home · Installation · Favorable days for gardeners in September - calendar. In September, summer residents and gardeners still have a lot of work to do. Favorable days for planting seeds in September

Favorable days for gardeners in September - calendar. In September, summer residents and gardeners still have a lot of work to do. Favorable days for planting seeds in September

In September A gardener can already basically sum up the results of his many months of work and evaluate his actions, because most crops are harvested this month.

September work in the garden

If you have a large area allocated for potatoes, then after harvesting the early varieties in August, you need continue digging up tubers of mid-early, mid-season and mid-late potato varieties. In those areas where it is possible to grow late varieties of potatoes, also begin harvesting them. A week or ten days beforehand you need mow or cut off the tops and remove from the site. If possible, dry and burn it. The resulting ash can be applied to plants that continue to grow - fruit trees and berry or ornamental shrubs.

Before harvesting, you need to once again inspect the storage facilities and cellars, remove the garbage there, dry it and disinfect it, if you did not have time to do this in August.

In greenhouses, continue collecting and processing cucumbers, tomatoes, and peppers. If the plants there have finished their growing season, they can be sown in the beds early ripening greens, lettuce, radish. But in reliable polycarbonate greenhouses It is still quite possible to grow cucumbers and tomatoes until October, especially if you managed to plant new cucumber seedlings in the beds in mid-June for a second wave of harvest.

To prepare various hodgepodges and other winter supplies in early September, you can cutting down early cabbage , and in the beds where late, pickling varieties are planted, you need to loosen the soil, feed the plants and water if the weather is dry.

On vegetable beds, in case of approaching frosts, you must first harvest beets and carrots. If there is no threat of cold weather, root crops can be left there until the middle of the month or even until the end of the second decade. Also, do not delay harvesting turnips, radishes, and daikon.

Remove the grown pumpkins and the last of the squash and squash.

In the leek bed you can spend hilling up plants to increase the size of the bleached leg. If necessary it is necessary thin out the plantings.

At the end of September you need prepare beds for planting winter garlic . If you are a supporter early landing of this crop, then in this case in September you need to plant the garlic cloves deep enough - up to 12 cm, so that in the event of a warm autumn they do not germinate to the surface, but only form reliable roots in the soil.

If you practice winter sowing of onions, carrots, radishes, and green crops, prepare beds for them, add fertilizer to the soil, cut furrows, and prepare compost to cover the crops.

In the beds that became vacant in the first half of September, you can sow to improve the soil and how green manure green manure- rye, white mustard.

If the weather permits, cleaning late cabbage can be postponed to October, if not, the heads of cabbage need to be cut down at the end of September.

Carry out all work by checking with.

September garden work

Continue at the beginning of September apple harvest. First of all, remove the fruits of summer and autumn varieties, and in the second half of the month - winter varieties. They need to be stored, during which the ripening of these apples will continue.

In early September harvest plums. All fallen fruits, both under plums and apple trees, especially rotten ones, must be buried outside the site. As it ripens, also harvest sea buckthorn and chokeberry(chokeberry).

Loosen the soil around the berry bushes, remove weeds there and mulch with rotted manure, feed the plants with potassium fertilizers.

On landings remontant raspberriescut off all shoots, and on plantings of common raspberries - cut off fruit-bearing shoots and weak or diseased ones. Feed the plants with potassium fertilizers.

At the very beginning of September, if you did not have time to do this in August, plant strong young strawberry bushes on the prepared bed, feed all plantings of this berry crop with fertilizers, add compost to the bare bushes.

Carry out sanitary and formative pruning fruit trees and shrubs: trim dry and broken branches, as well as branches growing inside the crown and vertically upward, tops.

Cut out the young growth that has formed near the cherries and drains. The strongest specimens can be carefully dug up and used for reproduction.

In September you can plant permanent place currant, gooseberry, and raspberry bushes grown from cuttings or purchased at nurseries. Fruit trees are best planted in the garden in spring. If you bought apple or pear seedlings, dig them in until spring.

If autumn is dry, you need to carry out abundant moisture-recharging watering of all fruit and berry crops in the garden.

September work in the flower garden

Before the middle of the month you need first cut the stems, and then dig up gladioli bulbs and prepare them for storage at home.

After the first frost and darkening of the foliage cut the stems of dahlias, and then dig up their tubers. Before storage, it is advisable to carefully separate the tubers, preserving the growth buds, in order to preserve their varietal qualities.

Cut off young shoots on rose bushes, which will no longer have time to become lignified.

If you didn’t have time to do this in August, then you need until mid-September plant small bulbous crops in flower beds- muscari, pushkinia, galanthus and others, as well as tulips, crocuses, hyacinths.

Cut off the stems of peonies. If propagation is necessary, they must be dug up, cleared of soil and carefully separated. Then drop them off at the designated places.

The begonias need to be dug up and stored.

Towards the end of September it is necessary cutting down aboveground part phlox, astilbe, leaves of irises are cut off at a height of 10-15 cm. After cutting, it is recommended to treat these plants against rot with a one percent solution of Bordeaux mixture.

At the beginning of September, if necessary, you need mow the lawn for the last time and feed her.

Gardener's lunar calendar for September

Friday from 02:58 – Sunday until 02:50

New Moon Days: 30.08 - 31.08
New Moon: 30.08 at 13:38
On New Moon days, working with plants is prohibited.

Cleaning up plant residues on the site.
You can spray your garden against diseases and pests.

Sunday from 02:50 – Tuesday until 02:36

Division, planting and replanting of perennials.
Planting berries and ornamental shrubs.
Planting bulbs.

♏ Scorpio

Tuesday from 02:36 – Thursday until 06:09

Dividing planting and replanting perennials and berry bushes.
Moisture-recharging irrigation of the soil under trees and shrubs.

♐ Sagittarius

Thursday from 06:09 – Saturday until 13:38

Transition of the moon from Ⅰ to Ⅱ quarter 06.09 at 06:12
It is advisable not to sow on this day.

Cleaning the area.
Spraying the garden against pests and diseases.

♑ Capricorn

Saturday from 13:38 – Tuesday until 00:25

Planting and replanting fruit trees, shrubs and perennials.
Preparing beds for planting.

♒ Aquarius

Tuesday from 00:25 – Thursday until 12:53

Harvesting from fruit trees.
Pruning raspberry shoots.
Sanitary pruning of trees and shrubs.
Preparing beds for planting.

Thursday from 12:53 – Sunday until 01:34

Full Moon Days: 13.09 - 15.09
Full Moon: 14.09 at 07:37
It is advisable not to sow anything.

Moisture-recharging watering of fruit trees and shrubs.
Preparing beds for sowing.
Cleaning greenhouses from plant debris.

