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Klopov Alexander Vasilievich FSB biography. There are always risks. A new head of the regional FSB was introduced in Voronezh


Born 1955


Graduated from the Kuibyshev Aviation Institute and the Higher School of the KGB of the USSR



The investigation wants to release the top manager of the black soil "Quadra" Evgeniy Dod under house arrest

Voronezh. 12/20/2016. ABIREG.RU – The Basmanny District Court of Moscow received a petition Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation on changing the preventive measure against the former head of the state corporation RusHydro and current member of the board of directors of PJSC “Quadra - Power Generation” (10th place in the Rating of the largest companies in the Black Earth Region “Abireg” TOP-100” (manufacturers) 2016) Evgeniy Doda, accused of embezzlement imprisonment under house arrest, follows from a message from the Pravo.ru portal.

Gordeev “planted the pig”

Mr. Gordeev listened with a smile about sows at the opening of the breeding and genetic center of the Agroeko pig breeding group worth 2 billion rubles. True, there were no pigs there. But soon there will be a lot. After all, the company is named among the enterprises that Alexey Vasilyevich “looks after.”

By the way, the formal head of the Agroeko company, Vladimir Maslov, publicly convinced the deputy prime minister of the regional government, Viktor Logvinov, who oversees the agro-industrial complex, of the need to create a headquarters and adopt a program to reduce the pig population on personal farms in those areas where there are large pig farms! In other words, they will “harvest” farmers!

The head of the FSB Directorate for the Tver Region has been transferred to work in Voronezh

Oleg Nefedov headed the FSB Directorate for the Voronezh region.

On October 23, the new head of the regional FSB, Oleg Nefedov, was introduced to the governor of the Voronezh region, who was appointed to this position by decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated October 10, 2015. Previously, since 2011, the major general headed the FSB Directorate for the Tver Region.

There is no word yet on Nefedov’s successor in Tver. Who will head the FSB Directorate for the Tver Region will be officially announced in the near future.

Oleg Nefedov was born in 1963 in Kostroma. From 1987 to 1997, he served in the State Security agencies in operational positions, and since 1997 in leadership positions. Since 2009 - Deputy Head of the FSB Directorate for the Yaroslavl Region, since 2011 - Head of the FSB Directorate for the Tver Region.

Also, the jubilee medal for the 290th anniversary of the Prosecutor's Office of Russia, by order of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation Yuri Chaika, was awarded to: Governor of the region Alexey Gordeev, Chairman of the Voronezh Regional Duma Vladimir Klyuchnikov, Chairman of the Voronezh Regional Court Vitaly Bogomolov, Head of the FSB of Russia for the Voronezh Region Alexander Klopov, Head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Voronezh region Alexander Sysoev, head of the Office of the Federal Bailiff Service for the Voronezh Region Vera Popova, head of the Office of the Federal Migration Service Nikolai Polukazakov and head of the Office of the Federal Bailiff Service Sergei Latynin.

A new head of the regional FSB department was introduced in Voronezh

On Thursday, October 15, Governor Alexey Gordeev met with Major General Alexander Klopov, newly appointed head of the Russian FSB Directorate for the Voronezh Region, the press center of the governor and the regional government reported. Alexander Klopov replaced Alexander Andreev in this post, who was sent to the reserve. He has headed the regional department of the FSB since 2001. The new head of the regional law enforcement agency was introduced to the head of the region by the first deputy head of the personnel department of the FSB of Russia, Lieutenant General Sergei Shishkalov.

Athletes - veterans of special services will hold a friendly match in Voronezh

Today, September 17, Governor of the Voronezh Region Alexey Gordeev met with Deputy Director of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation, Colonel General Viktor Komogorov and Head of the Main Directorate of Special Programs of the President of the Russian Federation (GUSP) Alexander Tsarenko. The meeting was also attended by the head of the Russian FSB Directorate for the Voronezh Region, Major General Alexander Klopov.

The FSB Directorate for the Republic of Mordovia is headed by Sergei Kirillov

Major General Alexander Klopov, who headed the FSB Directorate for Mordovia for 5 years, was appointed head of the FSB Directorate for the Voronezh Region. On October 15, I met with the regional governor Alexei Gordeev. In the personnel department of the FSB of Russia, Alexander Klopov is characterized as a highly professional, experienced specialist who has repeatedly participated in complex operations carried out by the law enforcement agency.

Large-scale FSB exercises took place in the Voronezh region

Alexander Klopov, head of the FSB Directorate for the Voronezh region, said: “The level of readiness is high. But we understand that our opponents act skillfully and creatively. There are trained specialists there. We are developing such models in order to anticipate such situations.”

The Board of Trustees of Fakel also included: Chairman of the Voronezh Regional Court Vitaly Bogomolov, Head of the regional department of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation Sergei Dukanov, Deputy of the State Duma Yuri Isaev, Head of the FSB Directorate for the Voronezh Region Alexander Klopov, Chairman of the Voronezh Regional Duma Vladimir Klyuchnikov, Mayor of Voronezh Sergei Koliukh, Chairman Voronezh Regional Trade Union Council Alexey Ovchinnikov, Head of the Voronezh Region Central Internal Affairs Directorate Oleg Khotin, Chief Federal Inspector for the Voronezh Region Sergei Chaban, Regional Prosecutor Nikolai Shishkin.

The regional prosecutor's office hosted ceremonial events dedicated to the celebration of the 290th anniversary of the Russian prosecutor's office

Governor Alexey Gordeev, Chairman of the Voronezh Regional Duma Vladimir Klyuchnikov, and heads of law enforcement agencies of the region took part in the ceremonial meeting.

Alexey Gordeev congratulated the head of the FSB department for the Voronezh region on his anniversary

Today the head of the FSB department for the Voronezh region, Alexander Klopov, celebrates his anniversary. In this regard, the governor of the region, Alexey Gordeev, congratulated him on this holiday. As the press service of the regional government told the correspondent, the congratulations, in particular, say:

Alexander Klopov, head of the Russian Federal Security Service for the Voronezh region: “We haven’t had such models yet, but we must look forward, consider possible options for such terrorist threats. But, based on the situation that previously developed in the Voronezh region, and which are predicted, such terrorist threats are possible.”

A friendly match between teams of special services veterans will take place in Voronezh

In Voronezh, a meeting was held between the regional governor Alexei Gordeev and the Deputy FSB of the Russian Federation, Colonel General Viktor Komogorov, and the head of the Main Directorate for Special Programs of the President of the Russian Federation (GUSP) Alexander Tsarenko. The head of the Russian FSB Directorate for the Voronezh Region, Major General Alexander Klopov, also took part in the meeting.

No one is forgotten, nothing is forgotten. Invisible War

The hard times of war have passed into history, but those who fought in this invisible war are still alive, daily, hourly obtaining intelligence data about the enemy. The other day, the head of the Russian FSB Directorate for the Voronezh Region, Major General Alexander Klopov, presented veteran security officers who went through the harsh trials of the Great Patriotic War with commemorative medals dedicated to the 65th anniversary of the Victory. Presenting memorable awards of the Motherland, the head of the FSB heartily congratulated the veterans, their families and friends, wished them human happiness, peaceful skies, prosperity and good health!


Chapter 1. Theoretical and methodological aspects of improving the content of professional training of security officers to ensure anti-terrorist and anti-sabotage security in Russia

1.3. Conceptual provisions for constructing a model of a system for improving the training of FSB service officers to ensure anti-terrorism and anti-sabotage security of scientific and industrial facilities in Russia

Chapter 2. Technological approaches to the implementation of the special course “Improving the system of physical protection of scientific and industrial objects of Russia in connection with their sabotage and terrorist vulnerability” and experimental testing of the experiment results

2.1. Designing the content of a professional development course for FSB officers in physical protection and security of enterprises, organizations and methods of its implementation

2.2. Experimental methodology and results of experimental work

Conclusion 1 97

Literature 1"

Introduction to the work

The relevance of research. The exacerbation of sabotage and terrorist threats in Russia, associated with separatist and ethno-confessional manifestations, the criminalization of economic relations and the sharp socio-economic stratification of society, dictate the need to improve, and in some areas develop measures of anti-terrorism and anti-sabotage protection (ATPDZ) of scientific and industrial facilities in Russia, adequate to the emerging socio-political and socio-economic realities, as well as the nature of sabotage and terrorist threats to the security of facilities.

An analysis of activities in the field of anti-terrorism and anti-sabotage protection shows that among the subjects of sabotage and terrorist threats, which includes state and authorized units of protected objects, one of the main subjects of the fight against terrorism is the Federal Security Service of Russia. In accordance with the concept of national security of the Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of December 17, 1997 No. 1300, employees of the Federal Security Service are given a fundamentally new task - to purposefully improve professional training to ensure anti-terrorism and anti-sabotage security of scientific and industrial facilities in Russia.

Noting the undoubted value of the developed fundamental research on the problem of improving the system of advanced training for employees of state law enforcement agencies of Russia, which reveals the theoretical, methodological, psychological, pedagogical and regulatory foundations of professional psychological training of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for official work in extreme conditions (L.M. Abolin, T.K. Akhayan, N.A. Minzhanov, N.M. Silkin, S.I. Yarkova, etc.), developed a theory and methodology for designing the content of a system of fundamental, technical disciplines and humanitarian knowledge in the professional development of security service engineering officers (V.I. Romanov, S.V. Ochirov), an information and didactic base was created to improve the professional training of FSB officers to ensure anti-terrorist and anti-sabotage protection of border resort zones of the Russian Federation (Kostyrenko V.N.). It should be recognized that the current stage of development of the system of advanced training for employees of state law enforcement agencies in Russia requires a deep, comprehensive analysis of the accumulated experience and theoretical approaches in finding ways to improve the professional training of officers.

All this poses new challenges for the security service of our country, which in turn actualize the problem of improving the professional training of Russian security service officers, who are active subjects in the system of anti-terrorism and anti-sabotage protection of Russian security.

The relevance of the problem becomes obvious in the light of recent events related to the exacerbation of sabotage and terrorist threats, when the priority tasks for ensuring the security of Russia include the following issues: preventing and suppressing emergency situations, terrorist and sabotage actions at strategic sites and against civilians; suppression of illicit trafficking in nuclear materials, export of technologies, weapons and military equipment.

A preliminary analysis of the state of the problem of improving the professional training of security service officers allowed us to identify the following shortcomings: the discrepancy between the content of the professional training of security service officers and the emerging socio-political and socio-economic situation in Russia, associated with the exacerbation of sabotage and terrorist threats; conservatism of curricula and methods, shortage of qualified personnel, weak material and technical base; lack of a systematic approach to the analysis and assessment of the sufficiency of measures for the physical protection and protection of scientific and industrial facilities from sabotage and terrorist threats of an internal and external nature; insufficient study of the criminological aspects and conflictological preconditions of sabotage and terrorist manifestations in relation to the security of Russia, the most characteristic objects of sabotage and terrorist threats, the features of standard models describing options for the implementation of sabotage and terrorist actions.

The above shortcomings are aggravated by a number of contradictions, among which the most significant are: the need to develop a new educational paradigm for the training of Russian security service officers and the insufficient development of the theoretical and methodological aspects of this process; the requirement for the adequacy of the development and functioning of the system for advanced training of FSB officers in accordance with the socio-economic situation in Russia and the conservatism inherent in this system, which does not allow full use of the capabilities of advanced innovative technologies; the need to develop a range of models for planning and implementing sabotage and terrorist actions that describe in detail the actions of potential violators, and the insufficient level of professional training of security officers in the field of modeling sabotage and terrorist manifestations in relation to scientific and industrial facilities in Russia. The listed shortcomings and identified contradictions made it possible to formulate the research problem: how and under what conditions can we ensure adequate development and functioning of the system for advanced training of security officers in the current socio-political and socio-economic situation in Russia, associated with the exacerbation of sabotage and terrorist threats?

Objective requirements for improving the professional training of Russian security service officers and the insufficient development of the theoretical-methodological and organizational-methodological foundations for its implementation determined the choice and relevance of the topic of this study: “The pedagogical process of improving the professional training of FSB officers to ensure the security of strategic objects.”

Purpose of the study: improving the quality of professional training of security officers in the context of exacerbation of sabotage and terrorist threats in Russia based on the use of a systematic approach to the design of innovative pedagogical technologies in the educational process.

Object of study: pedagogical system for improving the professional training of Russian security service officers.

Subject of research: the pedagogical process of improving the professional training of FSB officers to ensure the security of strategic facilities.

The hypothesis of the study is that the process of improving the professional training of security service officers will be effective if the development and functioning of the system for advanced training of security service officers is adequate to the modern socio-political and socio-economic situation in Russia, associated with the exacerbation of sabotage terrorist threats; theoretically substantiate, develop and experimentally test in the educational process an innovative didactic system for improving the professional training of an FSB officer, aimed at preventing and neutralizing sabotage and terrorist threats in Russia; - in the process of implementing a system for improving the professional training of security officers, carry out modeling of sabotage and terrorist manifestations using the entire range of models for planning and implementing sabotage and terrorist actions as basic tools; The main goal of the didactic system is to develop the readiness of Russian security service officers for professional activities in extreme conditions. The purpose and hypothesis of the study led to the formulation of the following research objectives:

1) Determine the theoretical prerequisites for improving the professional training of security officers aimed at developing measures for anti-terrorist and anti-sabotage protection of scientific and industrial facilities in Russia.

