home · Lighting · Deytsia varieties are frost-resistant. Deutzia shrub: varieties, planting and care. Growing action: video

Deytsia varieties are frost-resistant. Deutzia shrub: varieties, planting and care. Growing action: video

Deytsia. This ornamental, profusely flowering shrub can be compared in beauty and unpretentiousness to such popular and spectacular crops as lilac and hydrangea. Deutzia is part of the Hydrangeaceae family. The genus of this plant, which also has a name, unites almost five dozen species that are naturally found in areas East Asia.

All deutias are shrubs that shed their leaves every year. Their crowns are formed by erect and slightly curving, sometimes pubescent shoots. In some species, on old shoots the bark acquires a layered, flaky structure.

In the second year, the shoots become hollow inside, making them brittle. This must be taken into account when caring for and covering for the winter.

Simple leaves with entire, serrated or serrated edges are located on branches opposite each other (opposite arrangement).

Beautiful flowers of whitish, pink, lilac and purple shades are odorless and collected in fairly large inflorescences such as a brush or ball. They are located at the ends of last year's shoots. They can be simple and terry.

Deutzia grows on almost any soil and is easy to care for. Even when the bushes are severely frozen in winter, within one season they grow back, actively growing shoots.

For gardeners, deutzia is valuable not only for its elegant appearance, but also for its long flowering (1-2 months). And also because it blooms immediately after the lilac, but before the roses and mock orange begin to bloom, and the garden is decorated with flowering shrubs almost without interruption.

Planting and care

Soil selection

In order for the plant to develop steadily and bloom every year, when planting and caring for it, it is necessary to take into account its characteristics and requirements for growing conditions. Especially great importance It has optimal location plants on the site. It must be protected from strong air currents and winds.

You also need to ensure that groundwater is located at a depth of at least 2-3 meters. Actions are best suited to water-permeable, loose, nutrient soil with neutral (pH 6.5-7.0) and slightly acidic (pH 6.0-6.5) reactions. The land at the site of permanent cultivation must be cultivated to a depth of more than half a meter.

If the soil at the planting site is not suitable, then it is replaced with a mixture consisting of sand, turf soil and humus. Moreover, humus and earth are taken in two parts, and sand – one part. Mineral fertilizers with nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium (complex), as well as microfertilizers or ash, and lime in small quantities are added to the finished mixture.

Landing technology

The length, depth and width of the pit is usually from 50 to 60 cm. When replacing the soil at the planting site, the dimensions of the pit are increased by 20-40 cm.

Planting is done in the spring. Before planting, it is recommended to store seedlings at a temperature of 0 to +2 degrees.

Before planting, the roots of a seedling with an open root system must be straightened, broken, dried roots are cut off and placed for several hours (from 2 to 24) in water with a root formation stimulator.

Container plants are also inspected before planting, and if the roots are strongly fused with each other, bottom part the coma is torn a little and slightly leveled. After planting, container bushes are watered with a solution containing a root formation stimulator.

Caring for action

This decorative crop, although it is considered drought-resistant and unpretentious, shows its full beauty only when all agrotechnical activities(feeding, weeding, watering, pruning).


In hot and dry months, you need to water the deutsia from 2 to 3 times every four weeks, and when it rains, watering is carried out only when it dries out upper layer land.

15-20 liters of water are poured under each bush.

After heavy watering or rainfall, it is advisable to loosen the surface of the soil around the bushes to remove the dense crust. Deep loosening is not carried out so as not to damage the roots.

Top dressing

This shrub is fed 3 times per season. In this case, fertilizing is carried out for the first time in the form of mulching the tree trunk circle with humus (half a bucket per plant).

The second time they use liquid fertilizers based on mineral fertilizers with microelements. These feedings are carried out until the end of flowering.

The third (last) fertilizing is carried out before pruning. For it, use a solution of mullein, diluted one to ten. One bucket is used per plant.


One of the main measures for caring for deytsia is timely and correct pruning.

In May-June, shoots that have frozen over the winter are removed from the bushes.

Every year after the end of flowering, rejuvenating and formative pruning is carried out.

Spectacular flowers are formed on perennial shoots, but the largest number of them bloom on 2-3 year old branches. When pruning, adult trunks that are more than 4-5 years old are cut into a ring or a small stump about 15 cm high is left. Dry and poorly developed shoots need to be removed.

It is also necessary to shorten young elongated shoots so that the crown of the bush maintains a compact shape.

Preparing for winter

In order for the deutia wood to ripen well by the beginning of the cold weather, it stops watering in August. And with the onset of September, it is advisable to protect the bases of the bushes from heavy and prolonged rainfall using waterproof material.

Warming plants for the winter is carried out in two stages. The bushes are covered for the first time immediately after the onset of night frosts. At this time, the branches of the deutsium are pressed to the ground and secured, and then sprinkled with fallen dry leaves.

The branches of tall bushes break when bent, so such plants are covered with burlap or special non-woven material.

The second (additional) shelter is carried out when the average daily temperature falls below zero. Branches of spruce branches are placed at the base of the bushes, which helps to retain snow and thereby protects from freezing.

This pine shelter remove after the snow has completely melted and warmth has established (avoiding warming). Then the bush is freed from the remaining leaves.


You can get new instances from the action using:

  • layerings,
  • seeds,
  • Cherenkov,
  • root shoots and
  • dividing the bush.

Propagation by seeds

For sowing seeds, prepare beds with loose, permeable soil. The beds should be located in partial shade.

Seeds are sown in the spring on the surface of the ground and not sprinkled with anything. During germination, you need to ensure that neither the seeds nor the top layer of soil dry out; you need to moisten them in time.

The first seedlings appear after 3 weeks, and when two pairs of true leaves form on them, they are picked.

