home · Lighting · Latex mattresses: main features and characteristics. Natural and synthetic latex What is latex for mattresses made from?

Latex mattresses: main features and characteristics. Natural and synthetic latex What is latex for mattresses made from?

100% natural latex (NRL) is the milky sap obtained from the Hevea brasiliensis rubber tree. Hevea brasiliensis is actively cultivated in the countries of Southeast Asia, since the favorable climate of these countries contributes to its rapid growth.

In the production of bedding products (, etc.), natural latex has been used since 1926, when the Dunlop company introduced a new technology for the production of latex foam, which has a number of huge advantages, such as: high stretch coefficient, excellent elasticity and superelasticity.

There is a huge difference between 100% natural latex (NRL) and synthetic latex. Synthetic rubber became popular in the United States during World War II. The synthetic latex used in mattresses and pillows is styrene butadiene rubber (SBR). This latex is made from waste oil products and other chemicals.

It should also be understood that there is a difference between 100% natural latex and just natural latex, since the concept of natural latex can mean the so-called mixed latex (15% NRL and 85% SBR or 40% NRL and 60% SBR). This latex is approximately 2 times cheaper, has lower elasticity and elasticity, and is also possibly harmful to health, since the product contains butadiene/styrene molecules that have not fully reacted chemically. However, such latex also has the right to be called natural (since a certain percentage of natural rubber is contained in the overall mixture), which, by the way, is often used by enterprising sellers, but in no case should it be confused with 100% natural latex.

Cultivation of the Hevea rubber tree in Southeast Asia

The optimal climatic conditions for the rapid growth of rubber trees are:

  • Rain, about 250 mm of precipitation per year, evenly distributed without a distinct dry season, but with at least 100 rainy days per year
  • Temperature range from 20 to 34 °C, with average monthly temperatures from 25 to 28 °C
  • High air humidity, about 80%
  • Bright sun for at least 2,000 hours per year and at least six hours per day throughout the year
  • No strong winds

These climatic conditions make Southeast Asian countries such as Vietnam, Thailand, Indonesia, etc. ideal for cultivating Hevea and producing the best latex in the world.

In Vietnam, vast amounts of unused land have been converted into areas specializing in rubber tree cultivation and afforestation. The rubber farm development program has become an important part of Vietnam's agriculture.

(Automatic watering system in seed garden Thuan Phu rubber farm in Vietnam)

(Hevea cross at Thuan Phu farm in Vietnam)

Latex collection

Rubber trees are usually pruned in the morning, and a chip is inserted into the bark, cut at an angle, so that a small amount of sap can be collected daily. Latex can be harvested from each rubber tree approximately 180 days a year, excluding the rainy season and hot summers. The trees give sap for about four hours and after stopping, the latex coagulates naturally at the cut line, thus blocking the latex channels of the tree in the bark cut. A 90 cm long cut produces a nice stream of latex for about an hour, which then gradually weakens over the course of 3 hours. It takes a professional tree trimmer only 20 seconds to trim one tree using a standard half-screw system, and his daily plan is 450-650 trees.

When latex is collected, it contains approximately 2/3 of water and is quite thick in consistency, so it must be recycled.

(Collecting latex in Vietnam at the Thuan Phu rubber plantation)

Latex recycling

If latex is stored for a long time in a collection container (cup) attached to a tree on a plantation, it will certainly coagulate (dry out), so the latex must be collected before coagulation (coagulation). Freshly collected latex is transported in special anticoagulation containers or sealed containers with a mesh for ammoniation, since it is ammoniation (saturation with ammonia) that allows latex to be preserved in a colloidal state (liquid form) for longer periods of time.

First of all, let's understand the concept of “latex”.

We will not delve into the chemistry of processes (microheterogeneous systems, aqueous dispersions colloidal rubber particles... what a horror!), however, it is important to note that latex materials can be based on both natural and synthetic components.

Natural latex is the milky juice of plants such as the Brazilian Hevea, dandelion, poppy and others. Latex is approximately 33% rubber, 66% water and about 1% other substances. In industrial quantities, the juice of the Brazilian Hevea plant is used for the production of latex. This plant is native to South America, in a certain period infectious diseases practically destroyed the plant on the continent. Now Hevea grows in Brazil, Bolivia, Colombia, Peru, but the world leaders in the cultivation and, accordingly, the production of natural rubber and latex are the countries of the so-called rubber belt. In Southeast Asia these are: Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Sri Lanka, India, Vietnam, Myanmar, Cambodia. On the African continent - Nigeria, Congo, Liberia.