To substantiate conceptual provisions and design a spatial-temporal model of a system for improving the professional training of Russian security service officers.

Develop technological approaches to implement systems for improving the professional training of security officers, allowing for the modeling of sabotage and terrorist* actions in order to prevent and neutralize them.

To develop system diagnostics of the level formed by the readiness of Russian security service officers for professional activities in extreme conditions.

The methodological basis of the research is: a general philosophical systematic approach based on searching and finding the whole characteristics of the studied pedagogical facts and phenomena; the concept of a person-oriented and person-activity approach to the learning process; dialectical method of cognition of the processes of reality; the phenomenon of continuity; the doctrine of development, which determines the movement from the old qualitative state to the new; theory of formation

Research methods: a set of complementary research methods was selected: theoretical analysis literature; generalization of pedagogical experience; modeling; analysis and synthesis; abstraction; forecasting, methods of induction and deduction; analysis of curriculum structures, content of programs, textbooks; Participant observation of the cultural process and phenomena; studying the products of activity; expert assessment and self-assessment; generalization of independent characteristics; questionnaires and interviews; pedagogical experiment, mathematical methods.

The experimental basis for the study was the system of advanced training for FSB officers Samara region, as well as the Tolyatti security service.

About 100 officers, teachers, and more than 30 heads of the security service system of the cities of Samara, Togliatti, Ulyanovsk, Penza and Saratov regions took part in the experimental work.

Stages of research. The study was carried out over ten years and consisted of three stages.

The first stage (1994-1997) is pilot-search: inclusion in research activities to develop a system for advanced training of security service workers, where the author first worked as an officer of the FSB department of the city of Samara, and then as a deputy head of the department of the FSB of the Samara region. Socio-economic, historical, philosophical, psychological and pedagogical literature was studied, which made it possible to outline the parameters of the study and the state of the problem in existing theory and practice, a categorical research apparatus was formed, a survey of engineering officers and teachers was conducted; empirical material was accumulated for use at the next stage of research work.

The second stage (1997-1999) is theoretical and methodological: on the basis of accumulated empirical material, a system for improving the professional training of security service officers was developed - the anti-terrorism and anti-sabotage protection program (ATPDZ) in the professional development of officers, concepts were developed to enhance the effectiveness of the training process through appropriate the content of management activities, the theoretical foundations of the integrative approach to the content of the advanced training system, training programs that were adapted and adjusted during the actual educational process, the planned elements of the control experiment were filmed, the results of which were reflected in the relevant publications.

The third stage (1999-2004) is an experimental-resulting one, which was characterized by the implementation of a system for improving the professional training of security officers to ensure anti-terrorist and anti-sabotage protection of facilities in Russia. At this stage, there was a multi-aspect test of the put forward hypothesis, during which ways and means of increasing the efficiency of the system being developed were tested, and the tasks posed for scientific research were solved; the corresponding conceptual apparatus was worked out; experimental materials were processed, conditions were created (socio-economic, psychological-pedagogical, methodological, managerial, organizational, etc.) to ensure the functioning, development of ways and means that contribute to increasing the efficiency of training of officer-engineers in the advanced training system, the text was compiled in literature dissertation and preliminary examination was carried out.

The scientific novelty of the study lies in the fact that for the first time: the object of special pedagogical research is the system of advanced training for FSB officers to ensure anti-terrorism and anti-sabotage security of scientific and industrial facilities in Russia; the concept of improving the professional training of security service officers has been implemented, which presupposes the adequate development and functioning of the system for advanced training of FSB officers in the current socio-political and socio-economic situation in Russia, as well as the nature of sabotage and terrorist threats to the security of Russia; the problem of designing the content of a professionally oriented special course “Improving the system of physical protection of scientific and industrial facilities in Russia in connection with their sabotage and terrorist vulnerability” was solved at the scientific, theoretical and practical levels, in which the basic source of knowledge is the modeling of sabotage and terrorist actions against scientific objects and industry of Russia; A system diagnostic has been developed that determines the level of readiness of Russian security service officers for professional activities in extreme conditions.

The theoretical significance of the dissertation research lies in the fact that the concept of improving the professional training of security service officers is substantiated, ensuring the professional readiness of law enforcement agencies for work in extreme conditions, the theoretical, methodological, psychological, pedagogical and regulatory frameworks for the professional training of FSB officers to ensure anti-terrorism are identified. and anti-sabotage security of Russia, the possibility of using advanced innovative technologies is substantiated, where the basic source of knowledge is the modeling of sabotage and terrorist manifestations in relation to scientific and industrial facilities in Russia.

The set of highlighted provisions makes a significant contribution to the theory and methodology of improving the professional training of law enforcement officers in accordance with the socio-political and socio-economic situation, as well as the nature of sabotage and terrorist threats to the security of Russia.

The practical significance of the study lies in the fact that: the developed technological approaches for implementing a system for improving the professional training of Russian security service officers make it possible to simulate sabotage and terrorist actions in order to prevent and neutralize them; an information and didactic base has been created to improve the professional training of security service officers, the basis of which is a special course “Improving the system of physical protection of scientific and industrial facilities in Russia in connection with their sabotage and terrorist vulnerability”; The developed methods of standardized programs make it possible to use a wide range of models for planning and implementing sabotage and terrorist actions” that describe the actions of potential external and internal violators. The reliability and validity of the research results are ensured by the adequacy of the initial methodological positions of the research, reliance on philosophical foundations, psychological and pedagogical positions, a historical approach, and a critical analysis of the existing content of advanced training; long-term organizational and scientific activity of the applicant as deputy head of the FSB of the Samara region, head of the security service of Tolyatti, organizer of experimental work; making appropriate corrections both in the formulation of the working hypothesis and in various aspects of the experimental work; representativeness of the sample population of officers participating in the experimental work; implementation of the objectives set in the study; continuation of current research work; the possibility of extrapolating the results obtained in experimental work to other departments of the FSB; comparison of the obtained data with mass practice.

Testing and implementation of research results. The main provisions and results of the study were presented at scientific-methodological, educational-methodological, scientific-practical, interuniversity and international conferences: "Problems of training and education of FSB officers in modern conditions" (Moscow, 1999), "Concept of staffing in the federal security service" (2000, 2003), “Innovative programs in the training of security officers” (Saratov, 2001). “Development of programs for training and education of management personnel in the bodies of the FSB” (Samara, 2001), “Introduction of modern programs for training and education of the reserve for promotion (managerial personnel)” (Samara, 2002).

The results of the study were presented at a meeting of the Department of Pedagogy, Psychology and Teaching Methods of Togliatti state university, where they received a positive rating.

The following are submitted for defense:

1. The concept of improving the professional training of Russian security service officers.

This concept involves ensuring adequate development and functioning of a system for advanced training of security service personnel in the modern socio-political and socio-economic situation in Russia, associated with the exacerbation of sabotage and terrorist threats.

2. Methodology for selecting and designing the content of a professionally oriented special course “Improving the system of physical protection of scientific and industrial facilities in Russia in connection with their sabotage and terrorist vulnerability.”

Methodological approaches to content design are: a systematic approach, which made it possible to identify and justify the structure and content of professional training for security officers; an integrative approach that ensures the use of a wide range of models for planning, implementation, prevention and neutralization of sabotage and terrorist actions against industrial and scientific facilities in Russia as basic sources of knowledge.

3. Technological support for the system for improving the professional training of security officers.

Based on the conceptual provisions and requirements of the system-forming factor - the principle of integration of legal, psychological, pedagogical and special knowledge, an indicative basis for the technological support of the system has been determined, including a rational choice of methods, forms and means of training, ensuring the improvement of the system for advanced training of security officers in the development of anti-terrorist and anti-sabotage protection of scientific and industrial facilities in Russian zones.

4. Systematic diagnostics of the level of professional readiness of federal security service employees for work activities in extreme conditions.

The system of quality indicators of the developed technological approaches includes parameters of assimilation, fundamentality, scientific character, automaticity, psychological readiness for official activities and efficiency. Collation of these differential indicators gives an integral indicator of the professional readiness of an FSB officer for official work in extreme conditions.

The structure of the dissertation is determined by the logic and sequence of solving research problems. The dissertation consists of an Introduction, 2 chapters, a Conclusion, a bibliographic list of references of 196 titles, contains 9 figures and 18 tables. The total volume of work is 132 pages of typewritten text.





1.1. The main prerequisites for acts of sabotage and terrorism against objects of science and industry in Russia

Among this kind of threats, we should first of all highlight separatist and ethno-confessional manifestations, criminalization of economic relations and sharp socio-economic stratification of society (Figure 1.1). Internal and external threats of this type can manifest themselves in the form of illegal actions that pose a threat to the normal functioning of objects that are important from the point of view of the interests of society and the state. Among them, sabotage and terrorist actions against industrial, scientific, energy and life support facilities pose a particular danger. This is especially typical for large cities, therefore, the security service must be prepared to prevent and eliminate them.

Threats to life and normal functioning of scientific and industrial facilities in Russia

Separatist manifestations

Ethno-confessional manifestations

Criminalization of economic relations

Sharp socio-economic stratification of society

Manifestation of internal and external threats in the form of sabotage and terrorist actions against Russian scientific and industrial facilities

Gang formations

Single offender

Sabotage and terrorist group

Consequences of sabotage and terrorist actions \*

Deprivation of large groups of the population

Intensifying* psychosis in society

Pollution environment

Death of people

Interruption of the normal functioning of enterprises and organizations

Undermining trust in authorities i

Rns. 1.1. Sabotage and terrorist threats in Russia.

From a criminological point of view, sabotage and terrorist threats against recreational facilities, infrastructure and local industry should be considered as a consequence of the clash of political and economic interests of various social groups, as well as an illegal way to resolve emerging contradictions and crises. Sabotage and terrorist actions carried out at potentially dangerous facilities and life support facilities can lead to catastrophic emergency situations associated with loss of life and environmental pollution, as well as hardships imposed on large groups of the population, and interruption of the normal functioning of enterprises and organizations. In addition, such actions are fraught with the escalation of psychosis in society and undermining trust in the authorities.

To develop the content of the system for advanced training of FSB officers, a strategic vision of the problem as a whole is necessary. Analysis of sabotage and terrorist activities from the conception of a sabotage and terrorist action to its implementation reveals a number of levels of this activity and allows us to determine the specifics of emerging sabotage and terrorist threats (Figure 1.2). Performers of specific actions in this series can generally be designated as subjects of sabotage and terrorist threats. The forces and means at the disposal of subjects of sabotage and terrorist threats, and the tactics of their actions, which are described using models of the violator and standard models for carrying out sabotage and terrorist actions, largely determine the specifics and directions of activity for ATPDZ of objects. All this must be implemented in the content of the system for advanced training of security officers working in large industrial cities.

Subjects of sabotage and terrorist threats

Government bodies

Government of the Russian Federation; executive authorities (FSB, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Foreign Intelligence Service, Federal Security Service, Ministry of Defense, Federal Border Guard Service of Russia).

Authorized divisions of protected objects operating organizations; property owners; control and supervisory authorities. » Regulatory, legal and organizational support for ATPDZ Ts. J of industrial and scientific objects in Russia * National Security Concept of the Russian Federation

Federal Law,j On the fight against terrorism 11

Resolution "On measures to counter terrorism

Federal Law "On Departmental Security"

Federal Anti-Terrorism Commission headed by the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation

Activities implemented within the framework of various protective security systems in Russia

Legal, organizational, financial and economic measures of the first type - ensuring physical security objects

Legal, organizational, financial and economic measures of the second type - information security objects

Figure 1.2. System of measures for anti-terrorism and anti-sabotage protection of facilities in Russia (ATPDZ).

An analysis of activities in the field of ATPDZ shows that the subjects of ATPDZ include government bodies and authorized units of protected objects, endowed with various functions and competencies.

The Government of the Russian Federation and the executive authorities designated by it (according to Article 6 of the Federal Law "On the Fight against Terrorism", the FSB of Russia, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, the SVR of Russia, the FSO of Russia, the Ministry of Defense of Russia, the FPS of Russia, as well as other control and supervisory authorities) are the main actors in the fight against terrorism. They are responsible for identifying and neutralizing carriers (subjects) of sabotage and terrorist threats, as well as for developing and implementing regulatory, organizational, operational, special and other measures to protect objects.

Federal ministries and departments in charge of protected objects, control and supervisory authorities, operating organizations and owners of objects develop specific measures for ATPD and physical protection (FL) of groups of objects of the same type in terms of production purpose and type of hazard, and also establish requirements for protection and regime of facilities and monitor their compliance. Management and authorized units (security, security, regime) of facilities directly ensure the protection and physical security of facilities from unauthorized actions, including sabotage and terrorist actions.