You can germinate seeds at home, in boxes or boxes, but in this case picking is done already in open ground.

Plants from seeds good care They bloom in the 3rd year.


You can quickly and fairly easily obtain young deutsias using cuttings. Green cuttings from 10 to 20 cm long are harvested from June 15 to July 10. To do this, use the shoots of the current year that are not covered with bark.

Rooting is carried out in greenhouses at temperatures from 15 to 30 degrees. The cuttings are buried 0.5 cm, at an angle. The lower cut is powdered with a root formation stimulator.

Installing artificial fog will help increase the rooting percentage to 95-100%. As soon as the shoots on the cuttings begin to grow, they are transferred into open ground to growing beds, where they will remain for one to two years.

For the winter, they must be covered with leaf litter or spruce branches.

For propagation, you can also use lignified cuttings, which are cut in late autumn. This is convenient to do only in warm regions where the action is not covered for the winter. Each cutting should have from 3 to 5 buds. The cuttings are tied in 10-15 pieces and sent for winter storage in a cool place with a temperature of about 0 degrees, placed in boxes and covered with sand.

In the spring, cuttings are removed and rooted in the same way as green ones.

Dividing the bush and propagating by root shoots

Large old shrubs can be dug up, divided into 2-3 parts and planted. When planting, dry and thickened shoots are pruned.

New plants can also be obtained by separating the basal shoots from the mother bush.

Both division of the bush and propagation by root shoots are carried out, as is the planting of seedlings, in the spring.

Types, hybrids and varieties of deutzia

Deytsia graceful (D. gracilis)

Of the numerous types of deutsia, it is worth highlighting those that can be grown in Russia. First of all, this is Deutzia graceful, which is a beautifully flowering shrub that has a rounded crown shape. The height of the bush can vary from 0.5 to 0.7 meters. Elongated narrow leaves with small serrated teeth, about 6 cm long and 2 cm wide, are attached to the branches using small petioles opposite each other.

Snow-white flowers measuring 1.5 cm are located in brush-type inflorescences from 7 to 9 cm long. Lush flowering lasts almost a month and occurs in June. This type of deutia is liked for its small and compact bush shape, abundant flowering and drought resistance. And also for the fact that it grows and develops well in urban environments.

This species has variegated forms and forms with golden leaves.

Variety "Nikko (Nikko)" - low spreading shrubs up to 80 cm in height. The flowers are white, collected in spike-shaped inflorescences. Blooms in May-June. In autumn the foliage turns a beautiful burgundy color.

Deutzia small-flowered or Amur is practically the only species that is little damaged by frost. Under natural conditions, it can be found in areas of the Far East.

The crown of this low shrub, reaching a height of one meter, is formed by smoothly curved branches. Leaves oval shape with a pointed end and a finely serrated edge, they are about 6 cm long. Snow-white flowers, which have no aroma, are collected in raceme-type inflorescences and are located at the ends of the shoots. Flowering of young bushes begins at three years of age and occurs every year.

Deytsia rough or star-shaped (D. scrabra)

Deytsia rough grows well and develops in middle lane our country. Only in winters severe frosts bushes without shelter freeze slightly, but with the beginning of the growing season the shoots grow quickly.

This species reaches a height of almost one meter. The leaves with a rough surface and short pubescence are 8 cm long. The flowers, painted in the most delicate pink or white shade, are shaped like bells. They are collected in spectacular inflorescences 15 cm long at the ends of the shoots.

Deytsia rough begins to bloom at the very end of June, much later than other species. During flowering, such a huge number of flowers bloom on the bushes that the crown sometimes falls apart under their weight. This species must be covered for the winter. He has several interesting and beautiful varieties.

The variety “Plena (Plena)” attracts attention with densely double flowers, reminiscent of wide bells. The crown of the bush, about one meter high, is formed mostly by erect shoots.

The variety “Candissima (Candissima)” stands out among other varieties with pinkish buds, which, when blooming, turn into double snow-white flowers, which are collected in large panicle-type inflorescences. Needs good winter shelter.

The variety “Pride of Rochester” is a shrub with a dense crown, straight, upward-pointing branches up to 3 m in height and 2.5 m in width. The flowers are white double, blooming in June.

The variety "Codsall Pink" has a dense crown and curved branches. The height of the bush is up to 2.5 m, width is up to 2 m. It blooms in June, the flowers are double pink, collected in inflorescence panicles 15 cm long.

Deytsia Vilmorina (D. vilmorinae)

Deutzia Vilmorin grows up to 70 cm in the middle zone. Narrow leaves with small teeth 6 cm long are located along the entire length of the shoots.

Snow-white flowers with a diameter of 2 cm bloom in corymbose inflorescences. This species can freeze in winters with severe frosts, and therefore needs good shelter.

The magnificent deytsia was obtained as a result of the selection of Vilmorin and rough deytsia. The crown of bushes of this species is slightly more than a meter high. It is formed by both erect and slightly curved branches.

The ovate-elongated leaves, about 6 cm long, have very small teeth along the edge. The whitish flowers are collected in ball-type inflorescences with a diameter of 10 cm. Flowering lasts about three weeks and begins in mid-June.

The winter hardiness of this species is low and requires good shelter. After frosty winters it may not bloom at all. Often flowers appear only on the lower shoots, which are covered with snow in winter.

The variety "Tourbillon Rouge" is a spectacular shrub 1.5-1.8 m high with straight branches. It blooms in June-July, the flowers are large, colored in shades from dark to pale pink, collected in paniculate inflorescences. In autumn, the elongated lanceolate leaves change color from green to yellow-pink.