The latex is collected by hand. The technology is somewhat reminiscent of collecting birch sap: a special cut is made on the tree, and the flowing sap (only a few tens of grams from one tree at a time) is collected in special bowls.

Why do I focus so much on geography? The fact is that the milky juice of the Hevea froze for a very short time, counting on hours. Latex collected from plantations is quickly delivered to factories, where it is filtered and processed. Natural rubber is obtained from latex, or converted into latex foam, which serves as the basis for the production of bedding, mattresses and pillows. Exporting liquid latex (as opposed to rubber) is extremely difficult, if at all advisable, therefore the production of products from fresh Hevea juice is possible only in areas where the rubber tree is cultivated on an industrial scale, while the technology still involves the use of various additives in the form of stabilizers and antibacterial substances. It’s good if the volume of additives is 5-10%, such products can be called “100% natural” :).

Latex pillows from Thailand are probably the most famous in Russia, but if you start surfing the Internet in search of latex mattresses and pillows, you will find many offers where the manufacturer of products from natural latex For example, European countries such as Belgium, Italy, Holland, as well as the United States and others will perform.

The question arises, where, say, in Europe does natural latex come from? After all, the climate here is not very suitable for growing Hevea, and Europe is not famous for its rubber tree plantations.

Well, if we are talking about products of large corporations that say “natural latex”, the consumer is not being deceived. This product actually contains Hevea juice. In this case, latex can be recovered from natural rubber. On average, the percentage of rubber in a product ranges from 30-60%, the maximum value is 85%. According to European standards, products containing at least 85% natural rubber are considered 100% natural latex products. Such products may be stamped “100% Latex Natural Origin”. The “100% Latex” stamp indicates that this is a high-quality product made from (based on) 100% natural latex with the use of synthetic additives. A more accurate ratio of natural and artificial components, in theory, can be found on the official website or from a representative of the manufacturer.

As you can see, products made only from natural latex are very rare, and high-quality products that contain a minimal amount of synthetics are quite expensive.

Most pastel latex accessories are made from a mixture of artificial and natural latex, and the more synthetics in the product, the lower the price.

What is artificial latex? It can also be presented under the name “highly elastic polyurethane foam”. I have also seen the names “highly elastic latex polyurethane foam” or “ latex foam rubber", etc. In fact, this product belongs to a variety of plastics. Foam rubber, well known to us since Soviet times, is also a type of polyurethane foam, although its characteristics differ from the material we are discussing. Recipe for the production of polyurethane foams various manufacturers may vary, so we will not delve into the monomers styrene and butadiene, but will focus on the fact that this is a synthetic material, which in its properties is close to natural latex. It has increased elasticity, restores its shape well, and is quite wear-resistant (compared to other types of polyurethane foams). Its indisputable, although probably the only indisputable advantage over natural latex is its price.

Technology for the production of latex bedding.

However, the price of latex products depends not only on the ratio of natural and synthetic raw materials, but also on the technology used to produce certain pastel accessories. There are two of these technologies: Dunlop and Talalay.

Dunlop technology.

Latex is foamed in special mixers, the resulting foam is poured into molds that correspond to certain sizes of future products, and placed in ovens. Under the influence of temperature (100 o C), latex vulcanization occurs. After baking, the latex semi-finished products are washed, placed in special centrifuges, where the products acquire a certain elasticity, and then the products are dried. Molds have special spikes, thanks to which special holes are made in latex products, air chambers. The holes can be through, or made approximately to the middle of the product on each side. Thanks to these holes, ventilation of the products is ensured, mattresses and pillows “breathe”. In addition, the number and thickness of the spikes regulates the rigidity and elasticity of the product.

Talalay technology.

This is more modern technology. To put it simply, the differences between Talalay and Dunlop are the addition of a few extra steps. When the latex foam is placed into the mold, the mold is sealed. The air is pumped out from the mold, and under vacuum conditions the foam evenly fills the entire space. Then the latex foam, placed in an airtight mold, is subjected to sharp freezing (-30 o C), causing the bridges of the foam bubbles to burst. At this stage the product is purged carbon dioxide, which helps to combine individual cells into a single monolith, after which the vulcanization process takes place under the influence of temperature. The next stage involves cooling semi-finished products (up to 30 o C), washing, pressing and final heating (up to 85 o C), the so-called post-vulcanization process.

