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Why doesn't late cabbage set? Why doesn't cabbage set a head? Signs that a head of cabbage will not form

Cabbage loves cool weather sunlight, moisture. She also really loves to drink, eat and swim. And if one of these factors is lacking in your garden bed, you don’t have to wonder why the cabbage won’t set. What to do with this, how to help cabbage grow its ovary, we’ll talk today.

The main reasons why cabbage does not set into a head of cabbage:

- heat . At temperatures above 20-22 degrees everything cabbage crops“freeze”, accordingly - and do not tie

- little sun . Cabbage does not tolerate the slightest shade: if the plant is in the shade for even a third of the day, cabbage won't tie

- moisture . Cabbage is the main source of water in the garden, and if there is little rain and watering, do not wait for the heads to set

- fertilizing and fertilizing . Cabbage is very demanding of potassium, calcium, nitrogen, and especially microelements.

- diseases and pests of cabbage weaken the plant, sometimes so much that it is unable to set a head of cabbage.

Most often we are talking about a complex of reasons - heat and lack of moisture, shade and lack of nutrition. To find out, Why don't cabbage heads set?, we suggest we talk about each negative factor and the possibility of neutralizing it in more detail.

What should I do to get the cabbage to set?

Save from the heat

Cabbage is a cold-resistant crop, the ideal temperature for its development is 16-20 degrees. At higher temperatures, it stops developing, even if by this moment it already has the 6-7 leaves necessary for ovary.

Temperature in open ground conditions is almost impossible to control. If young plants, seedlings, after planting in the heat, can be covered with newspapers for a couple of days and watered with sprinkling, then for adult plants such a measure will help little: without the sun, cabbage will not grow. But sprinkling is a must.

When a person is hot, he sweats. The same thing happens with cabbage: moisture evaporating from the surface of the leaf cools the plant. This is the moisture that should have gone into the formation of the cabbage head. But the cabbage has to do this: not to the ovary, if only I could live. When a person is hot, he hurries to take a cool shower or to the river. So water the cabbage leaf by leaf, by sprinkling! And the moisture that the cabbage takes up with its roots will be used for its intended purpose - for tying a head of cabbage! Sprinkling is the case when cabbage can be watered cold water and right at noon. Sprinkling for cabbage is carried out 1-2 times a week. You will see that the cabbage will “become more cheerful” right before your eyes.

But Sprinkling is additional watering that does not replace the main one. The cabbage must also be watered at the root, giving 20-30 liters of water per 1 “square” of bed, and in hot weather – 50 liters. Everything will depend on the situation - if the soil, taken at a depth of 10 cm, remains in a lump when clenched in a fist, it does not need to be watered.

It’s generally difficult to please cabbage with watering. This plant has very underdeveloped root system, therefore, in terms of moisture, it is very dependent on rains and irrigation, since it is incapable of extracting water from deep layers of soil. However, irregular watering can cause a lot of trouble: even if the head of cabbage starts to grow, it can crack. Therefore, watering cabbage must be regular.

Wait for cool weather

If due to the heat, which can last for a month, The cabbage won't set into a head, what should I do? Should I just rip it out and into the compost? Some impatient gardeners, having waited until September, do just that. And they make a huge mistake: as soon as cool, comfortable weather for cabbage sets in, it will very, very quickly begin to set a head of cabbage, be it August or September. Of course, you will get a harvest later, and not as abundant as if the weather had not played a cruel joke on the garden. But you won’t be left without cabbage!

And even if frost is on the horizon, all is not lost. Dig up a head of cabbage, shake off the soil from the roots and place it for growing either in a greenhouse, or in a cellar, or even an unheated barn. Don’t worry that the cabbage will have nothing to “feed” the head of cabbage from, because its lower leaves are its storehouse of nutrients and moisture.

