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Tourist bonfires with diagram names. Types of fires and their purpose. Cooking fires

Every person who has had the opportunity to go hunting, fishing or a regular hiking trip has had to deal with making a fire. Of course, it is better to know the basics and rules of its breeding, because there are different kinds fires depending on its purpose, as well as the method of laying logs and branches. If you find yourself in the forest in winter, you need to keep in mind that you need to make a fire different from the one that was kindled in the summer, because the conditions were different. What types of fires there are and their purpose will be discussed further.

Let's consider known species bonfires and the differences between them:

The most common type of fire on hiking trips is when the logs are stacked at an angle towards the center, while the logs burn quite quickly in the middle in the upper part, collecting the main coals in the center. This look is good for instant cooking food in hiking conditions, warming up the kettle. It is not suitable for keeping warm at night, since the main heat is concentrated in the middle in one place.

It differs from the “hut” in that it allows you to cook food in several containers at the same time. Its design consists of two long logs located at a short distance parallel to each other, across which two more logs are placed on top. In this way, the structure is laid out until the required height is reached. Cooking several dishes at the same time is possible due to the fact that the necessary access of oxygen and uniform spread of fire along the length of the firewood are ensured. It should be borne in mind that it is better to light this type in calm weather, since otherwise the fire will spread unevenly.

If you need to make a fire that will burn all night, giving off a large amount of heat, suitable option will become taiga fire. To construct it, you will need two rows of thick long logs, each of which must contain 2 or 3 logs. These rows should intersect at a slight angle directly above the coals. Moreover, the first row must be laid with logs tightly spaced next to each other on the coals, and the second row above it at an angle. The logs burn along their entire length, but the bulk of the heat occurs at their intersection.

The purpose of a “candle” fire is to heat water for tea or cooking while hunting, fishing or hiking during a short rest. Such a fire is not capable of heating a large area around itself, since the heat is concentrated in its very center. For its construction, a log is used, the top of which is cut into 6-8 parts depending on its thickness. Tinder with logs is placed inside the split and lit. The candle can burn for about eight hours, releasing uniform, comfortable heat around itself to a small area. This species is suitable for burning in warm, dry weather, since the group does not need much heating, and the fire is safe for environment.

Nodya is capable of heating a group of people during a hike throughout the night without adding firewood, even in winter with low temperatures. It consists of three thick and long logs at least two or three meters long. To ignite the nodya, coals obtained during the ignition of a regular fire, which is lit nearby, are used. They are poured over the entire length of one laid log, which is covered with brushwood or spruce branches. When they flare up, two more are placed on both sides of the first log. To make them start the fire faster, you need to make notches with an ax and roll this side into the fire. When they light up, another log is placed on top, notched towards the fire. Logs with a diameter of more than 40 cm can burn throughout the night.

The "fireplace" is also used to heat the camp at night. It ensures long-term burning of logs, since its design is such that as the lower logs burn, the upper ones roll off and begin to burn. The “fireplace” design consists of four short logs, which are laid in the form of a well, and on one of its sides there is a wall two logs high. To hold them, two pegs are driven in with an outward slope. As the logs in the “well” burn, those in the “wall” roll off. The fire itself is lit inside the “well”.

The Polynesian fire is most often used during rain, when the weather is damp and chilly. To build the structure, you need to make a cone-shaped pit, tapering downward, up to one meter deep. The walls of the pit are lined with logs, and a fire is built at the bottom. The Polynesian type of fire produces a lot of coals, which maintain heat for a long time, and are convenient not only during rain, but also strong wind.

When there is very little wood, you can make a so-called star fire. It is very economical in fuel consumption, but it cannot be left unattended, for example, at night, since it is necessary to move the logs as they burn from the outskirts to the center. The star is laid out in such a way that the logs are laid out lengthwise along the radius of the fire, on the coals, starting from the very center. If you need to keep the fire burning slowly, periodically moving new wood towards the old, then this type is the most suitable.

