home · Installation · All types of fires for life. How to light a fire correctly. “Finnish candle”, also known as “Indian candle”, also known as “wooden primus stove”

All types of fires for life. How to light a fire correctly. “Finnish candle”, also known as “Indian candle”, also known as “wooden primus stove”

This article lists the most popular and practical types and methods of making a fire. The names of the same fires may be different, the main task of this article is to tell under what conditions they are used, and also to describe the purpose of each fire. If you want to know what methods are available for lighting or building a fire, then study this article.

All necessary and aids for starting a fire you will find in the section.

A fire built in the forest is almost one of the most important conditions survival. You keep warm with a fire, dry your clothes, and cook food on a fire. How cozy and warm it feels when you light a fire in cold, stormy weather. It is not without reason that people have worshiped fire since ancient times. There are several types of fires, each of which has its own advantages.

1) Bonfire Hut

Bonfire Hut is one of the most famous and widespread types of fire. Suitable for both cooking and heating. Very easy to use and equipment, and burns quickly. It is necessary to place firewood at an angle on the kindling in the form of a hut. The burning temperature of a Hut type fire is quite high, and such a fire burns out quickly, so it is necessary to frequently add firewood.

2) Star fire or star fire

Star fire - burns for a long time, suitable for cooking. Saves firewood, which is important in conditions with a shortage of firewood. It is advisable to use firewood made from hardwood. As the wood burns, it is moved to the center of the fire. This type of fire can be used for heating at night.

3) Bonfire Well (Hut)

Bonfire Well (Hut) - has an even flame, burns intensely, has a high degree of heating, very good for cooking. It burns out pretty quickly. It is used when it is necessary to obtain a large amount of coal in a short period of time. The fire is folded into a log house.

Nodya bonfire - great for heating at night, has long burning. When burning, a wall of fire and heated coals that produce a lot of heat is formed. Very convenient when you need to heat a large number of people. People can be located on both sides of the fire. The length of the logs can regulate the number of people needed for heating, than more people, the longer the logs, but don’t get carried away. Maximum length 4-5 m. There are several ways to lay a Nodya fire. The first method is to take three dead logs 30 cm thick and 2-3 m long. Two logs on one side are trimmed and laid parallel to each other. C external parties they are supported by driven pegs. A fire is made between them using coals or thin twigs. And then the third log is laid on top. The second method is to drive in 4 pegs, and between them lay thick logs one on top of the other. You can alternate dry logs with wet ones, so they will dry out and gradually flare up.

Polynesian, fire pit)

Fire in a pit (Polynesian) - provides a lot of coals, is invisible when you need to hide your location as much as possible, does not require large quantity firewood To set up such a fire, you need to dig a hole, which it is advisable to line with stones. If such a fire is lit under the crown of a tree, then it will also not be visible from above. For better access of oxygen to the pit, it is necessary to dig a small trench, so the fire will burn better and smoke less. To make cooking easier, you can place a grate and a sheet of tin over the fire, just do not cover the fire completely; you must leave space for air to escape; if this is not done, the fire will smoke heavily and combustion will be difficult.

Bonfire Lattice - two logs are placed at the base, on top of which smaller logs are placed in the form of a lattice. This kind of fire is used to produce a large amount of coals in a short period of time. The fire will gradually go down. Two large logs on the sides will prevent the corners from crumbling and they will keep the heat and warmth for a long time. This type of fire can be used for cooking and as a night fire.

Campfire with reflector - can be used for night heating due to reflected heat. Used in the most severe weather conditions. It is especially effective to use such a fire to heat a lean-to hut or den. Can also be bred to safe distance before entering the tent. It is very effective if such a fire is organized near a rock or hill, they will reflect the heat on the other side, just do not lie on the rock or hill itself, no fire will compensate for the cold emanating from them. I repeat, a rock or hill should be used as a reflector and be positioned according to their will. Those. between the fire and the rock.