Sunday from 01:34 – Tuesday until 13:32

15.09 – Full Moon Day
On the days of the Full Moon, it is advisable not to sow anything.

16.09 - 17.09 (until 13:32) – Planting winter garlic.
Planting bulbs (tulips, daffodils, crocuses, etc.).

Tuesday from 13:32 – Thursday until 23:59

Harvesting root vegetables, leeks, spring garlic.
Planting perennials, ornamental and berry bushes, fruit trees.
Moisture-recharging irrigation.
Winter crops carrots, parsley, onions, parsnips at soil temperatures above +2°C.
Digging the soil.
Cleaning greenhouses from plant residues, treating with sulfur bombs.

♊ Gemini

Thursday from 23:59 – Sunday until 07:51

Harvesting potatoes, beets, carrots, parsnips, etc.
Harvesting spring garlic.
Spraying the garden against diseases and pests.
Whitewashing fruit tree trunks.
cleaning greenhouses from plant residues and treating with sulfur bombs.

Transition of the Moon from Ⅲ to Ⅳ quarter 22.09 at 05:45

Sunday from 07:51 – Tuesday until 12:21

Harvesting root vegetables and leeks.
Planting winter garlic.
Planting fruit trees and shrubs.
Moisture-recharging irrigation.
Removing plant debris from the site.

Tuesday from 12:21 – Thursday until 13:38

Harvesting fruit trees (apples, pears) for long-term storage.
Planting fruit and ornamental trees and bushes.
Digging the soil.
Treatment of the garden from pests and diseases.
Whitewashing of trees.
Preparing beds for sowing.

Thursday from 13:38 – Saturday until 13:04

26.09 – planting fruit trees and shrubs.

New Moon Days: 27.09 - 28.09
Working with plants is prohibited.

Spraying the garden against diseases and pests.
Cleaning the area from plant debris.

Saturday from 13:04 – Monday until 12:43

New Moon Days: 28.09 - 29.09
New Moon: 28.09 at 21:28

Working with plants is prohibited.
Removing plant debris from the site.
Preparing the garden for winter.

30.09 (until 12:43) – planting bulbous crops, planting berries and ornamental shrubs.

The first autumn month is the time to collect fruits and roots, which throughout garden season carefully erected by the gardener. However, harvesting is not the only task of the garden owner; at this time, a lot of work is carried out to prepare the land and everything that grows for the coming winter.

In order for the work to bring maximum benefit, you should trust the lunar calendar, which suggests the most favorable days for gardening. The lunar sowing calendar for September 2018 contains recommendations on the timing and dates when harvesting, planting, pruning trees, shrubs, caring for flowers and other gardening tasks should be done.

The first month of autumn is one of the most labor-intensive of the season, since the gardener not only needs to harvest, but also carry out a large amount of work to maintain the site in a fertile condition.


Autumn care for garden and indoor plants determines their condition, flowering and fruiting for the next season.

Depending on climatic conditions, throughout the entire period they continue to collect root crops - potatoes, beets and carrots, and continue to collect cucumbers, peppers, tomatoes, eggplants, zucchini, pumpkins, cabbage and other vegetables.


September is a favorable month for planting seedlings before winter. Crops such as radishes, parsley, and dill will have time to take root in relatively warm soil, but will not have time to sprout. It is recommended to plant garlic in the first half of the month; before winter the seedlings will develop root system without allowing any escape. Strawberries planted in September will take root well; before the first frost, the bushes will get stronger and acquire flower buds, which will ensure the harvest of the next season.

It is also worth paying attention to the flowers; they need to be transplanted to a place of permanent growth. At the end of the month, the bulbs of dahlias and gladioli must be dug up, dried thoroughly and sent to winter storage.


For high-quality growth and flowering of clematis, it is better to plant or replant them in the first half of the month.

Shrubs also take root well if planted in the first month of autumn. Properly planted raspberries, gooseberries and currants will strengthen before the cold weather, develop a root system, because of this, by the beginning of the next season, the bushes will wake up early, and will also begin to bear fruit in the first season after transplanting.


September is the time to care for shrubs and trees. It is necessary to prune dried branches and trunks, but do this only after the final harvest, after there are no leaves left on the plants. The cut areas must be treated with special compounds such as garden varnish or other products. Properly pruned, high-quality trees withstand frost, produce leaves early in the spring and bear fruit abundantly during the season.

Favorable days for work in September

  • The most suitable days for planting crops are the first, third, tenth, eleventh, seventeenth, eighteenth, nineteenth, twenty-seventh, twenty-eighth, twenty-ninth days.
  • The harvest for long-term storage should be harvested on the third, sixth, seventh, twenty-sixth, twenty-ninth, thirtieth.
  • The harvest for immediate consumption must be harvested on the fifteenth, sixteenth, seventeenth, eighteenth.
  • It is better to prepare the land for planting on the eighteenth or nineteenth.
  • Fertilizers should be applied on the sixth, seventh, twenty-third, twenty-fourth.
  • It is better to treat the land and everything growing on the site from pests on the fourth, fifth, from twenty-seventh to thirtyth.
  • Trees and bushes should be pruned on the first, fifteenth, sixteenth, twenty-sixth, twenty-seventh, twenty-eighth of September.
  • Fruit crops need to be treated for pests on the third, eighth, fifteenth, sixteenth, twenty-sixth.
  • The best days for feeding trees and shrubs are the fifteenth, sixteenth, twenty-third, twenty-fourth, twenty-sixth.
  • It is better to collect greens and dry them on the third, eleventh, twenty-seventh.
  • It would be better to cut down trees and prepare firewood on the second, third, twenty-sixth, twenty-ninth, thirtieth.
  • The second, fifth, seventh, fourteenth, fifteenth, sixteenth, twenty-sixth, twenty-seventh, twenty-ninth are suitable for blanks.

Unsuitable days for work

There are days in September when, according to the lunar calendar, any work in the garden should not be carried out.

How do moon phases and zodiac signs affect your work?

From the first to the eighth of September this year, the moon will be in its waning phase. On the ninth there will be a new moon, and from the tenth to the twenty-fourth the moon will wax. The new moon falls on the twenty-fifth, until the end of the month the moon wanes again.

