home · Appliances · Mulberry black prince description. Mulberry varieties with black fruits: cultivation, care, description, characteristics and reviews. Formation of a low crown

Mulberry black prince description. Mulberry varieties with black fruits: cultivation, care, description, characteristics and reviews. Formation of a low crown

Mulberry, popularly called the “mulberry tree,” has been known since time immemorial. Belonging to the mulberry family, this plant in nature is represented by shrubs and tall trees. Mulberries are not actually mulberries: they are infructescences of mini-nuts with tightly fused pericarps.

The most popular among domestic consumers are black and white mulberries, but in America a completely inedible mulberry grows, highly valued for its wood. There is also a forage species that grows in the wild.

This delicious mulberry!

The leaves of the plant are the main food for the silkworm, whose cocoons are main material to obtain silk. By the way, black and white mulberries differ from each other not in the color of the berries, but in the color of the bark of the branches: in white mulberries it is light, in black mulberries it is an order of magnitude darker. The fruits of this plant, loved by adults and children, contain a large complex of vitamins, which makes consuming this product not only pleasant, but also healthy. Black mulberry is the basis for delicious jams, jams and compotes, fermentation of berries yields excellent wine, and distillation produces mulberry vodka. Of course, fresh mulberry fruits are most in demand.

Black mulberry: description

Black mulberry, whose homeland is Iran, is very loved by many people for the sweet, slightly sour taste of its purple-black, blackberry-like berries. Its leaves are not suitable for feeding silkworms, because they are too tough for such capricious caterpillars.

Mulberry, planting and caring for which does not require special knowledge, is a heat-loving plant; can reach a height of 3.5 meters; In garden conditions, for ease of picking berries, it is recommended to form the crown in a timely manner so that the height of the plant does not exceed 2-3 meters. The lifespan of mulberry is quite long - several hundred years; The harvest can be expected 5 years from the moment of planting, from grafted trees - a little earlier. On average, a 10-year-old tree can produce about 100 kilograms of high-quality sweet fruits.

Plants can be either self-pollinating (have flowers of both sexes in one inflorescence) or not. In the second case, a pair (male and female trees) will need to be planted on the site.

Mulberry as an element of landscape design

Black mulberry is often used in landscape design; The tree looks impressive in group plantings and is used to form hedges. Its decorative forms are becoming increasingly popular, for example, weeping, characterized by original branches bending towards the ground. Low mulberries with a spherical crown are also quite popular when decorating plots.


Black mulberry can be propagated in several ways: by seeds and vegetatively.

The seed method is most often used by breeders to adapt the plant to northern regions or when growing a rootstock for grafting. The seeds, which are very small (1000 pieces weigh about 2.5 grams), must first undergo stratification for 2 months. Sowing is done in early spring, incorporation into the soil is shallow. Crops need to be mulched to protect the top soil layer from drying out. During the season, young seedlings should be weeded several times, destroying the weeds located around them. By autumn good care Large seedlings will appear, fruiting of which will begin at 5-6 years of age.

Vegetative propagation of mulberries is carried out by layering, grafting, green cuttings and shoots. Cultivated varieties are often propagated by grafting; white mulberry is used as a rootstock.

It is recommended to grow mulberries on loose loamy or sandy loam soils. For bush planting, it is recommended to maintain a distance between plants of at least half a meter with a 3-meter row spacing. The interval between mulberry trees is at least 5 meters with a 4-meter row spacing.

Features of care

The main factors in mulberry care are watering and pruning. It is recommended to water the tree very abundantly in the first half of summer for the purpose of the upcoming winter. The plant will also need to be well fed with organic and mineral fertilizers. Feeding and watering should be stopped in July, then the mulberry will be easier to tolerate temperature changes and frosts.

The ripening of berries occurs from May to August; it lasts very unevenly: one branch can be densely strewn with ripe fruits, while some of the berries are just beginning to grow. Ripe berries fall off easily. Therefore, at the beginning of fruit ripening, it is recommended to lay film or fabric under the tree to facilitate harvesting.

Mulberry in folk medicine

Traditional medicine has appreciated the medicinal properties of mulberries. A decoction of tree bark is an effective anthelmintic. The juice of the fruit helps cleanse the blood, helps with stomatitis, sore throat and other inflammations of the mucous membranes, an infusion of the berries will cure a cough, a decoction of the branches of the plant helps with rheumatic pain, a decoction of the leaves is used as an antipyretic. Even the roots of the mulberry tree are useful, a decoction of which provides an expectorant effect when sputum appears.