Finished latex products produced using Talalay technology have a more uniform structure; the air permeability of such mattresses and pillows is 4 times higher than that of similar Dunlop products. Talalay technology is more expensive, it requires more complex and expensive equipment, and production time is significantly longer. This of course is reflected in the price; Talalay products are more expensive.

Despite the number of advantages of Talalay latex, there is no consensus on the unconditional superiority of this technology over the more traditional Dunlop. Dunlop latex is a little denser and a little stiffer, very durable and at the same time cheaper. Manufacturers of products made from natural latex (fresh Hevea juice) traditionally often use Dunlop technology, modern manufacturers, who also use artificial latex, prefer Talalay. Although in both cases there are exceptions.

Pros and cons of latex pillows.

There is already so much text, and nothing yet about the actual benefits or harms of latex pillows. I want to emphasize that further we will talk about products that contain natural latex, and the more, the better.

  • Latex is often used in the production of high-quality orthopedic pillows. The elasticity of this material, combined with the correct shape, helps support a person's head and neck. correct position during sleep. This allows you to remove excess stress from the muscles of the neck and spine, which means it promotes complete relaxation and quality rest. However, not all latex pillows have an orthopedic shape, which should be taken into account when choosing.

  • Natural latex is a safe, natural material that has antibacterial properties and can be used as a natural antiseptic. There is an opinion that these properties are preserved in ready-made bedding, and throughout the entire service life.

  • Latex products are very hygienic. Products made from natural latex do not retain moisture; thanks to the porous structure, the product “breathes”, and moisture is quickly removed and evaporated. The pillows do not become electrified and do not attract dust. All this prevents the development of rot and microbes; dust mites cannot live in latex products. Such pillows can be great for allergy sufferers, asthmatics, and people who often suffer from colds.

    Although with allergies, not everything is so simple. Natural latex contains proteins that can cause allergies. There is evidence that latex allergies occur in only 1% of the population, but still...

  • Unlike fillers such as buckwheat husk, latex pillows do not squeak or rustle.

  • This material is very durable. The manufacturer's warranty may be 10 years, although if used properly, mattresses and pillows can last 30 years or more.

  • Latex does not heat up during sleep. Whether this is an advantage or a disadvantage, everyone decides for themselves, but unlike, for example, a down pillow, a latex pillow will not warm you with cozy warmth on long winter evenings.

  • New latex products have a peculiar smell. I read in several articles that it has a slightly sweet aroma, reminiscent of powdered milk, other sources admit that the pillows smell like rubber. I don’t have a hypersensitive nose, but at first the pillows really “smelled”, and, to my taste, milk smells a little different. Manufacturers claim that the smell disappears quite quickly, and indeed, after for a short time the smell has stopped bothering me, but if you are the lucky owner of a sensitive nose, be careful.

  • Products made from natural latex are quite expensive, many argue that this is the only drawback. In this case, everything is relative; a good down pillow costs the same, or even more.

From personal experience.

Well, if you are impressed by the description of the benefits of products made from natural latex and decide to purchase such a pillow, not only for yourself, but for the whole family, perhaps a small note from my experience will help you not to be disappointed in your choice.

The main thing I want to warn you about is that you need to get used to a latex pillow! And this will not happen (if at all) in one day, especially if you have always preferred to sleep on a soft, high down pillow.

The height, shape, and sizes of latex pillows differ: there are orthopedic, there are anatomical, there are high and hard, there are very low, there are massage ones with tubercles. If you are choosing your first latex pillow virtually, say, in an online store, it is very easy to make a mistake. The descriptions of each type of pillow are so attractive! I would like it to support my neck, a massage wouldn’t hurt, and to prevent snoring, etc., etc.

It is advisable to buy a latex pillow not just by holding it in your hands, but by trying it on. You are unlikely to be able to take a nap for half an hour, but some stores provide the opportunity to lie down on a pillow. Be sure to use this option and try all the options. And they didn’t just lower their head for five seconds, it seemed comfortable, the first sensation could be very pleasant. Lie on your chosen pillow for at least 5 minutes, you should feel comfortable and comfortable. Remember, latex pillows do not adapt to you, your sleeping habits and style over time. Choosing such a purchase can be compared to trying on shoes; the “slightly tight” option is not suitable  This is especially true for orthopedic and massage pillows.