Deutzia Lemoine (D. x lemoinei)

Deutia Lemoine is a hybrid obtained by crossing Deutia graceful and Amur. Bushes of this species are about one meter high and have a slightly spreading crown shape. The diameter of the snow-white flowers is one and a half centimeters. They are collected in raceme-type inflorescences from 8 to 10 cm long. Flowering begins in early June and lasts almost 3 weeks.

This species is characterized by fairly high winter hardiness. Varieties created on its basis are very popular and famous.

The variety "Mont Rose" is a shrub with a rounded shape with drooping shoots. Height up to 2 m, leaves dark green, oval with serrated edges. Blooms in June. The flowers are large, wide open with yellow stamens.

Purple deytsia (D. purpurascens)

This species is only suitable for warm climates. It is a shrub up to 2 m high. The branches are thin, light brown, the leaves are elliptical or oval-lanceolate, pointed, with a serrated edge, sparsely pubescent. The flowers are lilac-pink, collected in corymbose inflorescences of several flowers.

A hybrid obtained from crossing Deutia purple and graceful. Has good winter hardiness. It is a low compact shrub, up to 1.5 m tall, with ovoid pointed leaves 3-5 cm long. The flowers are shaped like a bell, the color is pale pink, the inflorescence is a raceme.
Variety “Campanulata (Campanulata)” is a shrub with a dense spreading crown, blooms profusely in May. The flowers are white with a pinkish tint, bell-shaped.

This hybrid was obtained by crossing Deutia Siebold and Deutia purpurea. Bushes up to 1.5 m tall, oval leaves with a serrated edge. The flowers are pink or purple-pink, the inflorescences are racemes.

One of the most popular varieties is “Perle Rose”. It is an erect or spreading shrub with lush apical racemose inflorescences with pink flowers.

Suitable for southern regions only. In the middle zone it freezes a lot and, most often, does not bloom.

Deytsia in gardening and landscape design

Most often, deutia is used in landscaping when decorating the background and middle plans of mixed flower beds, as a border, and also when planting various groups bushes. This crop will look especially beautiful on a well-groomed emerald lawn.

The action will look original and interesting in free, untrimmed “live” hedges, where plants are planted at intervals of 1.5-2 meters.

Various species, hybrids and varieties of this crop fit perfectly into landscape compositions from ornamental trees and bushes.

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has the following description: genus of deciduous and evergreen, perennial woody plants from the Hydrangeaceae family. There are 50 species, the distribution range of which is Mexico, the Himalayas and East Asia. At the beginning of the 19th century, Dutch merchants brought Himalayan and Japanese species of deutia.

Did you know? Swedish naturalist Carl Thunberg named the plant in honor of one of the mayors of Amsterdam, Johann van Deitz, who sponsored a sea expedition to the East.

The best time to plant action on the site

In the spring, when the soil has thawed, but the buds on the trees have not yet blossomed, you can plant deutia. Late March - early April is best. You can plant seedlings with a closed root system until mid-June.

Choosing a landing site

a light-loving plant that needs a sunny place, protected from piercing winds. Neighboring plants should not shade garden shrub, which will withstand light partial shade created by the crowns of large trees. Moderate humidity and diffused light are beneficial for action. Deutia develops best and spends the flowering period on loose, moderately moist, fertile sandy loam and loamy soils with a slightly alkaline soil reaction.

To avoid stagnation groundwater Soil drainage should be ensured, thanks to which nutrients will be evenly distributed and a moisture regime will be created that promotes the normal development of the root system of the plant. It is necessary to select a deutzia variety suitable for the soil. The least whimsical varieties Pink Deutzia and action Turbilon rouge.

Important! It is very difficult to distinguish one or another type of action without special knowledge; you need to pay attention to the structure of the seed capsule or the structure of the leaf.

How to choose and prepare seedlings before planting

When choosing seedlings, you need to carefully examine the bush, determining the presence of damage on the shoots, the integrity of the buds, the condition of the roots or symptoms of diseases. You should buy seedlings right before planting; if they have to be transported, the roots must be wrapped thick paper. Immediately before planting, cut off broken branches, shorten the roots to 40 cm, and if they are dry, soak them for several hours in a bucket with clay mash by adding 1 liter of potassium permanganate solution.

Rules for planting young seedlings of deytsia

To plant, you should dig a planting hole up to 50 cm deep; to drain the bottom, you need to fill it with a 10-centimeter layer of sand or broken brick. Deutzia has its own growing characteristics, and therefore you need to know some subtleties. Gardeners recommend adding 100 g of Nitrophoska to the soil mixture to fill the hole. The root collars of seedlings must not be buried; they must be left at ground level. After planting, compact and mulch the soil with peat.

Caring for action in the garden

The action itself, its cultivation and care in the garden will not require large investments of effort and money.

How often to water

Mature deutia bushes are drought-resistant and do not tolerate excess moisture well; one bucket of water once a week per bush is enough for them. When watering the deutia, it is worth loosening the soil by about 20 cm. In the summer and during the flowering period, you need to increase watering, and stop in early August so that the plant has the opportunity to prepare for winter. Young plants need to be watered abundantly, especially during their active growth. It is worth monitoring the condition of the soil, regularly weeding out weeds near the action, which will interfere with its development.

Mulching the soil

Mulch trunk circle fallen leaves and straw is one of the simplest ways. You can also use peat for mulching and insulate small bushes cardboard boxes, boxes or branches of coniferous spruce branches. Cold is very detrimental to young seedlings and deutsia seedlings. At the end of November, at low air temperatures, when the soil freezes to a few centimeters, the bushes need to be tightly covered with a layer of dry foliage or coniferous spruce branches.

When and with what to fertilize

Feeding the plant is done with compost with a glass of ash or fermented liquid manure in the proportion of 1 liter per 10 liters of water. Twice a season, 150 g of complex fertilizers ("Ammophos" or "Nitrophoska") are applied to the bush. The plant should be fertilized during the flowering period and at the beginning of summer, so as not to impair the frost resistance of the plant.