  1. Taurus is in effect on the first; this is a favorable day for planting onions, garlic, fruitful and ornamental plants. On this day you can also harvest root crops and carry out water-recharging irrigation.
  2. The second and third numbers are subject to Gemini, when you can collect potatoes, prepare seeds, prepare garlic, clear the area of ​​excess and outdated plants, treat plantings from pests.
  3. On the fourth or fifth day under the constellation Cancer, it is recommended to water, harvest winter garlic and onions, and continue collecting root crops.
  4. Under Leo, on the sixth or seventh, it is recommended to devote time to cleaning the area; this is the time of the new moon and other work should not be carried out.
  5. On the eighth-ninth Virgo rules, this time is suitable for cleaning the site, treating pests, other work is not recommended.
  6. Libra influences the tenth, eleventh and twelfth; on these days, except for the tenth, you can plant shrubs, onion crops, and ornamental plantings.
  7. From the twelfth to the fifteenth, Scorpio is in effect; on these days you should water the plants abundantly, feed them with fertilizers, replant perennial plants, and also flowers.
  8. The action of Sagittarius falls on the fifteenth or sixteenth, when the moon enters the second quarter; on these days it is not recommended to carry out work with crops growing on the site.
  9. From the seventeenth to the twentieth, Capricorn exerts influence; practically any autumn work can be carried out.
  10. From the twentieth to the twenty-second moon in Aquarius, days are suitable for pruning trees and shrubs, for abundant watering, for applying fertilizers, and mulching. The work of collecting pears, apples, quinces, and cleaning greenhouses will be favorable.
  11. From the twenty-second to the twenty-fifth, the moon will be under Pisces, when it is best to prepare beds for winter planting and water trees and shrubs.
  12. Twenty-fifth to twenty-sixth, part of the twenty-seventh fall under the rule of Aries, these days are suitable for planting bulbous flowers and crops.
  13. The twenty-seventh-twenty-eighth will be under the rule of Taurus - time for any gardening work.
  14. IN last days month, the moon will be under the influence of Gemini, when you can harvest root crops and treat crops from pests.

How to protect plants from diseases and harmful insects?

Autumn is the time when insects strive to find comfortable spot for wintering. Such a place could be a fruit-bearing bush or tree. To eradicate insect families in the garden, trees and shrubs must be treated with special chemical compounds.


No need to buy several chemicals For pest control, as a rule, most pests can be destroyed by one product.

After treatment, tree trunks need to be cleaned of diseased areas, covered with whitewash or wrapped with insulation for the winter.

In addition to insects, fungal infections can cause diseases. For prevention, it is recommended to treat the area with chemical compounds designed to destroy fungi.

Working with indoor plants

Majority indoor plants They are taken to the countryside for the duration of the season; September is the time when they must be returned home. For those brought and those who are permanently at home, at this time you can prepare the soil, replant plants that need it, do transshipment, and prepare some flowers for forcing.

You can feed indoor plants 4, 17.

It is better to treat against diseases and insects 1 or 10.

It is best to replant bindweed on the 13th.


The moon has a significant influence on plants and crops, whether they are fruitful or decorative. In order for the next season's harvest to break all records and please the gardener, it is better to listen to the advice of experts and use the recommendations of the lunar calendar. Cleaning the area, pruning plants, and processing them, done according to the lunar calendar, will be most effective, which will allow the plants to maintain health and a long lifespan.

Useful tips

In September, autumn has already come very close to us, and although summer may still continue in more southern areas,autumn weatheris already making itself felt. The days are noticeably shortening, and the differences in day and night temperatures are much greater than last month.

For gardeners and gardeners, September is enough busy month, because it is necessary to collect the ripe crop, prepare it for winter storage, make twists, trim bushes and trees, mow lawns, water, apply fertilizers and perform other work.

In order to receive maximally positive result, adjust your work according to lunar rhythms. This lunar calendar will give you a lot of hints when it is best to do this or that thing, and when it is better to rest.

Gardener's lunar calendar 2018 planting days in September:

If your plans in September include planting, remember golden rule of the lunar calendar: plants that produce ground fruits are best planted on the days of the waxing Moon ( September 9-23, 2018); root vegetables - on the days of the waning moon ( September 1-8, 25-30, 2018). Here is a list of plants that are usually planted in the first autumn month:

Fruit trees and shrubs (1, 2-year-old seedlings): gooseberries, raspberries, currants, apple trees, cherries, pears, winter-hardy cherries – September 15, 17-19, 2018;

Greens and herbs (lettuce, spinach, arugula, mustard, watercress, dill, basil, parsley, coriander, green onions and others) – September 13-15, 22, 23, 2018;

Flowers (planting and replanting): lilies, clematis, peonies, phlox, primroses – September 11, 20, 21, 2018;

Bulbous (planting bulbs in the ground): muscari, scylla, pushkinia, crocos, daffodils, hyacinths, tulips – September 11, 20, 21, 2018;

If you cannot plant certain plants on the specified days, plant on others, but only not on dangerous days when the risks of death or infection by diseases and pests increase: September 2, 8, 9, 12, 16, 24, 2018. You will find all the work for gardeners, gardeners and flower growers with the best days for them in September 2018 in .

Other useful articles in the Lunar calendar for September 2018 section:


♉ 1 SEPTEMBER, Saturday. 21st, 22nd lunar day from 21:47.CALF

The first third of September will pass under the Moon in a waning phase, which means now is the time to harvest crops and send them for storage or make homemade preserves for the winter. Today is also a good day to collect medicinal plants, more precisely, their roots and rhizomes ( Potentilla erectus, dandelion, valerian officinalis, angelica officinalis, knotweed, horse sorrel and others).

Good day for planting root crops.

Houseplants : A good day to work with soils. You can prepare soil mixtures for future plantings and transplants (during the waxing Moon).

Watering : allowed, but keep a sense of proportion! All further watering recommendations depend on the weather. It often rains in September, so water as needed, taking into account lunar days.

What's better not to do? Important purchases for the garden (there is a risk of buying the wrong thing).

♉♊ 2 SEPTEMBER, Sunday. 22nd, 23rd lunar day from 22:17.CALF , TWINS from 11:02

Moon without course from 08:56 to 11:01

You can work on the soils. For example, you can dig trunk circles near the trees. Apple trees can be dug to depth 10-20 cm, plum and cherry- not more 8 cm so as not to damage the roots.

After 11:00- a good time to start a flower garden. Faded perennials should be pruned, including delphinium, astrantia, phlox, irises, daylilies, dicentra and others. Some plants ( cereals, bergenia, chistets, thyme, cloves, echinate) no need to trim yet: Let them still delight you with autumn colors.

Houseplants : moving plants from balconies and terraces if weather conditions are already too harsh for them. If it is still warm, you can leave the plants longer.

Watering : allowed until 11:00. After 11:00 it is better to refrain from watering. Remember that if watered incorrectly (untimely or in insufficient quantities), plants can grow lazy and produce poor yields or poor flowering!

What's better not to do? Water the plants after 11:00; plant any plants.