Black mulberry: varieties

SHELLY #150 - high-yielding variety. The creator of this variety is the Poltava breeder L. I. Prokazin. Shelly berries are very large, about 6 cm in length, and are characterized by high taste. The length of the leaf with petiole reaches half a meter. This is one of the most the best varieties mulberries, which is appreciated by domestic consumers.

Black Baroness. The variety is tall, high-yielding, and frost-resistant. The ripening of large and sweet fruits occurs in June-July.

Black Pearl. Characterized by very large berries with a pleasant sweet taste, about 4 centimeters in length. The height of the tree is about 3.5 meters. Fruiting begins in June and lasts 1.5-2 months. The berries are large and characterized by a pleasant sweet taste.

Mulberry has been cultivated for a long time. More than 150 of its species are known, and many fruit, fodder and ornamental varieties have been bred.

Mulberry varieties

Of the one and a half hundred species, barely a tenth of their total number has become widespread. We grow white, black and red mulberries. Satin (fodder) mulberry is found in nature. A variety of interest is common in America high quality wood (the berries of the plant are inedible).

White mulberry varieties

White mulberry can have not only white, but also pink, yellow and even black fruits. The fact is that this variety got its name due to the light (grayish) color of the bark. Black mulberry has dark bark. Despite its southern origin, white mulberry successfully adapts to the conditions of the northern regions.

In China, this particular variety of mulberry was grown to breed silkworms (black mulberries have tougher leaves). Popular varieties:

  • Diana
  • Mashenka
  • Snow White
  • White tenderness
  • White honey
  • Dark-skinned girl
  • Luganochka
  • Black Baroness

Mulberry Black Baroness: variety description

One of the most popular varieties of white mulberry is Black Baroness. As the name suggests, the berries of this variety are black in color. The fruits are large (3.5 cm by 1.5 cm). The aroma of the berries is weak, the taste is sweet. The yield of the variety is high and stable. The ripening season is June-July. Plants can withstand winter temperature drops down to -30 °C.

Description of the White Honey mulberry variety

Another popular variety of white mulberry is White Honey. The plant is winter-hardy, self-pollinating, high-yielding. The juicy berries have a very sweet taste. Their ripening season is June-July.

Varieties of black mulberry

Iran is considered the birthplace of black mulberry. The berries of this variety have a sweet and sour taste (white fruits have fewer flavor nuances). The bark color of black mulberry is red-brown. Black mulberry is more capricious in terms of reducing temperature - the plants freeze slightly when there is a serious “minus”. Popular varieties:

  • Royal
  • Plodovaya-4
  • Staromoskovskaya
  • Black Pearl
  • Black Prince
  • Shelly-150
  • Hope

Mulberry Nadezhda: variety description

The tree of this variety reaches a height of 10 m. The fruits are very dark and large (5 cm in length). Ripening season is July. The berries stick well to the branches. The fruits have a sweet and sour taste. The yield of the variety is high and stable. Plants tolerate frost well.

Large varieties of mulberry

Small-fruited mulberry varieties often delight with the sweet taste of the berries, but they have a serious disadvantage - harvesting is quite difficult. Large-fruited varieties attract gardeners due to the size and taste of the berries, and therefore are a priority. The most popular large-fruited varieties:

  • Black Prince
  • Shelly-150
  • Black Pearl
  • White tenderness

Description of mulberry variety Shelly-150

This variety has gained recognition due to its large and sweet berries (5.5 cm in length, weight 4-6 g). The fruiting season begins at the end of May. Fruits are colored dark color. The variety is productive. Transportability of fruits is average.

Decorative mulberry varieties

Decorative mulberry varieties, such as Lasiniata, are popular (its distinctive feature is its beautiful carved leaves), Aurea (with yellow leaves), Globosa (the tree of this variety has a beautiful spherical crown), Pyramidalis (the variety is characterized by a pyramidal crown shape).

Mulberry varieties for Russia

What varieties of mulberry are suitable for the Moscow region and central Russia? Many varieties can withstand frosts down to -30 ° C, but it is worth considering that the roots of the plant freeze slightly at -7 ° C... -10 ° C. When planting mulberries in this region, the root collar of the seedling is buried, and the roots are mulched for the winter. Short daylight hours also interfere with the normal development of mulberries. In the Moscow region, it is recommended to grow the plant in the form of a bush, and not a tree, as in the southern regions. In the middle zone, white mulberry varieties have taken root; black ones tolerate low temperatures less well. Popular frost-resistant varieties mulberries:

  • Vladimirskaya
  • Staromoskovskaya
  • Royal
  • White honey

Description of the mulberry variety Staromoskovskaya

White mulberry Staromoskovskaya has a spherical crown. The plant can be grown in a weeping form. The berries are sweet, almost black, 2-3 cm in length. The plant is frost-resistant. Looking for self-fertile variety mulberry, choose the Staromoskovskaya variety - the plant is capable of producing a harvest of berries without a pollinator variety.