Since various types of federal laws and protection (state, non-departmental, departmental, private) are already functioning in the Russian Federation, the system of ATPD of objects of industrial complexes and science should be integrated into the existing protective and security mechanisms and contribute to their improvement. This requires, firstly, clarification of the essence of the measures implemented within the framework of various protective systems, secondly, actions that threaten the safety of objects, and thirdly, the specifics of the protected elements of objects.

Measures of the first type are in the nature of ensuring the physical security of objects. These, firstly, include the actions of law enforcement agencies to identify, prevent and suppress sabotage and terrorist threats against protected objects, creating conditions in the environment of objects that complicate the implementation of sabotage and terrorist actions (for example, making it difficult to access the objects themselves , as well as the means and instruments necessary for their implementation, increasing the vigilance of the population, etc.). Secondly, they include actions to protect objects taken directly by the management and owners of objects within the legal framework established by the state.

Measures of the second type can be conventionally designated as measures of information protection of objects (measures to protect information about critical elements and vulnerabilities of protected objects, about the object’s protection system, measures of information warfare with a potential enemy).

An analysis of the essence of the problem of ATPDZ of objects of industrial complexes shows that its solution comes down to solving the following main tasks: determining the specifics of sabotage and terrorist threats to objects of industrial complexes, determining approaches to developing a model of an intruder and a standard model for carrying out a sabotage and terrorist action, their formalization for objects various types; identifying typical objects that need ATPD and developing their classification, which is fruitful from the point of view of planning and implementation of protective measures; formation of goals, objectives and directions of activity of the ATPD system of industrial complexes, which should be presented in the form of a set of measures implemented by the state and its bodies, and a set of measures carried out by the management of the protected object; development of approaches to the organization of the Federal Law of objects of industrial complexes using the forces and means of their security and safety departments, determination of directions for improving the Federal Law of objects, including by standardizing the requirements for Federal Law for objects of various types; - determination of the most appropriate forms in modern conditions participation of the state in the development and implementation of security measures at industrial complexes and recreation areas for citizens.

As part of the dissertation, we needed to study the regulatory, legal and organizational support for ATPD of objects. industrial complexes in the Russian Federation.

The Russian Federation has a complex system of legal regulation to ensure the security of potential targets of sabotage and terrorist attacks. The basic document on the basis of which the ATPD strategy for industrial complexes is developed is the Concept of National Security of the Russian Federation, approved by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation.

M walkie-talkie dated December 17, 1997 No. 1300 (as amended by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated March 10, 2000 No. 24). The Federal Law “On the Fight against Terrorism” (No. 130-F3 dated July 25, 1998) defines the legal and organizational framework for countering terrorist threats in Russia, however, issues of anti-terrorist protection of important facilities are mentioned in it in the most general form. This problem is discussed in more detail in regulations that establish the tasks and functions of subjects of anti-terrorist and anti-sabotage activities (including security units and protection of protected objects). Thus, after the armed aggression of the Wahhabis against Dagestan and the implementation of a series of explosions of residential buildings, the Government of the Russian Federation adopted resolution No. 1040 dated September 15, 1999 “On measures to counter terrorism”, in which the federal executive authorities obliged to develop and approve plans within 3 days measures to ensure the sustainable operation of industrial, transport, communications, nuclear, fuel and energy and food complexes. To coordinate the activities of federal executive authorities and executive authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation to counter terrorism, an Interdepartmental Operational Headquarters was formed, headed by the Minister of Internal Affairs. At the same time, since January 16, 1997, the Interdepartmental Anti-Terrorism Commission has existed and functioned in the country (since November 6, 1998, in accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1032, the Federal Anti-Terrorism Commission), now headed by the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation.

Federal Law No. 116-FZ of 1997 "On industrial safety hazardous production facilities" establishes a number of responsibilities of operating organizations and facility owners that are directly related to the ATPD of potentially hazardous production facilities. Thus, the law provides for the implementation of measures to prevent unauthorized persons from entering a hazardous production facility, studying the causes of an incident at a hazardous production facility and taking measures to eliminate these causes and prevent similar incidents.

Federal Law of April 14, 1999 No. 77-FZ “On Departmental Security” prescribes the protection of protected objects from illegal attacks, that is, to solve the problems of ensuring access and intra-facility regimes at protected objects, as well as to prevent and suppress crimes and administrative offenses at protected objects. Ministries and departments that have facilities that require security, and which are allowed to have departmental security in accordance with the established procedure, create security units, the regulations of which are approved by the Government of the Russian Federation. The implementation of the provisions and requirements of the law “On Departmental Security”, the use by departmental security officers of the rights and opportunities granted to them create the necessary prerequisites for solving the problems of preventing sabotage and terrorist attacks on industrial, scientific and recreational facilities.

Consideration of the available materials on sabotage and terrorist manifestations in relation to objects of protection allows us to draw the following conclusions: - the nature and number of threats are directly related to the socio-political and economic situation both in the country and in the world; The greatest threat to potentially dangerous objects comes from forces associated with national separatist and religious extremist circles.

Some of the reasons and prerequisites for technological terrorism can be mentioned: the global trend towards an increase in the number of manifestations of various types and forms of terrorism. Terrorist acts have become more brutal, often directed against large groups of the population and more carefully prepared, as a result of which about 90% of terrorist attacks achieve their goal to some extent; interethnic conflicts on Russian territory with the participation of illegal armed groups; the lack of an adequate level of border security in Russia, the presence of hotbeds of tension, conflict zones and armed clashes directly near the Russian borders; - lack of regulation of the complex of legal issues of countering terrorism at potentially dangerous facilities and at life support facilities; deterioration of the general crime situation in the country, intensification of organized crime associated with the illegal acquisition or theft of explosives, radioactive substances and sources of ionizing radiation, chemical and biological agents.

Conflictological causes and prerequisites for sabotage and terrorist acts against objects of science and industry in Russia, given the very high probability of successful implementation of planned actions, require special study. The result of this study should be conclusions about social and political risk groups from which threats of sabotage and terrorist manifestations may emanate. In relation to the relevant groups, the most extensive intelligence, counterintelligence and, if necessary, preventive measures should be planned and implemented to prevent and deter the possibility of forceful resolution of emerging conflicts.

Thus, the exacerbation of sabotage and terrorist threats in Russia, associated with separatist and ethno-confessional manifestations, the criminalization of economic relations and the sharp socio-economic stratification of society, dictate the need to improve, and in some areas develop measures for anti-terrorism and anti-sabotage protection of scientific and industrial facilities in Russia, adequate to the emerging socio-political and socio-economic realities, as well as the nature of sabotage and terrorist threats to the security of facilities. All this poses new challenges for the security service of our country, which in turn actualize the problem of improving the professional training of Russian security service officers, who are active subjects in the system of anti-terrorism and anti-sabotage protection of Russian security.

1.2. Professional development of security officers as a research problem in pedagogical science

Turning to the problem of designing a system for improving the professional training of security service engineering officers, it is necessary to dwell on the analysis of the general problems of professional development of subjects of terrorist and sabotage threats. This is necessary both according to the logic of the dissertation research itself, and during the search for the theoretical foundation of our work.

Let us note that the vast majority of studies of pedagogical problems on military topics do not touch upon the topic of the dissertation that we have identified, although they analyze its individual aspects. Thus, in the doctoral dissertation of Mnnzhanova N.A. defended in 1998. “The pedagogical system of professional and psychological training of students of educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs to perform official tasks in special conditions (based on the Republic of Kazakhstan)” examines the general pedagogical aspect of this problem. In the course of the study, the author revealed the theoretical, methodological, psychological, pedagogical and regulatory foundations of professional psychological training for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

For our research, the conclusion of N.A. Minzhanov was interesting. that the lack of professional and psychological preparedness is a hidden and dangerous defect that can, in complex and dangerous situations of operational activity, lead to failure, mistakes and death of employees and citizens. Therefore, it is necessary to improve the pedagogical system of professional and psychological training of students for actions in special conditions during classes in physical, fire, tactical and special training, psychology and pedagogy in the activities of police officers.

Among the components of professional psychological preparedness, preference should be given to the formation of professional psychological stability, professional psychological qualities, and professional psychological skills.

Further, the author notes that the theory and practice of the development and use of pedagogical learning technologies force us to take a fresh look at the problems of university pedagogy. The traditional educational process in professional psychological training is mainly based on the intuition and experience of teachers of educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, without the necessary scientific analysis. Moreover, the majority of teachers at educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs do not feel the need for such an analysis at all. Modernity presupposes the mandatory introduction into educational practice of scientifically based and experimentally tested didactic innovations, which represent an important source of progress in learning; they contribute to breaking behavioral stereotypes.

This can be achieved by intensifying the training process of educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. It is necessary to make certain changes to curricula and programs, taking into account the theoretical justification and practical usefulness of various disciplines, using pedagogical teaching technologies to construct a system of professional and psychological training of employees for actions in special conditions. The systematic approach covers the main aspects of developing a training system - from setting goals and designing the educational process to its testing and dissemination; using methods of pedagogical teaching technologies to improve the training process, which covers the main aspects of the pedagogical training system - from setting goals and designing the educational process to its pedagogical control.

The methodology of pedagogical technology for professional and psychological preparation of employees for actions in special conditions should contain the main points: general setting of the learning goal - the transition from a general formulation of the goal to its specification - a set of educational procedures in the form of repetition of a segment of the educational process aimed at a given goal, with some variations educational procedures. Thanks to this structure, the educational process acquires a “modular” character, consisting of separate blocks, units that are filled with different content, but have a common structure.

It is necessary, using test-training programs (CTP) on computers, to evaluate the knowledge and skills of students acquired in the process of professional psychological training. Test assignments should cover the entire course of learning. Assessment using tests plays an operational role feedback and facilitates the consistent orientation of learning towards intended goals.

Increasing the technological effectiveness of the educational process is impossible without preliminary rigorous study of the progress of this process, its comprehensive study from the point of view of the correspondence of the results to the set goals, as well as taking into account the possibility of managing it depending on the situations that arise during the learning process.

From the work of N.A. Minzhanov we can use the modular training method, proven by the author as an effective one, in the system of professional development of security service engineering officers. Strengthening the author’s conclusions with our own research, we present a generalized assessment of the professional and pedagogical effectiveness of the training of security service officers of the Samara region on the use of the principles of theoretical generalizations and the block-modular method in the system of improving their qualifications in technical disciplines and the humanitarian and cultural cycle. Table 1.1 summarizes the results expert assessments knowledge of engineering officers, given to them by university teachers who conducted classes in the advanced training system.

Table 1.1

Expert assessment of the professional and psychological effectiveness of classes in technical disciplines and the humanitarian and cultural cycle

Five pedagogical criteria for the professional-psychological effectiveness of classes (professional-psychological focus, professional-psychological intensity, professional-psychological density, professional-psychological reality, professional-psychological effectiveness), productive for their preparation, conduct and evaluation, provide a clear picture of the training of engineering officers in the system of improving their qualifications. Without dwelling in more detail on the analysis of N.A. Minzhanov’s doctoral dissertation, we note that it was carried out within the framework of general pedagogy and therefore does not provide specific methods for designing the content of a particular theoretical course.

Considering the theoretical, methodological, psychological, pedagogical and normative aspects of professional and psychological training of employees of state law enforcement agencies, we will focus on the dissertation research of Yarkov SI., dedicated to the psychological and pedagogical aspects of the formation of the personality of an employee of internal affairs bodies. In his research, the dissertation examines one of the areas for increasing professional level law enforcement officer, namely the introduction of a training and education system that would provide for the formation of standard knowledge and skills among employees and early professional orientation of young people to work in internal affairs bodies. Theoretical and practical significance of the study of Yarkov SI. determines: an analysis of the professional preparedness of employees of internal affairs bodies, identified factors and criteria influencing the formation of psychological and pedagogical skills of employees of internal affairs bodies; identified psychological and pedagogical conditions that ensure high professionalism of employees of internal affairs bodies; certain rational pedagogical conditions and technologies for professional training and education of employees of internal affairs bodies.

In the dissertation research of Yarkov SI. issues such as personnel selection in internal affairs bodies, conflicts in the activities and communication of employees of internal affairs bodies, organization and methodology of practical training, formation and development of professional and psychological qualities are studied. When studying the psychological and pedagogical conditions for the formation of the personality of an internal affairs officer, the dissertation examines the issues of motivation for professional choice and professional selection of employees of internal affairs bodies, while determining the main objective professional selection and modern techniques professional diagnostics, the main functions that characterize the psychological and pedagogical side of the activity of an employee of internal affairs bodies are highlighted. Based on the concept of a dynamic personality structure, the dissertation outlines the substructures of the personality of an operational authorized criminal investigation inspector, forming a model.

In the work of Yarko SI. shown to be most susceptible to change personal formations related to the highest levels of personality: its socially determined properties (system of values, beliefs, interests, etc.); individually acquired experience (knowledge, abilities, skills, habits, general intelligence); professional abilities. The combination of these personal characteristics predetermines the social significance of the employee’s personality and largely ensures the effectiveness of the professional activities of employees of internal affairs bodies.