The “gun” burns for a long time, maintaining a fairly large amount of heat. To start it, first prepare the coals, then place a thick log next to them. Several logs are laid out on it with one end, so the coals are directly under them. They flare up and long time give good warmth. As they burn out, they can be replaced with new ones.

The “Pyramid” can be used to heat the camp at night. For this, two thick logs are used, located parallel to each other. Across them you need to put several more similar logs, this will be the basis of the entire fire. Then you need to find smaller logs and place them in the same sequence on top of the first ones, then even smaller logs are placed on top until the top is covered in twigs and small brushwood. When a fire breaks out, you can safely leave it overnight.

Types of life safety fires

To send distress signals, other types of fires are used than those described above:


The purpose of such a fire is to send a distress signal with strong smoke, which will be visible from an airplane. For this purpose, the construction of a fire-hut is used, which is covered big amount fresh spruce, pine and other evergreen branches. Failing this, you can use dense leafy branches or long grass.


This is a signal fire, giving a distress signal with its bright flame, which can be seen from afar. It is lit in high, open areas of the area and is made from three thick branches mounted vertically in the form of a triangle or tripod. The rest of the branches blocking the sides of the fire rest on them. In addition to the fact that it will produce a high flame, you can add branches, leaves and grass to it to create a large amount of smoke.

Types of fires and what they are used for

What could be more interesting than sitting around a fire? Fire is one of those phenomena that you can watch forever. However, it is worth noting that the life of humanity is simply unthinkable without it. The ability to make a fire has saved the lives of more than one traveler or tourist. In our article we want to provide an overview of the types of fires and methods of making a fire.

Types of fires

Experts know different types bonfires However, not all of them are used in practice. Some are difficult to breed and are therefore only good for sport. In practice, tourists and travelers use universal species fires that are convenient for use in any situation. And yet, an experienced person always knows what choice to make. After all, he knows the main types of fires and their purpose, so he can act depending on the situation.

In general, it is worth noting that each fire is intended for specific purposes: lighting, heating, cooking. Although it is safe to say that most of them are of a universal, multifunctional nature, allowing you to solve several problems. Therefore, when deciding what type of fire to use, you need to proceed from what kind of firewood is available, as well as what tools are available with which you can get the necessary material.

Suppose you have set up a camp in the tundra, crooked forest or deciduous forest, but you do not have a saw or ax at hand. In this case, it is unlikely that you should try to light a taiga fire called nodya. You will simply waste valuable time and achieve nothing.


According to experts, it is worth paying attention to eight main types of fires. They are worthy of the attention of any tourist. Knowing how to breed them, you will never go hungry or freeze.

The most convenient and popular type of fire is a log house, or it is also called a well. There are two ways to start a fire this way. In the first case, the firewood is laid out in the form of a well, which is why the name came about, and then kindling is arranged in the center.

The second option involves covering the lit kindling with firewood or brushwood in the form of a log hut. Such a fire produces a wide and low flame, which can be called ideal for cooking in a large container. You can also dry clothes and other things by such a fire. The good thing about a well is that the logs inside it burn slowly, and you get a lot of coals, because it is thanks to them that the heat for high-quality and fast food preparation. But such a fire is not suitable for heating a camp, since it produces a very directed flame.


Of all the types of fires, the “hut” is the most famous among ordinary people.

It is often used as an igniter, after which a “well” is formed on its basis. How to light a fire (types of fires are given in the article)? It is necessary to fold the prepared firewood in the form of a hut, place kindling inside it and set it on fire. Experts recommend forming the first row from thin twigs, and when they light up, you can add larger logs. This makes it possible to avoid fire extinction.

If you immediately form a hut from thick branches, the kindling may go out much earlier than the firewood is used. Such a fire produces a bright fire, so it is good for lighting, heating, drying things and, of course, for cooking. The disadvantage of this type can be considered the rapid combustion of firewood. Such fires are often made in summer camps for children, as they perfectly illuminate the space.

However, the “hut” is not very convenient for heating a parking lot at night, since the logs quickly burn out, so someone will have to constantly add them. But you get a big and bright flame. Most people use these types of fires; their purpose is so universal that they are suitable for different situations.