OLD MOON from 05:37

♊ 3 SEPTEMBER, Monday. 23rd, 24th lunar day from 22:54.TWINS

III quarter, Fourth phase of the Moon from 05:37

After noon, after 14:00– a good time to purchase various equipment, as well as seedlings. In the first half of the day there is a risk of fraud. Seedlings should be carefully inspected when purchasing. Do not take with dry or weather-beaten horses. If you do not plant the plant right away, the roots should be tied with a damp cloth and then stored in a cool room.

Houseplants : Do not skip treating plants against diseases and pests. This should also be done for preventive purposes. But it’s especially good to fight pests today!

Watering : Better to postpone.

What's better not to do? Water the plants, especially too much and do not remove excess water. This is especially dangerous for indoor plants, as the roots can rot.

♊♋ 4 SEPTEMBER, Tuesday. 24th, 25th lunar day from 23:41.TWINS , CANCER from 15:03

Moon without course from 09:37 to 15:02

It is good to remove all weeds that have appeared by this time. Although their growth slows down somewhat by autumn, it is possible that they will still grow throughout the month. Also try to delete everything fallen fruit so as not to attract pests. Today is a particularly favorable time to combat pests and diseases. If you do not collect the carrion on time, it will attract pests, which will then hide underground, and in the spring they will manifest themselves with renewed vigor.

Houseplants : if you move plants from open balconies and terraces, we advise you to wash them immediately soapy water to wash away dust and possible pests.

Watering : It is good to water the plants after 15:00, when the Moon is in a water sign. Remember not to use too much cold water for watering not only domestic plants, but also those growing in the ground.

What's better not to do? Plant plants that need to grow tall; engage in pruning of trees and shrubs; harvest for the production of canned food or send it for storage.

♋ 5 SEPTEMBER, Wednesday. 25th lunar day from 00:00.CANCER

good time for hedge trimmings, if you did not have time to trim it earlier. This is the last time you can give it the desired shape before winter.

Houseplants : watering plants costs less and less as more cold weather. If the plants are blooming, it is better not to change the watering regimes.

Watering : good time for watering. Plants should be watered so that the water has time to percolate 3 centimeters deep. Too little watering is absolutely useless, since moisture does not reach the roots, which, in fact, need it!

What's better not to do? Plant plants that need to grow tall; engage in pruning of fruit trees and shrubs; harvest for the production of canned food or send it for storage.

♋♌ 6 SEPTEMBER, Thursday. 25th, 26th lunar day from 00:43.CANCER , A LION from 16:54

Moon without course from 15:43 to 16:53

Good in the afternoon pinch strongly growing shoots of young non-fruiting trees. This will allow the plant to spend energy on compacting the wood, thus making it easier for the tree to survive the winter. After 17:00 It is also good to fertilize trees and shrubs.

After 17:00 you can collect potatoes, beets, carrots and send them for storage. After 17:00 you can prune fruit bushes.

Houseplants : You can apply fertilizers along with watering, but in September you should fertilize the plants less often, as they gradually go into a dormant state.

Watering : the day is suitable for watering (especially the first part of it), if you did not have time to water the plants in previous days. Remember that in September the weather is already much cooler, so watering should be reduced somewhat, especially for indoor plants. If your area is still warm, you should water your plants as often as you do in summer.

What's better not to do? Collect fruits and vegetables before 17:00 if you are going to can them or send them for storage; make important purchases for the garden/vegetable garden/flower garden.

Transplanting plants according to the lunar calendar 2018

♌ 7 SEPTEMBER, Friday. 26th, 27th lunar day from 01:57.A LION

A good day to collect fruits and vegetables and send them to storage (short-term). You can also do home canned food. The further you go, the greater the risk that seasonal rains or frosts will begin, so apples and other fruits should be removed in time. If today good weather- it's time to collect fruits.

There are several signs that apples and pears are already ripe and can be collected: the fruits are easily separated from the stalk, they are easily torn from the tree, and the seeds are inside Brown.

It's also good to delete now basal shoots at plums, cherries, cherry plums, sea buckthorn and hawthorn.

A good time to plant onion sets and winter garlic, but it is better to plant garlic at the end of the month, when the temperature remains stable during the day about +5°C, and at night below 0 °C.

Houseplants : You can carry out cuttings of plants for their further propagation.

Watering : A neutral day, the September sun can still be quite hot, especially when the Moon is in Leo, so water your plants as needed.

What's better not to do? Keep indoor plants in direct sunlight and not shade them (the sun is very hot right now).

♌♍ 8 SEPTEMBER, Saturday. 27th, 28th lunar day from 20:10.A LION , VIRGO from 17:29

Moon without course from 16:31 to 17:28

Still good to collect today apples, pears and others fruits and roots. In the evening, after picking, you can send the fruits for sorting. Apples can be placed in wooden boxes or cardboard boxes, wrap in paper and sprinkle with sawdust. If apples are rotten, they should not be placed next to good fruits. It's better to get rid of them right away. Today it is also possible to remove the supports after removing the fruit.

Good day for picking berries ( cranberries, chokeberries, hawthorn, rowan, viburnum and rose hips) and sending it for storage or canned food production.

Today you can also collect the fruits of medicinal plants, including laxative buckthorn, juniper cones, sulfur alder cones.

Houseplants : you can apply fertilizers for household fruit bushes(lemons, tangerines, pomegranates, avocados and others). You can take cuttings of plants for future plantings (during the waxing moon).

Watering : neutral day.

What's better not to do? Do home canning after 5:30 p.m.; plant any plants; make important purchases for the garden/vegetable garden/flower garden.

YOUNG MOON from 21:01

♍ 9 SEPTEMBER, Sunday. 28th, 29th lunar day from 04:48,1st lunar day from 21:01.VIRGO

NEW MOON at 21:01

The day is not suitable for complex work, but you can start preparing holes for future planting of seedlings ( best time it will work out for this September 15, 17-19, 2018). The soil should be a little settle before landing.


Watering : watering is allowed.

What's better not to do? Do home canning; plant and replant plants; trim trees and shrubs, as well as hedges.

Read also:

♍♎ 10 SEPTEMBER, Monday. 1st, 2nd lunar day from 06:15.VIRGO , SCALES from 18:20

Moon without course from 18:12 to 18:19

Today is a good day to start cleaning and cleaning the area. If you notice on stone fruit trees moniliosis, it is worth removing the affected fruits and branches and burning them.

You can clean up the garden, put everything in its place, audit your inventory, remove what is no longer needed. This is also a good day for working with soils. Loosen the soil around trees and shrubs, taking into account the characteristics of the plants. Some bushes (for example, raspberries and others) require very shallow loosening.

Houseplants : works well with soils. If necessary, you can replant indoor plants or replace the top layer of soil.

