tools must be disinfected and lubricated with brilliant green or potassium permanganate so as not to infect the rhizome with fungus. After treating the root, mark the bush in a pre-prepared hole. Bury about five centimeters deep, compact it and water the hole.

in autumn

The process of transplanting peonies in autumn not much different from transplanting at other times of the year. However, this is the most common method, because before winter the plant and its root system are in a dormant state, they will most easily endure the stress of replanting and over the winter they will be able to become sufficiently strong in a new place to please with their flowering in the spring.

As always, moving a bush begins with preparing a new place, namely digging a hole. It is better to do this in the fall a couple of weeks before the planned “relocation”. The holes for one bush should be 40-50 cm wide and 15-20 cm deep.
Water the hole generously. If the soil is very dense, mix it with a small amount of sand. It is worth fertilizing the soil before planting, with compost or. Don't forget about drainage. If you sprinkle small pebbles at the bottom of the hole, the plant will only benefit from this.

Before digging up a bush from its old place, its shoots should be shortened to a length of 10-13 cm. You need to dig out the roots carefully, moving about 20 cm away from the stem. It is better to do this with a pitchfork, as you can unnoticed chop off long roots. Just loosen the soil deep enough until the bush comes out easily.

When the roots are free, they will need to be washed and rid of rotten shoots (if any are found). This must be done, again, with sharply sharpened ones, treated with alcohol or brilliant green. After this, the rhizome can be briefly lowered into weak solution potassium permanganate.

Replanting peonies, herbaceous and tree-like, is necessary if the bushes have been growing in one place for more than 10-15 years, and their decorative effect has noticeably decreased, or the overgrown specimen looks sloppy. The optimal period for moving peonies is autumn.

Transfer time

Each gardener is guided by the weather in his area and regulates the timing of when to replant peonies. The main guideline is that after planting there is still a month or a month and a half left before frost. Over the summer, the peony root system develops well, and the bush grows stronger if timely watering was carried out in the heat and fertilizers were applied. Having formed flower buds from the beginning of August, the rhizomes go into a dormant period. In 30-45 days of autumn weather without freezing the soil, the roots take root, and in the spring powerful buds of future stems appear. Flowering should be expected 2-3 years after moving the peony bush or dividing the rhizome.

Transplanting peonies

The bush develops due to thin and long suction roots, which are almost invisible, similar to a cobweb. A continuation of the storage roots, thick white shoots, form at the end of September. Therefore, it is important to replant peonies before this period so that the root system successfully develops in the new location.

Approximate calendarwhen is it betterconducttransplanting peonies:

  1. From the second ten days of August, summer replanting of peonies begins in areas with the early onset of autumn (in Siberia, the Urals) until mid-September.
  2. In the regions middle zone planting continues until September 25.
  3. The time when in the south you can transplant peonies to another place lasts the entire first autumn month.

As for spring replanting, experts advise only one period. Peonies are moved immediately after the snow melts, when red shoots have not yet appeared. The roots must be dug out carefully, without damaging the earthen ball. The plant is moved to a new place and placed in a prepared hole, without shaking off the soil, so as not to injure the small roots. Young bushes planted 2-3 years ago can withstand such transhipment better.

If planting material purchased in the spring, gardeners recommend storing it deep into the ground in a pot with a volume of 2-3 liters. With the onset of warm weather, the pot is buried in the garden and watered moderately. In autumn they produce correct landing, preparing a spacious pit with fertilizers.

Important! Divide the peony bush after 4-5 years of development.

How to dig up a bush correctly

Having studied the conditions, how to plant a peony bush and when to choose the best period for this, gardeners dig up the plants in August or September. For big bush a reliable tool is a fork that will not cut off the ends of large roots. Absorbing web-like shoots penetrate to a depth of 90 cm. When replanting, it is almost impossible to save all of these roots, but cutting large rhizomes with a shovel can cause them disease.

Follow the operating algorithm:

  1. They dig up the bushes, retreating at least 40 cm, to approximately the same depth.
  2. They loosen a clod of earth with roots.
  3. They try to get it out with two shovels.
  4. Wash the rhizome from the ground and cut the stems to 10 cm.

Place the dense root ball in the shade so that the large intertwining shoots slightly diverge from one another under own weight. After a few hours, the old peony bush is divided.

Additional Information! Before dividing the rhizomes of peonies, choose a sharp knife and disinfect the blade with potassium permanganate, brilliant green or an alcohol solution so as not to accidentally introduce an infection.


The rhizomes of powerful old bushes are tightly intertwined. Therefore, when dividing, they are first measured approximately so that there are 3-5 buds on the segments. Bushes that are too overgrown are divided by driving a wedge into the center of the coma. They work with the roots carefully, despite their impressive appearance they are quite fragile. They try not to cut off such a fragment where there are many buds and few roots. The plant will not be able to fully feed due to the small volume of the root system.