When preparing the area for action, they dig it up, adding manure or peat manure compost (10-15 kg/m2), potassium sulfate and dolomite flour to reduce soil acidity (100-200 g/m2). Improve the structure of heavy clay soil possible by adding sand and peat (10-15 kg/m2). Peat soils require the addition of sand and clay; sandy soils require the addition of loam and peat, which has the property of accumulating and retaining water.

The mixtures are thoroughly mixed, the soil is dug up with a shovel or cultivator to a depth of 20-25 cm. After the earthen clods have dried, they are crushed with a rake. If the land on which deutia is going to be planted is cultivated, holes are dug in the spring before planting; heavy soils should be prepared in advance in the fall.

Important! Deytia has one wonderful feature - it is immune to tobacco smoke and exhaust gases, so it is advisable to plant it along roads and highways.

How to prune action

Pruning of action is carried out in spring and late summer. At the beginning of May, remove the branches that grow inside the crown, damaged and immature in the past year, as well as the tips of the shoots that are frozen. Each branch that fades, after flowering, is pruned to a young shoot, which is also shortened by a third, and subsequently it begins to tiller and lay flower buds. Action may also require a process such as pruning in the fall.

The procedure includes cutting out branches that have thickened the bush, and already old ones. If the bush is more than five years old, it is necessary to get rid of 1-2 of the oldest shoots every 2-3 years, thus rejuvenating the bush.

How to prepare deutia bushes for winter

heat-loving plant, and its preparation for winter begins quite early. Harsh winters can deprive a shrub of flowering, killing the previous year's shoots. Young plants should be bent to the ground, the branches should be secured with two sticks crosswise or in small arcs, fallen leaves should be sprinkled on top and a mini-house made of sticks should be built, covering it with lutrasil and polyethylene.

The design will prevent the snow that settles in the spring from having a detrimental effect on the branches: bending them and breaking them. With an adult bush it will be more difficult - it will not be possible to bend it due to the fragility of the thick branches. Adult plants begin to prepare for winter even before the leaves completely fall off, which may later become additional protection from the cold.
The branches of the bush are carefully tied together with a rope, the bush is covered with a bag or any dense non-woven material, secured on top with clothespins. This shelter will protect not only from low temperatures, but also from drying out the shoots, since without a bag the flower buds risk drying out.

When and how to transplant deutzia

Deutzia is replanted in the spring. First, they dig up the bush very carefully, trying not to destroy the root ball of earth. To do this, they dig in the plant from all sides along the contour of the crown, then take it out with a lump of earth and move it to a new place.

Before this, 30 g of complex mineral fertilizer is added to the planting hole. The root collar should not go very deep into the ground or rise above it. The action in its new place grows evenly and does not bend, free space Between the lump of earth and the wall of the hole it is worth filling it completely and compacting it thoroughly.

After transplanting is completed, the shrub is well watered. When this is done, the plant is watered abundantly. Young plants, unlike adults that can get sick, tolerate replanting normally, quickly settle into a new place and bloom well.

Did you know? Landscape designers should know that deutia can be transplanted next to a lilac bush, the flowering of which will precede the flowering of deutia.

Resistance to diseases and pests

The garden shrub Deutia has the advantage of excellent resistance to diseases and pests, but sometimes the plant can be bullied by the bumblebee-like proboscis, which eats the leaves of Deutia. You can get rid of it by spraying the bush with a solution of Phtalofos, Karbofos, Decis or Kinmiks.

Methods of propagation

There are several ways to propagate this beautiful shrub.


Deycia can undergo a procedure such as propagation by cuttings only if it has well-developed, leafy, semi-lignified shoots. This happens at the beginning of summer. When cutting cuttings, leaf blades are halved with scissors or pruners. The lower cut is made obliquely, just under the internode, while the upper cut is made above the leaf node. Cut cuttings 12-15 cm long are planted in river sand, which is spread in a five-centimeter layer on the nutrient soil of the greenhouse. Action after planting and the entire period until the root has formed requires special care: It needs to be watered 3 to 7 times depending on the weather.

Deutia bush is a genus with 60 species of flowering plants in the Hydrangeaceae family. The natural habitat of this genus is eastern and central Asia (from the Himalayas east to Japan and the Philippines), central America and Europe. Also, a huge number of plant species are observed in China (approximately 50 varieties).
Deutzia flowers are named after the 18th century Dutch philanthropist and botanist Johann von der Deutz.
The Deutia bush is a fairly new plant for modern gardens, with the only exception being Deutia scabra, which was noticed in the Japanese gardens of Enegelbert Kampfer and Karl Peter Thunberg. But actually for the first time this flower appeared in Europe only after 1830, and the two or three species noted by the Royal Horticultural Society were collected from the wild only during the 20th century.
Deutia bush is grown as ornamental plant thanks to its pink and white flowers. Many varieties and hybrids are also used for growing in the garden, including varieties with double flowers: for example, Deutia lemon is a hybrid of Deutia gracilica and Deutia parviflora. Creating hybrids allows gardeners to reap greater benefits—for example, one species with drought tolerance and even more fragrant flowers. Sometimes, without careful study, it is very difficult to understand which specific family a particular variety or hybrid belongs to. We bring to your attention photos of the action and detailed description the process of planting and care during the growing process. In addition, descriptions of the most popular varieties of deutzia are offered, such as white and pink, hybrid and terry, rough, strawberry and pink pom pom.
Deuterium flowers are often used as a border plant because of their height. Some varieties of deutia are recommended for use as ground cover, for rock gardens, or simply for growing in containers and pots.

