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Garden vegetable sowing calendar. Why use the lunar sowing calendar

Gardeners and gardeners are very busy people, and their whole year is literally planned out day by day. No sooner have some jobs finished than they need to take on others. Plowing, weeding, pruning, picking fruit, getting rid of pests - this is only a small part of what summer residents do in their leisure time. And to ensure that this colossal work gives maximum results, many experienced gardeners use the lunar calendar. This is a schedule for each year that indicates when to plant certain types and varieties of plants: greens, root vegetables, berries, flowers, etc. In this article we will talk about the lunar calendar for planting seedlings for 2017.

It may seem to some that maintaining a garden is a piece of cake - don’t forget to water the plants and pull out your weeds from time to time... However, in reality it turns out that not every novice gardener is able to grow at least an average harvest of anything. To truly collect good harvest and thus recoup all your costs, you need to work hard and know some “garden” tricks. The gardener's lunar sowing calendar is one of these tricks and helps many every year for experienced summer residents improve crop yields.

Lunar calendar in modern form represents the experience of ancestors who intuitively focused on the slightest changes in nature when growing edible plants. These are well-honed and proven practices that leave no doubt - by following them, you can be guaranteed to grow any garden crop. All this ancient knowledge was systematized through annual lunar planting calendars, differing from each other mainly only in dates.

And although this year’s “dacha” season is just beginning, today we will talk about when to sow lunar calendar for 2017. This will allow you to prepare in advance and avoid possible errors admitted this year. Today, every schoolchild knows that the Moon affects the ebb and flow of the tides on Earth, but few adults would think to look at this factor a little more broadly - the Moon affects the behavior of all natural fluids, including plant juices, animal and human blood. It’s very simple to check this - observe your well-being throughout the entire lunar cycle and easily identify patterns. You can go even further and say that the behavior of vital juices is closely related to the bioenergetics of the plant, therefore any manipulations in the garden should take place in accordance with the position of the Moon.

It is easier to damage a plant than it might seem at first glance, and even untimely replanting or pruning can cause irreparable damage. That is why it is necessary to take precautions and know the “good” and “bad” days for working with certain plants. This information will be presented at the end of the article in the lunar table sowing calendar for 2017.

Previously, people were closer to nature and devoted a lot of time to studying it, but today people are surrounded by a dense information field, which does not allow them to feel the changes around them so keenly. Each phase of the moon has a special effect on the vital signs of plants. So, for example, some garden and vegetable varieties of plants can only be planted during the young moon, while others feel better during the waning moon. It is this information that is displayed in special calendars created on the basis of centuries-old knowledge of ancestors, dating back to pre-Christian times.

Influence of zodiac signs

There is an opinion that all the vital juices and forces of plants during the full Moon are concentrated in the ground part: stem, buds, leaves, flowers. During the young Moon, on the contrary, they are concentrated underground - in the roots and tubers. It is for this reason that most experienced gardeners The “old school” will never sow seeds into the ground on a full moon, but will do so on a waxing moon, when all the power is in the underground part of the plant.

However, this rule does not apply to crops with tuberous or root fruits, such as carrots, potatoes or turnips. Parsley and celery are also considered root vegetables. Such plants need to be planted on the waning moon so that the vital juices “go” into the root system and the underground fruits develop as actively as possible.

Besides lunar phases It is very important to take into account what zodiac sign the Moon is under at a certain point in time. Despite the apparent mysticism, it is quite simple to explain. The fact is that each of the 12 signs of the Zodiac differs in the level of productivity, which can actually be observed in “ field conditions" Some signs have a positive effect on plant productivity, while others, on the contrary, can cause dormancy and crop failure. Let's give a simple example: if you plant an apple tree on a waxing Moon located in the sign of Pisces, Cancer or Scorpio, you can safely count on a bountiful harvest. If the Moon is in Taurus, Sagittarius or Libra, this probability is significantly reduced.

In fact, if we take into account the position of the Moon in a certain constellation, we get the following:

  1. Aries - it is better to wait with planting and spend time caring for already growing crops. However, if you planned to plant some greens (lettuce, dill, parsley), that’s okay.
  2. Taurus – you can plant vegetable seedlings and any flower plants. Bulbous plants, ornamental and fruit bushes, trees.
  3. Gemini – Depending on the position of the Moon, legumes and grains can be planted. Climbing plants will also take root well, but it is better to hold off on planting all others. At this time, it is good to fight various pests or harvest if the Moon is waning.
  4. Cancer is the most “loyal” sign of the Zodiac, since it has no restrictions or prohibitions on landing. In addition, this is a favorable time for caring for flowers. But if you planned to harvest under Cancer, it will not be stored for long.
  5. Leo is the complete opposite of Cancer in the sense that with this sign it is not worth planting anything at all if you do not want to get a meager harvest. But Leo is quite suitable for maintenance, so you can safely weed, loosen and get rid of pests.
  6. Leo – it is not recommended to plant anything under this sign at all, since the harvest will be small. But various caring measures will bear fruit.
  7. Virgo is the same as for Leo.
  8. Libra is probably the most fruitful sign, under which you can plant anything and count on a bountiful harvest. If you plant seeds, almost everything will germinate; pests and diseases will bypass the seedlings.
  9. Scorpio is not a very favorable sign for planting, but it is better than all others for any gardening events, including transplants and fruit collection. Fruits collected in Scorpio will be stored for a long time and remain tasty and juicy. Scorpio is also considered perfect sign for housewives who love to prepare and preserve food for the winter.
  10. Sagittarius - the plantings will not take root very well, but it is difficult to find a better time for cultivating the soil, watering and fertilizing. On the young Moon in Sagittarius, it is very useful to prepare medicinal herbs and harvest crops.
  11. Capricorn - suitable for planting various grains and root crops. The plants are resistant to the vagaries of weather, pests and diseases, and produce a good harvest. This sign, like Scorpio, is great for harvesting.
  12. Aquarius - do not plant or replant anything under this sign, but if you decide to harvest, then go ahead. It is necessary to remember that you can collect vegetables on the outgoing Moon, and seeds, berries, fruits and medicinal herbs on the waxing Moon.
  13. Pisces - suitable for planting, but in the future they will require careful care. Under Pisces it is better not to harvest any crops, because they will not be stored for long. However, preparations made at this time will be very tasty.

Every phenomenon in nature is interconnected, and if you at least superficially study several aspects, you can understand that the Earth is a single living organism. Everything in it works according to established scheme or, if you prefer, a program. So, if you set one of the settings incorrectly or fail to fulfill one of the conditions of the task, you will never get the correct result. The lunar planting calendar for 2017 is an algorithm that will help you, as one of the many components of Nature, interact with other natural elements as efficiently and harmoniously as possible.

Hint: It will be difficult for a beginner to immediately orient himself and remember dates, phases of the Moon and the influence of Zodiac signs, but there is a simple visual hint. When the Moon grows, plants enter an active growth phase - their ground part rushes upward. When the Moon wanes, the underground part “comes to life” - the roots begin to develop. So before you replant the plant and disturb its roots, look to see if the Moon is on the wane.