These personality characteristics are plastic; they can be successfully formed in the desired direction during rationally organized professional training. At the same time, the educational process must meet the following requirements: provide employees with a system of professional knowledge, skills and abilities; to form the basic psychological and pedagogical qualities of the employee’s personality; instill a positive and creative attitude towards professional work.

Thus, the dissertation author defines the goal of training and education of employees of internal affairs bodies as the formation of professional activity with all its structural and functional features. To achieve this goal, the author has developed a concept for the formation and development of the personality of an internal affairs officer, the core of which is the regional thesaurus of the specialist model.

Naturally, in developing the topic of the dissertation research, we needed to analyze those dissertations and monographs that corresponded to one degree or another with our work. Emerging in last years interest in studying the problems of advanced training for teachers of all forms of the education system, including officer-engineers of security services, is primarily due to the desire to find ways to increase the efficiency of the functioning of these forms of study. As I.P. Kuzmin correctly notes in his work, “... the transition period on the path from directive management to free market regulation revealed to the utmost severity the problem of functional illiteracy of many categories of workers” [Kuzmin I.P., 1996]. He also notes that “... the revival of the education system and the training of a competitive specialist require increasing human resources through a system of continuous professional education, including postgraduate education.”

Problems of improving the professional qualifications of security service employees for a long time remained little studied due to the specific closed nature of these institutions. Meanwhile, it should be noted that there are a number of dissertation studies that solve, within the framework of existing and developing directions in psychological and pedagogical science, problems associated with improving the professional training of Russian security service officers.

Thus, S.F. Ochirov’s dissertation research “Methodology for designing the content of a system for advanced training of security service officers” is devoted to improving the system for improving the professional qualifications of security service officers, its development and formation. This paper notes that the existing danger of the Russian state losing the high professional qualifications of federal security service engineering officers and reducing their level of education necessitates a priority solution to the problems of improving the qualifications of FSB officers and abandoning traditional stereotypes of training in closed security service institutions. All this puts among the highest priority research the development of theory and methodology for designing the content of a system of fundamental, technical disciplines and humanitarian knowledge in the professional development of security service engineering officers. In this work, based on a study of the state of the problem of researching advanced training systems in pedagogical science and practice, the essential and specific characteristics of the content design methodology are determined various systems advanced training; identified geopolitical, sociocultural signs of the need to develop the theory and methodology for designing the content of the system for advanced training of security officers of the Russian security service, as well as the structural and functional components of the content of fundamental, technical disciplines and humanitarian knowledge as the basis for the effective operation of the entire system of advanced training for security service officers-engineers; methodological and conceptual foundations have been developed scientific research, integral content has been developed in the form of separate projects of the program of fundamental, technical disciplines and humanitarian knowledge;

4) a pilot test was carried out to test the effectiveness of the developed methodology for improving the content of the system for advanced training of security service officer-engineers.

The basis for the development of the concept of strengthening the fundamental, technical, professional orientation and the block of humanitarian knowledge in the content of the system of advanced training for security service engineering officers was the most relevant general pedagogical and general psychological theories that reveal the role and place of engineer officers in the system of advanced training; the theoretical basis for building a system of fundamental, technical disciplines and humanitarian knowledge in the professional development of security service engineering officers, the educational possibility of humanitarian knowledge, in the process of which moral and volitional character traits are formed, career guidance problems in terms of their influence on the formation of life plans of engineer officers; an activity-personal approach in the educational process, requiring a holistic impact on the intellectual, emotional and practical spheres of life of officer-engineers, a systematic approach to the pedagogical phenomenon.

The dissertation research of V.N. Kostyrenko is devoted to the development of the theory and methodology for designing the content of the system for improving the professional qualifications of FSB officers for life support in the border-resort zones of our country.

Noting the undoubted theoretical and practical significance of V.N. Kostyrenko’s dissertation research, it should be noted that this is the first study devoted to improving the professional qualifications of Russian security service employees in the life support of border resort areas of Russia, which examines the concept of development of the resort area of ​​Greater Sochi and the main problems FSB bodies to ensure normal life and protection from terrorism and sabotage.

To develop the content of the advanced training system, the author examined the strategic vision of the problem as a whole. In this regard, an analysis of sabotage and terrorist activities was carried out (from the concept of a sabotage and terrorist action to its implementation, which reveals a number of levels of this activity and allows us to determine the specifics of emerging sabotage and terrorist threats.

Analysis of studies on the construction of models for the content of the pedagogical system for improving the professional qualifications of FSB employees for life support in border resort areas of Russia allowed the author to determine both the structure of the model and its main components.

For the system of advanced training of security personnel, a model of anti-terrorist and industrial protection of resort complexes and border zones is presented. This is, in essence, the entire range of measures taken by both government agencies and the management of facilities to protect them from sabotage and terrorist threats. At the same time, protective measures are aimed both at directly fencing the object (preventing and suppressing sabotage and terrorist actions), and at disrupting the plans and goals of the organizers of the actions.

In this study, the theoretical validity of the concept of improving the system for selecting the content of a special life support course for border resort areas of Russia in the professional development of security service employees has been put forward, developed and experimentally confirmed. When implementing the concept of forming the optimal content of a special course, the core of theoretical knowledge and the structure of the information shell were determined; in the total volume of content, the structural components of the course are connected into a single complementary set of measures to improve the skills of security service employees.

The undoubted advantage of the work of Kostyrenko V.N. is a course structure developed at the project stage and successfully confirmed in experimental training, consisting of the following interconnected and interdependent parts: general organizational knowledge of life support in border resort areas of Russia; complex of pedagogical knowledge; block of psychological knowledge; theoretical generalizations on the methodology of teaching a special life support course; in-depth course of subject technical knowledge; theoretical generalizations on the latest achievements of science (within the framework of educational subjects).

Moreover, each part is structurally formed independently around its own core and develops its own information context.

Thus, the analysis of the essence of the problem of anti-sabotage and anti-terrorist protection of resort complexes in border zones” as well as the developed technological approaches for implementing a system for improving the professional training of officers to ensure the life safety of resort areas in Russia allowed the dissertation author to solve the following tasks: - determine the specifics of sabotage and terrorist threats to resort facilities complexes and vacationers, as well as personnel, determine approaches to developing the type of violator and a standard model for carrying out a sabotage and terrorist action, their categorization for objects of various types; identify typical objects that need ATPD and the development of their classification, effective from the point of view of planning and implementation of protective measures; to formulate the goals, objectives and directions of activity of the ATPD system of resort complexes in border zones, for which a set of measures has been developed, implemented by the state and its bodies, and a set of measures carried out by the management of the protection object; develop approaches to organizing the physical protection of resort complexes by forces and means of their security and safety units, determine directions for improving the physical protection of facilities, including ways to standardize physical protection requirements for facilities of various types; determine the most appropriate forms of state participation in the development and implementation of security measures at resort complexes in border zones in modern conditions; within the framework of the training content model, to study the regulatory, legal and organizational support for anti-sabotage and anti-terrorist protection of resort complexes in border zones in the Russian Federation.

An experimental test of technological approaches to improve the professional training of security officers was carried out in the process of developing and teaching a special anti-terrorism and anti-sabotage course for employees of the federal security service of Sochi, Krasnodar Territory.

Thus, the relevance of the above research problems related to improving the system of advanced training for Russian security service officers becomes obvious and significant in light of recent events related to the exacerbation of sabotage and terrorist threats, when issues became the priority tasks of the security service of the Russian Federation. preventing and suppressing emergency situations of terrorist and sabotage actions at strategic sites; suppression of illegal trafficking of nuclear materials, export of technologies, weapons and military equipment; fight against terrorism.

All this poses new challenges for the security service of our country, which in turn actualize the problems of improving the professional training of Russian security service officers, who are active subjects in the system of anti-terrorist and anti-sabotage protection of scientific, industrial, and recreational facilities in Russia.

We will use the developed scientific and methodological tools in the dissertation research on military issues discussed above in our dissertation research when developing a concept, space-time model and technological approaches for implementing this model in the process of improving the professional training of security officers.

1.3, Conceptual provisions for constructing a model of a system for improving the training of FSB service officers to ensure anti-terrorism and anti-sabotage security of scientific and industrial facilities in Russia. Analysis of the problem and justification of the theoretical premises of pedagogical design allow us to determine the conceptual provisions of the construction optimal model systems for improving the professional training of officers to ensure anti-terrorist and anti-sabotage security in Russia. These are: a systematic approach; integration of psychological, pedagogical, special and legal knowledge as a system-forming factor in pedagogical design, under the influence of which all components of the pedagogical system are rebuilt; a program-target approach associated with the restructuring of all components of the pedagogical system (goals, content, teaching methods, activities of teachers and students); - focus on developing the psychological preparedness of FSB officers for service activities in extreme conditions. Let us dwell in more detail on the highlighted conceptual provisions.

Integration of psychological, pedagogical, legal and special knowledge in the process of improving the professional training of security officers as a system-forming factor in pedagogical design.

The need to integrate psychological, pedagogical, legal and special knowledge in the process of improving the professional training of security officers is determined by the escalating sabotage and terrorist threats in Russia, with their new manifestations, changes in character and social danger. Under these conditions, a specialist in his professional activity cannot limit himself to using only legal and special knowledge. Psychological, pedagogical, sociological, and cultural knowledge become an integral part of his professional competence, since the professional activity of an FSB officer is a complex multi-level hierarchical structure, including homogeneous, heterogeneous and mixed functions, types of activities, professional tasks that require the specialist to synthesize interdisciplinary knowledge of psychological and pedagogical, legal and special disciplines.

Considering that the system-forming factor of our research is the integration approach to the design of technology for professional training of security officers, we will identify the theoretical and methodological foundations of integration, which is one of the fundamental concepts reflecting the patterns of combining objects of reality in the aggregate, having one or another degree of integrity.

Integration as a scientific category is a complex, branched system of signs and meanings, including various levels of connections, interconnections, interactions, etc. When revealing integration in the professional training of security officers, it is necessary to keep in mind that the structure of integration should be presented in the form of a hierarchy of certain components that are directly dependent on its main functions in the educational process. At the same time, all structural levels of this system must be closely connected and interact with each other, which presupposes the specific development of a model of its structure. In this regard, let us dwell in more detail on the structure of integration in pedagogical theory and practice, namely on its following elements: factors, levels, components, means, functions, results.

Analysis of integration factors is the starting point for the study of unifying processes in the scientific field: it is the factors that act as the initial causes, the driving forces of these processes. A productive approach involves identifying external and internal factors of scientific integration. The interrelation of sciences is determined primarily by two main factors.

The first of them represents the various needs of the social whole, its individual elements, and especially the needs of industry, management, etc.

The second one consists of “ideological” needs that arise in the depths of science itself. The first type includes the following trends in the development of pedagogical science: accumulation along the paths of analytical research of extensive empirical material that needs to be understood from a unified theoretical position; the development of “industry” pedagogies, web more urgently requiring the identification of general, invariant foundations that can serve as the basis for the development of theory and methods of personality formation in specific conditions; a change not only in the object, but also in the subject of pedagogy (they are becoming more and more hidden, deep, difficult to identify and use processes), requiring the use of the provisions and methods of many sciences; gradual understanding of the hierarchical structure of pedagogical science, its leading concepts and categories.

Externally, scientific factors of integration into pedagogy are capable of fulfilling the following practical needs: replacing particular, aspect-based, “departmental” recommendations with generalized theoretical approaches, systemic analysis of the pedagogical process; searching for ways to improve teaching in the system of continuing professional education.

Let us highlight 3 levels of knowledge integration: methodological, theoretical and practical, and dwell on their most important characteristics.

First level

Methodological synthesis is associated with the unification of concepts and universalization of methods. If we take into account that unification means bringing to unity (unity of diversity), and universalization expresses the moment of “disintegration” of unity into many functions and states (diversity of unity), then in the case of the unification of concepts and universalization of methods, we can talk about a single process of interaction between concepts and methods.

Second level

Theoretical synthesis, which is a synthesis theoretical concepts, theories, systems.

Based on the existing provisions on theoretical synthesis, we will outline its main directions:

Formation of invariant foundations of general theory in pedagogy. This process requires a deep study of all the best that has been achieved in pedagogical fields (concepts, theories, systems), the need to take into account the most important trends in the development of modern pedagogical theory and practice.

Interaction of sectoral pedagogical knowledge (this direction expresses the need to react to the differentiation of pedagogical knowledge, leading to its division into many sectors and sub-sectors).

Intra-industry synthesis (processes of integration within branches of pedagogy).

Synthesis of methodological, theoretical and methodological knowledge.

Intersystem synthesis (synthesis of didactic educational systems).

Unification of the theoretical and practical (conceptual parallelism, allowing in pedagogy the existence of two parallel moving categorical systems of reference).

Third level

Practical synthesis, which is directly related to the applied needs of pedagogical practice and is carried out at the level of pedagogical reality itself. It covers all substructures of the pedagogical process: goals, principles, content, methods, means and forms. To the maximum extent, the specificity of practical synthesis is manifested in content integration, which represents the synthesis of knowledge that occurs as part of the content of education. It includes: a) intra-subject integration - integration of knowledge within individual academic subjects; b) bi-subject integration - synthesis of facts, concepts, features, etc. two items; c) multi-subject integration - synthesis of components of three or more disciplines.