Description of the action and its photo

Deutia is mainly a shrub, ranging from one to four meters in height. Most are deciduous, but some subtropical varieties can be evergreen. The leaves are opposite and have serrated edges. Look at the photo of the deutzia shrub in the variety of varieties presented:

Deutia flowers grow in the form of a panicle or shield. The flowers are mostly white, but some varieties can be pink and red. They can be single with five petals or double with more petals. They grow in loose clusters and bloom from late spring to early summer. Deytsia is good because it does not cause allergies.
The bushes, which have shredded bark, produce small fruits in the form of a dry capsule containing numerous small seeds. Recognizing species is very difficult, often requiring knowledge of microscopic details such as leaf structure and seed capsule structure.
Not flowering plant easily confused with a honeysuckle bush.

Deutzia shrub care

Many varieties of deutia do not tolerate winter cold, so the plant should be placed in a room well protected from drafts and frost. The Deutia plant is very patient when cared for. various types soil and water conditions. But when caring for a flower, you should make sure that it is grown in the sun in moist but well-drained soil with humus and neutral acidity. It is not forbidden to plant deutia in partial shade, but you should know that there will be much fewer flowers than when in the open sun. When organizing the care of deutzia shrubs, you should follow the rule of providing diffused sunlight throughout the daylight hours.
As a rule, the plant is not vulnerable various diseases and pests.

Caring for deutia includes the process of pruning, since all species grow on woody growths that appeared after the previous growing season. This procedure is very important for its growth, but you need to choose a time when flowering has already ended - most often this is mid-summer. If you prune them too late, they will not have enough time to produce new stems to bloom next year. Pruning in winter leads to the fact that the deutzia will remain without flower buds for the entire next summer. And next spring the flower and stem will not appear either.
It is required to shorten the plant by about one third of its entire length. If you prune to the soil level, this will stimulate the growth of new root shoots, which will soon acquire full length and will ensure the continuity of healthy shoots for the next year.

Planting action

Deutzia propagates without problems using cuttings 8-10 centimeters long and soft shoots in May or June (or in July, when the wood is harder). They are placed in a mixture of sand and sandy peat and subsequently - in a greenhouse, under glass or under plastic film. Before planting, young plants must be placed in good soil into the nursery space, and the roots should be pinched a little so that the flower bushes better. Only after two years is it recommended to plant action on permanent place. And the best result can be achieved only if the plant is placed in loamy soil, but not too dry.
Also fertilize the soil by placing well-rotted manure over the roots or periodically applying fertilizer. this completes the planting action and then you should organize proper care behind the bushes in order to get excellent results in the very near future.

Deutzia varieties

Deytsia hybrid includes various varieties, crossed with each other. They are distinguished by bright colors and unusual leaves.

Deutzia pink

Deutzia rosea is a completely bushy deciduous shrub with pink and white flowers in late spring and early summer. They grow well in partial shade with direct sunlight and prefer average water levels. The rotating flowers are arranged in inflorescences in the form of a cymose corymb. Drought resistance is average. It takes on its most picturesque appearance in spring and summer.
This Deutia variety grows in soils ranging from pH5 (very acidic ranging from 0 to 5.1) to pH8 (slightly alkaline ranging from 7.6 to 8). It is suitable for chalk, clay, loam, sandy loam, peat, sandy clay, sandy loam and sandy loam soils. Prefers fertile soil.
The round-shaped bush can reach a height of one meter and spreads to approximately the same length. The process of reaching maximum height often takes 6 to 10 years.
The pointed leaves retain their color in both winter and summer.
The main method of propagation is cuttings.

Hybrid action white

The snow-white inflorescences of Deutia white reach 12 centimeters; double flowers reach three centimeters in diameter. The period of active flowering is June-July. If all care conditions are met, the plant can bloom and maintain its beautiful appearance from 20 to 50 years. Grows very quickly up to two meters.

Hybrid Deutzia graceful

Deytsia graceful is a shrub with opposite simple leaves and slender arched stems. White flowers ripen in spring and summer. Also known as slim hybrid action and is native to Japan, where it blooms in April-May.
The plant grows up to two meters, but over time it takes on a mounded form and usually spreads over one and a half meters.
The slender bush has greenish-brown leaves with yellow accents, oval-shaped leaves 10 by 4 centimeters. They are smooth and thin with a soft green upper surface and smooth, almost snow-white lower surfaces. For two weeks in April or May, these shrubs are covered with snow-white clusters of cup-shaped flowers. Pure white flowers on background beautiful green The foliage makes the bush especially attractive to the eye - it catches the eye and emits a delicate and fragrant scent.
This crop grows best in fertile, well-drained soil. Deytsia is not picky about the level of soil acidity. Rarely exposed to diseases and various pests, but sometimes aphid attack and leaf spotting may occur.
There is a chance of developing dead wood and often looks dirty. Heavy pruning immediately after flowering keeps them looking good. The sun is full; humidity – average; propagation by cuttings in warm weather.

Rough deytsia is magnificent

Deutzia splendid is a hybrid of Deutzia rough and Deutzia vilmorena. Most often, the shrub reaches a height of 2-2.5 meters. Under the weight of the inflorescences, the shrub often sinks to the ground. The inflorescences are pinkish-white and will delight you for two to three weeks. Unlike its counterparts, Deutzia splendid prefers a place in the shade, for example under a large canopy of trees. Mine great view the flower will receive in full force with a sufficient level of humidity and diffused light from the sun. When planting deutia, do not forget to prepare good drainage, as it really does not like excess moisture and salt in the soil.
You can use the plant in apartments in the city, as the flower calmly tolerates gas pollution and smoke, without which a modern city cannot exist.
Deutzia hybrid strawberry fields
Deutzia hybrid Strawberry Fields is fluffy deciduous shrub with peeling of the bark. There are also simple, opposite, ovoid leaves and flowers in the shape of a conical panicle. The flower petals are quite wide, 2.5 centimeters each, crimson on the outside and pale pink on the inside. Arranged in the form of terminal or axillary clusters, they emit a wonderful aroma over a long distance. They bloom in early summer.
The flower is able to grow normally in partial shade and at full light. When planting, chalk, sand, clay and loam are also added to the soil. Loves high humidity, but prefers well-drained soil. Propagated by coniferous cuttings.
Gardeners suggest planting the plant at the borders of garden plots and near houses.