What about eclipses? Regardless of whether there is a solar or lunar eclipse, this time is a serious test for all representatives of flora and fauna, as it causes severe stress. Most people do not notice this because they are surrounded by a dense information field that blocks sensitive perception, but animals and plants do not have this blockage, so during eclipses it is better not to work in the garden or on the farm, but to allow your pets to endure this period as calmly as possible.

Gardener's lunar planting calendar for 2017

Now that you already have an idea of ​​why a gardener’s sowing lunar calendar is needed and how the positions of the Moon and the signs of the Zodiac affect plants, we can talk about the main thing. In this part of the article we will provide detailed description, on what dates of what month can you plant various gardening garden crops next year.


You can start sowing garden crops as early as February. At this time, many summer residents sow seeds for seedlings so that when the weather warms up, they can immediately plant them in open ground and get a rich harvest as early as possible. If you wait for warmer weather and sow seeds in the garden beds, it will take longer for the fruits to ripen. These two methods can be successfully combined to get a double harvest per season.

So, on what dates in February can you plant plants:

  • Plant green onions, parsley, dill and lettuce on the 5th, 12th or 14th;
  • February 1, 5, 12 and 14 are suitable for planting cucumbers, corn, melon and watermelon;
  • According to the 2017 lunar calendar, tomatoes can be planted as seedlings on February 14, 16, 18, 24, 26-28;
  • eggplants, squash, zucchini, pumpkin are planted on the 12th, 14th, 23rd and 28th;
  • sweet bell pepper— February 14, 16 and 23;
  • rutabaga, carrots, parsley at the root, turnips - from February 19 to 24;
  • garden strawberries, radishes, daikon, radishes, garlic and rhubarb - from February 21 to 24;
  • any varieties of cabbage and asparagus - from 5 to 7 and from 10 to 12;
  • potatoes, Jerusalem artichoke, onion– from February 21 to February 24;
  • beets – 1.2, from 20 to 24 and from 27 to 29 February.


With March comes the “hot time” for every summer resident, as warming comes, nature wakes up, and seedlings prepared in February can be planted in open ground.

Plant lunar calendar for March 2017:

  • bulbous flowers can be planted from March 21 to 23, 25 and 26;
  • Plant seed flowers from March 13 to 15 and from March 17 to 19;
  • garden strawberries, eggplants, zucchini, squash - from March 13 to 15;
  • any varieties of cabbage - from March 3 to March 10;
  • green onions for feathers - from March 6 to 9, and for turnips - from March 21 to 26;
  • Plant parsley for greens from March 3 to 10, and for roots - from 20 to 24;
  • radish, radish, beets, horseradish, garlic - from March 20 to March 25;
  • dill, fennel, cilantro, cumin, mustard - from March 10 to 15, 17.


This month is not so hot yet and you can continue to plant vegetable and garden crops. These are mainly seed plants.

Lunar sowing calendar for April 2017:

  • green onions, parsley, dill, lettuce – April 18, 20, 23, from 26 to 28;
  • cucumbers - 9, 18, 22, from 26 to 28;
  • sweet bell pepper – 9, 11, 18, from 26 to 28;
  • It is better not to plant onions on feathers, but you can plant them on turnips from April 19 to 24;
  • carrots and parsnips (root) - April 19 and 20;
  • corn – April 9, 10 and 11;
  • lettuce and spinach – 5, 6, 9, 10 and 11;
  • celery – April 1, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 23;
  • dill, fennel, cilantro, cumin, mustard - from 7 to 11 and from 13 to 15 April.


The sun is already shining well, greenery is already covering all the beds, and flowering is in full swing.

Gardener's lunar calendar for May 2017:

  • garlic - from May 13 to May 20;
  • horseradish – May 20 and 21;
  • tomatoes – May 14, 15 and 16;
  • radishes and radishes - from May 13 to May 21;
  • beets - May 19, 20, 21, 25, 26, 27, 30 and 31;
  • sunflower - from 3 to 11 and from 14 to 17 May;
  • bell pepper – May 15, 16 and 17;
  • onions for feathers - on the 15th, 16th and 17th, and for turnips - from May 13 to 21;
  • potatoes and peanuts - May 16 and 17;
  • peas, beans and legumes - from May 13 to 17.


Many summer residents choose June as the last month for planting new plants and then only take care of the crops and prepare for harvest.

Gardener's lunar calendar for June 2017:

  • zucchini, eggplant - from June 9 to 12;
  • turnips and rutabaga - from 15 to 17 and from 21 to 24;
  • peas and beans - from 9 to 13;
  • rhubarb – from 11 to 14;
  • potatoes – from 14 to 17;
  • green onions for a feather - from 11 to 15, for a turnip - from 15 to 17;
  • cucumbers, melon - from June 4 to June 6;
  • sweet pepper – from June 11 to June 15;
  • parsley for greens - from 4 to 6 (spinach and lettuce can be planted on the same dates), and for roots - from 20 to 23;
  • tomatoes - from June 11 to June 15.

More full information by planting dates and garden crops is presented in the table below:

The lunar sowing calendar for 2017, and for any other year, provides an opportunity to closely interact with nature and receive obvious benefits from this cooperation. Try to follow the recommendations described in this article at least once, and you will see from your own experience the wisdom of your ancestors.

Since ancient times, the ancient inhabitants of planet Earth took into account the influence of the Moon on the animal world. This pattern applied to living organisms and to the watery part of the planet’s surface. The lunar phase affects the water level in seas, rivers and lakes. Was no exception vegetable world, which includes grass, trees, shrubs, and so on. This pattern has been confirmed by gardeners since ancient times.

Therefore, it is clear why most plant growers rely on the lunar calendar during sowing. A person who expects good yield from his garden uses his knowledge and listens to the opinions of other gardeners. A large number of summer residents look at the lunar calendar. That is why it is so popular nowadays among those who want to get maximum yield in 2017.

A number of definitions

“A prosperous day for sowing” is a concept that everyone has heard more than once. Only a few seriously thought that such days were directly related to natural companion Earth.

The moon controls the water level on the earth's surface, the life cycles of living organisms, and the process of plant life. The main rule for sowing, if you rely on the lunar calendar, is the phase of the outgoing and new moon. When leaving, plant plants that grow downward, and during the young phase - above-ground deciduous crops. Plant growers explain this factor by the fact that when the Moon wanes, it actively increases root system, and deciduous crops develop slowly. When the moon is waxing, plants grow faster than root crops.

Is it rational to use the lunar calendar?

Do I need to use the 2017 sowing calendar to grow certain types of plants? Most likely not, this knowledge is not required for all gardeners or gardeners. You can engage in crop production by relying only on climatic conditions for a specific area. Nature will take care of these issues with her own hands. After winter, you can immediately throw the seeds into the ground or plant potatoes there, only after the soil has thawed. However, you will have to wait a lot for the planted crop to sprout.

Working with the lunar calendar and proper coordination in it will immediately bring a number of benefits. The result will be a more harmonious process of plant development, and the fruits will positively surprise you in size and quality. This calendar saves precious time, protects nervous system, from which the load, worries and hopes for good yield are removed.

There is no need to follow all the dates of the lunar calendar with meticulous accuracy; you can only rely on the schedule and choose a favorable period for gardening. If you missed a specific date, do not be upset, as nature has provided for everything. Each month includes several dates suitable for planting certain plants. You shouldn’t abandon the calendar for the winter, as it even provides for the cultivation of certain types of crops in winter time, for example, in greenhouses.