8) Bonfire Taiga

A taiga fire is a long-lasting fire. Requires little physical effort to breed. Gives b Large and hot flame, convenient for cooking in several dishes at the same time, produces a lot of coals, used for drying clothes. 3-4 thinner logs are placed on a large thick log. The logs are laid with only one end on the leeward side. Instead of logs that are placed on top, you can use small piled (fallen) trees and push them towards the thick log during the combustion process.

9) Bonfire Candle. There can be several types: Finnish candle or Lazy candle.

9.1) Bonfire Finnish candle

A Finnish candle is a block of wood 40-60 cm high, made from 2 to 4 cuts, more is possible, but this is not necessary. This will only increase your physical costs. The cuts are made approximately 70% of the length of the log, or up to the middle.

A small fire is lit in the center of the log, which, burning into its depths, ignites the inner layers of wood there. Combustion is fed by air through cuts from all sides.

IN The Finnish candle is mainly used for cooking. This is a kind of wooden primus stove. It burns for a long time, you can even use it two or even three times, extinguishing it with water, and then filling it again - pouring red coals from the main fire into the burnt-out hollow, or building a fire there again. A Finnish candle does not provide any heat, but is convenient for cooking, does not leave a fire, and can be moved while burning to another place (unlike a fire).

Lazy candle, that’s what I call another version of the Finnish candle. Lazy because you don't have to make cuts. Take three identical logs, and use an ax to make notches on one side of each. The logs are placed vertically, pressed tightly against each other. It turns out to be a kind of vertical Nodya.Just like the Finnish light, it lights up from above. It's also convenient to cook. The disadvantages are that, unlike the classic Finnish candle, it cannot be reused, it cannot be moved as a burner, it leaves a small fire. Pros - it gives warmth and light.

Once in the forest, it doesn’t matter whether it’s hunting or a hiking trip, a person is faced with the need to start a fire. Depending on the season and need, there are several types of fires. There are very popular ones, for example, “hut”, and there are those that are very rarely bred - “Polynesian”.

Ignition rules

Before you start lighting a fire, you need to choose a place and make sure that the flame does not spread to vegetation. If it is winter or the ground is simply wet, then you need to prepare a base of stones or logs for the fire.

This is followed by the kindling stage, for which the following materials can be used:

  • tree bark;
  • rotten mushrooms, even if they are wet, the inside will always be dry;
  • dry wood chips;
  • fluff from both plants and birds is suitable;
  • puffball mushrooms, but only dried ones.

The kindling material is laid out in a tent or placed between the logs.

Types and purpose

Depending on the need, the type of fire is selected; it may be necessary to cook food or dry clothes. Don't forget that a fire can only warm or dry the objects facing it, so a reflector may be needed. In addition, the reflector will cause the smoke to rise upward. It is easier to maintain a fire in a fire than to start it again. It is better not to leave the fire at night, but sprinkle the coals with ash, then it will be easier to light the fire in the morning.

Types of fires and their purpose:

  • Fiery, that is, having high temperature and requiring constant attention are “hut”, “Finnish candle” and “well”.
  • Heat lamps that do not require constant monitoring. Such a fire burns for a long time and allows you to dry clothes and quickly warm up. This is a taiga species and “Nodya”.
  • Signal or smoke. Used to give signals or to scare away annoying insects.


This is the most popular type of fire. Photos of such a fire pit can be seen in every family archive, as it helps to keep warm and is convenient for cooking. It is very easy to mix and burns quickly. However, the temperature of such a fire is very high, it burns out quickly, so it will require a lot of firewood to maintain it.

It is constructed very simply; the firewood is laid out like a hut. The “entrance” to the fire must be located on the windy side.


Quite a popular type due to its versatility and ease of construction. Thick logs must be laid out in a star shape around the kindling material. As they burn through, the logs are moved closer to the center. Ideal for cooking and heating. It is better to choose a log from hardwood, birch, oak or maple.