Therefore, you should not tear off the lower cabbage leaves unnecessarily (if they are not sick). After all, many gardeners, pondering the question, why cabbage won't set and what to do about it , the lower leaves are blamed for everything: those beautiful burdocks stick out, they take all the strength from the plant, they don’t allow the head to set. Cutting them off is the same as depriving a camel of its hump, a source of nutrition in difficult conditions. In addition, the lower sheets are a kind of mulch that covers the ground from weeds and excess evaporation of moisture in the soil.

Feed the cabbage

When starting to talk about fertilizing cabbage, we need to mention the acidity of the soil. Cabbage is that rare garden resident who loves not just neutral, but slightly alkaline soil. Acidic soil from cultivated plants no one loves except a few ornamental plants, but on slightly acidic soil, which is most often found in vegetable gardens, raspberries, strawberries, cabbage, beets, and many others do well. But cabbage loves, that is, it absorbs nutrients, only slightly alkaline ones, at worst - neutral soil. And until you bring the soil under cabbage to a pH of 6.5-7, there is little point in fertilizing it. In addition, in slightly alkaline soil The main cabbage enemy, clubroot, does not develop.

In order for the cabbage to set well, you need to add a tablespoon of calcium nitrate into the hole when planting, as well as microfertilizer according to the instructions. The latter can be replaced with a tablespoon of ash, although such a replacement cannot be called complete. With this fertilizer you will satisfy the cabbage's need for nitrogen and calcium (saltpeter), microelements and potassium (ash).

How to water cabbage to make heads grow? If the plants do not look weakened or small, then foliar treatment with boric acid (2 g per liter of water) or, better yet, microfertilizer will be sufficient. You can also pour the mentioned calcium nitrate over the cabbage leaf (25 grams per liter of water). And if the cabbage looks weak, pale, then you can also water it with organic matter - mullein, bird droppings, herbal infusion.

Diseases and pests can choke cabbage so much that it will not have the strength to set a head of cabbage, so treat plants in a timely manner with insecticides and fungicides, preferably of biological origin.

Among other reasons why cabbage does not set is: quality seeds, thickened plantings, differences in night and day temperatures.

Very Often in the garden the cabbage does not form a head. What to do? Water regularly, including by sprinkling, feed by leaf, and during planting, make sure that the place is not shady. And if the summer is too hot, don’t fuss, wait for the cool autumn days, and the cabbage will definitely thank you for your efforts.

According to folk legends, if you want to get a rich harvest of cabbage, then when planting seedlings you need to often grab your head with both hands. Now, of course, we ignore the old folk rules. But it’s still very disappointing when you put a lot of effort and time into caring for cabbage throughout the entire season, but the vegetables don’t want to set a head.

In order to eliminate cabbage looseness, you need to understand the reasons for this phenomenon.

There may be several of them:

What to do if the cabbage does not set into a head? Some gardeners advise cutting off the lower leaves. It is believed that this will speed up the process of head formation. But we cannot say that this method guarantees a 100% effect. Moreover, many argue that this is not worth doing at all, because it can harm the plant. Why? The fact is that cabbage leaves nourish the entire vegetable, and the future cabbage head is no exception.

Maybe your cabbage is simply not getting enough nutrition? Then fertilizing with calcium nitrate can solve the problem of unset of heads. This drug can also help in case of planting vegetables on acidic soils.

Remember that in August use for feeding nitrogen fertilizers highly undesirable.

But preparations such as “Ovary” and “Mikrassa” can give impetus to the formation of heads of cabbage, as they easily eliminate the deficiency of useful elements in the soil.

If the summer turns out to be hot, then you can tie cabbage leaves “into a bud”. Then the head of cabbage will emerge much faster. Perhaps the cabbage does not set simply due to lack of moisture. After all, one plant can evaporate a bucket of water per day. Therefore, a lot depends on how you water the cabbage. For every ten square meters of bed, you need to pour up to 35 liters of water by sprinkling. At the same time, one and a half times more water need to be poured into the furrows. On hot days, vegetables need to be watered frequently. But remember that if your plans include storing cabbage for the winter, then from the beginning of autumn, watering should be limited.