  • It is highly not recommended to work with crops on the ground during the New Moon and Full Moon.
  • When the position of the Moon is in the constellation Leo and Aquarius, there is no need to plant seeds and seedlings.
  • It is better to avoid working in the garden during a lunar or solar eclipse.
  • When changing zodiac signs, there is no need to do sowing work, as the full development of plants will be disrupted.

List of days for sowing and planting in 2017

The lunar calendar for gardeners and gardeners was developed based on all the nuances of the lunar cycle, which consists of the passage of the Moon through all signs of the Zodiac.

It is no longer necessary, as in the Middle Ages, to observe celestial bodies and mathematically calculate the required times. Now this can only be done by selecting a date and booking the necessary events on it.

The table includes the most current days and popular plant crops. The selected days are the most suitable for sowing, transplanting and harvesting fruits.

The principle by which a lunar calendar for gardeners is created

This sowing calendar is made with the aim of doing the work most efficiently at the most favorable days month. Thus, gardeners and gardeners have the opportunity to harvest a lot of crops without wasting time and energy.

When you can’t look at the calendar, there’s no need to be upset; it’s enough to remember only a couple of basic patterns.

  • In the interval between the new moon and the full moon, you need to deal with those crops that produce crops above the ground, and not in the soil.
  • The waning moon has a positive effect only when planting root crops.
  • You cannot plant seeds on a new moon; it is better to start harvesting when the moon is in this position.
  • The weather interferes with the lunar calendar from hour to hour. It may interfere with some dates.

If you use this calendar wisely, you can achieve an unprecedented harvest.

Lunar sowing calendar for 2017 - table

Moon calendar according to zodiac signs

The 2017 sowing calendar is influenced not only by lunar dates, but also 12 signs of the Zodiac. They are located on a specific date for each event of the lunar calendar. Based on this data, a sowing schedule is constructed and work related to crop production is listed.

Therefore, the movement of constellations across the sky seriously affects the development of plants. In 30 days, the Moon visits all constellations. Each position has a noticeable impact on the environment. Some constellations are more favorable than others.

Fertile Zodiac Signs

The female signs are Cancer, Taurus and Pisces. Endurance and vitality are characteristic of Scorpios. The last lines in fertility were assigned to Virgo and Capricorn. The time when the Moon moves through favorable signs is suitable for planting and replanting all types of plants. At this time, watering and fertilizing will be beneficial. When the Moon is in Pisces, over-watering is not recommended as it will cause rotting.

Masculine signs are not very suitable for sowing. Only the constellation Libra has a beneficial effect on the development of decorative and climbing plants. It is recommended to moderately water and feed the seedlings. On the day of Gemini influence, nothing needs to be done, not even watering and other little things.

Sagittarius and Aries are characterized by low productivity. But they are not suitable for large volumes of work. Leo and Aquarius are the signs when it comes to cultivating the land and getting rid of pests. It is useless to perform other types of work, since the signs for them are unfavorable. Under the influence of Aquarius, you need to take care of the sprout; if you damage it even a little, it will not grow.

Regardless of fertility, each zodiac sign has a personal favorable type of plant. You need to adhere to all recommendations completely, and not selectively. For example, it will not be enough to plant a seedling on the right day, but it also needs to be properly cared for: watered, fertilized and harvested on time.

Aries doesn't like landings on his days. Getting rid of weeds and destroying pests at this time will bring the desired result.

Taurus benefits planted plants. Productivity will be high, and the root crops will be a sight to behold during the waning Moon. The waxing Moon loves sowing land plants and pruning trees.

Cancer during the waxing Moon is a phase for plants that feed a lot of moisture. This includes cucumbers, tomatoes, herbs, currants, raspberries and so on. The waning moon has a positive effect on root vegetables. Productivity will be at top level, but this harvest will not be stored. The seeds are unsuitable.

Lions are great for weeding and getting rid of pests. Planting is not recommended.

The constellation Virgo has a good effect on vegetation care work. If you plant crops at this time, there will be no result. It is better to plant long-lived bushes and herbs. Virgo will save them from all adversity.

Libra Day is the day of seedlings. Plant cucumbers, legumes, trees and bushes during the waxing Moon, and root vegetables and onions during the waning Moon. Productivity is average, storage is good, seeds are suitable for further planting.

On Scorpio's day, seedlings, herbs, peppers and eggplants are planted. The waning phase is suitable for root vegetables, garlic and trees. The harvest is normal, stored for a long time, the seeds are of high quality.

Sagittarius is an unfavorable constellation for planting plants, so it is better to start cultivating the soil and getting rid of harmful insects.

During the period of Capricorn's influence, seedlings, winter seeds and perennial plants, including trees, are planted. The waning moon has a positive effect on planting onions and root crops. This is a good time to sow legumes, cabbage and herbs. The yield is average, but the fruits are of high quality and are stored for a long time.

Aquarius time is suitable for cultivating the soil and exterminating insect pests. You can't deal with seedlings.

Fish. Trees should not be pruned at this time. Planting horseradish, tomatoes, cucumbers and eggplants should be done only on the waxing Moon, and on the waning Moon - carrots, radishes and flowers. The yield is good, but it is not stored well. The seeds are not of the best quality.

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Since ancient times, the ancient inhabitants of planet Earth took into account the influence of the Moon on the animal world. This pattern applied to living organisms and to the watery part of the planet’s surface. The lunar phase affects the water level in seas, rivers and lakes. The flora, which includes grass, trees, shrubs, and so on, was no exception. This pattern has been confirmed by gardeners since ancient times.

Therefore, it is clear why most plant growers rely on the lunar calendar during sowing. A person who expects good yield from his garden uses his knowledge and listens to the opinions of other gardeners. A large number of summer residents look at the lunar calendar. That is why it is so popular nowadays among those who want to get maximum yield in 2017.

A number of definitions

“A prosperous day for sowing” is a concept that everyone has heard more than once. Only a few seriously thought that such days were directly related to the Earth’s natural satellite.

The moon controls the water level on the earth's surface, the life cycles of living organisms, and the process of plant life. The main rule for sowing, if you rely on the lunar calendar, is the phases of the outgoing and new moon. During the dying phase, it is necessary to plant plants that grow downward, and during the young phase, above-ground deciduous crops should be planted. Plant growers explain this factor by the fact that during the waning moon the root system is actively strengthened, and deciduous crops develop slowly. When the moon is waxing, plants grow faster than root crops.

Is it rational to use the lunar calendar?

Do I need to use the 2017 sowing calendar to grow certain types of plants? Most likely, no, this knowledge is not required for all gardeners or gardeners. You can engage in crop production by relying only on the climatic conditions for a certain area. Nature will take care of these issues with her own hands. After winter, you can immediately throw the seeds into the ground or plant potatoes there only after the soil has thawed. However, you will have to wait a lot for the planted crop to sprout.

Working with the lunar calendar and properly coordinating with it will immediately bring a number of benefits. The result will be a more harmonious process of plant development, and the fruits will pleasantly surprise you with their size and quality. This calendar saves precious time, protects the nervous system, which relieves stress, worries and hopes for a good harvest.