The disadvantages of this type of fire include the fact that it is afraid of rain. It also requires fairly thick logs, which require a tool, saw or ax to obtain, but this is a very economical fire.


Ideal solution for night heating. To build a “fireplace” you will need 4 short logs. They are placed in a circle and a fire is lit inside. On one side you will need to make an inclined wall and drive in two pegs that tilt outward. Logs and logs are laid out on these stakes. As the lower logs burn out, the upper ones roll down, thus maintaining the fire for a long time. The disadvantages include the fact that a fairly large amount of wood is required, and certain skills are required to build the structure.

Pyramid or lattice

This type is suitable for almost all cases, you can warm up and spend the night near it, it gives off a lot of light.

The structure consists of logs laid in transverse layers in the shape of a pyramid. Ignition is carried out from above. The main advantage is long burning, but only if there are thick logs. Therefore, you will have to take blanks or tools into the forest.

With reflector

The main difference between this type of fire is that mainly a hill or stone is used as a reflector. Be sure to plant it on the leeward side. The reflector can be made from logs, preferably wet ones. This way you can dry the logs and direct the heat of the fire in the desired direction.

Suitable for night heating and can even be lit in a lean-to hut. You can light a fire near the tent, but at a safe distance.


This type also includes the Tunguska fire, the “cannon” and the “hunter’s hearth”; they all have the same design. The burning duration can reach 8 hours.

On a thick log, which is called a subyurlok, 2-3 smaller ones are placed, slightly pushing them forward. Then they create something like a fan, with the wide part at the bottom. The hearth is located at the bottom; as it burns, the logs are moved closer to the hearth. Such a fire can be made even on ground covered with snow.


What types of fires are still often used? “Nodya”, which can consist of 1 log or 2, 3 or even four. It is built on the ground if it is dry, but if the weather is wet or snowy, then it is necessary to lay transverse logs. Thick logs (about 30 cm in diameter) and long ones (2-3 meters) are placed at a distance of 10 centimeters, and a fire is lit between them. Small brushwood or dry leaves and branches are used for ignition. To prevent the logs from rolling down, it is recommended to drive stakes between them.

As soon as the logs begin to burn, another one is placed on them, a second one, and so on. Such a fire can burn for up to 36 hours, and several people can warm up around it. If necessary, you can build a screen.

Special types of fires

Special fires are called fires that are only a modification of the main structures, or are combined.

"Finnish candle". Such a fire involves the creation of a “chamber” where the combustion process will take place inside the log itself.

One option: the log is split into several parts, the core is scraped off and a groove is cut out small size at the bottom of the workpiece. Before lighting a fire inside the log, the structure is tied together with wire.

The second option is to make cross cuts in the workpiece, approximately ¾ of the entire length. This type of fire is ideal for cooking.

"Lazy Candle" This is actually a modification of the “Finnish candle”. 3 identical logs are selected and notches are made. The blanks are placed vertically and tightly to each other. The fire is lit from above.

"Kamelek". The perfect solution for places where it is difficult to find suitable logs. The fire must be surrounded on three sides with stones. Suitable for heating water and cooking food in small quantities.

"Trench". Such a fire will allow you to cook food for a large company. It can be lit in a field in windy weather. To do this, you will need to dig a ditch approximately 1 meter long, 30 centimeters deep, and approximately 500 centimeters wide. The bottom of the trench must be lined with stones, building something like a barbecue. Firewood is stacked on top.


Types of fires and their names used to give a distress signal:

  • Smoke. The main task of such a fire apparatus is to maximize the amount of smoke that can be noticeable even from an airplane. It is necessary to lay out the logs in the form of a hut, light a fire and cover it with branches of evergreens or, if they are absent, with long grass or leaves.
  • Pioneer. Known for their bright flames, they are built in the form of a tripod or triangle from long logs. All wood is installed vertically. This design always produces a high flame, but you will need to add grass and branches to create a lot of smoke.