Finally, you made a choice and bought a new one comfortable pillow made from natural latex. Another test awaits you - sleep! Latex is considered a soft material, but everything is known by comparison (wooden and stone cushion cushions are still practiced in the east). Be prepared for the fact that, out of habit, you can “lay down” your ears if the pillow has a special shape for sleeping on your side - sleeping on your back can be painful, it is unlikely that you will be able to press the pillow against yourself or put your hand on it (and I did not note this important advantage, when describing down and feather pillows).

Over time, you can get used to a lot of things; some of my friends are very happy and assure that they can’t imagine any other option for themselves. Others have never gotten used to the new sensations, although during the day they enjoy using latex pillows to relax in front of the TV. My little daughter sleeps great on a latex pillow, but I only sleep on it occasionally. Sometimes it seems to me that it is comfortable, but sometimes I don’t have the strength, as I want a normal, familiar, soft pillow!

Caring for products made from natural latex.

Caring for latex pillows is very simple; in fact, it all comes down to the fact that it is necessary to periodically change the pillowcases.


Sellers claim that once every five years or as needed, pillows can be washed, and even almost every washing machine, but manufacturers do not recommend machine washing.

It is advisable to wash latex products by hand, in warm (not higher than 40 °C) water without using aggressive chemical powders; if necessary, a weak soap solution is allowed. If you can’t do it with your hands, then choose the gentle wash mode without spinning. Squeeze better with your hands, very carefully, and even better, leave the pillow on a flat surface so that it just glass.

Sun (ultraviolet).

Latex should be protected from ultraviolet radiation and direct sunlight, otherwise the product may become rigid and lose its unique qualities. You should not sunbathe on latex or warm up pillows and mattresses in the sun, which would be very beneficial for your downy counterparts.

Low and high temperatures.

Latex is afraid high temperatures. Contact with something very hot may cause the product to lose its shape, shrink, and generally become unusable, so be extremely careful if you are used to drinking hot coffee or smoking in bed (however, this is dangerous not only for latex). Being close to hot batteries is also not the best option. Be careful with the iron; some housewives, especially in the morning, have no time to lay out ironing board To iron a random crease on trousers, use a sofa or bed instead of a board. If you have a latex mattress, it is better to forget about this method of express ironing.

Latex also does not like low temperatures; at -40 o C it becomes brittle and can crack under load, like a plastic product. It is unlikely that anyone would think of sleeping on latex pillows outside a heated room in such terrible cold, but weather conditions must be taken into account during transportation. This information may also be relevant for drivers who use seat cushions. Manufacturers claim that when the temperature rises (up to -35 o C), latex products completely restore their properties, the main thing is not to sit on the pillow until it has thawed :).

How to distinguish natural latex from synthetics?

Can a common man in the store distinguish products made from natural latex from products made from artificial latex?

The question is quite complex, because, as we saw a little earlier, there are practically no products made from natural latex without adding something, and the composition of the products is a mix of both natural and artificial components, the question is in proportions.

There are several signs that indicate the “natural origin” of your pillow, but it is not always possible to evaluate them in a store:

  • Natural latex feels greasy to the touch, although it does not leave any traces of grease on your hands. You will be able to feel the latex if the product is sold without a cover or in a cover with a zipper. However, some stores (including “factories” in Thailand) sell pillows in high-quality cotton covers, and in order to touch the contents, you will have to rip open the original cover :(.

  • Natural latex feels different from artificial latex. It is softer and very elastic. They say that once you compare two samples, you will forever feel the difference, but... you must first find two samples :). In addition, the rigidity of the product depends on the technology (Dunlop or Talalay), as well as on perforation (than more quantity and the width of the holes in the latex, the softer it is).

  • Natural latex, unlike artificial latex, does not absorb moisture well. The store is unlikely to allow you to pour water on the pillows and see what happens.

  • Natural and artificial latex differ in color. But this difference is clearly visible on products with “experience”. Over time, artificial latex acquires a dirty yellow tint (this is typical of most foam rubbers and polyurethane foams), while natural latex does not change its color over time. Modern synthetic products, especially when they are new, can be identical in color to natural ones.

  • Smell can also help distinguish natural from artificial materials. Synthetic latex is often scented to mask the chemical smell behind a pleasant aroma. Natural latex smells quite specific (I already wrote about this a little higher), over time the smell becomes less and less pronounced.