Watering : watering is allowed (better before 18:20).

What's better not to do? Do home canning; trim the hedge.

♎ 11 SEPTEMBER, Tuesday. 2nd, 3rd lunar day from 07:40.SCALES

In September it is good to plant in a flower garden different flowers: phlox, primrose, peonies and others. You can also do transfers lilies and clematis. You can plant seedlings of biennial flowers that were sown in the first summer months.

It's good to collect today medicinal herbs, especially them flowers and inflorescences. For example, another color chamomile.

Houseplants : A good day for various purchases related to flower breeding. You can also buy indoor flowers. Before purchasing, carefully inspect the plants for pests.

Watering : It is better not to water the plants. For now, you can take care of the backlog of water for irrigation.

What's better not to do? Water plants abundantly, even the most moisture-loving ones. It is better to postpone watering for the days of the Moon in a water sign.

House plant lunar calendar

12 SEPTEMBER, Wednesday. 3rd, 4th lunar day from 09:03.SCALES , SCORPION from 21:15

Moon without course from 01:58 to 21:15

The day is suitable for collecting flowers and inflorescences medicinal plants: calendula officinalis and chamomile, daisy, wild mallow.

Houseplants : carefully monitor watering schedules depending on the type of plant. cacti With the arrival of autumn, you should water very little, but they should be kept on well-lit windowsills.

Watering : You can water the plants after 21:15.

What's better not to do? Plant any plants; make important purchases for the garden/vegetable garden/flower garden.

13 SEPTEMBER, Thursday. 4th, 5th lunar day from 10:23.SCORPION

On this day it is good to collect leaves of medicinal plants. For example, you can cook lingonberry leaf. Leaves collected at this time will not darken. Herbs and leaves of plants such as horsetail, tricolor violet, caraway seeds, common yarrow, shepherd's purse, wormwood and others.

Nice day for planting greenery, For example, salads. At this time, lettuce leaves should be sown with those that can withstand shorter daylight hours. They tolerate September conditions well and are not even afraid of frost. Can be planted watercress, spinach, various herbs.

Houseplants : Some plants will require more watering, e.g. calla lilies. Since they grow in swamps, they should be watered very generously. Also, do not ignore other moisture-loving flowers.

Watering : Great day for watering. Water your garden or home garden with settled tap water or heated water from wells. When the water sits for at least a day, the sediment will settle to the bottom of the container. Even if the sediment is not noticeable with the naked eye, you should not water from the bottom.

What's better not to do?

Read also: The easiest ways to dry flowers while preserving their beauty

14 SEPTEMBER, Friday. 5th, 6th lunar day from 11:40.SCORPION

Moon without course from 11:54

good time for lawn mowing. You should not only cut it, but also go over it with a rake, like a comb. It is also a good idea to aerate the lawn (pierce it with a pitchfork so that moisture penetrates deeper into the soil more easily and does not stagnate on the surface).

You can continue planting lettuces And herbs, but it is better to plant plants before 12:00, before the Moon goes into idle mode.

Houseplants : Engage in watering, spraying or bathing plants in the shower. It is important to do bathing at least once every two weeks so that the plants are less infested with pests.

Watering : good time for watering. You can also plant herbs on the windowsill.

What's better not to do? Pruning fruit trees and shrubs, cutting down trees; pinching young tree shoots.

15 SEPTEMBER, Saturday. 6th, 7th lunar day from 12:52.SCORPION , SAGITTARIUS from 03:45

Moon without course until 03:44

Good time to plant seedlings trees and shrubs. The pits had to be prepared at least a week before. To prevent the tree from falling in windy weather, drive a stake and tie the seedling to it. It is worth watering the hole well before planting.

You can plant not only fruit trees and shrubs ( blackberries, honeysuckle, gooseberries, currants), but also conifers to decorate your site.

Houseplants : good for planting indoor shrubs.


What's better not to do? Keep plants in direct sunlight.

16 SEPTEMBER, Sunday, 7th, 8th lunar day from 14:00.SAGITTARIUS

Good day for collection mushrooms, especially if you are not going to store them for a long time, but put them in the freezer or eat them right away. September is a rich month for mushrooms, so you can easily find them in the forest butter mushrooms, honey mushrooms, black milk mushrooms, porcini mushrooms, aspen mushrooms, boletus mushrooms, oyster mushrooms, chanterelles, row mushrooms, pig mushrooms, garlic mushrooms and other less common mushrooms.

Houseplants : bad day for working with plants.

Watering : watering is acceptable, neutral day.

What's better not to do? Plant any plants; keep plants in direct sunlight.

WALKING MOON from 02:14

♑ 17 SEPTEMBER, Monday. 8th, 9th lunar day from 15:00.SAGITTARIUS , CAPRICORN from 14:08

First quarter, Second phase of the Moon from 02:14

Moon without course from 02:15 to 14:07

The second half of the day is suitable for planting seedlings or replanting shrubs. It is better not to do this work when Moon without course, since there are risks that the plant will not take root. During this period it is very good to replant shrubs: they will have time to get stronger before winter.

Houseplants : Tackle soils today. You can remove the top layers and replace them with new ones. It is also important to loosen the top layers of soil in pots so that it does not stagnate or become compacted.

Watering : watering is allowed.

What's better not to do? Trim hedges.

Lunar calendar of indoor plants 2018

♑ 18 SEPTEMBER, Tuesday. 9th, 10th lunar day from 15:52.CAPRICORN

A good day for working with soils, as well as planting tree seedlings, shrubs and replanting them. Currants and gooseberries they plant deep, but raspberries no great depth required: leave roots deep 2-3 cm, since they are located basal buds. If they are buried too deep, you won't get a harvest from them for several years.

Houseplants : a good day for planting, replanting or moving indoor plants, if necessary. In general, it is better not to replant plants in the fall, as their vital activity decreases.

Watering : watering is allowed, but remember that if wounds have formed on the roots, they must heal so that water does not aggravate the situation and cause rotting.

What's better not to do? Trim hedges.

♑ 19 SEPTEMBER, Wednesday. 10th, 11th lunar day from 16:35.CAPRICORN

Moon without course from 20:10

On this day it is good to collect the bark of medicinal plants, for example, Viburnum bark. She has hemostatic properties. It is drunk for stomach, uterine, and hemorrhoidal bleeding.

Houseplants : replanting and planting indoor plants if necessary.

Watering : watering is allowed.

What's better not to do? Trim hedges.

♑♒ 20 SEPTEMBER, Thursday. 11th, 12th lunar day from 17:10,CAPRICORN , AQUARIUS from 02:52

Moon without course until 02:51

It's not too late to plant bulbous and small bulbous, if weather conditions permit. For example, on this day you can plant muscari, crocuses, scylla, pushkinia, daffodils and tulips. It is better to plant tulips and daffodils later than everyone else (until mid-October).