Mulberry: the best varieties

It is difficult to say which mulberry variety deserves the title of best. If you prefer the rich taste of berries, opt for black mulberry varieties. If you love exquisite sweetness, plant white mulberry seedlings in your garden. If conditions are not favorable for plant pollination, order a self-fertile variety from the nursery. Choose large-fruited varieties and be sure to take into account the climatic conditions of your region.

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Mulberry (mulberry tree, here, mulberry, tyutina) is a crop that became famous in ancient times for the famous Chinese silk produced from its fibers, as well as delicious fruits that are widely used in cooking. Long years The spread of the mulberry tree among gardeners was limited by the apparent difficulty of growing and caring for it.

History of crop cultivation

The mulberry tree originally grew in China, India and Japan, but was processed only in China. The culture was valued for its fibers, from which the famous Chinese silk was subsequently created.

According to legend, a certain Xi Lungchi, a Chinese empress, was the first to see the silk fibers that entangled the silkworm caterpillars. Having unwound them, the royal lady made an outfit for herself.

The homeland of the mulberry is the broad-leaved forests of China

In Russia, the first mulberry plantation appeared under Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, the father of Peter I. The initiative was continued by his son: Peter I banned the cutting down of the mulberry tree and purposefully created mulberry plantations. Currently, the mulberry tree is also grown for the silk industry, but summer cottages it is planted for its delicious healing berries.

Mulberries are not only tasty, but also healthy berries.

Male and female mulberries

Mulberry is a crop whose representatives can be either monoecious or dioecious. Dioecious species are represented by male and female plants, and to obtain a harvest, both specimens must be present on the site.

Female mulberry inflorescences are dense “catkins”

How to distinguish a male plant from a female one:

  1. Fruiting. This method of determination involves a long wait for fruiting (4–5 years), which is one of its disadvantages. Fruits are set only on females. Of course, the method is unreliable, because female plant There may not be enough pollen to set fruit.
  2. The structure of inflorescences. The method is much more reliable, but requires minimal botanical knowledge or observation. Female inflorescences are spike-shaped “earrings”, where each flower contains a two-snouted pistil and a perianth of four leaves. Male inflorescences are slightly drooping and looser.

The inflorescences of the male mulberry specimen are loose, slightly drooping

On bisexual plants, both male and female inflorescences can be seen.

In order to speed up the process of recognizing the “gender” of the mulberry, it is recommended to purchase three-year-old seedlings that have already had their first offspring.

Keeping mulberries with other plants

The mulberry tree “tolerates” proximity only to relatives. Thus, only other species or varieties can be planted next to the mulberry to prevent oppression of other plants.

Some gardeners claim that mulberry is incompatible with walnut and Manchurian nut, but gets along well with grapes.

Types and varieties of mulberries

Most known species mulberries - black, white and red.

The tree originally grew in the territories of Iran and Afghanistan. The height of the plant reaches 15 m, the crown is spreading. The leaves are broadly ovate, asymmetrical, up to 20 cm long, up to 15 cm wide. The upper side of the leaf is rough, and there is a slight felt pubescence on the lower side. The fruits are black, sweet and sour, glossy, up to 3 cm in length. This species is drought-resistant, but is highly thermophilic, unlike white or red mulberry.

Black mulberry berries are large and dark in color.

Varieties of black mulberry

The most popular varieties of black mulberry are the following:

  • Repair - dwarf form mulberries, which can be grown in containers;
  • Shelly No. 150 is a large-fruited mulberry, the fruits are 5.5 cm long. The leaves can reach 50 cm in length and are used in floristry;
  • Royal is a medium-sized variety, the fruits of which reach 3 cm. It tolerates molding well. It is highly resistant to pests and diseases;
  • Black Prince is a large-fruited form, berries are 4–5 cm in length. The variety is notable for its high frost resistance;
  • Black Pearl is a self-fertile, large-fruited variety (berries up to 5.5 cm). The first fruits ripen already in June, but are poorly preserved on the branches, quickly falling off;
  • Plodovaya-4 is a compact (up to 5 m) large-fruited variety. Characterized by long fruiting;
  • Nadezhda - a remarkable variety rapid fruiting(in the 2nd year of cultivation), as well as abundant yield.

The tree comes from China, with a height of 13 to 18 m, with a dense spherical crown. The bark on young shoots is gray-green or red-brown. The leaves are varied in both shape and size. White mulberry fruits are considered the sweetest. The color of the fruit can be yellowish-cream, pinkish, or black. The species got its name because of its light-colored bark. White mulberry is distinguished by its resistance to unfavorable conditions (for example, it grows well in the city), frost resistance, and low maintenance requirements.