As you can see, in practice it can be extremely difficult to distinguish quality products from fakes. In any case, you should be wary low price. An honest seller will not hide from you the name of the manufacturer (its contact details, telephone numbers, official website), the percentage of natural raw materials and the technology used to produce the product. Even if all the signs of real latex are on your face, it wouldn’t hurt to ask for supporting documents and certificates.

Happy Choice!
Have a good sleep!

Two concepts are widely used in the industry: artificial latex and natural latex. These two materials are different in appearance and properties, due to their composition.

Latex artificial

Artificial latex is the commercial name for highly elastic latex, the main raw materials for the production of which are polyols.

Natural latex

Natural latex is made from the sap of rubber trees (lacty sap). Rubber (natural latex) in its pure form is afraid of the ingress of fat and ultraviolet radiation, and is destroyed as a result, therefore, when producing a latex mixture, in addition to rubber, additional stabilizing ingredients are introduced into the mixture. The maximum rubber content in natural latex is about 85% (such latex is called 100% natural latex), optimal for use in mattress production is from 45% to 65%, it is with this percentage of rubber that the resulting latex foam has the proper elasticity and resilience (thanks to natural rubber) and wear resistance (thanks to additives). This is a very expensive material, so latex is widely used in mattress production, which contains at least 20% rubber (natural latex).

Natural latex - soft material, which is used as a filler in spring mattresses and as a base (monolithic block) in springless mattresses, which also uses latex of medium hardness (increased elasticity), in springless mattresses it is also combined with other fillers (for example: a mattress made from a combination of layers of hard coir and latex). The material itself has high density, due to this, excellent elasticity and long service life, but at the same time low air permeability, therefore, in natural latex, additional through holes are always made for ventilation, due to which the material acquires good air permeability.

Photo of a natural latex slab (height 3 cm, containing about 25% natural rubber) used as a filler in a mattress.

Photo of a monolithic block (monoblock) made of natural latex (height 8 cm, containing at least 50% natural rubber) from the Italian mattress manufacturer Lordflex’s, used as a base in a springless mattress.

In addition to making mattress fillings, rubber is the basis for a huge number of industrial products - elastic bandages, bath mats, bathing caps, wetsuits, adhesive on postage stamps, rubber toys, bicycle tires, syringes, chewing gum, balloons and much more.

The main source of natural rubber (milky sap) is evergreen tree Brazilian Hevea (90% of world production). Hevea's homeland is Brazil, over time Hevea spread to other continents and countries such as: South America, Southeast Asia (Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Malaysia, etc.), Tropical Africa. Hevea also grows in tropical jungles and artificially grown plantations.

Hevea juice has an antiseptic effect, microbes and bacteria die in it, therefore, when extracting the juice, the tree does not get sick from constant cuts (for 2 decades), but, on the contrary, heals itself. Natural latex retains an antiseptic property (depending on the amount of natural rubber content), which does not allow any microorganisms, including mites (saprophytes), to live.

Technological features of obtaining natural latex used in the furniture industry:

  • From a special container where the latex mixture is continuously mixed, it enters a special container and foams.
  • The foam is poured into special molds and vulcanized at a temperature of 100°C.
  • The resulting workpiece is removed from the mold.
  • The finished block is sequentially cleaned of foam residues, dried at a temperature of 120°C, tested for hardness, weighed and packaged.

A good video about the technology of making natural latex for mattresses at the PATEX latex factory in Thailand:

Alternative materials

A modern alternative to natural latex is.

general characteristics

Latex- microheterogeneous natural (milky sap of rubber plants) or artificial systems, which are aqueous dispersions of colloidal rubber particles (globules) stabilized by surfactants and emulsifiers.

The shape and size of latex particles are closely related to the laws of the process of emulsion polymerization of the original monomers. Particles of synthetic latexes often have a spherical or similar shape. Latex globules are stabilized by an ionic surfactant, often of the anionic type. Spontaneously, over time or as a result of special treatment (acid-base, hydrodynamic, temperature, etc.) secondary aggregates resembling bunches are formed in the latex dispersion. The primary globules in such “clusters” stuck together, but their coalescence did not take place. In most cases, latexes are not monodisperse and are characterized by varying degrees of polydispersity, which, in turn, depends on the conditions of the polymerization process. Typically, the diameter of primary latex globules is 10-200 nm. Isoprene, butadiene, styrene-butadiene, methylstyrene-butadiene, chloroprene, isobutylene-isoprene, carboxylate, acrylic, urethane and other latexes are widely used in various industries.