A little exotic

Of course, many types of fires and their names with photos can be found on the Internet, but descriptions and images of Polynesian fires are rare. Such a fire pit is very rarely built on the territory of our country, since such a structure is of very little use.

For the construction, you will need to dig a hole with a depth of about 30 centimeters, and line the walls with stones. The logs are installed vertically below. Such a fire is practically invisible and is not afraid of rain. Such a fire burns long time and does not require a lot of wood. To avoid a lot of smoke, they usually dig another hole nearby and connect both with a trench.

Lighting a fire without matches

It is not always possible to keep matches dry, and very often the lighter fails. In this case, you can use a magnifying glass or glasses, or the same camera lens, to start a fire. For ignition in such a situation, you should use dry crushed leaves, bark with resin, moss and even bird down.

To store matches on a long trip, you can use ziplock bags; these bags can hold the entire package of matches. You can use airtight containers or an ordinary jar.

You can use paraffin or wax to protect matches. In this case, you should cover not only the head, but also the wood. To cover the match, wax is melted in metal utensils. Best to use steam bath and do not overheat the paraffin, the water should be on the verge of boiling.

If the matches do get wet, you can even dry them on your own body, in the liver area or on the neck. You can wrap them in toilet paper which will quickly absorb moisture.

And complex “firing points” that are set up depending on the circumstances. How about, for example, a “Swedish candle” or a “taiga cup”? May well come in handy in a full adventure country life! In our fire review we tell you how to light a fire professionally and what types there are.

The main advice is this: every time before you look for firewood and brushwood for the next “mini-fire,” it is advisable to understand why exactly you need it. In other words, what function should it perform?

According to functionality, fires are divided into: smoke, flame and heat.

The first of them were previously used to transmit messages, but today they are only suitable for fighting bloodsuckers. Although if you really want to smoke, throw some damp branches on the fire.


Most of the fires that our summer residents have to light are fiery bonfires. These require constant care, as they burn out quickly, but they produce a hot flame suitable for cooking. Everyone’s favorite one belongs to this type "hut".

Due to the fact that such a fire is the easiest to light, it is always popular among amateurs. But professionals use it extremely rarely. The fact is that the “hut” burns out very quickly and gives off a flame that is too high, over which it is inconvenient to cook.

Most often, this type of fire is used when it is necessary to the shortest possible time get the maximum amount of heat and light. For example, a hut will help out if you are already chilled or decide to organize the Kupala Games.

Summer residents who are more experienced in hiking prefer to light a fire like "well".

To fold this one, you will need branches of medium thickness. They are laid in the form of a log house. The “well” produces a low, uniform flame and a lot of coals. It is convenient to hang a pot over it or even place it on top of the firewood. Plus, this fire is not too voracious, which is also important.

But what to do if, say, you want to fry eggs or boil a kettle in nature? There is an opportunity to surprise your friends without a banal stove. will help you out "Swedish candle". To make it, you will need a medium-diameter block, which is best divided into sectors using a chainsaw. First, crosswise, and then a few more slices - like a birthday cake. The main thing is not to saw the log all the way through, otherwise you will have to dig a “candle” into the ground.

Now it’s enough to splash a little gasoline into the center of the “burner” and you can set it on fire. On such an improvised stove, the kettle will easily boil quickly. Depending on the thickness, the log will burn for an hour and a half, so there will be plenty of time for cooking.

It’s good, of course, if you have a chainsaw at the picnic (modern summer residents only go outdoors with it!). But there are also other extremes. Let's say there is a pot and a tripod, but there is no saw or axe. And all the logs, as if selected, are one and a half to two meters long. In this case, a fire will help you out "Star".

Fold your logs in the shape of a star and light a small “hut” in its center, that’s all science. Now, as the firewood burns, move it towards the center, and so on, until the branches are completely burned. Of course, you have to constantly monitor such a fire, but you don’t have to think about fresh fuel.