Deutzia turbilon rouge

Deutia turbilon rouge is part of the hydrangea family. It has five petals that form a cup- or star-shaped flower. They often have a distinct aroma when they bloom in mid to late summer. More mature plants often have peeling bark.
The flower produces clusters of deep pink in early June with stamens yellow color against a backdrop of sharply jagged green leaves. The height of the action can reach one and a half meters.
In order for the plant to actively develop, it is necessary to create conditions - fertile, not too dry soil, the place should be located in full sun. After flowering ends, it is necessary to trim the shoot from 1/5 to the soil level.

Action of captivity

Deytsia plenya is a bush of medium height (one and a half to three meters). The foliage color is green, the flowers are white or pink and bloom in late May - early June. The shrub, native to East Asia, requires little care and is ideal for any garden or window sill. Plena is the name for some varieties of Deutia with double flowers, pink on the outside and white on the inside. They form an aerial shrub with slightly drooping branches.
The lanceolate leaves are green in color. The plant reaches three meters in height and slightly less in width. Pruning is not required, only if there is such a desire (be sure to do it immediately after flowering ends).
Deutzia blooms on last year's shoots, so it must form new branches with buds before winter. Adapts well to any soil. Grows well in full sun but will also grow in shade.

Deutzia mont rose

Deutzia mont rose is foliage plant in the form of a medium-sized shrub. The leaves are ovate and the inflorescence is a conical panicle-shaped purple-pink in early summer.
The flower tolerates drought and grows vertically. In the garden it will attract bees and butterflies. It is convenient for the garden due to its low performance characteristics.

Deutzia terry variety

Deytsia terry got its name thanks to its double flowers. This is a relatively low plant, 1.5-2 meters tall. The bush blooms very profusely during May–June. If it blooms a large number of flowers, then the plant trunks bend. The star-shaped inflorescences with white petals on the inside and pink on the outside make the plant especially picturesque.

Deytsia pink pom pom

Deutzia pink pom pom is a flower with straight shoots two to two and a half meters high. It has rough leaves of a dark green hue. The flowers are pink on the outside and white on the inside. Inflorescences are in the shape of a panicle.
Deutzia grows well in moist soil in the open sun with humus. Does not tolerate frost. Many gardeners consider this variety to be one of the most beautiful.

Deytsia – beautiful bush, which is well known to many Russian gardeners. This plant belongs to the Hydrangeaceae family; the Deutia genus includes more than 60 species of shrubs. IN natural environment it grows in East and Central Asia, it is widespread in China, where up to 50 varieties can be found. Hybrid deytsia is an artificially bred species that is obtained by crossing several different varieties. Because they take on the best traits of their parent shrubs, they are more resistant to weather changes and hardy.

Several more hybrid species of deutia have become widespread:

  • Strawberry Fields is a common variety of shrub up to 150 cm high, attracting attention with beautiful white and pink flowers. It has oblong-lanceolate leaves, their length can reach 6 cm, the branches of the bush have an arched shape. Active flowering begins in June-July; large buds are white and pink in color with a red flower core.
  • Deutia Lemoine is a hybrid species obtained by crossing Deutia graceful and small-flowered. The variety is one of the early ones; flowering begins at the very beginning of summer. The flowers are white, collected in lush large pyramidal inflorescences. Deutzia Lemoine inherited excellent winter hardiness from its predecessors.
  • Deutzia splendid is one of the most beautiful varieties that has gained wide popularity. The ancestors are Decia rough and Vilmorena. The flowers are white, large, the plant is moderately winter hardy and needs good care. The length of the inflorescences reaches 10 cm, double flowers attract attention from afar.

Hybrid species It is no coincidence that the actions have gained wide popularity.

When crossing, breeders managed to develop varieties with abundant flowering, while they tolerate the vagaries of nature well. Many varieties are characterized by general rules growing.

Deutzia is not a very demanding plant, so growing it is not difficult.

However, in order to achieve abundant flowering on time, you need to know about the basic requirements that it is advisable to comply with. Almost all hybrid varieties of Deutia are light-loving; a place in the open sun is chosen for them.

You can choose a place in partial shade, but in this case the flowers will be small, and the flowering itself will end much faster.

For all varieties, it is important to comply with several requirements:

  1. When planting, the distance between the bushes should not be less than 2 meters, otherwise the plants will be crowded. Deutia is often used for decorative borders and hedges, as the bushes can quickly grow, forming a dense wall.
  2. The plant does not like stagnation of moisture in the soil, but it has a negative attitude towards drought. The best option is well-drained, moist soil enriched with humus. If the weather is hot and dry outside, the plant needs to be watered, otherwise the leaves may begin to dry out.
  3. In the spring, after the snow melts, the bush must be carefully examined; old diseased branches must be cut off. After this, the soil is dug up, compost and potassium fertilizers are applied under the bush, slaked lime. During the growing season, the soil is loosened several more times, and weeds must be removed.
  4. After flowering, repeated pruning is carried out, which contributes to greater bush density and abundant flowering next year. It is important not to be late with pruning: if you do it at the very end of summer, the plant will not have time to produce new shoots before the onset of cold weather.
  5. As a result, next year the deutzia may be left without buds at all, but it is also impossible not to prune the bush: there will be significantly fewer inflorescences on the old branches. Normally, the bush should be shortened by about a third of its entire length.