Obtaining latex products

A salt solution is applied to the mold, e.g. calcium chloride. The mold is then dipped into latex. The salt solution contains positively charged metal particles - cations. When a mold is introduced into latex, cations begin to diffuse from its surface into the depths of the latex. Encountering negatively charged latex particles on their way, positively charged cations discharge them. And the rubber particles settle as a thin rubber layer on the mold.

Latex based on natural rubber

Opium poppy exudes fresh latex from its cut

Calotropis Procera- a herbaceous plant from which latex is produced. When the integrity of the leaves is damaged, latex oozes from the damaged tissue.

Commercial latex based on natural rubber (RN) is concentrated and stabilized milky juice of the Brazilian Hevea plant. The dry matter content in the original juice is 37-41%, in commercial LP its content increases to 58-75%. Methods of concentration - settling and centrifugation; the latter method is the most effective and efficient.

Latex mixtures are prepared by introducing many ingredients into its composition: vulcanizing agents, accelerators and activators of vulcanization, antioxidants, powder fillers, surfactants, anti-stabilizing additives that help reduce the stability of the colloidal system, thickeners, plasticizers, defoamers or, conversely, foam stabilizers, etc. etc. When preparing mixtures, it is advisable to use freshly prepared dispersions and emulsions of ingredients. They should be stored in containers with continuous stirring, avoiding foaming. First, stabilizers are added to the latex, then the remaining ingredients and, lastly, before direct use, a zinc oxide dispersion. To mix latex with emulsions, dispersions, solutions, use enameled or rubberized containers with anti-corrosion coatings, equipped with jackets for cooling or heating and stirrers with variable frequency rotation within 30-40 rpm. The duration of preparation of the mixture is 30-60 minutes. In some cases, the mixture “ripens” for 6-24 hours at 20-60°C with slow stirring. At the same time, the colloidal-chemical characteristics of the mixture change (pH level decreases, viscosity increases, etc.), its homogeneity increases, the polymer in the mixture partially vulcanizes, and the technological properties of the mixture improve.

The bulk of LN is used to produce natural rubbers, about 8-10% is used to produce latex products: gloves, meteorological, radiosonde and pilot ball shells, medical products, rubber threads, sponge rubber, light rubber and sports shoes, latex adhesives for various purposes: for leather, rubber, metals, for the production of shoes, for gluing the spines of book bindings, gluing boxes, bags, gluing labels, in the manufacture of sheet plywood and others wooden products, for gluing parquet, linoleum, polymer tiles To various reasons gender; in the production of textile materials and carpets (for joining cotton, wool and linen threads without the formation of knots and thick folds), for the production of abrasive materials in combination with melamine-formaldehyde oligomers; for gluing expanded polystyrene, foam rubber, PVC materials, for gluing ceramics, glass, metals to paper, fabric, leather, polystyrene and other soft and hard materials.

Latexes based on synthetic rubbers

Latexes based on synthetic rubbers (LS) are colloidal aqueous dispersions of synthetic rubbers and other polymers (polystyrene, copolymers of styrene with 20-35 wt% butadiene), obtained in most cases by emulsion polymerization of one or more diene, vinyl, vinylidene and other monomers. Some drugs are manufactured by dispersing in water in the presence of surfactants of “ready-made” polymers (butyl rubber, polyisoprene SKI-3, siloxane and other synthetic latexes). Drugs also include aqueous dispersions of thermoplastics (PVC, PVA), obtained by emulsion or suspension polymerization. Important characteristics for the consumer are the average size of the globules, the pH of the medium and the solids content: what larger size globule, the more content dry residue can be achieved by concentrating the drug; with small globule sizes, the stability of the drug is higher.