Let us define the criteria for various levels of integration in pedagogy.

1. The area of ​​functioning of knowledge synthesis in pedagogy. For the practical level, this is the pedagogical process, its components - goals, principles, methods, means and forms. For the methodological and theoretical level, these are stages of epistemological reality reflecting this process.

For the methodological level, this is a conceptual connection as a relatively autonomous process within an epistemological totality, abstracted from the actual theoretical and practical functions. For the theoretical and practical level, this is a conceptual connection, a moment, part of a broader phenomenon - the formation of a theory or the implementation of the pedagogical process. At the theoretical level, the interaction of concepts is one of many actions. At the practical level, it is a toolkit for achieving the goals of the pedagogical process.

3. The presence or absence of direct contacts between pedagogical and scientific knowledge.

At the methodological level - the presence of interdisciplinary connections of pedagogy. At the theoretical and practical level - the absence of contacts or their indirect nature.

Integration components are structural units of interaction of which ensure the receipt of the corresponding integral result.

Various combinations and variations of the components of pedagogical integration are possible: a) intrastructural integration: concepts with concepts; principles with principles; knowledge with knowledge; skills with skills, etc.; b) interstructural integration: knowledge with skills; knowledge from experience in creative activity, etc.; c) external integration: content components with certain organizational forms, methods with tools, etc.

Means of knowledge integration are ways of including students in the process of mastering integrated educational and extracurricular material (complex problematic issues, complex tasks, complex assignments). Table 1.2 presents the main means of knowledge integration occurring at the level of systems ontology and systems epistemology. Clearly, the main characteristics of the integration structure in pedagogical process presented by us in Fig. 1.3.

Table 1.2 Separation of means of knowledge integration occurring at the level of systems ontology and systems epistemology

Thus, consideration of the structure of integration in pedagogical theory and practice allows us to identify factors, levels, components, means, functions, and the result of integration and reflect them when designing an integrative technology for improving the professional training of security officers. At the same time, the main directions of integration in our dissertation research were carried out at the following level:

On the methodological level: the use of scientific ideas, developed methods, design of fundamental, special, general professional disciplines, in the development of a pedagogical concept for designing a system for improving the professional training of security officers; the use of concepts and terms from other sciences to enrich and deepen ideas about the essence of pedagogical phenomena and to designate new ones.

On the theoretical: synthesis of methodological, theoretical and methodological knowledge; intersystem synthesis (synthesis of didactic and educational systems); unification of theoretical and practical knowledge. In practical terms: intra-subject integration (integration of knowledge within a single academic discipline); bi-subject integration (synthesis of facts, concepts, principles of two disciplines); multi-subject integration (synthesis of components of three or more disciplines).

The substantive areas of practical synthesis in our dissertation research included: integration of existing (traditional) educational disciplines in accordance with the goals of professional training of security officers; - integration of knowledge taken from various fields of science that do not represent integral unities (solving cross-cutting problems).

Integration in pedagogy

Levels of integration

Methodological synthesis

Theoretical synthesis

Practical synthesis

Criteria for integration in pedagogy

Field of operation of knowledge synthesis

The presence or absence of direct contacts between pedagogical I

Varying the components of pedagogical integration

Intrastructural integration

Cross-structural integration

External integration

Integration Tools

At the level of epistemology of systems

At the level of systems ontology I

Objective means

Procedural means

Procedural means: theoretical-methodological, logical-operational, 3) organizational, production-technical, didactic

Integration function - the ability of integration to be a means of formation, preservation and development of integral pedagogical systems

The result of integration is integral quality (the readiness of security officers to be professional

Rice. 1.3. The structure of integration in pedagogical theory and practice.

As a result of the integration obtained during the implementation of the system for improving the professional training of security officers, we plan to obtain a new integrative quality, namely, the readiness of security officers for professional activities in extreme conditions.

The implementation of this idea was carried out in our dissertation research by conducting a thematic analysis of the content of various educational programs, developing structural and logical diagrams highlighting areas of interface of interdisciplinary knowledge in the designed content of the special course. This also required the construction of adequate structural and logical diagrams of the educational process.

When highlighting various aspects of the integration of psychological, pedagogical, legal and special knowledge in the process of improving the professional training of security officers, our study placed emphasis on the selection of interdisciplinary knowledge, which involves certain stages.

The first stage is “empirical,” when a specialist applies knowledge based on existing experience and intuition. Often this knowledge can be inaccurate and even erroneous due to the fact that the specialist does not have a comprehensive range of legal, special and psychological-pedagogical knowledge.

The second stage is “theoretical”, when the specialist has special or professional training in accordance with a certain concept.

The third stage, when a specialist, as a result of targeted psychological and pedagogical training, masters the theory and practice of this area; At the same time, the integration of interdisciplinary knowledge (various courses, sections, elements of knowledge) occurs around core basic professional concepts, categories of specialty from a unified methodological position.

In order to achieve the third stage, the specialist in our study identified and justified a set of didactic conditions for the integration of psychological, pedagogical, legal and special knowledge in the system of advanced training for security officers. These conditions were: - readiness for professional activities of federal security service officers in extreme conditions; integration of interdisciplinary knowledge around core, basic professional concepts, categories of specialty from a unified methodological position; implementation of complex integrative tasks solved by a specialist in professional activities as a means of integration and implementation of interdisciplinary knowledge; targeted psychological, pedagogical and professional training of teaching staff in the aspect of integration of interdisciplinary knowledge.

These conditions are interconnected and mutually condition each other. At the stage of the ascertaining experiment, the level of preparedness of the teaching staff for the integration of interdisciplinary knowledge in real complex professional tasks ah, and also in the knowledge and skills of officers to solve such problems. Four levels of skills in solving complex professional problems were identified according to the following indicators: understanding the essence of a complex interdisciplinary problem; vision of a model of a holistic process for solving a complex problem; the ability to select and structure interdisciplinary knowledge necessary to solve complex problems; - the ability to select forms of organization and teaching methods that are adequate to complex integrative tasks.

Imitation by officers of their professional activities in the course of solving standard complex tasks ensured mastery of the necessary professional knowledge, skills and was an analogue of the situations that would be encountered when performing official duties. In addition, given the nature of the official activities of Russian security service officers to ensure anti-terrorist and anti-sabotage security, random factors were taken into account when solving complex interdisciplinary professional tasks. Therefore, the development of a wide range of models of sabotage and terrorist manifestations was carried out using, as a basic source of knowledge, probabilistic and statistical tools for modeling sabotage and terrorist actions, namely the probability of: detaining a violator carrying prohibited items or the object of theft; interception of an intruder acting by force; conducting a personal search; detection of prohibited items during inspection; conducting an inspection using a metal detector; conducting an inspection using an explosives detector; detection of explosives using an explosives detector; conducting an inspection using a nuclear material detector; detection of nuclear material using an appropriate detector, etc.

The complex tasks offered to officers to improve measures of anti-terrorist and anti-sabotage protection of scientific and industrial facilities in Russia made it possible to implement the operational and practical component of professionally oriented psychological and pedagogical knowledge, integrated with legal and special knowledge. Figure 1.4 shows the main stages of the process of solving complex integrated problems of professional content.

Analysis of the problem: clarification of what is being sought and establishment of its connection with the conditions of the problem. 1 ,

Designing creative activity: exploring what is and building what is not to solve a problem

Mental anticipation and the emergence of an attitude to concentrate efforts to solve a problem associated with emotional stress, inspiration, and volitional effort

Interaction of design stages creative process: arbitrary logical process, intuitive decision, formalization of a verbalized decision i "

Analysis of the structure of actions taken

Rice. 1.4. Stages of the process of solving complex integrated problems of professional content.

Formation of psychological preparedness of an FSB officer for official activities in extreme conditions.

The effectiveness of developing the psychological preparedness of a federal security service employee for official work in extreme conditions is enhanced if, in the process of advanced training of officers, a special system for selecting employees for official work in the FSB is in place, if at all stages of organizing and conducting professional training to improve anti-terrorist and anti-sabotage measures to ensure the safety of scientific and industrial facilities, optimal scientific and methodological support will be provided on the basis of a targeted special comprehensive program; if the leaders of the FSB are sufficiently pedagogically prepared to carry out targeted training of officers, taking into account the peculiarities and contradictions of the upcoming performance of official tasks in extreme conditions.

An analysis of the characteristics of the work activities of federal security service employees shows that the main stress factors for officers are: a real threat to life; high work intensity and lack of proper rest; uncertainty and dynamism of the work environment; constant readiness to repel enemy attacks, cultural characteristics local population, unsatisfactory material support. Carrying out official activities in such conditions requires employees to be extremely focused, mobilized, vigilant, attentive, active work thoughts, confidence in success, emotional-volitional stability and readiness for active work.

The formation of psychological preparedness of employees for the successful performance of official activities dictates the need, in the process of improving the system of advanced training for officers, to develop practical measures to guide self-formation, self-regulation and self-tuning for more high level psychological preparedness of security service officers to carry out anti-terrorist and anti-sabotage measures, as well as the development of a system of criteria for studying the psychological preparedness of employees for official activities.

In our study, to determine the level of preparedness of security service officers for work in extreme conditions, the following system of criteria was used: - the intellectual criterion allows us to assess the leading characteristics of the cognitive sphere of the acting personality (productivity, flexibility, creativity, polyindependence, lability, adaptability); the communicative criterion includes the interaction of the individual with the environment, the natural prerequisites for readiness to communicate and the ability to communicate with various categories of citizens, including criminal elements; the volitional criterion includes an assessment of the sustainability of the FSB officer’s activities, the ability to expediently regulate the manifestation of the characteristics of his personality, and his readiness to act in extreme conditions.

Based on the analysis of the process of professional training of security service officers, the experience of the personnel of units involved in performing tasks in extreme conditions, our study developed a comprehensive program for the effective formation of psychological preparedness among FSB officers for activities in extreme conditions. It includes solving the following psychological and pedagogical tasks: - formation and development of employees’ patriotic and moral duty, responsibility for reliable protection interests of the individual and the state in any conditions of service; formation of motivation of employees for selfless actions when solving official problems in extreme conditions; the formation of a moral and psychological attitude towards a special humane attitude towards the local population in the conflict area, respect for their national, ethnic and cultural traditions; the formation of value orientations towards predominantly non-forceful decisions, towards the use of weapons in exceptional cases; uniting teams of FSB teams and units, developing friendship, mutual assistance, healthy relationships, mature service and moral traditions, public opinion, and exposing false rumors; the formation of psychological stability when solving work problems under conditions of extreme internal stress, the ability to control oneself and prevent breakdowns in behavior; development of psychological skills and abilities: psychological analysis of the situation, drawing up a psychological portrait of a citizen, psychological influence, observation, skillful communication and negotiation.

All these tasks relate to the moral and psychological training of security officers, where moral training itself is designed to form the personal component of the employee’s psychological preparedness, as well as professional skill in acting in extreme conditions. The system for developing the moral and psychological preparedness of security service officers for official anti-terrorism and anti-sabotage activities was presented in our dissertation research by the following areas of work: psychological study and selection of employees to perform tasks in extreme conditions; humanitarian, legal and professional training; psychological and pedagogical support for self-education and self-education, self-control of employees in the process of acquiring the necessary qualities; analysis of real actions of employees in extreme conditions and correction of the educational process.

Thus, a psychological and pedagogical analysis of the problem studied in our dissertation research shows that for employees of the federal security service who perform their duties in extreme conditions, characterized by a very difficult operational situation, the emergence of a real threat to life and causing the maximum, the highest degree of mental tension (fear, uncertainty, inaction), negatively affect the quality of performance of official tasks in the general system of advanced training, it is necessary to improve moral and psychological training as a necessary component in the general system of developing the professional readiness of Russian security service officers for official work in extreme conditions .

Increasing the qualification requirements for the training of security officers, as well as conceptual approaches to improving the content of professional training of officers, developed in our dissertation research, made it possible to design a didactic model for improving the professional training of security officers to ensure anti-terrorist and anti-sabotage security in Russia (Fig. 1.5).

This model structurally consists of logical-methodological, psychological-didactic and technological blocks and is described through specific norms, requirements, instructions on which the educational process of improving the professional training of security officers is based.

Exacerbation of sabotage and terrorist threats to Russian security

Russian National Security Concept

federal Service security as a subject of a system of measures

Russian Security Service Officer Model

System for advanced training of security service officers to ensure antithetic and anti-ionic security of Russia conceptual provisions for designing a system for improving the professional training of security service officers ischemic Integration of special programs Orientation programs for the psychological-target approach Psychological-pedagogical and legal approaches gical preparatory knowledge as the commitment of officers of the system-forming FSB to the service factor of pedagogical activity of design

Rebuilt structural components of the system under the influence of a system-forming factor

Tselsaolaganya block

Forming the readiness of a security officer for professional activities in extreme conditions

Modeling a system for preventing and neutralizing sabotage and terrorist actions against industrial and scientific facilities in Russia

Technological block of means, forms and methods of implementing a system for improving the professional training of FSB officers to ensure anti-terrorism and anti-sabotage security of Russia

Score block

Systematic diagnostics of the quality of technology for implementing a system for improving the professional training of Russian security service officers

Result: security officer’s readiness for professional activities in extreme conditions

Rice. 1.5. Didactic model of a system for improving the professional training of officers to ensure anti-terrorist and counter-sabotage security in Russia.