The species got its name for its light bark, and the fruits of white mulberry can be yellowish, delicate pink or almost black.

White mulberry varieties

White mulberry presented the largest assortment, since it was brought from Asia before red and black mulberries. Decorative varieties white mulberry:

  • Weeping - a low-growing form (up to 5 m), the crown consists of thin drooping branches;
  • Pyramidal - characterized by a narrow pyramidal crown up to 8 m high and lobed leaves;
  • Globular - low standard form, the crown of which is spherical and dense;
  • Spoon-shaped - the form develops in the form of a multi-stemmed tree up to 5 m high, the fruits of which ripen early. It got its name from the leaves that are folded and bent along the midrib;
  • Large-leaved - mulberry leaves together with the petiole reach 22 cm in length;
  • Dissected-leaved - a low-growing form, the leaves of which are divided into lobes, some slightly concave;
  • Golden - young leaves and shoots have a characteristic golden tint;
  • Tatarian is a slow-growing, low-growing mulberry with increased winter hardiness and multi-lobed small leaves.

Fruit varieties of white mulberry:

  • White honey - high tall tree, fruits are white, up to 3 cm long;
  • Smuglyanka - the variety is characterized by high frost resistance, as well as an abundant harvest, black fruits 3.5 cm long;
  • White tenderness is a high-yielding variety, the fruits are light in color, the fruit length is 5 cm;
  • Luganochka - a variety characterized by high yield, cream-colored fruits up to 5.5 cm long;
  • Black Baroness is an early ripening variety with sweet fruits, the length of which reaches 3.5 cm. It is highly resistant to low negative temperatures;
  • Staromoskovskaya - mulberry with a spherical crown and almost black berries;
  • Ukrainian-6 is an early-ripening, high-yielding variety, the fruits of which are black in color, 4 cm or more in length.

The plant was brought from North America. The species is characterized by high drought resistance, cold resistance and low requirements for growing conditions. The height of the red mulberry reaches 10–20 m, the crown is spherical, the bark has a brownish-brown tint. The leaves are up to 12 cm long, ovoid in shape with a pointed tip, slightly rough to the touch. The underside of the leaf is covered with light felt pubescence. The fruits are dark red (almost black), very juicy, up to 3 cm, taste sweet and sour, and look like blackberries.

It is extremely rare that red mulberry is represented by monoecious specimens that do not require a pair of the opposite sex for fruiting.

The fruits of the red mulberry are dark burgundy, almost black.

Red mulberry varieties

Popular varieties of red mulberry are:

  • Vladimirskaya is a self-fertile variety that can be grown in the form of a bush due to the active formation of lateral shoots in the lower part of the trunk. When the central conductor is cut off, it grows in a weeping form;
  • Felt - decorative form, whose leaves are bottom side covered with strong felt pubescence.

Mulberry planting

Like any other fruit crop, mulberries can be planted in the spring (in April) before the plant leaves dormancy or in the fall (in September - October) before the onset of frost.

Requirements for the mulberry planting site:

  1. Well lit place.
  2. Wind protection.
  3. Moderately moist soil with a neutral reaction.
  4. The depth of groundwater is at least 1.5 m.

The planting hole for a young tree is prepared at least 2 weeks before the expected planting date. Average dimensions: 0.5x0.5x0.5 m. If spring planting is planned, it is recommended to prepare planting holes in the fall, filling them with a fertile mixture.

If necessary, fertilize the soil (a mixture of 5–7 kg of rotted manure and 100 g of superphosphate per seedling) dimensions landing pit increase . Fertilizers at the bottom of the hole are covered with a layer of soil to protect the roots from damage. In heavy soils prone to waterlogging, it is recommended to pour drainage made of broken bricks or crushed stone at the bottom of the hole.

When planting, in order to increase the frost resistance of mulberries, it is recommended to bury the root collar slightly into the ground.

Before planting, a support is dug into the hole so that the plant can be tied up. After 2 weeks, the seedling is placed in a hole, carefully distributing the roots over the entire area of ​​the planting site. Gradually falling asleep young plant shake lightly so that voids do not form in the soil. After the entire hole is filled and compacted, a couple of buckets of water are poured into the tree trunk circle and the soil is mulched to prevent it from drying out.

Culture transplantation

Gardeners disagree on the issue of replanting mulberries: some say that the plant cannot tolerate replanting, while others, on the contrary, claim that the crop is extremely unpretentious. The timing of transplantation is also controversial.

In any case, it is advisable to replant trees as young as possible. The tree is dug up with a clod of earth, trying to preserve most large roots. Transplantation to a new location is carried out both in the spring before sap flow begins, and in the fall 2-3 weeks before frost, so that the tree has time to take root.