Cabbage is quite common, but also very demanding. vegetable crop. Caring for cabbage means watering, regularly loosening the soil, fertilizing and protecting it from pests and diseases. Growing cabbage may seem troublesome matter, but the worries associated with watering, fertilizing and weeding pay off with a record harvest. There are few crops that can produce a yield of 10 kilograms or more per square meter of garden bed - and for cabbage this is the minimum.

Types of cabbage fertilizers

There are three main types of fertilizers: potash; phosphorus; nitrogen. Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium – essential elements nutrition for all types of cabbage, and experimental tests in agricultural universities (at comparative analysis) show that the need for these elements is approximately the same (excess nitrogen reduces the yield of early products by 15-20%).

The latter species is well diluted with water and is used to fertilize cabbage in the spring, when the greens are just beginning to grow, since it promotes the qualitative development of the root system of the vegetable crop.

And the first two are used when the head of cabbage is already beginning to form. They help cabbage to be more resistant to diseases and to withstand unfavorable weather more easily. Sulfur and iron are also included in the list of useful minerals for cabbage, as they contribute to the accumulation of proteins and prolong the life of the plant.

How to fertilize cabbage for the first time

Summer residents first fertilize the soil under cabbage some time after they plant the seedlings outside - when the seedlings grow green and quickly use up nutrients. At this time, they need fertilizers containing nitrogen.

We fertilize taking into account the following:

  • If the holes were fertilized with nutrients before planting, we perform the first feeding a month later. Often, before planting seedlings, experienced gardeners add a mixture of 2 tbsp into the holes. wood ash, 1 tsp. nitrophoska or superphosphate and 0.5 kg of humus.
  • If the holes have not been fertilized, we feed the plants 10 days after planting in the garden.
  • At first, cabbage seedlings will need nitrogen-containing nutrition.

Feeding options:

  • We fertilize the soil with one of the nitrogen-rich products.
  • Mix a ten-liter bucket of water with 200 g of wood ash and 60 grams of superphosphate.
  • Dissolve half a liter of mullein in a ten-liter container.
  • We pour half a liter of any of the above nutritional supplements under the seedlings.

To form a head of cabbage

The second feeding is carried out 12–14 days after the first. This procedure is especially important for cabbage varieties with early dates maturation. The watering rate is doubled - 1 liter of solution per plant.

Around July, cabbage begins to set heads. This is an important stage, especially for gaining vegetative mass of the plant. It is worth helping to increase mass especially after the ovary of heads of cabbage. Otherwise, the sheets will move apart, not forming the desired “bun”.

By using nitrogen-containing substances, you will improve the ovary of heads of cabbage. Nitrophoska or superphosphate will help the matter.

Dilute a third of a glass of superphosphate along with a glass of ash in a bucket of water. Water a liter into each hole.

Horse or cow manure will provide a complex of ammonia, phosphorus and nitrogen. Mix a glass of droppings with a bucket of water. Water only the soil around the plants. Contact with cabbage can cause burns.

Divide a solution of 12-15 grams of urea in ten liters of water into 2/3 liters per well. After watering, be sure to hill up the cabbage.

Fertilizing cabbage seedlings with urea

Feed cabbage seedlings 2 weeks after planting with a mixed solution of:

  • urea and potash fertilizers - 10 g each;
  • superphosphate - 20 g;
  • water - 10 l.

Slurry as fertilizer for cabbage

Slurry consists of manure itself, water, ash and superphosphate. All this is mixed and infused under film for two weeks, stirring it occasionally. As a rule, such slurry is made in a barrel. Then it needs to be filled 1/3 with manure and completely filled with water. For 10 liters you need 50 g of superphosphate and for 1000 liters - 1 kilogram of ash.

This slurry must be applied two weeks after planting the bushes into the soil at the rate of half a liter per bush. Before using the liquid, it must be diluted clean water. This is a must! Since undiluted slurry will destroy the plant. After two weeks, fertilizing should be repeated.