The logical and methodological block reflects the goals of integrative training of specialists, the initial theoretical premises and factors influencing the process of improving the professional training of security officers to ensure anti-terrorist and anti-sabotage protection of scientific and industrial facilities in Russia.

Consideration of the available materials on sabotage and terrorist manifestations in relation to objects of protection allows us to draw the following conclusions: the nature and number of threats are directly related to the socio-political and economic situation both in the country and in the world; - the greatest threat to potentially dangerous objects comes from forces associated with national separatist and religious extremist circles.

The causes and prerequisites for technological terrorism can be named: a global trend towards an increase in the number of manifestations of various types and forms of terrorism. Terrorist acts have become more brutal, often directed against large groups of the population and carefully prepared, as a result of which about 90% of terrorist attacks achieve their goal to some extent; interethnic conflicts on Russian territory with the participation of illegal armed groups; the lack of an adequate level of border security in Russia, the presence of hot spots of conflict zones and armed clashes directly near the Russian borders; lack of regulation of the complex of legal issues of countering terrorism at potentially dangerous facilities and at life support facilities; - deterioration of the general crime situation in the country, intensification of organized crime associated with the illegal acquisition or theft of explosives, radioactive substances and sources of ionizing radiation, physical and biological agents.

Conflictological causes and prerequisites for sabotage and terrorist acts against scientific and industrial facilities, given the very high probability of successful implementation of planned actions, require special study in the system of advanced training for Russian security service officers.

At the same time, the primary tasks for improving the professional training of officers to ensure anti-terrorist and anti-sabotage protection of scientific and industrial facilities in Russia are: study of the regulatory framework regulating the procedure for certification of the most important objects for their anti-sabotage and anti-terrorist protection, rules for physical protection of the main types of objects, the procedure interaction between executive authorities in the event of sabotage and terrorist threats; familiarity with the indicators and criteria of the importance of objects of sabotage and terrorist aspirations from the point of view of state and public security; determining the type and nature of threats of a sabotage terrorist nature and bringing them to the structures responsible for organizing and creating systems for protecting facilities; studying the certification of scientific and industrial objects to assess the state of their anti-terrorist and anti-sabotage stability and security (taking into account threats in the form of deliberate physical influences, as well as influences through computer networks); studying the categorization of objects according to their importance and level of anti-terrorism and anti-sabotage protection; development practical recommendations on technical, financial, security, and regime measures to protect facilities from terrorist threats in accordance with their type and category; studying the technical and technological resistance of potentially dangerous production facilities to sabotage and terrorist acts; participation in periodic departmental monitoring of the effectiveness of the state of facility protection systems (including through conducting exercises to repel sabotage and terrorist threats), development of recommendations for internal control over the state of facility protection systems; preparation of proposals for the interaction of security agencies and internal affairs agencies with systems for protecting facilities in routine and emergency situations; development and approval of interaction plans to repel sabotage and terrorist threats.

The psychological and didactic block reveals the principle of integration of legal, psychological, pedagogical and special knowledge as a system-forming factor in the design of a pedagogical system for improving the professional training of security officers and its interaction with other didactic principles: - the principle of consistency, revealing the model as a system reflecting the entire set of functions , professional tasks, their relationship with the content and process of psychological and pedagogical training; the principle of professional orientation, ensuring that the professional training of security officers is aimed at solving a set of tasks to improve measures of anti-sabotage and anti-terrorist protection of scientific and industrial facilities in Russia; - the principle of professional mobility, ensuring compliance between the dynamism of requirements for employees of the FSB of Russia in connection with the exacerbation of sabotage and terrorist threats in the country and the level of their professional training in the advanced training system; - with the principles of succession and continuity, revealing the relationship between the integrated areas of basic knowledge and eliminating the linear-discrete nature of the presentation of the material; the principle of compliance, which determines the focus of the content, forms of organization, methods and means of training on the ultimate goal of specialist training, namely ensuring the readiness of a security officer for professional activities in extreme conditions. The technological block reveals technological approaches to improving the professional training of security officers.

The material expression of the didactic model is the composition, content and consistent presentation to officers of a set of complex professional tasks to improve measures of anti-terrorist and anti-sabotage protection of scientific and industrial facilities in Russia, which are considered in the process of studying the professionally oriented special course "Improving the system of physical protection of scientific and industrial facilities in connection with their sabotage

61 terrorist vulnerability." In the course of studying this special course, it seems appropriate to us that officers should: categorize scientific and industrial objects from the point of view of the national importance of the protected objects and the possible severity of the consequences as a result of a sabotage and terrorist action according to the recommended number of gradation levels of no more than four ( of particular importance, first, second, not categorized); carry out a description of planned scenarios for the development of accidents of protected objects arising as a result of sabotage and terrorist actions: focus on taking into account the specifics of critical elements when developing projects for the physical protection of objects; taking into account basic design threats, carry out analysis both actual violations of the facility security regime and possible threats in connection with the political and socio-economic situation at the facility and in its surroundings; determine the scope of technical and security measures to increase the anti-sabotage and anti-terrorist stability of objects of various categories; in this work, take into account the most likely “basic design threats” and “target sets” selected by potential violators.

The purpose of this modeling is to formulate the essence and signs of unauthorized actions necessary for the preparation and implementation of the general plan of sabotage and terrorist actions, which constitute criminal offenses, administrative offenses or disciplinary offenses. Such acts can be identified and suppressed by law enforcement agencies and security and facility security units in the early stages of preparation of actions. The established distribution of competence under the relevant articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation and the Code of Administrative Offenses (COAP) between law enforcement agencies provides an opportunity to clearly define their responsibilities in organizing and improving measures of anti-terrorism and anti-sabotage protection of industrial and scientific facilities in Russia. To make a decision on the directions for improving the system of physical and information protection of facilities, employees of the federal security service must undergo qualified advanced training, which involves additional study of criminological aspects and conflictological prerequisites for sabotage and terrorist manifestations in relation to the facilities of large industrial zones of Russia, the most typical for such sabotage facilities. terrorist threats, features of standard models describing options for implementing sabotage and terrorist actions..

Thus, considering in our dissertation research the content of the system for advanced training of security service officers, we tried to solve the problem of improving the content of such a system by designing and implementing in the professional training of FSB officers a special course “Improving the system of physical protection of scientific and industrial facilities in Russia in connection with their sabotage terrorist vulnerability." The content of the special course developed in our dissertation research is based on the modeling of a system for neutralizing sabotage and terrorist actions against industrial and scientific facilities in Russia, which includes the following stages (Fig. 1.6): determining the target characteristics of the physical protection system; design and construction of a physical protection system for facilities; assessment of the effectiveness of the physical protection system.

Modeling sabotage and terrorist actions in order to prevent and neutralize them

Determination of target characteristics of the physical protection system

Design and construction of a physical protection system for an object; characteristics of the object, threat; identifying possible targets of attackers; intruder penetration detection subsystem; subsystem for delaying the movement of the intruder: reaction (response) of the security forces.

Assessing the effectiveness of the physical protection system

Development of indicators and criteria for categorizing objects according to their place in the country’s economy and the degree of potential danger

Assessing the level of sufficiency of measures for physical protection and security of potentially dangerous objects

Figure 1.6. Modeling a system for preventing and neutralizing sabotage and terrorist actions against industrial and scientific facilities in Russia.

Further, in the second chapter of the dissertation research, based on the highlighted conceptual provisions and the designed spatio-temporal model for improving the professional training of security officers, we will consider technological approaches for implementing this model.

Conclusions to the first chapter

The political and socio-economic transformations taking place in Russia are accompanied by a number of negative phenomena that pose a threat to state and public security. Among them, sabotage and terrorist actions against industrial and scientific facilities pose a particular danger.

These circumstances require improvement, and in some areas the development of anti-terrorism and anti-sabotage protection measures for scientific and industrial facilities that are adequate to the emerging socio-political and socio-economic realities, as well as the nature of sabotage and terrorist threats to the safety of facilities.

In the general system of anti-terrorist and anti-sabotage measures to protect the security of Russia, the central place belongs to such a subject of the system as the Federal Security Service of Russia. Therefore, in connection with the escalation of sabotage and terrorist threats, the system of advanced training for FSB officers should become adapted to the modern socio-economic situation in Russia and ensure the readiness of officers for official work in extreme conditions.

Analysis of the problem and justification of the theoretical prerequisites for pedagogical design, discussed in the first chapter of the dissertation research, made it possible to determine the conceptual provisions for constructing an optimal model of a system for improving the professional training of FSB officers to ensure anti-terrorism and anti-sabotage security of Russia. This is a systematic approach, the integration of psychological, pedagogical, special and legal solutions, a program-targeted approach, and a focus on developing the psychological preparedness of FSB officers for service activities in extreme conditions.

Based on the identified conceptual provisions, in the first chapter of the dissertation research, a didactic model of a system for improving the professional training of security officers to ensure anti-terrorist and anti-sabotage protection of industrial and scientific facilities was developed. Further, in the second chapter of the study, technological approaches will be developed to implement this model in the system of advanced training for Russian security service officers.

The main prerequisites for acts of sabotage and terrorism against objects of science and industry in Russia

The concept of national security of the Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated December 17, 1997 No. 1300 (as amended by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated March 10, 2000 No. 24), as well as the strengthening of terrorist and sabotage activities in Russia, dictate the need to improve the professional training of service officers FSB to ensure anti-terrorist and anti-sabotage security of scientific, industrial, and recreational facilities in Russia in connection with their sabotage and terrorist vulnerability. In this regard, following the logic of our dissertation research, we will begin the analysis of the content of professional training of security officers with the main prerequisites for sabotage and terrorist threats in Russia.

Among this kind of threats, we should first of all highlight separatist and ethno-confessional manifestations, criminalization of economic relations and sharp socio-economic stratification of society (Figure 1.1). Internal and external threats of this type can manifest themselves in the form of illegal actions that pose a threat to the normal functioning of objects that are important from the point of view of the interests of society and the state. Among them, sabotage and terrorist actions against industrial facilities pose a particular danger. From a criminological point of view, sabotage and terrorist threats against recreational facilities and infrastructure and local industry should be considered as a consequence of the clash of political and economic interests of various social groups, as well as as illegal a way to resolve emerging contradictions and crises. Sabotage and terrorist actions carried out at potentially dangerous facilities and life support facilities can lead to catastrophic emergency situations associated with loss of life and environmental pollution, as well as hardships imposed on large groups of the population, and interruption of the normal functioning of enterprises and organizations. In addition, such actions are fraught with the escalation of psychosis in society and undermining trust in the authorities.

These circumstances require improvement, and in some areas the development of anti-terrorism and anti-sabotage protection measures (ATPDZ) of active recreation facilities, infrastructure and local industry, adequate to the emerging socio-political and socio-economic realities, as well as the nature of sabotage and terrorist threats to the safety of facilities ( 63,64].

To develop the content of the system for advanced training of FSB officers, a strategic vision of the problem as a whole is necessary. Analysis of sabotage and terrorist activities from the conception of a sabotage and terrorist action to its implementation reveals a number of levels of this activity and allows us to determine the specifics of emerging sabotage and terrorist threats (Figure 1.2). Performers of specific actions in this series can generally be designated as subjects of sabotage and terrorist threats. The forces and means at the disposal of subjects of sabotage and terrorist threats, and the tactics of their actions, which are described using models of the violator and standard models for carrying out sabotage and terrorist actions, largely determine the specifics and directions of activity for ATPDZ of objects. All this must be implemented in the content of the system for advanced training of security officers working in large industrial cities. terrorism", FSB of Russia, Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, SVR of Russia, FSO of Russia, Ministry of Defense of Russia, FPS of Russia, as well as other control and supervisory authorities) are the main subjects of the fight against terrorism. They are responsible for identifying and neutralizing carriers (subjects) of sabotage and terrorist threats , as well as for the development and implementation of regulatory legal, organizational, operational, special and other measures to protect objects.

Designing the content of a professional development course for FSB officers in physical protection and security of enterprises, organizations and methods of its implementation

The dissertation research would be incomplete if the content of the security training course had not been developed. Based on the theoretical approaches to managing the formation of the content of the system for improving the professional qualifications of security officers found in the previous chapter, we developed and implemented in practice the approximate content of this course (Table 2.1). The content is formed taking into account the experience of security agencies in anti-terrorism activities. We were guided, firstly, by regulatory documents, and secondly, by the theoretical and methodological approaches developed in previous chapters to designing the content of a system for improving the professional qualifications of security service employees.