Video: mulberry transplant

Mulberry propagation methods

The mulberry tree reproduces both by seeds and vegetatively, that is, lignified or green cuttings, root suckers, grafting, layering.

Seed propagation method

In the second half of October, the berries are harvested current year cleared of pulp. Soak for 1–2 hours in a solution of a growth stimulator (for example, Zircon).

Small mulberry seeds must be thoroughly cleaned of pulp.

When planting in spring, the seeds must be stratified for 1–2 months - for this, the seeds are placed in freezer. If for some reason stratification was not carried out, the seeds must be kept in ice water for a day before sowing, and then in water at a temperature of 50ºC for the same period.

Sowing seeds:

  1. The beds prepared in a sunny place are spilled with a fertilizer solution for fruit and berry crops.
  2. Seeds are sown to a depth of 3–5 cm.
  3. The bed is watered and covered with a layer of mulch. At autumn planting The mulch layer is increased to prevent the seeds from freezing.
  4. All care for mulberry seedlings consists of timely watering and fertilizing, weeding the beds of weeds.
  5. By autumn, when the seedlings are strong enough, they are planted at a distance of 3–5 m or in their permanent places.

In the 5th–6th year, the seedlings enter the fruiting period.

Plants grown from seeds most often do not inherit all the characteristics of the mother plant.

One of the disadvantages seed propagation is that the seedlings may not completely or not at all inherit the characteristics of the mother plant, which is why such specimens are most often used as a rootstock.

Vegetative methods of propagation

Reproduction by plant parts has more high efficiency and allows the daughter plant to retain all the characteristics of the original one.

Propagation by cuttings

Propagation by cuttings is a labor-intensive process. This requires the creation of a comfortable environment in greenhouses: the installation of fog-forming installations. In addition, only self-rooted mulberry plants can be propagated in this way. Mulberry grown from cuttings completely inherits the characteristics of the mother plant.

  1. Green cuttings. During the period of intensive growth (June-July), cuttings 15–20 cm long with 2–3 buds are cut. It is recommended to leave 2-3 leaves on the cuttings, cutting them in half. In a greenhouse with high humidity, cuttings are planted in fertile soil at an angle of 45º, deepening by 3 cm. Planting in open ground is carried out next spring, when the seedlings acquire a branched root system and become stronger.
  2. Lignified cuttings are cut at the same time as green ones. The order of their cultivation and planting is also maintained. The main difference from green cuttings is the longer rooting process.

Reproduction by offspring

Many plants have the ability to form root shoots if the main trunk is damaged - this process allows the plant to avoid death. A strong mulberry root shoot will allow you to grow a new specimen to replace the dead one. Extra root suckers can be cut and removed or, by digging up along with the root system and shortening by 1/3, planted as seedlings. Mulberry trees propagated in this way inherit the characteristics of the mother plant.


In general, mulberries can be grafted using all available methods, but copulation is considered the simplest and most successful - cutting grafting. The copulation procedure itself is of two types:

Mulberry care

The key to a strong plant and a bountiful harvest is not only correct technique planting or grafting, but also proper care.

Watering and fertilizing

Mulberries need to be watered from early spring until July, in particularly dry weather, after which watering ends. In rainy spring, mulberries are not watered because the crop does not tolerate waterlogging. In the spring, the plant is fed mainly with nitrogen fertilizers, and in the summer - with potassium and phosphate fertilizers.


Mulberry, like any other plant, is pruned only during dormancy: complete or partial. The least painless pruning is in April-early May, until the buds open and active sap flow begins. During this period, rejuvenating and shaping pruning is carried out. Sanitary pruning is carried out in the fall, after the end of the growing season, when the air temperature has dropped below -10ºC. Then remove all damaged or diseased branches that need to be burned.

Each type of mulberry has its own characteristics, so pruning must be approached individually. Thus, for decorative mulberries it is necessary to constantly maintain a given shape, and for weeping varieties, the crown must be regularly thinned out and the shoots shortened.

Video: mulberry pruning

Mulberry pests and diseases

Mulberry is quite resistant to various types diseases and pests, but improper care, pruning, and harsh winters can weaken the plant, making it vulnerable.

Preventing Infection

To protect mulberries from insects and diseases in the coming season, it is recommended to preventive treatments fungicides and insecticides to the plant and soil underneath. The procedure is carried out before the buds open in the spring (in April) and after the end of the growing season (in October). A 3% solution of Bordeaux mixture or Nitrafen is used. In the spring, you can use a 7% urea solution, which will not only destroy pests that have overwintered in bark cracks and fallen leaves, but will also act as nitrogen fertilizer necessary during this period.