Houseplants : You can plant bulbs for winter forcing. They should be selected and planted in pots that should be placed in a cool room until November-December.


What's better not to do? Water plants; make important purchases for the garden/vegetable garden/flower garden until 17:00.

♒ 21 SEPTEMBER, Friday. 12th, 13th lunar day from 17:38.AQUARIUS

Moon without course from 20:13

You can use this day for any simple work that you consider necessary, with the exception of watering. You can continue planting flowers and also start dividing the bushes.

Houseplants : Today it is also acceptable to plant bulbs for winter forcing.

Watering : bad day for watering, better postpone.

What's better not to do? Water plants.

♒♓ 22 SEPTEMBER, Saturday. 13th, 14th lunar day from 18:01.AQUARIUS , FISH from 15:27

Moon without course until 15:26

Can still be collected medicinal plants, especially their flowers, leaves or stems. It is better to do this in dry weather so that the plants dry more easily after harvesting. You can go shopping (but after 15:30, when the Moon moves into the sign of Pisces).

Signs: Day of the autumn equinox.

Read also: In

Houseplants : You can water the plants after 15:30. The first half of the day is a bad time for watering. Some plants that produce shoots need to be watered more.

Watering : A good time to water will start at 3:30 p.m.

What's better not to do? Pruning fruit trees and shrubs; make homemade preserves, especially after 3:30 p.m.

The best days to replant indoor plants

SEPTEMBER 23, Sunday. 14th, 15th lunar day from 18:21.FISH

You can start mowing and aerating lawns on this day. You can also plant greens. For example, they are now sowing dill, cilantro, parsley, basil. Some plants will not sprout this year, but the seeds will last well until spring and will delight you with early harvests in the spring.

Houseplants : do watering and spraying. You can give the plants a shower.

Watering : Great day for watering. Remember that watering plants in September is very important in order to strengthen the plants and give them the opportunity to winter well. It is especially good to water plants after a dry summer.

What's better not to do? Do home canning; trim fruit trees And berry bushes.

September has arrived - the first of autumn months. Gradually, work in the garden and vegetable garden is declining. But don’t relax, there is still something to do in your garden. It would not be amiss to feed the plants with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers; they will contribute to better preparation for the winter season.

In the first ten days you can plant berry bushes and fruit tree seedlings. Pruning: raspberries, gooseberries, currants. Remove root growth near apple trees, plums, cherries, and sea buckthorn. Start laying compost, just remember that only leaves of healthy trees can be used for it. It is better to collect them under the sick and burn them. Check for pests and diseases in the garden, if any are found, carry out treatment. Watering is reduced only if the weather is too dry, then its reduction can be postponed until the temperature drops.

September 1 - waning Moon in Taurus. Placement of plant residues in compost heaps. Watering fruit trees. Buying vegetable seeds.

September 2 - waning Moon in Gemini. Application organic fertilizers. Cultivation of beds. Spraying trees against pests. Watering vegetable crops. Purchasing seeds.

September 3 - third quarter in Gemini. Introduction of organo- mineral fertilizers. Loosening beds with root crops. Destruction of pests. Purchase of seeds.

September 4 - waning moon in Gemini. Fertilizing plants with organic matter. Application of mineral fertilizers. Filling compost pits. Treatment of berry bushes with insecticides.

September 5 - waning Moon in Cancer. Planting small root crops and onions. Hilling up potatoes. Adding vegetation to compost heaps. Root watering of berry bushes. Transplantation of plants.

September 6 - waning Moon in Cancer. Planting onions and small root crops. Adding compost. Foliar watering of vegetables. Picking plants.

September 7 - waning Moon in Leo. Fertilization of crops with an organo-mineral complex. Adding vegetation to compost heaps. Organizing seeds and purchasing missing ones.

September 8 - waning Moon in Leo. Application of organo-mineral fertilizers. Cultivation of empty beds. Treatment of crops with insecticides.

September 9 - New Moon in Virgo. Any work on this day will negatively affect the development and growth of plants.

September 10 - waxing Moon in Virgo. Application of mineral fertilizers. Planting vegetation in compost pits. Canning the harvested crop.

September 11 - waxing Moon in Libra. Planting tomatoes, sweet peppers, legumes. Digging new compost pits. Watering garden plot. Transfer perennial plants. Weeding of seedlings.

September 12 - waxing Moon in Libra. Sowing cucumbers, tomatoes, sweet peppers, pumpkins, legumes, onions. Planting bulbs, corms, fruit trees and shrubs. Digging the beds. Thinning of seedlings.

September 13 - waxing Moon in Scorpio. Sowing lettuce, greens, eggplants, pumpkins, onions. Planting perennial flowers. Planting bulbs and corms. Planting fruit trees and shrubs. Grafting cuttings to shrubs.

September 14 - waxing Moon in Scorpio. Sowing cucumbers, lettuce, herbs, tomatoes, sweet peppers, eggplants, legumes. Dividing bushes of perennial flowers. Planting fruit trees. Grafting of grape cuttings. Replanting indoor plants.

September 15 - waxing Moon in Sagittarius. Sowing cucumbers, tomatoes, sweet peppers, pumpkins. Digging up perennial flowers. Planting bulbous, corm and fruit bushes. Digging the soil. Adding vegetation to compost heaps. Weeding of seedlings.

September 16 - waxing Moon in Sagittarius. Sowing lettuce, greens, sweet peppers, eggplants, pumpkins, legumes, onions. Replanting children of perennial flowers. Planting bulbs, corms, fruit trees and shrubs. Loosening the beds. Thinning of seedlings.

September 17 - first quarter in Sagittarius. Sowing cucumbers, lettuce, herbs, tomatoes, eggplants, legumes. Planting fruit bushes and trees. Fertilization with mineral compounds. Adding compost. Weeding beds from weeds.

September 18 - waxing Moon in Capricorn. A favorable day for planting sweet peppers and pumpkins. Dividing bushes of perennial flowers. Planting bulbs and corms. Weeding beds with seedlings.

September 19 - waxing Moon in Capricorn. Planting tomatoes, onions. Planting fruit bushes and trees. Sanitary pruning of branches and shoots.

September 20 - waxing Moon in Aquarius. Application of mineral fertilizers for vegetables. Organizing space for new compost heaps. Root watering of berry bushes. Purchase of missing seeds.

September 21 - waxing Moon in Aquarius. Application of organo-mineral fertilizers. Digging up empty beds. Harvesting for winter preparations.