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Wood ash as fertilizer for cabbage

Wood ash is rich in useful substances, which are important for the accurate and high-quality formation of a cabbage bush. It can be used not only in dry, but also in liquid form. Dry ash is mixed with the soil like any other fertilizer when cultivating the soil. It can also be applied under each bush.

Important! In order not to harm the plant, it is necessary to dilute the ash correctly. One glass of ash is enough for 10 liters of water.

Another feature of ash is its ability to protect the plant from various pests. To do this, just sprinkle ash on the bush.

Boric acid as a fertilizer for cabbage

Promotes oxygen exchange and increases the amount of chlorophyll in the leaves. Also foliar treatment with solution boric acid helps prevent the development of certain fungal diseases. To prepare it, take 1 tsp. boric acid crystals and dissolved in a glass of boiling water, and then diluted in 10 liters of water.

Banana peel as fertilizer for cabbage

Is a source of potassium. When feeding, use banana peels placed in the holes before planting, or an infusion of dried peels. It is prepared by pouring the peel of 1 banana with 1 liter of water and leaving for three days. After this, strain and water the cabbage at the root.

Why doesn't cabbage set?

The most common problem that summer residents and gardeners face on their plots is the lack of ovary on cabbage. To solve the problem of why cabbage does not set, it is necessary to understand the reasons for this phenomenon and eliminate them in time, only then can you count on the desired result.

The reasons for this undesirable phenomenon:

  • purchasing low-quality seed material in dubious, non-specialized places. Imported seeds may not be adapted to our climate, or even fake;
  • bad seedlings - sluggish, painful cuttings will not produce good harvest;
  • dense planting does not receive vital lighting;
  • wrong choice and poor site preparation, increased level soil acidity, which also plays an important role;
  • unwanted neighbors - tall crops that shade the plant;
  • insufficient watering during the period of setting leaves and forming rosettes; it should be intense, especially in dry weather.

Experts offer different variants, how to feed cabbage so that heads of cabbage begin to form. Everyone has the right to choose the most suitable one for themselves. All components are taken based on a ten-liter bucket of water.

Are you wondering why the cabbage won't set?

The most common problem that summer residents and gardeners face on their plots is the lack of ovary on cabbage. To solve the problem of why cabbage does not set, it is necessary to understand the reasons for this phenomenon and eliminate them in time, only then can you count on the desired result.

Why does this happen and how can you encourage cabbage to form the long-awaited head of tasty leaves?

Reasons for this undesirable phenomenon

Among them are the most common ones:

  • purchasing low-quality seed material in dubious, non-specialized places. Imported seeds may not be adapted to our climate, or even fake.
  • poor seedlings - sluggish, painful cuttings will not be able to produce a good harvest
  • dense planting does not receive vital lighting
  • wrong choice and poor site preparation, increased soil acidity, which also plays an important role
  • unwanted neighbors - tall crops that shade the plant
  • insufficient watering during the period of setting leaves and forming rosettes, it should be intensive especially in dry weather
  • One of the main indicators why a head of cabbage does not set is the lack of optimal temperature conditions, which is seventeen to twenty degrees Celsius. Cabbage belongs to the family of cold-resistant plants, so when high temperatures their development stops and the appearance of the ovary is inhibited. If the atmosphere is hot, moisture leaves the heads of cabbage for cooling and survival. In this case, the ovary process may be absent, stop, and if it appears, it will be deformed in the future
  • removing the lower leaves negatively affects the further development of the bush; they also play an important role in the life of the crop
  • Irregular fertilizing of the soil under the bush, and especially the application of dry preparations, and “starvation” of the vegetable negatively affects the harvest

Solving the problem

But first, some valuable advice! The seedless method is used for growing kale. After sowing directly into open ground, the plant grows powerful roots that penetrate deep into the ground. Due to this, it becomes strong, maximally resistant to heat, drought, diseases, and pests. At the same time, the growing season becomes shorter, and the harvest is harvested three weeks earlier.