There is no need to strictly observe all the dates of the lunar calendar; you can only rely on the schedule and choose a favorable period for gardening. If you missed a specific date, do not be upset, as nature has provided for everything. Each month includes several dates suitable for planting certain plants. You should not abandon the calendar for the winter, since it even provides for the cultivation of certain types of crops in winter, for example, in greenhouses.

2. When the Moon is in the constellation Leo and Aquarius, there is no need to plant seeds and seedlings.

3. It is better to avoid working in the garden during a lunar or solar eclipse.

4. When changing zodiac signs, there is no need to do sowing work, as the full development of plants will be disrupted.

List of days for sowing and planting in 2017

The lunar calendar for gardeners and gardeners was developed based on all the nuances of the lunar cycle, which consists of the passage of the Moon through all signs of the Zodiac.

It is no longer necessary, as in the Middle Ages, to observe celestial bodies and calculate mathematically right time. Now this can be done only by choosing a date and booking the necessary events for it.

The table includes the most current days and popular plant crops. The selected days are the most suitable for sowing, transplanting and harvesting fruits.

Lunar monthly calendar


What to plant in January or February 2017? Plants tend to hibernate in winter. However, this is not a reason for idleness. This time is perfect for analyzing last year's stocks and sorting them.

January and February are excellent for sowing seedlings in a special greenhouse; you can plant them and leave them even near a window. From January 3 to 11 and from January 30 to 31, you need to plant products with edible leaves or fruits. In February, it is best to plant from the 1st to the 10th and from the 27th to the 28th. For root vegetables, the favorable date is February 23.

Unfavorable days in January are the 12th and 28th, and in February - the 11th, 24th and 26th.


During this season of the year the snow melts, more precisely in March or April. After this, summer residents begin to inspect their land. On dry soil you can remove debris and leaves. The soil has not completely thawed yet, so it’s still too early to plant, but it’s just the right time to propagate the seedlings.

In March, from 1 to 9 and from 13 to 22, it is advisable to plant seeds. Only on March 30 and 31 do you need to plant root crops. Bad days for working with plants are March 12 and 28.

April is characterized by night frosts, so only frost-resistant plants of the same year are planted in heated open ground. At this time, potatoes are taken out of the basement and the trees that bear fruit are processed.

From April 12 to 19 and from April 22 to 25, root crops are planted. From April 1 to 10, 27 and 30, seedlings are planted in greenhouses. The worst days for work in April are the 11th and 26th. Mid-April is used as the time to plant potatoes, and the end of the month is used to plant seeds and seedlings in the ground.

Until the end of the first part of June, it is recommended to insulate the seedlings at night using film. Optimal intervals for deciduous plants– from 1 to 10, 26, 28 and 29 May. Root crops adapt well in the intervals from May 12 to 16 and from May 19 to 24. Bad numbers: 11, 18 and 25.

November and December 2017 according to the lunar calendar

November is the month in which you need to completely move into the greenhouse. In it you can start growing any types of greens, onions and crops that will ripen quickly. An ordinary home windowsill is perfect for growing parsley and dill.

Favorable November days for planting: 1-3, 5-7, 19 to 21 and 30.

Undesirable days: 4th, 8th and 12th.

December is the month when preparations for the upcoming holiday begin, so you need to plant onions, herbs and vegetables. Current days for sowing root crops: December 5, 6, 11 to 14 and 17. For deciduous crops: December 1, 2, 19, 20 and 25. Negative days in December: 3rd, 18th and 22nd.

The principle by which a lunar calendar for gardeners is created

This sowing calendar is made with the aim of doing the work most effectively on the most favorable days of the month. Thus, gardeners and gardeners have the opportunity to harvest a lot of crops without wasting time and energy.

When you can’t look at the calendar, there’s no need to be upset; it’s enough to remember just a few basic principles:

  1. In the interval between the new moon and the full moon, you need to deal with those crops that produce crops above the ground, and not in the soil.
  2. The waning moon has a positive effect only when planting root crops.
  3. You cannot plant seeds on a new moon; in this position of the moon, it is better to start harvesting.
  4. The weather interferes with the lunar calendar from hour to hour. It may interfere with some dates.

If you use this calendar wisely, you can achieve an unprecedented harvest.

Lunar sowing calendar for 2017 - table


February 2017 March 2017 April 2017 May 2017 June 2017

Calendar for gardeners for 2017

Green onions, parsley, dill, lettuce

5, 12, 14, 18, 20, 23, 4, 15, 17, 20,

24, 25, 31

2, 11, 16, 20,

cucumbers 1, 5, 12, 14 9, 18, 22, 4, 15, 19, 24,

1, 2, 11, 16, 20

Tomatoes 14, 16, 18, 24, 3, 4, 10, 12,

20, 25, 30, 31

8, 12, 13,

22, 26-28

9, 15, 19, 24,

2, 7, 11, 16


12, 14, 23, 28 3, 4, 12, 14, 16,

20, 25, 30, 31

9, 18, 22, 3, 4, 14, 15,

19, 24, 31

1, 2, 11, 16, 20

Sweet pepper

14, 16, 23 3, 4, 12, 14, 20, 9, 11, 18, 8, 14, 15, 24, 25

2, 11, 20

Zucchini, squash, pumpkins

9, 18, 26-28 3, 4, 14, 15,

1, 2, 11, 20

Radish, radish, daikon

16-18, 23, 28 4, 9, 14, 15,

19, 24, 31

1, 6, 7, 10,

11, 15, 16, 20,

Potatoes, Jerusalem artichoke

- 4, 7, 8, 9,

19, 24, 31

1, 6, 7, 15, 16

Carrots, beets

- - 16-18, 23, 28 4, 9, 14, 15,

19, 24, 31

beets: 1, 6, 7, 10,

15, 16, 20, 28, 30

Beans, peas, beans

- - 22, 28 3, 4, 9, 10, 15,

19, 24, 25, 31

Watermelon melon

- - 22, 26-28 3, 4, 15, 19,

24, 25, 31

1, 2, 11, 16


- - 19, 22, 23, 3, 4, 9, 10

Onion sets

- 17, 26, 31 22, 28

7-9, 19, 20, 24

Spring/winter garlic

- - spring:

19, 22, 23

Cabbage, cauliflower

- 20, 25, 26, 9, 12, 13, 18,

22, 26-28

4, 15, 19, 24,

1, 2, 11, 16, 20

Red cabbage

- 22, 26-28 8, 9, 15, 19,

2, 11, 16

Parsley root

- 16-18, 23, 28

Calendar for flower growers for 2017

Annual flowers

1, 4, 5, 10, 12,

14, 27, 28

3, 4, 10, 12, 20,

25, 30, 31

4, 5, 9, 18,

21-23, 26-28

1-4, 15, 24,

25, 28-31

1, 2, 11, 16

Bi- and perennials/from seeds

4, 5, 10, 12,

18, 27, 28

3, 4, 10, 17,

25, 30, 31

4-6, 12, 22,

23, 26-28

1-4, 10, 19,

24, 28-31

6, 16, 20,

Perennials/division, replanting

- 9, 10, 19

6, 7, 15, 16

Bulbous and corm

- 5, 8, 9, 12, 13,

16-18, 28

2, 9, 14, 15,

2, 6, 7, 10, 11,

15, 16, 20, 26, 30

Decorative trees and shrubs

12, 13, 22 1-3, 9, 10

Material provided by the site “In the garden with your own hands” handmade-garden.ru Tips and experience of working with your own hands in the garden.