September 22 - waxing Moon in Aquarius. Fertilizing berry bushes with organic matter. Soil cultivation. Placement of vegetation residues on compost heaps. Watering the garden. Purchase of missing seeds.

September 23 - waxing Moon in Pisces. Sowing cucumbers, lettuce, herbs, tomatoes, sweet peppers, eggplants, pumpkins, legumes, onions. Planting bulbs and corms. Planting fruit trees and shrubs. Pruning branches and shoots. Grafting cuttings. Replanting indoor plants.

September 24 - waxing Moon in Pisces. Planting lettuce, greens, sweet peppers, eggplants, pumpkins, onions. Dividing bushes of perennial flowers. Planting bulbous and corm shrubs. Digging the beds. Booking tall trees. Grafting cuttings of fruit trees. Replanting shrubs.

September 25 - Full Moon in Aries. It is better to postpone all work in the garden and vegetable garden until the next day.

September 26 - waning moon in Aries. Fertilizing berry bushes with organic matter. Treating trees with insecticides. Purchasing missing seeds.

September 27 - waning Moon in Taurus. Planting small root crops and onions. Soil cultivation. Preparation of new compost pits.

September 28 - waning Moon in Taurus. Digging up the garden. Purchase seed material for next season. Preparing vegetables and fruits for preservation.

September 29 - waning Moon in Taurus. Planting small root crops and onions. Pest Control traditional methods. Clearing the garden of debris.

September 30 - waning moon in Gemini. Fertilizing the garden and vegetable garden with an organo-mineral complex. Harvesting vegetables.

Favorable days for lunar landing sowing calendar in September:

cucumbers- 12, 14, 15, 17, 23.

Greens and salad - 13, 14, 16, 17, 23, 24.

Tomatoes- 11, 12, 14, 15, 17, 19, 23.

Sweet pepper - 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 18, 23, 24.

Eggplant- 13, 14, 16, 17, 23, 24.

Zucchini, squash, pumpkin - 12, 14, 15, 16, 18, 23, 24.

Radish, radish, daikon - 5,6 ,27, 29.

Legumes- 11, 12, 14, 16, 17, 23.

Onion - 5, 6, 27, 29.

Onion - 12, 14, 16, 18, 23, 24.

Perennial flowers (dividing and replanting) - 13, 14, 16, 18, 23.

Bulbous and corm flowers (including for forcing) - 12, 13, 15, 16, 18, 23, 24.

Fruit trees - 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 19, 23.

Fruit bushes- 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 19, 23, 24.

see also in table form

The gardener's lunar calendar for September 2018 gives useful recommendations, which can help gardeners and gardeners properly plan work in the garden, vegetable garden, greenhouses and flower beds.

Focusing on days favorable for sowing and harvesting, summer residents and owners personal plots can choose the appropriate time to carry out these activities. Long-term observations have established that certain phases of the Moon have different effects on plants during planting or harvesting periods.

Start of autumn work

September is the first month of autumn, which is approaching gradually, in the south it is still quite warm, but in the northern regions it has already become noticeably colder, the days have become shorter, the thermometer scale is dropping lower and lower. Mass harvesting of fruits and vegetables begins in gardens and orchards everywhere. The early fruits have already been harvested, processed into winter preparations and stored. It's time to start autumn harvest fruit and vegetable crops.

Moon in September

Lunar phases, namely: waxing, full, new and waning, tend to affect plants. Harvesting or sowing and planting crops must be done at certain phases, which depends on:

  • length of shelf life of vegetables and fruits in winter;
  • favorable development of planted plants;
  • preservation and increase in yield;
  • improving the immunity of seedlings to diseases.

The lunar calendar recommends planting and sowing root crops in the waning phase, and crops whose value lies in the fruits formed above the surface of the earth - in the days of the waxing moon. The table shows on which days of September the Moon passes through all phases, as well as the zodiac signs corresponding to these phases, their influence on productivity, growth and development different parts plants.

Days of the month Moon phases Work in the garden and vegetable garden
1 Descending They collect early potatoes, radishes, and beets. Root crops from the second harvest are sown and planted.
2 Descending Dig up early varieties carrots. They dig up the vacant beds.
3 Descending Sow carrots and plant garlic before winter.
4 Descending Radishes are planted for a second harvest, strawberry beds are weeded, and tendrils are removed for further propagation.
5 Descending Water and weed the beds with late vegetables.
6 Descending In the garden they pick up carrion from apple trees, plums, and pears.
7 Descending Dried flower buds are cut off in flower beds, and tuberous and bulbous perennials are dug up.
8 Descending It is not recommended to work with plants on this day.
9 New moon Forbidden day
10 Growing The day when plants should rest, you should not even water them.
11 Growing This phase of the Moon is favorable for sowing table greens: salads, parsley, dill.
12 Growing Sow onion seeds on greens and medicinal herbs.
13 Growing The day is favorable for sowing perennial flowers and ornamental plants.
14 Growing Harvesting leaf parsley, watercress, begin cutting mid-early cabbage.
15 Growing Eggplants, tomatoes, and peppers are harvested in greenhouses.
16 Growing They continue to collect fallen apples and pears in the garden.
17 Growing Mass harvesting of apples, pears, late varieties of plums, and quinces begins.
18 Growing Perennial flowers in flower beds are cut and covered for the winter.
19 Growing Sow perennial seeds annual plants They are completely removed from the flower beds and the soil is dug up.
20 Growing They weed the grown vegetables of the second harvest, loosen the soil, and fertilize.
21 Growing Water the greens, cut off the sprouts of young parsley, lettuce, and dill.
22 Growing The day is favorable for harvesting apples, pears, and grapes.
23 Growing In greenhouses, the last fruits of cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers and eggplants are harvested.
24 Growing Unfavorable day for working with plants.
25 Full moon Dangerous and risky day.
26 Descending You should not take care of plants, it is better to do general work in the garden.
27 Descending Harvest root parsley, carrots, beets,
28 Descending Late potatoes, beets and radishes are dug up.
29 Descending The vacated lands are cleared of weeds and dug up.
30 Descending They continue to treat the bushes against pests and diseases.

Need to know!

It has been scientifically proven that the Moon influences the earth's water elements, the ebb and flow of the seas and oceans. All plants consist of at least 50% water, so lunar influence affects their growth and development.


The best time to harvest is during the Fruit Days. Vegetables and fruits harvested during these periods remain fresh longer, taste and marketable condition they are much better; during transportation they are more resistant to mechanical damage. At the beginning of September, ripe vegetables are harvested from the gardens: potatoes, carrots, beets. Favorable days for collecting root crops in September 2018 will be: 1-7 and 27-30. The phase of the moon is waning during this period, which means that the life-giving juices of the plant are concentrated in the roots. Harvesting root crops during the waning moon guarantees their improved taste and long shelf life.