Diseases and control measures

Most common the following types diseases:

  • Powdery mildew is a disease of fungal origin. Externally it appears on leaves and shoots in the form of a whitish coating. The spread of the disease is facilitated by wet weather and an overly thick crown. As a preventative measure, it is recommended to remove fallen leaves and cut out affected branches in the fall. A sick plant is treated with a solution of colloidal sulfur, Fundazol or Bordeaux mixture;
  • brown leaf spot (cylindrosporiosis) - fungal disease, which appears on the leaves in the form of lilac-red spots with a lighter border, the affected leaves gradually dry out and fall off. When the first signs appear, the plant is treated with Silit in accordance with the instructions, repeated treatment is carried out after 2 weeks. In autumn, it is necessary to collect and destroy all affected leaves;
  • bacteriosis appears as spots irregular shape on young leaves and shoots of mulberry, which subsequently turn black, curl and fall off. Gum streaks appear on deformed shoots. For treatment, the drug Fitoflavin is used, which is not always effective. Therefore, it is recommended to carry out preventive treatments of mulberries;
  • The tinder fungus only affects weakened, damaged plants, destroying their wood. The body of the fungus along with a section of wood is cut out and destroyed, and the remaining wound is treated with a 5% solution copper sulfate, after which the place is covered with a mixture of clay, lime and mullein (1:1:2). As a preventive measure, it is recommended to promptly treat and cover up damage to the trunk.

Photo gallery: mulberry diseases

Mulberry pests

The most common insects are:

  • white American butterfly - greatest harm applied by greenish-brown caterpillars with black spots and yellow stripes along the body. Insects quickly eat up the foliage and also form cobweb nests that must be cut off and burned. It is recommended to treat the crown with Chlorophos, and install fishing belts on the trunk;
  • mulberry moth - caterpillars of the pest populate the crown during the period of swelling of the buds, subsequently feeding on the leaves. In spring, it is necessary to treat plants with Chlorophos as a preventive measure;
  • Spider mites are small insects, the main sign of their infestation is the thinnest web entangling the shoots. The mite feeds on the cell sap of leaves, which gradually dry out, darken and fall off. As a pest control measure, acaricidal drugs are used (for example, Kleschevit, Actellik);
  • A thin web on a plant is a sign of the appearance spider mite The life activity of the Comstock bug leads to deformation and falling of leaves

    Features of growing mulberries in the regions

    Mulberries can be grown anywhere, but in cold regions special attention should be given to them, especially when preparing for winter.

  1. In outskirts of Moscow. In the Moscow region, the culture has taken root due to its frost resistance - mulberries can withstand temperatures as low as -30ºC. However, in a snowless winter, the mulberry tree can die at a temperature of -7ºC. Due to insufficient daylight hours, mulberries in the Moscow region experience two growing seasons: spring and autumn. Here, one of the plant’s survival tools is the ability to form cork tissue between the ripened and unripe parts of the shoot. Therefore, in the fall, in addition to the fall of leaves, you can notice the shedding of shoots in the mulberries near Moscow.
  2. In Siberia. Experienced gardeners V. Shalamova and G. Kazanina claim in their works that it is possible to grow mulberries in the harsh conditions of Siberia. However, increasing frost resistance in southern crops is a long and labor-intensive process.
  3. In Ukraine. Here you can often find, in addition to white and black mulberries, red, satin and multi-stemmed mulberries. Mulberries are planted in Ukraine both in spring and autumn - the crop shows excellent survival rate in local conditions.
  4. In Belarus. Mulberry grows actively in the conditions of Belarus: both in the south of the Brest region and in more northern regions.

Every year, gardeners are increasingly planting mulberries (mulberries) in their gardens. But which variety should you choose? Mulberry varieties come in a wide variety. Therefore, it would be useful to know how they differ from each other.

Despite the name of the group, white mulberry can bear fruit with berries (fruits) not only white, but also pink, yellow and even dark. All plants are of the white type due to the grayish (light) color of the bark.

The homeland is considered to be Eastern and Asia Minor. Planting seedlings of white varieties can be carried out both in the southern and northern regions of our country. The trees are characterized by rapid growth, as well as a spreading and dense crown. In addition, the description of all varieties of this group has the same point - fruits that taste sugary.