Bonfire for professionals

All the fires described above - fiery. Things are much more complicated if you need to fold heat a fire that lights once and lasts all night. The task of such “batteries” is to provide as much heat as possible from a minimum amount of fuel. Flame people don't know how to do that.

The most simple option The fire pit is the “Pyramid”. The logs are laid here in rows perpendicular to each other, and a “hut” is lit on top. The idea of ​​the design is that the fuel burns out gradually, from top to bottom, and does not flare up all at once.

This fire is good because it can be equally suitable for heating and cooking.

But the Pyramid also has a serious drawback, namely the lack of a reflector. That is, such a fire scatters heat in all directions, and not just where you sit to warm yourself.

In this regard, the design that is called "Reflector". To fold it, you will first have to cut off several branches from a living tree and build supports. The angle of inclination should be such that the firewood rolls freely along it, but does not fall forward.

The idea is that the lower logs of the wall gradually dry out and burn out, and new ones are lowered in their place. And, of course, the advantage of the “Reflector” is the log reflector, which prevents radiant heat from dissipating to the sides.

Winter is coming, and what should you do if you want to stay warm outside in the cold? After all, it will most likely not be possible to drive supports into the frozen ground. In such conditions it is much easier to build a “taiga cup”, which is sometimes mistakenly called "Nodiy".

It is made up of three logs with a diameter of 20-25 cm and a length of 2-2.5 m. Two of them are placed parallel to each other, along the movement of the wind, making sure to maintain a gap of 5-7 centimeters between them. From above, all this is covered with another deck, thus forming a wooden “tunnel”.

To light the “taiga cup” you need to light a fire on its leeward side. The draft will draw the flame between the logs, and the structure will work. “But why a cup,” you ask? It's simple.

This is the look decks take on as they burn out.

The fire mark really resembles a cup.

By the way, the lifespan of this fire depends entirely on the length of the logs used and averages 5-6 hours.

And finally, one of the best taiga bonfires is considered "Nodya". This stove is its own reflector and can warm you for 10-15 hours. To build this legendary fire, you will need only two logs, 25-30 cm thick and one and a half to two meters long. It would seem impossible to make a mistake with such limited material. Meanwhile, erroneous node designs are most often found on the network.

For example, like this.

We have already said how it is not easy to drive stakes into frozen ground in winter; this is easy to do only in summer, but then you can do without heating. Plus, if you look closely at the photo, you can find another mistake. The upper log should not lie on the lower one, but hang above it, and at a distance of five to six centimeters. No more, no less, otherwise the node will not work correctly.

How to assemble a structure “wisely”?

First, deep cuts are made at both ends of the deck, into which “hooks” made from living branches are driven.

Hanging a block on them is a matter of technique. Everything is clear without words in the picture.

But it’s one thing to fold a knot, and another thing to light it. It turns out that not everything is simple here either. Kindling is done only with the help of burning coals from an already lit fire! They are laid out on a previously prepared shelf and cause the logs to smolder.

Please note: do not burn, but smolder! If the decks are licked by wide tongues of flame, it means you didn’t get the right node.

What is useful to know when lighting a fire?