Deytsia prefers soil with neutral acidity for growth. Lime is added to acidic soil before planting to neutralize it.

Deytsia can be propagated by seeds or cuttings, however seed propagation usually used only for breeding purposes. The easiest way for an amateur gardener is cutting propagation, which allows you to quickly obtain young shoots.

Features of cuttings:

  • For this purpose, cuttings are cut at the end of June - beginning of July, since it is at this time that the plant has the strongest green shoots with lignified trunks.
  • The length of the cuttings should be about 10-15 cm, they should have at least 2 internodes.
  • Large leaf plates of cuttings are cut in half to avoid excessive evaporation of moisture.
  • Root is applied to the lower cut to speed up the formation of roots, after which the cuttings are placed in pots or boxes with nutritious soil.
  • For them you need to build a mini-greenhouse: the simplest option is plastic bottles, which close the cuttings.
  • The soil for cuttings is mixed with coarse sand; in addition, there should be a layer of sand at least 2 cm thick on top. This is necessary so that moisture does not stagnate in the soil, otherwise the young roots may rot.
  • After the roots appear, the cuttings are gradually accustomed to open air, after which they are transplanted into the ground.
  • They must be covered for the winter.
  • In the spring they will quickly produce their first young shoots.

In some cases, lignified cuttings are used for propagation, which are cut not in summer, but in late autumn.

There are other methods of propagation of action. One of them is dividing a large overgrown bush. The rhizome is dug up, after which it is divided with a shovel into several parts so that each of them remains part of the root system. A rarer type of reproduction is: in this case young plant remains connected to the mother's for a long time, so he has a much better chance of surviving.

Deutia is a very beautiful shrub that can perform several roles on the site.

Hybrid species are known for their very beautiful flowering, so they can be the best garden decoration.

Several growing options are possible:

  • Separately growing bush. Hybrid deutia can grow luxuriantly near the porch; it is easy for it to find a place on the site where it will receive enough sun. A separate bush attracts attention; deutsias with pink rather than white buds look especially beautiful.
  • Hedge or border. In this case, the action can become a good barrier, covering part of the site from outside views. Regular pruning will make the shoots dense, the distance between plants can be reduced to 1.5 meters.
  • The bush can also be used to decorate alleys and paths. Lush bushes along familiar walking routes will be a wonderful decoration; they look great in any area.
  • Deytsia hybrid – great option for any garden.

This lush large plant has gained considerable popularity in our country, especially in the southern regions. Hybrid species have inherited the best features from the original varieties, so they will be quite hardy and frost-resistant, but in any case, care must be taken to create the right conditions for growth and. The reward for your care will be magnificent blooms every summer.

More information can be found in the video.

Planting deutia in open ground and caring for this shrub is not particularly difficult. In addition, the plant is little damaged by pests, for which it is valued by gardeners.

Deutzea (Deutzea) from the Hydrangeaceae family grows naturally in the mountainous regions of the temperate and subtropical zones of the Northern Hemisphere. Using the inherent ease of hybridization and the formation of new forms, Victor Lemoine, a French breeder, late XIX, the beginning of the 20th century, created many hybrid forms. Actions were brought to Europe from Japan and China in the 19th century by Dutch merchants and Catholic missionaries. The lifespan of the plant is up to 25 years.

Options for using action in garden design

In garden design, action has not only a decorative meaning, but also a practical one - it can hide the site from prying eyes, protect it from the wind, and hide ugly buildings. The shrub grows quickly and does not require particularly careful care.

  • Deutzia is a silhouette shrub. It can be used as a single plant or in a group with other shrubs. Low-growing forms of actions are used as pot culture, for planting in containers, along fences and paths.
  • The traditional use of shrubs is in borders, especially multi-tiered and mixed ones.
  • Deutzia hedges, which do not require shaping, divide the garden into zones. Before planting a hedge, you need to calculate the distance between the bushes - add up the estimated height of two adjacent plants, divide the result by three. The distances between the bushes can be temporarily filled with annuals or biennials, ground cover plants, and currants. Filler plants are removed as the action grows.
  • Deutzia is used as a drapery plant to hide unsightly objects on the site.

Deytsia: growing features (video)

Deutzia shrub: botanical description of the plant

Perennial shrub with a height of 0.5 to 4-5 m. Flowering begins at an average daily temperature of 15-19º C, Inflorescences are few or many flowering, corymbose, up to 4-7 cm in diameter. Oblong racemose up to 7 cm in diameter. Broad pyramidal up to 8 cm in diameter. Flowers are 1-2 cm in diameter, white, pink, lilac.

Deutzia develops better and blooms earlier if the spring was warm and humid. The total flowering period of numerous varieties of deutia is 90 days, which allows you to create a garden on the site continuous flowering. They grow on humus-rich fertile soils. Requires full sun and partial shade.

Main types of action

Deutzia is capable of developing such a mass of flowers that it will completely hide the foliage underneath.

Deutzia pink

An elegant, medium-growing shrub with a foam of pale pink flowers. The hybrid was created using two types - Deutzia purpurea and Deutzia graceful. Medium-sized bush up to 1 m high.

Tall bush up to 2 m in height. Double flowers up to 3 cm in diameter, collected in large inflorescences up to 12 cm long. Flowering time is June-July.

Deytsia graceful

The bush is up to 1 m high and spreads up to 1.5 m wide. Early flowering time is May-June. The leaves are oval, olive in color. The flowers are snow-white, star-shaped, collected in racemes. In favorable conditions it produces annual growth of up to 25 cm in height and up to 30 cm in width.