The most popular varieties are:

  • pink mulberry Smolenskaya. Early variety. Fruiting at Smolenskaya begins in the first year after planting in early July. The plant is unpretentious, cold-resistant. The fruits are small, red or pink;
  • White tenderness. Highly productive frost-resistant tree. The harvest ripens in early June. Ripening lasts two months. White mulberry;
  • Fruit-1. Another early ripening species, the fruits of which ripen in June. Ripe fruits are white, quite large;
  • Ukrainian-107. Mid-season hybrid. The berries will ripen in July. They are large and colored light pink. Fruiting here begins at the 3rd year of life;
  • White honey mulberry. A self-pollinating plant that is characterized by winter hardiness and high yield. The berries ripen in June-July. The fruits have a pronounced honey taste;
  • Mulberry Smuglyanka. This is an unpretentious and frost-resistant plant. The tree has an average growth rate. Smuglyanka produces rather large, dark-colored berries.

Another white variety is considered to be the Black Baroness mulberry. This is the most popular variety. Since the name is Black Baroness, then the berries, accordingly, have a dark color. The fruits are large and very sweet in taste. They are characterized by a faint aroma. Characterized by consistently high yield and cold resistance. The fruits ripen in June-July.

Black varieties

Black mulberry has the main difference from white varieties - the bark is red-brown in color. There are no more obvious differences between the two species. The only thing is that black species are more capricious in terms of care and are not as frost-resistant (though not all trees).

It is known that black mulberry appeared in Afghanistan and Iran. Externally, it is a tall tree that can reach 15 m in height.

The most popular black varieties are:

  • mulberry Black Prince. It has many advantages: easy care, cold resistance, beautiful berries, etc. Black mulberry tastes sweet, with a honey flavor;
  • Fruit-4. Compact, you might say dwarf species. It is characterized by high productivity. The berries are dark in color and very sweet. They tolerate transportation well;
  • Ukrainian-6. It is a universal variety. Often used as food for silkworms or for decorative purposes. The fruits are large and dark in color. The taste is dessert. Characterized by early fruiting. Good transportability of fruits;
  • Shelly-150. Often referred to as decorative varieties. Produces elongated, dark-colored berries. Fruiting begins at the end of June. The fruits tolerate transportation well.

Nadezhda is also a black variety of this crop. This is a medium-sized tree, growing up to 10 m in height. Fruiting occurs with large, dark-colored berries. They ripen in July. The fruits stick well to the branches, thanks to which they do not fall off for a long time when ripe. Nadezhda bears fruit steadily, giving a bountiful harvest every year. At the same time, the tree normally tolerates low temperatures.


In addition to white and black species, mulberry also has decorative varieties. These trees are actively used in landscape design because they have a beautiful appearance.

Most ornamental plants were bred from white varieties, as they have a wide variety of colors and leaf shapes, and also form an original crown. Ornamental trees They tolerate shearing well and are highly resistant to various weather conditions.

Today the following decorative varieties are distinguished:

  • spherical. A small tree with a spherical compact crown;
  • pyramidal. The plant has a pyramidal crown, the green part of which is made up of lobed leaves;
  • large-leaved. This is a standard variety that produces fairly large leaves of light green color;
  • Tatar This is a slow-growing and low-growing subshrub, the crown of which consists of small leaves;
  • crying. The branches are drooping, like those of a willow. The crown consists of small leaves of unusual shape;
  • golden. Young shoots have a golden bark color. They darken with age.

Also to ornamental plants include varieties such as Lasiniata (has carved beautiful leaves), Pyramidalis (pyramidal-shaped crown), Aurea (leaves are colored yellow) and Globosa (beautiful spherical crown).


Large-fruited varieties are the most popular among gardeners. Trees that produce large berries (about 4-5 cm) are easier to harvest. At the same time, the taste of large-fruited berries is in no way inferior to varieties with small fruits.

The most popular large-fruited varieties among gardeners in our country are White Tenderness, Shelly-150 and Black Prince. In addition to them, the following types are in demand:

  • Istanbul. The variety is characterized by high productivity and good cold resistance. Fruit ripening occurs at the end of July or at the beginning of August. The first harvest is formed in the 4th year of life;
  • Galicia-1. A universal-purpose hybrid, bred in Ukraine. Is the most large-fruited plant, since its berries often measure 6-8 cm. The color of the fruit is dark purple. Outwardly they look like blackberries. They have a light berry aroma. One tree aged 5-7 years produces up to 40 kg of harvest;
  • Hartut. The variety is self-fertile. Productivity is stable and abundant. Fruiting occurs for the first time in the 3rd year of life. The fruits of this variety are often used to make wine. The fruits have a sweet taste due to the fact that their pulp contains up to 20% sugars. Thanks to the thick juice, such berries make delicious Cahors. These fruits also make excellent jam.

As you can see, mulberry today is represented by a wide variety of varieties. Moreover, some of them (for example, Black Prince, Shelley-150) have two parameters at once - large-fruited and dark-colored berries.

All the varieties described above can be grown without any problems in almost any area of ​​our country.