Improving the system of physical protection of scientific and recreational facilities in Russia in connection with their sabotage and terrorist vulnerability

1. Regulatory documents on the protection and security of enterprises and organizations 6

3. Organizational and legal basis for the protection of objects by departments 3.1. Departmental security.3.2. Internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.3.3. Private security of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.3.4. Private security companies. 2 2 2 2

4. System for monitoring compliance with requirements for the protection of information about an object and the organization of its protection 2

5. Organizational and administrative documents on physical protection and security of facilities 2

6. Organization of training of management bodies and personnel involved in ensuring measures for physical protection and security of objects 4

7. Formation of physical protection and departmental security units, their main tasks, typical organizational and staffing structure, professional training 10

8. Monitoring the level of equipment, technical condition and efficiency of functioning of the complex of engineering and technical means of physical protection 6

9. Methodology for analyzing the vulnerability of an object 9.1. Changes in the threat at the federal and regional levels.9.2. Changes in operating conditions of a potentially hazardous installation.9.3. Changes in production technology, conditions of use and storage of OVM.9.4. Other cases when the threat of sabotage or terrorist attack increases. 3 333

10, Characteristics of the intruder model. 10.1. External intruder model.10.2. The Internal Intruder Model. 3 3

11. Methodology for assessing the effectiveness of PPS under external threats 20

12. Methodology for assessing the effectiveness of PPS in case of internal threat 40

13. Methodology for assessing the effectiveness of the protection system of an industrial facility 20

14. Criteria for the sufficiency of measures for physical protection and security of objects. Quantitative indicators of the sufficiency of physical protection measures 6

15. Methodology for assessing the effectiveness of the system for protecting recreational facilities, science, and industry in Russia in accordance with the degree of their vulnerability 6

Total 190 Among the regulatory documents on the protection and security of enterprises and organizations, we relied on the following:

1. “Rules for the physical protection of nuclear materials, nuclear installations and nuclear material storage facilities”, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 07.03. 1997 No. 264.

2. Federal Law “On Departmental Security” dated April 14, 1999 No. 77-FZ.

3. Federal Law “On Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation” dated 02/06/1997 No. 27-FZ.

4. “Regulations on private security under the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation”, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 14, 1992 No. 589.

5. Federal Law "On private detective and security activities in the Russian Federation" dated March 11, 1992, No. 2487-1.

As stated earlier, the developed course has been implemented in the practice of security agencies. The purpose of designing this course was to assess the level of sufficiency of measures for physical protection and security of objects to determine the ability of the physical protection system (PPS) or security of an object to withstand the threats and actions of violators accepted for a given type and category of object. The results of assessing the sufficiency of measures for physical protection and security of objects were used to improve PPS and organize the protection of objects.

The level of sufficiency of measures for physical protection and security of the facility was determined based on the results of: 1) monitoring the implementation of established requirements for physical protection and security of the facility;

2) analysis of the vulnerability of the object and determination of the model of potential violators;

3) assessing the effectiveness of PPS or protection. The following are subject to physical protection:

1) potentially dangerous installations;

2) hydraulic and other structures that may be subject to sabotage;

3) places of use or storage of hazardous substances and materials (HSM);

4) other systems, elements and communications of the facility, the need for physical protection of which was identified during the vulnerability analysis.

The requirements for their physical protection, the procedure for state supervision and departmental control over the provision of physical protection were established by regulatory legal documents at the federal level and/or by federal executive authorities and organizations with subordinate facilities.

Requirements for physical protection and security were differentiated depending on the type and category of the object. The categorization of objects was carried out in accordance with regulatory legal documents on physical protection and (or) departmental methodological documents developed on the basis of the “Methodology for categorizing objects of science, industry, energy and life support according to the degree of their potential danger and sabotage and terrorist vulnerability.”

The creation and improvement of physical protection systems (PPS) were carried out on the basis of an analysis of the vulnerability of the facility and an assessment of the effectiveness of the PPS. These activities are aimed at identifying vulnerabilities that may not be sufficiently protected even if the established requirements are met. The effectiveness of the PPS was assessed based on the results of an analysis of the vulnerability of the object and was used, in particular, to select an option for constructing a PPS, taking into account the “effectiveness - cost” criterion.

Carrying out an analysis of the vulnerability of an object, identifying models of potential violators and assessing the effectiveness of PPS was aimed at checking the adequacy of the created or functioning PPS to existing and predicted threats of an external and internal nature.

Assessing the effectiveness of PPS made it possible to determine the probability of suppression by security forces of the violator’s actions in accordance with the adopted model of the violator and to use the resulting efficiency indicator to assess the level of sufficiency of physical protection and security measures.

Monitoring of compliance with established requirements was carried out for objects of all types and categories. Analysis of the vulnerability of objects, identification of threats and models of intruders, and assessment of the effectiveness of PPS were carried out for potentially dangerous objects. When assessing the sufficiency of physical protection and security measures, it is necessary to in the prescribed manner fulfill the requirements for the protection of information about the object and its PPS (security organizations) in order to prevent the use of this information by potential violators.

Let us dwell separately on the system for monitoring compliance with the requirements for physical protection and security.

Experimental methodology and results of experimental work

The purpose of the pedagogical experiment was to identify the pedagogical feasibility of using the developed didactic conditions for teaching the course “Improving the system of physical protection of objects of science and industry in Russia in connection with their sabotage and terrorist vulnerability” in the training of FSB officers in the system of advanced training.

The pedagogical experiment was preceded by the development of a definition of the system of knowledge, skills and abilities inherent in the model of a security officer, on the basis of which the significance of the designed special course was assessed with the simultaneous development of a set of didactic conditions for improving the educational program, contributing to the growth of professional skills of security service specialists.

The purpose of the analysis of the pedagogical conditions for training FSB officers according to the developed special course was a didactic assessment of the nature of their activities. The main documents when assessing the level of knowledge before and after the introduction of new components of the educational process into the pedagogical experiment were the list of the group, the content of the officers’ answers to questions test assignments during the period of studying the discipline and protocols for their analysis. The factual material obtained in this way was used to compare the level of knowledge acquired by security service employees.

Considering that the quality and volume of learned material (information) depend on the quality of the learning process, the prepared experiment was based on achievement tests within the framework of the created work program of the course, including specific professional tasks and their assessment system Achievement Test

People who are not too immersed in the topic due to the closed nature of the security unit usually believe that the task of a company’s security service is to ensure the physical security of its facilities. In fact, the functions of this unit are much broader. Deputy General Director for Anti-Terrorism, Economic and Information Security Alexander Klopov told Vestnik RusHydro about what is most important in this work and what aspects are given special attention.


– Alexander Vasilyevich, you are responsible for the most important area of ​​the company – safety. When you came to RusHydro and took over the cases, you were probably able to look at this work with fresh eyes. What advantages and disadvantages have you noticed?

– When I came to RusHydro, I looked not only at the issues of physical protection of the company, but also at its functional purpose, role and importance in the economy of the Russian Federation. The range of tasks here is very large, including security issues. If we talk about a “fresh look,” it seemed to me that security issues need to be dealt with somewhat more broadly than was previously accepted. After all, RusHydro is one of the largest international companies in the energy sector, located in a fiercely competitive environment, in an environment of serious economic and information risks and influence (not always positive), in the face of growing terrorist and information threats. So, knowing how the system and mechanisms of state security function as a whole, and looking at the problems from the other side, in agreement with the General Director of RusHydro, a number of systemic problems, threats and risks were identified, which we are now consistently working on.

– What are the goals of this work?

– Ensure the reliable and safe operation of the company to increase its value and efficiency. Create conditions for safe electricity production and cash flow generation, since RusHydro is a commercial company. At the same time, it is very important not to forget about the social tasks that the holding carries out, since its activities affect the environment and shape the conditions for the development of regions. Our goal is to build the company’s security system in such a way that it satisfies all interested parties, that is, citizens, federal structures, regional authorities, our contractors and, of course, investors. Everyone should be confident that their investments are securely protected.


– Are RusHydro’s security issues a broader concept than the physical security of our facilities?

- Absolutely right. It includes three main directions: anti-terrorism, economic and information. And we try to find solutions for each of them that are satisfactory in terms of absolute quality.

– What do you mean by this?

– Absolute reliability of protection of our facilities from possible terrorist, economic and information risks and attacks. This is a complex task, in achieving which we must take into account a combination of many factors. At the same time, safety and reliability must be combined with sufficiency. Therefore, we are looking for solutions that would be effective and sufficient, reliably ensuring the protection of the company’s interests both technologically, managerially and economically.

– There is a phrase “They don’t skimp on safety”...

– This is true, but only partly. There must be a reasonable approach to everything. You can, for example, create impregnable redoubts, but there is little point in this, since high cost and expense do not always ensure absolute reliability. So our principle is reasonable sufficiency. At the same time, we try to find and apply the best solutions in world practice that would allow us to create an effective and reliable complex system security.

– What goal did you set for yourself when you headed the security department at RusHydro?

- Create better system security of all existing in the world. This is not an easy, ambitious task, but we are going to achieve it. In addition, this will increase the company's capitalization.


– Recently, the scientific and practical anti-terrorism exercise “Kama-2017” was held at the Votkinsk hydroelectric station. What was their feature?

– These exercises were an experiment of a scientific and practical nature. Its essence was that we tested existing security solutions for reliability and tested new ones that could be used to solve the problems. Representatives of the National Anti-Terrorism Committee, the FSB, the National Guard, the Ministry of Energy, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, and regional structures took part in the exercises. This composition of participants allowed us to get different views on one problem. This, in my opinion, is the correct approach, since the views of various departments do not always coincide. And we wanted to find some kind of overall solution that would satisfy everyone and allow us to create conditions for improving the safety of hydropower facilities.

It is also important that Kama-2017 became a school for many representatives of branches in the field of security, where there was an exchange of experience and practical work, during which they searched for and put into practice new solutions. It should be noted that at the workshop we tried to create a useful creative atmosphere that made it possible to identify and activate the intellectual potential that our employees undoubtedly possess. As a result, we received very interesting proposals, we are now analyzing them and will subsequently implement them into practice. The seminar at the same time allowed us to get to know our talented colleagues and celebrate them, which will also be a good foundation for their further career advancement.

We consider the most important task to be the development of interaction with federal structures, primarily with the National Anti-Terrorism Committee, and regional operational headquarters. The speed of response from federal structures is very important to us. If a terrorist threat occurs, RusHydro's security services perform a primary function - protecting the facility from terrorism. Next, all the reins of control pass to the regional operational headquarters of the NAC of Russia. During the exercises, we tested the quality of our interaction in practice, identified problems, made appropriate conclusions, and made adjustments to the work, which also significantly improves the quality of anti-terrorist protection of the company’s facilities.

– Will exercises be held in this format at other holding facilities?

- Probably not like this. Because every time we will do better, improve this experience. There is a saying: “The best is the enemy of the good.” But while we have not reached the best, there is something to strive for.


– A significant part of our hydroelectric power stations are located in the North Caucasus - in the “hottest spot” on the map of Russia. Has the situation changed now? Or is ensuring the security of North Caucasian facilities still an area of ​​special attention?

– I’ll try to answer this question a little more broadly. Generally North Caucasus region is the most difficult in terms of terrorist risks for our country. But this does not mean that only there RusHydro sees serious risks. Remember the recent terrorist attack in St. Petersburg, Beslan, the explosions of residential buildings in Moscow. Terrorists choose not where it is more convenient geographically, but where it is more painful.

Of course, we consider the Caucasus as a region with increased risks, and we are building a security system there with this in mind. But this does not mean that the systems at our other facilities are worse or weaker. We study the state of terrorist risks that exist in each region and respond to them accordingly. The company has a daily monitoring system - with its help we track all events and circumstances that arise in each region where our facilities operate. Such a flexible system allows you to maintain a high level of anti-terrorist security.

– In the Dagestan branch of RusHydro there is a special unit - a canine service, where four-legged guards serve on an equal basis with people. Why is this practice not applied in other branches in the North Caucasus?

– This is one of the unique tools for responding to increased terrorist risks. The division has proven itself to be quite effective. In the age of automation, a robot has not yet been created that can replace a dog. They are very subtle creatures with unique capabilities. Four-legged guards and dog handlers in Dagestan solve a whole range of security problems. This is not true in all branches. Again, we should not forget about economic factors: maintaining such a service is not a cheap pleasure. Therefore, we do not yet plan to create similar services in other branches. During the Kama exercises, we were searching for automated solutions that would significantly exceed the capabilities of humans and animals, and automate the processes of ensuring the safety of personnel, facilities and the environment.

– Before RusHydro, you headed the Russian FSB Directorate for the Voronezh region. What is more difficult: to be responsible for the safety of an entire region or RusHydro facilities located throughout the country?

– There is probably no clear answer to this question. Previously, I was responsible for the entire range of security issues in the region. RusHydro facilities are located in 32 regions of the Russian Federation. It is very interesting for me to work here, because the company has complex problems that require extraordinary solutions.

Was born: 1955, Gorky region.

Studied: Kuibyshev Aviation Institute named after S.P. Korolev, Higher School of the KGB of the USSR. In 2013, he defended his doctoral dissertation at the Military University of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation on the topic “Effective security systems.”