Main characteristics of latex

Main characteristics of latexes produced by industry in the CIS countries
Latex brand Manufacturing plant Monomer ratio, % Emulsifier
Butadiene Styrene MMK** POPPY***
SKS-50GPS Voronezh 50 50 - - Nekal, sodium salt, FFA
SKS-30ShR Same 70 30 - - Same
SKS-75K -″- 25 75 - - Same
BS-30F -″- 70 30 - - KMDK*
BSK-65/2GP -″- 33 65 - 2 Nekal
SKS-50GP -″- 50 50 - - Same
SKD-1S -″- 99 - - 1 Sulfanol
BS-30S -″- 70 30 - - Same
BS-65/3 -″- 32 65 - 3 -″-
DMMA-65GP -″- 34 - 65 1 Nekal
SKS-65GP Yaroslavsky 35 65 - - Same
SKS-30D Same 70 30 - - -″-
SKD-1 -″- 99 - - 1 -″-
SKS-S -″- 15 85 - -
BS-50 Sumgayit 50 50 - - KMDK*
SKS-30UK Omsk 70 30 - - Nekal
BS-85 Same 15 85 - - Potassium paraffinate
SKS-65GP -″- 35 65 - - Nekal
SKS-1S Sterlitamak 99 - - 1 Same
SKS-65GP Same 35 65 - - -″-
SKS-50I -″- 50 50 - - KMDK*
* - KMDK - potassium soap of disproportionate rosin; ** - MMK - methyl methacrylate; *** - MAK - methacrylic acid


Latex is used in the chemical industry as a flocculant reagent in the beneficiation of minerals.

Products containing latex

The following products contain latex: elastic bandage, medical bandage, erasers, balloons, surgical gloves, germicidal plaster, some types of shoes and clothing, catheters, condoms, pacifiers, pacifiers, some sports equipment, some watch bands, dental massagers , underwear elastic, paints, dildos, various masks, mattresses, pillows and others.

Allergy to latex

Latex proteins (proteins) in rare cases (hereditary predisposition + sensitization) can cause an allergy, which usually manifests itself in the form of skin rashes at the site of contact with latex (and beyond), difficulty breathing + a drop in vascular pressure (

Latex is excellent example ideal material for a mattress. And not at all because in Lately There is a fashion in the world for everything natural. The fact is that its qualities can really easily sway you in favor of buying a rubber mattress. But first, it’s worth understanding: what is latex?

Wonderful stuff

There is a wonderful tree in nature - Hevea, which is popularly called rubber. All you have to do is make a small cut in the bark of such a tree, and sap will immediately run out of it. white, otherwise “rubber milk”. This is rubber, or latex. The mission of these trees is very important, because the sap component is used in many industrial sectors. But, naturally, in order for rubber to take the form in which the consumer is accustomed to seeing it, the sap of the rubber tree goes through a certain path.

Natural rubber is collected in liquid form by hand and poured into vats. Next, it goes through a filtration procedure, during which all solid particles are removed. Then it is mixed with water and air, turning it into an emulsion. Under the influence of high temperatures from liquid state natural latex is transformed into a hard, elastic form.

By the way, the rigidity of this material largely depends on the vulcanization method, of which there are two: the Dunlop method and the Talalay method. The first is gradual heating and cooling. This method makes natural latex rigid. The Talalay method involves flash cooling before the thickening phase, which makes the material soft.

Knowledgeable people use a combination of the properties of the two methods and create an ideal mattress, in which the core is natural rubber, made using the first method, and on top is a mattress, the filling of which is made using the Talalaya method.

Speaking about latex products, the emphasis should be on such an invention as latex mattresses. People are often looking for the perfect bed base that would meet all their requirements, but most importantly, that would guarantee a comfortable sleep. Latex mattresses are exactly the option you should focus on Special attention. So, what are latex mattresses, and what properties do they have?

Latex – unique material from a sleep industry perspective. It is perfectly used in combination with a spring mattress as a filler, and as an independent base for a bed. Is latex popular among people who dream of the perfect bed? Without a doubt! But only those people who are used to treating any purchase for themselves thoughtfully, who value their health and the health of their loved ones. The fact is that natural latex is environmentally friendly pure material, which means it combines antibacterial and hypoallergenic properties. Such material will not cause toxic fumes in the room. By the way, natural latex is a bad environment for dust mites. This is another advantage of it. In addition, you will not be bothered by a chemical smell, as, for example, you would be if you bought a mattress with memory filling. It does not absorb moisture, or rather, it is simply not accessible to it.

Don’t forget about the comfort that natural latex provides. An elastic material of medium hardness bends where it is necessary, and where it is not necessary it retains its shape. Therefore, if you compare a spring and latex mattress, the choice will clearly be in favor of the latter.

Continuing long list One of its advantages is that natural latex does not heat up. This is very important for summer time. In addition, latex mattresses themselves are very durable, which means that you don’t have to worry about losing their shape for many years.

The only drawback that you can find with this material is its high price. Not everyone can afford to purchase a high-quality mattress based on natural latex.