Using this method, sowing is carried out from early April to early June. In the initial stage of development of a seedless culture, it is necessary to take measures against slugs, cruciferous flea beetle. To do this, tobacco dust and wood ash are mixed and young sprouts are dusted with this powder. Such plantings are regularly (every ten days) watered and loosened.

For effective growth of the rosette, the culture is fed with a nitrogen solution. The suggested dose is ten grams of ammonium nitrate per ten liters of water. To form a head of cabbage - potassium nitrate.

According to signs, heads of cabbage should form when the day gets shorter. All nutrients are stored by the cabbage itself in the covering leaves, like in a pantry. The ovary should appear with seven to nine such leaves, but due to inexperience, people remove them, that is, they disrupt the process, and the plant tries to grow them again. As a result, there is a battle of “who will win” and the ovary may not wait. Cabbage shows this by turning yellow leaves, which it then sheds itself.

Let's return to solving the problem. If the causes are found and analyzed, they must be eliminated. Experienced gardeners know what to do in such cases and offer their recommendations:

  • Choose only quality seeds. Bad ones come from crossing a seed plant with relatives in the family. As a result, a hybrid appears, outwardly identical to cabbage, which will not set an ovary, but will simply grow in the garden as an ordinary green mass. Don't forget that Nice picture on imported packaging, this is not a guarantee quality product. It is better to purchase seeds from famous manufacturers, in agricultural firms, specialized retail outlets and from time-tested sellers.

  • In the fall, all weeds and remnants of previous crops should be removed from the area allocated for cabbage. It is dug to a depth of twenty-five centimeters. It is convenient to apply organic fertilizers
  • Do not forget about observing crop rotation and predecessors, the best of which are cucumbers, legumes, onions, potatoes, eggplants, and carrots. Cabbage can only be returned to its old place after three years, because it strongly draws out all the beneficial substances from the soil.
  • The optimal soil acidity level should not exceed 6 PH. If the soil is still acidic, it is limed and calcium nitrate is added.
  • an experienced gardener should know that cabbage loves free space, a long day and a lot of sunshine, in which it starts. At the beginning of the season, it is necessary to calculate the crop planting scheme so that tall corn, sunflowers, and closely growing shrubs or trees are not nearby.
  • dense plantings need to be thinned out so that the bushes do not spend all their strength stretching towards the light
  • Regular and timely loosening greatly helps the formation of the ovary. For late-ripening varieties, hilling is required, which promotes the growth of roots and the influx of nutrients from the soil that form the head of cabbage. It must be done at least three times. First twenty days after planting, then every ten days. The height of the mound must be at least eight centimeters
  • when the lower leaves break off, the crop receives severe stress. Cabbage leaf retains moisture, it nourishes the entire plant with other microelements, so the more leaves, the higher the guarantee of the appearance of the ovary
  • will give impetus to the formation of heads of cabbage, will perfectly saturate the soil with substances useful for vegetables. special drugs, for example, “Ovary”. It will have a positive effect on the condition of the Mikrasa plant. They contain microelements and stimulants to accelerate metabolic processes, durability, and increase the resistance of vegetables to an unfavorable environment
  • Experienced gardeners recommend an excellent method for hot summers - tying leaves in the form of a bud, which will retain nutritional moisture together with the ovary
  • In hot weather, cabbage needs a lot of moisture. Perfect option– sprinkling, as well as abundant watering of row spacing. To do this, grooves are made in them, which are well filled with water. Such irrigation is carried out only in evening time, moisture should be absorbed into the ground and not evaporate, and it is advisable not to overdo it. From September, watering is significantly reduced if the cabbage is intended for long-term storage
  • fertilizers - they are applied only dissolved in water, it is necessary to follow the proportions and instructions, since oversaturation will lead to abundant growth of tops