The second harvest of cucumbers, tomatoes, eggplants, sweet and hot peppers. These vegetables need to be harvested during the waxing phase of the moon, when everything nutrients are activated in the upper part of the plant. The most favorable days for this are from September 11 to 23. It is worth paying attention to the signs of the Zodiac; from September 15 to 17, the Moon is under the influence of Sagittarius (days of the Fruit), that is, harvesting on these days is the most favorable.

Sowing and planting

In September, you can plant various vegetables for winter or to obtain more late harvests. Root crops are sown and planted in the waning phase of the moon, these are: parsnips, radishes, garlic, onions. Favorable days for planting them will be September 1, 27 and 28. The waning moon is under the influence of Taurus (days of the Root), so root crops develop quickly even in the conditions of the oncoming cold snap.

During the waxing Moon phase, you can sow or plant: peas, leaf mustard, watercress, lettuce, parsley and arugula. These vegetables and herbs will produce a second harvest if planted from September 11 to 14 or September 18-19 and 23. The Moon is under the constellation Pisces (Leaf days) and Capricorn (Root days), this favors the faster development of vegetable crops and ensures a significant harvest. Greens planted in September will produce young and juicy shoots before the onset of cold weather, which can be stored fresh for a long time.

In September, they begin planting seedlings of fruit and berry bushes, apple trees, pear trees, and peach trees. The beds with strawberries and wild strawberries are renewed, old bushes (more than 3 years old) are removed, new ones prepared from mustaches or grown from seeds are planted. Young trees and berry seedlings should be planted in the phase of the waxing Moon, on the days of Fruit and Leaf, in September such favorable days will be 11-23 numbers, and the most suitable for fruit bushes are 11-14 and 18-19 September.

Perennial flowers are sown in flower beds and flower beds in September, propagated by dividing the bush and planted in the ground: primrose, heuchera, peonies, phlox and other ornamental floral plants. Flowers that have been growing in one place for more than 4-5 years are transplanted to other beds and flower beds. Tuberous and bulbous crops: tulips, hyacinths, crocuses, gladioli are dug up and the entire top part and put away for winter storage in a cellar or insulated sheds. Bulbs and tubers will be stored longer and will not rot if they are dug up during the waning phase of the Moon on the days of Flower and Root. In September, such days will be 1-4, 27-30.

Need to know!

You need to dig up flowers with tuberous and bulbous root systems during the waning phase of the Moon, when the concentration of the vital forces of plants appears in the underground part. This has a beneficial effect on the preservation of the roots; they do not dry out completely, and in the future they all produce excellent and healthy sprouts.

When not to work with plants

The transition from the waxing phase of the Moon to the waning one, and vice versa, occurs after the Full Moon and New Moon. On these days, as well as on the previous and subsequent days, the Lunar calendar does not recommend carrying out any work with plants. At this time, the movement of nutrient juices inside the plants changes, they weaken and become defenseless against mechanical damage, diseases and pest attacks.

Unfavorable days in September 2018:

These days you need to leave all the plants alone, even cancel watering and processing, fertilizing and weeding, you can do general work in the garden.

General work

In September, fruit tree pruning, propagation and planting of berry bushes begin. Ripe vegetables and herbs are harvested in greenhouses. All plants are prepared for winter:

  • cut out dried two-year-old shoots of raspberries and blackberries, on which this year the berries are ripe, the bushes are thinned out, removing weak and diseased growths;
  • carry out preventive treatment of shrubs against diseases and pests;
  • in flower beds with perennial flowers, remove dried peduncles and branches, cut off the upper part of the flowers, leaving only 15-20 centimeters above the ground;
  • annual flower beds are completely cleared of vegetation, the soil is dug up, and autumn fertilizers are applied to flower plants;
  • beds with strawberries and wild strawberries are loosened, also adding fertilizer mixtures, if necessary, the plantings are covered with film or other materials;
  • in seasonal greenhouses, they dig up the soil, disinfect the soil and fertilize it;
  • begin planned sanitary pruning of fruit trees.

According to the Lunar calendar, such work can be carried out at any time, regardless of lunar phases, but not on prohibited days.

After pruning trees and bushes and cleaning greenhouses, plant waste remains that must be disposed of:

  • dry leaves, thin twigs and other soft waste are crushed and placed in compost heap;
  • large cut branches are sawed, stored in wood sheds, and later used to fire stoves in a house or bathhouse;
  • parts of plants affected by pests or diseases are burned; the ash can be used as fertilizer.

Need to know!

Spores of fungal diseases, as well as pupae and eggs of pests, can overwinter in curled leaves under the bark of trees. They are quite resistant to winter cold, so it is necessary to remove and burn all suspicious plant debris.

Pests and diseases

Preventive treatment of gardens and vegetable gardens against pests and diseases begins with spraying shrubs prepared for winter, disinfection of vacated land plots and other work:

  • hollows of old trees are cleaned and treated copper sulfate and pour cement mortar;
  • clean the trunks and skeletal branches of trees from dead bark, scrape them onto the litter around the trees, then burn them;
  • all fruits remaining on the branches are removed, the foliage is shaken off the trees, the ground around the trunks is cleared, raking up the remains in which pests and spores of fungal diseases may remain;
  • after harvesting plums, gooseberries and currants, treat the plants with 10% karbofos (from sawfly), slurry (from powdery mildew) or Bordeaux mixture;
  • garlic, onions and all small-bulb flowers are subjected to winter before planting preventive treatment, withstanding planting material V weak solution potassium permanganate 30-40 minutes.

The lunar calendar for September 2018 recommends similar works on the days of the waning moon, under the signs of the Zodiac marked as infertile or barren. Such days in September will be 2-7, 30th. Gardeners do not always have the opportunity to carry out plant prevention on these days, but we have indicated the most optimal dates. These works can be carried out during the waxing phase of the Moon, and even on forbidden days, if they concern the cleansing of the garden.


Care, replanting and propagation of greenhouse and indoor plants is carried out on the same days as similar work in the garden. The most favorable days are the days of Leaf and Flower, but the forbidden days remain the same, because the Moon influences not only plants under open air, but its impulses penetrate through walls and windows, affecting the plants in the house.


Sowing and other work in the garden are carried out on favorable days determined by the Lunar calendar, but it is worth noting that all the recommendations and advice of the calendar are controversial and need to be verified by real experience, which gardeners carry out independently. The influence of lunar impulses can increase or decrease according to various reasons: climatic conditions in regions, from natural weather disasters. Try, experiment, make your own Lunar calendars, noting the results and results.