Nodya is the best option fire, used for spending the night in the forest during the cold season. In order to start a fire, you will need dry logs two to three meters long, the width of which is at least 25 centimeters in diameter. There are several options for a node: two or three logs. A fire using three logs burns much longer, and it’s much easier to make.

In order to light a fire, logs are hewn along the entire length on one side only. Two of them are placed side by side, and a highly flammable base is placed between them. After this, a third log is laid on top so that the hewn surfaces are turned towards each other. Such a fire burns quite slowly, but it will burn throughout the night, and there will be no need to regulate it. Although, if necessary, by moving the logs apart and moving, you can adjust its intensity.

If a knot is formed from only two logs, then to prevent them from falling, a pair of pegs are hammered on both sides. By the way, on a node of three logs, you can cook until the third log is on top, or you can simply move it a little to the side.

Taiga fire

A taiga fire is formed on the basis of an already burning hearth. Sometimes they light it on their own. For a fire, all the logs are laid parallel to each other, pressing them tightly together. In this case, people receive a lot of heat and very little smoke. A fire is incredibly good for heating, but at the same time you can also cook on it, and it is possible to place several boilers at the same time. By the way, several more options for starting a fire are called taiga. All of them are designed for heating.

Taiga cannon

To form such a fire, logs are placed with one side on a perpendicular log. Thanks to this trick, air enters from below, which makes the combustion more intense.

Tunguska fire

In order to light a Tunguska fire, you need to take five or six poles, the length of which is about three meters. But the log should be up to 30 centimeters in diameter and about a meter long. Kindling must be placed between the poles and the log, which should ignite the entire fire.

As wood burns, coals are formed. Their heat reflects off the log, resulting in directed heat. As the thin poles burn, they need to be moved. This type of fire is suitable for a bivouac. But it gives heat only on one side, where the laying is prepared.

Finnish candle

In order to make a “Finnish candle” fire, you need to take a log of wood up to 60 centimeters long. You need to make two cross-shaped cuts in it, reaching the middle of the log. Next, a small fire is lit in the center, which, as it burns deeper, causes the deep layers of wood to burn. The combustion process is fueled by oxygen, which enters through the cuts.

These fires are intended for cooking. Outwardly, it resembles a wooden primus stove. The fire burns for a very long time, moreover, it can be used several times by extinguishing the fire, and then refilling the burnt-out hollow with coals. A Finnish candle is good for cooking, it does not leave coals or fires, and while burning it can be moved from one place to another. But such a fire does not provide heat.

Lazy candle

The lazy candle is a variation on the theme Finnish candle. They call it lazy because there is no need to make cuts in it. For the fire you will need three logs, on which notches are made on one side. Then they are placed vertically and compressed tightly. In general, the fire looks like a vertical node.

It lights up from the top. It is convenient to cook on such a fire, but it cannot be reused. The advantages of the method include a large amount of light and heat.

Instead of an afterword

The given options for fires are quite enough to be prepared for any situations during the trip. Sometimes tourists use slightly different names for species, but this does not affect the essence of the process. Knowing the main types of fires and their purpose, you can always warm up and cook food while camping.

This article lists the most popular and practical types and methods of making a fire. The names of the same fires may be different, the main task of this article is to tell under what conditions they are used, and also to describe the purpose of each fire. If you want to know what methods are available for lighting or building a fire, then study this article.

All necessary and aids for starting a fire you will find in the section.

A fire built in the forest is almost one of the most important conditions survival. You keep warm with a fire, dry your clothes, and cook food on a fire. How cozy and warm it feels when you light a fire in cold, stormy weather. It is not without reason that people have worshiped fire since ancient times. There are several types of fires, each of which has its own advantages.

1) Bonfire Hut

Bonfire Hut is one of the most famous and widespread types of fire. Suitable for both cooking and heating. Very easy to use and equipment, and burns quickly. It is necessary to place firewood at an angle on the kindling in the form of a hut. The burning temperature of a Hut type fire is quite high, and such a fire burns out quickly, so it is necessary to frequently add firewood.