Therefore, manufacturers often offer an equivalent, which in most cases can be called a surrogate. The use of artificial latex is not prohibited, but it is still not a natural material. It gives a completely different feeling than natural component. And yet, if you want to sleep like natural product made of rubber, then it is worth getting to know better the properties of its cheap substitute.

Production of artificial latex

Artificial rubber was invented during the Second World War and exclusively for military purposes. But it just so happened that the creation of artificial latex expanded the boundaries of the rubber industry and helped manufacturers save money.

What is the composition of artificial latex? In fact, it can be called differently elastic polyurethane foam, also known as latex foam rubber. There is no point in saying that a base made of artificial latex is much worse than one made of natural latex. Of course, natural latex mattresses are better, but synthetic material is not without pleasant rubber properties. It is, for example, stiffer than real latex, so it can be called an orthopedic material. An artificial latex mattress is also hypoallergenic. Naturally, sleeping on natural rubber is more comfortable and better, if only because the word “natural” warms the soul. But in the case of the synthetic version, the soul will be warmed by its price, which is incomparably lower than that of its natural counterpart.

Significant disadvantage artificial latex is its service life. If natural rubber in a mattress lasts more than 10 years, then this one will become unusable much earlier.

By the way, if you want to achieve the “two in one” effect, that is, sleep on natural material, but for less money, look for a mattress that contains natural and artificial rubber. There are also such combined products on the market. The main thing is that you do not buy an artificial latex mattress at the price of a natural one, thinking that this is a natural material.

How to distinguish natural rubber from synthetic rubber?

The first thing to do is look at the country of origin. Only 11 countries can supply 100% rubber products to markets. Among them are the Philippines, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, India and other countries that are members of a special association of rubber producing countries. The rubber tree grows in them. Since Hevea juice is stored in a liquid state for only 12 hours, it is impossible to transport it anywhere.

Secondly, pay attention to the label. The country of origin must be indicated there. Because if the tag says “natural latex,” this does not mean that the entire product will be 100% made of it. IN given time manufacturers are allowed to indicate such a name, even if natural material there is no more than 15%.

Thirdly, you can distinguish a mattress made from natural latex by the yellowish tint of the filling and the aroma of baking. The synthetic material has a white tint and a pleasant perfume smell.

How to choose the right mattress

In addition to thoroughly studying the label, you can give a couple more tips for choosing the right latex base.

Remember: the simpler the mattress, the better. You should not opt ​​for complex designs, because over time its layers, like the contents, may shift.

When choosing a case, pay attention to such quality as breathability. A wool cover will be just right.

Before purchasing, study the biographies of the supplier companies. After all, such a mattress is not cheap, and it would be sad to face the non-return of low-quality products.

Ideally, you will be provided with a guarantee of at least 10 years. As well as the obligation to replace. It would be great if they provide a trial period during which you can evaluate and understand whether you like the mattress or not.

As for varieties, it all depends on your preferences. You can choose a mattress whose composite core is a latex block. Or you can buy spring mattress with latex layer. In principle, the first option should satisfy all your needs for quality sleep, so it makes no sense to buy a multi-layer mattress.

Since the cost of a latex mattress can easily exceed 40 thousand rubles, you can save on yourself. But for a nursery, especially for a newborn, it is worth purchasing such a crib base. A completely environmentally friendly material that has no foreign odors, is breathable, antibacterial and simply excellent in terms of comfort, will really be relevant for a child’s bedroom.

One caveat

As already mentioned, latex mattresses are hypoallergenic. This is one of their main advantages. Unfortunately, this does not apply to people who are actually allergic to latex. Yes, this also happens. The fact is that the sap of the rubber tree contains special proteins that can become a serious allergen for the body. For such sufferers, it is better to purchase a mattress made of artificial rubber, since it is absolutely 100% hypoallergenic.

Nice additions to the mattress

A latex bed base is a great opportunity to finally get enough sleep. But in addition to these products, for complete happiness, you can also purchase a latex pillow. They also have excellent orthopedic properties, and when combined with a mattress they will create a magnificent tandem that will transform all your nights.

If you are still wondering whether it is worth buying a latex mattress, then it is better to postpone this matter and purchase a product made from a simpler material. Only those who know a lot about quality life can appreciate real rubber. A sweet dream is an opportunity to feel comfortable all day long and go to bed with pleasure at night. Therefore, there is no point in saving on night comfort. Prevention is truly better and cheaper than cure.