Don't start a fire anywhere. It is best to do this on ready-made fire pits, but if there are none nearby, remove the turf at the place of ignition and rake away dry grass and leaves one and a half to two meters from it.
In addition, according to the rules fire safety, you cannot light a fire under low crowns trees, in roots, in clearings, in peat bogs and on rocky soil. Moss and dust like to accumulate between stones; if they start to catch fire, it will be difficult to put out the fire. The fire will begin to travel under stones and flare up in the most unexpected places.
It is also prohibited to burn wood closer than four meters from tents and two meters from awnings.
If you have decided on a place, look for “food” for the fire. The best firewood is made from alder or birch. They produce almost no smoke, but they emit a lot of heat.
Coniferous wood is a little worse in this regard. Of course, there is a lot of heat from it, but there is also plenty of smoke. Besides, pine branches They like to shoot sparks, and when they fly apart, they can cause trouble.
But you can use dead wood only in dry weather. It absorbs water like a sponge, so after rain or in a swamp you can take such fuel only if nothing else is found.
The brushwood burns well and hot, although it only lasts for a few minutes. Therefore, it is rational to use thin branches only for kindling and only in dry weather.
The hardest time to light a fire is after it rains. Small things such as pine needles, brushwood, fallen leaves and grass are saturated with moisture first, and therefore are “inedible” for fire. To get hold of suitable kindling, you should split fairly thick logs and trim dry shavings from their core. This is a tedious task, but if you approach it with the whole team, you can actually get it done in half an hour.
By the way, if the firewood is only slightly damp, sprinkle it with a pinch or two of salt and it will burn much faster.
Well, the last “trick” is fire without matches. Stock up on glycerin and potassium permanganate; these ingredients will serve you instead of flint. To light a fire, sprinkle a little potassium permanganate on the tinder and drop a few drops of glycerin on top. The “red flower” will bloom in a matter of seconds.

Well, now you can go on any hike - you definitely won’t be left without a fire!

So, let's begin. One of the most important points when laying a fire is the correct

choice of fuel. You should not cut down growing trees for firewood. This, firstly, harms nature, and, secondly, green branches produce more smoke than fire. Use dried branches and dead wood as fuel.
Try to collect birch or alder firewood, as well as firewood from resinous conifers (spruce, pine).
It is not advisable to use rowan, bird cherry, larch and aspen for a fire - they provide little heat.
If you are walking through an area where there are no trees, you can light a fire from peat, grass, or dung (dried dung).

Let's light a fire

The first step is to choose a place for the fire. At the halt, the area is cleared of dry grass and flammable debris. Take measures to prevent the fire from spreading to bushes and trees. If you are going to make a fire in the snow or wet soil– do not forget to prepare a platform for it from stones or logs.
When lighting a fire important point is the choice of kindling. The faster and more steadily the kindling ignites, the more likely it is that the fire will burn quickly.
Usually used for kindling the following types kindling:

Rotten things. Even in the rain, you can cut off the wet parts and there will be dry rot inside;
Down of plants and birds;
Pieces of bark;
Dried puffball mushrooms;
Lichens and ferns;
Chips and shavings of dry wood.
The kindling is piled up like a tent or between logs. Small branches are placed on it, and then larger branches.

Little tips

The most convenient way to light a fire is with matches. In order to protect matches from moisture before going on a trip, dip each match in paraffin or wax. After drying, it is convenient to carry such matches in a sleeve closed with a stopper.
Use a reflector to direct heat in the desired direction. It could be a piece of tin or something else non-flammable material. It will also help protect the fire from the wind.
It is safer to extinguish the fire at night, but the coals can be covered with ash. Then in the morning you can dig them out and fan the fire again.
A small fire is easier to build and maintain than a large one. Several small fires located around cold weather will give more heat than one large one.

Types of fires and their purpose

The design of the fire is selected depending on what is needed in this moment- warm up, cook food, dry clothes or shoes, spend the night. It should be remembered that a fire only warms the surfaces facing it, so it would be useful to take care of reflective walls. The reflective wall not only reflects heat, but also causes smoke to rise upward. With the help of such a wall, the heating of a shelter built for an overnight stay is improved.

A small fire is easier to build and maintain than a large one. Several small fires arranged in a circle will provide more warmth in cold weather than one large one. A larger fire is made for heating, and a smaller one for cooking.

Maintaining a fire requires less effort than starting a new one. Quite often the fire has to be extinguished at night. In this case, cover the coals with ash. In the morning they will still smolder, and you can easily fan the fire.