Adhere to the requirements for healthy divisions:

  • root length – 8-15 cm;
  • there are at least 3-4 buds, but no more than 6-8;
  • 3-5 thin shoots extend from the rhizome, up to 8-10 mm thick, up to 4-6 cm long.

The roots are cut sharp knife, adhering to the direction from top to bottom. After separation, the sections are reviewed to discard those showing signs of disease or major damage. Rotten roots are cut off, treating fresh surfaces, like the entire lump, with copper-based compounds: Bordeaux mixture, copper oxychloride or other preparations. Then the sections are dusted with wood ash. The planting material dries for 24 hours in a dry, shady corner. To avoid the appearance of rot, rhizomes are disinfected in a pink solution of potassium permanganate. If desired, gardeners treat sections of peony rhizomes in a solution of any growth stimulator, following the instructions for the drug.

Transplanting peonies

Not divided bushes they take root poorly, so too old rhizomes are cut out from the central part of the coma. In addition, these parts may be rotten or hollow inside. The sections are also processed. You can also plant small sections of roots that have 1-2 buds. Experienced gardeners do not refuse fragments without buds. If there are small strong roots, the peony will grow into flowering bush with proper care after several years. The buds wake up if the rhizome is in good conditions.

Transplant stages

Having decided exactly when to plant peonies, the pit for future large flower bushes is prepared 15-30 days in advance. During this time, the substrate will be compacted due to natural shrinkage, and the rhizomes will be placed at the required depth. For different types peonies their conditions in the garden. Dividing the bush herbaceous peonies, you have to dig 2-3 holes, which should be located at intervals of up to 1 m. Spreading tree-like peonies are planted at a distance of one and a half to two meters.

Plants are light-loving. It is important to place peonies in the yard or garden so that they are exposed to the sun all day. Only light partial shade is allowed during lunch hours. Therefore, it is not advisable to plant bushes near buildings or high fences and trees.

Pit preparation

Pit preparation

The planting hole should be quite spacious and deep, because peonies grow in one place for up to 30-80 years. Having chosen a sunny place, protected from cold winds, that meets the requirements of peonies for the acidity of the soil and the non-swampiness of the site, they dig a hole 60-80 cm deep, dimensions 60x60 or 70x80. For tree peonies prepare a more spacious place. 70% of the volume of the pit is filled with substrate, then the rhizomes are placed, on top of which a layer is applied garden soil without fertilizers, up to 10-14 cm thick.

Soil enrichment

Peonies develop best on loam with slight acidity, up to a pH of 5-6 units. Experts recommend how to properly prepare the soil for plants:

  • add sand and humus in equal proportions to acidic and heavy soil;
  • for sandy loam areas, place an incomplete bucket of clay in the hole;
  • in areas where groundwater reaches up to 1 m, holes are dug 15 cm deeper to lay a drainage layer of sand or expanded clay;
  • acidic soils are limed by mixing 100-200 g of slaked lime into the substrate, which necessarily contains humus;
  • Fertilizers are also added to each hole: 0.35 kg of bone meal, 0.1-0.2 kg of superphosphate, 0.15 kg of potassium sulfate or one liter of wood ash by volume;
  • To prevent fungal diseases, 20 g of iron sulfate is mixed into the substrate.

These fertilizers are enough for the bushes to develop for 2-3 years, and then they are fed with organic matter and complex mineral preparations.

Note! If you place peony buds too deep, the bushes will not throw up flowers.


Some gardeners place the separated rhizomes in the chosen place immediately after separation, others leave the fragments to dry. Having decided when the peonies can be replanted, the divisions are placed on the settled substrate and upper layer from ordinary loose soil so that a few centimeters remain from the buds to the ground level:

  • on heavy soil - no more than 3-4 cm;
  • on the lungs, deepening of the kidneys up to 5-7 cm is allowed.

After sprinkling the tubers, compact the soil and water with 5-10 liters of water. Dry grass mulch is laid on top. As the weather gets colder, a layer of peat or humus, up to 10-12 cm high, is added to the hole. In spring, the bush is freed from mulch.


If the substrate in the hole has sunk too deep within a month, the rhizomes are placed on garden soil. The shoots will take nutrition from the lower layer.

In the case where the holes have not been prepared, the seedlings are not buried, but placed on the surface of the substrate and the top layer of the hole from garden soil so that the buds are on top. The roots are buried in a layer of up to 6 cm. When shrinkage occurs, the tubers will sink to the required depth.

The ideal time to transplant peony bushes is late summer, early autumn. Having placed the flowers in a convenient and suitable place for plants, they have been admiring their picturesque appearance for several decades.