Have worked: in the service of state security agencies since 1983. Before his appointment in 2004 to the post of head of the FSB department of Mordovia, he was deputy head of the FSB department for the Samara region and at the same time the head of the FSB department in Tolyatti. From 2009 to October 2015 – Head of the Russian FSB Directorate for the Voronezh Region. From 2016 to the present – ​​Deputy General Director for Security at RusHydro.

Awarded: Order of Honor, Order of Military Merit, etc.

Interviewed by Ivan Kuznetsov

In the political and business establishment of Voronezh, rumors are spreading like wildfire that the head of the FSB, Alexander Klopov, is leaving his post and Voronezh region. A popular version is being spread on the sidelines - a hardware victory of regional government officials.

However, another version looks more truthful - purely legally, the security officer’s departure may be due to the fact that the head of the FSB has reached the age limit: this year Alexander Klopov turns 60 years old. Let us remember that the previous leader Voronezh FSB Directorate 57-year-old Alexander Andreev went into reserve, as the media reported then, precisely because of his age.

According to insider information, Alexander Klopov has long been eyeing the post of rector of one of the departmental institutes of the FSB in Moscow. So there is reason to say that the conflict surrounding his resignation is not so much someone’s victory as an event in the personal biography of the head of the FSB.

Nevertheless, let us recall that a difficult relationship between the officials of Lenin Square and the head of the FSB Directorate for the Voronezh Region developed almost immediately as soon as Klopov began working in Voronezh.

The press service of the FSB Directorate for the Voronezh Region does not officially comment on the information circulating among representatives of the Voronezh elite.

The role of the regional intelligence service in politics was commented on by political scientist Vladimir Slatinov:

I would say that this structure has now lost its political weight. Today, the FSB is more involved in observing local processes and reporting the situation to the top than influencing political players. I think that the current head of the FSB will be replaced by the same person who will do the same thing.

If Alexander Klopov leaves, the only counterbalance to the collective bureaucracy in the region will disappear, said a Voronezh political analyst who wished to remain anonymous. “Perhaps, he was the only head of the Voronezh FSB whose entourage was not associated with a single corruption scandal. Until now, representatives of Voronezh business circles could only appeal to Klopov in the hope of an adequate response and fair consideration of their problems.

Victor Ganik
News on Notepad-Voronezh

Sacks and boxes of cash were found on road thief Trubnikov, Chapter highway department Voronezh region, Alexander Trubnikov was detained by employees of the Department of Economic Security of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia on Wednesday, June 29, reports RUSPRES

The bribe received by the official, who over the course of several years had made a dizzying career from the half-brother of the driver of the Voronezh governor to the chief “road worker” of the region, was handed over while being recorded on a hidden camera.

In addition to the 1.25 million rubles Trubnikov received as a bribe from Voronezhavtodor OJSC under the control of operatives, he will have to explain the origin of another 140 million rubles found in the houses of his relatives in the Lipetsk region. Tens of kilograms of money were packed in simple, rustic fashion: in cardboard bags and boxes.

At the same time, one hundred million rubles were seized from the son of Alexander Trubnikov, 30-year-old Roman Trubnikov, head of the technical supervision of the Voronezh traffic police, who was fired the day after Trubnikov Sr. was detained and sent to Moscow. At the same time, operatives made a seizure in the safe deposit boxes used by the detainees. As a result, documents compromising employees of the prosecutor's office and federal structures fell into their hands. Most likely, we are talking about accounts that shed light on the structure of the shadow circuit.

The extent to which this scheme covered local security forces and officials is indirectly indicated by the fact that the appointment of Trubnikov Jr. to the traffic police was at one time strongly opposed by the leadership of this service. But it was forced to yield to energetic pressure from the head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Voronezh Region, Alexander Sysoev.

This story could be the beginning of a series of high-profile revelations. As, however, with the same probability it may not end in anything. There are many prerequisites for the first in the Voronezh region. For the second - vast experience and administrative resources.

Alexander Trubnikov, caught taking a bribe

It is characteristic that local road workers have long complained about Trubnikov’s actions and his insatiable appetites. But the control department of the regional government invariably did not identify shortcomings in its work. And the head of the local FSB stubbornly ignored them. As a result, the operation to detain the bribe-taker was carried out on the initiative and under the control of Moscow employees. And there were good reasons for this.

They dug, and there...

Raider takeover of enterprises, regulation of the market by FSB operatives and riot police, deliberate damage to federal and local facilities under construction with the knowledge of the region’s top leadership. Is this possible today? It looks like yes, it's possible.

When on February 14, 2013, the Department of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Voronezh Region received a telephone call and an unknown person reported that sand was being mined on agricultural lands at the 532nd kilometer of the M-4 Don federal highway, none of the specialists could imagine how this seemingly routine matter will take you far.

The leading specialist of the department, accompanied by police officers, who arrived at the indicated place, became convinced with his own eyes that sand was actually being mined there. Illegal and quite large-scale - the area of ​​the quarry, located half a kilometer from the road, was about two hectares. The act on illegal use of subsoil was drawn up according to all the rules - in the presence of witnesses, police, representatives of the prosecutor's office and the regional department of natural resources. At the same time, soil samples, invoices, log books of dump trucks transporting sand and other evidence were confiscated. However, the drivers of heavy vehicles immediately admitted that they were transporting sand to the base of Transstroymekhanizatsiya LLC and that this sand was intended for... the construction of the M-4 Don federal highway. It is possible that it was precisely this circumstance (the large-scale federal project is under special control of the regional authorities) that was the reason why the story received an unexpected continuation. Moreover, the “plunderers of state property” were building a section of the highway that bypassed the city of Voronezh, that is, they were literally in plain sight. What happened in the end? What happened was that, completely unexpectedly for the department’s employees, regional authorities intervened in their work. And they did everything to ensure that the results of the inspection were “slow.” But the point is not at all the degree of closeness of the leadership of Transstroymekhanizatsiya to the regional governor Alexei Gordeev, although they “hushed up” the matter at his instigation.

"General of the Sand Quarries"

The very first written explanation of what happened by the management of Transstroymekhanizatsiya showed that the highway project required clean coarse sand to fill the upper layers of the roadbed base and bridge cones. The designers' requirements were met by sand washed by the Akvastroy company in the Don River, in the area settlement Krivoborye. The companies entered into a corresponding agreement and supplies of sand began in the summer of 2011, immediately after the start of road construction. At the beginning of next year, Akvastroy changed its owner and name. The new company “Aspect” was headed by a certain Ivan Alekseevich Anikin. At first, after the signing of new contracts, work continued as before. Until September 2012, the leaders of Transstroymekhanizatsiya and the Voronezh branch of the state company Avtomobilnye Dorogi were not offered to meet with Mr. Anikin to consider new conditions. These conditions simply boiled down to a sharp increase in prices for sand, which did not suit either the road workers or other contractors of Aspect.

It is noteworthy that the organizer of the meeting was not just anyone, but the head of the FSB Directorate for the Voronezh Region, Major General Klopov himself. What is even more remarkable is that after the categorical rejection of the “new conditions”, Transstroymekhanizatsiya’s vehicles were literally not allowed passage, subjected to constant checks on the roads: waybills, cargo inspection, car documents, etc. And this was done, again, by FSB officers. Further, security officers, with the support of riot police, began regular “raids” on the offices of construction companies. At the same time, management was more than transparently hinted with whom exactly they needed to cooperate in order for the checks to stop. As a result, all the “recalcitrant” agreed to new conditions from Aspect, but the prices were so wild and did not fit into the estimate that they had to add “counterfeit” sand.

As soon as these details began to emerge, the regional governor, Alexey Gordeev, did everything to hush up the matter and prevent it from moving forward. And this despite the fact that we are talking about a violation, albeit a forced one, of the construction technology of the M-4 federal highway. An ambitious project, a modern expressway with toll sections, one of essential elements image of the country, connecting its capital with the capital of the upcoming Winter Olympics, the city of Sochi. By the way, Don sand is also used in the production of high-quality branded concrete. True, now, after the story with Transstroymekhanizatsiya, the epithets “high-quality” and “vintage” are in great doubt. If builders, like road workers, are forced to use untested ingredients, no one will give a 100% guarantee on the strength of a new residential “high-rise” or sports palace. Moreover, low-quality sand gets into the solution with the direct participation of FSB officers, which does not at all brighten the image of the authorities and the state. So why didn’t Gordeev investigate and punish, but simply put the matter “under the carpet”, leaving everything as it was?

Governor "undercover"

Most likely, the decisive role was played by Major General Klopov’s active participation, with the involvement of manpower and equipment, in “regulating the market” of sand. And it’s not at all a matter of the governor’s respect for the security forces. We can say that Alexander Klopov is in some way the creation of Alexei Gordeev. When the ex-minister Agriculture headed the Voronezh region, the head of the local FSB Directorate Andreev, closely associated with Gordeev’s predecessor, was an extremely inconvenient figure for establishing a “new order”. And the appointment of the head of the FSB of the Republic of Mordovia, Alexander Klopov, in his place came at a very opportune time. To celebrate, the regional authorities even allocated a mansion in an elite village.

From the very first days of his governorship, Gordeev began a “crusade” against corruption. True, it later turned out that corrupt officials invariably turn out to be officials and businessmen who are inconvenient for the governor’s team, while people close to Gordeev become untouchable even when they are caught committing outright bribery and embezzlement. In other words, Gordeev and Klopov established mutually beneficial cooperation. It seems that in the story with the sand, the governor honestly fulfilled certain obligations and covered the major general’s back.

"Saucer with a Blue Edge"

As already mentioned, before his appointment to the Voronezh region, Alexander Klopov headed the FSB Directorate of the Republic of Mordovia. And even earlier he commanded security officers in Togliatti. In the 90s of the last century, this city became famous for its criminal wars and the colossal cash flows over which these wars were fought. As a result, as is known, the shooting stopped, and order reigned in the Samara region under the auspices of the then governor Titov. But the redistribution and alienation of property did not stop, they just began to somehow manage without shooting. Administrative resources plus the services of professional raiders - this simple formula turned out to be much more effective than shaved brothers in tinted Ladas.

Ivan Anikin, the new director of the Voronezh company Aspect (formerly Akvastroy) is a “dark horse” for local businessmen. And this is not surprising - Ivan Alekseevich moved to the Voronezh region from the Samara region. Where he is very well known as a confidant of ex-governor Titov, who carried out very delicate assignments for him. Everything that was within the sphere of interests of the Tito clan was brought by Anikin “on a silver platter.”

Residents of Samara well remember how the ZhBI-5 plant went bankrupt, which shortly before the regional government had helped it with fanfare to receive a $2.9 million loan as part of the “Own Home” program. The bankruptcy was facilitated by the fact that these funds were withdrawn to Besser LLC, owned by Anikin, “laundered” and used for the development of Solidarity Bank, controlled at that time by the governor’s son. Anikin receives a number of tasty contracts for his construction business.

Anikin worked so well and competently that Konstantin Titov began to “recommend” him to other tycoons who wanted to grab other people’s property. At the instigation of the governor, the raider meets with a certain Mr. Grinshpun and helps him seize control of a number of agricultural enterprises. He works for the then head of the Volga Sberbank of Russia, Shchurenkov, and the head of the Samara Rosselkhozbank, Krasnokutsky. With his direct participation, Mr. Grinshpun receives “non-repayable loans” from these banks - 100 million rubles and 1 billion rubles, respectively.

Together again?

Such vigorous activity could not help but attract the attention of law enforcement agencies, and in the period from 1999 to 2005 alone, Anikin became the target of criminal cases three times and was suspected of fraud. But as if some “guardian angel” invariably transferred him from the category of suspects to witnesses, ruined cases and generally provided a reliable “cover” in the law enforcement agencies - otherwise criminal cases would most likely have been initiated more often. But where there was no cover, things did not go so smoothly. In 2004, Anikin was expelled from the self-regulatory organization (SRO) of arbitration managers after another scandal that erupted around a raider takeover with his participation. And in 2007, the governor of the region, Titov, also left his post, thereby depriving his “breadwinner” of powerful administrative support. After this, Ivan Anikin’s financial well-being began to deteriorate. He was seen in “ripping apart” bankrupt enterprises in Bashkiria, Saratov and Ulyanovsk regions, but this did not bring significant income. Among Samara arbitration managers, he became famous primarily as a “scavenger” who knows how to take away other people’s property, but does not know how to create something of his own. It is not surprising that soon after Titov’s resignation, Anikin’s legal business began to limp, and loans appeared, the repayment of which is a big question.

However, it is logical to assume that Anikin’s affairs went downhill not only with Titov’s resignation. In 2005, the head of the FSB for Togliatti, Alexander Klopov, was promoted to Mordovia. In this republic, no one needed Anikin’s services. But the change of ownership in the Voronezh “Akvastroy”, as well as the strong support of the renewed enterprise by the Voronezh security officers, suggests that the “old horse” has again been launched into its favorite “furrow”. It is possible that in the Samara region it was Alexander Klopov who patronized Ivan Anikin and protected him from excessive attention from the security forces. It seems that now that old friends again have “their” governor in the person of Alexei Gordeev, the Voronezh region is facing a new wave of scandalous mergers and acquisitions.