“Hut” type fire

Bonfire type Hut. Master class by the fire with foxtravel

The simplest and most common type of fire. This type of fire is good for both cooking and providing warmth and light to the camp. Increasingly thicker logs and sticks are placed obliquely on the kindling, and a hole is left between them on the wind side. The result will be something similar to a hut. This fire is very voracious and requires constant feeding with portions of firewood; it burns hot.

"Star" type fire

Star type fire. Master class by the fire with foxtravel

An economical type of fire that requires logs from solid wood. They are laid out in the shape of a star, and as they burn, they are moved towards the center. Good for maintaining a fire for a long time without constantly adding branches. Such a fire is indispensable at night: you just need to move the logs towards the center from time to time.

Bonfire "well"

Bonfire of the Well type. Master class by the fire with foxtravel

Logs stacked in a log house are the most common and simplest type of fire. Gives a low and wide flame. Indispensable if you need to cook food in a large bowl or dry wet clothes. Firewood in which is stacked like a log hut. In the “well” the fuel burns more slowly than in the “hut”; a lot of coals are formed, which create the high temperature necessary for instant cooking food and drying clothes.

Nodya type fire. Master class by the fire with foxtravel

Used for overnight stays in cold weather. It is necessary to cut down 3 dead spruce logs with a diameter of about 30 cm, up to 3 m long, and trim them on one side along the entire length. Place two logs side by side, light a highly flammable material (thin dry twigs, birch bark) in the gap between them, then place the third log on top so that their hewn surfaces face one another. The node flares up slowly, but will burn all night and does not require adjustment. Although, if necessary, the heat can be slightly adjusted by spreading or moving the lower logs.

A node can also be made from two logs placed on top of each other. In this case, in order to prevent them from falling, it is necessary to drive a pair of stakes at both ends. It is more convenient to light a log using coals from a fire, scattering them evenly over the entire upper surface of the lower log.

Bonfire with reflector

Bonfire with reflector. Master class by the fire with foxtravel

On the leeward side, two stakes are driven in with an inclination of 70-80° and several raw tree stumps 1 m long are placed horizontally on top of them to a height of 0.7-1 m. The tent is placed 1-2 m from the fire.

Safe night fire

Safe night fire. Master class by the fire with foxtravel

This type of fire is designed to keep the fire burning all night with minimal risk of logs falling out. It can be constructed with a heat reflector mounted on one side of the fire. The logs should be laid in such a way that there is not a large gap for air between them, then the flame will be low, and two logs laid obliquely at the edges will prevent the fire from spreading.

Pyramid type fire

Pyramid type fire. Master class by the fire with foxtravel

Place two logs parallel to one another, and a row of logs across - this will be the base. Place smaller logs on top and so on until there are very small ones at the top, on which you place kindling and light a fire. The fire will gradually go down. This type of fire burns for a long time and can be used as a night fire.

Polynesian fire

Polynesian fire. Master class by the fire with foxtravel

Invisible and produces a lot of coals and ash. For such a fire, a hole is dug, its walls are lined with stones (or covered with clay), and a fire is lit at the bottom. If possible, a place for it should be chosen under an overhanging rock or a dense tree crown - in this case it will be invisible not only from the sides, but also from above. A fire does not require a lot of wood. To ensure that the wood in the fire burns well and does not smoke, you need to dig another hole nearby with a narrow channel to the fire for air access.


Light a fire for an experienced tourist - a couple of trifles. You should break dry twigs near the tree trunk: pine, birch - anything will do. They are always dry near the trunk. No for seeding best material than a crumpled newspaper. After small branches have caught fire, thicker dry twigs must be added. The food for the fire is firewood. And what you “feed” the fire depends on how efficiently and comfortably you will use it. Never cut down living trees for firewood: they burn very poorly. Damp branches also burn only to create a smoke screen from mosquitoes.