Moon calendar according to zodiac signs

The 2017 sowing calendar is influenced not only by lunar dates, but also by the 12 signs of the Zodiac. They are located on a specific date for each event of the lunar calendar. Based on this data, a sowing schedule is constructed and work related to crop production is listed.

Therefore, the movement of constellations across the sky seriously affects the development of plants. In 30 days, the Moon visits all constellations. Each position has a noticeable impact on the environment. Some constellations are more favorable than others.

Fertile Zodiac Signs

Of the female signs these are Cancer, Taurus and Pisces. Endurance and vitality are characteristic of Scorpios. The last lines in fertility were assigned to Virgo and Capricorn. The time when the Moon moves through favorable signs is suitable for planting and replanting all types of plants. At this time, watering and fertilizing will be beneficial. When the Moon is in Pisces, over-watering is not recommended as it will cause rotting.

Masculine signs are not very suitable for sowing. Only the constellation Libra has a beneficial effect on the development of ornamental and climbing plants. It is recommended to water and feed the seedlings moderately. On the day of Gemini influence, nothing needs to be done, not even watering and other little things.

Sagittarius and Aries are characterized by low productivity. But they are not suitable for large volumes of work. Leo and Aquarius are the signs when it comes to cultivating the land and getting rid of pests. It is useless to perform other types of work, since the signs for them are unfavorable. Under the influence of Aquarius, you need to take care of the sprout; if you damage it even a little, it will not grow.

Regardless of fertility, each zodiac sign has a personal favorable type of plant. You need to adhere to all recommendations completely, and not selectively. For example, it will not be enough to plant a seedling on the right day; it still needs to be properly cared for: watered, fertilized and harvested on time.

Aries doesn't like landings on his days. Getting rid of weeds and destroying pests at this time will give the desired result.

Taurus benefits the planted plants. Productivity will be high, and the root crops will be a sight to behold during the waning Moon. The waxing Moon loves sowing land plants and pruning trees.

Cancer during the waxing Moon - a phase for plants that love a lot of moisture. This includes cucumbers, tomatoes, herbs, currants, raspberries and so on. The waning moon has a positive effect on root vegetables. The yield will be at the highest level, but this harvest will not be stored. The seeds are unsuitable.

Lions Great for weeding and getting rid of pests. Planting is not recommended.

Constellation Virgo has a good effect on vegetation care work. If you plant crops at this time, there will be no result. It is better to plant long-lived bushes and herbs. Virgo will save them from all adversity.

Day Libra- day of seedlings. Cucumbers, legumes, trees and bushes should be planted during the waxing Moon, and root vegetables and onions during the waning Moon. Productivity is average, storage is good, seeds are suitable for further planting.

In a day Scorpio they plant seedlings, herbs, peppers and eggplants. The waning phase is suitable for root vegetables, garlic and trees. The harvest is normal, stored for a long time, the seeds are of high quality.

Sagittarius- a constellation unfavorable for planting plants, so it is better to work on cultivating the soil and getting rid of harmful insects.

During the period of influence Capricorn They plant seedlings, winter seeds and perennial plants, including trees. The waning moon has a positive effect on planting onions and root crops. This is a good time to sow legumes, cabbage and herbs. The yield is average, but the fruits are of high quality and are stored for a long time.

Time Aquarius Suitable for soil cultivation and pest control. You can't deal with seedlings.

Fish. Trees should not be pruned at this time. Planting horseradish, tomatoes, cucumbers and eggplants should be done only on the waxing Moon, and on the waning Moon, carrots, radishes and flowers are planted. The yield is good, but it is not stored well. The seeds are not of the best quality.

The new planting season requires pre-planned preparation, because every vegetable crop, or like a certain soil temperature, proper watering, pruning, picking and fertilizing. Only in this case can a gardener and gardener count on a good harvest in the new agricultural year. Any experienced owner personal plot knows that the main assistant in planning earthworks is a crop report compiled by specialists on the basis of astronomical observations and mathematical calculations. Let's figure out what this sowing calendar is, and also find out what recommendations it gives for 2017.

What is the gardener's calendar for 2017?

The sowing calendar is a certain body of knowledge and observations about the position of the Moon and the daily movement of our satellite. These factors have a noticeable positive or bad influence for all earth processes, including planting plants in the ground, sowing seeds, pruning and fertilizing trees or planting flowers. This serious impact of the Moon is explained simply - it is the closest celestial body to the Earth.

Each approach of the Moon or its removal from our planet is accompanied by ebbs and flows, as well as an increase or decrease in level groundwater. Plants, like many other living organisms, consist predominantly of water, and their vital juices react sharply to changing lunar phases, so that at certain periods our satellite can actively stimulate the growth of crops, influence the intensity of the formation of their ground or underground parts, and at others - to awaken diseases or weaken plants.

The value of the sowing calendar is that it clarifies the impact of each phase of the Moon on the growth, health and formation of plants, the condition of the soil and the environment. In addition, the calendar indicates the impact on gardening and garden work each of the signs of the zodiac circle, which can stimulate or inhibit the growth of crops and the formation of fruits, so that by carrying out work taking into account the recommendations presented below, you can easily get a good harvest, saving time and resources.

What does the 2017 sowing calendar take into account?

The lunar calendar contains information:

  • about the lunar phases of each month of the year, affecting earthly processes - from the growth and formation of plants to the operation of mechanisms. Such knowledge helps gardeners wisely choose days suitable for planting certain plants, sowing seeds, watering, fertilizing or harvesting;
  • about the days of the lunar calendar, which differs from the solar rhythm we are accustomed to - the periodicity of the satellite’s revolution differs from the speed of rotation of the Earth, which leads to a certain effect of the Moon on all living things;
  • about the days of the week, which may also promote or discourage planting, watering, feeding, pruning or harvesting;
  • about the signs of the zodiac circle that can have a beneficial or detrimental effect on plant life.

Let's talk about these points in more detail.

The influence of the waxing and waning moon

It has long been known that during periods it is necessary to abandon any planting work. On the day when our satellite is “born” again, it draws upon itself the energy and vital reserves of living organisms, so that the landings will be weak and unviable. It must also be remembered that during periods new moon plants are inhibited in growth and development, concentrating all the forces released to them on the formation of roots.

The waxing moon will have a beneficial effect on the growth and development of plants

As the moon grows, plant juices begin to rush upward - from the root system to the leaves, fruits and crown. Development and growth become active, so for aboveground plants, which by their nature are drawn to the sun (cereals, flowers, cucumbers, tomatoes, dill, various trees), you need to choose just such a day. As we get closer full moon stem growth becomes less active, but if you slightly damaged the root of the plant while weeding the plantings, this will not cause much harm.

For planting and cultivating crops that form fruits underground (for example, for root parsley, potatoes, beets, carrots, Jerusalem artichoke), the period when the satellite is declining is suitable. On such days, it helps to form root crops. At the same time, the most favorable period for pruning trees and shrubs begins.

On days when the moon is absent from the sky or shines in it at full force, it is better not to carry out active work on weeding, loosening and pruning, since all living things become especially vulnerable when damaged.