Video “How to plant mulberries”

From this video you will learn how to properly plant mulberries in the garden.

Mulberry (mulberry tree) is an evergreen, tall plant that grows in regions with warm climates. The leaves of this tree serve as food for silk worms, which produce natural silk threads. The fruits are famous for their value medicinal properties. In the East, mulberries are called the king tree, and mulberries are fed to old people to prolong their lives.

The fruits of the mulberry tree contain organic acids, fructose, carotene, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, vitamins C, K, PP, group B. The antioxidants included in the composition prevent the aging of the body and improve the condition of the skin and hair. Mulberry fruits are used in folk medicine for the treatment of bronchitis, pneumonia, tonsillitis, hypertension, tonsillitis and other diseases.

As for the classification, it is very confusing.

The Mulberry family includes 200 species of trees and only a little more than 15 of them are generally recognized.

There are 2 main forms of mulberry - black and white, which are divided into varieties. Let's get acquainted with the most remarkable representatives of a large genus.

White honey

One of the most famous varieties, obtained by domestic breeders. Developed by crossing several species of white mulberry. The tree is not tall. The pyramid-shaped crown is quite dense. The fruits are elongated white drupes reaching 3 cm in length. They attract with an unusual taste - sweet, with a honey flavor. The berries are soft and require increased caution during transportation. The variety consistently produces good harvest and withstands low temperatures.

Smolenskaya pink

An excellent option for beginner gardeners.

The variety is easily adaptable to environmental conditions and easy to care for. It has good frost resistance. It begins to bear fruit in the first year after planting.

The fruits are medium in size, pink or red. Fragrant and sweet. Beautiful shape leaves allows you to use trees as a spectacular decoration of the land.


An early ripening variety that produces large and juicy fruits. Harvesting can begin in June. The main advantages are long fruiting and bright taste. The berries are sweet with a pleasant sourness. Mulberry - dense consistency, does not wrinkle during transportation. Distinctive feature- white fruits turn pink in rainy weather. There is no need to be scared - this is normal.


If when choosing suitable variety For growing your goal is taste, then pay attention to Merezhevo. The hybrid obtained by grafting white mulberry has many undeniable advantages. Fruiting lasts 1 month. The fruits are large, attractive pinkish-cream color. The taste is sickly sweet. However, it was not without its drawbacks. The berries quickly crumble and do not tolerate transportation and storage well. for a short time.


The low growth and compact size of the tree hides good productivity. The fruiting period is long, the yield is good. The fruits are large (4 cm), color - black. The taste is sweet, with light refreshing notes. The variety is resistant to low temperatures and is perfect for commercial purposes. Mulberry does not lose its original characteristics during transportation.

Mulberry Black Baroness

The variety fully lives up to its original name. Obtained as a result of experiments by domestic breeders. The fruits are large (4 cm), deep black in color. Fragrant and very sweet. Ripen in July. Stored for 12 hours. Yield indicators are also “high” - one tree yields up to 100 kg. The Black Baroness easily tolerates temperatures down to -30 degrees. If necessary, adapts to any environmental conditions.


A variety familiar to many gardeners. Characterized by high decorativeness. Produces large fruits (5.5 cm). It begins to bear fruit at the end of June. The berries are long, dark, with a characteristic shine. The taste is dessert.

The dense consistency makes it possible to transport large quantities without loss.

Those who want to grow mulberries for resale should choose this particular variety.

Black Prince

Another priceless piece. It seems to consist of nothing but merits. Easy to care for, resistant to drought, frost and disease. It is valued for the beauty of its large and glossy berries, reaching a length of 5 cm. The color is black. The taste is unusual, honey. It is noteworthy that the mulberry is juicy, but at the same time does not wrinkle during transportation and is stored for a long time.


Fans of mulberry wine should plant this variety in their dacha. It begins to bear fruit in the 3rd year of life. Yields are high and stable. The berries are large (5.5 cm), black. The thick juice obtained from them tastes like Cahors. The variety is actively used in winemaking and cooking. Easy to grow and disease resistant.


Valued for its high decorativeness and excellent taste qualities. Fruiting begins in June. The fruits are elongated, large (4 cm). Color - matte black. The taste is sweet. The tree tolerates frosts down to -30 degrees without consequences. During transportation, the berries do not lose their original appearance. They are stored for more than 2 weeks.

The varieties intended for human consumption are presented above. However, there are many decorative varieties designed to embellish the environment. These include weeping mulberry, golden mulberry, pyramidal mulberry, Tatarian mulberry, and spherical mulberry. There are varieties that can be grown in small containers or pots. That is, the choice of variety will directly depend on what goals you are pursuing.