Experts offer different options on how to feed cabbage so that heads of cabbage begin to form. Everyone has the right to choose the most suitable one for themselves. All components are taken based on a ten-liter bucket of water:

  • bird droppings, mullein - 0.5 l each. jar. Azofoski – thirty grams, fertilizer in the complex – Zdraven-Turbo, Zircon, Orton, Kristalon, Mortar, Kemira-Lux reduced by half
  • nitrophoska (NPK-complex) – fifty grams
  • 0.5l. a jar of bird droppings and a 1 liter jar of infused ash from firewood. To do this, take one glass, pour boiling water (1 liter), close it well and filter after a week.
  • an infusion of bird droppings and cow dung can be prepared in the same way as from wood ash. For the working fluid, take one liter of manure infusion and seven hundred grams of chicken

The gardener should pour at least one and a half liters of the prepared solution under each bush. For row spacing per one square meter up to eight liters are needed. If the summer is rainy, the weather is damp, such fertilizer rates can be sprinkled at the root.

Any fertilizing should only be applied dissolved in water; it is also necessary to follow the proportions and instructions, since oversaturation with such nutrition will result in abundant growth of tops.

We remember that late varieties They love loamy soils that have been supplemented with mineral and organic-mineral fertilizers. Increasing the rate of mineral fertilizers has a great effect on hybrid cabbage varieties F; they accept them better than traditional ones.

It is very important to know that individual elements During the growing season, vegetables are consumed unevenly. The plant itself takes what it needs at this stage. Nitrogen is actively used at the beginning, phosphorus and potassium are used during the formation of the rosette. This statement is the answer to the question - what to water the cabbage with so that the heads of cabbage begin to form.

Correctly and timely applied fertilizers and sufficient watering have a positive effect on productivity, improve the quality of the product and its composition nutrients, shelf life, resistance to disease, harmful insects, to heat, cold, frost. Microelements are also beneficial - copper, manganese, molybdenum, boron, etc. They should be alternated with organic matter.

Now, we hope, it has become clear why cabbage does not set a head. If you follow the above simple recommendations, you can provide for yourself excellent harvest healthy cabbage with excellent taste.

Growing cabbage requires a lot of effort from gardeners. Each of them hopes to harvest a good harvest in the fall in order to receive vitamins until next spring. However, things don't always go smoothly. It happens that cabbage does not set into a head of cabbage, but only produces leaves. Having discovered the absence of ovaries, you can try to correct the situation, but first you need to find out why the problem arose.

Common causes of lack of ovaries

When all the rules of agricultural technology are followed, the cabbage develops well, forming dense heads. This crop is demanding in terms of soil composition, lighting and temperature conditions, so any gardener mistakes associated with caring for it can lead to a halt in the growing season.

Poor quality seeds

At the time of buying planting material You need to pay attention not to the bright picture on the packaging, but to the reputation of the manufacturer. The quality of the seeds determines how quickly they will sprout, whether the seedlings will be healthy, and whether the heads will set. Their shelf life is also important. If it comes to an end, such material is not suitable for sowing.

Attention! When choosing seeds, preference is given to a variety suitable for a particular area. IN different regions the same hybrid will behave differently.

Violation of sowing deadlines

The time for sowing depends on the cabbage variety. For the heads of cabbage to set, they need certain temperature, which is why it is important to strictly adhere to sowing dates. Early hybrids are sown for seedlings in February-March, mid-season ones - in early April, and late ones - in last decade this month.

Wrong choice of landing site

Cabbage does not form heads if the crop grows in the shade. The plant loves open sunny places. Another reason for the lack of ovaries is a violation of the seedling planting pattern, or the thickening of the bed. The plant needs sufficient nutrients. If the bushes are too close to each other, there is not enough food for everyone.

Inappropriate soil composition

Cabbage does not grow well in acidic soils. In such conditions, plants wither and are more susceptible to the development of diseases caused by fungi and bacteria. In the fall, when digging, gardeners recommend liming the soil. When planting seedlings in the spring, pour 2 handfuls of wood ash into each hole.