Influence of zodiac constellations

Even the ancient Greeks knew that constellations have different effects on the vital processes and rooting of plants, so they classified them into those that provide fertility and those that are sterile or signs with average fertility.

  • Planting or replanting plants at a time when the constellations, or, rule in the sky, is favorable. At this time, watering the beds and fertilizing will have the most beneficial effect. The only exception for watering is the sign of Pisces - too much watering can lead to the roots starting to rot. Do not carry out picking or pruning work in this sign, so as not to slow down the formation of trunks, shoots and branches. However, pumpkin, eggplant, horseradish, tomatoes and cucumbers planted during the waxing moon will bring a more than enviable harvest. The influence of Cancer is especially evident on the waxing moon - such days are excellent for planting plants, those who love moisture– cucumbers, tomatoes, zucchini, Bulgarian and hot peppers, kohlrabi, broccoli, cauliflower and white cabbage will thank you. Cancer also promotes the planting of gooseberries, black and red currants, yoshta and raspberries. When Cancer is accompanied by a waning moon, you can safely sow carrots, beets or plant potato tubers, but remember that the harvest will be plentiful, but not suitable for long-term storage, so it will not be used for seeds. Scorpio favors planting garlic, bulbous flowers and onions, especially during periods when the moon is waning. By the way, this will provide you with not just higher yields, but also excellent safety of the seed material;
  • You can plant at a time when our satellite occupies a position in, or, but these are signs of average fertility - they will not provide you with an outstanding harvest. An exception is Libra, which provides excellent growth and rooting of peas, beans, pumpkins, asparagus, as well as ornamental ivy and other climbing plants. This sign also promotes moderate watering or fertilization. The sign of Taurus also stands apart, on the days of its dominance, during the waning moon, it is recommended to plant root crops, and on the days of the waxing moon, sow parsley, dill, arugula, cabbage, or plant beans and peas. During the days of Capricorn, you can pick up seedlings and plant perennial plants, trees and bushes for the winter;
  • You should not plant crops when the signs or are dominant - they were classified by the Greeks as sterile. However, during the period of the influence of Leo and Aquarius, work should be done to weed and destroy harmful insects, and during the days of the influence of Virgo, care should be taken - weeding, hilling, loosening or spraying the plants. On the moon growing in Virgo, you can plant strawberry or strawberry bushes and perennial plants.

Gardener's calendar 2017

Each month of the new agricultural year has its own specifics. As already mentioned, the influence of lunar phases, days of the week and zodiac signs create a special environment for working in the garden. Let's find out which sowing works are the main ones in each month of 2017, and also find out the favorable and unfavorable days for planting crops.

Find out in which month you need to do each type of gardening work!

Sowing calendar for January

In our latitudes, the winter months are a period when plants and seeds sleep, so as not to waste the energy accumulated during the warm days. However, in January, gardeners and gardeners do not sit idly by - during this period it is necessary to conduct an audit of seed reserves, reject spoiled tubers and seeds, disinfect them and begin planting in greenhouses or on window sills to obtain seedlings. January promotes the following works:

  • 01/3-11/2017 and 01/30-31/2017 – planting seeds for seedlings for crops with edible foliage and above-ground fruits.

Unfavorable days in January are: 12.01 and 28.01.

Sowing calendar for February

In February, favorable days are:

  • 02/1-10/2017 and 02/27/28/2017 – planting seedlings of any terrestrial plants;
  • 02.2017, 02.12.2017, 02.14.2017, 02.23.2017 and 02.28.2017 are the best days for planting parsley, lettuce, green onions and dill;
  • 02.2017, 02.5.2017, 02.12.2017 – planting cucumber seeds for seedlings;
  • 02.2017, 02.18.2017 and 02.28.2017 – sowing tomatoes for seedlings;
  • 02.2017, 02.23.2017, 02.28.2017 – planting eggplants to obtain seedlings;
  • 02.2017, 02.16.2017 and 02.23.2017 – sowing bell pepper seeds.
  • 02.2017 – planting any root crops.

Unfavorable days in February are: 11.02, 24.02. and 26.02.

Sowing calendar for March

This month, gardeners and gardeners begin inspecting and planning their plots - after the soil dries, it is worth clearing it of last year’s leaves, branches that have fallen over the winter and other debris. It is too early to plant in the ground, so summer residents continue to plant seedlings in greenhouses and on balconies. The days suitable for agricultural work are:

  • 03-9.03.2017 – planting of any above-ground crops;
  • 03.2017, 4.03.2017, 10.03.2017, 20.03.2017, 25.03.2017, 30-31.03.2017 – best time for sowing tomatoes;
  • 03.2017, 03.4.2017, 03.16.2017, 03.20.2017, 03.25.2017, 03.30-31.2017 – the best days for sowing eggplants;
  • 03.2017, 03.4.2017, 03.14.2017, 03.20.2017, 03.30-31.2017 – planting bell pepper;
  • 03.2017, 03.25-26.2017, 03.30-31.2017 – sowing of white cabbage and cauliflower;
  • 03.2017, 03.26.2017 and 03.31.2017 – planting onions;
  • 03-22.02.2017 and 30-31.03.2017 – planting of any root crops.

Unfavorable days: 12.03 and 28.03.

Sowing calendar for April

Night frosts are still possible in some areas, so plan to plant frost-tolerant plants for outdoor areas. At this time, you can take the potatoes out of the cellar so that they begin to warm up and sprout, and if the soil has warmed up, then plant them in the ground. You can spray the trees in the garden. The best days for gardening:

  • 04/12–19/2017 and 04/22–25/2017 – planting of any root crops;
  • 04/2017, 04/20/2017, 04/23/2017 and 04/28/2014 - most suitable for planting greenery;
  • 04/2017, 04/18/2017, 04/22/2017 and 04/28/2014 – cucumbers planted at this time will give an excellent harvest;
  • 04/2017, 04/12/13/2017, 04/22/2017 and 04/28/2014 are the best days for tomatoes;
  • 04.2017, 04.22.2017 and 04.28.2014 – will ensure the yield of eggplants and bell peppers;
  • 04.2017, 04.18.2017, 04.23.2017 and 04.28.2014 – days of sowing radishes, radishes, carrots and beets;
  • 04/2017 and 04/28/2014 – time to plant peas, beans and onions;
  • 04/2017 and 04/28/2014 are a favorable period for planting watermelon and melon seeds;
  • 04.2017 and 04.23.2017 – will ensure excellent garlic yield;
  • 04/2017, 04/12/2017, 04/13/2017, 04/18/2017, 04/22/2017 and 04/28/2014 - best suited for sowing broccoli, cauliflower and white cabbage;
  • 04.2017 and 04.28.2014 – planting red cabbage;
  • 04.2017, 04.18.2017 and 04.28.2014 – days for planting root-type parsley;
  • 04/1-10/2017, 04/27/2017 and 04/30/2017 – planting seeds in greenhouses to obtain seedlings.

Unfavorable days: 11.04 and 26.04.