2) Star fire or star fire

Star fire - burns for a long time, suitable for cooking. Saves firewood, which is important in conditions with a shortage of firewood. It is advisable to use firewood made from hardwood. As the wood burns, it is moved to the center of the fire. This type of fire can be used for heating at night.

3) Bonfire Well (Hut)

Bonfire Well (Hut) - has an even flame, burns intensely, has a high degree of heating, very good for cooking. It burns out pretty quickly. It is used when it is necessary to obtain a large amount of coal in a short period of time. The fire is folded into a log house.

Nodya bonfire - great for heating at night, has long burning. When burning, a wall of fire and heated coals that produce a lot of heat is formed. Very convenient when you need to heat a large number of people. People can be located on both sides of the fire. The length of the logs can regulate the number of people needed for heating, than more people, the longer the logs, but don’t get carried away. Maximum length 4-5 m. There are several ways to lay a Nodya fire. The first method is to take three dead logs 30 cm thick and 2-3 m long. Two logs on one side are trimmed and laid parallel to each other. C external parties they are supported by driven pegs. A fire is made between them using coals or thin twigs. And then the third log is laid on top. The second method is to drive in 4 pegs, and between them lay thick logs one on top of the other. You can alternate dry logs with wet ones, so they will dry out and gradually flare up.

Polynesian, fire pit)

Fire in a pit (Polynesian) - provides a lot of coals, is invisible when you need to hide your location as much as possible, does not require large quantity firewood To set up such a fire, you need to dig a hole, which it is advisable to line with stones. If such a fire is lit under the crown of a tree, then it will also not be visible from above. For better access of oxygen to the pit, it is necessary to dig a small trench, so the fire will burn better and smoke less. To make cooking easier, you can place a grate and a sheet of tin over the fire, just do not cover the fire completely; you must leave space for air to escape; if this is not done, the fire will smoke heavily and combustion will be difficult.

Bonfire Lattice - two logs are placed at the base, on top of which smaller logs are placed in the form of a lattice. This kind of fire is used to produce a large amount of coals in a short period of time. The fire will gradually go down. Two large logs on the sides will prevent the corners from crumbling and they will keep the heat and warmth for a long time. This type of fire can be used for cooking and as a night fire.

Campfire with reflector - can be used for night heating due to reflected heat. Used in the most severe weather conditions. It is especially effective to use such a fire to heat a lean-to hut or den. Can also be bred to safe distance before entering the tent. It is very effective if such a fire is organized near a rock or hill, they will reflect the heat on the other side, just do not lie on the rock or hill itself, no fire will compensate for the cold emanating from them. I repeat, a rock or hill should be used as a reflector and be positioned according to their will. Those. between the fire and the rock.

8) Bonfire Taiga

A taiga fire is a long-lasting fire. Requires little physical effort to breed. Gives b Large and hot flame, convenient for cooking in several dishes at the same time, produces a lot of coals, used for drying clothes. 3-4 thinner logs are placed on a large thick log. The logs are laid with only one end on the leeward side. Instead of logs that are placed on top, you can use small piled (fallen) trees and push them towards the thick log during the combustion process.

9) Bonfire Candle. There can be several types: Finnish candle or Lazy candle.

9.1) Bonfire Finnish candle

A Finnish candle is a block of wood 40-60 cm high, made from 2 to 4 cuts, more is possible, but this is not necessary. This will only increase your physical costs. The cuts are made approximately 70% of the length of the log, or up to the middle.

A small fire is lit in the center of the log, which, burning into its depths, ignites the inner layers of wood there. Combustion is fed by air through cuts from all sides.

IN The Finnish candle is mainly used for cooking. This is a kind of wooden primus stove. It burns for a long time, you can even use it two or even three times, extinguishing it with water, and then filling it again - pouring red coals from the main fire into the burnt-out hollow, or building a fire there again. A Finnish candle does not provide any heat, but is convenient for cooking, does not leave a fire, and can be moved while burning to another place (unlike a fire).