Deytsia terry

The terry variety D. rough plena (D. scabra plena) is widespread. It blooms with white flowers on the inside and pink-purple on the outside.

Deytsia hybrid

Garden hybrids not only combine best qualities parental forms, but also superior in abundance and duration of flowering. Variety D. Contraste has purple-lilac flowers.

Popular varieties of deutzia

Deutzia blooms earlier than all the shrubs on the site.

A spreading shrub up to 2 m high, growing up to 1.5 m wide. It blooms in spring with bright pink or lilac flowers with slightly curled petals forming apical racemes. The leaves are oval, large, dark green in summer, golden in autumn.

Hybrid. Collected in paniculate inflorescences large flowers up to 3 cm in diameter, painted in lilac-pink tones. The bush stretches up to 1.5 m.

Giving growth of 30-40 cm per year, it grows up to 2 m. Solid, raised branches form a spreading crown, like an umbrella. Blooms in summer, in June, white, with pink tint, double flowers.

Most sustainable appearance for the Moscow region. A medium-sized bush up to 1.5 m high. It blooms in May with deep pink flowers with white cores.

Winter hardiness of shrubs and rules for preparing for wintering

Deytsia is a relatively winter-hardy crop. Northern winds, lack of snow cover, and fluctuations in low temperatures can lead to damage to the root system, dehydration and drying out of the above-ground parts of the bush. Plants native to the northern parts of their range and the high mountainous regions of Northern China tolerate winter well.

To protect against freezing, dry leaves are raked under the bush in a layer of 20 cm. In the autumn, before all the leaves have fallen, the deutsia is tied with covering material, pinned bottom edge to the ground to avoid drafts. The roots are covered with earth, and then with fallen snow, and covered with straw. Flexible branches of young plants no more than 1 m high are bent to the ground and covered with earth or snow.

Covering with spruce branches for the winter begins in November, when the average air temperature becomes stably negative. Previously, in October, the crowns are tied in a spiral, bent to the ground, tied to pegs. The best covering material is spruce spruce branches. It holds snow well, provides good air exchange, prevents damping off and rotting, and protects the plant from small rodents.

How to root an action (video)

Deytsia: basic rules for planting and care in open ground

Deytsia is not demanding on the soil - it grows wherever water does not stagnate. Seed germination lasts from 1 to 3 years. The plant propagates by sowing seeds, dividing the bush, layering and cuttings.

How to propagate by cuttings

  • In June or September, cuttings 7-15 cm long and 5 mm in diameter are taken from semi-lignified annual shoots. In this case, the cuttings must have at least three buds;
  • the lower cut is made 2-3 mm from the kidney at an angle of 90º;
  • truncated leaves are left in the upper part, leaf blades are removed from the lower half;
  • cuttings are treated with a root stimulant;
  • cuttings are placed in sand at an angle of 30º;
  • spray with a spray bottle several times a day;
  • duration of root formation - about 23 days;
  • Rooted cuttings are planted in a container.

How to propagate by layering

  • select a flexible young shoot, make a 4 cm oblique cut and insert a match into it;
  • place the shoot in a hole 15 cm deep and fill it with peat soil mixture;
  • pin the cuttings to the ground with a twig, tying the end to a peg;
  • leave connected to the parent plant for about 6-12 months until rooting;
  • After rooting, cut it off from the parent plant and replant it in a new place at the same depth.

Planting actions in the ground

  • Prepare a hole 50 ⅹ 50 cm deep;
  • pour drainage - sand in a layer of 10 cm at the bottom;
  • distribute the roots evenly in the hole and cover them with a planting mixture consisting of humus, compost or peat and sand in equal parts;
  • to neutralize acidic soil 200 g of slaked lime or wood ash is added to the pit.

Cuttings can be planted in open ground in October. In this case, the formation of callus and first roots in cuttings occurs in May next year. The younger the mother plant, the better the cuttings take root.

After early spring pruning, mineral fertilizers are applied. Feeding with diluted manure (1 kg per 10 l) will improve flowering. I mulch with peat in a 5 cm layer.

Pruning is carried out after flowering or during the dormant period. All branches are cut into two eyes. It is necessary to cut out old unproductive branches and weak liquid shoots. If you are late with pruning, the plant may get sick or miss flowering this year. Pruning under the stump is done for the purpose of rejuvenation. It is done in the spring before the sap begins to flow, or late in the fall.

If there is an old deutzia growing on the site, you should remember that it may not withstand radical pruning. In this case, pruning is carried out in several stages:

  • in the first year, a third of the oldest branches are evenly cut off, leaving stumps of 15 cm and observing whether the young shoots will grow back the next year;
  • in a year in early spring, before sap flow, another third of the bush is removed, making inclined cuts just above the buds;
  • in the third year, the remaining branches are cut out.

Features of growing plants in the Moscow region

In the temperate continental climate of the Moscow region, deutzia develops well and blooms profusely. The shrub is fed in spring or in the first half of summer. Feeding at a later time is undesirable, as it can lead to late growing season, which will stop the hardening of the plant necessary for wintering.

The plant requires watering during drought - 15 liters for each bush 2-3 times a month, but does not tolerate waterlogging. Early frosts can damage the ends of non-woody shoots with flower buds, which can delay flowering by one year. It is necessary to thin out thickened bushes and carry out pruning correctly. Hilling up and sheltering will help you survive the winter.

Deytsia is characterized by rapid growth. Under favorable conditions, it blooms in the third year after sowing.

Action: care and reproduction (video)

Due to the ability to grow quickly and recover after frost, deutia are widely used in decorative floriculture. In modern green construction, such an ornamental flowering shrub as deutia is a significant component, the use of which increases the effect of a garden or park composition. In addition, deutzia grows well in city conditions - it is resistant to dust, smoke and gases.