Nutrient deficiencies

A head of cabbage is poorly formed if the plants lack microelements. The absence of fertilizing or its incorrect application leads to the fact that the ovaries do not form. During the growth of leaves, the crop needs an increased dose of nitrogenous substances, and when the forks curl, it is fed with phosphorus and potassium.


Cabbage heads curl poorly when it's hot. This plant loves cool weather. Heads are formed at a temperature of +18…+20 degrees. The growing season slows down when the thermometer rises to +25 degrees, and in extreme heat it stops altogether.

Errors in agricultural technology

You can get a good cabbage harvest only if proper care for culture. What to do regularly:

  • loosen the soil under the bushes for better aeration of the root system;
  • weed the beds, not allowing weeds to take away nutrients from the cabbage;
  • water the plants, preventing the soil from drying out, especially during the formation of ovaries.

Attention! Lack of moisture is one of the main reasons why cabbage does not curl.

Diseases and pests

Insect invasion of cabbage beds poses a serious danger. Pests feed on the juice and leaves of cabbage, depriving the plants of their strength and exposing them to the risk of infection. To form forks, the plant must be healthy. Weakened bushes are unlikely to bear fruit. It is important to inspect your cabbage beds regularly. When pests are detected, control begins immediately.

No ovaries on cabbage: how to solve the problem?

From the moment the seeds are planted until the harvest, cabbage needs good care. The gardener must follow the rules of agricultural technology, fight pests and strengthen the plants’ immunity with fertilizing, then the forks will certainly become knotted.

Compliance with terms and rules for planting crops

Cabbage seeds are sown at a certain period. You must not violate the planting dates, otherwise the time when the forks are usually tied will shift, and the weather conditions will not be suitable for the formation of heads of cabbage.

Gardeners should adhere to the following recommendations when planting cabbage:

  • disinfect seeds and soil before sowing;
  • maintain correct temperature regime for seedlings;
  • plant cabbage in soil with a neutral or alkaline reaction;
  • follow the rules of crop rotation;
  • do not allow the beds to become crowded.

Eliminating errors in agricultural technology

To stimulate the formation of heads of cabbage in open ground you will have to adjust the watering. In dry weather, the soil in the beds is moistened every 2-3 days. If the thermometer readings are +20…+23 degrees – after 4 days. In September, watering is reduced.

Reference. To keep moisture at the roots longer, it is recommended to lay a mulching layer of sawdust under each bush.

Timely removal of weeds and loosening the day after watering or rain will help the cabbage receive more nutrition. To protect against pests, gardeners use folk remedies:

  1. Sprigs of wormwood are laid out on the beds and between the rows. The pungent smell of this herb repels insects.
  2. Treat cabbage plantings with decoction onion peel, garlic, as well as a solution of tar or laundry soap.
  3. Mustard powder, hot pepper and wood ash are scattered in the garden.

Attention! A fine mesh that is stretched over a frame over the cabbage plantings helps protect cabbage from insects, caterpillars and slugs. It allows sunlight and moisture to pass through, but does not allow ill-wishers to penetrate inside.

Feeding for head formation

In August, cabbage needs increased levels of potassium and phosphorus in the soil. At this time, nitrogen fertilizers are not introduced. Saltpeter or preparations are used as fertilizing:

  • Ovary;
  • Micrassa.

Fertilizers are introduced during watering, adhering to the consumption rates and other recommendations given by the manufacturer in the instructions. Excess minerals is just as dangerous as a deficiency, this must be remembered and not exceed the indicated doses.

Having noticed that a head of cabbage is forming poorly, the gardener should analyze the quality of plant care. Perhaps he made mistakes that can still be corrected - adjust watering, fertilize to stimulate the appearance of ovaries, start pest control. All these actions will help you achieve your goal - to grow dense, large and juicy heads of cabbage.