Lazy candle, that’s what I call another version of the Finnish candle. Lazy because you don't have to make cuts. Take three identical logs, and use an ax to make notches on one side of each. The logs are placed vertically, pressed tightly against each other. It turns out to be a kind of vertical Nodya.Just like the Finnish light, it lights up from above. It's also convenient to cook. The disadvantages are that, unlike the classic Finnish candle, it cannot be reused, it cannot be moved as a burner, it leaves a small fire. Pros - it gives warmth and light.

There is probably no such person who would not like to warm time year to get out with an overnight stay in nature. Some people are more interested in fishing, others - a regular picnic, and others just like to travel with a tent in the mountains. It is difficult to do without fire on a hike, and therefore it does not hurt to find out what types of fires there are and which one will be most preferable in certain conditions. We believe that this will be very interesting for both beginners and tourists who already have some experience.

Types of fires and their purpose

As a rule, a fire in nature is lit either for lighting or for cooking, and in rare cases, in order to give a sign. From this point of view we can distinguish following types fires: fiery, heat and smoke. The latter can also be used against midges and mosquitoes, but this requires a lot of experience. It is much easier to take a bottle of repellent or a portable fumigator with you. Therefore, we will not consider smoke types of fires. After all, you can always throw it into spruce paws or damp branches to get a lot of smoke. But the first and second options for using fire are much more common, and therefore they should be studied in more detail.


In order to dry things, keep warm and create your own masterpiece of culinary art, you will need coals and high temperature. Here are a few options that will be most suitable for such cases:

1. "Well"

This type of fire is a rectangular structure made of short thick logs. Brushwood, small firewood, grass and other kindling are placed inside it. Burning slowly, such a fire leaves a lot of coals, which give a high temperature.

2. “Night” or “taiga”

It will require several long logs. They are laid strictly parallel or at a slight angle. There are several types of stacking logs. All types of fires in this group are distinguished by the fact that they use the principle of interaction of burning surfaces, between which narrow gaps are left. Thanks to them, a powerful vertical thrust arises, which does not allow the heat to fade away. This group of fires does not require frequent lining, and this is their main advantage.

3. "Polynesian"

It differs from others in that it is bred in a pit. Its walls are lined with large logs or logs, and at the bottom a fire is lit from small branches. For safety reasons, it is best to light such a fire in the forest. It is also indispensable in rainy or windy weather.

Fiery bonfires

They can also be used for cooking, but at the same time they are more suitable for lighting. Here are the most popular types of fires in this group:

1. "Star"

It will require approximately 5-7 thick long logs. Their ends are put together in such a way that appearance The design is somewhat reminiscent of a star. As the logs burn, they are moved closer to the center.

2. "Hut"

The firewood is placed next to each other to form a cone. Kindling is placed below. Its disadvantage is that top part burns out quite quickly. But the flame turns out to be hot, concentrated and powerful. With its help, you can not only cook food, but also provide good lighting for your overnight stay.

Lighting a fire is a piece of cake for an experienced tourist. You should break dry twigs near the tree trunk: pine, birch - anything will do. They are always dry near the trunk. No for seeding best material than a crumpled newspaper. After small branches have caught fire, thicker dry twigs must be added.

The food for the fire is firewood. And what you “feed” the fire depends on how efficiently and comfortably you will use it. Never cut down living trees for firewood: they burn very poorly. Damp branches also burn only to create a smoke screen from mosquitoes.

The best firewood is pine. They burn brightly and leave virtually no coals or ash. Burning pine needles is very dangerous: flying sparks can become a source of forest fire, as a last resort they will burn through the tent flap. Birch firewood is only good if it has dried out, lost its bark and has not fallen to the ground. A fallen birch tree remaining in the birch bark will rot in two years and will not burn in a fire. Fir firewood is rarely not rotten and therefore is not suitable for a fire. Dried aspen trees make good firewood, but you should always remember that aspen trees will scatter sparks. In the steppe, even if there are no trees nearby, you can always find honeysuckle or cotoneaster bushes and use dead, dry branches for firewood. Once the fire is hot, you can add thicker wood. If the fire is low, you can try to gently fan it by waving a piece of cardboard.