Sowing calendar for May

This month, gardeners begin to transfer seedlings into the ground, planting them under a thick film. Many people plant potatoes. Closer to the last days of May, active planting of seedlings and sowing of seed plants begins. Better days for this are:

  • 05/1-10/2017, 05/26/2017, 05/28-29/2017 – planting seeds and seedlings of any terrestrial plants;
  • 05.2017, 05.15.2017, 05.17.2017, 05.20.2017, 05.24-25.2017 and 05.31.2017 – time to plant greens;
  • 05.2017, 05.15.2017, 05.19.2017, 05.24-25.2017 and 05.31.2017 are the ideal period for working with cucumbers;
  • 05.2017, 05.15.2017, 05.19.2017, 05.24.2017 are the best days for planting tomatoes;
  • 05.2017, 05.4.2017, 05.14-15.2017, 05.19.2017, 05.24.2017 and 05.31.2017 – will ensure excellent growth of eggplants, pumpkins, zucchini and squash;
  • 05.2017, 05.14-15.2017, 05.24.2017 – favorable days for planting bell and hot peppers;
  • 05.2017, 05.7-9.2017, 05.19.2017, 05.24.2017 and 05.31.2017 – a period conducive to planting potatoes and Jerusalem artichoke;
  • 05/2017, 05/9/2017, 05/14/2017, 05/19/2017 and 05/31/2017 – time for radishes, carrots, beets and radishes;
  • 05.2017, 05.4.2017, 05.15.2017, 05.19.2017, 05.24-25.2017 and 05.31.2017 - will ensure the yield of beans, peas, watermelons and melons;
  • 05.2017, 05.4.2017, 05.9-10.2017 – the best days for planting onions and garlic;
  • 05/14/15/2017, 05/19/2017 and 05/31/2017 - suitable for transferring white cabbage seedlings into the ground;
  • 05/8-9/2017, 05/15/2017, 05/19/2017, 05/24-25/2017 – red cabbage will take root well in the soil;
  • 05.2017 and 05.09.2017 – time for planting root parsley;
  • 05/12–16/2017 and 05/19–24/2017 – planting of any root crops.

For most plants unfavorable days will be: 11.05, 18.05 and 25.05.

Sowing calendar for June

For the northern regions, the time has come to sow pumpkin seeds in the ground, cucumbers, zucchini, zucchini are waiting to be planted, and seedlings from greenhouses are waiting for their time. The rest of the gardeners and gardeners are already starting to harvest herbs and radishes. The following are considered good days for work:

  • 06/2-8/2017 and 06/26/29/2017 - for plants with above-ground fruits, as well as for harvesting parsley and dill for subsequent freezing or drying;
  • 10-12.06.2017 and 15-23.06.2017 - for planting and collecting root crops.

Unfavorable days: 9.06 and 24.06.

Sowing calendar for July

The month is perfect for getting a quick re-harvest of broccoli, daikon and Chinese cabbage. Sowing begins perennial plants herbaceous type - sorrel, rhubarb, leaf parsley and dill. Favorable days are considered:

  • 07/2-4/2017, 07/6/2017, 07/28/2017 and 07/30/2017 – for above-ground plants;
  • 07.2017, 07.15.2017, 07.18-19.2017 – for plants with underground fruits.

Unfavorable days: 9.07 and 23.07.

Sowing calendar for August

August is a great month to re-harvest radishes, parsley, lettuce, dill, arugula and green onions. The best days in a given month are:

  • 08/2-3/2017, 08/6/2017, 08/22/2017 and 08/28/2017 – for greenery and other terrestrial plants;
  • 08/10-12/2017, 08/14/2017 and 08/20/2017 – for root vegetables.

Sowing calendar for September

The period of harvesting the resulting harvest and planting plants - for example, garlic - “for the winter” begins. Favorable period for work on the site there will be:

  • 09/1/2017, 09/5/2017, 09/7-9/2017, 09/13/2017, 09/19/2017, 09/23/2017, 09/25/2017 and 09/27/2017 – you can do both planting and harvesting.

Not the best days for work: 4.09, 6.09, 20.09 and 30.09.

Sowing calendar for October

Mass harvesting of ground-type fruits and harvesting of root crops begins. Gardeners are digging up plots and cultivating tree trunks and crowns to prepare for the winter cold. In greenhouses you can sow greens again. Best days to work:

  • 2-4.10.2017, 6-9.10.2017, 16-18.10.2017, 20-22.10.2017 and 30.10.2017 – for root crops and ground crops.

Unfavorable period: 5.10, 19.10 and 28.10.

Sowing calendar for November

At this time, any planting is carried out only in greenhouses, in which parsley, dill, lettuce, green onions or early-ripening plants can be sown. Get a harvest of greens for home desk You can also do it on the windowsill, so gardeners have something to do on rainy days. Favorable times are considered:

  • 1-3.11.2017, 5-7.11.2017, 12.11.2017, 14.11.2017, 19-21.11.2017 and 30.11.2017 - any plants.

Unfavorable times: 4.11, 18.11 and 24.11.

Sowing calendar for December

The time when work continues in greenhouses is just around the corner New Year and, so fresh herbs and early ripening vegetables will come in handy. The best days are:

  • 5-6.12.2017, 11-14.12.2017 and 17.12.2017 – for root crops;
  • 1-2.12.2017, 19-20.12.2017, 25.12.2017 and 29.12.2017 – for land crops.

The lunar calendar for 2017 will allow you to achieve incredible harvests!

If you do not have enough time to subordinate agricultural work to the sowing calendar, you can go to the dacha and garden when the local climate allows it - nature itself will ensure that the seeds sprout and the seedlings begin to bear fruit. For example, some gardeners, for lack of other time, throw potato tubers into the ground as soon as the snow cover melts.

The lunar sowing calendar for work in the garden and vegetable garden for June 2018 recommends starting active work on planting various garden crops. As a rule, work with long-day plants is actively carried out at this time.

What to plant at the beginning of the month according to the lunar calendar for June 2018

According to the advice of the lunar sowing calendar, corn, beets, beans, peas and carrots are planted in early June. You can sow peas, turnips, celery, and tomato seedlings are planted.

The gardener's table allows you to plant peppers and eggplants in the ground in the first half of June. You can sow cauliflower and winter radish. If there is no danger of frost, you can plant melons, zucchini, pumpkins and watermelons. June is the month for harvesting turnips, radishes, and onions. After harvesting, you can replant the crops, changing their places.

Before the middle of the month, the lunar sowing calendar for June 2018 recommends planting seedlings of cabbage, potatoes, pumpkins and radishes. Cauliflower, lettuce, radishes and kohlrabi are being replanted.

Mid-month plantings

Favorable works in the middle of the month - planting tomatoes, eggplants and cucumbers. You can start planting peppers in greenhouses or just on beds.

The Urals and Volga region can plant in open ground ornamental plants:

  • coleus (Coleus);
  • amaranth (Amaranth);
  • begonias (Begonia);
  • balsam (Impatiens balsamina).

Forget-me-not, hesperis and daisy seeds can be planted in greenhouse beds. In mid-June, you should set aside a day for planting trees, and also sow late seedlings of cucumbers and tomatoes. At the same time, daikon is also sown.

Planting work in June according to the lunar calendar for 2018

Throughout Russia, from Siberia to the Moscow region, fennel seeds can be sown at the end of June. Featured plant short day It grows well at this time. Sowing is carried out along with it lettuce and radishes.