The most the best firewood– pine. They burn brightly and leave virtually no coals or ash. Burning pine needles is very dangerous: flying sparks can become a source of forest fire, as a last resort they will burn through the tent flap. Birch firewood is only good if it has dried out, lost its bark and has not fallen to the ground. A fallen birch tree remaining in the birch bark will rot in two years and will not burn in a fire. Fir firewood is rarely not rotten and therefore not suitable for fire. Dried aspen trees make good firewood, but you should always remember that aspen trees will scatter sparks.

In the steppe, even if there are no trees nearby, you can always find honeysuckle or cotoneaster bushes and use dead, dry branches for firewood. Once the fire is hot, you can add thicker wood. If the fire is low, you can try to gently fan it by waving a piece of cardboard. There are many ways to create a fire. It should be remembered that fires are lit for cooking when camping. With a large fire, hanging or removing the pot is problematic. A flaming fire is very dangerous and can cause a fire. In the evening, before going to bed, the fire must be extinguished - this is the law, since in the evening the wind blows up the remaining coals and a rekindled fire can cause a lot of trouble. Before leaving the camp site for the night, the fire must be reliably extinguished - doused with water, covered with earth or sand.

Bonfire "Trench" used for cooking in windy weather in open areas. To set up such a fire, you need to dig a groove in the ground of the required length and width, allowing you to install camp boilers over it. The dug groove should be located downwind and have a wide cone-shaped bevel on the windward side. When setting up such a fire, do not forget to take care of the removed turf.

The “Trench” fire is convenient because it does not require a large amount of firewood. In cold weather, if you find yourself in the forest without a sleeping bag, you can use it to create a place to rest. To preserve heat after the firewood burns out, cover the pit with wooden logs, thin layer earth and grass. It won't be difficult to do it from above.

. To set up a fire of this type, you need to dig a hole in the ground. To preserve heat, it is advisable to line the bottom of the pit with stones. On such a fire you can boil water, cook food, or bake a roast in the ashes.

Bonfire "Star". To light such a fire you will need thick, dry wood. Lay them out in a star or fan pattern, as shown in the picture. As the firewood burns, it is moved toward the center. Such a fire can burn for a very long time.

. To set up this type of fire, you need to drive four pegs into the ground, between which you place firewood in the form of a fence. The fire is lit from below. It can burn for a long time, releasing a lot of heat if you mix dry and damp firewood. This type of fire is very convenient for drying clothes.

It is a mixed version of the “Nodya” and “Hunter’s Hearth” fires. Such a fire gives a lot of heat, and it’s good to warm up next to it in the winter cold.

spread between two dry logs, which are laid in such a way that a cauldron, frying pan or kettle can be installed on them.

. At the base of this type of fire, two thick dry logs are placed, on which firewood of smaller and smaller diameters is stacked in several rows in the form of a dense lattice. This type of fire is best suited for joint events with the participation of the entire navigator squad.

A slightly modified version of the “Grate” can be used for cooking, heating people, drying clothes, shoes, etc. Such a fire can be lit if dry or damp wood is available. As dry wood burns, it dries out wet wood, so the fire can burn for quite a long time.

Gives a big flame. It is suitable for quickly heating people and drying clothes, but it quickly burns out.

The simplest device for placing dishes over the fire with a flat bottom is a three-legged stand. This can be done by placing three roughly identical stones around the fire, or by sticking three metal pegs from the tent kit directly into the hot coals. Both stones and metal pegs should be located as if at the vertices of an imaginary equilateral triangle.

Depending on the conditions of the hike, other types of fires can be used in practice. For example, when building a fire in a swamp, you must first make a “foundation”. To do this, you should lay several logs in a row and build a fire of any type on them. To retain heat longer after the fire burns out, the coals should be sprinkled with ashes and a little earth. The heat in this case can last up to 10 hours.

General rules for making fires:

  • The fire must be protected from strong winds.
  • The fire must be provided with access to air, otherwise it will burn poorly and smoke.
  • For heating it is better to build a wide fire, and for cooking - a small cone-shaped one.
  • The heat from the fire goes up, so the bed by the fire needs to be made higher than its flame.