There are many ways to create a fire. It should be remembered that fires are lit for cooking when camping. With a large fire, hanging or removing the pot is problematic. A flaming fire is very dangerous and can cause a fire.

In the evening, before going to bed, the fire must be extinguished - this is the law, since in the evening the wind blows up the remaining coals and a rekindled fire can cause a lot of trouble. Before leaving the camp site for the night, the fire must be reliably extinguished - doused with water, covered with earth or sand.

Types of fires

1. The Pyramid fire produces a large flame. It is suitable for quickly heating people and drying clothes, but it quickly burns out.

2. The “Trench” fire is used for cooking in windy weather in open areas. To set up such a fire, you need to dig a groove in the ground of the required length and width, allowing you to install camp boilers over it. The dug groove should be located downwind and have a wide cone-shaped bevel on the windward side.
When setting up such a fire, do not forget to take care of the removed turf.
The “Trench” fire is convenient because it does not require a large amount of firewood. IN cold weather If you find yourself in the forest without a sleeping bag, you can use it to create a place to rest. To preserve heat after the firewood burns out, cover the pit with wooden logs, thin layer earth and grass. It will not be difficult to make a comfortable, warm bed on top.

3. “Pit” fire. To set up a fire of this type, you need to dig a hole in the ground. To preserve heat, it is advisable to line the bottom of the pit with stones. On such a fire you can boil water, cook food, or bake a roast in the ashes.

4. “Star” fire. To light such a fire you will need thick, dry wood. Lay them out in a star or fan pattern, as shown in the picture. As the firewood burns, it is moved toward the center. Such a fire can burn for a very long time.

5. Bonfire “Fence” (“Nodya”). To set up this type of fire, you need to drive four pegs into the ground, between which you place firewood in the form of a fence. The fire is lit from below. It can burn for a long time, generating a lot of heat, if you mix dry and damp wood. This type of fire is very convenient for drying clothes.

6. The “Reflector” bonfire is a mixed version of the “Nodya” and “Hunter’s Hearth” bonfires. Such a fire gives a lot of heat, and it’s good to warm up next to it in the winter cold.

7. The “Hunter’s Hearth” fire is made between two dry logs, which are laid in such a way that a cauldron, frying pan or kettle can be placed on them.

8. “Lattice” fire. At the base of this type of fire, two thick dry logs are placed, on which firewood of smaller and smaller diameters is stacked in several rows in the form of a dense lattice. This type of fire is best suited for joint events with the participation of the entire navigator squad.
A slightly modified version of the “Grate” can be used for cooking food, heating people, drying clothes, shoes, etc. Such a fire can be made if dry and damp firewood is available. When dry wood burns out, it dries out wet wood, so the fire can burn for quite a long time.
A fire of three logs is equipped in such a way that the “Pyramid” fire serves as its filling. Please note that the lower two logs are laid on logs to form a blower. A third log is placed on top of the same logs. The advantage of this type of fire is that it can burn for two hours or more without additional firewood.
The simplest device for placing flat-bottomed cookware over a fire is a three-legged stand. This can be done by placing three roughly identical stones around the fire, or by sticking three metal pegs from the tent kit directly into the hot coals. Both stones and metal pegs should be located as if at the vertices of an imaginary equilateral triangle.
Depending on the conditions of the hike, other types of fires can be used in practice. For example, when building a fire in a swamp, you must first make a “foundation”. To do this, you should lay several logs in a row and build a fire of any type on them.
To retain heat longer after the fire burns out, the coals should be sprinkled with ashes and a little earth. The heat in this case can last up to 10 hours.
No matter what type of fire you decide to use, always follow these general rules:


No matter what type of fire you decide to use, always follow these general rules:
1.the fire must be protected from strong winds;
2. the fire must be provided with access to air, otherwise it will burn poorly and smoke;
3. for heating it is better to make a wide fire, and for cooking - a small cone-shaped one;
4. the heat from the fire goes up: therefore, the bed by the fire must be made higher than its flame.