You can sow peas. The lunar sowing calendar for 2018 recommends sowing it at the end of June, then the peas will not be wormy.

The lunar sowing calendar for 2018 suggests that it is worth planting at the end of the month green beans. In this case, early ripening varieties are selected, capable of ripening within 50 days from emergence. When planted at the end of June, the beans turn out juicy, since they ripen at the end of summer, when there is a lot of rainfall.

Planting rules in June

When planting in June, you should follow some rules. The gardening calendar recommends planting basil near tomatoes, onions or cucumbers. Dill can live with everyone, but its forbidden neighbors are watercress and basil.

Fennel cannot get along with bush beans. Watercress does not tolerate the proximity of beets, but will be a wonderful companion to radishes, radishes and carrots.

Cucumber prefers when there is a large amount of vegetables near it: cabbage, beans, beets. However, planting it next to onions, lettuce and turnips should not be. Peas should not be planted with bush beans. And it will have a beneficial effect on fennel, radishes and sunflowers.

Broccoli can be planted next to white cabbage, carrots, dill, spinach. By autumn, the additional crop can be removed to make room for the already grown cabbage. The vegetable is not planted next to fennel and watercress.

Having studied the gardener's calendar and the rules for the proximity of crops relative to each other, you can plant large quantity plants even in a small area. For example, you can plant onions, lettuce between them, cucumbers next to them and corn in between the rows.

It will be convenient to take a gardener’s calendar for 2018 and, after looking at what days and what is recommended to plant, make a diagram on a piece of paper.

Important! Frosts may still occur at the beginning of the month, so it is worth taking measures in advance to prevent or protect against cold weather.

Seasonal plantings in June (video)

Lunar sowing calendar for gardeners and gardeners for June 2018: favorable and unfavorable days


Moon in zodiac sign. Moon phase

Moon in Capricorn

Picking and replanting plants sown in the signs Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces

Performing cuttings and rooting fruit crops, sowing melons, greens, wild strawberries or strawberries

Moon in Capricorn

Carrying out budding, which is due to reduced survival rate and vitality of roots

Moon in Aquarius

Rooting cuttings, applying fertilizers, watering followed by loosening

You cannot graft stone fruits or spray plants with chemicals.

Moon in Aquarius

Planting any tuberous flowers, as well as ornamental shrubs and rose bushes

Carrying out anti-aging pruning, crown formation or pinching of crops

Moon in Aquarius

Sowing and planting plants for the purpose of long-term storage of crops and collection of seed material

Performing pruning for the purpose of rejuvenation, crown formation and pinching

Moon in Pisces

Sowing seeds and planting seedlings of spicy and medicinal herbs, floral and climbing ornamental crops

Transplantation, root division, as well as other methods of propagation of bulbous and tuber-bulbous plants

Moon in Pisces

Sowing seeds and planting plant seedlings to obtain a harvest of long-term storage and obtaining seeds

Carrying out severe pruning, as well as digging up potatoes for storage

Moon in Aries

Sowing and planting any fast-growing medicinal crops, as well as rooting cuttings of fruit and berry plants

Carrying out heavy pruning and fertilizing garden crops

Moon in Aries

Work on digging and loosening, hilling up plants and thinning seedlings, as well as removing tomato shoots and strawberry tendrils

It is impossible to carry out any pruning, which is due to increased level crown sensitivity to damage

Moon in Taurus

Planting rootstocks for the purpose further work by regrafting, replanting a plant with a weak root system

Planting seedlings of garden crops, removing stepchildren, pruning and pinching

Moon in Taurus

Preventive measures against diseases and pests, carrying out root and foliar feeding

Work related to the root system of plants, including loosening the soil

Moon in Gemini

Grain harvesting, procurement of medicinal plant raw materials

Any work using gardening tools

Moon in Gemini

Work on crown formation, crop rationing, removal of stepsons, cutting strawberry tendrils, pinching

Moon in the sign of Cancer

Performing pinching, pinching; carrying out preventive spraying, collecting seed material

Excessive watering and fertilizing can provoke diseases of the root system.

Moon in the sign of Cancer

Planting any seedlings, planting seed potatoes, sowing flower crops, watering and loosening

Moon in Leo

Application of mineral and organic fertilizers in reduced dosage

Moon in Leo

Preparation of herbal medicinal raw materials, composting

Excessive irrigation and overfeeding garden plants

Moon in Virgo

Autumn plowing, preparation of garden beds, loosening and hilling, replacement of soil substrate in flower pots

Carrying out activities related to picking seedlings or pinching garden crops

Moon in Virgo

Performing thinning of seedlings, removal of weeds and strawberry tendrils, sanitary pruning

Sowing and planting of plants to obtain long-term storage crops

Moon in Virgo

Work on soaking and germination of seeds, sowing seeds and planting seedlings, pinching

It is forbidden to loosen the root zone or replant plants.

Moon in Libra

Digging up bulbous crops, harvesting for long-term storage, winter preparation and canning

You cannot pinch or dive, or work with gardening tools.

Moon in Libra

Sowing work, planting seedlings of melons and climbing crops, strawberries and strawberries, beans and peas

It is not advisable to plant or replant any herbaceous plants

Moon in the sign of Scorpio

Planting and sowing of ornamental hanging plants with hanging, creeping or creeping stems

You cannot cut down or uproot trees, collect medicinal herbs, or dig up garden crops.

Moon in the sign of Scorpio

Pre-sowing preparation, including soaking seeds, as well as sowing and planting seedlings of any annuals

Replanting fruit and berry, climbing and hanging trees, ornamental tree crops

Moon in Sagittarius

Bookmark compost heap,

collection of medicinal raw materials, preparation of harvested vegetable products for the winter

Planting and sowing work in the garden and indoor floriculture, as well as hilling and loosening

Moon in Sagittarius

Proper pruning of all excess or injured shoots in order to increase productivity and crown formation

You can’t water the plants uncontrollably, or apply excessive fertilizing.

Moon in Sagittarius

Harvesting potatoes and other root crops for long-term storage, digging up flower bulbs

Sanitary, rejuvenating and shaping pruning, as well as budding

Moon in Capricorn

Picking grown seedlings and replanting garden plants and flower crops

Moon in Capricorn

Root division during transplantation flowering perennials, as well as propagation by layering

No replanting or pruning fruit plants and shrub crops

Moon in Aquarius

Harvesting plants to obtain seeds and long-term storage, procurement of plant materials

Any pruning and picking of plants, grafting and preventive spraying

Reviews and comments

(2 ratings, average: 3,25 out of 5)

Mari28 07/25/2017

I will be glad if my experience is useful to you.

Mari28 07/25/2017

I also keep my own journal. Very comfortably. I hope you don't need my recommendations. Apple trees will delight you with a healthy harvest!

Mari28 07/25/2017

Galina, I described the most common diseases. You most likely have rust; the location of the stains varies. Along the edges or over the entire surface of the sheet. First of all, if juniper grows next to the apple tree, you will have to get rid of it. It plays the role of pathogen and distributor. Remove all affected branches and leaves. Trim to healthy parts of branches. Then spray with Bordeaux mixture (1%), 3 times every 2 weeks. You can use any other meldo-containing solution. Do not delay treatment until the fall. It is necessary to treat before the leaves drop.

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